Everything about why external hemorrhoids appear and how to properly treat them after childbirth and while breastfeeding a child

One of the common problems of women who have given birth is hemorrhoids after childbirth. The disease causes a lot of trouble: pain, bleeding, prolapse of nodes, severe itching. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician, the preferred directions are local conservative therapy and minimally invasive techniques.

After childbirth and during lactation

07/29/201807/30/2018 0 Comment

  • 1 Factors provocateurs
  • 2 Typical symptoms
  • 3 Features of conservative treatment 3.1 Ointments
  • 3.2 Candles
  • 4 Traditional medicine recipes
  • 5 Minimally invasive techniques
  • 6 Classic operation
  • 7 Diet and healthy lifestyle
  • 8 Possible complications
  • 9 Prevention measures
  • Factors provocateurs

    Even at the stage of bearing a child, the prerequisites for the formation of hemorrhoidal cones appear. Against the background of an increase in progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, the elasticity of the vascular wall decreases and blood flow slows down. In addition, the weight of the expectant mother and the volume of circulating blood increases. These reasons provoke the onset of the disease in the last trimester.

    Doctors identify the following factors that play a significant role in the development of pathology:

    • low fiber diet;
    • predominance of starchy and carbohydrate foods in the diet;
    • excess body weight of a pregnant woman;
    • tendency to constipation;
    • hormonal dysfunctions with hypersecretion of prolactin;
    • sedentary, predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

    When the period of pushing begins, the pressure in the pelvis increases sharply. The vessels of the rectum are compressed, venous blood stops flowing. It is at this moment that hemorrhoids appear or the size of the cones increases and the course worsens.

    How to prevent hemorrhoids from occurring

    Preventing hemorrhoids after childbirth is much easier than treating it. Therefore, try to follow these recommendations:

    • do not forget to drink clean water: during pregnancy, drink about one and a half liters of water, and during lactation - at least two liters per day;
    • eat rationally and try to include foods in your diet to soften and regularize your stool (vegetables, fruits, dairy products);
    • Give your body physical activity every day: if you can’t move very actively, just walk;
    • do Kegel exercises for the pelvic organs: they help strengthen the muscles of the vagina and anus, which will facilitate the birth process and prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids;
    • remember that if hemorrhoids occur once, under unfavorable circumstances, hemorrhoidal cones may appear again; Therefore, prevention should become the norm for you.

    Typical symptoms

    Depending on the location, cones can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids are considered the most severe in the postpartum period. Heals from one to several months after birth. It gives complications such as infection, fistula formation. The act of defecation in women in labor is accompanied by sharp, severe pain, which can last for several hours after bowel movement.

    External hemorrhoids, which are discovered immediately after childbirth, are less painful. The woman is troubled by bumps and bleeding, and constant urge.

    Both types of the disease are characterized by typical symptoms in women who have given birth:

    • burning, discomfort in the perianal area;
    • pain that appears with the onset of bowel movements;
    • bloody discharge from a few drops to 10 ml;
    • prolapse of hemorrhoids - sizes from 5 mm to 3 cm;
    • constant desire to empty the bowels;
    • presence of signs of local inflammation: redness, swelling;
    • local cracks ranging from 2 mm to 2 cm in length.

    What are postpartum hemorrhoids

    Postpartum hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectal area that occur in the early postpartum period. The appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth is the result of excessive accumulation and stagnation of blood in the veins, due to which they become deformed and take on the appearance of nodules or peculiar lumps. They can have different sizes and localization.

    Modern medicine adheres to two theories regarding the mechanism of development of hemorrhoids: vascular and mechanical. The first suggests that the expansion of hemorrhoids occurs as a result of reflux (reverse flow) of blood into the superior rectal vein, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity.

    According to the mechanical theory, pathology is formed due to the development of hypertrophy (pathological enlargement) of hemorrhoids with the appearance of damage in the vascular walls. Such changes get worse over time, which in turn can cause prolapse (protrusion) of the cones.

