Why can honey cause stomach ache?

Honey is a gift from the gods

The bee product has gained incredible popularity in the world, thanks to its unique properties, which ancient people knew about. Hundreds of cave paintings around the globe tell how the first people extracted and used honey in everyday life.

What does the product contain?

The composition of honey varies depending on what time and place this precious product was collected. Each type of honey has different characteristics and this is the first reason that affects the appearance of stomach pain, namely intolerance to certain types of product.

Alas, determining at home which variety is causing pain is a very labor-intensive and unpleasant process; it is best to seek help from an experienced doctor.

And so, the composition of honey, regardless of the place of its production, includes:

  • Water.
  • Carbohydrates - they make up the bulk of the product.
  • Vitamins.
  • Various minerals.
  • Amino acids.
  • Fats.
  • Natural dyes.
  • Aromatic substances.

Carbohydrates, in turn, are presented in the form of: glucose, fructose, as well as various poly- and disaccharides. Thus, according to various studies, the composition of honey can contain from 200 to 400 microelements, which actually give the bee product this or that feature.

It is worth remembering those organic compounds that still cannot be studied, and their effect on the human body remains a mystery.

In any case, honey holds one of the first places in terms of usefulness and healing properties among other natural products known to the world. But, like any substance, honey has a number of contraindications, which are discussed further in the article.

Beneficial features

Nature has endowed honey with unique characteristics - it is not only a very tasty delicacy, but also a very strong antiviral and antibacterial substance. Capable of not only destroying pathogenic microbes, but also increasing the body’s resistance to various diseases in the future. Possessing a huge vitamin complex, honey restores the body's protective functions and improves general condition.

In addition, the bee product is able to cleanse the blood and the body as a whole: from waste and toxins. Takes an active part in hematopoiesis, which improves the functioning of all internal organs. Honey is also used to improve mental performance by providing the brain with the glucose it needs. Along with this, bee substance relieves psychological fatigue, preventing breakdowns and crises.

Proper consumption of honey helps to cure gastritis and ulcers, but only if you follow all the recommendations and rules. Otherwise, honey can cause very severe stomach pain, which you would like to avoid. Bee product is also used in creams and masks to regenerate damaged skin, nails and hair.

Principles of using honey to get rid of heartburn

If you do not suffer from chronic diseases, you will be able to appreciate this universal remedy, which helps get rid of many ailments, including heartburn.

  • An hour before meals, you need to eat 0.5 teaspoon of honey.
  • Another well-tested method is to consume honey every day for breakfast with tea for 10 days.
  • Often, to treat heartburn, take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating a few aloe leaves mixed with the same amount of bee honey (preferably fresh honey). This mixture can be stored in a tightly closed container. It is recommended to take the resulting natural medicine for 3 days to 3 weeks. Also, sometimes cranberry and aloe juice are mixed, and then honey is added (it’s good if it’s linden), filling everything with cold water. It is recommended to take this mixture 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals for several weeks.

  • Milk is used to treat heartburn. This product helps relieve discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract when used correctly. It is recommended to mix 1 glass of milk and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and drink before bed. This medicine also helps get rid of colds and insomnia.
  • Oddly enough, potatoes can also help get rid of heartburn. To do this, the root vegetable is crushed using a grater or blender. The resulting juice is mixed with approximately the same amount of honey and consumed 1 tbsp. spoon a day an hour before meals.
  • Olive oil can also help relieve heartburn in a patient. To do this, just drink 1-2 tbsp before breakfast. spoons of this oil, and then wash it down with about the same amount of honey.
  • Heartburn in most cases disappears if you add a lot of water and a little honey to the mumiyo powder and take this medicine before breakfast and bedtime for two weeks. A contraindication for this treatment is heartburn in pregnant women and children under 14 years of age.
  • A mixture of finely ground pumpkin seeds helps relieve heartburn. This composition reduces the pain from heartburn for several hours. It is taken 1 tbsp. spoon immediately before eating.

