How to get gastritis and go to hospital

How not to get gastritis?

If you experience discomfort and stomach pain after eating, you should consult a doctor.
You may have gastritis, a rather unpleasant disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As a result, food digestion deteriorates, weakness, fatigue and general intoxication of the body are observed. Gastritis can be acute or chronic. An acute disease first appears suddenly and has clearly defined symptoms; they cannot be confused with the first signs of appendicitis or other diseases. If you have not completed the full course of treatment or continue to abuse unwanted products or lead an unhealthy lifestyle, the disease can become chronic. Chronic gastritis is sluggish and leads to serious disorders.

What causes the disease?

There are several factors that provoke gastritis.


In the first place is
poor nutrition
. Most often, people who eat a lot of spicy and salty foods and like very hot dishes are susceptible to this disease. Eating dry food and irregular meals also negatively affect the condition of our gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors' advice is quite simple. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, which means eating rationally and nutritiously. Excessively fatty and fried foods, fresh baked goods, chocolate and sweets, fruits with rough skin (for example, grapes), and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. Give preference to boiled potatoes, sweet apples, and bananas. Porridge has a good effect on the gastric mucosa, especially oatmeal porridge.

Dairy products are indicated for patients with high acidity. The substances that make up milk neutralize the effect of gastric juice on the mucous membranes and reduce heartburn. Rabbit meat is preferable among meat products; it is easily digestible and does not burden the stomach. In addition, it increases the body's endurance and performance. Do not forget that you must eat 4-5 times a day, no less.


The cause of the disease can be various
infections of the oral cavity
: inflamed tonsils, teeth affected by caries.

In this case, it is imperative to undergo examination by appropriate doctors, eliminate the original cause, and then treat the existing disease. Ideally, a dental examination should be performed every six months.


Diseases and
infections of the gastrointestinal tract
can also trigger an attack of gastritis.

Therefore, at the first signs of illness, immediately contact specialists who can correctly diagnose and begin treatment.


use of certain medications
(most antibiotics, drugs containing aspirin) leads to damage to the gastric mucosa.

You should not abuse medications and prescribe them yourself. After all, trying to cure one disease, you cause irreparable harm to other organs and systems.

5. Stress and unhealthy lifestyle

, the presence of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

In this case, you must completely reconsider your outlook on life and try to get rid of bad habits. If your work is associated with constant nervous tension, then you should think about changing jobs.


In some cases, gastritis is caused by
the bacterium Helicobacter pylori
. This requires serious treatment aimed at fighting the infection.

At the very first signs of ailments associated with the digestive tract, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Quick and competent treatment is very effective and allows you to avoid serious problems. It is advisable to monitor your health and undergo a full medical examination once a year.

How do you earn gastritis?

— Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Most often, gastritis does not manifest itself in any way and is asymptomatic. But during gastroscopy, the doctor sees changes in the wall of the stomach, and a biopsy allows you to examine inflammatory cells under a microscope. The main cause of gastritis is the Helicobacter bacterium, which destroys the mucus on the surface of the stomach. Because of this, the acid begins to damage its wall. Helicobacter was discovered in 1982 by Australian scientists, for which they received the Nobel Prize.

The development of gastritis can be influenced by painkillers (almost everything except paracetamol) and smoking. Alcohol abuse can cause toxic gastritis. Much less common is autoimmune gastritis, when one’s own antibodies damage the cells of the stomach. If you are rarely bothered by stomach pain with gastritis, should you pay attention to the disease? Need to. Gastritis and related ulcers can be a source of bleeding and other complications.

Gastritis, especially caused by Helicobacter, is accompanied by mucosal atrophy and can lead to stomach cancer. Destroying Helicobacter significantly reduces this risk.

Alcohol abuse can cause toxic gastritis

Tips on how to get gastritis: act on the contrary

If you are thinking about how to get gastritis, immediately sweep bad thoughts aside. There are people who supposedly need to get sick. But solving your problems by harming your own body is absolutely not worth it. Knowing how you can quickly get gastritis, it’s easy to act on the contrary. After reading the information in the article, you will understand what not to do and what situations should be avoided.

In order not to get gastritis, it is worth considering the reasons for its occurrence.

What can gastritis lead to?

Without timely and complete treatment, gastritis can cause gastric and duodenal ulcers, polyps or gastric bleeding. Some forms of chronic gastritis increase the risk of stomach cancer, especially with extensive thinning of the gastric mucosa and accompanying changes in the cells of the mucosa. Changes in the activity of the liver and pancreas are possible. Chronic gastritis weakens the body's resistance to diseases, so there is a risk of developing hepatitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, and cholecystitis. The patient may develop vitamin deficiency, intestinal dysbiosis, and anemia.





