Walnut for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Good day to all friends and readers of the Healthy Lifestyle blog. Today, while wandering around the supermarket, I came across an incredibly delicious bag containing several types of nuts, and bought it instead of cookies for tea. One of the customers standing nearby looked at me sadly and said with a sigh: “But I can’t have nuts - I have an ulcer.” I hastened to reassure her - after all, nuts are allowed in this state, but they need to be eaten correctly. And when I came home, I decided to devote a new article to the topic - nuts for stomach ulcers.

Treat stomach ulcers with walnuts

Gastric ulcer is a very common disease. This is a chronic disease characterized by periodic exacerbations.

It is for this reason that in this case a special diet is needed to complement drug treatment with special drugs. Of course, such nutrition also involves a lot of dietary restrictions.

But is it possible to eat walnuts if you have a stomach ulcer, or, despite all their usefulness, will patients have to give them up?

Walnuts for stomach ulcers

Experts say that walnuts for stomach ulcers should be consumed with caution. And during periods of exacerbation of the disease, they will have to be abandoned altogether.

The main reason for this ban lies in the fact that this product is extremely difficult to digest. In addition, due to the fact that walnut kernels are very hard, there is a high probability of injury to the delicate walls of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach.

If we are talking about a period of remission, then depending on the characteristics of each specific case, it is allowed to eat approximately 40-60 grams of fresh walnut kernels per day. But even in this case, when consuming nuts, they must first be crushed using a blender, mortar or other means.

In addition, it is especially important to chew walnuts thoroughly before swallowing if you have a stomach ulcer.

One more thing: with a disease such as a stomach ulcer, the consumption of nuts is in any case strictly limited. Moreover, if during periods of remission you can eat up to 60 grams of walnuts per day, then from other permitted varieties of nuts, that is, peanuts, almonds and pine nuts, you can include no more than 30 grams of delicacy per day.

Eating nuts for stomach ulcers

It should be noted right away that walnuts themselves are a very healthy product, which is in no way disputed. And products that contain a sufficient amount of protein must certainly be present in the daily menu of patients with ulcers.

With proper pre-treatment (crushing), nuts for stomach ulcers can have a regenerating and restorative effect. In addition, walnuts can relieve inflammatory processes in the digestive organ.

Experts recommend consuming walnuts during periods of seasonal exacerbations, that is, in the fall and spring, if, of course, this time coincides with periods of remission of a stomach ulcer. A maximum of five nuts per day is allowed and it is important not to exceed this portion.

Don’t forget that nut milk, which can be obtained from walnut kernels, is an excellent medicine. To prepare it, the kernels of a dozen nuts are poured into half a glass of warm boiled water, after which the entire mass is filtered and a couple of teaspoons of natural honey are added to it.

This medicine is taken one dessert spoon half an hour before each meal. Thanks to this treatment, the scarring of ulcerative formations is somewhat accelerated.

Sea buckthorn oil

In any case, with a disease such as a stomach ulcer, food should be consumed frequently and in small quantities. The daily menu requires foods that are rich in protein. At the same time, any spicy and hard foods, as well as all acidic foods, are completely prohibited.

Almost all patients with stomach ulcers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to eat nuts with this disease, and which ones. At the same time, they should all remember that this product is completely contraindicated during periods of exacerbations. But as soon as the acute symptoms disappear, you can eat nuts, although only in small quantities.

One way or another, with a stomach ulcer, a responsible approach to the nutrition of patients is necessary, since it is nutrition that can cause an exacerbation of the disease or, on the contrary, alleviate its course. Moreover, the effect will be almost instantaneous. The patient’s diet must certainly include foods that restore damaged gastric mucosa.

What varieties of nuts are useful for gastrointestinal pathologies?

As mentioned above, not all nuts can be eaten if you have stomach diseases. Some types should be postponed until recovery or stable remission occurs. Thus, walnuts and pine nuts are the most beneficial, while pistachios and cashews will have to be limited in intake.

