Hiccups in babies after feeding, how to deal with them?

Since hiccups usually bother adults, many people find that they also bother babies. However, children usually do not experience discomfort. In fact, many newborns can sleep through bouts of hiccups without being disturbed, and the hiccups rarely impede or have any effect on the baby's breathing.

Most hiccup episodes last from a few minutes to an hour. In any case, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, many babies find hiccups quite funny. Hiccups in a baby are normal body reflexes and parents should not worry at all.

Why does the child hiccup?

The baby hiccups even in the womb, from the second trimester. When a woman is pregnant, sometimes she feels that the baby's body is pulsating rhythmically. Perhaps at this moment the fetus has hiccups.

So why does a baby hiccup while still in the womb?:

  • the brain sends a signal to the fetus's diaphragm to contract, and when it contracts, the fetus sucks in amniotic fluid, which causes hiccups;
  • Fetal hiccups also occur when the baby develops a sucking reflex and thus sucks in amniotic fluid;
  • Rarely, a significant increase in hiccups may be a sign that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus's neck and restricting the flow of oxygen, known as cord compression.

You don't have to worry too much about this. But if anxiety increases, tell your doctor and he will order an ultrasound to check if everything is normal.

Common causes of hiccups in newborns:

  1. Immature diaphragm. A newborn often hiccups when its immature diaphragm contracts suddenly and irregularly. As the baby grows, the contractions of the diaphragm, along with the muscles between the ribs and abdomen, become more synchronized and stronger, which gradually reduces the frequency and severity of hiccup episodes.
  2. Overfeeding. This is one of the common reasons why a baby hiccups after feeding. Rapid distension of the stomach or its fullness can provoke a spasm of the diaphragm muscle, which will lead to hiccups.
  3. Swallowing air. This is another reason why babies hiccup. Most babies tend to swallow a lot of air when feeding, which can also lead to hiccups. The occurrence of hiccups in an infant also depends on the position in which the baby is fed and other factors, such as whether you allow the baby to burp frequently during feeding to reduce the amount of air swallowed.
  4. Decrease in temperature. Hiccups can also occur if your body temperature suddenly drops. Since a newborn baby is less able to maintain his body temperature, any significant changes in the environment can significantly affect his body temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to keep children warm and comfortable.
  5. Mother's diet. The baby often hiccups due to the mother's diet. No matter what the mother drinks or eats, the nutrients consumed are passed on to the baby through breast milk. Newborns are more likely to experience hiccups after feeding if the mother consumes peanuts, eggs, wheat, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits and soy products before feeding the baby. For best results, avoid foods that may cause your baby to hiccup for at least an hour before feeding.
  6. Acid reflux. Regular hiccups, even when the baby is not overfed or swallowed air, can signal a possible underlying problem. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (known as GERD) is a condition in which some stomach contents regurgitate into the esophagus. This may cause pain and hiccups. However, hiccups are not usually the only symptom of GERD. Other indicators that a baby may experience include colicky behavior, pain-related behavior, fussiness at night, frequent regurgitation, and abdominal pain after breastfeeding. If your baby hiccups frequently or has any other symptoms associated with GERD after making feeding changes, talk to a specialist about the problem.
  7. Allergy. The baby may be allergic to certain proteins found in formula or even breast milk, which in turn causes inflammation of the esophagus called eosinophilic esophagitis. As a reaction to the condition, the diaphragm spasms, causing hiccups.
  8. Irritants in the air. Babies have a sensitive respiratory system, and any airborne irritant, such as fumes, pollution, or intense aroma, can trigger a cough. Repeated coughing puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing it to vibrate. This may be the reason why your baby hiccups.

Why does a newborn hiccup after burping in newborns?

Attacks of hiccups occur in a small child in the most unexpected situations: during sleep, from cold, during feeding, after laughing, during conversation.
Let's look at the reasons for each of them. Sleep for newborns is an inactive phase of growth and development. All organs, except the thyroid gland, rest, and the main hormonal gland produces a large amount of hormones necessary for the maturation of the baby. Hiccups in a dream interrupt this process, the baby wakes up due to a sharp muscle contraction, and may cry from fright. Typically, diaphragm spasm at night lasts no more than 15 minutes and goes away on its own. There is no need to stop it with water or feeding.

This situation can be explained as follows:

  • The baby hiccups in his sleep due to the cold. Thermoregulation in children under one and a half years of age is imperfect. The child could freeze, wet himself, or lean against the cold wall of the bed. To get rid of nighttime hiccups, warm the baby, put on dry and warm pajamas, change the diaper, and carry the baby in your arms.
  • The baby is thirsty. If the room is hot, the heating systems are running, and the mucous membrane dries out quickly. Lack of moisture in the mouth causes hiccups. Give the baby some warm water and put him to bed.
  • The baby's nervous system became overexcited during the day. In a dream, the baby relives the past day if it was full of emotions. The muscles may be slightly tense and cause diaphragm spasm. The baby will wake up frequently. If the situation repeats several evenings in a row, try to make the atmosphere at home calm, avoid noisy guests and stress. This does not mean that you need to stop seeing friends and relatives, but it is advisable to take a break of a few weeks.

This problem is unlikely to affect a one-week-old baby; hiccups after laughing occur in children aged 4–5 months. From a physiological point of view, laughter is an involuntary movement of the muscles of the body and face with the simultaneous pronunciation of specific sounds.