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Main Factors

On the one hand, these recommendations talk about harmful effects on the body. They usually give advice on how to live, eat and lead a healthy lifestyle. But it is also important for a person to know what risks follow him in everyday life, what is best avoided and what should be given up. Yes, one day you can treat yourself to something not so healthy. But you cannot turn this into a habit and a norm of life.

The main sources of the disease, or factors that lead to gastritis, are:

  • life of a student;
  • spicy food;
  • bad habits;
  • psychological aspects;
  • medications;
  • personal hygiene.

All this can potentially be harmful if you do not follow the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. To help you better understand what we are talking about, we will consider each factor separately.

Life of a student

An interesting fact is that many people get gastritis while studying at an institute or university. This is due to the lifestyle that a person leads after leaving his home. Nobody argues that living independently teaches you a lot. But it should be done correctly. The following factors lead to gastritis in students and people living like this.

  1. Schedule and protracted couples. You have to get up early, so students are too lazy to have a full breakfast. Then classes last 6–8 hours. During breaks, they only have enough for coffee and some bread from the canteen. Many people don't eat at all. Dry food, fasting and overeating after couples lead to the development of gastritis. You won’t earn it in 1 day, but at this rate, expect stomach problems in the first semester.
  2. Dining room. If a student cannot cook for himself, he eats in the cafeteria. Moreover, high-quality canteens are a rare phenomenon. The food there is of dubious origin and far from ideally prepared. Such food disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Dormitory. There are no conditions here to devote even an hour to cooking. Need it quickly and nutritiously. That’s why all kinds of semi-finished products are used. You are well aware of the consequences of such a diet.
  4. Session. The most stressful period in a student’s life is when he doesn’t sleep, gets ready, eats whatever comes to hand and drinks a huge amount of coffee in order to stay awake. Plus, some people drink energy drinks. They are already harmful, and on an empty stomach they instantly destroy the mucous membrane.
  5. Hot food. Students, like many other people, do not have time to wait for food to reach the optimal temperature. They drink hot drinks, eat hot food, and often add spices to make it spicy. A great way to quickly earn yourself gastritis with all the ensuing consequences.

How to get a stomach ulcer in the shortest possible time: bad advice

A stomach ulcer is a chronic disease associated with damage to the gastric mucosa. Often accompanied by severe pain. And if you don’t get treatment in time and don’t go on a diet, you can progress the disease to an extremely deplorable state. How can you get an ulcer? More on this below.

Not eating right

In case of illness, a therapeutic diet is prescribed. This means that you will have to give up your favorite spicy, salty, smoked, pickled dishes and fast food. But this is not for us. We asked ourselves the question of how to get an ulcer. Therefore, you need to eat in such a way as to reach this goal.

  1. We eat fast food. In unlimited quantities. And wash it down with sweet soda. The ulcer will be very happy about such a reverent attitude towards the stomach and will quickly visit it.
  2. Don't forget about smoked meats.
  3. The fattier the dish, the more beneficial it is for the stomach.
  4. We eat marinades in large quantities. Possible daily. No bread or side dish.
  5. We put hot spices in all dishes. The more the better for our purpose.
  6. Be sure to eat foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. We do not disdain them.
  7. It should be remembered that an ulcer occurs only after gastritis and gastroduodenitis appear. Therefore, if doctors make any of these diagnoses, there is no need to listen to them. Follow a diet? Fi, what else. We continue to eat everything and more.
  8. We don’t neglect strong coffee and tea. Especially tea with lemon.
  9. We lean on citrus fruits. They are useful in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with strong coffee.
  10. Don't forget about baked goods, muffins and sweets. We eat fresh white bread, pies and buns. Chocolates, marmalade and other goodies. We can't live without them, right?

We are for an unhealthy lifestyle

All gastroenterologists, when treating the gastrointestinal tract, unanimously advise leaving bad habits in the past. Alcohol and smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and the abuse of junk food are directions for getting an ulcer and more.

However, we are firmly focused on getting stomach ulcers quickly. And we will not listen to specialists in white coats. Nobody forbids their vision on this matter. We continue to eat everything and also follow the following recommendations:

  1. A candidate for peptic ulcer disease should definitely continue to smoke if he has this habit. And the more cigarettes he smokes a day, the better. And for the stomach, and for the pancreas, and for the lungs.
  2. Smoked ribs, croutons, chips, etc. are very tasty. And it tastes twice as good with beer. The future patient should not limit himself in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  3. In case of gastric ulcer, abdominal injuries are unacceptable. But anyone thinking about how to quickly get an ulcer should not pay attention to this. Continue to pump up your abs, play sports, focusing on your stomach. And if there is a possibility of injuring him, then that’s a good thing.

Doctors are lying

Does a gastroenterologist persistently recommend changing your lifestyle? Should I give up cigarettes and stop actively eating forbidden foods? He's lying. He doesn't care about the patient's health. All recommendations are for reporting purposes only. You don't need to listen to anyone. It is worth pursuing your goal to understand exactly how stomach ulcers are caused. And in general, visiting doctors is not in our case.