Walnuts for stomach ulcers

Walnuts are very necessary and permitted products for almost any illness. This is the only variety approved for use during the acute stage of the disease. Their composition is so diverse that they have been used since ancient times for various disorders. For gastrointestinal ulcers, walnuts help restore and heal wounds on the mucous membrane of the affected organ. In addition, the fruits have a restorative effect and strengthen the human body, promoting rapid digestion of heavy foods.

For use, it is better to choose fruits in the shell so that all the qualities of the product are preserved. The shell must be free of chips and cracks, and also be tightly closed. You should shake the walnut when choosing - if you can hear the fruit jumping inside the shell, you should not take it. You should not eat fruit that, when removed from the shell, contains mold and spots on the fruit.

Traditional medicine recommends many recipes for eating walnuts for ulcers:

  • Crushed fruits with honey will help to heal wounds on a diseased organ faster. To do this, you need to eat a spoonful of a mixture of crushed 100-120 g of walnuts, infused in warm water, and 1-2 spoons of honey every day for a month.
  • To prevent seasonal exacerbations, you should eat several fruits on an empty stomach.
  • The combination of fruits with products such as lemon, honey and various dried fruits helps restore the body after illness.

Such recipes can only be used after consultation with a gastroenterologist or therapist. You should not eat nuts if you have an ulcer if you have allergic manifestations, intestinal dysfunction or blood pathologies.

Almonds for ulcers

Another useful product for stomach ulcers is almonds. The basis of diet therapy for stomach pathologies is protein products, so almonds, containing a large amount of protein, will be very useful in the diet.

The main qualities of almonds are their vitamin content, which is of great importance in tissue healing. The fruit has an enveloping effect on the diseased organ, thereby protecting it from damage. Almonds also contain magnesium, calcium, iron and iodine, so they help not only improve organ function, but also strengthen the immune system as a whole.

It is important to understand that this fruit, like all other nuts for stomach ulcers, should not be eaten whole; almonds should be crushed to prevent stomach irritation. In addition, it is very useful for ulcerations to eat almond oil, which is easily absorbed in the stomach and retains all its qualities.

For the treatment of peptic ulcers, the following almond recipes are used:

  • Mix 20-30 g of sweet almonds with a cup of milk and cream, drink in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.
  • Almond oil is mixed with milk in equal quantities, boiled for several minutes, then cooled to the optimal temperature and drunk.
  • To reduce the level of hydrochloric acid, you should eat chopped fresh nuts, 10-20 pieces at a time, several times a day for a week.

Almonds are a very high-calorie product, so they should not be consumed by people with increased body weight. In addition, allergic reactions to nuts and tachycardia are contraindications for use. If you have a stomach ulcer, it is strictly forbidden to eat fresh bitter almonds, since the acid contained in the product can intensify the effect of the ulcer.


Cashew is a variety of nuts containing a large amount of oily substances. Gastroenterologists advise using the product for gastritis, but do not advise eating it a lot if you have an ulcer, since in large quantities it can cause increased acid formation.

You should not eat fresh cashew nuts in the acute stage of the disease to limit trauma to the stomach and duodenum. If during an exacerbation of an ulcer you want cashews, you can eat a few pieces by passing the cashews through a blender. The healing properties of cashews for ulcers are based on the acid they contain, which has a lethal effect on Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is the main cause of stomach ulcers.

Cashews contain a large amount of vitamin B and a rare substance Omega-3, so they are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can eat it in small quantities to prevent the development of side effects.

Cashew consumption should be discussed with a gastroenterologist or therapist, since in some cases it should be limited or completely removed from the patient’s diet.


Peanuts are a product that contains a lot of fats and proteins that are useful for peptic ulcers, however, such fruits can only be consumed during the period of subsidence of the disease, since they are very difficult to digest. The main function of this fruit is the effect of peanuts on the blood and its components.

