Tablets for nausea and heaviness in the stomach


Injections, suspensions and tablets for nausea and vomiting of this group activate the motility of the digestive tract. The tablets increase the tone of smooth muscles, which is the reason for the disappearance of discomfort.


The antiemetic effect of the drug is explained by its effect on dopamine and serotonin receptors, a decrease in the sensitivity of visceral cells and an improvement in motility of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The use of anti-vomiting tablets leads to the restoration of the normal amount of bile secreted, reducing the time of evacuation of stomach contents into the duodenum.

Cerucal is available in the form of powder tablets for the preparation of an injection solution. It is indicated for the following conditions:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • functional pyloric stenosis;
  • gastric paresis caused by the consequences of diabetes mellitus;
  • nausea and vomiting of various origins.

Tablets for vomiting and nausea are prescribed to adult patients and children over three years of age. Adults and teenagers can drink 10 g three times a day. A child under 12 years of age is given anti-vomiting tablets at the rate of 0.1 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Cerucal is not prescribed during pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, bronchial asthma and intestinal perforation. Contraindications also include epilepsy and individual intolerance.


If you are wondering how to get rid of vomiting and nausea caused by overeating, stress or indigestion, use Motilium. The tablets are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug restores normal gastric motility, suppresses the activity of nerve receptors, eliminating dyspeptic symptoms:

  • hiccups;
  • loss of appetite;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • burping;
  • gagging and nausea;
  • heaviness and feeling of entanglement.

Anti-vomiting tablets can be used during pregnancy and lactation if the possible risks for the mother exceed the consequences of using the drug for the child. It is forbidden to use the medication for gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation, hyperprolactinemia.

Motilium is prescribed to children over 5 years of age and adults. To eliminate dyspeptic symptoms, a dosage of 10 mg 3 times a day is used. For severe nausea and vomiting, you can take a double dose of tablets.


It is almost impossible to cope with nausea without medications. To prevent a reaction in most cycles of chemotherapy, an antiemetic drug is given or taken before the cytostatic agent is administered. This method prevents vomiting in six out of ten patients, but only a small number of patients can completely eliminate nausea.

To treat the emetogenic reaction, drugs from 9 pharmacological groups are used, starting with specific antagonists of the NK1 receptor (aprepitant, fosaprepitant) and 5-HT3 receptors (ondansetron, granisetron, tropisetron) and to antipsychotics with hormonal drugs.

Standards recommend the use of combinations of several drugs, taking into account not only the duration of action according to the instructions, but by analyzing the reactions in the previous cycle, predicting the effectiveness in a particular patient.

Correcting your eating pattern helps:

  • do not force yourself with food - eat in small portions and in a pleasant interior with serving;
  • It is recommended to give up fatty, fried and dairy foods, but it depends, because chemotherapy changes taste perceptions, and completely unusual requests for the menu may arise;
  • Appetite stimulants in the form of mustard, sauces and marinades will not hurt - it is harmful to eat with spoons, a little for priming will help you not go through a difficult period from hand to mouth;
  • acidic foods reduce nausea, but without abuse;
  • Limiting fluids during meals will allow the stomach not to stretch, protecting enterochromaffin cells from excitation.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers

Medicines in this group affect the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. They reduce the production of secretions from the digestive glands, and also weaken the tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.


This remedy for nausea and vomiting reduces the secretion of glands of the digestive tract and has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. It is indicated for:

  • spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract, including biliary and intestinal colic, pyloric spasm;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • spastic biliary dyskinesia.

An inexpensive anti-vomiting medication is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. It can be used to treat children over 6 years of age and women during pregnancy and lactation, but in the early stages of gestation a doctor’s consultation is required. Standard dosage is 1–2 tablets/suppositories per day.

The drug is not prescribed for glaucoma, myasthenia and megacolon. It is better to replace it with an analogue.


The therapeutic effect of the drug includes:

  • elimination and prevention of spasm of smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • weakening of peristalsis;
  • decreased activity of pancreatic secretion, hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Riabal is prescribed for nausea and vomiting, cramping abdominal pain and bloating. The list of contraindications includes prostate adenoma, glaucoma, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease and a number of other diseases. Used to treat newborns (in the form of syrup), children over 6 years of age (tablets) and adults. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not included in the list of contraindications.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age are prescribed 30–60 mg of anti-vomiting medication three times a day. For children under this age, the dosage is calculated taking into account weight, age and dosage form used.

