Experience with laser therapy for multiple gastric ulcers

An innovative method of combating gastrointestinal diseases is laser cauterization of gastric ulcers. This method significantly reduces the recovery period and reduces the frequency of remissions. It is used alone or together with medications. When light rays enter the tissue, they stimulate the body's immune structures, thereby increasing the rate of wound healing.

Indications and methods of treatment

Gastric ulcers are chronic diseases and involve the occurrence of trophic changes in the mucous membrane. Perforated and bleeding areas often occur. To treat stomach ulcers, quantum therapy is used, as well as medication combined with laser cauterization. Quantum ray therapy involves exposing the patient to infrared radiation and a magnetic field. The identity of the methods lies in the fact that their use does not require surgical intervention.

Laser therapy is used when there is a tendency to frequent relapses of the disease.

Indications for using the laser method are:

  • formation of the penetration process;
  • stomach deformity;
  • frequent relapses of the disease;
  • gastritis;
  • 2nd degree stenosis;
  • ineffectiveness of drug therapy.

Types of operations for ulcers: resection, vagotomy, laparoscopy

First of all, operations for gastric and duodenal ulcers can be emergency in case of severe bleeding, perforation or, as in the last example, with severe pain and planned.

And according to the methods of intervention today there are three types of operations:


. The part of the stomach with the ulcer, usually 2/3 of the stomach, is removed


. There is no direct effect on the stomach, but the nerve endings are cut, and this leads to healing of the ulcers.

Laparoscopic operations.

They are performed for small ulcers and are considered the least traumatic, since access is carried out with special devices through small holes. In this case, the edges of the ulcer are excised, and the ulcer itself is sutured (the suture looks like a pouch).

In any case, the operation is fraught with complications and can have negative consequences on the body, therefore, doctors say, if it can be avoided, it is better to avoid it. Not in the sense of refusing, but in the sense of being treated in other ways.

Laser treatment (cauterization)

A separate method today is laser treatment of ulcers, or so-called cauterization. This is not a drug treatment, but it is not an operation either. Cauterization is done in the same way as FGS, through the mouth. The ulcerative wound is cauterized with a beam. What’s unpleasant is that 7-10 procedures are needed, and in advanced cases, for example, with heavy bleeding, it’s too late to save yourself with a laser.

– Do such cases happen often? - I ask the doctors.

– No, after all, the trend has improved recently, and often these are people leading an antisocial lifestyle. The rest began to pay more attention to their health. Prevention is now in first place for us,” confirms the chief physician of the Krasnoyarsk interdistrict clinic No. 1, Mikhail Mishanin. Those. We understand that doctors now receive such tasks from the Ministry of Health.

And the doctors we talked to consider diet to be the best way to prevent peptic ulcer disease. This is what our next material will be about. We’ll also find out which sanatoriums help fight ulcers.

How is cauterization performed for stomach ulcers?

Cauterization is carried out using special endoscopes with fiber optics. The patient is given a rubber tube of the same diameter to swallow as used for gastrointestinal diagnostics. Then, using a camera at the end of the tube, they look through the inner surface of the stomach, find a wound, and burn it with a beam. In order for the method to produce results, the procedure must be carried out 7-10 times.

For gastritis, 4-5 procedures are necessary.

Laser therapy together with medication significantly reduces the dosage of medications, which prevents complications. This method also provokes the mobilization of the body’s protective structures, thereby reducing the time for restoration of gastrointestinal functions. The method is actively used to treat gastritis. The essence of the method is that by penetrating the tissue, the light beam increases the blood supply to the area, stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level, relieves pain, swelling and inflammation.

How to treat an ulcer

– How are ulcers treated?

– Depending on the duration of the ulcerative exacerbation, on the volume of the ulcerative defect, on the presence of complications, they are treated on an outpatient basis, i.e. a person with a FGS study protocol returns to the attending physician,” says Anna Andreevna Eremeeva, deputy chief physician for clinical expert work at the Krasnoyarsk interdistrict clinic No. 1, “and the attending physician prescribes treatment. In some cases, a referral for inpatient treatment is necessary (about 10 days - from the author), in some cases you can limit yourself to a day hospital.