The vitamins contained in peanuts help the body function normally and become healthier. Regular consumption of peanuts results in normal metabolism, as well as the prevention of gastric bleeding due to ulcerations.

It is important to understand that you can eat peanuts only if the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is normal, since with increased acidity, painful sensations can increase.

The polyphenols included in this product help fight the causes of peptic ulcers, as well as prevent the complication of the disease and its transition to oncology.

The result of eating peanuts for ulcers will be good if you regularly eat about 50 g of the fruit. It should be consumed after the main meal and as an addition to recipes. You can't eat fried fruits.

An important element when eating fresh peanuts is the pink skin, which must be removed and thrown away - the stomach cannot digest it, spending a lot of effort on unsuccessfully digesting the film.

Pine nuts

This is the healthiest variety of all. Cedar fruits are dietary products that are easily absorbed by the body, while saturating it with all the necessary proteins.

Pine nuts contain many beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Eating cedar fruits during the period when the disease subsides is not only useful, but also very important for people suffering from chronic peptic ulcer disease.

It is necessary to introduce pine nuts into the diet for stomach ulcers immediately after the onset of remission. It is necessary to gradually increase the portion of pine nuts by grinding them in a blender or masher. It is important to eat cedar fruits fresh. You need to buy high-quality fruits that do not have chips or cracks in the shell - this action will help prevent the purchase of rotten and moldy products.

To achieve a greater effect, in the prevention of exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers, pine nuts should be consumed with honey to enhance the beneficial and protective effect. This recipe helps not only prevent exacerbation, but also promotes better scarring of ulcers.

Cedar fruits help improve protective barriers in the body due to their fully balanced composition. In addition, this product does not injure the mucous membrane of the organ, so it can be eaten in any form.

Hazelnuts for ulcers

Treatment of ulcers must be comprehensive. It is important not only to include the use of drugs, but also to use traditional medicine that has long been used to treat patients. One of these remedies includes nuts. Hazelnuts, as one of the varieties, have a number of positive qualities, but can this product be consumed if you have stomach diseases?

Hazelnuts are not contraindicated for stomach ulcers. The consistency of hazelnuts does not contain dangerous components for the disease, however, its hard structure, if chewed poorly, can cause trauma to the diseased organ. Therefore, before eating the fruit, you must thoroughly chew or crush the product.

The main function of hazelnuts is to cleanse the body, including the stomach, of harmful toxins accumulated in tissues and cells. The vitamins and minerals it contains enhance the immune response to external and internal stimuli, resulting in an improvement in the condition of the diseased organ.

You can eat this product in small quantities. To saturate the body with useful substances, only a few kernels are required per day. To avoid side effects, before consuming hazelnuts, you should check your body for contraindications and allergies.


Sweet almonds are also definitely useful for peptic ulcers of the digestive organ. In addition to the high protein content traditional for nuts, it boasts a high content of calcium and vitamin E, which makes it an excellent healing product for ulcers caused by increased acidity of stomach juice. You should also eat it in this form of the disease because almonds have a good enveloping effect and can prevent the irritation that certain foods have on the mucous membrane.

Is it possible to eat nuts for stomach and duodenal ulcers?

Stomach ulcer is a chronic disease, with periodic exacerbations, usually several times a year. Gastroenterologists prescribe a special diet with certain restrictions (for example, coffee will have to be replaced with a coffee drink).

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to eat nuts if they have a stomach ulcer. Many nuts are a recognized delicacy, however, the fact that they can also be a medicine is not generally known.

Doctors' recommendations

A stomach ulcer is a disease that requires adherence to a certain diet. Food quickly enters the stomach. And if the foods are irritants, this can lead to abscess complications.

Consequently, the patient’s condition depends on a correctly selected nutrition plan and correct adherence to the recommended diet. To create a personal diet, you need to have information about what you can eat with an ulcer.

