Causes of hiccups when smoking and how to get rid of them

08/23/2020 Alena Masheva Health

Hiccups are a physiological process that occurs in the body in response to the appearance of irritants, and every person has encountered it. However, when it accompanies every cigarette smoked, anyone will have a feeling of anxiety, and it also causes very bad feelings. Even if a smoker quits smoking for a short time or changes the brand of cigarettes, this does not give any result. Then a logical question arises: why does a person hiccup when he smokes?

Hiccups while smoking

If, during each smoking process, hiccups first suddenly appear and then also disappear imperceptibly, then this is a reason to ask yourself a solution to the problem: why is this happening. So why do you hiccup when you smoke?

Such hiccups cannot be attributed to a physiological condition, but appear due to poisoning of the body with tobacco smoke and combustion products that nourish the nervous system.

There are two reasons for this condition to occur:

  • the volume of air entering the stomach when a person smokes significantly exceeds the norm;
  • difference between air temperature and inhaled smoke temperature.
  • Hiccups that appear when smoking are symptomatically similar to normal hiccups, but differ from it in that its occurrence is associated with the ingestion of substances of chemical origin into the body or an allergy to some of them. It is observed mainly in long-term smokers who smoke a huge number of cigarettes. In such cases, giving up a certain brand of cigarettes and switching to another will not bring any results, and the question “why do you start to hiccup when you smoke?” will remain open.

Why does smoking cause hiccups?

Hiccups are a physiological reaction of the respiratory system to exposure to irritants. This is a consequence of contractions of the diaphragm, located between the chest and abdominal cavity.

Normally, when the diaphragm contracts, the chest space increases and air enters the lungs due to negative pressure. With sudden contractions, hiccups begin.

It is important to understand why you hiccup when you smoke and whether this could be a symptom of pathology.

Reasons for rejection

Hiccups can be caused by overeating, poor diet, and stress. However, in the case when hiccups accompany smoking, this is not a physiological condition, we are talking about a strong toxic effect.

The causes of hiccups when smoking are the gradual weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. An attack can occur both during smoking and after. It is triggered by the penetration of air into the stomach, stretching the walls of which leads to the generation of pathological impulses in the vagus and phrenic nerves, which lead to contraction of the diaphragm.

Another possible cause associated with smoking is a closed epiglottis. Air passes through the epiglottis, and when food is swallowed, it closes, preventing it from entering the respiratory tract. During an attack of hiccups, the epiglottis closes, which may also be due to weakening of the sphincters due to the toxic effects of smoking.

Poisoning by tobacco combustion products often manifests itself as hiccups if you smoke several cigarettes in a row, as well as when consuming alcohol and nicotine at the same time. A person may hiccup due to a large temperature difference between the environment and the inhaled smoke.

The habit of smoking while eating leads to excess air entering the stomach. An increase in intragastric pressure is accompanied by an effect on the diaphragm, which is why the attack begins.

Provoking factors

The following conditions may increase the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms:

  • reflux esophagitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • the presence of parasites in the body;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer.

Stomach pathologies are a common cause of hiccups. Most smokers suffer from them. The entry of gastric juice into the esophagus provokes a burn and affects the nerve endings - attacks of hiccups are no longer uncommon.

Hiccups after smoking appear for a short period of time; as a rule, no measures need to be taken. It happens that hiccups appear only at the moment of inhaling, and if you put out the cigarette, then the attack will pass.

Elimination of an attack

There are different ways to relieve attacks of hiccups; folk advice is often used, but the doctor may also recommend medications. Their use is relevant in cases where attacks are prolonged and recur constantly. In this case, an examination should be carried out and the exact cause of the attack should be identified - perhaps it is a serious pathology.

For hiccups, medications are used whose action is aimed at reducing dopamine and serotonin receptors, as well as antispasmodics and muscle relaxants.