How to quickly eliminate heaviness

Isolated cases of heaviness and nausea can be eliminated in fairly simple ways. To achieve a positive result, you need to massage your ankles and feet, as this area contains many active points that contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system. You can drink weak tea with lemon. It helps stimulate the digestive system.

To eliminate bloating, you need to massage your stomach for several minutes, as this will normalize the digestive process. To quickly improve your well-being, you can take 1-2 tablets of Festal or other similar drugs, since they contain digestive enzymes. However, such a remedy should not be used often, as it can cause deterioration in the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

Preparations of the nitrofuran group

These medications are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal and toxic infections. They suppress the growth of pathogens, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, bind and remove toxic products of their vital activity.


Medicine for nausea and vomiting is an antimicrobial drug, but is not an antibiotic. It suppresses the activity of most types of pathogens of intestinal infections, therefore it is recommended in the presence of symptoms of acute intestinal infections - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness and weakness. The product is used after consultation with a doctor, as a prevention of dehydration.

It is recommended that children from one to seven years old be given an anti-vomiting drug in the form of a suspension, 100–200 mg three times a day. The dosage is calculated taking into account the age of the child. Adults and children over 7 years of age are prescribed 200 mg of the drug in capsules, 4 times a day.

The list of contraindications includes children under one month of age and individual intolerance to the components. Can be used during pregnancy with a doctor's permission.


Antimicrobial agent based on nifuroxazide. Available in the form of tablets and suspensions for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other specific symptoms.

Stopdiar tablets are contraindicated for the treatment of children under seven years of age, as well as for those with individual intolerance to nifuroxazide. During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, the use of the product is possible according to the doctor’s decision.

The drug is taken 2 tablets 4 times a day with a small amount of liquid. At least 6 hours should pass between doses.

How long does nausea last after chemotherapy?

For almost every cytostatic drug, the time of onset and end of nausea is determined, so the very “emetic” cisplatin initiates a reaction in 90% of people in the first 4 hours, it lasts almost a day. Before the introduction of antiemetic drugs into clinical practice, already on a drip with cisplatin, patients experienced painful attacks of nausea and vomited out like a fountain. It was these grave consequences that forced the search for active drugs. Dacarbazine, which is equivalent to cisplatin in terms of emetic potential, causes a reaction in the first 3 hours, but it will not last longer than 8 hours.

With intravenous administration, nausea is limited in time and rarely lasts more than 3-5 days, but with long-term use of tablet cytostatics, the condition is almost constant, although the severity fluctuates throughout the day, because it is associated with the concentration of toxic products in the blood.

Post-chemotherapy nausea can smoothly turn into nausea due to complications from the mucous membranes, although it is much less painful and the episodes are shorter, usually coinciding with food intake.

Serotonin receptor antagonists

They block the transmission of nerve impulses in the parts of the brain responsible for the gag reflex. Medicines are used for severe nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or other strong factors.


The drug blocks the gag reflex caused by taking chemotherapeutic anticancer drugs for 24 hours. Unlike analogues, it does not lead to kinetic disorders - hand tremors, loss of coordination. Due to the high activity of the anti-vomiting drug, it can be taken only once a day.

The drug is available in the form of capsules and solution for injection in ampoules. It is used in courses of 6 days. On the first day of the course, Tropisetron is administered intravenously using a dropper, and capsules are prescribed for the next 5 days.

Daily dose – 5 mg. Contraindications include pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components.

Causes of nausea during chemotherapy

We learned about nausea during chemotherapy when cytostatics were first used, but until now there is no complete clarity on the mechanism of its development. A pathological reaction accompanies many conditions and diseases, but only oncologists have managed to build a coherent system of treatment and, most importantly, prevention of nausea.