Essential principles of the table

Sample menu for 3 days for stomach ulcers

A correctly prepared menu will allow you to satisfy your hunger, gain great pleasure from the meal, at the same time have an excellent mood and avoid deteriorating health.

The most important principles of the diet:

  1. The total nutritional value of food should not exceed 3000 kilocalories.
  2. The table must be balanced. Therefore, food must contain the optimal amount of nutrients.
  3. You need to eat more, but in small portions.
  4. The addition of salt is removed altogether, or its use is shifted to the smallest amount.
  5. Heat treatment of ingredients is allowed. Fried, canned, smoked food is turned off.
  6. Pickles must be fresh.
  7. Foods that contribute to the formation of gases are turned off.
  8. Consumption of alcohol and carbonated drinks is prohibited.
  9. The amount of water consumed is increased to 2 liters.

At first glance, from what you can eat with a stomach ulcer, all pickles look tasteless. But the list of overproduced products is quite large.

Therefore, if you use a little imagination, it is possible to make many not only healthy, but also delicious dishes. Most patients are interested in the question of whether they can consume milk if they have a stomach ulcer.

Experts say that milk can be used in any form for this diagnosis. But if the disease worsens, you should limit foods with a high percentage of fat content.

The benefits of lactic acid products

Eating dairy products for stomach ulcers

For stomach ulcers, kefir product is recommended for use. It should be noted that kefir is much more likely to be poisoned compared to milk.

The use of fermented milk gives rise to quite a lot of controversy. As a rule, lactic acid products are allowed to be consumed in stable remission.

But at the same time you must follow the prescribed order. In order not to cause damage to the body, it is necessary to observe a number of nuances:

  • Only fresh fermented milk products are recommended for consumption.
  • It is not recommended to reheat. The optimal temperature for use is room temperature.
  • When using kefir, the main thing is not to overdo it. Cannot be combined with other foods. The daily dose should not exceed 1 glass.
  • In case of exacerbation of the disease, kefir is prohibited for consumption.

There are many dairy products that are allowed for peptic ulcers.

  • Cottage cheese should be present in the food of the sick person. Since cottage cheese has a rare composition and significant biological value, therefore, it has no contraindications for use. Essentially, curd is coagulated protein that has been separated from whey. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium and phosphorus, iron, and vitamins.
  • Cottage cheese with high fat content contains vitamin A, which is of great importance for ulcerative diseases. Curd products can be consumed daily.
  • Cheese has about 25% protein. The product is quite easy to digest. This product is high in calories. Due to this, a small portion of cheese (100 g) helps to satisfy the daily requirement.
  • Yogurt is made from milk powder. An ulcer is formed due to infection of the body by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Yogurt helps suppress the development of this bacteria. It is very important to make the right choice of yogurt. Yogurt must be natural, without high sugar content. Experts recommend consuming sugar-free yogurt.
  • Butter is the only product whose structure includes animal fat, which is allowed for peptic ulcers. It can only be used fresh as an addition to the main dish.

What to do with flour products

Flour products for duodenal ulcers

Regarding bread, it is better to use crackers. For baked goods, you can eat unsalted dough with the addition of apple or cottage cheese.

Many lovers of flour products are interested in the question: is it possible to eat dumplings with an ulcer? You should not lose sight of the fact that such a combination of products is quite difficult to over-pour. And for peptic ulcers, the key function of healing is to reduce the load.

Semi-finished products deserve special attention. Eating dumplings if you have a stomach ulcer of this kind is strictly prohibited. Because semi-finished products usually contain additives and vegetable proteins. Such components are undesirable not only for a sick person, but also for a healthy person.

What kind of nuts and in what quantities can you eat for gastritis?

To answer the question of whether a patient with gastritis can eat nuts or not, we need to understand what effect they have on the stomach wall and smooth muscle motility. In this case, these fruits are similar to seeds - they literally clog the stomach.

