Yellow tablets for diarrhea Furazolidone and others

Created: 05/03/2018
Updated: 02/24/2021 17:56:36 Share:
Author of the article: Pogrebnoy Stanislav Leonidovich

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Diarrhea, or diarrhea syndrome, is certainly familiar to everyone. But treating diarrhea is not as simple as it seems, since diarrhea can be caused by completely different reasons, but manifest itself in the same way. When eating stale foods, toxins enter the body, and there will be severe diarrhea and vomiting, but microbes will not enter the body, and antibiotics will be useless. With chronic disease of the pancreas, for example, there are not enough enzymes to break down fats, and frequent and chronic diarrhea occurs due to increased fat content in the stool. Diarrhea also occurs with intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, and may even be due to nervousness. Let's consider modern drugs for the treatment of diarrhea, which are included in the rating of the most effective drugs.

Causes of diarrhea

You should know that diarrhea is not a disease, but rather a consequence of existing problems in the gastrointestinal tract. So first you need to determine the cause of the disorder. If it is not possible to go to the doctor right away, then you need to try to determine the cause of the diarrhea yourself.

Diarrhea can be acute or chronic. In the first case, it lasts up to 21 days, in the second case, loose stools can persist for a month.

When everything is normal in the body, up to 400 grams are released. feces in an adult. With diarrhea, the stool becomes more liquid, because... The amount of water in the body quickly increases for some reasons. By the number of bowel movements, you can determine the cause of the disorder. For example, if the amount of feces has sharply increased from the usual volume, then the reason may be the absorption of various substances by the intestinal walls. If the amount of feces has decreased or remained the same, this may indicate a malfunction in intestinal motility.

The most common causes of diarrhea in adults are:

  • poisoning with food, water, etc.;
  • problems digesting heavy foods;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • frequent stress, increased nervousness;
  • sudden change in climate, diet (travel disorder);
  • taking certain medications.

If diarrhea is caused by any of these factors, then it can be dealt with in three days. For the disorder to end, it is enough to buy anti-diarrhea pills at the nearest store, and not eat fatty and very exotic foods for a couple of days. If you are stressed, you can also take mild sedatives and make an appointment with a psychotherapist.

However, sometimes the problem in the body can be more serious. For example, diarrhea is sometimes caused by a bacteria or infection (salmonellosis, dysentery). In addition, gastritis and stomach ulcers may be the cause. In addition, diarrhea is caused by dysfunction of any organs, in particular renal and liver failure. Despite the fact that all these causes of diarrhea are quite terrible, they are not always found. But if any of the problems are diagnosed, longer and more serious treatment will be required. Simple anti-diarrhea tablets are not enough here.

Red-yellow capsules Ecofuril

Yellow tablets for diarrhea Ecofuril are a domestically produced drug based on nifuroxazide. The product is used to eliminate diarrhea caused by pathogens in the intestines.

The components of the product not only destroy the infection that causes diarrhea, but also help restore the microflora in the intestines.


Ecofuril capsules are prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the composition of the product;
  • The patient's age is up to 3 years.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is conditionally permitted, since there is no data on the safety of the drug during these periods.

Dosage and rules of administration

Ecofuril is used to eliminate moderate and acute diarrhea. Admission rules depending on age:

Severity of pathologyAgeDosageWell
AverageFrom 3 to 12 years200 mg 2-3 times every 24 hours3-5 days
Over 12 years old200 mg 2-4 times a day4-7 days
AcuteFrom 3 to 12 years200 mg 3-4 times every 24 hours5-7 days
Over 12 years old200 mg every 6 hours1 Week

Ecofuril capsules can be purchased in two concentrations of the active substance (100 and 200 mg each). In this regard, in the table the single dosage of the drug is indicated in mg, and not in the number of capsules.

Important. If the patient has diabetes, the capsules should be taken with caution, since the product contains sucrose.


Fast-acting remedies for diarrhea are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Probiotics are drugs that are used to relieve symptoms of dysbiosis, one of which is diarrhea;
  2. Medicines aimed at slowing down the wave-like contractions of the walls of the rectum - peristalsis;
  3. Antibiotics that eliminate the cause of diarrhea - intestinal infections;
  4. Enterosorbents are means for binding exogenous and endogenous substances in the gastrointestinal tract by increasing adsorption, absorption, complexation and ion exchange.