It is assumed that nausea is caused by the action of drugs on specific cells of the intestinal mucosa - enterochromaffin cells, which leads to their release of serotonin. Serotonin acts on the endings of the vagus nerve, which carries information to the vomiting center of the brain. Serotonin is brought to the vomiting center with the blood, and from the brain to the internal organs a command is sent to increase the production of saliva and gastric juice, increased heart rate and swallowing, sweating and a “chill on the skin” - nausea. Nausea during chemotherapy is “unfinished” vomiting.

The pathological reaction is initiated by cytostatics and their transformation products; the degree of nausea or emetogenic potential of each antitumor drug is known. In addition to serotonin, other biologically irritating brain receptors are involved in inducing nausea: dopamine, histamine, choline and others.

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Combined products

Medicines in this group are appropriate when the cause of nausea or vomiting is not established. They have several properties - antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial. Sometimes a single use of such a drug is enough to completely eliminate nausea and vomiting.


Eliminates spastic pain, nausea and vomiting, relaxes smooth muscles, suppresses inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. They consist of paracetamol, NSAIDs and an anticholinergic agent. Prescribed for renal, intestinal, and stomach colic of moderate intensity, 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug is not used in pediatrics and is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Contraindications also include internal bleeding, peptic ulcers, glaucoma, and chronic alcohol dependence.

How dangerous is this and what does it mean?

When you feel sick with gastritis, it not only causes general discomfort, but also further aggravates the condition of the damaged gastric mucosa. Constant pain, malaise, tension and vomiting - all these symptoms significantly affect the overall psychological and physical condition of a person.

Lack of treatment for gastritis in this case can lead to the following consequences:

  • worsening of the inflammatory process;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • the occurrence of erosion;
  • tissue degeneration.

Nausea directly indicates the progression of the disease. The symptom in a significant system interferes not only with eating, but also with everyday activities.

Remedies for nausea without vomiting

Sometimes nausea does not turn into vomiting, but causes a lot of trouble. This symptom is typical for the so-called. seasickness, alcohol intoxication or banal motion sickness caused by weakness of the vestibular apparatus. It is enough to know what to drink for nausea. There is no need for potent antiemetics.


A medicine for nausea and vomiting, which is used for air and sea sickness, to reduce salivation and mucus production before plastic surgery. It is a combination of hyoscyamine and scopolamine.

The medication is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. The dosage is calculated taking into account the severity of the disease:

  • for prevention - 1-2 tablets half an hour before departure;
  • if you feel worse (nausea, headache, weakness) - re-administer after 6 hours.

You are allowed to drink no more than 2 tablets at a time. The maximum daily dosage is 0.002 g (4 tablets).

For intense, uncontrollable nausea, you need to use suppositories. The dosage is calculated in a similar way.

The drug should not be taken if there is increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma). There are no other contraindications.

Dimenhydrinate for nausea

Hi-receptor blocker, used to relieve nausea of ​​various etiologies. It differs from its analogues in its relatively low price. Available in the form of tablets, which are prescribed based on the patient's condition.

For mild nausea, adults are recommended to take 1-2 tablets at a time, for a total of 4 to 6 doses per day. You can drink the same dosage as a prophylaxis against nausea 0.5-1 hour before the intended trip.

For nausea, children up to 6 years old are given 0.25 or 0.5 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children from 7 to 12 years old - half or a whole tablet, with the same frequency. The medication is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Most reviews about the anti-nausea remedy are positive.

Methods to combat nausea

To get rid of nausea forever, the main efforts must be directed to treating the disease that caused the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. There are many known methods for treating gastritis, but only a specialist, after a comprehensive examination and depending on the severity of the disease, can prescribe the necessary treatment.

A large number of people experience gastritis. Often the disease is asymptomatic, without causing any inconvenience to the person. However, in severe forms, the patient faces various negative manifestations: a feeling of discomfort, paroxysmal pain in the stomach. The most common cause of gastritis is an improperly organized diet. This disease is a source of poisoning for the body. Like any other poisoning, gastritis can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. To normalize the temperature, medications are used or traditional medicine recipes are used. The main thing is that the product is effective and safe and acts as quickly as possible.

Since people's bodies react differently to the same foods, you need to consult a specialist to create the right diet. Any foods that irritate the stomach should be excluded from the diet. If you don't do this, you can only make the situation worse and face more serious problems.

