Treatment of cancer with baking soda at all stages: recipe, reviews

Treatment of cancer with soda has many reviews and comments. Among them there are a large number of both positive and completely negative. Any patient who finds out that he has cancer falls into panic and stress. However, at present, cancer is not a death sentence. It is possible to fight cancer cells and there are a large number of methods for this, including treatment with soda.

Treatment of cancer with soda at all stages

The effect of alkalis on cancer cells was studied by scientists such as Tulio Simoncini, Otto Warburg, Professor Neumyvakin and others. They also came to the conclusion that when cancer cells are placed in alkaline conditions, they will die. But here the question arises: how to create unfavorable conditions for cancer cells? In this matter, you should take into account all the positive and negative aspects, whether such treatment will bring more benefits to your body, or vice versa.

Baking soda can be used and enter into the treatment of cancer of certain localizations. Not all degrees of this disease can be treated with soda.

The first degree of cancer is a limited malignant process, which would be more correctly removed using surgical methods. Therapy with soda at this stage is allowed, but one should take into account the fact that soda can cause more harm to the patient’s body than good. Is it worth exposing yourself to danger when this stage of cancer can be eliminated surgically without any problems? The beneficial effect of soda at this stage of the disease will be hypothetical, but the harm can be significant.

The second degree of cancer also does not have the character of a common malignant course. here surgical intervention will be more justified than treatment with soda. However, if you suspect metastases, then it would be preferable for you to treat with soda. But also consider all the pros and cons of such treatment.

The third stage of cancer usually means chemotherapy and radiation. Such methods are carried out both before surgical treatment and after the maximum possible elimination of a malignant tumor. To maximize the effect of radiation and chemotherapy, treatment with soda in combination therapy is allowed. Treatment at this stage of cancer will be more justified. For this reason, in most cases, treatment from drinking soda will do much more good than harm.

The fourth stage of cancer , as a rule, cannot be treated with surgical methods; operations are performed extremely rarely. At this stage, chemotherapy, radiation and soda therapy can be carried out in combination. Treatment with soda at this stage will have the least negative impact on the body.

In what localizations of a cancerous tumor will treatment with soda be the most effective, and the beneficial effect will be significantly higher than the harm? Namely, at those moments when soda solutions reach the cancerous tumor. These include:

  • oral cancer;
  • throat cancer;
  • esophageal carcinoma;
  • stomach cancer;
  • duodenal cancer;
  • kidney cancer;
  • ureteral cancer;
  • bladder cancer;
  • prostate cancer.

Under these conditions, soda therapy for cancerous tumors at all stages is permitted. But one should take into account the fact that the soda solution, on its way to the tumor, makes its journey through the blood, changing the conditions of the body in general. When deciding to implement therapy using the methods of Otto Warburg, Tulio Simoncini or Professor Neumyvakin, you must weigh all the pros and cons of such treatment.

Side effects

Treating stomach cancer with baking soda can have unpleasant side effects. For example, when you take sodium bicarbonate orally, carbon dioxide begins to be intensely released. This leads to perforations of the gastric walls. Pressure is created on them, which can aggravate the patient's condition. Therefore, it is necessary to extinguish the soda before taking it. Boiling water works well for this. Soda extinguishes already at 50 degrees.

Long-term consumption of soda causes the deposition of stones in the kidneys or gall bladder. Swelling or heart failure may also occur.

When taking soda, you need to constantly monitor the acid-base balance of the body. If this is not done, the body may become oversaturated with alkali, which has a bad effect on the stomach and the entire body as a whole.


It is necessary to start therapy with soda gradually, first you should start consuming a small amount of soda, increasing the dosage over time. But you should remember that when carrying out soda treatment, it is important to eliminate from your menu all products that may contain sugar. Of course, sugar itself should also be excluded.

It is important to maintain a normal balance of vitamin groups and microelements in the body. If there is a deficiency of a specific component, then it is necessary to use auxiliary vitamin complexes.