In principle, it is possible for patients with gastritis to eat hard fruits, but only with some reservations:

  • eating fresh walnuts in quantities of up to 50 g per day is not only harmless, but also beneficial for a person suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa. However, with a caveat: this is only true for adult patients - nuts are contraindicated for children in any case. Another point - walnuts for gastritis are allowed when combined with alkaline mineral water. It is necessary to drink food in any case, but here this issue is especially relevant;
  • fresh peanuts - it is allowed to consume no more than 30 g of this top quality product per day;
  • fresh pine nuts - again, a maximum of 30 g per day, and then they can only be eaten if there is a hyperacid form of the disease.

Cashew almonds are strictly contraindicated for patients with gastritis.
For gastritis with high acidity, it is even recommended to consume the fruits of the cedar tree. This is explained by the fact that it contains some substances that help reduce acidity and thus somewhat normalize the patient’s condition.

All other varieties - almonds, cashews and others - are strictly contraindicated for patients. Under no circumstances should they be consumed, even when the disease is in remission, in the smallest quantities. This can lead to a relapse of the disease, even leading to a stomach or duodenal ulcer (the latter is typical for systematic consumption).

In addition to the above, nuts have another unfavorable (regarding gastritis) property. Due to their high fat content, they stimulate the secretion of the parietal glands of the stomach wall. Increased secretion of the parietal glands stimulates an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. This point must also be taken into account when the patient is deciding whether to eat nuts for gastritis.

In the event that a person suffering from any type of gastritis simply unbearably wants to eat nuts at any cost, then the following points must be taken into account:

If a person suffering from any type of gastritis wants nuts, then they can be eaten only in a state of stable clinical remission of gastritis

  • They can be eaten only in a state of stable clinical remission of gastritis. That is, we mean a condition when a person is not actually bothered by any of the clinical manifestations of gastritis. If heartburn or sour belching is observed even occasionally, then eating nuts is out of the question;
  • only certain types are allowed (this was mentioned above);
  • You will have to eat nuts only in very small portions, so as not to make it difficult for the stomach and intestines to remove them;
  • nuts for a patient with gastritis should be something like a luxury - just like all foods that can increase or decrease acidity (depending on the type of gastritis). You should not eat nuts more often than twice a week, even in small portions and even if the disease does not make itself felt;
  • Children suffering from gastritis of any form are strictly prohibited from consuming hard fruits, regardless of whether the disease is now in remission or at the stage of exacerbation.

Can I eat peanuts if I have a stomach ulcer?

Nuts, including peanuts, should not be eaten in cases of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, because they are very difficult to digest. In addition, due to its hard consistency, the risk of injury to the delicate gastric mucosa is very high.

True, the answer to the question whether it is possible to eat peanuts for a stomach ulcer during remission will be positive - experts allow eating peanuts at this time per day, but not more than 30 grams per day. In this case, it is very important to chew the nuts especially carefully or simply grind them using a blender before eating.

All other types of nuts are also not recommended for stomach ulcers, but during remission, daily consumption of up to 10 grams of almonds, pine nuts or fresh walnuts is allowed.

Today, stomach ulcers are a very common disease that is not only chronic, but also characterized by periodic exacerbations. At the same time, the disease itself requires complex treatment, which involves not only a course of taking medications, but also the obligatory adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Is it possible to eat nuts with gastritis?

When deciding whether it is possible to eat nuts for gastritis, the advice of doctors is taken into account.
Experts suggest not removing the product from your diet, but taking into account the permitted daily servings of nuts. Before eating, the kernels are crushed. For gastritis with high acidity, experts advise adding walnuts and pine kernels to the menu. It is recommended to eat in small portions or exclude almonds, peanuts, and hazelnuts.

In other cases, you are allowed to eat more varieties of nuts:

  • walnuts (20 g);
  • coconut (up to 30 g of nut pulp);
  • cedar (50 g);
  • pecans (up to 10 g);
  • peanuts (up to 50 g);
  • cashews (about 5 g);
  • hazel (up to 10 pcs.).