After diagnosis, it becomes clear what provoking factor influenced the occurrence of the attack. As a result, antiviral drugs can be prescribed if the patient's condition is complicated by bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as antihistamines and antibacterial drugs.

The body is a single system and the influence of all possible factors must be taken into account. The trigger for an attack can sometimes be stress or disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere. In such cases, sedative tablets will help.

Any medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Possible medications include:

  • Finitoin;
  • Diazepam;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Chlorpromazine;
  • Metoclopromide.

Drug therapy is used in extreme cases. As a rule, it is possible to cope with an attack using simpler and more accessible methods.

Of course, the most correct recommendation in this case is to quit smoking. This is one of the most harmful habits that steadily destroys the human body. However, people are looking for simpler solutions. In such cases, the following advice can be given:

  • A sufficient amount of fresh air will help stop the attack - you need to leave the smoky room.
  • Drink warm water. Water will slightly calm the irritation of the mucous membrane and reduce the concentration of acid.
  • Holding your breath is probably the oldest way to get rid of hiccups. To be fair, it can be noted that it does not always help.
  • Breathing like a dog. It is necessary to breathe frequently with your tongue hanging out. The purpose of the procedure is to stimulate the posterior pharyngeal region and eliminate irritation from the diaphragm.
  • Breathing into the bag. Restriction of oxygen leads to an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, relieving spasms and muscle excitation.
  • You can try to eliminate frequently recurring attacks of hiccups by taking a course of sedative herbs. Valerian, motherwort, and lavender can be used.
  • Eat a teaspoon of sugar. Will reduce acidity in the esophagus.


The following decoctions can be used to relieve an attack:

  • Dill water;
  • laurel infusion;
  • alcohol tincture of white wild garlic.

There is a recipe for a special tea that should help. You will need 30 g of mint, lemon balm, and hops combined with 45 g of valerian root, 20 g of rosemary and St. John's wort. All ingredients are mixed and 1-1.5 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 300 g of boiling water. The drink should infuse for half an hour.

You can learn about other causes of hiccups from the video:


If a person is prone to hiccups, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • do not smoke while eating;
  • avoid inhaling smoke in the cold;
  • Do not combine the habit with drinking alcohol.

If attacks occur frequently, consulting a doctor is mandatory. Most likely, they are an indication of an existing pathology, and more serious treatment will be required.


Attacks of hiccups after smoking

Toxic hiccups after smoking can persist for a very long time, creating a lot of inconvenience in a person’s life. It is important to distinguish between hiccups caused by smoking a cigarette or for other reasons. Having dealt with the cause, you should study methods that will help you cope with it and improve your life for the better.

How to get rid of hiccups

Having figured out the answer to the question of why you hiccup when you smoke, you need to figure out how to stop it. If the attacks are short, then immediately when irritating hiccups appear, you need to go out into fresh air and not smoke for a short time. But if such a simple measure does not bring results, then the rules presented below should be applied.

  • Changing the type of activity or diverting attention to some foreign object will be excellent options for solving the problem. For example, you can read your favorite book, watch videos on the Internet.
  • A series of steps repeated several times will also help. You need to close your eyes and ears and hold your breath as long as you can.
  • A glass of cold water, drunk in small sips, will relieve hiccups.
  • In addition, a spoonful of sugar, mustard powder, a few drops of vinegar or a slice of lemon will help. They must be used separately.
  • Masturbation and traditional sexual intercourse will get rid of hiccups.
  • By sticking out your tongue and stretching it to its maximum length, you can normalize the condition by breathing for a few minutes.
  • In addition, a person who hiccups can be frightened, and he will get rid of his illness.
  • A good helper in stopping hiccups is carbon dioxide. At home, you can take the bag and breathe into it for a few minutes. The muscles will relax and the hiccups will go away.
  • A glass of water, drunk from a special position, will stop the attack. To do this, bend over, stretch your neck and put your hands behind your back.
  • The above methods allow you to stop hiccups, which are episodic in nature and are not a sign of disease. If hiccups are caused by pathology, then it is much more difficult to get rid of it, in which case it is necessary to eliminate the cause.