When choosing a diet, it is necessary to take into account the level of acidity. For example, honey should not be consumed if the acidity level is low, and if the acidity level is high, lemons are contraindicated. The diet must include boiled foods. Due to their consistency, they have an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa, soothing inflammation and accelerating the healing process.

What medications to take for heaviness in the stomach

Many people are familiar with such symptoms as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach. Treatment of such an ailment should occur under the strict supervision of a doctor; self-medication is strictly prohibited. The fact is that banal heaviness in the stomach can be a dangerous symptom of gastrointestinal pathology. Often this problem manifests itself after eating, since some foods are difficult to digest: carbonated drinks, baked goods, fresh baked goods, fatty and fried foods.

A stressful situation or pathology of the digestive system can provoke heaviness in the stomach area. If the cause is simple overeating or indigestion, you can get by with available medications. In other cases, medical attention is required. It is recommended to consult a doctor and determine the cause of the ailment.

List of tablets for various ailments

There are no universal tablets for treating the stomach.

Indian natural herbal preparations help well with diseases

“Avipatikar Churna”, “Singhnadi Guggul”, “Sukhdata Churna”.

People often ask: what is this stomach powder, does it look like earth, what is it called?

This means "Polyphepan". It is needed for poisoning and nausea, as well as for metabolic disorders, since it binds and removes all harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms.

For cramps and stomach pain

If your stomach hurts, how to treat it? You need to consult a gastroenterologist

, because the cause of pain can be different.

But if the pain syndrome cannot be tolerated, you will have to take a painkiller tablet.

These can be analgesics (the best are “Ibuprofen”, “Acelysin”, “Ketorol”, “Tempalgin”) or antispasmodics:

  • "Dibazol";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Mebeverine";
  • "Minoxidil";
  • "Magnesium sulfate";
  • "Buskopan";
  • "Atropine" and other belladonna preparations.

You need to be careful with the latter options, they have many contraindications.

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To improve digestion

Enzymes improve digestion, help relieve heaviness and other unpleasant feelings in the stomach.

The most popular tablets:

The most inexpensive product is “Pancreatin”, it costs about 30 rubles. All enzyme medications for the stomach do not have serious side effects and are used for preventive purposes.

For diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence

Popular anti-diarrhea tablets are Loperamide and Polyphepan. For nausea and vomiting, Motilak and Motilium will help. Espumisan is used for flatulence and bloating.

Additionally, when treating these stomach diseases, medications that relieve spasms may be required (the best is “No-Shpa”)

, digestive enzymes and antihistamines (Fenkarol, Aleron).

For heartburn

What remedy should be used for heartburn?

Antacids will help relieve discomfort and reduce the acidity of gastric secretions. Similar gastroprotectors include

For gastritis

Treatment of gastritis with tablets depends on the type of disease and acid-base balance.

So, with low acidity, you will need tablets that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (Pentagastrin, Limontar).

Gastritis with high acidity requires reducing it with tablets (Rennie, Almagel, Omeprazole) and normalizing the condition of the stomach walls (Ranitidine, Cimetidine, Vikalin, De-Nol).

To normalize health with gastritis, acidity regulators alone are not enough.

What to drink if you have any type of illness:

  • painkillers (“No-shpa”, “Drotaverine”);
  • antibacterial (“Ampicillin”, “Pilobact”);
  • any digestive enzymes.

To improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver in this disease, enzyme preparations are also used, but with bile components and hemicellulase in the composition (Festal, Enzistal, Cholenzym).

Treatment of pregnant women and children

Pregnant women and nursing mothers need to be especially careful when taking medications.

After all, they can affect the baby’s health.

A proper diet will help you avoid pain and problems with the stomach and intestines. You can take stomach pills only on the recommendation of a doctor.

For preventive purposes, use herbal teas with sedative, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. They contain chamomile, calendula, motherwort, yarrow, and valerian.

Children's treatment is also necessarily carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Most stomach pills have an age limit, and some are completely prohibited for children.

Thus, the instructions for use prohibit children from “Magnesium, calcium and sodium alginate”, “Duspatalin”, “Maalox”, many antibiotics and painkillers. But adults also need to take into account contraindications for use, no matter whether you bought cheap tablets or very expensive ones.

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