Why you feel sick from smells, reasons and what to do

It happens that smells become boring because they are unpleasant or cloying. From them you can even determine what a person is sick with. Overall, smells are an interesting topic to explore. Read more in the article.

Smells are an integral part of our life. They not only affect the emotional state, but also the social behavior of people. If a person is attracted to a scent, then he seems more interesting as a person and more beautiful. Smells can not only be pleasant or unpleasant. They also serve as a warning signal. If there is a fire in the house, it is thanks to the smell that you can feel the burning in time and leave the room.

Want to know what helps with nausea? Read another article on our website . It contains a list of effective drugs and recipes of traditional medicine.

What to do if the smell makes you feel sick?

An unpleasant nauseating feeling sooner or later overtakes any person. Along with discomfort in the stomach and throat area, weakness and increased salivation appear. Most often, nausea does not go away without vomiting. At this stage, a person’s breathing becomes impaired and chest pain begins. In people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers, vomit is thrown out intensively, literally gushing out. After the stomach is empty, the patient feels significant relief. Rejection of what you eat during cancer, in turn, does not make you feel better, and streaks of blood can be seen in its composition.

Why do the smells of food, perfume or cigarette smoke cause nausea? Nausea when external stimuli appear in the form of odors signals various malfunctions in the functioning of the human body or an allergy to the components of the aroma source. A negative reaction to an odor in the form of nausea+, which is not foul or poisonous, most often signals health problems that require treatment. In addition, aversion to the aroma of perfume or fragrant food can serve as an indicator of a person’s psychological abnormalities. Such a feeling, in relation to individual aromas, can arise even as a result of significant overwork, psychological overload or prolonged stress.

Lightheadedness from odors, nausea and nausea from a particular or several odors often portends certain diseases. In such cases, pregnant women may feel sick during the period of toxicosis. The cases described are the most common. Less commonly, you can also encounter nausea that appears as a result of individual intolerance to any food products, perfume compositions or components of tobacco smoke.

Tired of smells and feeling sick: when should you see a doctor?

Tired of smells and feeling sick
Nausea and intolerance to smells can be a symptom of a disease that needs to be diagnosed in a clinic. When should you see a doctor?

  • Severe symptoms that do not go away for more than 2 hours , combined with fever, vomiting, aches, intestinal problems, and lethargy, signal intoxication, which requires medical attention.
  • Prolonged nausea, as a reaction to odors, is a serious reason to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Of course, except in cases of pregnancy.

If a reaction to odors occurs regularly, getting rid of symptoms is not as important as eliminating or curing the disease itself, somatic or psychological.

Sickening from the smell of food, food

Nausea and nausea from the smell of food appear in case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. For female representatives, it may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Until the end of the first trimester, aversion to food is explained by rapid hormonal changes. The desire of the expectant mother for the birth of a child also plays an important role here. When pregnancy is desired and planned, toxicosis, severe nausea, may not appear at all. If motherhood was not part of the woman’s plans, the negative symptoms of changes in the body will seem stronger to her than they actually are. Nature plays tricks on pregnant women in such a way that pleasant and even previously loved smells while waiting for the birth of a baby can become disgusting and repulsive, causing nausea. To reduce the negative impact of aromatic irritants, it is recommended to minimize their presence during pregnancy. Nausea from odors during pregnancy is very often an inevitable symptom of pregnancy, which in most cases is completely normal. And if a woman does not know how to get rid of a nauseating smell during pregnancy, how to eliminate the smell and nausea from it, she should simply avoid such smells for a certain time.

In case of toxicosis, if under the influence of odors a woman develops nausea that has a steady frequency, she should consult a doctor on this issue. For both women and men, repeated nausea is a signal of malfunctions in the body that need to be eliminated as quickly as possible.


When diagnosing the condition of a patient who is sick due to odors, the help of several specialists (gastroenterologist, neurologist, therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist) may be required.

Unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium occur for several reasons, which include:

  • chronic disorders of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, enterocolitis);
  • decreased blood pressure and other cardiovascular system disorders;
  • hunger;
  • neurological ailments (depression, nervous tension, stressful situations);
  • allergic reactions.