    Depending on the location of hemorrhoids relative to the anus, I distinguish two forms of the disease:

    • internal hemorrhoids – located inside the anal part of the rectum;
    • external hemorrhoids – located outside the anus.

    Features of conservative treatment

    The period after childbirth is special: the woman begins to feed the baby colostrum and milk. Elements of medications pass into breast milk in up to 90% of cases, which may be unsafe for the newborn. The doctor selects therapy individually, taking into account the severity, complications, and characteristics of the mother’s condition.

    The main emphasis in treatment is on normalizing nutrition. A properly formulated diet is beneficial for the baby’s recovery and growth. Local medications are selected from:

    • ointments;
    • creams;
    • gels;
    • candles;
    • solutions for sitz baths.

    Additionally, the woman in labor is recommended to take walks, exercise therapy, and a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.


    Not all ointments are approved for use while breastfeeding. The safest and least harmful include:

    1. "Relief Advance". Contains benzocaine and shark liver extract. Relieves inflammation, accelerates regeneration. Apply no more than 3-4 times a day.
    2. "Vishnevsky ointment". Contains xeroform, tar, castor oil. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it helps cope with fungi and bacteria.
    3. “Posterized.” Used in the treatment of external and internal nodes. Quickly eliminates pain, itching, burning.

    "Troxevasin" contains troxerutin, which has a positive effect on wall tone and reduces vascular permeability. It has an anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effect. With use, small and medium-sized cones dissolve. Therapy lasts 2 weeks. Apply a thin layer after bowel movement.

    “Heparin ointment” eliminates inflammatory and edematous manifestations. The main mechanism is blood thinning, strengthening hemorrhoidal vessels, preventing thrombus formation. Apply 2-3 times in a thin layer. The application site is washed in advance. Duration of therapy is up to 2 weeks.

    "Bezornil" is a complex drug with natural and synthetic components. Contains borneol, calamine, as well as musk, amber, and pearls. Has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect.


    In the treatment of hemorrhoids, suppositories are traditionally prescribed. They have a healing effect as quickly as possible. The most effective and safest drugs for women in labor are the following:

    • "Posterizan";
    • sea ​​buckthorn oil in the form of suppositories;
    • "Propolis DN";
    • "Natalsid";
    • "Neo-Anuzol";
    • "Anestezol";
    • "Procto-Glyvenol."

    Your doctor will help you choose the right drug. When prescribing, the severity of pain and local signs of inflammation are taken into account. The doctor pays attention to bleeding and infection.

    Relief suppositories relieve pain, improve blood flow and stimulate rapid healing. Eliminate inflammatory manifestations, promote rapid resorption of the contents of the nodes. Not contraindicated during breastfeeding. Active ingredients: shark liver extract, phenylarine. Injected into the rectum after each act of defecation.

    “Hepatrombin G” has three components: heparin resolves hemorrhoidal cones and blood clots inside them, prednisolone stops inflammation and eliminates swelling, polidocanol has an anesthetic effect. Prescribed for 7 days. The frequency of installation is 1–2 times a day.

    "Natalsid" is one of the safest remedies for b

    temporary. Quickly heals bumps, cracks, eliminates pain and inflammatory symptoms. Suppositories are administered 2 times a day.

    Sea buckthorn candles are made on the basis of natural, highly regenerative oil of sea buckthorn berries. Therapy lasts up to 4 weeks. Advantages of suppositories: safety, rapid healing, normalization of coagulation. Up to 4 candles are placed per day.

    "Procto-Glyvenol" is allowed during lactation. The main component is tribenoside. Reduces local inflammation, relieves swelling. Thanks to the lidocaine in the composition, it quickly relieves pain.

    “Ichthyol suppositories” disinfect and relieve pain. Used in complex therapy with ointments for severe inflammatory manifestations. The frequency of installation is 2 times a day (morning and evening).

    "Gepazolone" is an effective local drug. It is used even if blood clots have already formed. It is combined, contains heparin, prednisolone and the anesthetic lidocaine. Treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.


    Treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids can be carried out using conservative methods and surgery.