The functioning of the respiratory system also changes during laughter. The child takes a deep breath, the nerve on the diaphragm is pinched, the air remains inside. To exhale, the chest produces sharp shocks. If the air is partially released, the nerve does not relax completely and hiccups will begin. The attack does not last long. Give your child some water after he laughs and calms down.

It happens that a two-month-old baby wants to coo and begins to hiccup heavily. The cause of involuntary spasms is the strong inspiration before articulation. The baby cannot exhale all the air, his chest expands, and the diaphragm contracts.

Some children, when hiccupping in a conversation, twist their legs and fidget, air comes out along with belching and food debris. This is fine. Articulation will be easier after the baby is verticalized, closer to 6–7 months.

Severe hiccups after and during feeding are a sign of errors in caring for a newborn. The mother needs to pay attention to the position of the baby during meals, how many times a day she feeds the baby and the volume of formula drunk. Hiccups are common in babies who are not held properly to give the breast or bottle when they overeat.

There will be no need to stop hiccups if mothers follow simple rules:

  • The baby's head should be raised during feeding; he can lie on a pillow or the mother's arms.
  • Allow your body to rest freely, no need to squeeze your tummy, chest, or tighten your legs. Let the child lie down as comfortable and comfortable as possible.
  • Don't be nervous while feeding. It is better if both mother and baby are calm.
  • The baby should grasp the nipple or silicone nipple completely. It will be impossible to swallow air like this.
  • Do not enlarge the hole for rapid flow of the mixture. The liquid should not run quickly.
  • If there is a lot of milk in the breast, the baby cannot cope with its flow, the mother needs to express a little next time.
  • Do not remove the nipple from the baby's mouth by force. He will release the breast on his own when he is satisfied.
  • Don't take too long a break between meals. A hungry baby grabs a bottle or nipple greedily, so he swallows air along with food.
  • Do not force the baby to eat if he cries or hiccups. It's better to calm down and play first.
  • Keep it in a column after meals, let burps and excess milk go away. Air will leave the stomach along with the food.

If a child hiccups after each feeding, behaves restlessly all day, or refuses food, you need to seek medical help.

Regurgitating a small amount of milk after feeding is a normal physiological process for children under one year old, sometimes up to one and a half years old. This is how excess food and air escape. This facilitates the digestion process, the baby will not suffer from colic and bloating.

If a newborn hiccups after regurgitation, it means that he swallowed a lot of air while sucking the breast, the food remained in the esophagus and prevents the air from coming out. You need to hold the baby vertically in your arms for 1–2 minutes, do not give him anything to drink. There is no need to see a doctor in such situations.

The culprit behind the contraction of the diaphragm muscles is cold. Dry your baby directly in the bathroom, do not change clothes with the windows open.

The fight for warmth should not be fierce. Cool air and air baths are useful for newborns for hardening at home. You need to stop hiccups from hypothermia with the help of warm clothes, water, or the next feeding in the correct position in the mother’s arms.

You can simply laugh and say that the loving grandmother remembers the baby all day long, according to popular belief, but prolonged hiccups cause a lot of inconvenience for babies. The baby cannot eat, sleep, or play normally.

Hiccups for no more than an hour, 1–3 times a day for up to six months or a year, are considered normal and are explained by the imperfect functioning of children’s internal organs. If the symptoms of hiccups do not disappear for a long time, the condition continues for several days, you need to deal with the problem together with a doctor. In the first 1–2 days, you can try to reconsider the diet of mother and baby, making sure that the baby does not become overcooled.


Carrying a child is a very difficult and responsible task, however, after the birth of a child, a young mother faces even greater challenges. Now you need to ensure proper feeding, healthy sleep, harmonious development and generally a bright future for your most important person in life.

If you have your second and subsequent births, everything becomes much easier, you have experience using useful tips, and the fear of harming your baby disappears, but if you have your first baby, everything becomes more complicated and confusing. Absolutely all mothers, no matter if this is their first birth or if they already have experience, are very worried about how the baby adapts to nutrition.

Breastfeeding is of course preferable, but do not be upset if your baby eats a special formula.

The only difference may be the appearance of hiccups after feeding.

So, the cause of hiccups in a breastfed newborn is most often oversaturation with foremilk, which contributes to the expansion of the small ventricle and pressure on the diaphragm.

A nursing woman has two types of milk: front milk, which is very liquid, which actively flows out and instantly saturates the baby’s body.

The hind is more nutritious and fatty, however, it is quite difficult for the baby to get it, because the stomach is small, and liquid milk actively saturates it.

If you want to avoid this situation, it is best to express milk before feeding so that the baby eats up a fattier product, this will avoid overeating and, accordingly, relieve the baby from hiccups. The second reason for overeating may be feeding the toddler too often over time. Of course, doctors recommend this scheme, but in practice it does not always work positively.

Unfortunately, not every mother can feed her baby with breast milk, so various formulas and a lot of accessories are used for feeding to ensure comfortable eating. Most often, hiccups in formula-fed children occur due to regurgitation, under the influence of components contained in infant formula.

Source: https://deti-77.ru/simptomatika/pochemu-novorozhdennyj-rebenok-ikaet-posle-grudnogo-kormleniya.html

How to get rid of hiccups in a child?

Even if hiccups are almost always harmless, it is better to relieve your child of these spasms.

How to help your baby with hiccups?

