Do they take into the army with chronic gastritis or gastroduodentitis?

Recently, many diseases have become “younger”, and if previously there were very few conscripts with gastritis, now this disease occurs in many young people. Gastritis has several forms and types, and this determines whether a recruit will be suitable for military service.

Is gastritis a reason for declaring a conscript unfit? What category will a recruit with acute, chronic or erosive gastritis be classified into? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Will people with gastritis and underweight be recruited into the army in 2021?

Recently, the formation of chronic gastritis has been diagnosed at a fairly young age, since the appearance of the pathology is influenced by many provoking factors (poor nutrition, abuse of bad habits, constant lack of sleep and intense physical activity).

The disease is often diagnosed at the age of 18–20 years, which is the starting point for military service. Whether it is possible to get a delay or complete relief from the identified symptoms depends on the course of the inflammation and the consequences that arise with the constant progression of inflammation.

If we talk about lack of weight in a young man of military age, then most often with such a diagnosis one can successfully serve in the army, since it is not caused by a pathological change in the body. At the same time, sudden weight loss against the background of constant acute gastritis developing into an ulcer contributes to becoming unfit to fulfill military obligations.

Is it possible to get a military ID if diagnosed with gastritis?

When diagnosing chronic gastritis, this basis is not an indication for issuing a military ID. In order to receive a complete exemption from military service, it is necessary to undergo a medical commission and obtain evidence of the development of serious consequences caused by the progression of the disease.

Most often, exemption from the army is attributed to that category of citizens in whom gastritis smoothly develops into an acute course of ulcers. If there are negative symptoms or provoking signs, then such risks are an indication for obtaining the necessary release.

Important to remember

Reflux gastritis symptoms and treatment and diet superficial gastritis
Based on the experience of the lawyers of the Conscript Assistance Service, I can say that it is almost impossible to obtain a military ID for gastritis. The usual chronic form, even if it is accompanied by periodic exacerbations, is not a contraindication to service. To be exempt from conscription, you will have to prove the fact of long-term inpatient treatment and the presence of stomach dysfunction. Confirming these conditions is difficult, since gastritis in rare cases leads to severe disorders. Only those citizens whose disease has progressed to a stomach ulcer have a chance to be enlisted in the reserves.

Another reason why people with gastritis are being drafted into the army in 2017 is over-diagnosis. Members of the military medical commission tend to ignore conscripts' complaints of stomach pain, believing that military service will have a beneficial effect on the conscript's health. The only way to solve this problem is not to be afraid to defend your rights, relying on the Constitution of Russia, the law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the Schedule of Diseases and the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens”.

With respect to you, Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts.

We help conscripts obtain a military ID legally.


Do they take you into the army with superficial gastritis?

With superficial gastritis, damage to the gastric mucosa is noted. This form is considered one of the easiest and responds well to treatment. But there are also certain nuances in the course of the disease that may serve as the basis for obtaining a deferment or exemption from military obligations.

If the course of this disease was accompanied by constant attacks, acute symptoms (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, indigestion), then the conscript may receive a temporary deferment for recovery or exemption from military service.

Acute inflammation

Acute gastritis occurs with stomach pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. In most cases, with timely treatment, the acute form of the disease can be eliminated within 14-20 days. If, during a medical examination, conscripts are diagnosed with acute gastritis, then military service is postponed for several months.

As time passes, the organ is checked again. When the functioning of the digestive organ is normalized, the guy is fit for service without various restrictions. With gastritis of high acidity, a young man may be considered temporarily unsuitable for military service.

Do they take into the army with chronic gastritis?

Chronic gastritis is a disease in which acute symptoms gradually become permanent. Periodically, exacerbations occur due to poor nutrition, changes in weather, or the influence of other provoking factors.

If exacerbation attacks occur quite rarely, then the conscript is fit for service and most often he is assigned category “B”. Progression of the disease during military service implies recovery in the hospital and further fulfillment of military obligations.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis during a medical examination provides the opportunity to receive a deferment until complete recovery. Therefore, this disease is not an absolute indication for exemption from military service.

Are they recruited into the army with erosive gastritis?

Erosive gastritis is characterized by the formation of erosions on the walls of the stomach, which leads to an acute course of the disease. In this case, the conscript receives a temporary deferment until the body is fully restored.

After a period of long-term remission has been achieved, the young man can do military service. To confirm the diagnosis, the medical commission conducts a repeat examination.

However, such a diagnosis does not provide complete exemption from the army, since category “B” or “D” is assigned in case of suspected development of a peptic ulcer. The best option is to get a delay for the necessary recovery of the body.

Algorithm of action in case of illness to obtain a legal decision of the commission

Granular lymphoid gastritis. catarrhal antral gastritis

How to act correctly to increase the likelihood of exemption from military service? There is a certain algorithm.