    Should I give up the habit or not?

    A heavy smoker voluntarily and consciously exposes his health to severe trials. The quality of life begins to deteriorate over time. Nicotine addiction appears, after smoking, blood pressure rises, cough and shortness of breath appear. It becomes more difficult to climb the floor, as muscle atrophy appears.

    Hiccups when smoking are the lesser of evils. It indicates intoxication of the body by the products of burning cigarettes. This is the first sign of deteriorating health. After quitting smoking, the body will begin to cleanse itself. It will take from 3 months to 5-6 years until toxic compounds are completely eliminated (depending on the length of time of the smoker). Medications and vitamin-mineral supplements will help support cleansing.

    From cigarettes, a person acquires chronic forms of diseases, immunity is reduced, and diseases are acquired quickly. The worst are cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and blood diseases. Because of the nicotine habit, people lose limbs, become disabled, and lose their lives.

    If hiccups appear during or after smoking, you will have to think about quitting the bad habit. You need to throw it quickly! Slowing down will lead to greater intoxication of the body, which means it will be more difficult to break the habit. Medicine does not stand still; quitting a harmful activity is now easy. There are many options: from abrupt refusal to replacing cigarettes with nicotine patches, chewing gum, and sprays. We offer a range of electronic cigarettes.

    The main thing in the fight against a bad habit is willpower, the desire to live a full, rich life. It is important to feel the support of close relatives and friends. Successfully breaking the habit will allow you to enjoy life longer.

    How to treat seizures with medications

    If you have a medical condition that may cause hiccups, you should consult a doctor. It is the doctor who can answer why you hiccup when you smoke and prescribe adequate treatment that can solve the problem.

    To alleviate the symptoms of the disease and normalize the condition, a specialist may prescribe:

  • "Phenytoin";
  • "Diazepam";
  • "Chlorpromazine";
  • "Metoclopromide."
  • In addition to prescribing medications, the doctor will also recommend flushing the stomach and dilating the esophagus. In addition, in exceptional cases of advanced disease, a phrenic nerve block may be necessary, performed by injecting an anesthetic into the neck area where the nerve fiber is located.

    Why are smoker's hiccups dangerous?

    More often, hiccups are only a concomitant symptom of another disease. Smoking worsens gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. The biliary tract narrows, which affects neighboring organs (liver, kidneys, urinary, gallbladder). We need to call a spade a spade – smoking, first of all, poisons the body!

    The cigarette contains a number of chemical compounds (400 items). The most common, harmful to the body:

    1. Nicotine. The active substance of any cigarette. Slows down the supply of nerve impulses. It immediately enters the bloodstream, causing addiction. A heavy smoker receives an increased dose of the substance, which negatively affects blood pressure and blood vessels. There is a risk of stroke.

    The blood is saturated with poisons in the lungs

    1. Resin. The particles settle in the lungs, blackening them. Increased risk of pulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis. Carbon accumulates.
    2. Heavy metals (nickel, lead, cadmium). Active carcinogens and poisons. They poison the body as a whole.
    3. Ammonia. A substance used to clean up contaminants.
    4. Benzene. Carcinogen that causes cancer (leukemia).
    5. Formaldehyde. A poison used to preserve corpses. Causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    6. Arsenic. Used as a poison for rats.
    7. Carbon monoxide. Reduces oxygen levels in the blood, causing lung diseases.
    8. Acetone. The fair sex uses it to remove nail polish.
    9. Styrene The toxicity of the substance causes cataracts of the respiratory tract, changes the composition of the blood, and irritates the mucous membranes.

    The remaining elements that make up a cigarette also have a detrimental effect on the body. Many cause cancer. The best solution is to quit smoking. If difficulties arise, it is necessary to undergo examinations and reduce tobacco consumption.

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