What is a rectal ulcer: symptoms and treatment

A rectal ulcer is an inflammatory lesion of the rectal wall area, which during the pathological process becomes erythematous or acquires an open ulcer. A similar pathology is also called solitary rectum syndrome.

A rectal ulcer is a disease that affects the human intestinal tract, accompanied by deterioration or destruction of the mucous membrane. Anyone can get an ulcer; no one is immune. An ulcer cannot be confirmed or diagnosed independently. This is possible solely due to the results obtained from examinations, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment to the patient.

What is a solitary ulcer

In addition to the usual one, there is a solitary rectal ulcer - a chronic disease of small spread, as a result of which the mucous membrane in the lower part of the intestine is severely damaged. The formations are not malignant, the cell type of the ulcers is exactly comparable to the cells of the organ. Mostly young people suffer from such an ulcer, with observed prolapse of the rectum, manifested by the inversion of the intestine out through the anus.

If there is any deviation from the norm, go to the hospital. If the concern is justified, the ulcer does not have time to grow, the treatment will be successful.

Symptoms in adults and children

Symptoms of rectal ulcers are varied and depend on the severity and complexity of the pathological process. Typical symptoms of rectal ulcers in adults and children :

  • intestinal spasms and pain;
  • the appearance of hunger pains (especially when combined with gastritis, stomach ulcers);
  • sour-bitter belching, heartburn;
  • foul-smelling gases due to flatulence, distension of the intestines;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • symptoms of intoxication.

With deep defects, bleeding and the addition of a purulent infection are likely , which is expressed in the appearance of streaks of blood, undigested food, and purulent mucous exudate in the stool. Symptoms and treatment of rectal ulcers are interrelated.

Causes of ulcer formation

The mucous membrane is easily damaged by mechanical damage, infectious diseases and stress. Mechanical ones include: coprolites (stool of a hard consistency), carelessness of doctors during a medical examination, anal sex, insertion of objects into the body through the anus. People with rectal prolapse are at risk. They often have a solitary ulcer.

Infectious diseases accelerate damage to the mucous membrane, provoking the process of ulceration. Stress negatively affects the body and takes away the strength to resist diseases.

The exact causes of solitary ulcers in humans have not been identified; research is ongoing. To protect themselves from complications, scientists and doctors were able to prepare a forecast for the risk group. Those with the following diseases are at risk of getting an ulcer:

  1. Chronic constipation;
  2. Reduced or low body activity (sedentary work);
  3. Prolapse of the intestine through the anus at fairly frequent intervals;
  4. Mechanical damage to the intestine due to fractures of the pelvic bones, bone chips, falling on sharp or protruding objects;
  5. Excess of unhealthy diet over healthy food, constant consumption of unhealthy fatty or fried foods, low fiber content;
  6. Anal sex.

Causes of rectal ulcers

Among the causes of ulcerative wounds in the rectum are the following:

  • hereditary factor;
  • frequent stress and nervous strain;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • weakened immune system;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • regular rectal prolapse;
  • taking certain medications;
  • chronic constipation;
  • damage to the walls of the rectum of a mechanical nature (due to anal sex, unsuccessful operations or falls with pelvic fractures.).

It should be noted that sometimes the causes of rectal ulcers include radiation therapy, which is carried out for oncology of the intestine and adjacent organs. But this opinion is wrong. The above procedures can cause another serious disease of the rectum - ulcerative rectitis. It is this that becomes a direct consequence of radiation therapy, and a solitary ulcer is provoked by completely different factors. And the more items from the above list are present in a person’s life, the higher his chances of getting an unpleasant sore.


The disease has a number of manifestations:

  • acute pain in the rectal area;
  • bloody or purulent discharge;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • increased body temperature as a symptom of inflammation of the rectum;
  • severe pain in the perineum.

The disease is diagnosed using a series of tests and tests - rectoscopy, rectal palpation, rectal biopsy, stool analysis and general blood test. The consequences of this disease are quite serious.

Symptoms of acute inflammation of the rectum

This type of inflammation is rare, but if it occurs, its course is quite severe due to well-defined local sensations. In addition, the danger of this type of inflammation is that it can develop not only within a few days, but even within a few hours.

The main symptoms of intestinal disease will be:

  • false urges due to constipation,
  • severe burning in the rectum and a feeling of heaviness in it.