Step 1. Contact a gastroenterologist. You can do it at your place of residence or visit a paid specialist. Carefully describe your complaints, do not hide anything. Complete initial examinations. Including FGDS, x-ray, if necessary. Get tested.

Step 2. Systematically visit your treating specialist. It's better than the same thing because it knows your body better. And not on paper, but in reality. How often to go? It is better to see a doctor once every 2-3 months. Be sure to make complaints about your health condition.

Step 3. Provide documentation to the military registration and enlistment office. Upon initial military registration and upon reaching adulthood. Mandatory - all documents that are related to the disease and your state of health.

Step 4. Additional examination is possible. In some cases, the military registration and enlistment office may insist on additional examination. Especially if there is any suspicion. Don't refuse.

Step 5. Get your fitness category. The one that corresponds to your condition as a gastritis patient. If all steps of the algorithm are completed as required, there is a high probability of deferment, mitigation of military service, or complete exemption from it.

Step 6. Military service or obtaining a military ID. Depending on your health condition.

The young man’s task is to timely confirm gastritis and the severity of the pathological process. This will seriously increase the likelihood of success.

Required documents

The key document that you need to provide to the military registration and enlistment office is the patient's outpatient card. You can get it at the clinic where you undergo a systematic examination.

If you were observed by a private specialist, be sure to request a duplicate card from the institution and bring it to the military registration and enlistment office. Because this is where the bulk of the information about you as a patient with a digestive tract disease is concentrated.

In addition, take all possible extracts from medical records. From the hospital. The more documents you have, the higher the likelihood that you will be exempt from military service.

It is imperative to prepare documents in advance. Especially if you really have a digestive tract disease.

How to get rid of the army if you have gastritis

The presence of gastritis has a considerable number of nuances for exemption from military service, since this disease has various stages of progression and in most cases can be treated.

In order to receive an exemption for such a diagnosis, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  1. constant relapses of the disease, which are recorded every 6 months;
  2. the total duration of treatment for this disease is more than 30 days;
  3. lack of weight recorded during the medical examination;
  4. Acute symptoms developed during immediate medical examination.

After studying all the information presented, it is worth saying that if you have a diagnosis of gastritis, it is quite difficult to get complete relief, since the inflammation is temporary and can be restored.

List of documents to confirm the diagnosis

If you have chronic gastritis, to confirm the diagnosis, the medical commission must submit the following package of documents:

  • a medical record that has been kept since the conscript’s childhood;
  • indications in the medical record indicating manifestations of acute and chronic gastritis (over the past 2 years);
  • a sheet indicating the confirmed diagnosis;
  • a certificate confirming treatment of gastritis in a hospital setting for at least 2 months;
  • conclusion on the conscript’s body mass index;
  • ID card (passport).

Can military service aggravate the further course of gastritis?

Many people worry that military service may negatively affect the further recovery of the body in the presence of chronic gastritis. This opinion is erroneous, since the diet is carefully designed and, on the contrary, does not contain any harmful products.

One of the main aspects is the inability to consume alcoholic beverages, as they contribute to the further development of gastritis. If a relapse occurs during military service, the patient is sent to the hospital, where all necessary treatment is carried out.


Chronic gastritis

This type of disease is characterized by damage to the intestinal mucosa. This is the top layer, therefore, this type of gastritis is considered the mildest. It would seem that with superficial gastritis you will have to deal with one hundred percent probability, but there are certain nuances.

If it is documented that attacks occurred repeatedly during the year, they were accompanied by main symptoms, such as heartburn, pain, nausea, and the patient was treated in a medical institution, then they may not be accepted into the army. Let us note for the future that this nuance, with some clarifications, applies to all types of gastritis.

Advice from the service for helping conscripts with a diagnosis of gastritis

Employees of the Assistance Service advise conscripts to pay attention to the appropriate examination, since the decision to assign a category is made by qualified doctors from the medical commission.

The records of the attending gastroenterologist must fully comply with the necessary items in the “Schedule of Diseases”. Depending on the signs of the disease and its course, the following categories can be assigned, discussed in more detail in the table below.

GastritisAssigned Category
Chronic gastritis with rare relapses"B"
Secretory function disorder"IN"
Gastroduodenitis with secretory, acid-forming dysfunction and frequent pain symptoms"IN"
Treatment of gastritis in a hospital for 2 months"IN"
Treatment without identified results"IN"
Physical development disorder (BMI less than 19)"IN"
Chronic gastritis with exacerbation and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract"G"

Gastritis and suitability category

After passing the military medical commission (MMC), the young man is assigned a certain fitness category, of which there are five today (2018). On their basis, it is determined into which branches of the military the person liable for military service will be drafted or accepted for contract. Each category has its own letter designation:

  • "A". It does not promise anything good to the young man, because it means that he is fit for military service without any restrictions;
  • "B", "C" and "D". A more advantageous option, giving the conscript the right to demand a deferment for undergoing treatment or imposing restrictions on the place of his future service. When a young man receives category “B”, he is sent to the reserves, however, when general mobilization is announced, he can be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces;
  • "D". This fitness category is the most optimal for young people who do not want to serve in the army at all.