In the list of prohibited use for stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers):

  1. Manchurian and Brazilian are prohibited for stomach problems due to their chemical composition; infusions from them are also not used.
  2. Nutmeg - fruits and spices with the addition of nutmeg crumbs are not used in the diet.
  3. African - due to the presence of caffeine and other components in the chemical composition that stimulate the production of gastric juice.
  4. Raw almonds are harmful for people with stomach diseases due to the high concentration of hydrocyanic acid.


To stabilize the condition of the stomach, nuts for ulcers are prohibited:

  • during an exacerbation;
  • for allergies, personal intolerance;
  • for diseases of the intestines and pancreas;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • for thrombosis, psoriasis.

An increase in consumption leads to the development of wounds on the mucous membranes, destruction of blood vessels, and bleeding.

Nut therapy is an addition to basic treatment, diet, and a healthy lifestyle. Mandatory adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician and the rules of food consumption is the key to a complete recovery. The ulcers are covered with a fibrinous layer. During healing, it is rejected, the wounds are cleaned and covered with healthy epithelium.

Are nuts allowed for stomach ulcers?

Good day to all friends and readers of the Healthy Lifestyle blog. Today, while wandering around the supermarket, I came across an incredibly delicious bag containing several types of nuts, and bought it instead of cookies for tea.

One of the customers standing nearby looked at me sadly and said with a sigh: “But I can’t have nuts - I have an ulcer.” I hastened to reassure her - after all, nuts are allowed in this state, but they need to be eaten correctly. And when I came home, I decided to devote a new article to the topic - nuts for stomach ulcers.

What is the best way to eat nuts?

Treatment of stomach ulcers requires a special, balanced diet, which may well include a variety of nuts. But one should take into account the fact that the diet is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

Is it possible to eat nuts with gastritis?

Nuts form an important part of many people's diets, and limiting their consumption is unthinkable for many. The issue of limiting the consumption of nuts or completely abandoning them is relevant for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Nuts are not contraindicated for gastritis, but they should really be consumed with caution, not overusing large portions, as well as salty, smoked and other seasonings that are now often flavored with nuts. Give preference to natural types of nuts and eat them in small portions.

In what form should I eat it?

To treat ulcers, it is important to eat a balanced diet, which may include different types of nuts. The doctor selects a diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Some patients do not experience any unwanted effects after eating whole fruits, while others experience pain. As a result, if you are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, you should carefully chop the nuts before use.

If, after grinding, the kernels are irritating, they should be replaced with almond or peanut oil. It is important that the products are of high quality, without being overloaded with preservatives or sugar. You can prepare pastas yourself at home. To do this, you need to grind the fruits in a blender for a long time, gradually increasing the speed. You should get a creamy mass. For taste, you can dilute with sugar or honey. Nut butter should be stored in the refrigerator.

Nuts for stomach ulcers - how to use them correctly?

As soon as it is possible to reduce the painful symptoms of a stomach ulcer, it is recommended to begin introducing pine nuts into the patient’s diet. It is important when introducing such food products not to injure the damaged mucous membrane, causing as little irritation as possible.

Pine nuts must be as fresh as possible, of high quality, without visible defects of spoilage or spoilage. The nuts are first doused with boiling water, then washed in running water. After slightly drying, carefully grind, only after grinding the product is ready to serve to the patient.

Are hazelnuts allowed for stomach ulcers?

Hazelnuts themselves are not a dangerous product for stomach ulcers, if you do not take into account their hard consistency. But this drawback can be easily eliminated if you simply chop the nuts thoroughly before eating them.

In addition, hazelnuts, along with other types of nuts, are strictly prohibited against the background of an exacerbation of ulcers. But at other stages of the development of the disease, it may well be present in the daily diet.

So, you can eat hazelnuts if you have a stomach ulcer, but only with the right approach to consuming them. That is, they eat it when there is no exacerbation, and also in small quantities.