Additional symptoms of the disease include pain in the perineum, which radiates to the lower back or genitals, diarrhea with bloody impurities, or constipation.

Signs of chronic inflammation of the rectum

In the chronic course of the disease, there are almost no general symptoms, and local symptoms are hardly noticeable. For example, it may only be a feeling of phlegm, itching or burning in the anal area. In rare cases, all of these signs may appear at the same time.

Because of such meager symptoms of inflammation of the rectum, patients do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor and, at best, try to solve the problem with folk remedies.

Meanwhile, inflammation develops over a long period of time.

But in the subsiding phase of inflammation of the rectum, the patient may have virtually no symptoms of the disease. The only exceptions may be mucus in the stool and the development of chronic constipation.

Symptoms of various forms of inflammation of the rectum

The disease has various forms:

  • purulent or paraproctitis;
  • mixed forms of inflammation of the rectum.

Forms of inflammation, in turn, are divided into chronic, acute and subacute.

Symptoms of a rectal ulcer

As noted above, the signs of rectal ulcer cannot be called specific. Therefore, it is often difficult for doctors to determine what abnormalities the symptomatic picture indicates. However, the following may indicate a rectal ulcer:

  • loose stools for no apparent reason (this is one of the earliest warning signs);
  • severe pain during bowel movements;
  • discomfort in the anus and rectum between bowel movements;
  • slight bleeding after bowel movements;
  • pus and mucus in the stool in the later stages of the disease;
  • false urges “too big”;
  • feeling of intestines not being completely emptied after going to the toilet;
  • regular constipation;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • itching, burning in the anus area;
  • change in skin color near the anus.

Ulcers resulting from radiation therapy are characterized by much more serious symptoms, including severe cramping pain of a debilitating nature, bleeding from the anus, swelling of the mucous membrane, etc.


With a digital examination of the rectal area, the doctor can detect swelling of the rectal mucosa. Can identify areas of tissue compaction. Drops of “fresh blood” remain on the glove.

The diagnosis of distal bowel ulcers can usually be made by examining the inner wall of the rectum using fiberoptic techniques (sigmoidoscopy).

Open sores (ulcerations) will be visible on the rectal wall in approximately 57% of cases. Bulging and polyps occur in approximately 25% of cases. With this disease, inflamed and hyperemic mucous membrane can occur in 18% of patients.

A biopsy of the lesion for microscopic examination is performed during sigmoidoscopy to rule out cancer in the patient.

High frequency sound waves (transrectal and endoanal ultrasonography) can also be used to visualize the rectum. Barium is used as a contrast agent. The evacuation of barium is monitored using fluoroscopy and video recording (videodecography).

Physiological studies (anal electrosensory threshold, anal manometry, anal compression manometry) may also be performed.

How to treat inflammation is prescribed by the doctor after examination. The method of therapy depends on the type and form of the disease. The complex treatment system includes:

  • special diet. Avoid fruits, vegetables, heavy fried foods, and alcohol. The basis of the diet for inflammation of the rectum is broth-based soups with dietary meat (chicken, turkey), lactic acid products (kefir, sourdough, fermented baked milk, low-fat yogurt) and ground meat;
  • drug treatment - special antibiotics. Sometimes antibacterial therapy (depending on the results of culture for bacteria);
  • physiotherapy - mud baths, washing with alkaline mineral water, therapeutic exercises, massage;
  • surgical intervention - only when cicatricial narrowings appear.

The treatment regimen directly depends on both the form of the disease and the causes of its development. If a patient develops exacerbations in the form of erosive, catarrhal-purulent, polypous or ulcerative forms of rectal inflammation, hospitalization is necessary.

Diet and treatment of ulcerative colitis

A properly organized diet helps to quickly remove the symptoms of the disease, restore the intestines, and ensure the functioning of the digestive organs.

Despite the fact that the diet for ulcerative colitis of the rectum is selected individually and the menu can vary significantly, there are fundamental principles of the diet:

  • the products from which the dishes are prepared are chosen to be of good quality; spoiled or expired food should not be consumed;
  • cooking involves heat treatment by boiling in water, in some cases it is possible to use diluted broth (fish, meat);
  • as a rule, dairy drinks are excluded from the menu, and the consumption of fermented milk products is allowed;
  • before eating a cooked dish, you need to check its temperature; doctors recommend eating food warm; eating too hot or cold foods is prohibited;
  • Before consumption, food undergoes heat treatment: boiling, stewing, baking, cooking with steam.