Try the following methods if your baby is suffering from hiccups, but one at a time:

  • One of the simple ways to stop hiccups in a newborn is breastfeeding . Hiccups occur when the diaphragm becomes irritated. Drinking a small amount of breast milk and allowing it to flow slowly can cause the diaphragm to relax and return to normal movement;
  • give the baby some sugar. It was a popular remedy for hiccups in ancient times. If your baby is old enough to eat solid food, place a few sugar crystals under his tongue. If he is too young to consume solids, you can dip the pacifier in some freshly prepared sugar syrup and place the pacifier in his mouth. Or dip your finger in the syrup and give it to your child.
    Make sure the pacifier and finger are clean.

    Sugar will ease the tension in the diaphragm, thereby stopping the baby's hiccups;

  • baby back massage.
    This is a more direct way to relieve your newborn from hiccups. Place your child in an upright sitting position and gently rub in a circular motion on his back from the lower back to the shoulder. You can also place your baby on your stomach and do the same movements; Be gentle and don't apply too much pressure. The idea is to relieve tension in the diaphragm.
  • keep baby upright after feeding. Hold your baby upright for 15 minutes after feeding. Staying upright will keep the diaphragm in its natural position, preventing any muscle flutter. You can also gently rub his back to encourage him to burp, which will allow the air swallowed during feeding to escape. This will relax the diaphragm, thus reducing the chances of hiccups;
  • distract the child. Every time your baby suffers from bouts of hiccups, try to distract him with a rattle. Hiccups are caused by muscle spasms, which can be caused by nerve impulses. Changing the neural stimuli through touch (such as a massage) or through some sensory input (observing a favorite toy) can reduce the frequency of a child's hiccups, if not stop them entirely;
  • try dill water. There is no scientific evidence to support dill water for treating gastrointestinal problems in infants. However, it is one of the most popular solutions for treating stomach discomfort that has caused hiccups in babies. Check with your pediatrician before giving your child dill water.

You can try one or more of the above methods for hiccups. It is important to remember that in a state of increased anxiety, you can sometimes do things that will do more harm than good to the child. Therefore, control your emotions and evaluate your actions wisely.

How to prevent hiccups in children?

You can prevent your baby from getting hiccups by being careful with what he eats. According to many pediatricians, overfeeding is a common cause of hiccups in babies. Never feed your baby large quantities at one time, as this will cause severe distension of the stomach.

Keep the following points in mind when feeding a small baby:

  1. Feed your baby in small amounts over a longer period of time rather than filling his stomach in one sitting. This will help prevent overfeeding, which is a cause of hiccups in babies.
  2. Keep your baby upright when breastfeeding/bottle feeding at an angle of 35 - 45 degrees as this will ensure a smooth flow of milk through the esophagus.
  3. When your baby is old enough to sit, you can feed him in a sitting position. Position your baby with his back to you to support his back. Feeding while sitting will prevent air from being swallowed.
  4. Hear the sound your baby makes while feeding. If he is making too much noise, he is probably swallowing a lot of air. Adjust the pacifier in your mouth so that there is a small air gap in it. When breastfeeding, make sure your baby's mouth covers the entire nipple.
  5. Clean and wash your bottle regularly to prevent milk from collecting in the nipple. An obstruction during feeding can cause the baby to swallow more air than milk, causing hiccups.
  6. Never let your child sleep with a full bottle. Unlike the breast, where milk flows only when you suck, a bottle provides a constant flow of milk. Apart from being life-threatening and increasing the risk of tooth decay, it can also cause overfeeding, which in turn leads to hiccups.

The baby spits up after each breastfeeding and hiccups: reasons

In the first weeks of a child’s life, parents are constantly worried about the health of their baby. If a child hiccups and burps after feeding, this indicates that air has entered the stomach. In children under one year of age, regurgitation is considered normal; it is observed in 70% of cases. There is no specific treatment for this symptom; it goes away on its own.

Saliva on the lips

Features of the structure of the digestive tract of newborns

Hiccups after regurgitation occur frequently in infants. The sphincter between the esophagus and stomach is less dense than in adults. Due to this, part of the incoming food comes out, especially under the pressure of air bubbles.

In a newborn, hiccups occur as a result of contraction of the diaphragm. It is located between the chest and abdominal cavities, separating them. The sound occurs due to tension in the ligaments. If hiccups last for several minutes, then this does not threaten the baby's health. If the attack drags on, you will need medical help.

Important! For breastfed babies, nipples with a small hole are used so that less air gets in.

Why does a baby spit up after feeding?

The baby spits up after each breastfeeding and hiccups, this indicates that the baby has swallowed a large amount of air. This happens due to improper latching of the nipple. The baby should completely grasp the entire nipple so that there is no free space left on the sides. It is through these holes that air bubbles enter the stomach.

Why does a baby spit up after formula feeding?

Physiological causes of regurgitation in newborns:

  1. Binge eating. With the help of regurgitation, the baby clears the stomach of excess food.
  2. Swallowing air. The bubbles push the milk to the surface as they rise towards the outlet.
  3. Large hole in nipple. The strong flow from the bottle makes the baby rush during feeding. This causes air to get inside.
  4. Improper sterilization of the bottle can cause excessive regurgitation in the newborn. Harmful bacteria spoil milk. Fermentation processes occur in the newborn's stomach.
  5. Inappropriate mixture. Baby food is selected individually for each child. If regurgitation occurs frequently, then you need to talk to your doctor.
  6. Pyloric stenosis. A disease in which the wall between the stomach and esophagus is not fully developed. The body cannot retain food, so it comes out.
  7. The high temperature caused by a cold causes the protein to coagulate, so the baby spits up all the milk.