We looked at why heartburn occurs from honey, as well as aspects associated with consuming honey to benefit the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Poisoning is often caused by spoiled food. After intoxication, stomach pain occurs, which is associated with the disorder itself and with the complications that have arisen.

Intoxication primarily affects the digestive organs, so for a long time after poisoning, pain in the stomach and intestines bothers us.

Details about honey

Research shows that the bee product is able to suppress the process of uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells in the early stages if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner. Having such unique properties, unfortunately, honey is not suitable for every person and for some reason many do not attach due importance to this. And this in turn causes very serious side effects.

Rules for taking honey

Yes, perhaps in our time such a formulation of the question sounds unusual, but many consumers do not even know that honey should be consumed correctly. A few basic rules:

First tincture recipeTo begin with, take 5 grams of pure mumiyo, then put it in a container (necessarily made of dark glass) and fill in all 100 ml of vodka (no more than 40 degrees). This medicine needs to steep for 10 days, remembering to shake thoroughly every day. Before use, the tincture must be filtered.
Second tincture recipeWe also take 5 grams of the substance, only now we grind it to a powder state; for this manipulation, the most ordinary coffee grinder will do. Now you need to pour in 100 ml of vodka and leave it for a week, remembering to shake it periodically.
Third tincture recipeFor this tincture, we will already need 10 grams of powdered mummy (you already know how to make it). Pour the resulting powder into a dark bottle and pour in 100 ml of alcohol (96% strength). Its preparation will take 10 days, but every day you will need to shake the tincture for 3-5 minutes. Before direct use, strain off 50 grams and leave the bottle until the next use.

Poisoning in children

Poisoning in a child can be caused by harmless products that do not harm an adult. Intoxication is possible after consumption:

  • Dairy products;
  • Fish;
  • Confectionery with cream;
  • Ice cream;
  • Raw eggs.

Poisoning in children is caused by dirty hands and toys that they put into their mouths. Within a couple of hours, symptoms appear:

  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Lethargy;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Dehydration.

The younger the child, the faster the symptoms begin to bother you. Children experience pain in the abdomen, the skin turns pale and dry lips appear. Children's intoxication is treated only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting. The use of medications at home is prohibited. The baby will be helped by dry heat (applying a heating pad to the stomach), which will ease the pain and activate the gastrointestinal tract.

If there are symptoms of food poisoning in a child over 5 years old, it is recommended to perform a gastric lavage and give an enema (with chamomile infusion) to clean the rectum.

Pain in the stomach can be of different types, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Drawing, paroxysmal, sharp, sharp pains bring discomfort. In any case, pain is an unpleasant condition and should not be tolerated.

What causes pain?

As practice shows, honey is not always the main cause of stomach pain. Increasingly, this product becomes the last straw after which the body cannot stand it and begins to malfunction.

Allergy to honey

As mentioned above, the main cause of pain is the body’s intolerance to honey or its individual components. In common parlance this is also called an allergy, and its symptoms appear immediately and are difficult to confuse with something else:

  • Tears and runny nose.
  • Swelling of individual areas of the skin.
  • Allergic rash with an irresistible urge to scratch.
  • Sharp pain.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Loss of consciousness and even anaphylactic shock.

In the most advanced situations, without emergency medical care, a person is doomed to death. Otherwise, you need to urgently drink an antiallergic drug and completely stop taking honey. You also need to go to the doctor to fully find out what provoked this reaction in the body.

As a rule, in such cases special tests are prescribed that make it clear what you are allergic to. And the doctor, following the diagnosis, prescribes you medications, treatment and, of course, a diet. The right and comprehensive approach to treatment can permanently rid you of allergies and their symptoms in the future.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Stomach ulcers, gastritis and even stomach cancer can also cause severe pain. In this case, honey acts as a potent stimulant, which triggers the process of abundant secretion of gastric juice. But, at the same time, honey itself is not the product that caused gastrointestinal diseases. As a rule, such diseases develop over months and appear very sharply and at the most inopportune moment.