In this case, its kernels will not only be harmless, but even useful. After all, they effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances accumulated in it.

Moreover, its consumption will help restore tissue and strengthen the immune system. Even taking into account its beneficial properties, this product should not be abused under any circumstances.

Otherwise, all its beneficial effects will come to naught.

The peculiarity of peptic ulcer disease is not only its chronic course, but also frequent exacerbations. Therefore, the approach to its treatment must certainly be comprehensive.

That is, in addition to the medication course, patients are also prescribed a special diet. In particular, it ensures sufficient protein in the daily menu, and also eliminates the consumption of hard and tough foods.

So, can you eat hazelnuts for a stomach ulcer? After all, it’s not easy to resist this delicious nut.

What nuts can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer?

Among the many varieties of nuts for stomach ulcers, walnuts are considered the most useful. After all, they contain about 15% protein.

Against the background of gastric ulcer, walnuts have a clear regenerative and general strengthening effect, and also nullify the inflammatory processes occurring in this digestive organ. When consuming them, experts recommend eating several kernels on an empty stomach.

Walnut milk will also be useful, for the preparation of which crushed walnut kernels are poured with warm water, infused, and then filtered. Next, add a little honey to the liquid.

Such a simple but useful medicine will promote rapid scarring of ulcerative formations.

Another type of nuts, pine nuts, are known for their soothing and restorative effects, as well as their regenerating effect. It is also recommended to eat them thoroughly crushed and mixed with natural honey.

Is it possible to eat nuts with gastritis of the stomach or not?

Is it possible or not to eat nuts for gastritis? Doctors do not require excluding the product from the diet, consuming it within reasonable limits. What nuts can you eat if you have gastritis? In order not to injure the inflamed gastric mucosa, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the course of the disease.

Is it possible or not to eat nuts for gastritis? Doctors do not require excluding the product from the diet, consuming it within reasonable limits.

For gastritis with high acidity (hyperacid form), pine nuts and walnuts are allowed, as are almonds (they contain hydrocyanic acid), hazelnuts (the complex of acids they contain negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane) and peanuts (provokes the development of fermentation processes, promotes the acidification of gastric juice ) are prohibited.

In the hypoacid form of inflammation, the gastric glands produce insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which worsens the course of digestive processes. In this case, intestinal motility is weakened.

Doctors recommend consuming nuts as “helpers” that improve the mechanical processing of food and enhance the contractility of the muscle layer. But first they must be crushed into crumbs to reduce the likelihood of injury to the mucous membrane.


This variety of nuts has a delicate characteristic buttery taste and stores a lot of vitamins (A, C, D, B6, B12), as well as microelements: iron, magnesium, calcium. They also contain Omega-3 acids, rare for products of plant origin, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so eating cashews will quickly have a healing effect on those places of the mucous membrane where ulcers have formed.

These nuts also act as a natural antibiotic, so they are useful as an adjuvant in the treatment of peptic ulcers if they are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

Doctors' recommendations

In case of a stomach or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage, doctors clearly prohibit the consumption of nuts, since solid particles of the kernels can severely injure the already inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines.

Another reason for the ban is the rather rich chemical composition: even if you grind them well in a blender, some active substances can aggravate the problem with the stomach (intestines). In addition, protein (up to 15% of the composition) is a heavy food even for a person with a healthy digestive tract.

The only exception to this prohibition is the walnut: several medicines recommended by both traditional and folk medicine can be prepared from it. The list of types that can be consumed during the period of remission increases to four types:

  • walnuts,
  • almond,
  • cedar,
  • peanut.

Of course, we are talking about fresh seeds, not dried or roasted. Other types are not recommended for use for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

First, let's try to understand what these four types of fruits are. nutritional value for our body.