The causes of regurgitation are varied, most often they are physiological and do not cause any harm to the baby. After a year, the attacks stop, and the baby switches to eating solid food. It stays better in the stomach.

Important! If a baby burps and hiccups after feeding with breast milk, then it is worth conducting a study of the milk to determine the percentage of nutrients it contains.

Baby in mother's arms

Why does a baby hiccup after feeding?

Why does a baby spit up after breastfeeding?

During feeding, the newborn swallows air bubbles. This provokes an attack of hiccups. Even during pregnancy, women feel their babies hiccupping.

My stomach jumps in unison. This is normal; after birth, the baby adapts to the environment. It is unusual for him to be in an air environment instead of a water environment. This manifestation occurs up to a year.

Even at an older age, children get hiccups.

Hiccups after regurgitation in newborns are associated with contraction of the diaphragm. When eating, the diaphragm pushes excess food to the surface. Along with it, air also comes out, which provokes an attack of hiccups.

What to do when your baby hiccups and spits up after feeding

Why does a newborn baby spit up mucus?

If a child constantly hiccups after regurgitation, then it is necessary to take preventive measures to eliminate the problem. To do this, do a few simple steps:

  1. Before feeding, lay the baby on the tummy for 15-20 minutes.
  2. After eating, the newborn is carried in an upright position in a “column” position until he burps.
  3. It is recommended to massage the tummy in a clockwise circular motion for 15 minutes.
  4. If hiccups after regurgitation in newborns are associated with an incorrectly selected mixture, then it is changed to an anti-reflux one. It is thicker than other formulations, so it will linger better in the stomach.
  5. To prevent hiccups, the baby is fed in an elevated state. Take a position so that the child’s head is higher than the body.
  6. If regurgitation occurs constantly and the volume of fluid increases, then you should consult a pediatrician.
  7. When the baby regurgitates all the food he has eaten, after which the hiccups do not stop, but intensify, then it is necessary to monitor the baby’s health.

Important! You should not self-medicate; any medications are prescribed by a doctor, including infant formula.

Baby yawns

Warning symptoms and possible problems

Sometimes children exhibit accompanying symptoms that are worth paying attention to. They indicate the presence of diseases. Symptoms and problems:

  1. Fever. With colds, the child digests food worse. He may vomit the entire amount of milk he has eaten.
  2. The presence of impurities in the regurgitation is yellow or pink. Such symptoms occur with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and internal bleeding.
  3. The baby is losing weight. This means that hiccups and belching interfere with the absorption of food. The baby is losing weight, it is necessary to change the diet.
  4. Neurological diseases are often the cause of frequent regurgitation. The most common are hydrocephalus, epilepsy, and underdevelopment of the corpus callosum.
  5. Lack of enzymes to digest milk protein. Such children need to change their diet.
  6. Frequent constipation and colic attacks. Such symptoms indicate imperfection of the digestive system. Parents try to alleviate the baby’s condition as much as possible. The baby is given anti-gas medications and a laxative.
  7. Lactase deficiency. The baby's stomach is not able to digest milk protein, in which case he regurgitates all the milk he drinks.
  8. Allergic reaction. The child's body immediately reacts to the penetration of a foreign allergen. This manifests itself not only in the form of rashes, regurgitation and hiccups also occur.
  9. Infectious diseases. When foreign bacteria enter a child’s body, it begins to produce antibodies. This may manifest itself as food rejection.

Why a newborn baby often spits up and hiccups, and vomits, is described above. The reasons are varied. This may be a physiological problem that is easily corrected. If attacks occur frequently and last more than a week, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps digestive problems are related to neurology or poor nutrition.

Baby burps on mom's shoulder

The child constantly burps for physiological reasons. Newborn children have a peculiarity in the structure of the digestive tract. Perhaps the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly when feeding.

By the end of the first year of life, this phenomenon goes away on its own. If regurgitation continues a couple of months after the first year, then the child has a pathology that requires treatment.

In some cases, it requires surgery.

Source: https://kpoxa.info/zdorovie-pitanie/novorozhdennyj-rebenok-ikaet-srygivaet-kormleniya.html

When a child hiccups, what should you not do?

There are certain hiccup remedies that are suitable for adults. Never try them on your babies, as getting rid of hiccups in a newborn can have adverse consequences.

  1. Never try to scare your newborn if they are hiccupping to get them to stop hiccupping. The loud bang of an exploding plastic bag, commonly used for hiccupping adults, can cause damage to infants' sensitive eardrums.
  2. Sour candies are great for adults, but are not intended for children. Even if your baby is over 12 months old, it is not recommended to feed him sour candy or other acidic foods to relieve hiccups. Most sour candies contain powdered edible acid, which may not be healthy for your baby.
  3. Don't slap your child too hard on the back. The ligaments in your baby's skeleton are still flexible, and any shock or brute force can cause serious damage to them. For this reason, never slap your baby hard on the back to prevent him from hiccupping. You can knock gently, but any excessive force may cause damage.

Hiccups in a child are a temporary nuisance. But if it repeats frequently, then it’s time to visit the doctor.

