Effective methods of treating colon diverticulosis with folk remedies

  • October 20, 2018
  • Treatment methods
  • Galina Chebykina

Intestinal diverticulosis is a disease that is quite common today, especially in older people. A diverticulum, or protrusion of the wall of a tubular or hollow organ that appears in the intestine, is caused by age-related tissue degeneration. But, despite the fact that the disease worries older patients, it cannot be attributed to age and left without treatment. Timely therapy will not get rid of the disease entirely; existing diverticula will not disappear, but will not allow new ones to appear. Today we’ll talk about recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal diverticulosis. Feedback from people will help you choose the optimal therapy. But first, you still need to understand the symptoms of the disease.

Factors in the development of diverticulosis

Diverticular disease does not appear just like that; certain factors contribute to it. With age, various changes occur in the body, but saccular protrusions of the small or large intestine may appear against the background of:

  • frequent constipation;
  • obesity;
  • flatulence;
  • lack of nutritional fiber of plant origin;
  • infections occurring in the intestines;
  • sedentary lifestyle (most often recumbent);
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • lazy bowel syndrome.

From the above it follows that not only age-related tissue degeneration leads to the disease, it can occur even in middle-aged people. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your diet and lifestyle, and not leave infectious intestinal diseases, which can be chronic, untreated.

What is included in the concept of intestinal diverticulosis?

Diverticular disease is a pathological process in which a pouch-like protrusion of up to two centimeters or a diverticulum in the mucous membrane forms in the wall of the large intestine, but more often in the sigmoid region, due to a decrease in the tone of the muscle layer.
But the term diverticulosis itself implies many such formations that cause discomfort in a person and are discovered by chance, for example, during a routine examination. In more than 85% of all cases, this pathology occurs in the large intestine, namely in its sigmoid section. Much less often the rectum, stomach and other hollow organs are affected.

Diverticulosis is often an acquired disease and is diagnosed in people aged 40 years. It is usually asymptomatic until the first signs of inflammation appear.

In order to treat this pathology, or at least reduce the symptoms, it is necessary to normalize the diet and resort to natural medicines that restore lost functions of the digestive tract.


Symptoms of pathology

It often happens that the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and the patient learns about it only when serious complications already appear. But still, intestinal diverticulosis is most often manifested by the following symptoms:

  • from time to time nausea appears, which quickly passes, often without even vomiting;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • stool disorders (constipation followed by diarrhea);
  • pain in the left side of the abdomen;
  • there is a small amount of mucus in the stool;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • feeling of a full stomach even after bowel movements;
  • bloating.

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe therapy. Treatment of diverticulitis with folk remedies is welcomed by many doctors; they can recommend effective recipes. But if another course of medication is prescribed, you must take it! Lack of treatment and inadequate therapy can lead to complications that threaten the patient’s life!


Treatment of diverticulosis with folk remedies will help prevent negative consequences, which often require emergency surgical intervention. The most common complications:

  • tissue abscess;
  • diverticular bleeding;
  • malignant neoplasms (cancer);
  • the occurrence of fistulas;
  • peritonitis;
  • diverticulum perforation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • retroperitoneal phlegmon.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner when the first symptoms appear, you will be able to avoid hospitalization and undergo treatment for intestinal diverticulosis at home. Folk remedies will help you cope with the disease faster, but it will simply be impossible to do without a diet. Let's talk about nutrition for this disease.

Causes of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

Diverticulosis develops due to a combination of factors that occur in older people. Over time, certain areas of the walls of the sigmoid colon begin to weaken, as a result of which, first, minor protrusions are formed, and then full-fledged diverticula. The main reason for the appearance of areas of intestinal weakening is a violation of innervation.

The aging process predisposes to the appearance of diverticula. As we age, dystrophic changes are observed in the tissues of all organs, including the intestinal muscles. Among other things, older people experience a decrease in the level of nutrients in the body, which predisposes to the appearance of protrusions in the intestines.

Another common cause of diverticula is weakness and underdevelopment of connective tissue. It should be noted that such developmental disorders, as a rule, do not lead to the appearance of diverticula at a young age, but almost always provoke protrusion of sections of the sigmoid colon in the elderly. Underdevelopment and weakness of connective tissue is a congenital defect characterized by a failure in the synthesis of collagen fibers.