    How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth for a nursing mother:

    By taking medications orally. With this diagnosis, their action will be aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving venous circulation. Such drugs are prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the postpartum and lactation period.

    Through the use of medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth, which have a local effect: rectal suppositories, sitz baths, ointments, creams, microenemas, etc.

    Using traditional medicine methods. Such treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth is possible only in agreement with the attending physician.

    By following a special diet.

    Most often, when choosing medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth, experts give preference to rectal suppositories and ointments. This is due to the ease of use of this dosage form, high efficiency and minimal impact on the female body as a whole, which is important during lactation. For the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids, drugs are used whose main active ingredients are medicinal plants. They are not capable of harming a breastfed baby.

    Among the most effective means for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids, experts highlight the following:

    Ointments and suppositories "Relief". The action of these drugs is aimed at eliminating bleeding and other characteristic signs of hemorrhoids, such as itching, burning, pain. In addition, these drugs can relieve pain from hemorrhoids after childbirth, and also have an antiseptic effect, thereby preventing the development of the infectious process.

    Cream and rectal suppositories "Hepatrombin G". Used when thrombosis of hemorrhoids occurs. Such drugs can prevent the formation of new blood clots and help dissolve existing ones. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

    Heparin ointment. Helps reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and prevents the formation of blood clots.

    Vishnevsky ointment. The use of this drug for hemorrhoids eliminates swelling in the anorectal area, reduces the intensity of the development of the infectious process, speedy healing of damaged areas, reduces pain, and cleanses damaged skin of pus and dead particles.

    Fleming's ointment. It has local, venotonic, antibacterial, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Rectal suppositories and ointments "Posterizan". Promote healing of cracks, strengthening local immunity and reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process.

    Rectal suppositories and Procto-Glivenol cream. They have a healing effect on the walls and valve apparatus of venous vessels. They also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

    Rectal suppositories "Natalsid". Reduce the risk of bleeding. With regular use, suppositories have an intense effect on the healing process of damaged tissue.

    Rectal suppositories "Propolis DN". Prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

    Glycerin suppositories. Softens the stool. Used to prevent constipation in postpartum hemorrhoids.

    All these drugs are indicated for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids in women who are breastfeeding.
    For those mothers whose babies receive artificial nutrition, the attending physician may, at his discretion, expand the list of medications. Attention! Self-medication of postpartum hemorrhoids and illiterate selection of medications can cause significant damage to the health of the woman and her child.
    One of the main methods of alternative medicine in the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids is making rectal suppositories at home using medicinal plants (for example, propolis, sea buckthorn, etc.). Honey, potatoes, and lard can also be similar natural materials. When choosing folk remedies for treating postpartum hemorrhoids, you need to consult a doctor.

    Additionally, it is possible to use sitz baths or microenemas with the addition of medicinal herbs. During lactation, it is extremely undesirable to ingest various decoctions and infusions of herbs.

    When diagnosing “postpartum hemorrhoids,” doctors, in addition to the main treatment, recommend following a special diet that includes a menu rich in coarse dietary fiber. One of its functions in the human body is direct participation in the process of adsorption (concentration) of water in the intestines. If this mechanism proceeds without disturbances, feces will be excreted regularly, and the woman will not suffer from constipation.

    The following products are rich in fiber: cereal grains, oat, barley and corn flakes, whole grain cereals and coarse bread, beans, dried fruits, berries.

    Systematic consumption of mineral water has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity; if hemorrhoids enlarge, it is better to take moderately and highly mineralized water. Mineral waters containing magnesium and sulfate ions, for example, “Moskovskaya” and “Essentuki” have a particularly positive effect in the treatment of this pathology.

    What should a woman do with hemorrhoids after childbirth and constipation while breastfeeding? It is important to include foods that have a laxative effect in your daily diet. These include: prunes, olive oil, flax seeds, etc. But you should not take any medications that have a laxative effect without a special prescription from a doctor.