When to contact a specialist?

  • if it is gastroesophageal reflux. If a child constantly hiccups and always regurgitates a little liquid, we can assume the presence of gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is usually accompanied by other signs, including irritability, arching of the back, and crying a few minutes after feeding. If you suspect reflux, contact your pediatrician immediately;
  • hiccups interfere with sleep and feeding. It is normal for a baby to hiccup from time to time, but if the hiccups are interfering with his daily activities such as eating, sleeping and playing, then you should take him to the doctor. When hiccups become chronic and interfere with daily activities, the baby automatically shows signs of discomfort. This means that hiccups may be caused by another cause that requires medical attention;
  • when hiccups last for hours or days. Babies, including newborns, may hiccup almost daily for a few minutes or up to an hour. If they generally feel comfortable and happy, then there is no reason to worry. But if the hiccups show no signs of abating and continue for an abnormally long time, then the cause may be serious.

Observe whether your baby's hiccups are accompanied by an abnormal sound, such as wheezing. In such cases, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Patience and observation will help you and your baby smile through the hiccups. Home remedies are simple methods to suppress and even prevent hiccups in your baby. Always remember that if your baby hiccups, it is completely normal and does not harm the baby. So never worry about it as it is a natural event. Some basic precautions during feeding will help manage your baby's hiccups. When hiccups are chronic, consult your pediatrician.


Regurgitation in a child after each feeding is considered a natural process and ends on its own by 6-10 months. No special treatment is required. Regurgitation is the release of milk or eaten food into the baby's mouth from the stomach, after which hiccups may begin. Although this is a normal phenomenon, it causes concern for many parents, especially if such a discharge occurs in a fountain. It is necessary to understand in which cases this is considered normal, and when it is necessary to contact a pediatrician.

Why does a baby spit up milk after feeding? There may be several reasons for this.

  • Full stomach.

This happens as a result of frequent breastfeeding, as doctors advise feeding the baby on demand. Because of this, children eat much more food than can fit in the stomach, and regurgitation of excess food occurs.

  • Fast sucking.

The baby can very quickly draw in milk, and at the same time he swallows air. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast or given the bottle in the wrong way, this also contributes to the swallowing of air. Therefore, doctors recommend holding the baby upright after eating until excess air belches. At the same time, the newborn regurgitates a small amount of food.

  • Features of the structure of the stomach.

In adults and older children, in the place where the esophagus and stomach connect, there is a sphincter, the purpose of which is to reliably hold the food eaten inside. In newborn children, such an organ has not yet formed, so food is usually thrown back into the esophagus, even if the position of the child’s body is changed.

  • Nervous overexcitation.

Sometimes the reason that a newborn spits up is increased nervous excitability. In this case, you should definitely show the child to a neurologist, who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

  • Early complementary feeding.

Many parents think that the baby does not get enough milk and constantly wants to eat, so they begin to give him food for older children very early. But the newborn’s stomach is not yet ready for this and reacts to such food in the manner described.

  • Features of physiology.

If a child spits up a lot, a strong narrowing of the esophagus at the point where it passes into the stomach can contribute to this. In addition, this condition occurs due to a hernia of the diaphragm. These pathologies are detected by ultrasound of the abdominal organs and x-rays.

Regurgitation is a normal physiological process that protects the baby from overeating. This does not cause him any discomfort. This process always happens unexpectedly. It is normal if a child gets rid of excess food before 7-9 months, because at this age the muscular valve between the stomach and esophagus is finally formed.

Incorrect feeding technique leads not only to regurgitation, but also to the fact that the newborn baby hiccups. The culprit is the air that enters the stomach and contributes to the release of some of the food.

If a woman is breastfeeding, she should make sure that the baby's mouth fits tightly enough to the breast. This helps prevent air from entering the esophagus. In addition, a nursing mother should not eat foods that cause increased gas formation (beans, carbonated drinks, peas, brown bread).

And when the child burps, you need to pay attention to what this liquid is. If the mass resembles cottage cheese or curdled milk, then there is nothing to worry about. But if a month-old baby spits up after each feeding, then you need to consult a doctor. You should also pay attention to the baby’s belly - it should be soft, not bloated. To prevent constipation, it is necessary to keep your child's stool under control.

If the baby is feeding formula, the bottle should be held so that it is perpendicular to the baby's mouth. Moreover, it is recommended to give the mixture 10-15 minutes after preparation.

If a newborn baby hiccups after eating, then before this process it is necessary to lay him on his stomach for several minutes, and also massage the abdomen. Thanks to circular strokes performed clockwise, the baby's digestive system returns to normal.

In addition, the following points lead to regurgitation and hiccups:

  • Binge eating. By the way, it is much easier to notice it during artificial feeding, since thanks to special tables you can find out how many times a day and in what quantity the baby should be given formula. When overeating, hiccups are considered normal and go away on their own within a few minutes. If it has not passed through this time, then you can give the baby a little water to drink.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the hole in the nipple of the bottle. It should look as if it was pierced with a medium-sized needle. You need to make sure that it is always filled with the mixture. This will prevent your baby from swallowing air.
  • The child spits up after each feeding and hiccups if he does not tolerate the formula well. In this case, you need to work with your doctor to choose the right diet.

If a child vomits up to 50 ml of formula once a day, then this is considered normal. But if this happens very often, the baby does not gain weight and is worried, this is a reason to consult a specialist. This condition can be triggered by ordinary overeating or bloating. But there are also more serious reasons.

