Clinical manifestations and consequences of hyperfunction and hypofunction of the pancreas
Pancreatic hyperfunction - clinical manifestations and treatment methods
Hyperfunction and hypofunction of the pancreas, regardless of the cause, pose a health hazard. Crashes
Gallbladder dyskinesia
Hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia
Among diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary dyskinesia is the most common disease. With this disease
Antrum of the stomach: what it is, functions, where it is located, diseases
According to the anatomical structure and functional purpose, the stomach is divided into 3 parts: upper - connects
De-nol medicine for gastritis
De-nol for gastritis - how to take it correctly?
Diseases of the digestive tract often bother adults. Inflammatory processes of the stomach occupy a leading position in
Diaphragmatic hernia - types and how they form
Anatomy There is a natural anatomical divider between the thoracic and abdominal cavities - the diaphragm. It's muscular
Nausea during pregnancy
What medicine should I take for diarrhea? Review, instructions for use
Nausea turning into vomiting is familiar to, perhaps, every person. Painful feeling of involuntary spastic contractions, reflux
Hernia in the stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment
Gastric hernia: symptoms and signs in adults, diagnosis
A hernia is a pathological formation characterized by protrusion or displacement of organs and their parts from
hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia (HH)
The esophagus is a tubular organ consisting of muscle tissue. It passes through the diaphragm
Treatment of colitis with folk remedies: reviews
August 19, 2018 Diseases and conditions Irina Khalus Colitis is a very common pathology that
Gastric erosion
Erosive bulbitis - symptoms and treatment of bulbitis
What is erosive bulbite? Inflammation of the duodenum adjacent to the stomach causes dysfunction of the “bulb”,
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