In addition, an increased risk of diverticula occurs in older people with signs of incoordination of intestinal motility. The fact is that chronically increased intraintestinal pressure causes stretching of the muscle fibers of the walls of the sigmoid colon and, over time, leads to the appearance of a full-fledged diverticulum.

In some cases, severe spasms of the intestinal walls can provoke the appearance of a sigmoid colon diverticulum. During a spasm, intrawall blood vessels are compressed, which leads to disruption of blood microcirculation. Impaired tissue nutrition irreversibly leads to the appearance of areas of muscle tissue degeneration and stretching of the perivascular spaces.

Improper nutrition also contributes to the development of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon. Diverticular disease of the colon almost never occurs in people who prefer plant-based foods rich in fiber. At the same time, among people living in developed countries and who prefer to eat soft foods rich in animal fats, the incidence rate is extremely high.

Hereditary predisposition also plays a role in the process of damage to the sigmoid colon by diverticula. Currently, there are no known genes that can be transmitted and lead to weakening of the muscles of the intestinal walls, but, according to statistics, people who have relatives suffering from diverticulosis in old age often experience the appearance of a similar disease.

Nutritional Features

Treatment of intestinal diverticulosis with folk remedies and even the most effective medications will not give a positive result if you do not follow a diet.

The first thing you need to do to improve your diet is to start taking more liquid, at least three liters per day. Liquid means not only tea, coffee, juice, compotes and the like, but also clean water; there should be at least two liters of it in the daily diet.

The products included in the menu will help restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • natural yogurt;
  • dark bread;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables rich in fiber (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers);
  • sauerkraut;
  • plum, apricot;
  • sunflower seeds.

Quickly digestible carbohydrates must be excluded from the diet. If you are sick, it is not recommended to eat fruits and berries with small seeds (for example, raspberries and currants), as they cause discomfort when they get into the diverticulum.

Features of traditional therapy

Basically, folk remedies in the treatment of intestinal diverticulosis are used as an adjuvant therapy to drug treatment. But if the attending physician considers alternative medicine sufficient, then we can only get by with the recipes of our ancestors.

It is worth considering that treatment of this disease (either with medications or folk remedies) is carried out on a regular basis. That is, you need to accustom yourself to take medications and potions every day. Only short breaks are allowed in therapy. The doctor will prescribe instructions for drug therapy, and we will present recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal diverticulosis. Before using any of the drugs, you should consult a specialist, because you may be allergic to its components.

Rules for treatment with folk remedies

Colon diverticulosis affects the functioning of the entire digestive system. The use of traditional methods is aimed at normalizing the activity of the damaged organ and minimizing symptomatic manifestations. The goals are to strengthen intestinal motility and normalize the patient’s stool.

The main point is to coordinate the use of alternative medicine with the doctor. The use of some herbs and plant parts may have the opposite effect and cause harm.

The rules for using traditional medicine recipes are:

  1. Prohibition on independently changing the ingredients, dose or time of treatment. The above is strictly agreed with the attending physician.
  2. The cooking instructions must be strictly followed.
  3. The quality of the products from which the composition will be prepared should not raise doubts or complaints.
  4. Confidence that no component of the prepared product will cause allergic reactions.
  5. Treatment is stopped immediately if there are signs of deterioration in health, changes in the color or condition of the skin and other signs of intolerance.

Plantain seeds

This product is so rich in plant fiber that it helps to quickly restore normal peristalsis, eliminate both constipation and diarrhea, and this is very important in the treatment of intestinal diverticulosis. The folk remedy is both prepared and taken very simply:

  1. Plantain seeds in the amount of one tablespoon should be placed in a container with a volume of at least 300 ml.
  2. Pour a glass of milk or freshly squeezed juice, half a glass of natural yogurt into the seeds, shake well.
  3. The drug is drunk in one gulp so that no seeds remain.
  4. You need to take the product only on an empty stomach - in the morning immediately upon waking up.

Reviews about this treatment method claim that after 3-5 days the symptoms of the disease practically disappear! But, as we described above, you need to take any treatment constantly. In this case, a course of 20/5 is allowed.

Traditional medicine recipes

Intestinal diverticulosis, treatment with folk remedies is very effective, can be eliminated with the help of simple substances.