Galina Evgenievna Shenina, director of the gastroenterology center of the Federal Siberian Scientific and Clinical Center of the FMBA of Russia, shares the experience of her hospital:

– Ulcers are treated mainly, and quite successfully, with tablets. At the discretion of the doctor, in some cases it is possible to prescribe infusion therapy (using intravenous solutions).

Contraindications and possible complications

Cauterization is not performed if there is bleeding.
The laser cauterization method has a number of factors under which this procedure is not recommended:

  • bleeding ulcers;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • malignant tumors;
  • acute surgical pathologies;
  • unsatisfactory general condition of the patient.

After using laser therapy, complications and side effects are minimal. There is a possibility of perforation of the stomach wall. Since they act with a weak dose of light radiation directly on the affected area. The healing process begins 20 days after cauterization, while with drug treatment, scars begin to form on the tissue only after a month.


If a gastric ulcer with perforation is diagnosed, surgical treatment using the suturing method is indicated. This procedure is considered palliative and causes a minimal number of complications, unlike other techniques.

The technique involves preliminary cleaning by suctioning out the contents using an aspirator. Then, the walls of the cavity are dried with gauze swabs. After which the doctor begins to examine the walls of the organ to identify the location of the perforated ulcerative defect.

After identifying the lesion, suturing is performed with a seromuscular suture. Applying such a suture helps prevent narrowing of the pyloric zone, and also helps maintain the shape of the organ unchanged.

The ulcerative defect and areas affected by this pathology are eliminated in one procedure. In this case, the correctness of this manipulation plays an important role. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing dangerous conditions will increase several times.

As for the cases when they resort to such a technique, there are several of them:

  • if diffuse peritonitis is diagnosed;
  • acute inflammation has been observed during the last 6 hours;
  • there are concomitant defects of internal organs;
  • advanced age of the patient;
  • the symptoms are acute.

As soon as the operation is completed, the patient is provided with a temporary drainage to feed and remove the extrudate.

Recovery period

The procedure for cauterizing an ulcer is non-invasive. After completing the full course, patients do not need rehabilitation. This method of therapy is much more effective than medication, but cannot completely cure gastric ulcers. If you follow a strict diet developed by an enterologist, as well as a healthy lifestyle, the duration between exacerbations increases. The patient is advised to give up bad habits, protect himself from stressful situations, regularly see a doctor and follow all instructions. If the patient has not had an exacerbation for 3 or more years, this indicates a stable remission of the disease.

Main indications

Indications for surgical treatment of peptic ulcer are:

  • perforation of the organ wall;
  • prolonged, recurrent and massive bleeding that cannot be stopped by other methods;
  • pyloroduodenal stenosis;
  • exacerbation with relapse of the ulcer;
  • signs of malignancy of a gastric ulcer.

In addition, the issue of surgical intervention is considered if a benign ulcer does not scar within six months due to the use of medications.

Cauterization of an ulcer - how is it done?

This is how a classic laser treatment session for the main digestive organ is performed today.

A rubber tube is inserted into the patient through the mouth, as with conventional diagnostic fibrogastroscopy.

Next, the specialist, under visual supervision, cauterizes the ulcerative wound with a beam.

To obtain the desired effect, the procedure should be repeated 7-10 times. It’s an unpleasant matter for the patient, but it produces the result—long-term remission—much faster than simply taking medications.

Here is information that proves the effectiveness of laser therapy. Sometimes it allows you to almost completely cure the ulcer. The information is taken from the results of a study conducted in 2000 by V.A., candidate of medical sciences, employee of the PFK RUDN University. Builin.