The diet for ulcerative colitis excludes pickles, canned foods, and fried foods from the diet. The fundamental principle of the diet involves organizing multiple (at least 5 times a day) meals in small portions. The last snack is allowed a few hours before going to bed, around 20.00. Most of the daily food intake should be eaten before lunch.


How and with what to treat a rectal ulcer? Methods to combat this disease depend on the severity of the pathological process. Conservative therapy should begin, first of all, with lifestyle changes, increasing healthy fiber in the daily diet, and eliminating salty, fried and peppered foods. Behavioral therapy is widely used for this disease to stop straining during bowel movements.

Some people tense up during bowel movements out of habit or due to certain psychological problems. Treatment by a psychologist using behavioral therapy methods helps a person learn to relax the muscles of the pelvic region during bowel movements. In one method, called biofeedback, the doctor teaches the patient to consciously control certain involuntary reactions of the body, such as the strong retraction of the muscles of the anus or pelvic floor during a bowel movement.


Conservative therapy may include topical application of drugs (fibrin) to stimulate cell growth. A sucralfate enema contains aluminum complex salts that coat the ulcer in the distal intestine and form a barrier against irritants, allowing the ulcer to heal. Corticosteroids and sulfasalazine enemas can also help the ulcer heal by reducing the inflammatory response.

Sulfasalazine enemas can help the ulcer heal. Therapy includes laxatives to prevent chronic constipation. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of laxatives, suppositories and enemas may worsen clinical symptoms.


Surgical treatment may include suturing ulcerated areas or removing ulcerated areas of the distal bowel. If rectal prolapse occurs, part of the intestinal mucosa that has become necrotic can be removed (prolapse) or repaired. In severe cases, the patient may have the entire section of intestine with the ulcer removed.

For some patients who undergo surgery, a temporary or permanent opening (stomy) may need to be surgically created to allow bowel movements (colostomy).

Diet for rectal ulcers

Whatever treatment you choose, traditional or medical, it will not be effective without a diet. First of all, you should exclude from your diet everything that holds the stool together. During the period of treatment it is prohibited to consume:

  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • rice;
  • rich broths;
  • marinades;
  • whole milk;
  • fried foods;
  • alcohol.

It is necessary to exclude all allergens: spices, chocolate, citrus fruits, red fruits and vegetables (except beets). Try to limit your consumption of mushrooms, coarse fiber and legumes.

Authorized products include:

  • low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, whey, kefir, yogurt);
  • pureed soups from lean meat and vegetables;
  • pureed milk soups;
  • baked chicken or rabbit meat, veal;
  • pates and souffles from the same meat;
  • salads from fresh vegetables, except cabbage;
  • boiled and baked vegetables;
  • nuts in limited quantities.

Drug treatment

This type of treatment includes the use of a number of medications:

  • topical preparations are indicated to stimulate cell growth;
  • It is necessary to carry out therapeutic enemas with solutions that cover the ulcerative formation and thereby create a protective barrier from irritants. Such remedies will allow the erosive formation to heal faster;
  • corticosteroids. This type of medication is also used for enemas. The main task of such drugs is to ensure rapid healing of the defect.

Important: Regardless of the severity of the pathology, at first the patient must undergo treatment in a hospital setting and follow a strict diet.

In addition, drug therapy includes laxatives, with the help of which the patient will get rid of constipation. It is important to remember that only a qualified doctor should prescribe medications and treat. Independent use of rectal suppositories that have a laxative effect may worsen the condition.

Folk remedies

By combining a diet with traditional methods of treatment, an ulcer can not only be slightly treated, but also get rid of it altogether. However, you should not expect a quick effect, but there will be practically no side effects. Before using traditional methods, you should find out the names of herbs that promote wound healing and also relieve swelling.

Pain-relieving and swelling-healing herbs:

  • Linden;
  • celandine;
  • oregano;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • hop;
  • willow.

Wound healing plants:

  • strawberries;
  • calamus;
  • yarrow;
  • comfrey;
  • plantain;
  • tansy;
  • aloe;
  • needles;
  • blackberry:
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • eucalyptus;
  • series.

To treat an ulcer, you need to take 5 herbs from the above lists. The complete collection should weigh approximately 500 grams. The herbs need to be chopped and mixed. They should be stored in a well-closed jar. The mixture is brewed every day and taken fresh.