The use of herbal medicine has found wide application in many countries around the world. It is best to use folk recipes for uncomplicated forms of pathology and it is advisable to combine them with the use of medications. Self-medication in this case should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Let's consider the most effective folk remedies in the fight against intestinal diverticulosis:

  • Recipe No. 1: Treatment with bran. For diseases of the rectum, treatment with bran has always given a positive result. With the help of ordinary bran, you can not only relieve the body of unbearable pain, but also relieve the manifestation of painful spasms. This product also helps rid the intestines of excess excess gases that form in it during the day. The large amount of dietary fiber contained in bran has a positive effect on the process of bowel movement, thereby normalizing human stool. To prepare this miracle remedy, it is recommended to mix a small amount of bran with the consistency of natural yogurt. If you don't have yogurt on hand, you can use regular kefir. After mixing, it is recommended that the bran infuse for half an hour, and then you can begin treatment. Daily inclusion of such food in the diet helps to cope with acute symptoms of intestinal diverticulosis. Initially, during the day it is enough to eat no more than a tablespoon of bran porridge, and then this portion should gradually increase.
  • Recipe No. 2: Elderberry berry tincture. The healing properties of elderberries have been known since ancient times. They can be safely used in the treatment of intestinal diverticulosis. To do this, it is recommended to add no more than a tablespoon of elderberries to a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink the finished tincture like tea, thereby receiving the desired healing. Elderberry tincture not only has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, but also helps strengthen immune properties.
  • Recipe No. 3: Treatment with plantain seeds. In the fight against constipation, plantain seeds give a good result. If you eat at least twenty grams of such seeds every day, the positive effect will definitely be noticeable.

It is worth noting that the use of any folk remedies must be carried out with the permission of a doctor, otherwise you can seriously harm the body!

Intestinal inflammation, in which pouch-like protrusions form on the intestinal walls, can lead to serious complications such as peritonitis, bleeding, and obstruction. Diverticulosis requires mandatory treatment. Medicines, diet, traditional methods, and surgery help to cope with the pathology.

Linseed oil

With diverticulosis, patients complain of pain. This is normal in case of illness, since food has an irritating effect on the diverticulum, which begins to become inflamed. In order not to switch to liquid gruel, you need to prevent irritation, and flaxseed oil will help with this. Application is simple:

  • when waking up, immediately before drinking water and food (even before washing), you need to drink one tablespoon of flaxseed oil;
  • You can drink water and have breakfast after 10–20 minutes; you can wash your face immediately after taking the product.

There are no breaks in this therapy, so you will have to train yourself to take the oil constantly. There are many reviews about the method and they are all positive. They write that they managed to return to eating normal food, as soon as they started taking the oil, the pain disappeared.

Therapy with flax

Flax has a positive effect on the entire digestive system. For medicinal purposes, plant seeds or flaxseed oil are used. The oil is taken on an empty stomach, which helps protect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract throughout the day. The seeds of the plant are similar in effect to plantain seeds. Upon contact with liquid, the product swells, providing a therapeutic effect in the fight against diverticulosis. Seeds are introduced into the daily diet, 1 tbsp. l, washing down the product with enough water.

Herbal collection

Herbs have long been used to treat any kind of disease; you just need to choose the right composition. Many homeopathic remedies are made from plants. We propose to consider an effective recipe for a folk remedy for the treatment of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon. The recipe is:

  1. In equal parts you need to mix the seeds of dill, chamomile, nettle, crushed rose hips, and motherwort. The mixture needs to be ground.
  2. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of just boiled water. Cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket, leave for three hours.
  3. Strain.

You need to take the product for one and a half months, twice a day, one tablespoon with meals. Next, you need to take a break for 10 days and take the course again.

Reviews indicate that the product tastes pleasant, sweetish, and a little spicy. You can add a little honey.

Using Herbs

Herbal medicine is becoming an area of ​​wide application in folk medicine. Herbs are widely used to prepare decoctions and tinctures. Dill seeds, dried rose hips, chamomile, nettle and calendula are excellent means of combating the inflammatory process. To prepare a decoction, herbs are used in equal doses. The mixture is prepared by bringing to a boil and removed from the heat. If there are no contraindications, the decoction can be sweetened.

Mint has a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. A decoction of the plant can be added to tea or drunk separately. The prepared drink should be warm. The plant has additional medicinal properties. Has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Alcohol-based medications are used to normalize pressure in the intestines. When using tinctures, the intestinal walls relax. Sloe liqueur is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diverticulosis. The drink is prepared according to a certain scheme. The tincture is allowed for use no more than 2 times a day. Excessive use of tinctures containing alcohol can cause additional irritation of the mucous membrane of the injured organ.

