How to take phosphalugel for stomach pain?

Description of the drug

“Phosphalugel” is supplied to the market in gel form, packaged in two-layer bags of 16 g and 20 g. The gel of the drug is a light liquid, which after mixing becomes homogeneous.

Aluminum phosphate is the active component of the medicine, which is dissolved in the gel, and not in water, as in similar medicines. The additional substances here are: pectin, potassium sorbate, sarbitol, calcium sulfate dehydrate, agar-agar and citrus flavoring.

"Phosphalugel" for alcohol intoxication

The drug has become an indispensable aid for alcohol poisoning. You should take a packet of Phosphalugel with you when going to a party. And it’s worth stocking up on it during holidays and frequent feasts. The gel binds and removes any toxins from the body, including alcohol, which is a poison. The mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach is very often affected by strong drinks. He attacks them. The “attack” of alcohol is accompanied by the release of hydrochloric acid. “Phosphalugel” smooths out this barbaric attitude towards the digestive system, removing dangerous substances from the body and helping the gastrointestinal tract regain its strength. The drug can be used immediately after the onset of illness, to combat a hangover, and also before drinking alcohol. As a preventive measure, Phosphalugel should be drunk two hours before the feast.

Instructions for medical use

"Phosphalugel" was developed to eliminate various pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract, which most often occur due to the high level of acidity of digestive juice. This drug has a triple treatment effect:

  1. The increase or decrease in acidity in the stomach depends on the amount of hydrochloric acid. Due to stable concentrates of the active component, the acid is reduced to normal levels. The remaining amount of the main component is used to maintain the acidity of the digestive juice over time.
  2. Colloidal particles of the main component are able to be absorbed into the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, thereby creating an enveloping layer. It protects the mucous membranes from the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid and from dangerous substances that enter the body from the external environment.
  3. The drug also exhibits sorbing activity, which means that it cleanses the body of harmful substances and microorganisms located in the intestinal lumen.

Composition of one sachet of phosphalugel

Phosphalugel is sold in two different packaging options. 10.4 g sachets and 12.38 g sachets containing the following ingredients:

Total mass of sachet contents, g10,412,38
Aluminum phosphate, g2,082,48
Sorbitol 70%, g4,484,286
Agar-agar 800, mg4580
Pectin, mg87100
Calcium sulfate dihydrate, mg1210
Potassium sorbate, mg4053
Orange flavor8032
Purified water, gup to 16up to 20
Features of the effect of phosphalugel on the gastrointestinal tract

A special feature of phosphalugel is that aluminum phosphate micelles have a high adhesive ability, ensuring their fixation on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, a long duration of action, maintaining the acidity in the stomach at a level of 2.4 pH for at least two hours.

The acid neutralizing ability of a daily dose of phosphalugel is 220 mEq at pH = 2.2. The increase in acidity in the stomach as aluminum phosphate dissolves occurs gradually, which avoids the phenomenon of acid rebound

. Aluminum phosphate has low toxicity, which is due to its low ability to form neutral complexes in the presence of food acids.

In addition, the relative absorption coefficient of aluminum phosphate is 0.087% (aluminum hydroxide - 0.147%, sucralfate - 0.196%). On the other hand, aluminum phosphate does not interfere with the absorption of dietary phosphorus, preventing the development of phosphorus deficiency in the body, which is especially important during long-term use of phosphalugel (Belmer S.V.).

Directions for use and dosage

Depending on the age group and the form of pathology, the time of administration and dosage of the medicine are set.

  • identification of defects in the gastric mucosa and the initial part of the small intestine, the medicine should be taken immediately after the appearance of pain in the stomach or an hour after eating;
  • entry of the contents of the stomach or intestines into the lumen of the esophagus (with reflux esophagitis), as well as with a hernia, administration occurs after meals and always before bedtime;
  • formation of heaviness in the upper abdomen and with gastritis, the medicinal gel should be taken before meals;
  • lack of colon function - “Phosphalugel” is drunk before bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.

The drug can be given to children, starting from birth, by the spoonful. After 6 months, the child’s dose can be increased to two spoons. Children over 6 years of age and adults are allowed to take 1-2 sachets 2-3 times a day. If after taking the medicine the pain does not subside, then the drug should be taken again.

Pregnant women are more likely than others to suffer from ailments such as constipation, nausea, heartburn, and intestinal disorders. Pregnant women with heartburn can drink “Phosphalugel” during the entire period of gestation, since such a medication has no effect on metabolism and calcium levels in the body.

"Phosphalugel" is allowed for infants. Pediatricians often prescribe it for frequent regurgitation caused by high acidity. And also when identifying signs of frequent gas formation, food poisoning, disorders and diathesis.