My stomach hurts

Does your stomach feel a little tight? Don't pay attention and don't take medications. We continue to follow the plan on how to get a stomach ulcer.

Is the pain getting worse? Well, okay. We don’t pay attention and eat our favorite delicacies, washing down with coffee.


The pain is so strong that you want to howl like a wolf and climb the wall? Accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea or constipation? It's OK. Let's rest for a couple of days without taking any food. Because this cannot be done from pain.

And as soon as he lets go, we will continue our fascinating tour on the topic of how to get an ulcer. We don’t change our diet, we don’t lag behind coffee and cigarettes.

Everything is very bad

What if two or three days after the crisis, nothing has changed? Yes, and vomiting blood was added. And the pain is absolutely excruciating. Congratulations, you've almost reached the goal of how to get an ulcer.

Of course, in this case you need to call an ambulance. And go to the hospital for a couple of weeks. In the department, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, eat according to the diet and don’t be capricious. Do not ask loving family and friends to bring rich soup, stewed potatoes with meat and more instant coffee. So that the evil doctor does not see and scold.

But when they are discharged, then your stomach will go to heaven. We forget how seriously we shook our heads while listening to the doctor. How they ate everything pureed, in microscopic portions and 6 times a day. We throw away all the brochures on proper nutrition that were provided at the hospital. We continue to eat as before, despite the protests of our household. They don't understand anything about this matter. Just like doctors.

Tips for students

If you are a student, then the possibility of developing stomach problems is quite high. Students are always hungry people, rushing to lectures. I ate some dubious pie or a pack of chips on the run, and that’s it – I’m full. What do students need to know to be sure to get an ulcer?

  1. The dining room must be neglected. And if you go there, then buy the cheapest salad, preferably spicy, and a bottle of sparkling water. Ideally, sweet.
  2. Forget about first courses. They are expensive, at least in student canteens, and you never know what they are made of. Better than a salad with spices - more benefits.
  3. For those who live there, eat instant noodles in the hostel. And what? Fast, tasty, and most importantly, with such nutrition it becomes obvious how to get a stomach ulcer.
  4. If you are completely tired of noodles, you can go home for the weekend. And take a jar of homemade marinades from your mother or grandmother. For example, pickled tomatoes or cucumbers with bread are extremely tasty.
  5. It would be good to drink coffee on an empty stomach. A bite with a cigarette, for students who smoke. If the “martyr of science” is not friends with the “health stick,” then you can simply drink strong black coffee without sugar.
  6. If you begin to experience stomach pain, continue to lead your usual lifestyle. Ignore the painful sensations.

We are soldiers, we are not to blame

How to quickly get an ulcer in the army? It is even easier for soldiers to do this than for students.

Firstly, eat only main courses. The first is not to take or give to a friend. And wash down your food.

If it is possible to drink coffee, as in the advice to students, service members can be advised to drink it on an empty stomach, without milk or sugar.

Be sure to start smoking. Even if you've never tried it. Cigarettes are our everything in order to get an answer to the question “how to get a stomach ulcer in the army.”

When parents come, and in some parts you can go at least every week, ask them to bring more food from a rather famous “restaurant” with a picture of a clown. And eat this food all week. Until their next visit.

Do you have the opportunity to go to the store? Buy a beer and enjoy your freedom properly. And it will come to an ulcer faster, and the foreman will come to the fullest. Double benefits for the body.

Are you experiencing stomach pain? Stay silent and continue moving towards your goal. Even when it’s already completely unbearable. Even if he lost consciousness from pain. Well, then the comrades will intervene and the foreman will pump it out.


We found out how to get an ulcer. What are the consequences of this disease? Pain in the stomach, sometimes so strong that a person loses consciousness. Constantly taking medications and consulting a gastroenterologist. This is for those who want to live. Oh yes, by the way. The ulcer is fatal if its progress is not stopped in time.

For those who are determined to pursue their goal until victory, there is good news. An ulcer can cause stomach cancer. Which is then amputated. Not completely, of course. They will leave 1/5 of the total volume. And you will have to eat your favorite food in very tiny portions.

If you continue to eat your usual food, then at some point your stomach will not stand it. And music will play in the house, which the sick person will not hear. But these are such trifles, he achieved his goal.

By the way, death from cancer is very painful. Especially when painkillers stop helping. Therefore, it is worth thinking about whether it is really necessary to develop an ulcer in order to then die in terrible agony?

Have you changed your mind?

Have you decided that you don’t need to get the answer to the question of how to get an ulcer through your own experience? Perfect solution.

To prevent stomach-related diseases, you should listen to the recommendations of doctors:

  1. Proper nutrition is one of the first steps to avoiding diseases.
  2. Let's leave bad habits in the past.
  3. Less stress and worries.