    Also, for the therapy to be more successful, you need to limit or completely abandon the consumption of the following products: smoked meat and fish products, fried foods, spices, chocolate, strong black tea, sweet carbonated drinks, table salt, strong drinks. Alcohol intake leads to dilation of the venous vessels of the rectum, which can aggravate the course of the disease. The use of hot spices provokes a sharp flow of blood to the vessels of the rectum, which may cause the progression of hemorrhoids.

    If conservative methods of treating postpartum hemorrhoids do not bring the desired result, then doctors recommend surgical correction of the pathology. There are several types of surgical treatment:

    Cryodestruction is the surgical removal of hemorrhoids using a cryoprobe, through which liquid nitrogen penetrates into the pathological area. Due to this, enlarged hemorrhoids freeze and die.

    Electrocoagulation is a minimally invasive method for treating postpartum hemorrhoids. Its essence is to remove hemorrhoids using electric current.

    Sclerotherapy is one of the methods of treating internal hemorrhoids. It is carried out using an anoscope, which allows illumination of the affected area. During the procedure, the specialist introduces a special substance that destroys the focus of pathological enlarged veins.

    Ligation with latex rings is a method of treating postpartum hemorrhoids, which involves placing a special latex ring on an enlarged hemorrhoid. It puts pressure on the hemorrhoid, preventing normal blood flow to the vessel. This leads to necrosis of the node, and after a few days it disappears.

    Hemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

    Can hemorrhoids go away on their own after childbirth? Of course, there are often cases when the disease disappears without the use of medications and other therapeutic procedures. However, if hemorrhoids appear, it is better not to wait and still consult a doctor in order to alleviate your condition and avoid the development of complications.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    At home you can prepare:

    1. Honey candles. Honey is poured into a candle mold and left in the freezer until frozen.
    2. Potato candles. A candle 4–5 cm long and 0.4–0.5 cm in diameter is cut out of peeled potatoes.
    3. Cold compresses. Ice from the freezer is wrapped in polyethylene, with a couple of layers of cotton fabric on top. Apply to the painful area for 1-2 minutes.
    4. Baths with potassium permanganate. Manganese is diluted in 3–5 liters of water until slightly pink in color.
    5. Ice candles made from herbal infusions. Chilled decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, oak) are poured into the mold. Put it in the freezer.

    Before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor. There are a number of contraindications:

    • increased individual sensitivity;
    • hemorrhoids with complications;
    • early postpartum period;
    • strangulations and thrombosis;
    • severe bleeding.

    Decoctions and infusions for internal use are not used during lactation. Alkaloids, saponins, glycosides can enter the blood and breast milk. This is dangerous for the baby.

    How to treat this disease?

    Most young mothers after childbirth and during lactation use suppositories and ointments. They are easy to use, quickly relieve the condition and are safe for the baby.


    Perhaps the most widely advertised and widespread drug for hemorrhoids. It contains shark liver extract. This natural component will quickly relieve pain and help cure the disease.
    The composition also contains vitamins, copper, zinc, iron. Such an extensive composition allows the drug to replace several other analogues. It is better to use “Relief” in a comprehensive manner - use both ointment and suppositories at once. For external open forms of hemorrhoids, you can use Relief applications. For this purpose, each package of the drug contains a rectal tip. Thanks to it, the ointment can be easily applied inside the rectum. This way recovery will come much faster.

    Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil

    This natural drug is preferred by many young mothers. Its most important advantage is 100% naturalness. This means no side effects other than allergies and personal intolerance to the component.
    The candle dissolves very quickly, so it is better to use them at night. Sea buckthorn suppositories will help quickly cure hemorrhoids and anal fissures. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Sea buckthorn suppositories prevent constipation. Suppositories can be used for prevention during the period of remission of the disease.


    This drug has an improved formula compared to Anuzol suppositories. It does not contain belladonna extract, and therefore it is completely safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    It contains zinc oxide, which has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Tannin has a tanning effect, and iodine acts as an antiseptic.

    Neo-Anuzol is safe to use and effective. Like any drug, it can cause allergic reactions. No other cases of side effects have been recorded.


