How does psychosomatics affect the occurrence of heartburn?

Causes of heartburn of psychosomatic origin

There are two main causes of psychosomatic heartburn:

  1. Fear.
  2. Stress.

Both states are inseparable from each other, and with the appearance of one, the second soon follows. By its nature, heartburn appears due to the release of gastric juice into the esophagus, which has an extremely aggressive effect on the unprotected mucosa. The organs are separated by a sphincter, which prevents the release of acid in the normal state, but problems with the nervous system cause it to relax, which ultimately causes a strong burning sensation in the chest and throat.


You can get rid of the psychosomatic manifestations of heartburn using the following medications:

  1. Proton inhibitors or receptor blockers.
  2. Medicines that relieve signs of pathology in a short time. For example, “Phosphalugel” or “Maalox”, “Gastal” or “Rennie”. They neutralize the aggressive effect of gastric contents, as well as hydrochloric acid.
  3. Sedative tablets or tinctures may be prescribed as treatment. For example, “Novopassit”, “Motherwort” or “Valerian”, “Persen”.
  4. Antacids (medicines that protect the esophageal mucosa from the influence of gastric juice).

Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. The latter can also send the patient for a consultation with a psychologist to relieve unpleasant symptoms. He will find out what is tormenting the patient, help him resolve internal conflicts, and cope with difficult situations. In addition, he will give the patient valuable recommendations on how to better cope with various situations. After the patient’s emotional state returns to normal, heartburn from stress will disappear.

Attention! To eliminate heartburn, the patient also needs to reconsider his daily routine. He should start getting more rest and walking in the fresh air.

Development of physiological processes under constant stress according to Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a well-known specialist in the world of psychosomatic diseases. In many of her works, she provides evidence of the influence of the nervous system on the physiology of the body. In her opinion, psychosomatics can cause the following ailments:

  • Redness of the skin;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Heartburn;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Vomit.

The main reason for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms is the body’s defensive reaction to external stimuli. They are a signal for the need to eliminate stress factors, the main one of which is fear.

Psychosomatics of heartburn according to Liz Burbo

Another authoritative expert in the field of mental influence on human health is Liz Burbo, who claims that problems with the digestive system are a direct consequence of rejection of the situation or another person. In this case, in her opinion, the only way to eliminate the unpleasant syndrome is to rethink your attitude towards the world, abandon the control of other people and replace it with love in any of its manifestations.

How to change thinking and behavior?

Hormones are surprisingly difficult to control. Even though we can see their effects on the body, their work is difficult to track. Always remember that self-medication in this case only worsens the course of the disease. Contacting a specialist will allow you to clearly see the picture and work with it further.

If the doctor gives you a specific diagnosis, you can significantly narrow down the search for psychological problems and incorrect thought forms that have driven you into this trap.

Before we begin specific practices, always remember that problems on the physical level disappear with a noticeable delay. Even if you have worked through your problem at the level of thoughts and emotions, it may still bother you at the body level for some time. Be patient.

One of the easiest ways to work with incorrect thought forms is to identify them and replace them with affirmations - creative statements.

Interpretation by Louise Hay

Regardless of the specific form of thyroid disease, according to Louise Hay, it is always associated with the belief of one’s own lack of faith in one’s own abilities. Such a person often repeats “I’m unlikely to succeed,” “Why should I,” “Where is he and where am I,” etc.

The table contains affirmations suitable for a specific form of the disease, but you can change them a little, adjust them to suit yourself and expand them.

Thyroid diseaseAffirmation
HyperthyroidismI approve of everything I do. I easily accept what happens around me.
HypothyroidismI live as I see fit. I allow myself to fulfill all my desires.
NodesI achieve success easily and simply. I easily do what I like.
GoiterI allow myself to be who I am. I have a lot of strength and energy.

If you remove yourself from the center of your life, someone else is bound to take that place and you will feel attacked. Don't let this happen. You have the right to satisfy your desires.

Luule Viilma

In her book “Stay or Go,” Luule Viilma says that the thyroid gland suffers in cases where there is a fear of submission to being. No one likes to realize that he is just a sliver in a huge universe. But this is just a misguided view of one's own failures. We can turn any of our mistakes into victory.

Taking small steps to achieve new successes can put you on the path to healthy leadership. You just need to put yourself first in your life. Don't worry, this has nothing to do with selfishness. He just proceeds from the fact that only your desires are important, while you are a parasite on others. But you don't need it.

Enjoy life, fulfill your wishes, and you will see that the lives of your loved ones have also become better. Next to a happy woman there will always be a happy husband and joyful children.

Valery Sinelnikov

According to Valery Sinelnikov, the main thing is self-realization. The thyroid gland can suffer from the intense pressure that a person experiences when interacting with others. Relatives and colleagues may actually put pressure, or it may only seem so, but the person himself provokes the desire of others to sit on his neck. As a result, everything is tolerated and accumulates, turning into a disease.

To achieve healing, you need to learn to take care of your loved one. Ask yourself – what needs do you have? What do you really want? Do you want something for yourself? Allow yourself to express your desires.

This can be incredibly difficult because you haven't asked or wanted anything for so long. But now is the time.

Liz Burbo

According to Liz Burbo, a person with thyroid problems is afraid to take life into their own hands, control its course and present their demands to the world. You need to be strong-willed enough to do what you want without infringing on the interests of others.