If a patient suddenly vomits due to the smell of meat, then the symptom may indicate not only the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also indicate a depressive state of the patient. In order not to be mistaken about the cause of the pathology, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination and not limit yourself to visiting a local physician.

Fishy smell

Fish contains a healthy set of vitamins and macroelements necessary to maintain health. This product has a specific aroma, which is characterized by increased durability. To get rid of fishy smell, there are several effective recommendations.

If carp or carp stinks of mud, then before heat treatment it should be placed in a vinegar solution for 2 hours (1 liter of water per 20 g of essence). The fish will lose its specific aroma if you rub it with salt before frying and leave for 20 minutes. At the final stage, the food seasoning is washed off with water, and the product becomes an ingredient for cooking.

The smell of fish will acquire a subtle tint if you put a little raw chopped potatoes in a heated frying pan before frying. First add a few drops of lemon juice to the sunflower oil. Before grilling bream, it is recommended to place 5-6 bay leaves on the grates.

Activated carbon will get rid of the specific aroma of crucian carp and pike in the refrigerator (just leave a few tablets on the middle shelf of the food storage room).

Meat smell

Unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium, caused by the characteristic aroma of pork or beef, are fraught with serious discomfort for a huge number of patients. To get rid of meat smell you will need the following ingredients:

  • mustard;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • red wine;
  • chamomile infusion;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate:
  • pomegranate juice;
  • lemon juice.

At the initial stage, it is recommended to rinse the pork or beef under running water, then rub the meat with mustard and leave the product for 2.5-3 hours. Once the allotted time has expired, you can begin preparing the meat dish.

To eliminate the specific smell of lamb, you should make a preparation of red wine and spices (dill, rosemary, parsley, cariander) and place everyone’s favorite product in it for 1-1.5 hours. After the specified period, the lamb will lose its characteristic aroma. Meat odor can be eliminated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate: the food product is placed in a container with an antiseptic liquid for 3 hours, then thoroughly washed under water. As an alternative to potassium permanganate, it is recommended to use lemon/pomegranate juice, red wine or chamomile infusion.

Sugar will help minimize the risk of nausea from the smell of meat. The pork is rubbed with a carbohydrate product and after half an hour the foreign smell disappears.

Nausea from the smell of food

Discomfort in the epigastric region may be accompanied by a lack of appetite and aversion to food. Such symptoms indicate the presence of malfunctions in the digestive tract and disorders of a psychosamotic/endocrine nature. Attempts to forcefully fill the stomach with food lead to attacks of nausea, which in 99% of cases end in a gag reflex. Digestive problems can be complicated by drinking alcohol, smoking and stressful situations.

Nausea from the smell of food is provoked by:

  1. disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (dysfunction of the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines);
  2. helminthic infestations;
  3. allergic reactions in case of therapy with painkillers, antibiotics;
  4. hormonal changes (menopause, lactation);
  5. food intoxication;
  6. oncological diseases.

When complaining of epigastric discomfort arising from the smell of food, it is important to identify and analyze additional symptoms (hyperthermia, loose stools, vomiting, etc.). A viral infection can also cause an aversion to fish dishes.

Discomfort in the epigastric region can occur in the body of a pregnant woman. At the initial stage of bearing a child, nausea due to the smell of food is caused by toxicosis, which should not be considered as an abnormal sign. But the lack of appetite in the expectant mother for a long time is fraught with disturbances in the water and electrolyte balance in the body, and there is a potential risk for the development of the fetus.

With a deficiency of nutrients, the amount of glucose in the blood decreases, and the patient begins to experience unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium from the mere mention of food. This clinical picture is explained by the fact that the body compensates for energy costs from its own cells by producing toxic elements. The body responds to poisoning with attacks of nausea: thoughts about the upcoming breakfast or lunch provoke an aversion to food.

The smell of perfume

There is a category of patients whose body reacts to various aromas of perfumes and eau de toilette with an attack of nausea. Perfume is considered a common allergen: you should not use a specific fragrance without checking for an allergic reaction to the components included in the selected perfume option. The first signs of hypersensitivity are headache and nausea. If several types of incense have accumulated in a closed space, causing cephalalgia and discomfort in the epigastric region, you should ventilate the room or leave it.