There are specific recipes, including:

  1. Initially, when treating with soda, you need to use 1/5 teaspoon of soda powder on an empty stomach in the morning. Should be taken approximately half an hour before breakfast.
  2. After trial therapy, if the condition is favorable, the dosage of soda should be increased to 1/2 teaspoon. This medication must be taken 5 times a day, and should only be taken on an empty stomach. After eating food, this procedure is not allowed.
  3. A rather difficult treatment method developed by Dr. Portman. Initially, you should pour 250 ml of plain water into a small saucepan, add a teaspoon of soda and 2 teaspoons of molasses. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe well, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Then remove the pan from the stove and allow time for the solution to cool completely. This mixture should be consumed in the morning before breakfast. Before dinner, make a similar solution again. On the 2nd day, breathing exercises should be carried out, which are aimed at supplying the body with oxygen. The third day is carried out similarly to the first. There is a possibility that your health will worsen at the beginning of such treatment, but this should not stop there. Therapy should be carried out for at least a month.
  4. Cancer therapy with soda can also be carried out with the help of other components. Thus, in combination with lemons, the result will be significantly more powerful. To prepare this product, you should prepare 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, which you need to mix with 1/2 teaspoon of soda. Pour these elements into 200 ml of water and mix everything thoroughly. You need to use this mixture for about a month. It is also considered an excellent cancer preventative.
  5. To implement the following recipe, take 200 g of soda, mix it with 3 glasses of honey (honey should be liquid, not candied). All these ingredients must be placed in a saucepan and on the stove over low heat. When the mixture begins to boil, it should be immediately removed from the stove and poured into a clean jar. Then put this solution in a cold place. You need to use this recipe one teaspoon 5 times a day for a month.

How it all began

Tulio Simoncini

Italian Tulio Simoncini, an oncologist, which gives us the right to believe his statement, during the course of his research he found out that the tumor consists of candida fungus. This fungus is present in every organism. When a person is healthy and his immunity is at the proper level, Candida is not capable of reproducing. But if the immune system is weakened, the fungus begins to actively multiply, forming malignant tumors. Using various substances for treatment, Simoncini noticed that over time the fungus adapts to them and the tumor resumes its growth. And then the thought occurred to him that soda, by creating an alkaline environment in the body that is destructive for fungi, would stop the process of their reproduction.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating cancer include a complete rejection of the use of sugar and sugar-containing products. At the same time, you should eat foods that are rich in vitamins and microelements. Alternative treatments suggest some types of cancer therapy using baking soda.

Soda, honey, lemon

It has been found that lemons can destroy cancer cells. If you add soda to lemons, the result will be even better. Lemon and soda for oncology should be consumed as follows:

  1. Dilute 2 tbsp in a glass of water. fresh lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. soda Such a mixture is considered an excellent remedy for the implementation of preventive measures against cancer. For the purpose of therapy, it is necessary to use this remedy at least 3 times a day.
  2. A good recipe for eliminating cancer is to use baking soda with honey. It is recommended for use in serious and complex forms of cancer. For this purpose, you should mix soda and liquid honey in a ratio of 1 to 3. Then this mixture must be heated and cooled, stored in a cold place. This product is used several times a day for 14 days.

Soda and milk

How to use milk and soda against cancer? The course of such therapy is determined by gradually increasing the concentration of soda by 0.5 glasses of milk.

  • First you should dissolve 1/5 tsp. soda in hot milk. The resulting mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals.
  • On the first day of therapy, the solution is used once in the morning.
  • In the future, the amount of soda per 0.5 cup of milk must be increased gradually.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to increase the frequency of consumption of this mixture per day - it should be taken 3 times a day.
  • The maximum concentration of soda should be adding half a teaspoon of soda.
  • An indispensable condition for therapy is to take the mixture on an empty stomach, otherwise the result of the cure will be zero.

Simoncini technique

This treatment was developed by an oncologist specializing in diabetes and metabolic disorders. Dr. Simoncini was one of the first to come to the conclusion that cancer is a fungal infection and that baking soda can defeat it without harming the body.

Scheme for treating stomach cancer with soda according to Simoncini:

  1. 1 week You should drink soda in the morning and dilute it with warm milk on an empty stomach. For 1 glass there is 1 tsp. soda You can take warm water instead of milk, but the stomach absorbs soda with milk better, in addition, it is more beneficial for the digestive tract. Half an hour after taking soda, you need to eat, wait a quarter of an hour and drink another portion of soda with milk.
  2. At week 2, the conditions change slightly: there is no need to repeat taking soda after meals.
  3. At week 3, the doctor advises drinking the “medicine” once a day: either before meals or after.

After three weeks of continuous use of soda, a break is taken for a month, after which the course should be repeated.

There is another method of intravenous therapy: 500 ml of a 5% baking soda solution is injected directly into a vein every day for 6 days, and then take a 6-day break. The total number of infusions is 24. After this, it is necessary to undergo a re-diagnosis of cancer.