Daily dosage – 1 tbsp/l of collection. Fill with water (400 milligrams), boil in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered and cooled for at least an hour. A tablespoon of honey, the same dose of propolis and plantain or St. John's wort juice are added to the resulting liquid. Take the medicinal mixture one hundred milligrams three times a day thirty minutes before meals. The rest should be drunk before bed. Course – 45 days.

Honey based product

This beekeeping product destroys pathogenic microorganisms, relieves inflammatory syndrome, and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

A spoonful of thick honey is thoroughly mixed with one hundred grams of slightly melted butter. Place in a cool place to completely harden. Drink forty grams of the mixture before meals three times a day.

Herbal microenemas

They act directly on the affected area, soothe the mucous membrane, and stop bleeding.

Pour a glass of boiling water over the strawberry leaves and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, the broth is passed through cheesecloth and wait until it becomes slightly warm. They put it in a pear and carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.

Large intestine and its treatment with folk remedies

The large intestine and its treatment with folk remedies in folk medicine have always been under close attention. After all, human health largely depends on the condition of this organ. Therefore, we have collected a lot of recipes for treating the colon, and we tried to select the best ones for you.

Among diseases of human internal organs, the most common are intestinal diseases. For this reason, the question of methods of treating the intestines is always relevant.

Diseases of the large intestine that can be treated using traditional methods

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is quite possible to treat intestinal diseases using traditional medicine without drug therapy.

Treatment of dysentery

This is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of eating foods contaminated with dysentery bacteria. The causative agents of the disease belong to bacteria of the intestinal family.

1. Brew 30 g of fireweed in 1.5 cups of boiling water and boil for a few more minutes. Leave to brew. Drink half a glass before eating.

2. Place 10 g of wild rosemary leaves, 25 g of marshmallow root in a 1-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Wait until the broth cools down and strain. Take 20 ml every 3 hours.

Folk remedies for colitis

Colitis is a disease of the large intestine, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. It develops mainly from systematic violations of nutritional rules or infection with pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

1. Soak 100 g of oatmeal in cold water for 4 hours. Then pour in another 1 liter of hot water. Cook over low heat until the porridge thickens, stirring occasionally. You can add a little sugar and salt to taste. Drink the strained oatmeal broth between meals.

2. Pour 40 g of raspberry leaves with 2 cups of boiling water. The product should sit for at least half an hour. Drink half a glass of medicine before meals.

Folk remedies for dysbiosis

Disturbance of the microflora of the large intestine due to medications, periodic stress or unhealthy diet is called dysbiosis.

1. Treatment with propolis is very effective for dysbiosis. You need to drink 10 drops of propolis tincture (20%) some time before eating.

2. Pour 1 tbsp. l. Potentillas with a glass of boiling water and boil for several minutes. Leave it to sit overnight. Drink 150 ml three times a day.

3. For diarrhea, boil oak bark over low heat in the ratio of 30 g of the preparation per glass of water. After boiling for a short time, turn off and leave for the broth to cool slightly. Take 150 ml morning and evening.

Treatment of worms

Worms are parasitic worms that can live in the human body, affecting individual organs and affecting health. Many types of these parasites live in the large intestine.

1. Remedy for pinworms and tapeworms: make a paste from 2 cloves of garlic and mix with a glass of pre-boiled water. It should not be hot, but warm. Let it brew for 4 hours. A few hours before bedtime, make an enema from the tincture. Every time after an enema you need to chew onions. Treatment is carried out for a week.

2. For pinworms, you need to brew 15 g of wormwood in 0.4 liters of boiling water and leave until the tincture has cooled completely. Take 40 ml in the morning, at lunch and in the evening some time before meals.

Remedies for chronic enterocolitis

This disease is the most common. It develops through infection with intestinal infections, as a result of alcohol abuse, spicy food, long-term treatment with antibiotics, and radiation damage. As a result of the disease, the intestinal mucosa undergoes atrophic changes.

1. Mix 60 g of senna, 20 g of licorice roots and anise fruits, 40 g of alder buckthorn bark and laxative joster berries. Brew like regular tea. Take the product hot after dinner.

2. Prepare a herbal mixture from alder buckthorn, marshmallow root, fennel fruit and licorice root. Take half a glass as a decoction some time after meals.

