Why does my stomach hurt after de nola?

How the drug works

The most basic function of De-Nol is the fight against peptic ulcers at all stages of development. It contains bismuth, which has an astringent effect on the stomach and fights Helicobacter pylori infection well.

After ingestion, De-nol forms a thin film that protects the lining of the stomach from further exposure to irritating factors. The medicine works especially intensively in those areas of the stomach where ulcerative defects have appeared.

The medicinal substance protects areas with ulcers from hydrochloric acid and gastric juice enzymes.

The acidic environment of the stomach serves as a catalyst for the chemical reaction to form the film.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of gastric diseases, and De-Nol inhibits its growth and vital activity. The enzymes included in the drug dissolve the protective membrane of the bacterium.

Answers on questions

De-Nol - an antibiotic or not?

De-Nol, or bismuth dicitrate, is part of the group of gastroprotectors and is an antiulcer agent. In addition to the astringent, enveloping effect, it also has antimicrobial properties, especially in relation to Helicobacter pylori. However, the drug is not an antibiotic and is often used only as part of complex eradication therapy.

The main effect of De-Nol is binding to proteins at the bottom of the ulcer and the formation of protective films there. Bismuth also reduces the activity of pepsin, improves microcirculation in the gastric mucosa, which has a positive effect on the regeneration process.

Can my stomach hurt from taking De-Nol?

The official instructions for the drug indicate that sometimes side effects such as vomiting and nausea occur. However, they are transient in nature, that is, they do not last long and often go away on their own. Nausea is not the equivalent of pain; it is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region, a feeling of heaviness and the urge to vomit.

There should be no pain in the stomach area. If they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor, since most likely they are not related specifically to taking De-Nol.


The main indication is chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer) caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

Attention! Before prescribing De-Nol, the doctor must make sure that the bacterium is actually in the stomach. To do this, you will have to undergo a FEGDS and a blood test.

Read more about the indications for use of De-Nol.


De-Nol is a safe drug, but before using it you should definitely consult a specialist. It is important to exclude the presence of contraindications that can cause serious complications. Before you start taking it, you should also read the instructions for using De-Nol for atrophic gastritis, which describes in detail all the contraindications. The manufacturer states that taking these capsules is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Children under 4 years old.
  • In case of renal or liver failure.
  • In other serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys, when a reduced level of their activity occurs.
  • In case of hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • When treated with medications that contain bismuth.

Contraindications to the medicine

Contraindications for the drug De-Nol include:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • simultaneous use of other bismuth-containing drugs;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • allergic reactions to the active component of the medication.

The main contraindication to the use of the product is intolerance to its components. In case of a persistent allergic reaction to bismuth or other components of the drug, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema may develop.

De-Nol is contraindicated in cases of acute or chronic renal failure. This is due to the fact that most of the medicine is eliminated through the kidneys.

Pregnancy is also a strict prohibition on the use of De-nol, even if it develops quite normally. During such a condition, you need to look for alternative methods of treating or alleviating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after pregnancy a woman decides to breastfeed her baby, then treatment with De-Nol will again have to be postponed. Its particles can penetrate into the milk and then into the baby’s body, causing complications.

Attention! In no case should you start taking De-Nol on your own. Only the doctor calculates the dosage. In each case, the medicine must be taken strictly in accordance with these requirements.

If it is impossible to take the drug due to contraindications or side effects, one of its analogues may be prescribed. Details in this material...

Negative reviews

After taking two tablets, the temperature rose to 40 degrees, which lasted for a day, then the whole body was covered with a red rash, it was very bad, the medicine was prescribed by a gastroenterologist, it was very bad that they didn’t write about it in the instructions. Terrible.



The price and name raise great doubts about the medical origin of the drug.

Considering the non-medical name and the very tempting amount for the supplier, this potion does not inspire confidence. The circle of my survey only confirms this. It is very reminiscent of advertising of all kinds of useless miracle teas, lotions, ointments for a very substantial amount.



Lots of side effects

On the 2nd day after taking this medicine, severe nausea, weakness, bitterness in the mouth and dizziness appeared. I decided to stop taking De-nol, after a week everything stopped



Overall, I felt worse after taking it. When I stopped taking it, I immediately felt better. I think that the instructions should be written about side effects in more detail. The intense advertising of the drug is unfounded and makes you think.