It is worth noting that the latter option is designed for hard-to-reach tumors, and when treating oncology of the stomach and other parts of the digestive tract, including cancer of the throat and intestines, oral administration of sodium bicarbonate is more suitable.

While taking soda, it is necessary to additionally take vitamins, especially vitamin C, and perform exercises to increase the effectiveness of treatment: lie on your back and lie down for 15 minutes, and then turn over in turn on one side, on your stomach and on the other side, staying in each position for another 15 minutes each. Thus, milk and soda during digestion will be absorbed evenly by the entire lining of the affected stomach.

Dr. Simoncini has been treating various types of carcinomas, including those in the stomach, for 20 years. During this time, many patients were cured. The doctor himself provides the following statistics on the probability of curing cancer with soda: if the mushrooms are sensitive to sodium bicarbonate solutions, and the tumor size is less than 3 cm, the cure rate will be about 90%. In the terminal stages, when the patient is still in fairly good condition, this number is 50%, and for the very last stage the percentage is small, since the internal organs are damaged and cannot be restored.

It is assumed that a small tumor of 2-4 cm begins to collapse from the 3rd day of the cycle.

Treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide

Therapy of oncological diseases with soda with the addition of hydrogen peroxide was proposed by the domestic doctor of medical sciences Neumyvakin. He believed that these 2 elements themselves have specific properties:

  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol elements;
  • stopping the formation of blood clots;
  • general rejuvenating effect at the cellular level;
  • increased immune strength;
  • elimination of kidney stones.

The most important point in implementing therapy with this method is compliance with all principles and following specific advice. This method should be used gradually, and the dosage should also be gradually increased. First, you need to dilute the smallest amount of soda powder in slightly warm water. The maximum permissible dosage is 1 teaspoon mixed in 200 ml of water.

With peroxide things can be much more difficult. Therapy should be carried out with 1 drop, dissolving it in 50 ml of water. This solution should be consumed 3 times a day. Every day the dosage is increased by a drop in 40 ml of liquid. It is necessary to stop increasing the dosage when the volume reaches 10 drops.

According to this method of treatment, these drugs should be consumed on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating, or 2 hours after eating. According to Neumyvakin’s methods, such remedies should be used throughout life.

But there is a possibility of using these funds together. In this case, you should be as careful as possible, since they can increase exposure, which will negatively affect the alkaline balance of the entire body.

In addition, the combined intake of these substances will significantly worsen the patient’s well-being; for this reason, it is necessary to take these solutions at least with an interval of half an hour.

Treatment of cancer with soda, 47 year old man

Therapy for cancer in a 47-year-old man can consist of a wide variety of drugs. It is necessary to take into account the fact where the malignant neoplasm is located and the degree of development of this disease. During the first two stages of cancer development, treatment with soda may not be carried out, since the harm to the body will be greater when consuming soda than without it. As a rule, treatment with soda is carried out in the last stages of cancer, when chemotherapy and radiation are no longer beneficial.

As an example, you can use recipes based on milk, hydrogen peroxide, honey and molasses. Follow all the recommendations and most importantly, consult your doctor to see if at your stage and under your circumstances it is possible to treat cancer with soda.

Opinions of oncologists and reviews of doctors

According to Italian scientist Tulio Simoncini, sodium bicarbonate can cure breast, stomach, and lung cancer at an early stage. Immediately after drinking soda water correctly, he recommends lying on your back and turning on your side, stomach and back again. At the same time, place a pillow under the buttocks in advance. Such exercises help the solution to better envelop the walls of the stomach.

To treat lung cancer, Simoncini recommends adding a spoonful of honey to a glass of solution. He also successfully practiced intravenous drips with soda on patients with the last stage of the disease.

Professor Neumyvakin proves that the solution should be taken orally not only by cancer patients, but also by healthy people, as a method of maintaining the acid-base balance in the body.

Doctor Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov advises using sodium bicarbonate to remove toxins from the body.

What does official medicine offer in Russia?

Official medicine in Russia provides treatment for cancer. There are large cancer centers where patients go for help. In these centers, an initial examination is carried out, all necessary tests are taken, and examinations are carried out. After this, a medical report is made and, based on the diagnosis and degree of cancer development, treatment is prescribed.

You can carry out chemotherapy, irradiation of cancer cells and surgery - these are the basic methods of combating such a terrible disease. For desperate patients, experimental clinical methods for eliminating cancer may be offered.

