Inflammation of the rectal sphincter: photo and treatment

Sooner or later, classic sex begins to get boring. Therefore, many people want to add a little variety to their relationship: add something new and exciting. The first thing that comes to mind is anal sex. This brings great pleasure to the man due to the fact that the walls of the anus are narrower than those of the vagina. This is also very pleasant for women, as the uterus is stimulated in this position. But there is one problem: how to relax the anus? What can be done to stretch its walls as effectively and painlessly as possible?

In both sexes, the hole stretches to two to four centimeters. This diameter corresponds to the width of one or two fingers. What techniques need to be used to make anal sex enjoyable? There are some simple tips.

Types of sphincter diseases

Most often, the internal sphincter of the rectum is subject to the following diseases:

  1. Anal sphincter spasm is a chronic condition characterized by pain and discomfort in the rectal area.

According to its clinical picture, spasm of the anal sphincter is not accompanied by serious development of pathologies in the intestine. The pain syndrome usually does not have an exact cause.

This disease depletes the rectal sphincter muscles. It lasts for quite a long time, exhausting patients not only physiologically, but also psychologically. For this reason, it is very important to diagnose such a spasm in a timely manner and begin proper treatment.

  1. Rectal sphincteritis is a disease that is accompanied by severe inflammation of the sphincter muscle. The disease progresses in waves, causing a lot of unpleasant symptoms in the sick person. Sphincteritis requires long-term treatment.

Prevention measures and prognosis

With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable in most cases . Sphincteritis does not cause complications, but untreated spasm entails consequences that negatively affect the patient’s psyche. Thus, irritability and increased anxiety are often observed.

There are no specific preventive measures, but it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle , avoid stress and physical strain. It is required to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and prevent chronic constipation.

Causes of development of rectal sphincter diseases

Anal sphincter spasm develops due to involuntary contraction of the muscles located in the anus. In this case, the spasm itself can be of different frequency and intensity.

Typically, this disease occurs in middle-aged people, regardless of gender.

As for anal sphincteritis, it usually occurs in people with existing pathologies of the rectum. Moreover, such a disease further aggravates the course of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The following factors provoke the occurrence of sphincter pathologies:

  1. Unstable psycho-emotional state of a person. This can be frequent stress, depression, nervousness and even sleep disorders when a man or woman is chronically sleep-deprived, which leads to irritability and nervousness.

In this state, the body's defenses in people are quickly depleted, which leads to a tendency to develop gastrointestinal diseases, including sphincter spasm in the rectum.

  1. Untreated acute hemorrhoids. In addition, if you do not maintain your condition in the chronic form of this disease, it can also cause complications in the form of inflammation of the sphincter.
  2. Dysbacteriosis and other infectious and bacteriological lesions of the intestines.
  3. Oncological pathologies of the rectum.
  4. Rectal fissure.
  5. Passive lifestyle.
  6. Vitamin deficiency and acute lack of nutrients.
  7. Rectal injuries.
  8. Poor nutrition (overeating, eating spicy and fatty foods, eating on the run, etc.)
  9. Acute diseases of the digestive tract (stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.).
  10. Immunity impairment.
  11. Unhealthy lifestyle (drinking and smoking).
  12. Lack of physical activity.
  13. Hypothermia.
  14. Frequent constipation.
  15. Proctitis.
  16. The presence of pathological inflammation in the internal organs.

Does a stretched anus lead to health problems?5

The fact is that many girls do not want to have anal sex because of pain and associated health problems. As for pain, everything is individual, but health problems do not appear from anal sex (provided that everything happens correctly and slowly).

By gradually stretching the muscles, a person strengthens them, and they, in turn, become more flexible. This means that we are not talking about any problems. Doctors say that stretching up to ten centimeters is not fraught with negative consequences and does not in any way affect normal functioning.

Thus, stretching the walls of the anus is not only preparation for anal intimacy, but also a wonderful sexual game that will awaken new passion in partners and give thrills. No matter what you use to stretch - a cork, fingers or other objects, you will be able to have an incredibly interesting and exciting experience that will bring you closer to your soulmate.

Symptoms and signs of sphincter diseases

Most often, sphincter spasm and inflammation are manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of itching and burning in the intestines.
  2. Feeling of discomfort and fullness in the anus.
  3. Abnormal stool (possible constipation or vice versa, diarrhea and diarrhea).
  4. Sharp paroxysmal pain during and after defecation is inherent in sphincter spasm.
  5. Drawing and aching pain in the abdomen.
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. Sleep disturbance.
  8. Irritability may appear as a result of constant pain and poor sleep.
  9. Constant pain radiating to the lower back or perineal area.
  10. False urge to defecate. Moreover, such urges can be quite frequent (happen several times an hour).
  11. The appearance of bloody discharge in the stool.
  12. The appearance of mucus in the stool.
  13. Malaise and weakness.
  14. An increase in body temperature is possible with an acute inflammatory process in the sphincter.
  15. Pain that radiates to the right side of the ribs and is localized under them is characteristic of the acute development of inflammation of the sphincter.
  16. Nausea and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  17. Fever and chills.
  18. Pain after physical activity. However, sometimes patients develop pain even after minor strains.