Once upon a time, you learned that you cannot achieve success on your own, but now it’s time to move past your fears and believe that your creativity is limitless.

Elimination of psychosomatic heartburn according to Dr. Sinelnikov

Sinelnikov, a homeopathic physician popular among lovers of alternative medicine, agrees with Louise Hay that heartburn is a consequence of metaphysical problems, in particular fear. This emotion can cause severe deviations in internal systems and can only be dealt with on your own by working through your fears and replacing them with acceptance and calm. In especially severe cases, Sinelnikov recommends contacting psychologists.

Heartburn during pregnancy

Psychosomatics of heartburn during pregnancy also occurs due to fears and worries. As you know, during this period a woman’s hormonal levels change, and she worries about any reason. You need to let go of the situation and think only about the good. After all, if a person lives positively, then only positive situations will happen in his life. And during pregnancy, positive emotions and good mood are the key to the birth of a happy and healthy baby.

Judging by the table of psychosomatics of heartburn, you need to tune in to the positive. Repeat every morning: “I breathe deeply. I'm safe. I trust the process of life."

Performing special exercises

The most accessible and effective way to get rid of nervous heartburn is mental, since it is he who fights the cause, and not its consequences. The most common problem is fear. You can overcome it by performing a special exercise, which boils down to the following:

  1. First of all, you need to identify the source of fear.
  2. Next, you need to take a comfortable position and visualize your fear in the form of a figure.
  3. After presenting the silhouette, he needs to ask questions about the reason for its appearance and methods of elimination; the answers will arise after a while from the subconscious.
  4. After a complete analysis (mental dialogue), you need to imagine how the figure completely dissolves in the air, and the soul gets rid of fear.
  5. The exercise must be done daily until results appear.

Can heartburn or belching occur due to nervousness?

Belching and heartburn are one of the most common manifestations of a nervous disorder. Failures in the digestive system indicate the need to take urgent measures to improve the psycho-emotional state. Traditional medicine, medications or psychotherapy will help to cope with the problem.

Thus, psychosomatic heartburn is a common phenomenon in the 21st century. Stress, lack of sleep, and hard work lead to a deterioration in mental well-being, which affects the functioning of the body's internal systems. There are many ways to get rid of symptoms, but the most effective solution is to eliminate the cause - the external irritant that leads to a nervous disorder.

Psychological reasons

The causes can be both natural and pathological, as well as psychological and physiological. But first things first.

Belching of air after eating in healthy people

In healthy people, seizures occur for the following reasons:

  1. Overeating or vigorous exercise immediately after eating. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, just drink a glass of water and relax.
  2. Excess body weight. Excess weight puts pressure on the digestive organs, which interferes with the process of food absorption.
  3. Using an inhaler.

Frequent belching of air due to stomach diseases

One of the physiological reasons is gastrointestinal diseases. Frequent belching may be a consequence of dysfunction of the cardiac part of the stomach (the organ does not close completely). At advanced stages, not only air escapes, but also the reflux of eaten food into the esophagus.

What other gastrointestinal diseases cause involuntary passage of air (with these pathologies the symptom is not associated with meals):

  • Reflux gastritis. The symptom occurs in a horizontal position and during physical activity.
  • Gastritis. Discomfort can occur at any time, accompanied by heartburn, bad breath, and pain in the epigastric region.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. There is no smell, but there is a sour taste.
  • Cancer. The manifestations are similar to an ulcer or gastritis. Often the release of air is accompanied by regurgitation of food.

It is important! Diseases of the pancreas, intestines, esophagus, and gallbladder can also cause belching. To identify the exact cause, you need to undergo a medical examination: endoscopy and x-ray.

Belching with hydrogen sulfide

It is also called rotten egg burps. This form indicates rotting and fermentation of food in the stomach. This happens when overeating, poor grinding of food, individual intolerance to foods, or against the background of dysfunction of the digestive system.

Sour belching

A sour taste indicates increased stomach acidity, which occurs with gastritis, ulcers or other gastrointestinal pathologies. Under such conditions, belching bothers you all day long and is accompanied by a number of other symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • stomach ache;
  • increased salivation.

Discomfort intensifies against the background of hunger.

Belching during pregnancy

Belching during pregnancy worries all women. There is a simple explanation for this. First, the growing uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm. And secondly, bloating often occurs during pregnancy. Excess air escapes through the mouth. This usually occurs in the second trimester.

Although the symptom is considered normal for pregnant women, it would not be a bad idea to tell your doctor about it. If accompanying symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to undergo examination.

Belching in children

Belching often bothers babies. The reason for this is the swallowing of air during sucking. There's nothing wrong with that. But other causes of children's belching can be identified. Actually, they are not much different from adults. Children can also suffer from this due to nervousness or due to pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

Belching due to nervousness

In what situations does belching occur due to nervousness (psychosomatic belching):

  • stress,
  • depression,
  • tense situations,
  • mental disorders;
  • frequent nervous breathing.

In situations of increased excitement and anxiety, microspasms occur in the stomach and intestines. This is what causes belching. It has no smell or taste and most often occurs on an empty stomach. However, this type of psychosomatic belching has no medical basis. To eliminate the symptom, you need to learn to cope with stress.

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