Experimental methods are technologies for the treatment of oncological tumors that are currently not fully tested as the main method of treatment, and have not been added to World Health Protocols. Such methods are at the testing stage and require further study.

Such methods can also be used in Russian clinics.

Benefits of Soda Therapy

Sodium bicarbonate is distinguished by its ability to penetrate the tumor and have an antifungal effect for a long time, since fungi are not able to adapt to soda. Antifungal drugs available on the world market are not able to destroy fungi in the tumor, because they only act on its surface layer. Also, severe infections may initially react to a certain medicine, and then decipher it and turn its effect to their advantage.

Other benefits of baking soda include:

  • the ability to stop the spread of metastases to lymph nodes and other organs;
  • health safety compared to chemotherapy and radiation;
  • cheapness and availability.

Sodium bicarbonate is better than chemotherapy and radiation therapy, because cytostatics and radiation, together with cancer cells, damage healthy cells of the body. The immune system also suffers, but its weakening benefits the tumor.

Interesting fact ! Sodium bicarbonate is used in the manufacture of some chemotherapy drugs. Soda helps protect internal organs from the destructive effects of cytostatics by increasing pH.

In addition, neither chemotherapy nor radiation can cure carcinoma. When prescribing therapy for cancer patients, doctors immediately warn that it is aimed only at improving (if possible) the patient’s condition and slightly delaying inevitable death. For the remaining years of life, a person is forced to constantly take expensive medications and suffer from side effects. New chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy methods are constantly being developed, even more expensive ones, but their effect is the same as the others. Cancer remains an incurable disease, and medical corporations continue to profit from it...

There is convincing evidence that cancer can be cured with soda, but this method is not profitable in terms of profit. Therefore, the clinic will never offer it to you, and will even dissuade you. Soda therapy is practiced only by doctors of alternative medicine. You must remember that no one will think about your health but you. You can at least try, but you don’t have to give up other methods. The choice is yours.

The following subheadings describe the most popular methods of treating stomach cancer with sodium bicarbonate.

Italian doctor Tulio Simoncini

Many doctors and scientists have tried to look for methods to get rid of cancer. A doctor from Italy, Tulio Simoncini, decided to go against the entire system and presented evidence to the entire planet that soda therapy is possible and has an effective effect. For his own discovery and treatment of people, this doctor was put in a prison cell.

The essence of this researcher’s crime is that he believed cancer to be a huge fungus from the genus Candida that destroys human immunity. He suggested that the formation of cancer goes through specific stages:

In the human body, which is in a weakened state, the fungal infection begins to intensively spread in the body to such a size that it forms a huge “colony” in the form of a tumor.

When candida invades a certain organ, the body’s immune forces, although weakened, begin to protect the body from pathogenic invasion.

The cells begin to build a barrier from the cells of their own system. This fact is what medical science calls cancer.

Simoncini provided evidence that the body's immune forces are the most powerful weapon against any kind of disease, even cancer. When the researcher realized that cancer was a fungus, he tried to find the most optimal fungicide to eliminate it from the body, but the fungus was so strong and capable of rapid mutation that any antifungal drugs were powerless. But a remedy was found that was able to fight this disease - this is ordinary baking soda.

What are Simoncini's misconceptions?

The main mistake of this teaching is:

  1. An oncological neoplasm is the result of an atypical division of mutated cells.
  2. The formation of the disease is influenced by external carcinogens and mutagens, which provoke the occurrence of cancer (UV rays, X-rays and ionizing radiation), as well as internal conditions (decreased immune forces, hereditary predisposition and protracted course of diseases).

Simoncini treated people who trusted his theory, and in this he failed. The doctor's patients died after a certain time without achieving the effect of treatment with soda. Simoncini's doctor's license was taken away and he was sent to prison for treatment that resulted in the death of several people.

Why doesn't baking soda help against cancer?

  • She shouldn't. Anyone who puts forward any thesis must confirm it himself. There are no statistics, studies or simply real facts. The fungal theory has not been proven, and if it were, the issue would not be resolved with soda (try treating banal onychomycosis with soda, for example);
  • the author of the theory tested his fantasies on other people's children ( who died in the process );
  • The idea that thousands of types of cancer are caused by a fungus, and that a tumor is just an overgrown colony of candida in conjunction with cells, is productive nonsense. I don’t want to think badly of a person and call him a cynical charlatan. Tullio is most likely just “not himself”;
  • Baking soda is not intended for ingestion in such quantities (more about side effects below).