Smell of tobacco smoke

An attack of nausea can suddenly come on when a person nearby smokes. Nicotine-dependent patients also suffer from discomfort in the epigastrium and other pathological symptoms. Tobacco smoke contains a storehouse of carcinogens, harmful tars and toxic components. During smoking, the salivary glands begin to work actively and, together with a colorless liquid, toxic substances enter the esophagus and stomach.

Under the influence of poisons, the muscles of the reservoir spasm to break down nutrients and the patient is overcome by an attack of nausea. Unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region are provoked by increased work of the adrenal glands and a sharp release of the fear hormone (adrenaline) - this is how the smoker’s body turns on a defense mechanism aimed at combating toxic substances. To reduce the risk of pathological symptoms, you should give up the bad habit.

Alternative scents

Odors coming from pets can cause nausea. Allergy to wool, a specific aroma emanating from cats and dogs, excrement of four-legged pets are the main risk factors that provoke unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium. To eliminate a specific odor, it is recommended to wash the floors with an iodine/vinegar solution. You should be careful when choosing household chemicals: certain types of detergents emit pungent odors that potentially pose a health hazard.

An attack of nausea can be caused by the smell of new shoes, food waste in the trash can, or washing powder. Extraneous odors are eliminated by eliminating them (taking out the trash, changing the brand of washing powder).

What to do if you feel very sick from the smell of food, food, how to get rid of nausea?

Nausea from the smell of food can be caused by an unhealthy diet or a neurological imbalance. The causes of nausea are influenced by sudden and frequent mood swings, as well as stressful situations. You can get rid of nausea with a glass of clean drinking water or sour juice. It is important to drink still water, as saturating the drink with carbon dioxide bubbles can cause vomiting. It is allowed to drink carbonated water, the gases from which have been evaporated. When a nauseating state is accompanied by colic in the peritoneum, if, in addition to nausea, the stomach also hurts, and this abdominal pain and feeling of nausea continues for several hours, there is a high probability of developing intestinal diseases. In this case, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

What to do?

  • It is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of the body. Specialists must identify the cause of nausea. Doctors prescribe a course of therapy, after which patients cease to experience discomfort and unpleasant sensations.
  • If the cause of unpleasant sensations is dehydration, then it is necessary to restore the body’s water and electrolyte balance. In this case, special medications are prescribed. Patients take Hydroxyethyl starch, Sodium chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium and magnesium aspartate.
  • Nutrient deficiencies are eliminated. Special complex vitamins are prescribed. The diet is observed. Patients need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Drink more mineral water. Avoid low-quality foods containing dyes.
  • You can use traditional medicine. It is allowed to use infusions of medicinal herbs and flowers. For example, field chamomile and peppermint are perfect, as they easily eliminate attacks of nausea. The dry substance is poured with boiling water, infused and consumed until the disease completely disappears.

Read also: What can you use to make a cocktail in a blender?
If a person feels sick from smells, the causes of the illness may be different. First of all, you need to contact a specialist and undergo a full diagnosis. If the cause of nausea lies in a malfunction of the body, then treatment should not be delayed. Delay can cause unwanted side effects that negatively affect the system as a whole.

Odor intolerance is a special sensitive state of a person when the appearance of certain odors causes discomfort, unpleasant and painful sensations. At the same time, odors do not have to be sharp and intense. There is a certain threshold of smell when the perception of odors is normal. Unpleasant sensations caused by truly foul odors are not pathological, but are a normal human reaction.

Why does the smell of meat make me sick and nauseous?

Many people find the smell of raw meat and offal extremely unpleasant. When the smell of meat appears, they begin to feel sick and sick. In this case, the effect of the stimulus can be reduced only by minimizing it. To get rid of or reduce nausea from the smell of meat, you need to provide access to fresh air in the room or turn on the hood. The characteristic smell of meat products is muffled with wine, pomegranate juice, mustard and spices. If the smell of raw meat causes lightheadedness and nausea constantly, this indicates the likelihood of serious abnormalities. To diagnose them you need to go to the hospital.

Main causes of nausea

Nausea from the smell of food

may be a signal about the presence of any abnormalities and diseases in the body. When it lasts for a long time and does not go away, and gets even worse, and is also accompanied by a number of other symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice.