So, a child spits up like a fountain due to a malfunction of the digestive process. Attention should be paid to the quality of the baby's food. If the mother is breastfeeding, then she needs to reconsider her diet. With artificial feeding, the cause of this is the mixture. Therefore, you should not purchase it yourself, but only after consultation with a pediatrician.

A baby can burp like a fountain as a result of a disease of the nervous system. It should definitely be shown to a neurologist.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause the described condition. The child may have a staphylococcal infection or congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby should be shown to a pediatrician, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Treatment is carried out with the help of medications, and in particularly severe cases, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Very often, vomiting of milk is observed in premature and weakened children, as well as in babies with intrauterine disorders. In this case, it is recommended to see the child at the pediatrician.

It is necessary to monitor very carefully how the baby gains weight. If a child spits up after each feeding and hiccups, but at the same time there is a good increase in weight, then you can be sure that with age this deviation in the process of digesting food will go away. If an increase is not observed, the baby must be carefully examined to determine and eliminate the cause of this disorder.

Many parents are calm about the fact that the child spits up through the mouth. But if this happens through the nose, it makes them panic. If this happens infrequently and in the presence of parents, then you should not be afraid. Frequent regurgitation through the nose is much more dangerous, since this closes the nasal passages and the baby may suffocate. In addition, the nasal mucosa is irritated by the acidic contents of the stomach, and as a result, polyps or adenoids can form in the nose.

The following conditions require immediate examination of the baby by a doctor:

  • the child burps after each feeding and hiccups, and this process causes him discomfort, he cries, bends over, clenches his fists and shakes;
  • the newborn loses weight and refuses to eat;
  • regurgitation occurs like a fountain;
  • the process is accompanied by heavy breathing and increased body temperature;
  • regurgitation began 6-7 months after birth, and also if it did not stop after ten months.

If your baby is constantly spitting up, you should use the following tips:

  • Before each feeding, the baby should be placed on his stomach, but for no more than 10 minutes;
  • When eating, the child should be in a semi-lying position with his head raised;
  • After feeding, the baby should be kept in an upright position so that he burps all the air;
  • After eating, you should only play calm games with your child.

Why does a baby reject a small part of food after feeding with formula or milk? This is what pediatrician Komarovsky thinks about this. This process is considered normal, and there is no need to worry if the child is healthy and cheerful. For many children, this phenomenon goes away during the first year of life, and for some even before three months. To get rid of regurgitation, burping with air is necessary. But if the vomit contains green bile, this is a reason to immediately seek medical help. It is possible that surgery will be required.

Thus, if a baby spits up after every feeding and hiccups, this is not a reason to panic. Hiccups do not cause him any discomfort. But if this condition happens very often and causes serious inconvenience for the baby, then you should definitely consult a specialist.

The problem of belching and hiccups in a baby after feeding is familiar to all parents. It is considered a common occurrence in the first few months after birth when a baby regurgitates milk that has not changed in appearance or smell.

Such cases are accompanied by colic, bowel dysfunction, and allergic reactions. For what reason does this happen in a newborn baby and what should be done in such cases?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to establish the causes of such phenomena and correlate them with the physiological characteristics of the newborn.

In this article, we will consider the factors influencing the intensity of belching and hiccups after feeding, ways to eliminate these phenomena, and possible pathologies.

The origin of belching, hiccups, and vomiting may be associated with diseases of the digestive system or not associated with any pathology.

Typical cases in which a newborn spits up a little undigested or semi-digested milk (maximum norm is 40 milliliters) or hiccups after feeding.

  1. Incorrect feeding methods (breastfeeding or bottle feeding).
  2. Changing the baby's vertical position to horizontal immediately after feeding.
  3. Heavy swaddling.
  4. Early complementary feeding.
  5. Enlargement of the stomach due to overfeeding (stretching of the organ).
  6. Nervous overexcitation.

During feeding, the baby swallows air, which is pushed out of the stomach along with the milk and regurgitates. The baby hiccups at the same time.

After feeding, the baby should be held in your arms for 5-10 minutes in an upright position. Normally, during this time the baby no longer spits up air or excess milk.

If this does not happen, the baby can be massaged on the abdomen in the form of light circular strokes.

A child who is properly attached to the nipple, feeds at regular intervals, does not rush and does not make any sounds while sucking, rarely shows anxiety, does not spit up and does not need additional measures.

Belching before feeding is considered harmless if the volume does not exceed thirty milliliters of milk mass unchanged in color and smell.

Also, belching is normal when you urinate more than ten times a day. The norm does not include cases of vomiting, in which the abdominal muscles tense and the consistency and color of the vomit changes.

If a newborn baby spits up while breastfeeding, you should pay attention to the mother's diet.

Products that cause severe gas formation negatively affect the baby’s condition (legumes, rye and wholemeal bread, carbonated drinks).

To prevent overfeeding the baby, in some cases it is advisable to express low-nutrient first milk before each feeding.

When discharged from the maternity hospital, you must write down all the products recommended for consumption. All foods that can cause flatulence, allergies, peristalsis disorders, colic, constipation and diarrhea in the baby should be excluded from the diet of a nursing mother.

If belching occurs during artificial feeding with formulas, it is necessary to follow the feeding technique (give food from the moment of preparation after fifteen minutes, hold the bottle correctly).