Classification of drugs

Today, the patient is offered a wide range of medications used for diarrhea of ​​infectious origin, but not all of them are antibiotics. So, pharmacological agents with an antimicrobial effect are divided as follows:

  1. Antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines).
  2. Sulfonamides.
  3. Intestinal antiseptics (nitrofurans).

All of them can act on microorganisms that cause disease and diarrhea as a symptom. That is, in fact, they can be classified as antibacterial drugs. However, in the official classification, only certain groups named in the list above are considered to be such - for intestinal infections they are most often used:

  • tetracyclines;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • macrolides.

Sulfonamides and nitrofurans are obtained synthetically, while antibiotics themselves are of natural origin. However, in modern pharmacology this difference is gradually disappearing, as manufacturers use new technologies that involve the use of chemical synthesis to produce all groups of antimicrobial agents.

It is also worth mentioning a separate group of drugs used for diarrhea. These are probiotics (live bacteria designed to regulate the balance of intestinal microflora) and nutrients for them or substances that accelerate the growth of beneficial microorganisms. These include ingredients such as lactulose, inulin, pectin; The class of drugs is called prebiotics. An example of a medicine that combines the properties of each of the drug options is Bifiform. The drug does not destroy microbes, but is used in the prevention and treatment of conditions accompanied by dysbiosis syndrome - a violation of the species and/or quantitative composition of the intestinal flora.

Enterosorbents for diarrhea

The use of enterosobrents is considered one of the most effective remedies against diarrhea, which is caused by poisoning. The action of this group of drugs is aimed at absorbing toxic substances that enter the gastrointestinal tract from the outside.

The most popular enterosorbents are:

1) Activated carbon

Activated carbon is one of the cheapest, most accessible and fastest-acting agents. This is a truly “folk” drug, the use of which has many indications. For diarrhea, activated charcoal can be used immediately, since it is indicated for various forms of salmonellosis and dysentery, as well as for non-infectious causes of diarrhea and food poisoning.


  • Affordable price;
  • Time-tested healing effect;
  • Possibility of rapid removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • Natural base;
  • The drug does not have a traumatic effect on the intestines.


  • The need to take a large number of tablets at one time;
  • Black coloring of stool;
  • In addition to toxins, the drug is able to remove its own microflora from the intestines, which is associated with the risk of developing dysbiosis and nutritional deficiencies;
  • Long-term use of the drug threatens the development of constipation and exhaustion.

The price of activated carbon is about 50 rubles.

2) Smecta

Smecta (see instructions and reviews), or dioctahedral smectite, is an antidiarrheal agent and absorbent, and it was included in the drug rating as a natural aluminosilicate of natural origin. It, like many other sorbents, is excreted from the body unchanged and does not enter into metabolism. It is used in both children and adults for acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins, including infectious. It is also successfully prescribed for bloating and discomfort in the abdomen.

Smecta should be used by an adult in the amount of 6 sachets per day. Treatment is carried out between meals, and separately from taking other medications. You can purchase 12 sachets, packaged in 3 g each in the form of a suspension for oral administration, at a price of 220 rubles. The manufacturer of the product is French.


  • High adsorbing properties;
  • Ease of use;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Possibility of treatment in childhood;
  • Effective for diarrhea of ​​almost any origin;
  • In addition to stopping diarrhea, Smecta helps eliminate other unpleasant symptoms, such as heartburn and abdominal pain.


  • Relatively high price of the drug;
  • The likelihood of skin rashes, especially in childhood.

Smecta's price is about 170 rubles.

3) Polysorb

Polysorb is produced on the basis of colloidal silicon dioxide, which has powerful absorbent and detoxifying properties.

Available in powder form, from which a suspension is prepared before administration. Polysorb is prescribed for intestinal infections of various etiologies, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of intoxication. Restrictions on the use of the drug are acute peptic ulcer disease, gastric bleeding, intestinal atony, and individual intolerance.