And in the office it is very important to tell in detail exactly when nausea occurs, how long it lasts and how it ends. What other changes have you noticed in your body?

. And only after this, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary diagnostics and course of treatment, if required.

Another cause of nausea may be the presence of an irritant in the body. Nausea will be accompanied by an unpleasant feeling, dizziness, weakness, and excessive salivation may also occur.

And, as a result, allergies may occur



may indicate a person has a concussion.

Women have a feeling


may indicate pregnancy. Very often in the first months of pregnancy a similar condition occurs.

. When nausea occurs more than 3 times during the day, you should tell your doctor about it.

Nausea can also be caused by an unhealthy diet. When you have eaten something of poor quality or fatty or fried

In such cases, experts recommend drinking freshly squeezed juice or a glass of mineral water, but only without gases
. There is no need to irritate the walls of the stomach or intestines.

Nausea from various smells

In order to reduce this feeling, you can take a few simple steps.




  • meat To reduce this irritating odor, you should rinse it under running water. When you cook it, add various spices, they will help dull the smell of cooked meat;
  • fish This seafood has a very specific smell. And many people simply cannot tolerate it, either raw, fried or baked
    . In this case, they simply talk about intolerance to the product. It’s better to give it up altogether and not torment yourself;
  • perfumes The perfumes of other people do not always make us happy. In this case, it is better to step aside and get some fresh air
    If you are indoors, then open the window

But when you feel nauseous from the smell of food

does not pass for more than two hours, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Video: “Why do I constantly feel nauseous, sick from smells and after eating?”

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Why does one feel sick, why? This question arises for absolutely all people, especially in cases where such a symptom appears for no reason. Nausea is characterized by a painful sensation in the area under the xiphoid process, which almost always ends in vomiting

But nausea is not a disease, it is only an independent manifestation of pathological disorders in the body
. It does not always appear when the digestive system malfunctions. Such a sign may indicate quite serious deviations.

Why does the smell of fish make me sick and nauseous?

The peculiar fishy smell, like meat, can cause unpleasant symptoms in some people. Considering that each organism is individual, an aversion to the characteristic fishy aroma can repel the desire to eat fish products. You should pay attention to the fact that this smell is more pronounced and persistent than that of meat. It is more difficult to get rid of it even after the dish has already been prepared. That is why many people find it unpleasant and often it is the smell of fish that causes nausea and nausea.

Fish spoils much faster than other animal products. Therefore, if it makes you feel nauseous or has a feeling of stomach discomfort, it is better to replace it with another dish. As for the smell of raw fish, to which there is disgust, accompanied by nausea, this symptom, as in the case of meat, signals a disturbance in the functioning of the body. Identifying them will help you get rid of discomfort and nausea.

“You can tell everything by smell”: diagnosis by body odor, sweat

“You can tell everything by smell”: diagnosis by body odor, sweat
It is believed that the sense of smell in people’s lives plays a less important role than vision or hearing. However, the sense of smell is underestimated, because the olfactory impulse reaches the brain much faster than, for example, the tactile one.

The extraordinary sense of smell of the protagonist of the detective film “The Sniffer” helps him unravel the most complex crimes. Thanks to his gift, the Sniffer can describe in detail and even diagnose a person by his smell or sweat. He can tell everything about a person.

Similarly, a serious illness, in particular cancer and other diseases, can be determined by body odor. Diagnosis by body odor:

  • It is known that in the presence of certain diseases a person begins to emit a specific odor. In the case of oncology, we are talking about the smell of stale meat.
  • If you have kidney or liver disease, an ammonia smell appears.
  • Diabetes smells like acetone or overripe apples, which is due to the formation of ketone bodies, which are converted into acetone.
  • When poisoned with arsenic, a person emits the aroma of garlic.
  • Phenylketonuria smells like mice.
  • Typhoid fever - the smell of freshly baked bread.
  • E. coli infection smells like lime.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the body - the smell of corn tortillas.

Sweating is natural and vital for humans. Sweating maintains normal body temperature, avoids overheating, removes toxins from the body, sweat moisturizes the skin of the palms and feet, keeps it elastic and protects. Sweat, as such, is odorless. And the specific aroma appears directly due to the presence of bacteria, as a result of their vital activity.

