Treatment of constipation in the elderly with folk remedies

Anyone can experience constipation, but this problem is especially relevant for children and elderly people. Treatment of constipation in older people at home includes dietary adjustments, the use of medicinal herbs and medications, and lifestyle changes. Before treatment, it is imperative to identify the cause of intestinal dysfunction.

Constipation in old age can be treated not only with medications, but also with folk remedies, diet and exercise.

Features of constipation in old age

Constipation is a disorder of bowel movement, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • there is an increase in the intervals between bowel movements (less than once every 2–3 days);
  • difficult bowel movements;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • the need for additional manipulations.

The development of constipation in old age is associated with many factors: slower peristalsis, physical inactivity, a decrease in solid foods in the diet, chronic diseases, and taking medications to treat underlying diseases.

The most common reasons are:

  1. Malnutrition: insufficient consumption of solid foods, fiber, water.
  2. Changing the usual conditions. Often, reflex retention of stool occurs when changing place of residence (including during hospitalization), climate, other conditions, or under the influence of stress.
  3. Physical inactivity, prolonged bed rest.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: hemorrhoids, proctitis, colitis, rectal prolapse, anal fissure.
  5. Diseases of other organs. Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus), heart failure, and liver disease contribute to the occurrence of constipation.
  6. Side effects of medications. Antispasmodics, muscle relaxants, bismuth preparations, antidepressants (Amitriptyline), and diuretics can slow down bowel emptying.
  7. Tumor formations. The tumor leads to a narrowing of the intestine, which is clinically manifested by stool retention.

This must be taken into account when determining treatment tactics. To combat constipation, it is not always enough to change your diet and take laxatives; you must identify the cause of bowel dysfunction.

Healing rhubarb

Few people know, but rhubarb has long been considered an excellent cure for constipation. This unpretentious plant grows in many areas along with other plants.

It has gained wide popularity among older people who treat constipation with folk remedies. But you should know that rhubarb is addictive, so it cannot be used as a medicine for a long time.

Treatment consists of providing a laxative effect on the intestines in large quantities. A small dosage of this healing medicine can have the opposite effect.

The root of this plant is used for preparation. You only need 2 tablespoons of roots, which are crushed in a blender or on a fine grater.

This amount is poured into 1 glass of boiling water, infused and filtered. Before bedtime, take 100 ml once a week.

What to do if you are constipated: general principles and tips

If the cause of constipation is not an organic disease, you can get rid of the symptom at home. Treatment is aimed at softening stool, enhancing peristalsis and preventing the formation of fecal blockages. Complex treatment is used: diet, medicinal herbs, medications, enema.

To make defecation easier, you need to follow simple tips:

  1. Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up, this will help stimulate your intestines.
  2. Form a bowel movement routine - try to empty your bowels every day at a certain time.
  3. Drink more water during the day, unless there are contraindications (edema, heart or kidney failure).
  4. Walk more, do light and simple exercises if possible.
  5. Before eating food, do a gentle abdominal massage.

Causes of constipation

  • Over time, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract weakens, which becomes a consequence

    difficult passage of feces.

  • The anal sphincter becomes less sensitive and the urge to go to the toilet becomes less pronounced. These are the two main reasons why older people suffer from constipation.
  • Constipation can also be caused by drinking insufficient amounts of fluid for the body.
  • Foods low in dietary fiber.
  • Complete absence or too little physical activity.
  • Frequent use of medications.
  • In rare cases, constipation may occur due to diseases:
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases of a psychological nature.
  • Parkinsonism.
  • Diabetes.

It is better to use folk remedies for constipation in older people under the supervision of a doctor, because Complications of various kinds may arise that cannot be corrected afterwards.


Diet plays an important role in preventing constipation. It is necessary to develop a diet: eat food at the same time, 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is not recommended to grind food or frequently prepare purees and jelly. It is better to boil or steam foods.

You should exclude from your diet foods and drinks that slow down bowel movements and cause increased gas formation:

  • bread and pasta made from premium flour;
  • baked goods;
  • rice and semolina porridge, lentils;
  • smoked meats;
  • strong tea, coffee and cocoa;
  • whole milk;
  • beans and peas.

Eating foods that stimulate peristalsis and provide a laxative effect will help combat constipation:

  1. Foods that contain a lot of fiber: beets, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, apples, pears, apricots, plums, black currants, gooseberries.
  2. Buckwheat and oatmeal, bread and pasta from durum wheat, bran.
  3. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs.
  4. Vegetable oils that improve intestinal motility: sunflower, olive, corn, flaxseed.
  5. Fermented milk products that have a laxative effect: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk.