These are the three “Atlantas” on which the health of the gastrointestinal tract is based.

Let's summarize

So, we looked at the possibility of getting a stomach ulcer. What is needed for this, remember?

  1. Irregular meals. Eating large amounts of fast food, smoked meats, marinades and pickles. The ulcer also loves spicy foods.
  2. You should only drink strong black coffee and black tea with lemon. Do not add sugar or milk to these drinks. Don't forget about sweet soda, it will help the ulcer to attack the stomach faster. Especially in combination with fast food.
  3. Forget about avoiding stress and hassle. To freak out and worry as much as possible.
  4. In times of stress, it would be good to smoke. And drink a cup of coffee and a cigarette.
  5. There will be alcoholic drinks! Drink beer in unlimited quantities, snack on chips, crackers and other goodies.
  6. Continue to engage in sports that can injure your stomach. Or start doing it.
  7. After gastritis or gastroduodenitis appears, do not pay attention to the doctor’s recommendations. Continue your normal lifestyle. Diet and giving up bad habits? Did not hear.
  8. The ulcer has finally found its owner. The desired goal has been achieved. Now you need to hold on during times of severe pain and not go to the hospital for examination.

If you don’t want to get gastritis, then what should you eat?

I want to go to the gym twice, to tone up my abs and butt.

but I eat tightly

What can you not eat and what should you eat to prevent gastritis? If you have everything, but not in large quantities, not a lot of sweets, will there be any effect or not. I like to eat sweets, I don’t know what to do with it, maybe eat more fruits. Tell me what to do? How to eat? I just want to tighten my figure and eat without gaining weight

Gastritis usually appears due to nervousness and poor nutrition. Those. irregular nutrition, excessive consumption of spicy, salty, fatty, very sour foods. Precisely excessive. Do not indulge in smoked foods and alcohol.

The main prevention is split meals in small portions, 4 or even better 5 times a day. Excluding very sour and very spicy foods. If you have gastritis, you should not go hungry or skip meals; this is the worst thing. You can eat porridges, including oatmeal (slime), fruits and vegetables, boiled meat or boiled fish, soups are a wonderful thing. The main thing is not to overeat. A little sweet is also ok.

The worst foods for weight gain are sweets, which contain both a lot of sugar and fat, which makes them high in calories. For example, cakes with rich cream. You can at least partially try to replace such sweets with dried fruits or just fruits (they have no fat at all).

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach. It is caused by the bacterium Elicobacter pylori, which can be picked up very often due to poor hygiene: poorly washed dishes, drunken drinks or a savory kiss with a loved one. Also, the cause of inflammation of the gastric epithelium is irregular meals, when the release of hydrochloric acid on an empty stomach corrodes its walls, and they become vulnerable to the activity of Elicobacter pylori. There is a breath test and gastroscopy to determine its presence in the body. Then you need to take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. You can eat white cabbage more often if it is well tolerated by the body.

There is gastritis with high acidity. One of its symptoms is frequent heartburn. In this case, you should avoid acidic foods, such as apples and cranberries.

In the case of gastritis with low acidity, one of the symptoms of which is bloating, you can add 5% apple or grape cider vinegar to food as a seasoning.

There is Essentuki mineral water for both types of gastritis. Beware of fakes (type a question on this topic in the search). Taking some spices - coriander, anise, cardamom, turmeric will also help stimulate weak digestion. Avoid too rough plant foods. It is better to bake or steam vegetables. This way you will retain nutrients and soften coarse fiber.

In both cases, you should not overuse smoked, fried, salted foods. If you also pursue the goal of losing extra pounds, then you should not overuse sweet fruits, especially grapes. They have a relatively high glycemic index, and if you take them with a protein food, such as yogurt, to slow their absorption, they can begin to ferment in the body. Still, fruits are a good alternative when you really want something sweet. The main thing is to know when to stop and listen to your body, since everyone has their own metabolic characteristics.

How does chronic and acute gastritis occur? Causes

Gastritis comes in different types and types, but they are all accompanied by increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice. Some foods can provoke an increase or decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. It is difficult to independently determine the type and stage of gastritis, so you should definitely go to a gastroenterologist who will help you choose the right treatment and create a diet.

Where does chronic gastritis come from?

Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the inner lining of the stomach. Very often, patients ask the same question - where does it come from? There are several types of gastritis. However, the most common are chronic and acute gastritis.

In case of a mild attack of acute gastritis, treatment can be carried out using non-prescription medications in the antacid category. These are medications that counteract and neutralize acid, which contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa.

All measures taken only allow you to gain a little time, and do not prevent a serious illness. An attack of acute gastritis is an extremely dangerous condition, in some cases requiring urgent hospitalization of the patient. And the specialist will not only examine and make his diagnosis, but also prescribe the necessary medications.