Unsystematic stomach pain can be caused by other more serious diseases that can only be diagnosed in a hospital.

But the most surprising thing is that honey, which can cause an attack of gastritis and peptic ulcers, is very actively used to treat these diseases. The main thing in such situations is to know: when, how much and for how long to take medicine prepared using honey and stop in time if such treatment does not help, but rather aggravates the situation.

In any case, if your stomach starts to hurt, regardless of how much and what kind of honey you have eaten, you should immediately consult a doctor: first, your doctor, and then a gastroenterologist. If pain occurs spontaneously, even if you have not consumed honey, then the problem is hidden in your digestive system.

Overeating and poor quality product

Characteristic heaviness and pain in the stomach can occur due to banal overeating of honey. After all, as we already know, honey is a high-calorie product and its daily dose should not exceed 120-130 grams. If you have eaten more than 300 grams, then you are guaranteed discomfort; there is nothing to even talk about.

Why does honey cause stomach pain?

Can honey give you a stomach ache? It contains a huge number of biologically active substances, and each of them has its own specific properties. People with gastrointestinal pathologies also experience discomfort after consuming honey. If some of them are present, this beekeeping product should be excluded from the diet.

Despite the enormous benefits of honey, it can also cause harm - cause stomach pain.

What can cause pain?

Why does honey make your stomach hurt? It’s all about its composition. And it is represented by maltose, fructose, sucrose, glucose, dissolved in a small volume of water. All these polysaccharides are useful not only for the stomach, but also for the whole body.

But in some cases they cause harm due to their irritating effect on the mucous membranes. The causes of stomach pain after consuming honey can be both pathological and natural.

In the latter case, discomfort can be eliminated without any problems.

Recommendation! To avoid stomach pain, you should avoid drinking honey in its pure form. Gastroenterologists advise adding it to warm green tea, drinking yogurt, cereal porridge or fruit salads.

Having decided to get healthier, a person makes a mistake - he starts eating a lot of honey. This is a nourishing, high-calorie product that, in large quantities, can slow down the movement of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its stagnation, fermentation processes develop. A lot of gas accumulates in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness. Numerous symptoms of flatulence occur:

  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • burning, cramping in the stomach;
  • heartburn, sour belching;
  • seething and rumbling in the stomach;
  • attacks of nausea.

Solving the problem is very simple - you need to limit your honey intake to 1-2 tablespoons per day. Similar symptoms often appear when taken on an empty stomach. The mucous membrane is irritated, sending impulses to the central nervous system. The brain's response is pain - a kind of signal that this method of consuming a healthy product is unacceptable.

Important! Stomach pain can be caused by honey that has expired or has been diluted with sugar, starch, or syrup by careless sellers.

Pathological causes

People with chronic pathologies know that they cannot eat honey. If this rule is violated, pain inevitably occurs, often accompanied by painful heartburn. They can be sharp, piercing, or aching, pressing and dull. Therefore, if pain becomes a response to consuming honey, it is advisable to consult a doctor for diagnostic measures.

Gastritis and duodenal ulcer

This group of diseases with acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane is manifested by epigastric pain and dyspeptic disorders. The inner surface of the stomach is damaged and in some places completely exposed. If enough caustic honey comes into contact with such areas, the following symptoms occur:

  • severe burning sensation;
  • moderate pain;
  • in some cases it hurts.

It is especially harmful for hyperacid and erosive gastritis. But doctors even recommend that people with hypoacid pathology take it from time to time. Due to irritation of mucosal receptors, honey stimulates the production of gastric juice for complete digestion of food. You can find out about such treatment methods here:

Hepatitis and other liver pathologies

Most often, the liver is affected by hepatitis - diffuse inflammation of toxic, infectious or autoimmune origin. The diseases manifest themselves as heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, dryness, and belching. After taking even a tablespoon of honey, discomfort is also noted in the stomach. Why is this happening:

  • due to the presence of polysaccharides in it, the load on the digestive system increases. And the weak link - the liver - cannot cope with the breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • the liver is located in close proximity to the stomach. Therefore, radiating pain is felt in it, that is, transmitted from the liver.