    A special feature of the drug is that it contains inactivated E. coli cells. Thanks to this, there is no negative effect on the intestinal microflora. Rather, on the contrary, the drug activates local immunity.
    The use of suppositories increases the rate of wound healing and prevents infection. It is better to use it in combination - suppositories and ointments. This way the clinical effect will be achieved faster. Important: when treating with Posterisan, you cannot use other rectal suppositories. Otherwise, the ointments will deactivate each other and stop working.


    The main active ingredients of suppositories are Tribenoside and Lidocaine. Tribenoside increases vascular tone and fights inflammation. Lidocaine has an excellent analgesic effect.
    Due to its effectiveness and almost instant pain relief, the drug is very popular. Procto-Glyvenol is available in the form of ointments and suppositories. The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a physician.


    The main active ingredient Heparin prevents the formation of blood clots and reduces swelling.
    The ointments and suppositories also contain painkillers and antiallergic components. Gepatrombin-G is effective, but it must be used carefully. If you apply too many suppositories or ointments, tissue regeneration may slow down. Doctors prescribe this drug with caution during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, along with the drug Gepatrombin-G, there is Hepatrombin. Gepatrombin should absolutely not be used to treat hemorrhoids. Carefully check the packaging upon purchase and consult with your doctor before use.


    A natural product containing sodium alginate. This substance is obtained by processing kelp seaweed.
    Sodium alginate has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. An important component is hyaluronic acid. It regulates cell division and promotes active division of healthy rectal cells. Alginic acid in the composition envelops hemorrhoids and alleviates pain.

    Since the drug is completely natural, it is officially approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Its effectiveness and safety have been clinically proven.

    Minimally invasive techniques

    To treat women in labor in the early stages, minimally invasive techniques are prescribed. They are indicated in the absence of complications. Promote faster recovery than with the usual conservative approach.

    What minimally invasive methods are used:

    1. Infrared coagulation. A safe way for a nursing mother. The stalk of the cone is exposed to infrared radiation through a coagulator. The process lasts 5–10 minutes. One node is cauterized during one procedure. Do not carry out if the lump is localized near the dentate line.
    2. Radio wave technique. Has no contraindications for nursing mothers. A radio knife is used to excise cones. Dilated veins are removed using the Surgitron apparatus. The risk of bleeding and scarring is zero.
    3. Laser excision. It is performed under local anesthesia. The intervention lasts up to 10 minutes. After the procedure, the patient is discharged after a couple of hours.
    4. Sclerotherapy. A chemical sclerosant is used to sclerose the leg. In the initial stages it gives a positive result in 90% of cases. With the second degree, the effect is in 60% of cases.
    5. Alloying - tightening the leg of the knot with an elastic band until it dries completely. Conducted with latex rings at stages I–III of the disease. One leg is ligated in one session. Repeated procedures are carried out after two weeks.

    Minimally invasive techniques have contraindications for use: strangulation, thrombosis, severe stage, nonspecific colitis, proctitis and paraproctitis.

    Use of ointments and suppositories, list and their characteristics

    Medicines for hemorrhoids should not only relieve pain, relieve inflammation, reduce itching and irritation, stop bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also not contain elements that can penetrate into the blood and breast milk. The following ointments (creams) have these properties:

  • Troxevasin, the use of which is relevant for external hemorrhoids. Its effect is reduced to venoprotective, strengthening the network of small blood vessels, relieving inflammation, and also reducing itching with swelling,
  • Relief containing shark liver (oil) with benzocaine. When treating hemorrhoids, these substances stop inflammatory processes, heal wounds, eliminate pain, and also have an anesthetic effect. The product can be used for all forms of hemorrhoids,
  • Bezornil, including elements of musk (artificial), borneol, amber, pearls, artificial bezoar, zinc carbonate. The list of its actions includes the properties of pain relief, regeneration and decongestion, and this ointment also prevents bleeding.
  • The following ointments also have a similar effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids with a minimal set of contraindications: Fleming, Vishnevsky, ichthyol and heparin.