Means to combat the diseaseAverage time to remission, daysComplete healing,%Relapse cases, %
Traditional course of medication357780
Using a laser159424

Note that using this method you can fight ulcers not only of the stomach, but also of the duodenum. It is again advisable to cauterize the problem area of ​​the intestine in order to achieve stable remission.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with alcohol

When the stomach lining is damaged, an ulcer occurs. This disease is accompanied by vomiting, heartburn, and severe pain. There are several treatment methods: medication, surgery. In case of exacerbations, hospitalization in a medical institution is required. Traditional methods also show high efficiency. Treatment with alcohol is especially popular.

The effectiveness of alcohol treatment

For medicinal purposes, only natural alcohol can be used. Drinking vodka, cognac or wine is prohibited. Doses should be measured in teaspoons, not glasses. Doctors do not recommend drinking pure alcohol on an empty stomach. This method is considered hazardous to health. Treatment can only take place using gentle methods.

Any treatment of stomach ulcers using traditional methods must begin with short-term fasting. This is necessary to reduce the concentration of gastric juice. The prepared tincture is taken 1 hour before meals. Recommended dose is 10-15 drops. If the ulcer is accompanied by severe pain, you can add a solution of novocaine to the tincture.

Helicobacter pylori is considered the most important cause of ulcers. It is alcohol that can destroy the bacteria completely. To treat the disease, use an infusion of aloe with alcohol. To make the potion, it is better to take a three-year-old plant. The leaves are washed and cut into small pieces.

Sources: zhkt.guru, tiensmed.ru, otvet.mail.ru, www.bolshoyvopros.ru, medbookaide.ru, pichevarenie.ru

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Laser treatment of stomach ulcers: methods, contraindications

Home » Gastric ulcer » Laser treatment of gastric ulcers: methods, contraindications

The advent of flexible devices with fiber optics (endoscopes) and high-quality video equipment allowed scientists to develop new methods for treating gastric diseases. Doctors were able to gain access to direct effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most advanced therapy technologies has been the treatment of mucosal ulcers using a laser.

Cauterization of an ulcer - how is it done?

This is how a classic laser treatment session for the main digestive organ is performed today.

A rubber tube is inserted into the patient through the mouth, as with conventional diagnostic fibrogastroscopy.

Next, the specialist, under visual supervision, cauterizes the ulcerative wound with a beam.

To obtain the desired effect, the procedure should be repeated 7-10 times. It’s an unpleasant matter for the patient, but it produces the result—long-term remission—much faster than simply taking medications.

Here is information that proves the effectiveness of laser therapy. Sometimes it allows you to almost completely cure the ulcer. The information is taken from the results of a study conducted in 2000 by V.A., candidate of medical sciences, employee of the PFK RUDN University. Builin.

Note that using this method you can fight ulcers not only of the stomach, but also of the duodenum. It is again advisable to cauterize the problem area of ​​the intestine in order to achieve stable remission.

Quantum technique

What if you want to be treated without pills, but are absolutely afraid of FGDS? In such cases, there is an alternative laser therapy - quantum.

It is carried out percutaneously, mainly using Almagamma devices. These devices operate using infrared radiation (narrowband, broadband) and maintaining a constant magnetic field - PMF. Penetrating red light reduces inflammation, stimulates membrane metabolism, accelerates protein synthesis (the main building material), and relieves pain.

PMP guarantees vasodilation, and the effect lasts for several days after the session.

The patient is usually asked to undergo three stages of procedures:

Each session consists of 7-10 sessions.

After the first stage, improvement does not necessarily occur, but after the third - almost always. In 98% of sufficiently patient patients, a pronounced remission is observed with only a 3% risk of active relapse of the disease.

Health restrictions

Who is contraindicated for laser therapy?

You will have to limit yourself to traditional medicines if:

  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the female reproductive organs;
  • poor general health with an increase in temperature (for example, with an infectious infection).

For people whose stomach ulcers are in a very dangerous state - they bleed or show a tendency to perforate - this technology is also not suitable.

In such circumstances, emergency surgery should be considered.

We warn you that laser removal of ulcers is quite expensive (sometimes tens of thousands of rubles). However, the price, admittedly, in most cases corresponds to the results.

Sources used: gastrit-yazva.ru

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