The answer to the question of whether a young man suffering from gastritis can serve in the army is given by a military medical examination. If we talk about the bureaucratic side of the issue, then there is a special provision for this procedure, which indicates the so-called Schedule of Diseases. This document describes all diseases that limit or make it impossible for a conscript to serve in the armed forces. Gastritis is covered under Article 59 and partially under Article 61.

Doctors believe that army food is excellent for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. You can argue with that

Article 59 applies not only to gastritis, but also to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has three subparagraphs: “a”, “b” and “c”, of which only the last two are related to gastritis. Article 61 describes the circumstances for granting a deferment from military service. In general it looks like this:

  1. Article 59, paragraph "b". A conscript can be exempted from military service and given a military ID, but the final decision rests with the military medical commission. In this paragraph, the phrase “frequent exacerbations” is used, but its interpretation is not given. Therefore, in some cases, the word “frequent” means regularity twice a year, and in others, attacks should occur even more often. If the conscript does not have a medical history with characteristic symptoms for at least the last two years and with an indication of inpatient treatment, or it indicates a diagnosis of “moderate gastritis,” then you can immediately forget about a deferment, or even more so, an exemption from military service;
  2. Article 59, paragraph "c". The young man is recognized as fit for service, but some restrictions are indicated. The conscript will still go to repay his debt to the Motherland, but special forces, airborne forces or other elite units will be closed to him. Acute gastritis also falls under this clause if the patient’s attacks do not occur too often. This is usually less than twice a year;
  3. Article 61. This article regulates the procedure for granting a deferment to a conscript. In the case of gastritis, a young man can claim it if he has an attack or an exacerbation begins. Of course, these manifestations of the disease must be confirmed by a medical certificate.

In simpler terms, simply gastritis cannot be the reason for a conscript’s exemption from military service. To receive a “white ticket” or at least a deferment, the disease must be severe with serious disturbances in the functions of the stomach.

In general, doctors consider chronic gastritis with rare exacerbations to be a not too dangerous disease. According to doctors, in the army there are practically no factors contributing to the development of pathology: a soldier’s daily routine and meal times are strictly regulated, the menu is balanced, and bad habits are prohibited. This is a very controversial opinion, because the quality of army cuisine is quite questionable, and in general, a barracks is far from a resort. No wonder there is a popular saying among conscripts and their parents: “They took me in with gastritis, they came back with an ulcer.”

Only those with severe forms of gastritis are not accepted into the army. It is not easy to prove its existence to the draft commission

There are often cases when commission members do not pay due attention to a conscript’s complaints, believing that army service will cure gastritis. In this case, the young man should not be afraid to defend his legal rights.

If an exacerbation of the disease begins in a young man during the commission, then he receives a deferment from conscription and is sent for treatment to a hospital or hospital.


Reviews about the presence of gastritis and military service have different responses, since much depends on the individual circumstances of each individual case. In most cases, during an exacerbation of the disease, you can easily get a temporary reprieve until full recovery occurs.

It just so happened that at the age of 18 I was diagnosed with gastritis due to poor nutrition and hereditary predisposition. When I passed the commission, the doctors did not reveal any deviations and sent me to serve with fitness category “B”.

Maxim, Voronezh

I also have chronic gastritis, so before passing the commission I underwent a preliminary examination with my doctor. As a result, I was given a temporary deferment and I underwent treatment for about 2 months, and then after 6 months I went to serve.

Evgeniy, Saratov

Chronic inflammation of the stomach

Whether a guy will serve his homeland in the presence of a chronic form of pathology also depends on various factors, for example:

  • on the frequency of relapses,
  • on how positive the treatment is,
  • does the future conscript have a medical card with records of stomach complaints?

In most cases, chronic gastritis is not a compelling argument for exclusion from military service. This is often due to the fact that in adolescence such illnesses are triggered by eating fast foods, chips, fatty and smoked foods. As you know, the army adheres to a balanced diet, which will benefit a future conscript with gastritis.

Without any restrictions, a conscript will be fit for military service in 2021 in the following cases:

  • Body weight corresponds to height.
  • The guy now has no records of complaints about the disease for the last 2 years.
  • The patient had never been hospitalized due to gastritis.
  • Attacks and exacerbations of gastritis are rare.

When determining the suitability category, the following indicators are also referred to:

FactorSuitability category
Chronic gastritis rarely makes itself feltB
Gastroduodenitis with frequent relapsesIN
The conscript was in the hospital with chronic gastritis for at least 8 weeksIN
Often recurrent chronic gastritis in severe form with dysfunctionG

In other cases, with chronic standard gastritis, the conscript is fit for service without any restrictions. It is worth noting that you will not be accepted into the army under a contract if you have chronic gastritis.

Photo: Types of gastritis

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