Indirect confirmation of this cause of discomfort is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and lack of appetite. They can be provoked not only by various hepatitis, but by slagging of the liver and its fatty degeneration.

Allergic reaction

This is a condition in which the body incorrectly perceives harmless stimuli.

In response to their entry into the stomach, the immune system reacts with increased production of antibodies to destroy them. They often attack not only foreign proteins, but also the body’s own cells.

Stomach pain after honey may be a sign of developing allergies. Very often it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness and irritation of some areas of the skin, swelling, rashes;
  • itching, causing an irresistible desire to scratch;
  • nasal congestion, feeling of lack of air when inhaling.

If you suspect an allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor. And after confirming the diagnosis, you will need to exclude from the diet not only honey, but also all products that contain it, for example, cakes.

On a note! The best way to get rid of all allergy symptoms, including epigastric pain, is to take antihistamines (loratadine, tavegil).

How to cope with pain

If pain is observed after each use of honey, then you should discard it. The doctor will help determine the cause of the discomfort and work to eliminate it. For pain that occurs no more than once every 1-2 months, you can take any antispasmodic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. In some cases, taking an antacid helps eliminate them.

Sheveleva Lyudmila Gennadievna

All materials on the website ozhivote.ru are presented for informational purposes only, contraindications are possible, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication!

Source: https://ozhivote.ru/mozhet-li-ot-meda-bolet-zheludok/

Recommended products for stomach pain

It’s much worse if you unknowingly bought a low-quality product, which, unfortunately, can be found quite often these days. Before honey reaches our table, it goes through many complex stages, and most importantly, the only producer is the bee. Therefore, many entrepreneurs, trying to take away this leading role from the bee, resort to many, sometimes illegal, tricks.

Some of these are:

  • Genetically modified products with a long shelf life.
  • The spoiled product is constantly boiled and given a fresh look.
  • Various additives.
  • Mixing bad and good honey to increase volumes.
  • Fake honey.

Receiving super-profits from such actions: entrepreneurs forget that the consumer can be poisoned by their product, and this happens with alarming frequency. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from sudden stomach pain and other side symptoms: you need to completely stop buying store-bought honey and switch to a product from the apiary.

Here, too, you need to make the right decision and find the apiary where they value their reputation and keep the traditions of beekeeping. Even after finding the highest quality bee product, you must not forget that you need to take it correctly, and most importantly, in dosage. Any product, due to excessive consumption, can cause disturbances in the body - this must be remembered.

What is heartburn and what causes it?

Symptoms of heartburn appear after gastric juice enters the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Between the esophagus and the stomach there is a circular muscle - the sphincter (ancient Greek σφιγκτήρ from σφίγγω - “I squeeze”), which performs the function of passing food into the stomach and then closing it inside. If for any reason the contraction of the sphincter weakens, the opening will open and due to relaxation, stomach contents can enter the esophagus. In medicine, this phenomenon is called esophageal reflux. The esophagus is irritated by acidic and caustic gastric juices, causing a burning sensation, sour taste and belching in the mouth. Heartburn from honey in honeycombs can occur both against the background of chronic forms of gastrointestinal diseases and after poor nutrition.

What to do if you have pain?

Have you eaten just a little bit of honey and immediately started to feel pain? Emergency measures must be taken immediately, and the best one is to call an ambulance. No matter how trivial it may sound, but without knowing the cause of the pain, treating blindly is very stupid and reckless.

What's behind the pain?