Poor hygiene

Among the causes of acute gastritis, malnutrition is primarily identified. The main enemies of the stomach are the harmful goodies that we love to pamper ourselves with: carbonated drinks, spicy, salty, fried foods, strong coffee, alcohol. Fasting and overeating also do not benefit the gastric mucosa, as do seasonings with a pronounced taste, such as mustard, vinegar, and pepper.

Some spices contain vitamins and minerals that aid digestion. How to prepare a medicinal product from them? First, take fennel seeds, cardamom and cinnamon in equal quantities. Then fry them for 30 seconds in a dry frying pan and then grind them into powder. Take 1 teaspoon after meals.

Did you know that papaya seeds are very good for your stomach? They owe this to the fact that they contain papain. This is an enzyme that helps break down protein obtained from food and also neutralizes stomach acid. Therefore, this fruit is especially recommended for gastritis.


To reap all the benefits of papaya, remove the seeds and dry them in the sun. Then grind into powder in a mortar. When gastritis is particularly bothering you, eat a slice of pineapple sprinkled with papaya seed powder for breakfast. This will bring immediate relief.

Biochemical tests can detect deficiencies in serum albumin, which plays a key role in nutritional assessment and is an indicator of protein deficiency. It is also advisable to perform a complete blood test to count white and red blood cells, platelets, and hematological parameters - which will allow you to monitor the course of the disease and make appropriate adjustments to your diet.

student life

As they say in a popular joke, if you want to develop depression, impaired vision, cirrhosis of the liver, a curved spine and gastritis in the shortest possible time, feel free to enter universities. It is known that in every joke there is only a part of the joke, the rest is true. The rhythm of life of modern students is too stressful. It’s not surprising to earn a diploma over the years of study, while at the same time taking a large bouquet of all kinds of sores. And in 4-5 years.

We list effective ways to get gastritis as a student:

  1. Irregular schedule and class schedule. The university education system often provides for 4-5 years of study. Teachers and deans are trying to cram into the allotted hours a program that previously students had to master for a long time. Students have a lot of pairs a day. Classes start at 8, end at 1 pm, 3, even 6 pm. If students are not used to getting up early, they try to sleep longer before classes. They skip breakfast and have a snack at the university, usually dry food. They finish their studies late and upon returning home eat unhealthy food, instant packages, and fast food. It happens that they don’t eat at all, devoting the remaining time to preparing for the next classes. This way to earn gastritis is very convenient and does not require extra time or money.
  2. Student canteen. Delicious healthy food in student canteens is only found in fairy tales. Such cases come across extremely rarely. The lower the prestige of the establishment, the more often the food is cold, undercooked, undercooked, undersalted, etc. Future specialists have to chew a tasteless substance. There is no other choice, but an excellent way to quickly get gastritis has become known, especially considering that students often do not have time for normal nutrition.
  3. Dormitories. A sure-fire way to enjoy the eerie delights of digestive disease. Student dormitories are rarely conducive to eating pickles and proper food. If you eat processed foods every day, there is a high risk of damage to the gastric mucosa. The process is not fast, but it is correct.
  4. Session. During the session, the student is as focused and tense as possible. As you know, severe tension and stress provoke many different diseases. There will be practically no time left for normal nutrition. Endless cups of coffee will do their dirty work. True, to get gastritis, the drink will need to be consumed in liters. Caffeine is irritating to the gastric mucosa. The method is not entirely reliable, but you should not rule out the method ahead of time.
  5. Poor nutrition. The risk of gastritis is present at any age. For example, food at inappropriate temperatures becomes a factor that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Pour hot soup or borscht, and mechanical damage to the gastric mucosa is guaranteed. There will be pain. To enhance the effect, you should add spices, and sharper ones. Pepper, garlic and any hot spices will do. Fast food is also extremely harmful. To guarantee stomach inflammation, it is advisable to eat chips and burgers more often, pouring cold cola over everything. For a punch to your stomach, try ordering rolls. Usually hot wasabi or spicy sauce is added to the dish. Here is a great way to quickly get gastritis and indigestion.

Why does gastritis occur?

The first factor why gastritis occurs is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Any person has the power to influence it.

It’s enough just to exclude from your life everything that can harm your stomach:

  • unhealthy diet (dry food, on the go, without a routine, addiction to unhealthy foods, overeating, strict diets);
  • alcohol abuse; smoking;
  • frequent use of medications (primarily aspirin and other NSAIDs, potassium supplements, some antibiotics);
  • work related to harmful substances (acids, alkalis, cotton, coal, silicate dust);
  • prolonged nervous tension and stress.

The second factor is genetic. Unfortunately, it is impossible to change it. People with functional disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism), as well as chronic deficiency of vitamin B12, iron, renal failure, chronic infections, and allergic diseases are predisposed to gastritis. All these people need to be especially careful with their stomach.