Drinks containing alcohol are allowed for consumption only after consultation with a doctor. Self-use of tinctures is prohibited.


In the treatment of diverticulosis of the large intestine, the folk remedy made from bran is a valuable product. This product is used according to the following scheme:

  1. For breakfast, mix one tablespoon of the product with 200 ml of natural yogurt.
  2. Then every two days you need to increase the dose of bran, while the amount of yogurt remains unchanged.
  3. Increase their quantity until there are 50 grams per serving. From this day on, divide the portion into two parts, eat it in the morning for breakfast and as a second dinner.

There are no breaks: such breakfasts and dinners must be consumed on a lifelong basis. They write that the taste is acceptable. This breakfast is very filling. The remedy helps you forget that there is such a disease as diverticulosis.

Healing Products

There is no officially proven effect from the introduction of traditional medicine for diverticulum of the intestinal tract. Health experiences can be more toxic than doctor-approved healing.

Due to stagnation of feces in the intestinal tract and difficulties during bowel movements, an inflammatory process appears. To ensure the normalization of peristalsis, people advise using greenish apples and sprouted wheat grains. The course lasts up to 30 days. Then there is a break.

Oatmeal jelly brings a tangible effect in the treatment of diverticulosis. Use it warm during the day. Making oatmeal jelly takes a lot of time. It is recommended to refrain from consuming processed or crushed oatmeal.

Psyllium seeds contain a huge amount of fiber. The main prerequisite for the development of diverticula is the human diet, which contains a small amount of plant fiber. The presence of the designated substance increases the motility of the organ.

The amount of fiber in plantain seeds exceeds the content of certain types of cereals. The seed introduction scheme is as follows:

  1. The product is filled with liquid (kefir, yogurt, juice).
  2. After the composition is prepared, you need to immediately eat it in small sips.
  3. After half an hour, the patient drinks a glass of water.

The peculiarity of taking the seeds is that they enter the large intestinal tract already in an enlarged form. A stimulus is produced to increase peristalsis of the organ. It is allowed to take the drink until the manifestations of the anomaly are completely eliminated. It is allowed to cure a disease with a folk remedy in the absence of concomitant diseases.

Flax is one of the traditional medicines. It has a positive effect on the digestive system. Seeds and oil are used in traditional therapy.

The oil is eaten on an empty stomach during the day. Throughout the day, the mucous membrane of the organ is protected. The effect of introducing seeds is identical to that of plantain seeds. Diverticulosis is treated with swollen seeds.

Bran contains a huge amount of fiber and nutrients. The product should be introduced into the diet evenly. The scheme for introducing bran is discussed with the attending doctor. The specialist takes into account the weight, age of the patient and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Bran can be mixed with fermented milk products and act as a side dish. There is a restriction on the consumption of the product (a tablespoon of bran).


Oatmeal jelly helps with illness. This pleasant-tasting remedy is used in courses: six months of use, then the same break. If diverticulosis is severe, then you can not take breaks, but drink jelly every day throughout your life. The preparation is as follows:

  1. In a three-liter jar you need to pour half a kilo of oatmeal, pour in 150 ml of drinking yogurt or kefir. The remaining space up to the hanger of the jar should be filled with boiled water, but cooled to 50 degrees.
  2. The neck of the jar should be covered with gauze.
  3. Leave the product to infuse for two days in a warm place.
  4. Strain the product. Pour the liquid back into the jar, rinse the oatmeal with boiled water, and place it again in the resulting jelly. Next, you need to let the product brew for another 20 hours.
  5. Place the product in a container convenient for storage, close it, and put it in the refrigerator.

The resulting product is the basis for making jelly. You need to prepare the drink itself like this:

  1. Pour 2 glasses of water into a saucepan and mix with ten tablespoons of oatmeal jelly.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Cool to an acceptable temperature, drink with a slice of black bread.

You need to take jelly only once a day on an empty stomach.

In reviews, people recommend drinking this jelly. They write that the product tastes like kefir and kvass and is easy to drink. Symptoms of diverticulosis quickly subside.

What is diverticulosis and what are its causes?

The large intestine is a long tube that stores and then disposes of food waste left after digestion in the small intestine. Over the years, the walls of the colon thicken, and bulging pockets and protrusions form in it. If such bags are significant, they are called diverticula. An accumulation of diverticula is called diverticulosis.