For children under seven years of age, the dose of the drug is 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. For adults, the daily dose of Polysorb is 12 grams. The duration of treatment is from three to seven days. If necessary, it can be continued for up to two weeks.

Price – from 280 rubles.

List of the best medications for diarrhea in adults

Time-tested medications that can be purchased at any pharmacy will help solve the problem of diarrhea in adults.

But before using this or that drug, you need to read the instructions, or consult with a specialist - a gastroenterologist or therapist (as there may be contraindications).

At the same time, it is not necessary to buy expensive foreign-made analogues; antidiarrheal drugs from Russian manufacturers are no less effective. Here are the most effective drugs for diarrhea.


The list of the best antidiarrheal drugs is headed by the popular domestic drug - Loperamide. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules.

The drug reduces the tone and motility of intestinal smooth muscles, reducing peristalsis and increasing the time it takes for food to pass through the gastrointestinal tract. The action comes quickly (i.e.

after taking Loperamide, the frequency of the urge to defecate is reduced and the person feels relief) and lasts on average 4-6 hours.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​various etiologies:

  • If you have a food allergy.
  • If diarrhea occurs due to stress and emotional distress.
  • If the cause of diarrhea is taking any medications.
  • In case of food poisoning.
  • For diarrhea of ​​infectious origin, etc.

The initial dosage is 2 tablets at a time, and in the future it is recommended to take 1 tablet after each bowel movement with liquid masses (until symptoms disappear).

Approximate cost: 40-50 rubles (20 pieces, 2 mg each).

Note! Loperamide is contraindicated during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), children under 6 years of age, in case of intestinal obstruction and ulcerative colitis.


Furazolidone is an antimicrobial agent that copes well with toxins accumulated in the intestines. Indications for use are diarrhea caused by dysentery, food poisoning, urethritis, giardiasis, etc.

It is recommended to take the product 20-30 minutes after eating. Approximate dosage for adults: 2-3 tablets 4 times a day for 5-10 days. The course of treatment is selected by the doctor individually (depending on the disease and taking into account existing contraindications). When taking the drug, side effects such as nausea, vomiting, skin rash and itching are possible.

Furazolidone is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • In case of renal failure.
  • For liver diseases.
  • For disorders of the nervous system.
  • In childhood - up to 3 years.

The drug is available only in tablet form. Price: 110 rubles (20 pieces, 50 mg each).


Imodium is a foreign analogue of the domestic drug Loperamide. The action occurs within an hour after ingestion. The product is available in the form of capsules and lozenges with mint flavor. Imodium is most effective for non-infectious diarrhea.

The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • In childhood - under 6 years of age.
  • For intestinal obstruction.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Recommended dosage: 2 tablets at the first dose, and then 1 after each bowel movement. The maximum daily dose for adults is 4 tablets (with increasing doses, side effects may occur). When stool normalizes or there is no urge to defecate within 12 hours, the drug is discontinued.

Average price: 240 rubles (10 tablets of 2 mg each).


Nifuroxazide is used for diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology. The product penetrates the intestinal tissue and suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, etc.) without affecting the composition of the normal intestinal microflora. The drug is available in the form of tablets and powder for suspension.

Approximate dosage:

  • Tablets - it is recommended to take 2 tablets 4 times a day.
  • Suspension - drink 1 tsp. 4 times a day. Course of treatment: 5-6 days.

Average price: 250 rubles (28 tablets of 200 mg each).

Important! Nifuroxazide is contraindicated during pregnancy and in childhood - newborns under 2 months.


Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic; therefore, the indication for use is diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology (salmonellosis, typhoid fever, dysentery, brucellosis, chlamydia, etc.). The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections. It is recommended to take the product 30 minutes before meals.

Recommended dosage: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. But it is better to consult your doctor before use. Course of therapy: 7-10 days.

Levomycetin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • For renal and liver failure;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • For skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, fungus, etc.).
  • In early childhood - in the first month of birth.

Price: 110 rubles (10 tablets of 500 mg).


Phthalazole is an inexpensive sulfonamide-based drug that has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Fthalazole is prescribed in case of diarrhea caused by gastroenteritis, colitis, dysentery, as well as to prevent complications after intestinal surgery.