Before feeding, it is recommended to place the baby on his stomach and give a light massage.

The hole in the nipple should be very thin - medium needle size. The bottle must be completely filled with the mixture to prevent air from entering the baby's esophagus.

The reason why a baby hiccups and spits up may be an inappropriate formula. You should consult a specialist and choose the right nutrition.

A child's regurgitation stops at about 5-9 months. By this time, the digestive system has become developed, the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus is fully formed. There are already enough enzymes in gastric juice and saliva to completely process food.

Hiccups in a baby occur due to overfeeding, increased gas production and hypothermia. This phenomenon is considered normal if it does not cause concern to the baby and passes quickly.

If the child hiccups for a long time, you can feed him a little more or give him two teaspoons of a weak decoction of chamomile.

The baby should be held in your arms in a vertical position to allow air to escape and placed on his side. The following is an explanation of why a baby's burps are usually not dangerous to his health.

Let's consider the physiological aspects of the digestive system of a baby up to one year old. To understand why regurgitation and colic occur in a baby, it is necessary to imagine the mechanisms of functioning of the digestive organs in the first months after birth.

The first cause of regurgitation is a weak muscle valve (sphincter) between the stomach and esophagus, which is supposed to hold food.

A distinctive feature is that a newborn baby has a horizontally lying stomach. Its capacity is very small - no more than thirty milliliters.

During this period, it is important to follow a diet. The increase in volume occurs gradually. At one month of age, the volume of the stomach is no more than 100 milliliters, by the third month - only 150 milliliters.

A newborn baby has underdeveloped digestive glands (serous, salivary, mucous glands of the mouth, glands of the stomach, esophagus, intestines).

The weakness of the functioning of these glands is another reason why regurgitation occurs.

The digestive system is not yet able to process excess food. The strength of the food-digesting enzymes found in the baby's saliva is weak.

Let's summarize why a newborn baby spits up after eating in the absence of pathology:

  • weak contractile function of the sphincter;
  • small stomach, its horizontal location;
  • weak functions of the digestive glands;
  • underdevelopment of the food centers of the brain;
  • weak peristalsis of the digestive organs;
  • short and dilated esophagus.

Experts believe that regurgitation occurs in premature infants, underweight and overweight. But according to statistics, such phenomena occur in most children under one year of age.

Parents often worry and look for reasons why their newborn hiccups. This phenomenon is not as dangerous as it is imagined. The factor why a baby hiccups lies largely not in disorders and pathology, but in physiology.

Let's look at why hiccups are a natural reaction of the body to various stimuli. Rare and short-term hiccups do not cause negative reactions.

To determine why a newborn (and any adult) hiccups, let's turn to physiology.

The cavities of the peritoneum and chest of a person are separated by a broad muscle - the diaphragm. It is a thin, curved plate that closes the lower part of the sternum. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and becomes flat.

The volume of the chest increases due to the work of this muscle. When the diaphragm (its nerve fibers) is irritated, hiccups appear. A spasm of the esophagus and diaphragm occurs, and the air channel is briefly blocked.

The glottis becomes narrow. The respiratory muscle contracts sharply and hiccups occur with a characteristic short sound.

There is a connection between the vagus or vagal nerve and the central nervous system, which ensures the motor activity of various respiratory organs.

Hiccups are a protective reaction of the body that relieves the paired nerve from traumatic effects.

For example, a newborn baby overeats or swallows air, the nerve is pinched and the body takes an immediate protective measure.

A newborn baby often experiences hiccups for several reasons not related to pathological changes:

  • flatulence;
  • fright;
  • hypothermia;
  • overfeeding;
  • hunger;
  • rapid absorption of food with swallowing air.

In these cases, you need to do: massage the abdomen, massage the earlobe, hold it in an upright position, calm it down, feed it, warm it up.

There are many serious factors that cause injury to the vagal nerve:

  • release of toxins by pathogenic microorganisms, inflammation of organs, blood poisoning (sinusitis, tuberculosis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis);
  • diabetes mellitus (damage to the walls of blood vessels, blood stagnation);
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • alcoholic neuralgia;
  • AIDS;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • poisoning with salts and heavy metals.
  • Frequently recurring and prolonged hiccups may indicate the presence of serious functional disorders and diseases in which the child eats poorly, cries, has noticeable difficulty swallowing, and often has an unexpected cough.
  • The main factors of the body’s negative reaction are the following conditions and diseases:
  • infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal system;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • parasite infection;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • glaucoma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the spinal cord or brain;
  • functional and organic disorders in the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of the respiratory organs (pneumonia, neoplasms, bronchitis, pleurisy);
  • hernia;
  • meningitis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • head injuries.

Hiccups associated with pathological processes are of three types.

  1. Toxic (use of medical chemicals and alcohol-containing drugs).
  2. Central (manifests itself in gastritis, glaucoma, meningitis, ulcers, heart attack).
  3. Peripheral (functional disorders in the diaphragm).

Prolonged, painful hiccups that occur frequently, many times a day, serve as an alarming signal. An immediate visit to a doctor and a full examination is necessary.

To eliminate the negative consequences of belching and hiccups after each meal in case of any pathology, you should carefully monitor the baby’s condition (check weight, height for age, general condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, number of bowel movements and urinations).