In the presence of tumor formations, diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is not recommended to consume a lot of fiber, as this can lead to the formation of a fecal impaction.

Folk remedies for constipation in the elderly

Traditional recipes are often used to improve intestinal function. The main ingredients may be medicinal herbs or foods that stimulate bowel movements. Folk remedies act gently and rarely cause side effects, which allows them to be taken for a long time.

5 best folk recipes for constipation:

Product name How to cook How to use
Laxative paste What you will need for preparation:

100 g dried apricots, 100 g prunes, 100 g raisins, 3 tablespoons honey,

lemon juice. Grind dried fruits in a meat grinder or grind in a blender, add honey and lemon juice to them, mix thoroughly.

Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.
A mixture of kefir and buckwheat flour Add 1 tablespoon of buckwheat flour to a glass of kefir, stir and leave overnight. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach.
Flax seed infusion Rinse 3 tablespoons of flax seeds with water, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave overnight. Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.
Prune decoction Rinse 100 g of prunes with water, pour 2 cups of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 50 ml 30 minutes before meals.
Decoction of senna, rhubarb and buckthorn To prepare you will need:

1 teaspoon rhubarb root, 1 teaspoon buckthorn bark, 1 teaspoon senna leaves, 1 cup boiling water.

The mixture must be stirred, pour boiling water over it, and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Take 2 tablespoons before bedtime.

Folk tips and recipes

All folk remedies for constipation have a mild laxative effect, unlike pharmaceutical drugs.

Therefore, they need to be selected in a special order, since each organism perceives each component individually. It may be necessary to try several means to find the right medicine.

  • Many people recommend drinking oil in the morning on an empty stomach. Use olive or flaxseed oil, 1 tablespoon each.
  • Treating constipation with beets has become a common remedy among the elderly. You can use a salad of boiled beets as a tasty medicine. It is boiled, peeled and grated on a fine grater. Add a few drops of cold-pressed olive oil or flaxseed oil. Use as a separate dish or as a medicine three times a day, a tablespoon.
  • Herbal infusions are being prepared. To do this, take licorice, marshmallow, flaxseeds and fennel. A tablespoon of this collection is steamed and boiled in a water bath in one glass of water. Set aside until completely cooled and filter through cheesecloth or a strainer. Add boiled water until the glass is completely filled and take it in the evening after dinner. The volume of decoction at one time is 0.5 cups.
  • Constipation often causes hemorrhoids. This recipe copes perfectly with both ailments. A special mixture is prepared from flax seeds, oak bark and chamomile. Place one tablespoon of this mixture in a glass of water. Steam and boil in a water bath. After cooling, it is also filtered, diluted with boiled water and taken after meals in the evening, 0.5 cups at a time.
  • Constipation is excellently treated with kefir and bran. It is enough to drink a glass of kefir mixed with 2 tsp. bran and this disease will subside in a short time.
  • Hay grass helps a lot. It is also called Alexandrian leaf. Its action is to strengthen the intestinal walls. To prepare a cure for constipation for the elderly, you need to pour a tablespoon of this herb into a glass of cold boiled water overnight. The next morning, drink the infusion, after straining it. It is one of the potent drugs, so start taking it with a third of a glass. Every day the dosage is increased to a full glass.
  • Treatment for constipation based on apple jam, wheat bran and clean boiled water is considered very effective. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, 1 glass each, and mixed thoroughly. Add a quarter glass of plum juice, mix again and transfer to a clean container with a lid. Store the medicine in the refrigerator and take 3-4 tbsp every day in the morning on an empty stomach. spoons.
  • Folk remedies such as natural vegetable juices are very helpful for constipation in older people. Ideally, if the vegetables were grown in your own garden or summer cottage. This juice can be made from pumpkin, carrots, beets, cucumbers, onions and tomatoes.


Laxatives are an effective method of combating constipation, but you should always consult your doctor before using them. In older people, uncontrolled use of laxatives can lead to addiction, dehydration, and impaired renal function.

The following medications can treat constipation:

Group name Indications for use, features Examples
Osmotic laxatives Increases the volume of contents in the intestines. Preparations based on lactulose also populate the intestines with normal microflora.

Can be used for long-term treatment.