This medication can be used to cure even alcohol poisoning. Its composition localizes the effects of alcoholic drinks on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. At the same time, it brings the person’s condition back to normal. For alcohol toxicosis, you need to drink the gel in large doses, three packs every 2 hours throughout the day.

In case of acute toxicosis, it is also necessary to immediately drink three sachets of the drug, and then monitor the patient’s condition. But experts recommend treating such poisoning with the drug for three days. On the first day - two sachets every three hours, on the second - one every three hours, on the third day - two sachets a day.

Most often, the drug is purchased for heartburn. With this illness, you should first drink half a sachet of medicine and if after 10 minutes the heartburn does not go away, then you need to take the remaining half of the medicine.

Indications for taking Phospholugel

Phosphalugel is a medicine from the group of antacids (drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice).
It binds hydrochloric acid in the stomach, reducing the increased acidity of gastric juice, which often occurs with gastritis, reflux esophagitis, peptic ulcers, etc. In addition, the drug has the property of enveloping the gastric mucosa, protecting it from the aggressive action of digestive juice. In addition to acid-neutralizing and enveloping properties, it has an adsorbing (absorbing) effect. Reduces the proteolytic activity (ability to break down protein) of pepsin. Does not cause excessive alkalization of gastric juice, maintaining the physiological level of acidity of gastric contents. Forms a protective layer on the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Does not lead to secondary hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid. Promotes the removal of gases and toxins, microbes throughout the digestive tube, normalizes the passage of its contents through the intestines. Adults are prescribed Phosphalugel:

  • with non-ulcer dyspepsia syndrome;
  • for gastritis with normal/increased secretory function;
  • with reflux esophagitis;
  • with diaphragmatic hernia;
  • for gastric/duodenal ulcers;
  • with functional diarrhea;
  • for intestinal/stomach disorders caused by poisoning, taking medications, irritants (alkalies, acids, alcohol).

For children:

  • with esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus);
  • with gastritis;
  • with gastroesophageal reflux;
  • for gastric/duodenal ulcers.

special instructions

Taking the drug does not affect the patient’s performance in any way; he can safely drive a car or perform other work that requires him to concentrate.

Also, treatment with phosphalugel has no effect on the recognition of diseases through x-ray examinations. The medicine does not contain sugar, so it can be taken by people suffering from a lack of insulin. "Phosphalugel" can be considered for use in order to prevent the reduction of radioactive substances that can cause mutagenic changes in the body.

The medicine should not be taken without consulting a specialist. For those patients who have ailments that are associated with the functioning of the heart, kidneys and cirrhosis of the liver. In older people, exposure to the drug may cause an increase in aluminum levels in the blood. If, after treatment with the medicine, problems with stool (constipation) occur, doctors advise drinking as much water as possible.

"Phosphalugel" for ulcers and gastritis

Chronic diseases such as ulcers and gastritis most often become the culprits of stomach pain. For gastritis, Phosphalugel should be drunk two hours before each meal daily. The purpose of the drug in this case is to prevent the gastric juice produced when eating various dishes from corroding the mucous membrane and causing pain. For ulcers, the order changes: the drug is drunk two hours after eating. The point of its action is to prevent excess gastric juice from eating away ulcers in between meals.

Side effect

Side effects from treatment with this medicine are extremely rare. Most often, after phosphalugel, they can manifest themselves in the form of constipation in older people and in sedentary patients.

“Phosphalugel” is distinguished by its gentle effect on the sick body, but its long-term use can provoke changes in the mineral balance. As a result of such a disorder, various pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system, kidney function and the transmission of neuromuscular impulses can arise.

What is Phosphalugel?

Signals of excess acid in the stomach include heartburn, sour belching, heaviness, cramps, and diarrhea. Medicines that normalize acidity can help, and among the first on this list is the drug Phosphalugel. It envelops, adsorbs, heals, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the body.

How the healing gel works:

  • draws out harmful substances;
  • gradually reduces acidity;
  • when the amount of acid reaches normal, the reaction between gastric juice and the components of the antacid slows down and then stops.

Composition of Phosphalugel and its mechanism of action

Since the drug has a compact package and the solution is packaged in sachets, there are no problems with how to take Phosphalugel. The number of servings is determined by the doctor; the product is convenient because it does not need to be dissolved in water, therefore it is first aid in emergency cases. The basis of the drug is aluminum phosphate, which neutralizes hydrochloric acid and reduces inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

The product is produced in the form of a light gel, with a pleasant, orange smell, so even children drink it without any problems. Phosphalugel contains the following excipients:

  • sorbitol solution – has a laxative, choleretic and detoxifying effect;
  • agar-agar - works as a thickener, maintains the shape of the medicine, creates a protective film for the mucous membrane;
  • pectin – interacts with heavy metal ions, removes them from the body;
  • calcium sulfate, potassium sorbate - help restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • flavoring – adds a slight aftertaste.