Approximate dosage: adults are recommended to take 2 tablets 5-6 times a day (in the first days of illness), then the dosage can be gradually reduced. The duration of therapy is 7 days, but a second course of treatment is carried out after a week.

Attention! The drug is contraindicated in case of blood diseases, in the presence of diffuse goiter, in case of kidney pathologies, in case of intestinal obstruction, in acute hepatitis, etc.

Fthalazol is available in tablet form. Average price: 45 rubles (10 pieces, 500 mg each).


Enterodes is an adsorbent agent that has a detoxification effect, eliminating diarrhea and other symptoms of intestinal poisoning. Indications for use are toxic forms of infectious gastrointestinal diseases (salmonellosis, dysentery, food poisoning, etc.). The drug is available in powder form (in sachets) for preparing a solution.

Recommended dosage: dilute the powder with cool boiled water (2.5 g of powder per 50 ml of water) and drink 1-2 hours after eating. To improve the taste, you can add 1 tsp to the solution. Sahara. Take 100 ml of the product 1-3 times a day for 2-7 days.

The only contraindication is children's age (up to 1 year).

Average price: 120 rubles (5 g powder packet).

Activated carbon

Activated carbon has an enterosorbing and antidiarrheal effect, and also removes toxins accumulated in the body. The drug is made from processed coal of organic origin. Release form: black tablets.

Indications for use are diarrhea caused by:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • food allergies;
  • medicines;
  • increased gas formation, etc.

The dosage is calculated based on total body weight. But on average it is recommended to take 250-750 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day.

The drug is contraindicated for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as during gastritis at the acute stage.

Note! Activated carbon is not recommended to be taken for a long time, as dysbiosis and lack of nutrients in the body are possible. The optimal course of treatment in case of diarrhea is 3-4 days.

Average price: 5-10 rubles (10 tablets of 250 mg each).


Smecta is an antidiarrheal adsorbent agent made from components of natural origin. Indications for use are acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​allergic, drug and infectious etiology. The drug is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension (for oral administration).

To normalize stool, adults are recommended to take 5-6 sachets per day. Course of treatment: 3-7 days.

Smecta is contraindicated in a number of the following cases:

  • For fructose intolerance.
  • In case of intestinal obstruction.
  • For chronic constipation.

The drug can be purchased at a price of 145 rubles (10 sachets of 3 g).


Bifidumbacterin is a fast-acting immunomodulatory agent that restores intestinal microflora. Indications for use are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea.

The product fights staphylococcus, E. coli and other parasites. Release form: tablets, capsules, suppositories, powder in bags, ampoules and bottles.

But in case of diarrhea, it is recommended to take either tablets (capsules) or powder diluted with water.

Approximate dosage: 2 sachets 1-2 times a day. Course of application: 3-4 weeks. There are no contraindications (except for individual intolerance).

Average price: capsules - 250 rubles (30 pcs.), powder for preparing the solution - 290 rubles (30 sachets).

Hilak forte

Hilak Forte is a drug that normalizes intestinal microflora and eliminates gastrointestinal disorders (including diarrhea). Release form: drops for oral administration.

Recommended dosage: 40-60 drops 3 times a day. The drug is diluted with a small amount of liquid (except milk) and drunk before or during meals. Course of application: 2 weeks.

Important! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult a specialist before using the drug.

Average price: 530 rubles (100 ml).


It is a detoxifying, adsorbent agent recommended in the case of acute and chronic intoxication of various origins, food poisoning, acute intestinal infections as part of complex therapy, in the case of food and drug allergies, etc. The release form is a sweet paste for oral administration.

It is recommended to take the drug 1-2 hours before meals with a small amount of water. Approximate dosage: 1.5 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The course of treatment for acute poisoning is 3-5 days, for chronic and allergic intoxication - 2-3 weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, a repeat course is possible.

The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • With intestinal atony (loss of muscle tone and impaired evacuation of its contents).
  • In case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Average price: 400 rubles (225 g).

Probiotics against diarrhea

Probiotics (see list 2019) are products containing microorganisms natural to the human intestinal microflora. If the microflora is disturbed - dysbiosis, probiotics help restore the balance of microorganisms, which leads to normalization of stool. There are many probiotics recommended for diarrhea.