The muscular wall of the colon thickens over the years, although the reason for this thickening is not clear to science. This can cause increasing pressure on the colon to eliminate stool.

For example, a diet low in fiber can lead to constipation. Hard stool, which is difficult to move through the intestinal tract, and which requires increased pressure to pass, is retained in sectors of the colon. The pressure in these clogged sectors may be too high, the walls of the intestine cannot withstand it and begin to bulge.

With external protrusions, hernias form, and where the walls are weak - diverticula. Lack of fiber in the diet is considered a more likely cause of diverticula formation.

In addition, microbiological examination of the edges of the diverticula revealed signs of inflammation, so such a cause as infection in the intestinal tract is not ignored. Summarizing the above, we note that there are three main causes of diverticulosis: age, lack of fiber in food and infection.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

It should be noted that painful feelings can be of a completely different nature.
This can be minor tingling or severe colic. In most cases, such feelings are localized in the abdomen on the left side above the womb. The most common symptoms associated with diverticulosis are abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea.

With all this, stool can be combined with vomiting or nausea. In some patients, symptoms may be associated with the presence of concomitant irritable bowel syndrome or abnormalities in the functioning of the muscles of the sigmoid colon (diverticulitis); Diverticula simply shouldn't cause any symptoms. Occasionally, bleeding occurs from the diverticulum, and this is called diverticular bleeding.

Traditional remedies against intestinal diverculosis

Proponents of non-standard medicine say that you can cope with a similar disease with the help of ordinary bran. The use of this product helps prevent the exacerbation of the disease. With all this, there is a decrease in pain and flatulence, and a significant improvement in the general condition of the patient.

Bran and herbal preparations

It is recommended to start taking bran with a small amount. You should consume less than a tablespoon per day. You can drink the product with milk, yogurt and kefir. Bran can also be added to ready-made dishes. The daily norm should be increased evenly. Ultimately, the amount of bran consumed should be between 40 and 50 grams per day.

It is difficult to imagine healing diverticulosis using traditional medicine without herbs. The subsequent infusion helps to cope with the manifestations of the disease. To make it, you need to mix the following ingredients in equal parts: motherwort, nettle, chamomile flowers, rose hips and dill.

A tablespoon of the prepared mixture should be filled with approximately 200 milliliters of boiling water. It is recommended to close the container with the infusion tightly. The product should be infused for several hours. The finished product should be taken with meals, 150 ml twice a day. Course – 1.5 months.

Composition for cleansing the intestinal tract

In the treatment of diverticulosis, timely cleansing of the intestinal tract is of fundamental importance. To do this, you can use the following composition. To make it, you need to take equal parts of sprouted wheat grains and greenish apples. All ingredients should be cut and then crushed in a blender.

You need to take a similar composition for breakfast for a month. The serving size should be between 250 and 300 grams. Before repeating the course of treatment, you need to take a break for a month.

A diverticulum is a bulge in the wall of a hollow organ or vessel due to a violation of its structure. Often these formations appear as a result of a malfunction of a person’s genetic program; the occurrence of similar defects can also be associated with injury and excessive pressure on the wall of an organ/vessel. Diverticulosis of the intestinal tract is a surgical pathology, so adequate therapy for this disease is impossible without consulting a doctor or proctologist.

Traditional remedies will help prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the affected area, and will also improve the passage of food and feces through the digestive tract. It is not superfluous to keep in mind the benefits of a slag-free diet, as well as the benefits of physical activity and giving up bad habits and overeating.

Oatmeal jelly is an irreplaceable remedy

Many people say that oatmeal jelly is a great remedy for diverticulosis. The use of this product allows you to restore stool and increase the tone of the intestinal tract, reduce pain and signs of flatulence.

  1. To make oatmeal jelly, you need to take a container and pour 2.5 liters of boiled water into it. The liquid must be cooled to a temperature of 50°.
  2. After that, you should pour the water into a three-liter jar, and then add 500 grams of rolled oats and 150 ml of live kefir to it. It is recommended to mix everything thoroughly.
  3. The container must be tightly closed and placed in a warm place for a certain number of days.
  4. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the product must be strained.
  5. It is recommended to wash what remains in the colander with water, spending only 1.5 liters, do not throw away the water.
  6. The liquid that remains after washing and straining must be combined and poured into a container and closed tightly. It is recommended to leave everything for another 20 hours.
  7. After which the liquid must be divided into several layers. It is recommended to carefully pour the bottom layer into a clean container and place it in the refrigerator. This is a concentrate.