What to do if you feel very sick from the smell of fish?

Several simple recipes will help you overcome the nausea that occurs when fresh fish appears nearby. Before starting to prepare a fish dish, its fish component should be kept in cold water acidified with vinegar for several hours. The solution is prepared in the following proportion: two tablespoons of vinegar per liter of liquid. Salt will help remove the characteristic fishy smell. However, in order not to oversalt the dish, you should take no more than two tablespoons of salt per kilogram of fish. The fish is rubbed with salt and left for fifteen minutes, after which it is washed with cold water.

To remove the unpleasant odor left on the skin of your hands after cooking fish, you should use lemon juice or vegetable oil, rubbing it into your palms, and then wash your hands with aromatic toilet soap. You can remove the fishy smell from kitchen knives by rubbing the blades with mustard and then rinsing them with dishwashing detergent. Horizontal coverings and cutting boards are treated with vinegar to speed up the removal of the smell. If the performed manipulations did not allow the smell of fish to be completely removed and it remained in the refrigerator, you need to leave an open pack of activated carbon on the middle shelf for several days.


Potential attacks of nausea can be avoided by following certain rules:

  • be sure to eat in the morning;
  • do not overeat at the table;
  • during the period of intensification of attacks of nausea, suppress them by drinking (herbal decoction or mineral water without gases);
  • eliminate sources of unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium (after cooking fish, treat your hands with lemon juice, vegetable oil, regularly ventilate the premises, avoid places where they smoke);
  • adhere to a certain diet, the basis of which is proteins and carbohydrates;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • Walk regularly (1.5-2 hours a day) in the fresh air.

The heaviness and discomfort in the epigastric region should not be ignored - there may be a risk of serious health complications. Regardless of the etiological factors of nausea, it makes sense to consult a doctor in order to neutralize the risk of disorders of the digestive and other vital systems of the body.

Why does the smell of perfume make you sick, causes of nausea and nausea

The aromas of perfume products should evoke positive emotions in a person, without worsening his well-being. In real life, even fragrant compositions can provoke nausea; if the smell of perfume causes nausea, this can be explained by various reasons, including poisoning, toxicosis during pregnancy, acute respiratory infections and the result of motion sickness in transport. You should take into account the fact that nausea is not always caused by perfume. The irritant may be an allergen or other factor affecting health. To quickly restore your health, you need to establish the cause of nausea.

Validol, Anestezin and Aeron help get rid of nausea caused by the smell of perfume. The use of medications must first be agreed with the attending physician, since self-medication can harm a person. If it is not possible to consult a doctor, you can overcome nausea with chamomile or ginger tea.

Types of nausea that happen

1 Brain, resulting from irritation of receptors in areas of the brain. It is present in a number of brain pathologies (encephalitis, meningitis, traumatic brain injury), and is observed as a response to instability of vestibular functions (“sickness” when a person travels by bus or train).

2 Metabolic, caused by various hormonal disorders.

3 Reflex, which appears due to irritation of the nerve endings of the digestive and other organs. It is observed during pregnancy in women, in patients with pain syndrome (renal or biliary colic), food poisoning, drugs or chemicals (toxic nausea).

Psychogenic nausea, which is a type of reflex nausea, is characterized by its sudden onset for no apparent reason; inhalation of an unpleasant aroma or the emergence of memories of stressful circumstances experienced are sufficient. People with an unstable emotional background and neurotic disorders are susceptible to this type of nausea.

But with many types of nausea, with the exception of cerebral nausea, the provoking factor is an unpleasant odor. There are many recommendations on what to do if you feel sick from odors, even those that previously did not irritate you. There are special medications that can cope with an attack of nausea; you can use traditional medicine.

What to do if the smell of perfume makes you feel nauseous?

If the nausea caused by motion sickness goes away without outside help; flu and colds - can be overcome by drinking herbal tea, but only ventilation will help to correct the situation when you feel sick from the strong smell of perfume products. The reaction of an individual to the smells of perfume compositions is a matter of taste and individual perception. If it is impossible to eliminate the smell of perfume and it makes you very sick, for example, on public transport or indoors, to ease the nauseating symptoms, it is recommended to move away from the source of the nausea provoking agent or take a seat closer to a window or vent. Other people present next to you may not share the opinion that the aroma is unbearable, so you should not try to convince others of this.