Doesn't help. Strong side effects.

It doesn't help at all. And for this reason, it is recommended to take De-Nol in combination with other medications (which really help). Terrible nausea and vomiting after taking it. And also very expensive. I think you should not buy this drug for the treatment of gastritis and Helicobacter. There are better modern medicines.

You can safely bet that almost every person today knows the insidious bacterium Helicobacter pylori. She has been living in the stomachs of many people without any legal basis since almost a young age and has no plans to go home, because she lives here very comfortably. Doctors say that approximately 2/3 of the world's population is infected with this bacterium. And the figures appearing in many sources regarding the child population of our country are by no means indisputable, since not all infected people experience unpleasant symptoms, and therefore such children simply remain undiagnosed:

In Russia, 35% of preschool children and 75% of schoolchildren are infected with Helicobacteriosis.

Helicobacter pylori was discovered relatively recently, so specialized drugs to combat this scourge are few and far between. One of these drugs is De-nol, which will be discussed in today’s review. In truth, De-nol does not deserve to have a whole review written about it, but I will still take this step to warn those people who will be treated with this far from harmless drug.

About the drug: De-nol is available in the form of small white tablets, enclosed in foil blisters. De-nol packages vary in the number of tablets. For a children's course of treatment we needed 28 tablets. However, we bought a package of 56 tablets, since the pediatric gastroenterologist advised me to also undergo treatment with the child. The doctor’s advice, in essence, was not bad, and I followed it.

Cost: 399 rubles for a medium package (56 tablets)

Why they prescribed it: I am more than sure that I have Helicobacter, since I have suffered from gastritis since school, and my daughter most likely became infected from me in early childhood. She was diagnosed with

FGDS gastritis, as well as during

FGDS took a test for Helicobacter, the result was positive. And the pediatric gastroenterologist prescribed treatment for the child. By the way, the doctor mentioned in passing that De-nol can have side effects and you need to be careful with it. True, I didn’t know what this caution should look like in practice.

Treatment regimen:

1) De-nol – 1 tablet 2 times a day – 14 days


Helinorm - 1 capsule in the morning after breakfast - 4 weeks.


1. The first thing I will mention is not a strong drawback, but for the sake of completeness I’ll tell you about that too. De-nol colors stool jet black.

2. Pronounced side effects. Moreover, I tolerated taking this drug somewhat easier than my daughter:

Possible side effects

Sometimes De-nol causes side effects. The most common of these is staining the stool a dark color. This symptom is normal in the first few days of treatment and disappears on its own after some time, when the body “gets used” to the drug.

Concern should only arise in cases where side effects:

  • appear too strongly;
  • prevent a person from leading a normal life;
  • do not go away for a long time and cause concern.

Allergic reaction

Side effects may appear as:

  • rashes all over the body with itching;
  • swelling of soft tissues.

To prevent it, you can use ointments for external use (Fenistil-gel). It is recommended to add chamomile or celandine flowers to the bath - this relieves itching. Sometimes reducing the dose or taking an additional allergy medication can solve the rash problem.

Darkening of stool

Not a cause for concern. The same applies to darkening of the tongue. This side effect is a consequence of the effect of tripotassium bismuth dicitrate on the mucous membranes.

Nausea and vomiting

If these symptoms appear, you should temporarily stop taking the medication and consult a doctor for a second consultation. Sometimes gastric lavage and sorbents are prescribed.

Damage to the nervous system

Can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • noise in the head, severe dizziness;
  • persistent headaches;
  • bad mood, apathy;
  • disruption of certain mental processes (thinking, imagination, memory, etc.);
  • seizures, speech disorders;
  • state of depression, thoughts of suicide;
  • limited thinking and interests;
  • emotional instability.

If at least some of these side effects are detected, if they are not caused by other factors, you should immediately change the drug to eliminate the problem.

Also read about the side effects of the drug Omez in this material...

It's normal to feel sick from de nola

De-Nol is intended for the treatment of stomach diseases. Poor nutrition, stress, fatigue and heredity play a significant role in their occurrence. Being an effective antiulcer agent, the medicine has its own rules of administration, contraindications and side effects.