Let's look at the main ones:

1) Bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin is one of the effective probiotics that helps restore intestinal microflora, so it is actively used for various forms of diarrhea. The drug contains live bifidobacteria and bifidogenic factor, which promotes the growth of “beneficial” bacterial flora in the intestines.

The drug is safe for human health; it is prescribed even to newborn children. Bifidobacteria, which are part of Bifidumbacterin, gradually colonize the intestines, contribute to the suppression of pathogenic flora, stabilize metabolic processes, increase local immunity, and make it possible to better cope with intoxication of the body.


  • High efficiency and quick results;
  • Possibility of using the drug for the treatment of newborns and pregnant women;
  • Good compatibility with other drugs.


  • Relatively high price (if long-term treatment is necessary, you will have to spend an impressive amount);
  • Specific storage conditions (can only be stored in the refrigerator);
  • The likelihood of an allergic reaction.

The price of Bifidumbacterin varies from 200 to 500 rubles.

2) Linux

The product in Linex capsules belongs to the class of eubiotics, and it restores the intestinal microflora, literally “landing on it” bifidobacteria and lactobacilli enterococci. The product is available in capsules, and one capsule contains millions of live bacteria. They constitute the normal microflora of the human intestine. It is known that the presence of these microorganisms in the human intestine inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, takes part in the synthesis of vitamins, and improves immunity.

The product should be taken after meals and washed down with a small amount of liquid. Typically, adults are prescribed 2 capsules three times a day, and for children who cannot swallow capsules, they need to be opened and the powder mixed with liquid is given. The duration of treatment is not limited and can last as long as needed. This drug is produced by the Lek company, and the cost of one package of 16 capsules currently starts at 230 rubles.

Do not combine the drug with alcoholic beverages or wash it down with hot water.

3) Hilak Forte

Hilak Forte is an effective German antidiarrheal agent, produced in the form of drops. Taking the drug helps normalize the intestinal microflora, preserves its physiological and biological functions, and restores the normal level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hilak Forte can be used for diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics, gastroenteritis, colitis, allergies, salmonellosis. It is effectively used to treat traveler's diarrhea, which is caused by climate change and exotic foods. The drug can be used to treat children and pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding. It has virtually no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to its components.

Hilak Forte is well tolerated by patients of all ages. Allergic reactions in the form of skin itching and rashes are extremely rare. You should not take the drug with milk or milk-based products at the same time. The medicine does not require storage in the refrigerator.

What is antibiotic associated diarrhea?

Antimicrobials can be not only beneficial, but also harmful; if their use causes the patient to have more than 3 episodes of loose stool over 48 hours or longer, they speak of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD). It can be classified as:

  1. Idiopathic (without a clear cause of development).
  2. Infectious (associated with the dominance of pathogenic flora in the intestine, in particular Clostridium difficile).

Diarrhea when taking antibiotics can develop not only while the patient is receiving antimicrobial drugs, but also within several weeks after completion of the course of therapy. With the infectious nature of the disorders, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine occurs, called “pseudomembranous colitis.”

If you have antibiotic-associated diarrhea, you should never take antimicrobial drugs on your own.

Treatment of the idiopathic form involves the prompt abolition of all anti-infective drugs. If this is not possible, it is necessary to change the route of entry of the substance into the body - instead of oral administration (through the mouth), injections are used. For pathology associated with Clostridium difficile, antimicrobial agents (Metronidazole, Vancomycin) may be needed. In all cases, the patient needs drugs to correct disturbances in the composition of the intestinal microflora, enterosorbents and rehydration solutions, as well as proper nutrition (with the exception of fatty, fried foods, spicy seasonings and alcohol).

Antibiotics for diarrhea

Antibiotics for diarrhea are taken only if the cause of diarrhea is accurately determined. If this stool problem is caused by an intestinal bacterial infection, then only then is taking antibiotics a justifiable solution. Visually, the presence of an intraintestinal infection can be determined by characteristic impurities in the stool: mucus and bloody greenish inclusions.