Reviews from patients who helped

You can leave your reviews about the treatment of oncology with soda in the comments below, they will be useful to other users of the site!

Svetlana, 43 years old:

At a certain period of my life I was diagnosed with a disease called cervical cancer. The disease was found in the early stages. To say that I was upset and disappointed is to say nothing. I buried myself almost immediately. And right away, what I want to say is that you cannot lose heart. In the first days when I found out the diagnosis, I cried day and night, I was completely confused and apathetic towards everything. I didn’t know anything about this disease, what to do, what to do, whether it should be removed, and how chemotherapy and radiation are generally carried out. A difficult period from which I managed to get out. The first thing I did after two days of sobbing was pull myself together. I decided finally and irrevocably that I must fight for the sake of my family. When I looked at my children's red eyes from tears, I realized that I should not deprive them of their mother. This was a huge incentive. I decided to undergo treatment. I read a lot of information on the Internet, watched a lot of videos. I talked to a lot of doctors and specialists. In one of the videos, I came across methods for treating cancer with baking soda. The method is extremely simple. After consulting with a doctor about adding this method to the treatment regimen, I decided to start using the smallest quantities. At the same time, drug treatment was carried out. After some time I saw improvements, but then something went wrong. The condition worsened. After examinations and examinations, the doctor urgently sent me to the operating table and they removed the tumor. Then chemotherapy courses and constant checks. In general, after six months I got back on my feet. I don’t know what to say about drinking soda; I can’t say whether it contributed to the worsening of my condition. But I won’t advise anyone.


My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, the disease reached stage 4 and metastasized. My father is only 60 years old, I decided to fight with all my might for his life. Doctors prescribed removal of the testicles, our family agreed to this, and after the operation, PSA decreased from 1356 to 43. Then we were prescribed medication, vitamin treatment, mandatory vegetarianism, and made an appointment with a psychotherapist. PSA decreased continuously. At a PSA value of 10, we began using drips from a soda solution. After 4 IV drips, my father began to complain of pain in the lower back and hip area. He could barely walk or stand up, but after a day everything went away. The PSA value decreased to 8.54. We were glad that soda helped us get rid of the disease. After 3 or 4 courses of IV drips, the deterioration began. PSA began to rise. We decided to change the treatment regimen - they began to infuse 600 ml of solution instead of 400 ml. However, there was no improvement. Over 14 days, PSA increased by 5 units. To date, the indicator has returned to 16. The father’s health is normal, but the treatment has not been completed. The soda was canceled because there was an effect initially, but in the end the effect was zero.

How to treat with soda using the Simoncini method

There are several types of introduction of soda into the human body, which Tulio Simoncini offers - treatment with soda, the recipe of which involves the introduction of a solution of sodium hydroxide into the oral cavity or by injecting a tumor. The type and stage of the disease is of great importance when prescribing such therapy. A prerequisite is daily procedures according to the scheme, which is prescribed in accordance with the characteristics of the disease and its location. If a large dose is administered, it can only cause harm; if it is insufficient, the effect will be unlikely.

For many years, Tulio Simoncini has been treating cancer with soda, the recipe for which consists of the following scheme:

  1. On an empty stomach you should take 0.20 tsp every morning. sodium bicarbonate, diluting it with boiled water.
  2. It is also suggested to take the dry substance, which should be washed down with warm boiled water, as well as milk.
  3. You need to drink at least 1 glass of solution per day.
  4. Drink soda solutions half an hour before meals. After eating, you should not drink soda - this is a fundamental note from the doctor.

In addition to taking soda, the doctor advises not to give up traditional methods of cancer treatment - chemotherapy, taking medications - Laetril, Todicamp, Flaraxin and others. It is necessary to ensure as strong contact as possible between the soda and the cancerous node - the tumor. Do not exceed the dosage of soda during treatment in solution more than 20%. This amount is enough to neutralize Candida fungus.

In addition to traditional doses of soda in the form of oral administration or injections, Dr. Simoncini advises local treatment with soda solutions:

  1. For skin cancer - wash the skin, make lotions, apply compresses, prick the affected areas.
  2. Colon cancer is treated with enemas and colon therapy.
  3. Lung cancer is treated with inhalation and oral soda.
  4. For genital cancer, use douches, tampons and lotions.
  5. Cancer of the stomach, liver, and intestines can only be treated internally with baking soda.

All procedures should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. If you experience a deterioration in your health, you should temporarily stop taking soda.