Folk remedies for intestinal dysfunction

1. For chronic constipation, chop 100 g of dried apricots and figs, 200 g of prunes and mix with 150 g of honey. The product must be stored refrigerated. Take 1 tbsp a few hours before bedtime. l. Drink water immediately.

2. For flatulence - brew 15 g of ginger root and lemon balm in a cup. Leave for a few minutes. Drink the product in the first half of the day.

3. Against diarrhea - mix caraway fruits, cinquefoil roots, sage, immortelle flowers and blueberries in equal quantities. Place 20 g of the medicinal mixture in a cup and pour boiling water on top. It's good to insist. Divide the tincture into 3 parts, which should be drunk throughout the day in intervals between meals.

4. After food poisoning, chop and take marshmallow root, fennel fruit and licorice root in equal proportions. Brew like regular tea. Drink half a glass of tincture three times a day.

5. For intestinal spasms, mix crushed fennel fruits and valerian root. Pour boiling water over 15 g of the product in a cup. Leave for a few minutes and drink in one gulp. Take the product three times a day.

6. To improve intestinal motility, brew 1 tsp in a cup. toadflax. Take strained in small sips all day long.

In the large intestine, active absorption of water and some micro/macroelements occurs, and feces are formed and prepared for excretion. This section of the digestive tract is very important, since its work determines how quickly our body gets rid of toxins and waste.

Infectious diseases that are localized in the intestines, inflammatory processes or neoplasms of various origins should be treated by a specialized specialist (infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist or oncologist).

At home, we can only maintain the health of the large intestine.

For example, consume fermented milk products, foods containing fiber, maintain a drinking regime, give up bad habits and fast food.

How to normalize the functioning of the large intestine?

For any diseases and disorders of the large intestine, it is very important to adjust your diet. To improve intestinal functions, it is recommended to eat apples, fresh vegetable salads, fish and seafood, herbs, and dairy products every day. It is advisable to reduce the amount of meat in the daily diet. White bread should be replaced with black bread made from wholemeal flour.

Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on the intestines. They stimulate peristalsis and improve blood circulation in the intestines.

The intestines occupy an important place in the digestive system. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor his condition and provide timely treatment. Simple and effective folk remedies can easily overcome diseases in the early stages of development. But before using them, you should consult your doctor.

Source: https://NarodnymiSredstvami.ru/kak-lechit-tolstyj-kishechnik-narodnymi-sredstvami-otvet-est/

Consequences of the disease

The clinical picture of the disease is nonspecific, that is, it is also characteristic of other diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis without examination. But we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor if you have the slightest atypical symptoms. After all, a rectal ulcer is dangerous due to its consequences. Here they are:

  1. Perforation. If the intestine is completely perforated, its contents may spill into the abdominal cavity. It is very dangerous!
  2. Bleeding. If you ignore the disease, the blood vessels are exposed, and their lining may collapse.

Only timely consultation with a doctor will avoid these complications.

Disease prevention

To avoid the appearance of ulcers, the patient must follow preventive measures: eat more vegetables and fruits, as they contain the required level of fiber; remove fried, salty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet; lead an active lifestyle, play sports; At the first unpleasant signs, seek help from a doctor. So, how to treat this extremely unpleasant sore is more or less clear. What should those who are still healthy do for prevention purposes?

There are practically no specific preventive measures here, as well as symptoms. Most recommendations are general in nature. Among them are the following: refusal of fast food, soda, smoked meats, fatty, fried and spicy foods; an abundance of foods containing fiber in the diet; limiting coffee and alcohol; adequate fluid intake; prevention of constipation; seeking medical help at the first discomfort associated with the process of defecation.

Sources: https://vashproctolog.com/proktologiya/yazva-pryamoj-kishki.html https://gastrotract.ru/bolezn/yazva/pryamoj-kishki.html gastrolekar.ru/yazva/pryamoj-kishki.html https:/ /bolvkishkah.com/pryamaya-kishka/yazva-pryamoj-kishki-lechenie.html https://peptic.ru/yazva-k/simptomy-prichiny-5/lechenie-yazvy-pryamoj-kishki.html https://rubca .net/proktologiya/yazvy-pryamoy-kishki https://3ladies.su/health/medicine/yazva-pryamoj-kishki.html giwot.ru/solitarnaya-yazva-pryamoy-kish/ https://1zhkt.ru/yazva /pryamoy-kishki-simptomyi-lechenie.html This material is exclusively subjective in nature and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/20/2020

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