In such cases, the following antibiotic medications are prescribed:

1) Amoxicillin

A chloramphenicol-based antibiotic commonly prescribed to patients with persistent diarrhea. The active substance destroys a wide range of pathogenic microflora, including those pathogens that have developed resistance to the action of tetracycline antibiotics.

Levomycetin is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diarrhea. This drug can provoke adverse reactions from various body systems, so before use you should clarify the contraindications for use. Among them are renal and liver failure, pregnancy, individual intolerance to the active substance.


  • Affordable price;
  • Time-tested effectiveness of the drug;
  • Availability of several forms of release;
  • Wide spectrum of antibacterial activity;
  • High bioavailability;
  • Can be used in childhood, but not earlier than 4 weeks.


  • Extensive list of contraindications and side effects;
  • The need for hospitalization when treated with large doses of the drug.

The price of Levomycetin is about 120 rubles.

2) Enterofuril (Nifuroxazide)

An antimicrobial agent based on nifuroxazide provides a pronounced bacteriostatic effect against staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, shigella, enterobacteria and suppresses the production of toxins that poison the body. For diarrhea of ​​viral origin, it reduces the risk of bacterial superinfection. Adults are recommended to take Enterofuril in capsules; for children, the medicine is released in the form of a suspension.

The drug is prescribed for acute and chronic forms of infectious diarrhea, stool disorders associated with inflammatory lesions of the large intestine, as well as diarrhea of ​​unknown origin. This remedy has virtually no contraindications, rarely causes adverse reactions and does not provoke the development of dysbacteriosis. The only limitation for use is the body's increased sensitivity to nifuroxazide. The price of Enterofuril in capsules ranges from 200 to 220 rubles.

3) Furazolidone

Furazolidone is a drug from the group of intestinal antibiotics. It has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, so it can be used in the treatment of infectious diarrhea and diarrhea caused by food poisoning.

The drug is available in the form of tablets that cannot be chewed; they are drunk whole, immediately after eating. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, usually about 14 days. The average daily dose for an adult patient is 4 tablets.


  • Affordable price;
  • High antibacterial effect;
  • Possibility of treating most intestinal infections;
  • The presence of a protective coating on the tablet, which allows the drug to begin to act in the intestines;


  • Abundance of contraindications and side effects;
  • The need for medical consultation before starting treatment;
  • Inability to use the drug to treat young children and pregnant women.

The price of Furazolidone varies from 100 to 150 rubles.

Why is diarrhea dangerous?

This problem is accompanied by dehydration of the body. This condition requires special attention as it can be dangerous. Experts distinguish the following stages of dehydration:

  1. At this stage, body weight decreases by 3%.
    This phase is accompanied by drying of the mucous membranes in the mouth and severe thirst.
  2. This stage is characterized by weight loss (varies from 3% to 6%).
    At the same time, there is increased dryness of the skin, decreased blood pressure with increased heart rate and drowsiness.
  3. Due to a critical decrease in the volume of fluid in the body, a decrease in pressure is observed.
    In this case, the body temperature decreases to 35° and convulsions occur.

There are other negative effects of diarrhea. Here's why diarrhea is dangerous:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • violation of the water-salt balance, provoked by the removal of salts from the body;
  • ulcers and cracks in the rectum.

For this reason, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the injured person. Mild poisoning or indigestion is characterized by 1-5 bowel movements. More often, relief occurs within 2-3 hours, so there is no need for medical intervention. However, there are cases when you need to see a doctor immediately:

  • the presence of blood impurities in the stool;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by a body temperature of 38° or more;
  • diarrhea with vomiting and acute pain in the abdomen;
  • no urination for 5 hours;
  • bowel disorder occurred in a person suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnant or elderly (over 70 years old);
  • diarrhea is accompanied by cramps.

Drugs to slow down peristalsis

The intensity of the defecation process depends on the wave-like contractions of the walls of the rectum. The drugs in this group slow down peristalsis, thereby normalizing stool.

The main medications in this area include:

1) Imodium

Loperamide hydrochloride, known under the trade name Imodium, is manufactured in France. This is one of the best antidiarrheal drugs with symptomatic action. Loperamide, first of all, helps with diarrhea, in which there are no signs of colitis, that is, there is no scanty mucous discharge and a painful urge to defecate.