How the drug works

The most basic function of De-Nol is the fight against peptic ulcers at all stages of development. It contains bismuth, which has an astringent effect on the stomach and fights Helicobacter pylori infection well.

After ingestion, De-nol forms a thin film that protects the lining of the stomach from further exposure to irritating factors. The medicine works especially intensively in those areas of the stomach where ulcerative defects have appeared.

The medicinal substance protects areas with ulcers from hydrochloric acid and gastric juice enzymes.

The acidic environment of the stomach serves as a catalyst for the chemical reaction to form the film.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of gastric diseases, and De-Nol inhibits its growth and vital activity. The enzymes included in the drug dissolve the protective membrane of the bacterium.


The main indication is chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer) caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

Attention! Before prescribing De-Nol, the doctor must make sure that the bacterium is actually in the stomach. To do this, you will have to undergo a FEGDS and a blood test.

Read more about the indications for use of De-Nol.

Contraindications to the medicine

Contraindications for the drug De-Nol include:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • simultaneous use of other bismuth-containing drugs;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • allergic reactions to the active component of the medication.

The main contraindication to the use of the product is intolerance to its components. In case of a persistent allergic reaction to bismuth or other components of the drug, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema may develop.

De-Nol is contraindicated in cases of acute or chronic renal failure. This is due to the fact that most of the medicine is eliminated through the kidneys.

Pregnancy is also a strict prohibition on the use of De-nol, even if it develops quite normally. During such a condition, you need to look for alternative methods of treating or alleviating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after pregnancy a woman decides to breastfeed her baby, then treatment with De-Nol will again have to be postponed. Its particles can penetrate into the milk and then into the baby’s body, causing complications.

Attention! In no case should you start taking De-Nol on your own. Only the doctor calculates the dosage. In each case, the medicine must be taken strictly in accordance with these requirements.

If it is impossible to take the drug due to contraindications or side effects, one of its analogues may be prescribed. Details in this material...

Possible side effects

Sometimes De-nol causes side effects. The most common of these is staining the stool a dark color. This symptom is normal in the first few days of treatment and disappears on its own after some time, when the body “gets used” to the drug.

Concern should only arise in cases where side effects:

  • appear too strongly;
  • prevent a person from leading a normal life;
  • do not go away for a long time and cause concern.

Allergic reaction

Side effects may appear as:

  • rashes all over the body with itching;
  • swelling of soft tissues.

To prevent it, you can use ointments for external use (Fenistil-gel). It is recommended to add chamomile or celandine flowers to the bath - this relieves itching. Sometimes reducing the dose or taking an additional allergy medication can solve the rash problem.

Darkening of stool

Not a cause for concern. The same applies to darkening of the tongue. This side effect is a consequence of the effect of tripotassium bismuth dicitrate on the mucous membranes.

Nausea and vomiting

If these symptoms appear, you should temporarily stop taking the medication and consult a doctor for a second consultation. Sometimes gastric lavage and sorbents are prescribed.

Damage to the nervous system

Can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • noise in the head, severe dizziness;
  • persistent headaches;
  • bad mood, apathy;
  • disruption of certain mental processes (thinking, imagination, memory, etc.);
  • seizures, speech disorders;
  • state of depression, thoughts of suicide;
  • limited thinking and interests;
  • emotional instability.

If at least some of these side effects are detected, if they are not caused by other factors, you should immediately change the drug to eliminate the problem.

Also read about the side effects of the drug Omez in this material...

special instructions

For successful treatment of peptic ulcer or chronic gastritis, it is recommended:

  1. Use De-nol for at least 8 weeks.
  2. Do not miss the appointment time, do not take the medicine in excess.
  3. Take the medication together with herbs and folk remedies without prior consultation with your doctor.


Uncontrolled or unreasonably long-term use of De-Nol may impair kidney function or cause other side effects. If discontinued in a timely manner, the kidneys may return to normal.

In case of overdose, gastric lavage with saline solutions, laxatives or activated charcoal are prescribed. After these measures, therapy is usually carried out according to the symptoms that are most pronounced.

De-Nol is a highly effective drug that helps get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But when taking it, you need to take into account a large number of factors, because many of the side effects can cause irreparable harm to health. You need to carefully follow the dosage and avoid increased consumption, and if this happens for some reason, then consult a doctor immediately.

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