What does Phosphalugel help with?

How and when to take Phosphalugel is determined by the doctor; in case of poisoning, the medicine is taken immediately, the effect occurs in 5-10 minutes. Abdominal pain and nausea go away, coordination of movements is restored. The effect of the drug lasts about 3 hours due to the fact that the gel envelops the walls of the stomach and controls the necessary secretion of gastric juice. At the same time, the mixture has a laxative effect, pushing out toxic elements from the body.

List of diseases - what Phosphalugel treats:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • duodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • esophagitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • diarrhea, flatulence.

Interaction with other drugs

It is possible to take Phosphalugel with other medications. Such medications include:

  • "Cimetiden";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Dezopyramide";
  • "Ketoprafen";
  • "Prednisolone."

At the same time, there are drugs whose effectiveness may be affected by taking phosphalugel:

  • "Ranitiden";
  • "Digoxen";
  • "Tetrocycline";
  • "Indomethacene";
  • "Furasemide";
  • "Isoniazied."

Between taking such drugs and phosphalugel, you should adhere to a time interval of 2 hours.

Side effects and overdose

Phosphalugel rarely causes any side effects, mainly when contraindications are not followed or the medication is taken for an excessively long time.

Contraindications for use include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • severe forms of renal or heart failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • phosphorus deficiency in the blood;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • age over 65 years.

As for the undesirable effects of the drug and side effects, “Phosphalugel” can lead to the development of osteoporosis, provoke kidney failure, contribute to an increase in the concentration of aluminum in blood chemistry or a decrease in the content of calcium or phosphorus in the blood. In addition, “Phosphalugel” can cause nausea, vomiting and constipation (the latter applies mainly to the elderly and bedridden patients).

Also in pharmacology, cases of overdose with this drug have been recorded; the only negative effect in this case is constipation, which can be dealt with by using a laxative.

As a result, I would like to accurately answer the question of whether Phosphalugel helps with heartburn. The answer is obvious - yes, this is one of the best remedies for eliminating burning today, its effectiveness is undeniable, but it is very important to follow the instructions for use of the drug, and in cases of treating pathologies, first consult with a doctor.

Phosphalugel analogues on the market

Like any other medicine, “Phosphalugel” has its analogues, such medicines include:

  1. “Almagel” is a suspension; its composition reduces the acidity level of digestive juice. It has the same properties as “Phosphalugel”, but unlike the latter, it has a short-term course of treatment. Phosphalugel can be treated for a long time.
  2. "Maalox" is a drug from an Italian manufacturer, supplied in the form of a suspension and tablets. Unlike Phosphalugel, they are not advised to treat children, the elderly and pregnant women, since under its influence such important macroelements as calcium and phosphorus are washed out of the blood and bones.
  3. “Gasterin” is an exact analogue in composition.
  4. "Gastal" - tablets from the Teva company (Israel).
  5. “Rutacid” is a medicine developed on the basis of magnesium and aluminum; thanks to this composition, a bunch of bile acids occurs. The medicine also protects the gastric mucosa; it can be taken by nursing mothers and children over 6 years of age. During treatment with this medication, you should avoid drinks that have a sour taste.
  6. “Gastratcid” is a domestic drug that is produced in the form of chewable tablets.
  7. "Gaviscon" is one of the affordable analogues of phosphalugel.
  8. "Rennie" - chewable tablets with different flavors from the German company Bayer.

"Phosphalugel" for toxicosis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the gel is used only after a doctor's prescription. Toxicosis and heartburn are common causes for pregnant women, tormenting them constantly. To alleviate the symptoms of these conditions, it is recommended to take Phosphalugel. It is safe for pregnant women, as it removes only toxins from the body without causing any negative effects. Apply the gel before or after meals - expectant mothers themselves must navigate this. Follow your doctor's instructions and do not exceed the daily dosage. This can result in constipation, which pregnant women are already prone to.

Contraindications for use

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, but this does not mean that it is harmless and allowed for everyone. Phosphalugel has contraindications. The medicine is not recommended to be taken:

  1. For babies under six months old.
  2. Elderly people with Alzheimer's disease.
  3. In acute renal failure.
  4. For exacerbations of liver diseases.

Allergic reactions can occur both to the main active ingredient and to other components. If you notice a rash on the skin or signs of intolerance to the drug, consult a doctor, he will change the treatment. There are a lot of medications for gastritis, if Phosphalugel is not suitable for you, you can replace it with Aloe Vera, Maalox or another medicine.

Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are not recommended to self-prescribe medications for themselves or their baby. If you have stomach problems, consult a specialist who will find an effective but gentle drug and recommend the correct dosage regimen and course of treatment.

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