The third factor is bacterial. For some time now it has been proven that gastritis, like stomach ulcers, is of a bacterial nature. The causative agent is the microbe Helicobacter pylori. Antral gastritis type B in 90% of cases is caused by Helicobacter bacteria. Reflux gastritis type C, chemical. It is often caused by taking medications. Like type B gastritis, it usually occurs with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Spicy dishes

Eating spicy foods is suitable for gourmets. If you like national cuisines, take note of this method!

Acute suicide wings

Spicy suicidal wings sound alarming. This thing was invented by a chef from Chicago. Not every daredevil dares to try the dish. If you want to get results, don't stop halfway. It is not known why the chef came up with this dish, but in the restaurants where it is served, there is an ambulance on duty. Burning wings are a direct path to gastritis!

Spicy lovers traditionally live in India. From there came a spicy dish: lamb in curry sauce, sprinkled with hot pepper. Not every restaurant serves food in every country. If a person dares to order the mentioned dish, the brave eater will be required to sign a signature stating that he takes responsibility for the consequences of such a dinner. A great way to get gastritis in a short time!

The Chinese came up with an effective way to quickly acquire gastritis. “Shameful hot pot” – the literal name sounds incomprehensible, but the dish is popular. As a rule, after tasting such a dish, restaurant visitors grab their throats and ask for a glass of water as soon as possible. Gastritis obtained in this way is not easy to cure.

Australian chilli

Ladies and gentlemen, we forgot about Mexico. This is where true extreme sports fans live. Go to Mexico - and gastritis is 100% guaranteed. Speaking of spicy dishes, let's mention Australia. It turns out that extreme people live on a continent where an amazing sauce was invented, considered the hottest on the planet. It is not eaten in its pure form. Australian chili is added in extremely small proportions to dishes. For immediate development of gastritis, take more seasoning.

What is gastritis and why does it occur?

If you have ever had food poisoning, then we can say that it was acute gastritis of an infectious nature. About 80% of people experience episodic gastritis at least once in their lives. Gastritis is incurable, so those who have already encountered it must monitor their diet throughout their lives.

If you have ever had food poisoning, you can say that it was acute gastritis of an infectious nature.

Chronic gastritis is associated with long-term inflammation that can last for years. If left untreated, cracks (erosions or even ulcers) may appear in the protective shell. This in turn can lead to bleeding, anemia and even stomach cancer. Gastritis is often caused by the microorganism Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), which, once in the gastric mucosa, causes the development of an inflammatory infiltrate (accumulation of lymph and blood components such as neutrophils in the tissues).

However, there are other factors that cause gastritis: abuse of carbonated and alcoholic drinks, smoking, use of medications (in particular antibiotics), bile entering the stomach, abuse of fatty, fried and hot foods, and sweets. Gastritis can also form due to stress, diet, weakened immunity and genetic predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Factors causing gastritis:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.);
  • age: over the years the protective shell becomes thinner;
  • smoking, stress.

Bad habits

Now let's move on to consider an alternative way to get gastritis. Bad habits are the source of various diseases.


Every second passerby smokes on the streets. Active or passive smoking will certainly affect the gastric mucosa. During smoking, saliva begins to be released more actively. Mixing with nicotine, the secretion of the salivary glands enters the stomach, irritating the walls of the digestive tract.

Long-term smoking contributes to the occurrence of many forms of gastritis, leading to the appearance of ulcers and erosions in the stomach. If you choose this method of forming gastritis, be prepared to experience: stomach pain, heartburn, and bad breath. Get used to clothes and hair that smell of cigarette smoke.


It has a similar effect on the stomach as smoking. Once in the human body, alcohol acts aggressively in the stomach and irritates the walls. Large amounts of spicy, fatty, salty snacks, accompanied by alcoholic drinks, aggravate the effects. If alcoholic gastritis appears, be prepared for the symptoms: vomiting in the morning, a feeling of thirst, a dull pain in the abdomen, a feeling of physical fatigue.

Uncontrolled use of medications

An effective way to get gastritis as a reward. With such a self-medication regimen, drug-induced gastritis will certainly develop. Medicines often include a lot of chemical components. If the permissible dose is exceeded, they have a toxic effect on the body. Selected remedies provoke abundant release of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the gastric mucosa. If you take medications without a doctor's prescription, you can easily develop gastritis in a few weeks.

Poor hygiene

Unreliable, but an important factor. If you indiscriminately consume unwashed foods, it is easy to develop an intestinal disease, including the notorious gastritis. The habit of biting your nails and putting dirty fingers in your mouth causes the development of gastritis. Or just don't wash your hands before eating.


People who are impressionable, prone to anxiety and stress, with an extremely unstable nervous system are susceptible to developing gastritis. If you worry about trifles every day, stress yourself out, inventing difficulties, the body will react to negative messages, especially the stomach.