For profuse and watery loose stools, first take 2 tablets for adults at once, and then one tablet after each episode of diarrhea. Each tablet contains 2 mg of loperamide hydrochloride. The drug can reduce tone and reduce intestinal motility. Imodium can be purchased in both capsule and lozenge form.


  • Convenient release form;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Quick effect.


  • High price;
  • Presence of contraindications and side effects.

The price of Imodium is from 200 to 500 rubles.

2) Enterobene

A drug for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea.

Loperamide, by binding to opioid receptors of the intestinal wall (stimulation of choline and adrenergic neurons through guanine nucleotides), reduces the tone and motility of intestinal smooth muscles (by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine and Pg). Slows down peristalsis and increases the transit time of intestinal contents. Increases the tone of the anal sphincter, promotes fecal retention and reduces the urge to defecate. The action develops quickly and lasts 4-6 hours.

Directions for use and dosage: orally, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. For acute diarrhea, adults - 4 mg, children over 8 years old - 2 mg and after each amorphous stool - 2 mg. The daily dose for adults is no more than 16 mg, for children over 8 years old - no more than 8 mg. For chronic diarrhea, respectively - 4 mg and 2 mg per day. If clinical improvement is not observed 48 hours after the start of treatment, the drug should be discontinued.

Names of the most popular yellow tablets for diarrhea

The list of yellow tablets/capsules prescribed for diarrhea includes the following drugs:

  • Furazolidone is sold in granules and tablets and can be purchased without a prescription.
  • Loperamide Acri . Produced in capsule form, they are commercially available.
  • Ersefuril . Available in capsule form, no prescription required.
  • Stopdiar . Sold in the form of capsules, tablets and suspensions, sold freely.
  • Ecofuril . Produced in the form of suspension and capsules, sold without a prescription.
  • Enterofuril . Available in the form of capsules and suspensions, sold freely.
  • Elufor . Sold in the form of suspension and capsules, they are freely available.
  • Nifuroxazide . Available in the form of capsules and syrup, sold without a prescription.
  • Tannacomp . It is produced in the form of tablets and is available without a prescription.

Yellow anti-diarrhea tablets should not be used alone, especially when treating children or elderly patients. The type of drug (antibiotic, enterosorbent, probiotic) must be selected by a doctor.

It is important not only to identify the cause of diarrhea, but also to take into account the age of the victim, the severity of the pathology and the general condition of the patient.


In order for such a nuisance as diarrhea to happen as rarely as possible, you need to follow some simple, but at the same time effective tips. These include:

  1. You can only eat fresh foods. This especially applies to dairy and meat products.
  2. Sufficient heat treatment of fish, meat, eggs.
  3. You should not drink tap water without first boiling it. Give preference to filtered or bottled water.
  4. Carefully monitor hygiene: mandatory hand washing before eating and preparing food, cleaning areas where food is prepared.
  5. Avoid fast food cafes, especially untested ones.

When the first signs of intestinal distress appear, the best option is to drink enterosorbent. It will bind all toxins and remove them in a short time. This way you can stop diarrhea at the initial stage. If this does not help, you may need to seek medical help.

Irritable bowel syndrome Smecta Intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal colitis Suppositories for thrush: a list of cheap and effective ones for 2019 Crohn's disease

Cost of drugs

The following table presents the price range of the drugs discussed in this article:

Name of the medicationNumber of tablets/capsulesPrice range (in rub.)
Furazolidone20 tablets95-140
Loperamide Acri20 capsules50-80
Ersefuril28 capsules720-810
Stopdiar12 capsules250-330
24 tablets180-260
Ecofuril 100 mg30 capsules200-290
Ecofuril 200 mg30 capsules420-500
Elufor12 capsules135-180

Tablets to eliminate diarrhea should be selected by a specialist, since it is necessary to initially eliminate the cause of diarrhea. If it is not possible to see a doctor, it is necessary to first determine the general condition of the patient.

If a person has a high fever, profuse vomiting and very frequent loose stools, then you should urgently call an ambulance. If there is no fever, vomiting is mild, and the stool is not watery and without mucus, then yellow Loperamide Acri tablets can be used.

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