To provide the right help, you need to pay attention to even the most unobvious facts:

  • The stomach hurts, and the belching gives off a rotten smell: obvious signs of chronic gastritis, when food stagnates and begins to ferment. You need to see a doctor immediately.
  • Stomach pain begins in the morning: this indicates that you have a duodenal ulcer. To relieve pain, you need to drink a glass of water, most importantly boiled.

Increased secretion of gastric juice

Only a few know that this product can severely irritate the gastric mucosa and cause increased secretion of gastric juice. If the temperature of this healing nectar entering the stomach is lower than body temperature, then, naturally, it should heat up, which is accompanied by an increased formation of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, it is natural that when consuming it on an empty stomach, heartburn appears. The same reaction can occur in a person with high stomach acidity. Heartburn from honey and tea is a common occurrence.

Green smoothie for pain

  • Pain occurs immediately after eating and is accompanied by burning and heaviness - these are clear symptoms of gastritis with high acidity.
  • A sharp pain in the middle of the night may be a symptom of an ulcer that requires immediate surgery.
  • Constant heaviness and tension in the lower abdominal cavity, both before and after taking honey: perhaps this is appendicitis.

As you can see, the pain has a different nature and it is difficult to actually determine what hurts and why. Therefore, do not risk your health under any circumstances, but seek qualified help as soon as possible.

First aid

As a rule, for stomach pain, it is recommended to drink the most common activated carbon - this is probably the best remedy that can be found in the first aid kit. A very weak solution of potassium permanganate can be a good alternative; the main thing is not to overdo it and get a serious burn.

If the pain gradually subsides, then the next day you need to go on a strict diet and give the irritated organ a little rest. But, if the pain is constant, you should immediately seek help, since the consequences can be very, very unpredictable.

Doctors do not recommend taking painkillers, much less a heating pad, if you are self-medicating. Such remedies will only relieve the symptoms, but will not help in any way in eliminating the very cause of these sudden pains. If the pain is very severe, then you need to immediately drink any antispasmodic drug and immediately go to the hospital.

So honey is not always the reason why your stomach hurts. As you can see, in most cases these are just the body’s reactions to a more serious disease. You need to carefully monitor the symptoms and not delay going to the hospital: after all, your health is always more important than any excuses.

Causes of heartburn from honey

Many people are perplexed when they find out that heartburn may occur after consuming honey, because in folk medicine this product is used precisely to treat this symptom for gastritis and high acidity of the stomach. The main reason for such a reaction is the incorrect use of this healing nectar. After all, honey has a complex chemical composition, containing a large number of different substances, so it is a difficult product for the body to digest. Heartburn from honey can occur in completely healthy people.

Polyps and other causes

If there are polyps in the stomach, the pain is dull, aching, intensifies during palpation of the area of ​​the diseased organ, there is a feeling of nausea and the urge to vomit.

Pain appears due to cancerous tumors. If the tumor is the first stage, the patient loses weight, as the feeling of hunger decreases, he quickly fills up. Loss of appetite, aversion to food, and anemia may develop. In the later stages of cancer, there may be bleeding, vomiting blood, and the stool turns dark.

Poisoning with substances or products also causes pain in the stomach, it is acute, the patient feels sick and vomits. Signs of poisoning appear several hours after eating and depend on the substance with which the person was poisoned.

Dizziness and loss of consciousness appear. The feeling of pain in the stomach occurs after physical exertion and nervous shock. In constant stressful situations, gastritis and ulcers may develop. If pain is localized in the upper abdomen, then this is an attack of pancreatitis.

Girdle pain radiates to the back. The abdomen is tense and painful, a rise in temperature and increased heart rate are possible. When duodenitis occurs, the small intestine is affected, which also causes dull and aching pain, and the stomach is bursting with a feeling of heaviness.

When the diaphragm spasms, blood circulation is disrupted. The pain is sharp and acute when changing body position or deep breathing. Pain may occur due to chronic colitis.

It manifests itself due to heredity, chronic stress or allergies. Children may experience pain associated with fear and fear of school and teachers.

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