Pancreatin or Mezim
Mezim - cheaper analogues (list), comparison of effectiveness
Snacks on the go, sedentary work, stress, diet disorders lead to digestive disorders and development
An attack of pancreatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Characteristics of the pathology The main cause of pancreatitis is blockage of the duct. This condition can be caused by neoplasms,
For gastritis, diet is part of a comprehensive treatment.
Table 1 – diet, menu for the week, every day. Recipes, table of products, what is possible, what is not, how to cook
Basic rules of diet Diets for acute gastritis have strict rules. The basic principle of nutrition is
diarrhea due to appendicitis
Diarrhea due to appendicitis: why it occurs, how it manifests itself, how it is treated
Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna Gastroenterologist, therapist Experience 15 years Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of diseases
Where is the pancreas located and how does it hurt?
The pancreas (lat. pancreas) is an endocrine organ of mixed secretion that performs digestive and sugar-regulating functions.
What foods will cause acute appendicitis?
Thanks to prompt diagnosis of acute appendicitis, it is possible to detect the disease in time and begin its treatment.
Acute phlegmous appendicitis
Acute phlegmonous appendicitis etiology and pathogenesis
Acute phlegmonous appendicitis belongs to the group of pathologies that require emergency surgical intervention. General overview
Sometimes intestinal obstruction is confused with other forms of digestive tract disease. The appearance of sharp pain in
photo 2
Infectious gastritis of the stomach: routes of infection and methods of treatment
What is gastritis? The constant increase in diseases of the digestive system is a consequence of the development of civilization associated with
Menu for gallstones (GB): recipes for 7 days
Nutritional Features For people with pathologies of the gallbladder, biliary tract and liver, a gentle diet has been developed
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