Important! In acute forms of sphincter disease, a person will suffer from pronounced symptoms of the pathology. This clinical picture changes if the disease has become chronic. Then all its signs may be less pronounced, periodic and as if erased. This will significantly complicate the diagnostic process and prolong treatment time.

Treatment options

First of all, to clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes:

  • examination of the patient by a proctologist using palpation;
  • blood tests for biochemical, immunological and cytological parameters;
  • stool analysis;
  • performing rectoscopy of the anus.

Only after receiving all the results can the doctor determine the form of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment with suppositories for symptoms of rectal sphincteritis is carried out in acute forms of the disease. They use rectal suppositories such as Posterizan, Relief, Proctoglivenol, or others. They quickly help relieve pain and heal the affected areas.

How to relax the sphincter? For this, a special blockade is used, which includes relieving pain and relaxing the sphincter muscles .

Thanks to this procedure, the patient’s process of natural emptying is simplified. It is performed as follows: a syringe with an anesthetic substance is inserted into the anus and the anus is closed with a tampon with glucosteroid ointment. The tampon is in the anus until the first urge to defecate.

Sphincteritis is also treated with various creams and ointments for rectal administration . The course depends on the form and degree of the disease and is selected individually by the doctor.

In some cases, complex concomitant disease may require surgery followed by antibiotics.

A prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of treatment is adherence to a strict diet and moderate physical activity . Examples include “Proctosan”, “Bezornil”, “Aurobin”, “Heparin ointment”, etc.

A very popular method of treating the inflammatory process in the sphincter is sphincterotomy . This operation is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor removes a small area of ​​skin on the anus and makes a small incision in the sphincter. This helps the muscles relax and normalize the process of natural emptying.

Types of sphincter spasms

According to the duration of sphincter spasms, there are:

  • fast (last 2-10 seconds);
  • long-lasting (can last for several minutes).

According to etiological criteria, sphincter spasms are:

  1. Primary (develop as a neurological involuntary spasm).
  2. Secondary (develop as a consequence of untreated pathologies of the rectum).

A fleeting spasm develops suddenly and is accompanied by stabbing pain in the anus, which radiates to the lower abdomen. In this case, the person will also suffer from severe discomfort during bowel movements.

A long-lasting spasm will torment the patient for several minutes. Moreover, in this condition, the pain can be so acute and severe that a person will need to take painkillers or fast-acting analgesics.

Important! Diseases of the sphincter, be it spasm or inflammation, can lead to dangerous complications, so if the first symptoms of the disease occur, it is recommended to consult a proctologist as soon as possible.

How to relax the rectal sphincter? Rectal sphincter spasm: symptoms and treatment

Today we would like to discuss a sensitive issue. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract largely determines our well-being, vigor and good mood. Moreover, it is important not only proper nutrition, but also stable emptying so that the body does not waste waste products.

It’s very good if you have never encountered such problems, and morning toilet does not cause unpleasant associations. But most people know firsthand what a spasm of the rectal sphincter is. The symptoms are extremely unpleasant; they include pain and distension in the lower abdomen, which are difficult to cope with without taking antispasmodic drugs.

Today we will talk about this phenomenon and ways to combat it in a little more detail.

Features of sphincter spasm in hemorrhoids

As mentioned above, most often problems with the sphincter in people develop precisely because of hemorrhoids. This is justified by the fact that with the development of hemorrhoids or anal fissure, the nerve endings of the rectum are very irritated, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane, enlargement of hemorrhoids, pain and a sharp contraction of the sphincter - spasm.

Typically, such a spasm occurs during bowel movements, which distinguishes it from ordinary proctalgia. Moreover, this spasm in more severe cases can last for hours, until the next act of bowel movement.

In this condition, a certain vicious circle is created in the patient - rectal disease (hemorrhoids) causes severe pain and irritation of the intestine, which in turn provokes sphincter spasm.

Important! Most proctologists recognize sphincter spasm as one of the first signs of hemorrhoids, so in this condition, when diagnosing, there is no need to exclude the root cause of rectal spasms as hemorrhoids.