    As for safe rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, they are presented:

    • Candles with sea buckthorn oil, which are the most popular due to their effectiveness. They have the following effects: regenerative, anti-inflammatory, healing, reducing itching. The use of this suppository is relevant for internal hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and ulcers,

    Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth with suppositories with sea buckthorn oil

    • Hepatrombin, containing the substances heparin, polidocanol and prednisolone acetate. Suppositories in the treatment of hemorrhoids help avoid itching, swelling, blood clots, help reduce inflammation and strengthen vascular walls. This effect is possible due to the properties of heparin to dissolve already formed blood clots, prevent new ones and sclerose dilated anorectal veins, accelerating their healing. Prednisolone relieves swelling with itching, and polidocanol relieves pain,
    • Natalsid, including a polysaccharide (extract from seaweed). These suppositories are distinguished by their hemostatic and reparative effects, relieve inflammation and relieve disturbing symptoms. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, with severe bleeding and cracks in the rectal canal, as well as during complications (proctosigmoiditis).

    Depending on the stage of development of hemorrhoids and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, Procto-Glivenol, Posterizan, Relief or suppositories with calendula may also be prescribed.

    Classic operation

    Surgical treatment is performed when conservative therapy is ineffective. As a rule, these are severe extreme cases, since the operation negatively affects lactation.

    Indications for classical hemorrhoidectomy:

    • continuous massive bleeding from the nodes;
    • Stage IV of the disease;
    • deterioration in the form of an increase in the size of the cones;
    • sharp intractable pain syndrome;
    • severe infection and local inflammation;
    • increasing anemia;
    • prolapse of veins with each bowel movement.

    During the intervention, the leg of the node is sutured, external and internal cones are removed.

    At the time of surgical treatment, the baby is transferred to artificial formula for 2 weeks. Anesthesia drugs cause complications in infants.

    Diet for hemorrhoids

    To get rid of pain from hemorrhoids after childbirth, you must adhere to a proper diet.

    First, a woman should get plenty of fiber. Secondly, it is necessary to forget once and for all about spicy and fatty foods, which only aggravate the situation and interfere with the treatment process. It is necessary to include rice and buckwheat cereals, fermented milk products. It is necessary to ensure that the quality of a nursing woman’s milk does not deteriorate. Doctors will help you create a nutrition plan to avoid worsening hemorrhoids after childbirth.

    It is important to remember that when treating such a serious disease as hemorrhoids, especially after pregnancy, you must consult a doctor. Only he can draw up a treatment plan and prescribe the necessary medications.

    Diet and healthy lifestyle

    Proper nutrition is something that should be followed during therapy. A diet is prescribed with a high content of fresh vegetables and fruits. But they take into account that the woman is feeding the baby.

    What's on the menu:

    • porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet;
    • salads from carrots, boiled beets, with the addition of oils (olive, flaxseed);
    • baked fruits and vegetables: pumpkin, apples, quince;
    • low-fat meat and vegetable soups;
    • dietary meat: rabbit, turkey, veal;
    • dairy products;
    • drinks: compotes, carrot-apple juice, green tea, still mineral water;
    • fiber from flax, oats, amaranth for adding to first and second courses.

    You can't eat cabbage, radishes, radishes. These vegetables contain coarse fiber and can cause excessive gas formation and lead to deterioration. Exclude from the diet:

    • citrus fruit;
    • confectionery and baked goods made from white flour;
    • spicy and salty foods;
    • smoked meats and sweets;
    • carbonated drinks, coffee;
    • chocolate products and high-calorie desserts.

    You should give up bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, coffee.

    Walking is important. Patients are recommended to do Kegel exercises. Classes are held regularly 1-2 times a day for 10 minutes.