Forlax, Lavacol, Normaze, Duphalac, Dinolak.
Saline laxatives Saline laxatives (magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate) are often used as an emergency measure when urgent relief from constipation is needed. Not prescribed for long-term use. Guttalax, Regulax.
Herbal preparations Herbal preparations based on buckthorn, senna, and rhubarb activate intestinal motility and inhibit the absorption of water in it. Senade, Senadeksin.
Stool softeners This group includes oils that can be taken orally or administered rectally. Inside – castor, vaseline and almond oil. Glycerin suppositories are prescribed for rectal use.

Senadexin is one of the effective drugs used to treat constipation in older people.

Basic recommendations

Treatment of constipation in older people is aimed at the following factors:

  • To normalize the consistency of stool
  • Strive for regular bowel movement

To do this, a number of measures are carried out that will relieve symptoms and establish normal bowel movements in older people. Among them are:

  • Completely change your diet and lifestyle. To eliminate constipation, they activate and increase physical activity, move more. Increase the amount of fluid consumed per day and enrich your diet with foods rich in dietary fiber. If older patients have the physical ability to exercise physical activity, then daily light exercises and sports will help. Walking in the fresh air will not be superfluous. If physical capabilities are limited due to health conditions, a regular massage will help, which will provoke natural peristalsis. The maximum amount of fresh vegetables and fruits is added to the diet. They are able to cope with such ailments as constipation.
  • Monitor your drinking regime. You should drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. After changes in diet in older people with constipation, a large amount of dietary fiber and fiber enters the body along with vegetables and fruits. For their absorption and active work, a sufficient volume of liquid is required. If the amount of water consumed is insufficient, the necessary liquid will begin to be absorbed from the intestines, leading the situation to a critical point.
  • If constipation is the result of a serious or chronic disease, then the disease itself is initially eliminated. In this case, treatment with folk remedies will help, since they are aimed at relieving the symptoms of constipation, providing a mild laxative effect. These products are well tolerated, do not cause any side effects and are not addictive.

All folk medicines can be divided into three groups, dividing them according to their functionality:

  • Have a softening effect on feces in the intestines
  • Reduce tissue absorption of fluid and increase secretion
  • Provoke peristalsis


To perform an enema, you will need an Esmarch mug, 1.5 liters of warm or cool water, and Vaseline. Cool water is used to activate peristalsis, warm water is used to relieve spasms.

How to give an enema at home:

  1. Fill the mug with water.
  2. Lie on your left side, bend your right leg.
  3. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline and insert it 3 cm into the rectum.
  4. Open the hose and release the water.
  5. Empty your bowels.

An enema is a quick-acting method, but there are limitations. It is not recommended to use an enema for long-term treatment, as it can damage the intestinal mucosa. In addition, its frequent use can be addictive, in which case an elderly person will not be able to empty his bowels on his own, without auxiliary manipulations.

Drug treatment

If following a diet for an elderly person does not help solve intestinal problems , one has to resort to drug treatment .

The use of medications involves the use of mild drugs that have little effect, since strong laxatives disrupt digestion and cannot be used continuously.

To quickly treat constipation in the elderly, use:

  • For cases of chronic constipation : Prelax, Forlax, Mucofalk and Fitomucyl. This group of drugs prevents the outflow of fluid from the intestines, thereby helping to soften stool and make it easier to pass;
  • When the motor activity of the intestinal walls decreases, Coordinax, Cerucal, Dulcolax, Guttalax are recommended. The substances contained in them enhance intestinal motility, restore its peristalsis and increase the nervous sensitivity of the receptors contained in the walls. All this causes softening of the masses and their gentle, rapid removal from the body;
  • Drugs with irritating effects : Senade, Regulax, Bisacodyl, castor oil. They act on the intestinal walls, stimulating their motility and faster movement of formed feces.

It is possible to use modern, milder, quick-acting laxatives:

  • Lubiprostone;
  • Norcisapride;
  • Plecanatide;
  • Elobixibate.

To treat constipation in a bedridden patient, you can use suppositories with a laxative effect; they, like tablets, have a different mechanism of action, helping to cleanse the intestines.

a bedpan for a bedridden patient – ​​used by old people who have difficulty walking

Drugs for the treatment of constipation in the elderly are used in short courses; taking them for a long time is not recommended, since they produce lazy bowel syndrome. In this case, peristalsis only worsens and without additional stimulation, emptying does not occur.


If organic pathology is excluded, special exercises can be used to treat constipation. Such exercises are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving blood supply to internal organs.

Initial position How to do
1 Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Perform circular movements with your torso.
2 Lying on your back. Raise your legs bent or straight.
3 Lying on your back. Perform circular movements with your legs, imitating riding a bicycle.

Also, for the treatment and prevention of constipation, it is useful to walk more, swim, and do yoga.

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