Nausea after eating

Irritation of the gastric mucosa, which ends in vomiting, is the body's natural reaction to relieve discomfort. It can be triggered by alcohol, as well as taking certain medications (for example, acetylsalicylic acid), especially on an empty stomach.

Do you experience occasional nausea? Reasons other than pregnancy may include various gastrointestinal diseases. For example, with a stomach ulcer, when part of the mucous membrane is damaged, gastric juice begins to irritate its walls, which can cause nausea.

Problems with the liver often manifest as a bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, and it begins to feel cloudy even while eating.

Often during intestinal infections such as botulism, salmonellosis, dysentery, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea are observed. You should be very careful about the foods you eat. You should not eat bloated canned food, poorly cooked meat and eggs, especially those bought at the market.

If you are not pregnant, but feel sick, the reasons may lie in the pancreas. Pancreatitis also manifests itself as bloating, pain, and dizziness, especially after eating food. With this disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet and follow all the recommendations of the gastroenterologist.

Why does the smell of cigarettes make you so sick? Reasons

It is not necessary to have a bad habit to experience nausea, nausea from the smell of tobacco smoke, or nausea from the smell of cigarettes. A nauseating state appears even with passive smoking. This is facilitated by toxic substances that are found in abundance in tobacco combustion products and are harmful to human health. When nicotine enters the bloodstream, a person’s blood pressure increases and their heart rate increases. Added to these symptoms are dizziness and shortness of breath.

You can get rid of nausea caused by the smell of cigarettes by avoiding inhaling cigarette smoke. A smoky room should be ventilated. Nausea from tobacco smoke is natural for humans, since in this way the body tries to protect itself from toxic substances contained in such smoke.

Why do smells cause nausea?

Nausea is a common occurrence; it is easy to trace the relationship with half of the possible pathologies of the body. Doesn't necessarily signal illness. Individual intolerance to foods and substances is triggered. Smell plays a key role in triggering the mechanisms of nausea, indicating the causes.

With food on "you"

Specific relationships with food aromas arise during pregnancy. Hormonal changes trigger a series of changes in the body. The diet and food preferences change. In women expecting a child, their sense of smell becomes more acute in the first trimester. Strong aromas provoke nausea. Concerns the smells of heavy, protein foods. Spices are contraindicated. Imported products are undesirable.

Stress during pregnancy aggravates toxicosis and sensitivity to odors.

When a person begins to feel sick from smells, it is worth considering individual intolerance to substances. Not to be confused with allergies. There are no allergies to smells. The connection is undeniable.

An allergy to fish can cement in the mind an association with the product as pathogenic. The reaction will prompt the stomach to reject the product, even to the point of severe turbidity.

There are cases when the ability to absorb the product is complicated. Sensitivity to products can be congenital or acquired. Acquired food intolerance occurs due to illness and psychological factors. Prolonged refusal of protein (vegetarian diet) triggers the withdrawal mechanism. As a result, the aroma of meat provokes nausea.

The sense of smell and raw meat are often incompatible. If a person reacts normally to a product after heat treatment, the reasons for intolerance to the smell of raw meat are related to psychology.

Irregular nutrition, lack of a daily routine, and bad habits contribute to the body’s incorrect reaction to food odors. Paradox: I often feel sick from hunger, smells aggravate (trigger) the reaction. The stomach declares that food is needed.


Depression, neuroses, and stress tend to trigger somatic manifestations of diseases and provoke nausea. Symptoms appear in both mentally unstable and healthy people. In stressful situations, the stomach stops producing the enzymes necessary to digest food. The aroma of food is regarded as unpleasant and triggers a symptom, indicating to the person that food intake is not desirable.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract also trigger an unpleasant reaction to odors. Ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases directly affect the ability to digest food and odors. Housing and communal services diseases often require a person to adhere to specific diets. The list of contraindicated products is long. The body itself indicates foods that should not be eaten. The sight and smell of forbidden foods makes you feel sick.

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