    Set of exercises:

    1. Cat. Standing in a knee-elbow position, bend your back like a cat.
    2. Scissors. Raise the lower limbs at an angle of 45°. They separate and bring together.
    3. Birch. Raise the pelvis and torso to a vertical position. Hold as much as possible.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth

    This disease should not be ignored or left untreated, assuming that the symptoms will disappear on their own over time. Another dangerous fact is that if the hemorrhoid is located inside the anus, bleeding may occur. For a woman who has recently given birth, this condition is dangerous, as it provokes the occurrence of anemia against the background of natural postpartum anemia.

    If the symptoms of the disease are too pronounced and cause significant inconvenience, then it is advisable to consult a proctologist.

    However, to prevent the situation from worsening, a young mother should adhere to some recommendations that will help reduce the manifestations of hemorrhoids after childbirth. First of all, it is important to streamline your diet and regimen to prevent constipation. To do this, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and freshly squeezed juices every day. Daily walks and gymnastics will also help to avoid constipation.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth involves the use of some specially designed drugs - mainly ointments and suppositories. But a nursing mother should take into account that she cannot use medications without a doctor’s prescription, as they can affect the composition of the milk.

    Thus, the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth is divided into several stages, depending on how severe the degree of the disease is. Initially, ointments, tablets, and suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth are used to relieve swelling, restore tissue and provide analgesic effects.

    The next step in helping to get rid of this unpleasant disease is the correct approach to nutrition to ensure normal metabolic processes in the body and regular daily bowel movements. high-fiber diet for a while After childbirth, many women have problems with bowel movements, and frequent constipation provokes an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The diet should not contain spicy, sour, salty foods that irritate the areas affected by hemorrhoids.

    The next stage in the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth is the regular performance of special therapeutic exercises, which the doctor will tell the woman about. It is equally important to try to make your lifestyle as active as possible, so it is best to walk a lot with your baby, rather than sit on a bench with a stroller. When sitting, especially for a long time, the pressure on the anus increases significantly, and as a result the condition worsens. Kegel exercises have a very good effect. They strengthen the muscles around the anus and also improve blood flow in the rectal area. In women who regularly perform these exercises, hemorrhoids very rarely appear again. Such exercises consist of three parts. Initially, you need to slowly squeeze the muscles of the perineum, then count to three and completely relax. The next stage is rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles. Next comes the pushing stage, for which you need to moderately push down. Such training should be done five times a day, repeating each stage ten times. Over time, the number of approaches should be increased to thirty per day.

    There are some effective traditional medicine recipes that can be used to treat postpartum hemorrhoids. To prepare a solution for douching, you need to take three heads of fresh garlic, chop them and pour one glass of hot milk. This mixture needs to be boiled and, after cooling to room temperature, douched with it before going to bed. After about the fifth use of this mixture, relief should occur.

    You can also prepare a solution for steam baths. To do this, you need to take four onions and pour one liter of milk over them, without cutting or peeling them beforehand. The onions need to be boiled in milk for an hour until the liquid turns pink. After this, use it for steam baths, which should last ten minutes. This method effectively helps get rid of external nodes and also heals cracks in the anus.

    If all of these methods do not bring results, and the woman’s condition does not improve, then surgery is possible. But to prevent this extreme method, treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth should begin as early as possible. This operation is not traumatic and is performed very quickly.

    Possible complications

    A woman who has given birth is contraindicated to self-medicate hemorrhoids. Due to improper therapy, the following complications arise:

    • infection progressing to paraproctitis;
    • formation of cracks and fistulas;
    • purulent inflammation;
    • significant chronic blood loss;
    • resistant anemia.

    In addition, when self-medicating there is a high risk of harming the baby. Pharmacological elements and infection enter the blood, and from there into breast milk.

    The main reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth

    It is not possible to determine the exact cause that led to the formation of hemorrhoidal cones. Most often, a woman already has this disease, but it manifests itself after childbirth due to a whole range of reasons:

    • increased intra-abdominal pressure of the growing uterus,
    • increased pressure in the sealed abdominal cavity during pushing, which promotes deflation of the anorectal veins,
    • increased body weight, which means increased stress on the body,
    • limited physical activity,
    • constipation,
    • compression of the anorectal veins by the huge uterus and stagnation of blood in them.