The rectum has two main sphincters, one of which is voluntary and the other involuntary:

  1. Sphincter inside the intestine. Involuntary. The internal sphincter separates the perineal flexure of the rectum and its terminal part. Composed of bundles of smooth muscles that are arranged in a circle. The length can be from 1.5 to 3.5 cm. In men, this sphincter is thicker than in women.
  2. External sphincter. Arbitrary, controlled by the will of man. Consists of striated muscles that come from the muscles of the perineum. The length can be from 2.5 to 5 cm.

Features in women

In women, the rectum is close to the vagina, namely adjacent to it in front. These two organs, of course, are separated by the Denonvillier-Salischev layer, but it is so thin that it is not able to prevent the spread of a tumor or pyogenic process from one organ to another.

As a result of this anatomical feature, women often develop rectovaginal fistulas, which are the result of traumatic lesions or severe ruptures of the perineum during childbirth.

Functions of the organ

The main function of the rectum is to remove waste from the body. The act of defecation is controlled by the human consciousness.

The functions of the organ do not end with the evacuation of feces. The rectum is also responsible for the absorption of water. On average, when pressing and dehydrating feces, 3.5-4 liters of water per day are returned to the body.

In addition to returning water to the body, the mucous membrane of the organ performs functions such as the absorption of minerals and trace elements.

Feces accumulate in the ampulla of the rectum, which causes the intestinal walls to overstretch, resulting in the formation of a nerve impulse, and then the urge to defecate. Thus, the rectum also functions as a reservoir.


Like any other organ, the rectum is susceptible to a number of diseases. There are a lot of diseases that affect the anus or rectum, the main ones worth mentioning are:

  • Proctitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • – pathology for the treatment of which massage can be used;
  • ;
  • Polyposis;
  • Hemorrhoids are a disease not so much of the intestine as of the veins around it; it can be clearly seen in the photo in an advanced stage; massage can be used for treatment.
  • Cancerous tumors.

Sphincter spasm

The concept of sphincter spasm refers to painful and uncomfortable sensations in the rectal area.
Many diagnoses are associated with this symptom. Sphincter spasm is quite rarely an independent disease.

Both the external and the second, internal sphincter can be subject to spasm.

The reasons explaining the occurrence of spasm are different:

  • excess innervation;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • chronic inflammatory process in the area of ​​the external sphincter or affecting the internal sphincter;
  • unstable psyche.

There are several types of spasm affecting the external or internal sphincter.

Based on duration, the following two types can be distinguished:

  1. Transient spasm. This spasm is often mistaken for diseases of the genitourinary system, as the pain radiates to the tailbone or pelvic joints. Basically these are acute, sharp symptoms that occur for a short period of time.
  2. Prolonged spasm. With this type of spasm, the pain is long-lasting and often cannot be relieved by taking painkillers.

According to the causes of occurrence, they distinguish:

  • Primary pathology (spasm of the anus muscles of a neurotic nature).
  • Secondary pathology (spasm as a result of pathology not of the muscles, but of the intestine itself).

Spasms usually appear in waves, with the interval between them often gradually becoming much shorter, and the attacks becoming increasingly prolonged.


Diagnosis of sphincter diseases has the following features:

  1. To begin with, the proctologist must collect the patient’s medical history and complaints.
  2. After this, the person needs to undergo a general blood and urine test.
  3. Next, the patient needs to undergo an examination of the anus and a digital examination of the anus.
  4. Retromanoscopy and ultrasound of the rectum will help to study the condition of the rectum in more detail.
  5. Blood test for immune status and bilirubin.
  6. Probing.

In addition to examination by a proctologist, the patient is recommended to undergo a consultation with a therapist, endocrinologist and neurologist. A CT scan of the rectum should also be performed.

Treatment methods

Therapeutic therapy for sphincter diseases is prescribed for each patient individually, depending on the complexity of the patient’s condition, symptoms and the cause of the disease.

Sphincter diseases can be treated in the following ways:

  1. With the help of medications.
  2. Surgically.
  3. Traditional medicine.
  4. Using physiotherapy treatment.

Drug therapy involves prescribing the following groups of drugs:

  1. Analgesics are prescribed for severe pain.
  2. Preparations to enhance immunity and vitamin complexes.
  3. Antibiotics are used for infections.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. Antipyretic medications are used for high fevers.
  6. Antispasmodics are prescribed for spasms (No-shpa).
  7. Use of pain-relieving rectal suppositories.
  8. Suppositories and ointments (Posterizan, etc.).
  9. Laxatives are prescribed for constipation.