The article discusses possible ways to quickly get gastritis. Let's add one last bad piece of advice: use the above recommendations together, and the result is 100% guaranteed.

What was said is just a joke. Gastritis is an unpleasant and tedious disease that is difficult to get rid of over the years. As a rule, the disease does not occur on its own, but becomes the result of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system. Try to avoid “harmful” advice and eat right. Use the knowledge gained while avoiding gastritis. Take care of your health!

Causes of chronic gastritis

All factors that provoke the appearance and development of gastritis of the stomach are usually divided into two categories: external and internal.

External causes of chronic gastritis:

  • irregular nutrition;
  • rapid absorption of food without thorough chewing, due to which the food is not sufficiently moistened with saliva, and the stomach requires more time and secretions to digest it;
  • dry food;
  • eating coarse, fatty, stringy, spicy, smoked and pickled foods with lots of spices and seasonings;
  • consuming excessively hot or cold food and drinks that irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages prevents the restoration of damaged tissues and can lead to disruption of secretory function. To date, gastroenterologists have found that the simultaneous consumption of large amounts of alcohol with a 90% probability will lead to such an unpleasant phenomenon as an exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • Regular presence or work in a room with a high level of concentration of chemical elements.

Internal causes of gastritis include various diseases of the body.

For example, adrenal insufficiency leads to a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and deep erosive damage to the mucosa.

Patients with anemia associated with iron deficiency often also have chronic gastritis. It is impossible not to note the role of certain hereditary factors and the presence of allergies in the onset of the disease.

It has now been proven that gastritis, in addition to the reasons listed above, is also provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is found in the body of almost all patients.

Types of gastritis

Depending on the depth of the damage and the area of ​​distribution of the disease, several types of gastritis are distinguished.

The classification presented below is not as complete as possible, but covers 98% of cases of the disease.

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Classification of gastritis:

  • chronic gastritis with normal or increased levels of hydrochloric acid occurs most often in young men. Inflammatory damage affects only the superficial layer of epithelial tissue of the gastric mucosa. With proper treatment, this type of disease can be eliminated forever;
  • catarrhal type of disease is also called superficial; its damage does not affect the deep layers of the mucosa. Catarrhal gastritis mainly occurs due to severe dietary disorders and can be cured permanently;
  • chronic erosive gastritis mainly occurs due to alcohol abuse and long-term use of medications. The level of gastric acid secretion is usually normal, increased or slightly decreased. Chronic erosive gastritis leads to damage to the stomach, which is most often accompanied by inflammation in the duodenum and atrophic damage to the antrum;
  • an atrophic type of gastritis with low acid levels is common among older and older people. The disease may be accompanied by dysbacteriosis and dysfunction of absorption and digestion;
  • chronic antral gastritis is also called rigid due to the fact that, due to inflammatory damage to the antrum of the stomach, the mucosal walls narrow and become atrophied and inflexible (rigid);
  • polypous gastritis often occurs in the atrophic form of the disease and is characterized by the appearance of a large number of small growths called polyps. Polyps are mainly found in the antrum of the stomach;
  • the hypertrophic glandular type of gastritis contributes to a significant thickening of the mucous membrane (2 to 8 times) and the appearance of erosions on them. There is also an increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in this type of disease;
  • Reflux gastritis is characterized by a malfunction of the pylorus of the stomach, as a result of which the contents of the duodenum enter the stomach cavity. This process is called reflux, which explains the name of this type of disease. Reflux gastritis can be accompanied by both increased and decreased acidity.

This classification is the most common among encountered cases of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

To date, it has been proven that chronic gastritis does not have a pronounced clinical picture and can be practically asymptomatic. Symptoms and signs of the disease depend entirely on such a concept as the classification of gastritis.

Symptoms of a disease with high levels of acidity:

  • hunger pains;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent belching with a sour taste or air;
  • periodic or constant nausea;
  • constipation

The signs of erosive gastritis are in many ways similar to the signs described above, but they also include symptoms of vomiting, anemia, general weakness, and sometimes gastric bleeding may occur.

Symptoms of an atrophic type of disease with low acidity:

  • heaviness and feeling of painful fullness in the stomach after any meal;
  • belching with a rotten smell;
  • presence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • flatulence;
  • weight loss due to loss of appetite;
  • feeling of constant rumbling in the stomach;
  • in some severe cases, anemia and hypovitaminosis may develop, which entails increased fragility of nails and hair, skin peeling, and ulcerative inflammation on the tongue.

The symptoms of polyposis and reflux gastritis are similar to the signs of the atrophic type of the disease. Reflux gastritis also has symptoms such as vomiting bile and stool instability.


The main signs of rigid gastritis:

  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

The classification of the disease usually does not affect the course of gastritis. All types of disease develop over many years, exacerbation of chronic gastritis is replaced by a period of remission.