    Labor as a cause of the development of hemorrhoids
    All these causes are characteristic of late pregnancy (2nd trimester and beyond) and labor itself.

    Important! Signs of hemorrhoids may not appear during pregnancy or even a few days after birth, but may appear as early as a week later.

    If you do not do anything when you suspect hemorrhoids, then there is a high probability of developing complications:

    • increasing bleeding from hemorrhoidal cones can lead to anemia, which, due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, is fraught with weakness, dizziness, increased fatigue and decreased breast milk production,
    • characteristic of the late stages of development of the disease, prolapse of hemorrhoids, when they can no longer straighten on their own, leads to their inflammation and necrosis, then necrosis spreads to neighboring tissues and begins to poison the entire body with toxins,
    • further development of hemorrhoids is fraught with the formation, in addition to the hemorrhoidal lump (nodule), of internal anal fissures, which tend to constantly bleed under the influence of feces, which leads to infection in the blood.

    Prevention measures

    Preventive measures help prevent the development of pathology. During pregnancy, adhere to the following recommendations:

    • long walks from 1 to 2 hours;
    • compliance with the basics of intimate hygiene;
    • therapy for constipation and stool constipation;
    • treatment of cracks;
    • proper diet with fresh vegetables and herbs, fruits and berries;
    • drinking water, compotes, so that the total volume of liquid is at least 1.5 liters per day;
    • avoidance of black tea and coffee drinks.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out comprehensively. Nursing mothers adhere to a healthy diet, apply topical ointments and suppositories, which are selected by the attending physician. To completely get rid of the disease, to avoid thrombosis, strangulation, bleeding, consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease.

    Causes of hemorrhoids and its symptoms

    Exacerbation of the problem after childbirth is primarily associated with decreased tone and weak intestinal motility. Because of this, the previously mildly manifested hemorrhoidal node increases in size and becomes inflamed.

    Signs of hemorrhoids:

    1. Feeling of heaviness in the anal area.
    2. Sensation of a foreign body in the rectum.
    3. Presence of blood in stool.
    4. Itching.
    5. Painful bowel movement.

    At the first signs of hemorrhoids, you should consult a doctor! Only a doctor will be able to draw up the correct treatment plan and select the required dosage of drugs. There are several main types of treatment for hemorrhoids: conservative and surgical. The first involves the use of medications (ointments, tablets, suppositories). The second requires an operation to eliminate hemorrhoids. Of course, the simplest and least painful way is conservative treatment. But you can also relieve pain from hemorrhoids using products sold in pharmacies.

    Nowadays, there are a huge number of suppositories, ointments, tablets that help relieve pain in this pathology and speed up healing. Don’t forget about folk remedies: they are also quite effective. Among other things, proper nutrition and a special diet play an important role in treatment. Hemorrhoids after childbirth can become a big problem.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids accompanied by slight bleeding

    To cope with the disease, it is important to find the right method of dealing with it. Some people benefit from diets and suppositories, while others need surgery.

    At the first manifestations of the disease, you must adhere to simple rules of nutrition and hygienic care.

    Diet food

    Review your diet by eliminating everything fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, as well as desserts, coffee and alcohol.

    The daily diet should include cereals (with the exception of semolina, rice and corn), soups with a mucous consistency, stale or dried bread, lean meat or dietary fish, steamed, drinking plenty of fluids (decoctions of berries and herbs, non-acidic natural juices).

    Taking cool baths

    As a bath, it is best to use decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory or astringent effects - chamomile, calendula, oak bark.

    The decoction for each procedure must be freshly prepared and sufficiently cooled. You need to sit in it every day for 10-15 minutes. As an alternative to baths, wiping the anus with a piece of ice is used.

    Replacing toilet paper by flushing

    Since the main reason for non-healing of erosion in the anus is the entry of feces into the wound, they must be disposed of after each act of defecation by regular washing.

    Use of topical medications

    Ointments and suppositories will not cure on their own if the disease is advanced and progresses. But if used regularly at the initial stage, they can help.

    A good remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids is suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

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