Let's consider when urgent medical attention is required:

  1. The child is not gaining weight.
  2. Regurgitation often causes pain and discomfort to the baby (the child shakes, cries, refuses food, bends over, clenches and unclenches his fists).
  3. Hiccups and regurgitation do not stop after 9-10 months.
  4. Very large volumes of regurgitation occur (a fountain and more than 50 milliliters).
  5. The usual methods of reducing and eliminating belching do not help.
  6. The baby's temperature rises, breathing becomes heavy and hoarse.
  7. Redness and pallor of the skin of the body and face.
  8. Rash, itching.
  9. The processes did not begin immediately after birth, after seven months.
  10. The appearance of mucus during belching.
  11. Belching of bile or brown color.

There are many reasons for negative manifestations (infectious diseases, diseases of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver, allergic reactions).

Certain conditions and diseases, after a thorough examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis, must be treated promptly or with the help of medications.

Premature babies with low or high birth weight require special monitoring and care. They experience negative manifestations of belching.

Belching through the nose poses a risk of asphyxia for the baby even in the short-term absence of parents.

The nasal mucosa is irritated by stomach acid. The result of such exposure can be adenoids, sinusitis, and polyps.

No less dangerous is the baby burping through the mouth or nose during sleep. Constant monitoring of body position and turning on the stomach or side is required.

Hiccups or regurgitation in newborns

Very often, many parents begin to panic about the fact that hiccups or regurgitation appear in newborns after feeding; in fact, there is no reason to panic at all, since such behavior of the child is quite natural.

We must remember that the older the child gets, the less he hiccups and spits up; this goes away over time.

The causes of regurgitation and hiccups in newborns after feeding are the following factors:

  1. Swallowing air. If the baby is not fed properly, air gets into the baby's intestines. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor how the baby is applied to the mother’s breast or to the nipple during artificial feeding.
  2. Gases in the intestines and bloating. Due to the swallowing of air, gases accumulate in the baby's intestines, the tummy swells - as a result, the newborn baby hiccups and burps after feeding.
  3. Changing the baby's position after feeding. If immediately after feeding you suddenly and sharply change the baby's position, he may immediately regurgitate the food he has just eaten.
  4. Binge eating. Breastfed children cannot control the moment of satiety and continue to eat, and a young mother cannot accurately determine whether her child is full or not. It is not necessary that regurgitation of excess will occur immediately; it can happen after some time.
  5. Active movements of the baby after feeding. Previously, it was customary to swaddle small children, and therefore they were constrained in their movements. Nowadays, many parents do not swaddle their children, and immediately after feeding the child begins to move actively, and, as a result, regurgitates part of what he has eaten.
  6. Tight swaddling. Those parents who do swaddle their children can sometimes do it too tightly, resulting in newborns having hiccups after feeding.

What to do if newborn babies have hiccups or spit up after feeding? This is a question asked by many young parents who are faced with similar situations for the first time. It is important to note that there is no cure, but there are a number of tips that can help cope with the problem.

Many young mothers begin to get lost and panic in those moments when hiccups occur immediately at the time of feeding. If hiccups occur during feeding, you should stop feeding the baby and wait until the hiccups go away. It is advisable to place the baby so that the head is higher.

During feeding, the baby should be positioned so that the upper part of the body is higher than the lower. Immediately after feeding, you should not place your baby on his back.

Feeding the baby must take place in a quiet and calm environment, without any external stimuli. In absolute silence, the baby will be able to eat food without rushing and without swallowing air.

Causes of regurgitation in newborns

If hiccups are frequent, the baby should be fed not at the baby’s request, but when he is in a calm state, that is, not completely hungry.

There is no need to overfeed the child; you need to feed often, but in small quantities.

For hiccups that last more than 15-20 minutes, additional feeding can help: put the baby to the breast for a few minutes or give a bottle. Often in such a situation, an additional amount of liquid helps - you need to give the child a few teaspoons of boiled water at room temperature.

When bottle-feeding, you should take into account the size of the hole on the bottle nipple. Air is usually swallowed either when the hole is too large, or, conversely, when it is small. In normal condition, if the bottle is turned over, a few drops should form around the edges of the hole on the nipple, but if the liquid from the nipple pours out in a trickle or does not appear at all, then you should think about changing the nipple on the bottle.

If after breastfeeding your baby often cries, hiccups or spits up, you need to think about the quality of the milk. It may be of poor quality due to the fact that the mother, either immediately before feeding, ate something wrong that the child’s fragile body cannot cope with, or she does not follow the diet at all. Therefore, it is important to remember that in the first few months of a child’s life, you should limit yourself in consuming foods that can cause increased gas formation in the baby’s intestines, and as a result – bloating, colic, hiccups and regurgitation.

Regurgitation in children

It is very important to remember that after each feeding of the child, regardless of the type of feeding (breastfeeding or bottle-feeding), he must have a small burp - this helps to release excess accumulated air from the body. If after eating the child does not belch spontaneously, you need to achieve it. You can do this in several ways:

  1. After feeding, you need to raise the baby vertically, the baby’s chin should touch the mother’s shoulder.
  2. After the child has eaten, you need to turn him face down, lift him a little and lightly pat him on the back.
  3. After feeding, the baby should be placed face down on the mother's lap and slowly stroke his back.

If you regularly follow all these preventive measures, then the question of why the newborn hiccups and spits up after each feeding disappears by itself.

If all this does not bring the desired result, you should consult a pediatrician, who will prescribe special medications for your baby to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

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