Exacerbations can be caused by violating the diet, abusing alcohol and medications. Over time, inflammatory damage spreads throughout the stomach and becomes diffuse.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Before starting treatment for any type of disease, a diagnosis of chronic gastritis is prescribed to confirm and clarify the diagnosis.

First of all, the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body of a patient with gastritis is checked.

If the test result is positive, the gastroenterologist prescribes fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which consists of a visual examination of the mucosal walls and assessment of their condition.

Once the diagnosis is made, the level of stomach acid is examined. Catarrhal gastritis may be accompanied by a normal level of acidity, while other types often have increased or decreased levels.

For reflux gastritis, ultrasound examination of the liver and pancreas and fluoroscopy of the duodenum are also prescribed.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating all causes of infection, combating the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and restoring damage, therefore the following drugs are prescribed.

Unpleasant signs and painful symptoms of the disease must also be eliminated for successful treatment.

Treatment regimen for gastritis:

  • catarrhal gastritis with high acidity is treated with antacids (Ranitidine, Famotidine), as well as proton pump blockers (Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, Omeprazole). Blockers are also prescribed for reflux gastritis to bind bile acids;
  • to eliminate heartburn, drugs for adults are used to reduce the activity of stomach enzymes: Almagel, Gaviscon and Phosphalugel;
  • drugs to reduce the aggressive effects of digestive juice and hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa (De-nol, Vikalin, Venter). The enveloping effect of these drugs also helps in restoring the mucous membrane;
  • to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, enzyme preparations (Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon) and drugs to regulate gastric motility (Trimedat, Prelax and Resolor) are prescribed;
  • to eliminate painful spasms, doctors recommend antispasmodic drugs for adults: No-shpa, Papaverine, Barboval;
  • Antibiotics are used to destroy bacteria: Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Clarithromycin. Most often, doctors prescribe several drugs from this group at once to more effectively combat the disease;
  • for a type of disease with a low acid level, drugs are prescribed that activate the production of gastric juice: Limontar, Plantain Juice, Pentagastrin, Pepsin;
  • if the disease has led to a lack of vitamins, then folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron-containing preparations (Ferlatum, Sorbifer Durules) are prescribed. These drugs can be used for children and adults, but in different doses.

Unfortunately, chronic gastritis can rarely be cured forever, but proper treatment will help eliminate the unpleasant and painful signs of the disease.


Remember that the correct answer to the question of how to cure chronic gastritis can only be given by a qualified gastroenterologist.

Before taking any medications or using folk remedies, consult your doctor.

Nutrition for gastritis

The treatment regimen for the disease includes not only medications, but also diet. The classification of gastritis does not affect the availability of diet therapy, which is one of the main measures for effective treatment.

An adjusted diet should be maintained constantly, since any violation of the diet can provoke complications of chronic gastritis.

It is better to eat fractionally, in small portions. Food should be at room temperature so as not to irritate the mucous membranes.

Chew your food thoroughly so that it is well saturated with saliva (a natural digestive agent). The classification of gastritis determines permitted and prohibited foods.

For diseases with normal or high acidity, which include catarrhal and reflux gastritis, doctors prescribe a diet that excludes foods that provoke the production of hydrochloric acid.

With this disease, you should not eat rich meat, mushroom and fish soups; they can be replaced with light, low-fat broths made with chicken or milk.


Smoked, fried, spicy, fatty, pickled foods and fresh bread are prohibited. You can eat slightly dried bread, soft-boiled eggs, stewed or steamed vegetables.

Coffee and strongly brewed tea, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol and fatty or stringy meat should be excluded from the diet.

You can eat beef, chicken and turkey, steamed or boiled. The cereals you can eat are buckwheat, semolina and rice. Legumes in any form should be excluded.

Catarrhal and reflux gastritis with normal acidity allow you to eat pickled, fried and spicy foods, but only with a minimum amount of fat and spices. Alcohol is also unacceptable for reflux gastritis.

To treat gastritis with insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, a similar diet is used. The diet should contain foods that activate the secretory glands.

You can eat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.), low-fat soups. Vegetables should be steamed, stewed or boiled.

As with high acidity, overly spicy, salty and fatty foods are excluded.

Prevention of gastritis

Prevention of chronic gastritis must necessarily include dietary adjustments.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease or for prevention, you can also use folk remedies:

  • You can drink half a glass of cabbage juice half an hour before eating;
  • for 10 days you can drink 1 glass of potato juice on an empty stomach;
  • you can brew 2 tbsp. l. crushed birch bark, add hot water and leave for 2-3 hours. Drink the decoction 3 times a day, half a glass before meals;
  • 1 tsp. Pre-chopped burdock root must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Treatment with the above folk remedies will help, if not forever, then for quite a long time, to eliminate symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal pain, flatulence, etc.

Remember that treatment with folk remedies should not be the main, but only additional therapy.


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