By creating favorable conditions, a person can significantly speed up and facilitate the healing process. To do this, it is enough, against the background of soda therapy, to cleanse the body of harmful toxins, normalize nutrition, and drink non-carbonated mineral water with an increased level of NaHCO3. Of course, you should eat more plant foods that contain salvestrol, a natural component that negatively affects fungi.

According to Simoncini, it is necessary to take care of the patient’s psychological state during treatment - surround him with positive emotions, and also arrange his stay in an ecologically clean area, possibly at a resort.

It is necessary to remember that you need to fight for your life with all your might, and the soda treatment method that Dr. Simoncini offers is an ingenious medicine that has already helped and will give many more new chances to those who want to overcome cancer.

Along with the beneficial effects of sodium bicarbonate on many organs and systems of the human body, the topic of how effective soda is against cancer and how to take it in order to forget about the terrible disease once and for all is widely discussed.

Cancer metastases consider acidic conditions to be their favorite environment for growth and development. The body is brought to this state by many factors, ranging from certain types of foods to inflammatory processes that weaken health.

Not only ordinary patients, but also specialists with a scientific degree and work experience in cancer centers share their experiences and observations on how to drink soda against cancer. Perhaps that is why today such a technique has not only its opponents, but also admirers and like-minded people.

Possible complications

Any type of cancer entails complications. Despite the large number of cancer patients and their diversity, complications are very often similar to each other. It should be realized that cancer often occurs without visible symptoms and the disease is detected at stages 3 and 4. Among the main complications, the following can be identified:

  1. Bloody discharge. This type is not uncommon. Hemoptysis is a reason to contact a specialist, since it can occur with cancer in the lungs. The affected kidneys and bladder will produce blood when urinating. Cancer of the digestive system will accompany the release of blood during bowel movements.
  2. Perforations. They are considered the most significant for cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, since they are accompanied by purulent processes in the peritoneum. From a medical point of view, it is called peritonitis.
  3. Cachexia. Pathological weight loss and exhaustion. Very typical for cancer patients. This complication has deadly forms.
  4. Infection in the tumor itself. The tumor tissue can become infected, forming a lesion. Often the infection can manifest itself as a prolonged fever.
  5. Compression of large vessels. It is expressed in large vessels that are located near the tumor itself.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you must immediately seek help from a doctor for examination and further treatment.


Many people wonder whether it is possible to drink soda if you have stomach cancer. For some diseases, this is strictly contraindicated, because this may complicate the condition.

You should not drink soda if you have the following diseases:

  1. Kidney diseases. Sodium can settle in them, and this creates sand and stones.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system. Elevated sodium levels in the blood lead to heart failure.
  3. Alkalosis of the body, that is, low acidity. Without knowing your acid-base balance, you should not take soda.

You need to take soda along with vitamins, they strengthen the immune system and help the absorption of the medications taken.

Cancer Prevention

In order to prevent the formation of cancer, there are specific universal recommendations provided to the population from medical workers. Such activities enter into the judgment of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Experts say that excess body weight and poor lifestyle can become prerequisites for the formation of certain types of cancer, including colon cancer and breast cancer. Consumption of red meat is associated with the formation of prostate and colon cancer, and drinking alcohol, especially in combination with smoking, can cause the formation of tumors in the mouth, esophagus, and throat. But a balanced diet will help to show a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. Eating a significant amount of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products will help prevent cancer of the digestive tract.
  2. You should maintain an active lifestyle. Exercise at least 5 times a week for half an hour.
  3. Good sleep also introduces its own benefits in the fight against cancer.

Carry out constant medical supervision. Conduct research, get tested, and then you will minimize the risk of developing malignant tumors.


Homeostasis (from the Greek ὅμοιος - identical and στάσις - state) is the body’s ability to maintain the constancy of its internal state.

The most important indicator of acid-base homeostasis in the human body is the hydrogen index or pH of the blood. Normally it is 7.37–7.44. Its deviations lead the body to pathological conditions incompatible with life. Blood acidity is provided by buffer systems, the leading role of which is played by the bicarbonate buffer. Regulation of the acid balance of the blood is carried out by external respiration. As pH decreases, breathing becomes deeper and more frequent, carbon dioxide is exhaled through the lungs more, and the acidity of the blood decreases. And vice versa, if at rest you take 20-30 quick deep breaths and exhalations and thus cause artificial alkalosis, then the respiratory center will turn off breathing, the CO2 concentration will increase, and the blood pH will return to the physiological norm.

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