The purchased concentrate is used to make oatmeal jelly. To do this you need to take 3 glasses of water. Add 10 tablespoons of concentrate to it and put on fire. It is necessary to boil the purchased drink until it boils down. After which it is recommended to add oil and salt to taste to the finished product. As for oil, you can use buckwheat, olive, flaxseed or butter. They eat oatmeal jelly with bread.

At the first signs of diverticulosis, you should immediately consult a doctor for help, because self-medication in this case can only worsen your condition. It is recommended to treat non-standard medicine with caution.

Healing diverticulosis of the intestinal tract using traditional remedies.

Now hundreds of people are susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases. A common case is diverticulosis of the intestinal tract. The disease involves the formation of diverticula (bag-like protrusions) in multiple quantities, usually provoked by weakness of the connective tissue, and is inflammatory in nature. The most common location is diverticulosis of the colon, the rarest is the duodenum.

The disease can be congenital or acquired. Option 1 is rare and involves the formation of growths at a young age. In the 2nd case, it occurs much later and is provoked by a lack of plant fiber in the body or increased pressure in the intestinal tract.

At risk are people of both sexes over the age of forty. Especially those suffering from obesity, flatulence, stomach infections or using laxatives. Over the years, the possibility of developing diverticulosis increases.


A remedy made from green apples and wheat germ helps prevent inflammation of the diverticulum. The drug is aimed at cleansing the intestines and enhancing the protective properties of the mucous membrane. For preparation you will need:

  1. Take sprouted wheat and green apples in equal quantities.
  2. The wheat needs to be crushed, the apples must be peeled and cored, and ground in a blender.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. During breakfast for a month you need to eat 300 grams of apple-wheat porridge.
  5. Take a break for 28 days, then take the course again, and so on throughout your life.

According to reviews, treating diverticulitis with a folk remedy made from apples is very tasty! Some write that they didn’t take breaks, and it didn’t get any worse!

We talked about the most effective, judging by reviews, folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal diverticulosis. But we remind you once again that before using even the most harmless drug, you need to consult a doctor.


Treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances is justified for diverticulitis. Conservative therapy, in addition to antibacterial agents, for inflammation, looks like this:

  • substances to improve intestinal motility;
  • antispasmodics;
  • laxatives;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • medications for hemoglobin growth.

In case of complications in the hospital, medications are administered intravenously, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Nutrition is administered parenterally, which makes it possible to “rest” the gastrointestinal tract.

Early stage sigmoid diverticulosis can be treated with medication. The main medications on the list are:

Alpha NormixAn antibiotic belonging to the broad-range group. Presented in the treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon. Recommendations for use prescribe a dosage of 200 mg for adults and children over the age of twelve years. Reception is carried out every 8 hours. The duration of therapy does not exceed 7 days. The medicine can be taken in a repeated course, but only after a break of a month. Price from 650 rubles.
AmoxiclavBelongs to the group of penicillins. Prescribed for inflammation of the urinary tract, problems with the gastrointestinal mucosa. The dosage is 1 pill. The break between doses is also 8 hours. The dosage is prescribed for adults and children over twelve years of age. Cost from 200 rubles.
No-ShpaShows a calming effect on spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive organs. The dosage for an adult is from 120 to 240 mg throughout the day. The drug can be divided into 3 doses. Cost from 50 rubles.
BuscopanPrescribed to relieve spasm of the muscles of internal organs, reduces the secretion of the digestive glands. The instructions for use indicate a dosage of 1-2 pills after meals. Take up to 5 times within 24 hours. Cost from 330 rubles.
DuphalacThe drug belongs to the laxative group and is sold in syrup form. Helps with long-term constipation. According to the instructions, you can take from 15 to 45 ml. The medicine does not need to be diluted. Cost from 290 rubles.

An antiemetic drug that eliminates the feeling of nausea. The drug alleviates dyspeptic symptoms associated with decreased gastric emptying. Adults and children over five years of age are prescribed 10 mg three times within 24 hours, thirty minutes before meals.
LinexA complex remedy that belongs to the group of drugs that normalize intestinal microflora. Prescribed when the composition of the normal intestinal flora changes. A child over twelve years old and an adult are prescribed two capsules per day. Cost from 250 rubles.
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