Surgical treatment is used for advanced sphincter disease. It provides the following:

  1. Carrying out choledochotomy.
  2. Establishment of bile duct drainage.
  3. Carrying out papillosphincterotomy.

The recovery period after surgical treatment is quite long. In this case, the patient will definitely need to regularly observe hygiene of the anus and lubricate the rectum with healing ointments.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is considered supportive. It is prescribed after drug therapy and provides the following:

  1. Conducting UHF currents.
  2. Diathermy.
  3. Electrosleep.
  4. Darmonvalization.
  5. Thermal procedures.
  6. Conducting microenemas using antiseptic and oil products.

Traditional treatment involves the use of the following procedures:

  1. Carrying out sitz baths.
  2. Establishment of enemas.
  3. Formation of therapeutic tampons.

To prepare sitz baths you need to use the following recipes:

  1. Potassium solution:
  • make a weak solution of potassium in warm water;
  • take a bath for twenty minutes;
  • after this, introduce an oil anesthetic rectal suppository;
  • repeat the procedure every day for a week.
  1. Herbal solution:
  • make a weak decoction of dry chamomile, St. John's wort and oak bark;
  • take a bath in such a warm solution;
  • repeat the procedure morning and evening for seven days.
  1. Oil solution:
  • mix 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil with two glasses of boiling water and a spoonful of calendula herb;
  • leave for ten minutes, strain and take such a bath for ten minutes;
  • repeat the procedure daily for five days.

To prepare microenemas, you need to mix chamomile, calendula and yarrow in equal quantities. Boil the herbs in two liters of water and use for microenemas. Repeat the procedure every day before bed for ten days.

Very effective for treating this disease is the use of rectal suppositories with healing injuries. The best recipes for this purpose are:

  1. Herbal candles:
  • mix flax flowers, oak bark and chamomile in equal groups;
  • chop the herbs and mix them with 100 g of lard;
  • use as tampons in the rectum three times a day;
  • leave the tampon in the intestine for no more than two hours;
  • repeat the procedure for five days in a row.
  1. Hop tampons. To prepare them you need:
  • mix three tablespoons of crushed hop cones with 300 g of fresh lard;
  • add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. olive or sea buckthorn oil;
  • Soak a tampon with the prepared mixture and use it to install at night for five days.

Important! Before using traditional medicine recipes, you should always consult with your doctor.

Types of disorders and diseases

If the functioning of the cardia rosette is disrupted (insufficient), the esophageal sphincter does not completely close (does not close). During non-closure, gastric secretions, gastric enzymes, and food particles penetrate the esophagus, causing irritation, erosions, and ulcers. In medicine, the following main types of sphincter disorders are distinguished:

  1. Increased tone. With this disorder, it does not open completely when food particles pass through. The patient has impaired swallowing function. This pathology develops when exposed to ANS impulses. It is customary to distinguish between two types of this condition (the classification depends on where the pathology is located). Thus, improper functioning of the pharyngeal esophageal sphincter provokes disturbances during swallowing food. In this case, painful sensations arise, the patient may choke, and sometimes a cough appears when food enters the larynx area. If the esophageal sphincter, located between the abdominal cavity and the esophagus, begins to function incorrectly, then food can accumulate in the esophageal sections, which leads to expansion of the organ.
  2. Decreased tone. This pathology is characterized by the reflux of food particles or stomach contents into the upper esophageal region, sometimes into the pharynx. The socket begins to close insufficiently. Such disturbances in the functioning of the cardia can affect the lower esophageal sphincter or both sphincters simultaneously. Sometimes non-closure (when the sphincter does not close completely) and pressure provoke vomiting and nausea.
  3. With the 3rd degree of insufficiency, a gaping sphincter is formed.

Nutrition during treatment

Nutrition plays a very important role in the treatment of sphincter diseases. During this period, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Don't overeat. Portions should be small.
  2. There should be four to five nutritious meals a day and two snacks of nuts or fruits.
  3. You need to consume low-fat fermented milk products every day. It can be cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or all kinds of yoghurts. They will improve digestion and create favorable microflora in the intestines.
  4. The last meal should be no later than seven o'clock in the evening, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract at night.
  5. You should avoid eating fatty fish and meat. Instead, it is better to eat steamed or boiled food. You are allowed to eat chicken, turkey and lean fish.
  6. It is important to stop smoking, drinking coffee and drinking alcohol.
  7. Oils, especially olive oil, can be consumed in large quantities. It will simplify the act of defecation and relieve the problem of constipation.
  8. The following should be completely excluded from the diet:
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • plums;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fried food;
  • legumes

This is explained by the fact that the above products can complicate the digestion process, which should not be allowed in case of diseases of the rectum.

  1. You are allowed to drink fruit jelly, green tea and compotes. You can also drink chamomile tea.
  2. It is not advisable to eat too hot or cold food.
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