GALINA SAVINA: “How easy it is to cure a stomach ulcer at home in 1 month. A proven method is to write down the recipe. » Read more >>

Advice from a gastroenterologist

When eating nut kernels, gastroenterologists recommend following the general rules:

  1. Eat only crushed product.
  2. Do not use on an empty stomach.
  3. You are allowed to eat up to 50 grams per day. walnut or 20 gr. other kernels.

The most valuable are walnuts for recurrent stomach ulcers, and pine nuts for remission of stomach ulcers. The remaining kernels have a good vitamin and mineral composition, but have a more aggressive effect on the walls of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

What nuts can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer? Everything, but only during the period of subsidence of the pathology, after consultation with a specialist and proper use. Do not exceed the permissible product consumption limits. Be attentive to your health.

Chemical composition and value

The biochemical composition of fruits can differ quite greatly from each other. Protein in the above four types can be contained from 14% in pine kernels to 21% in almond kernels, the percentage of fat does not exceed 45–70%, and carbohydrates - 15% of the total mass.

The calorie content is very high, on average 640–700 kcal due to the high fat content of the product. The concentration of other nutrients is also quite high, which are no less important in terms of quality for our body.

For example, carotene, omega-3 fatty and other types of acids, tannins, phytoncides, essential oils and many others. It cannot be said that nuts are very rich in vitamins; walnuts stand out a little for their vitamin B6 content - about 35% of the daily requirement is contained in 100 g of kernels.

What specific recommendations and recipes with nuts can be applied in practice to treat and alleviate the condition of this disease.

Features of the compositions

Nuts are rich in vitamins and nutrients. But they contain a large number of calories. A handful of nuts has the same calorie content as a chocolate bar. The product helps improve the condition of blood vessels, and those who love them rarely suffer from excess weight. The fruit contains the following beneficial substances:

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  • proteins;
  • vegetable fats;
  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins.

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Recipes for treating and preventing ulcers

Walnuts have been used in the treatment of stomach ulcers for a long time, so many recipes have been preserved. The fruits of the tree have been recommended for use since the times of Hippocrates, Avicenna and ancient Egyptian doctors. Below is a list of recipes from the simplest to those that are a little more complicated.

  • Nut milk. Grind the seeds of 10–20 nuts, pour them with warm water (100–150 ml), strain the mixture, add 2 tsp. honey, mix. Take the medicine 30 minutes before. before meals, one dessert spoon. This will speed up scarring.
  • Eat 5-6 nuts (no more) on an empty stomach in the morning for 1 month. This is an excellent prevention of exacerbations. At the same time, you will also improve your liver health.
  • Mix with honey and ghee. You need to put 300 g of each ingredient in a pan and leave it at one hundred degrees for 20 minutes. into the oven. Then mix well and cool, take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  • Mixture with dried fruits, lemon and honey. You need to thoroughly chop and mix 1 kg of dried apricots, raisins, kernels, 4-5 lemons, then mix in 1 kg of honey. Store in glass jars in the refrigerator, take a tablespoon 30 minutes before. before meals three times a day until it runs out. The pause between courses is 1 month.
  • Suitable for the treatment of duodenal ulcers. It is necessary to grind and mix 0.5 kg of nut seeds and raw carrots, then add melted butter and liquid honey - 0.5 kg each. Use 1 tbsp. l. in 30 min. before meals three times a day until the mixture runs out.


Not only ripe nuts are used for treatment purposes. Green fruits and peels, roots, bark and foliage of trees, shells and internal partitions, etc. are usefully used. They are used for preparing tinctures, decoctions, rubs, compresses and for food.

Walnut partitions

A medicinal tincture is prepared from the partitions of walnuts. The separating plate present in the walnut kernel is usually discarded. However, it is a medicinal component used for many diseases. For example, an alcohol tincture on the partitions helps treat colitis. To prepare it you will need 3 tablespoons of crushed partitions and 0.2 liters of vodka. The raw materials are filled with vodka and infused in the dark for 7 to 10 days. Then, after filtering, the infusion is taken 3 to 4 times during the day, 10 drops diluted with 1 tablespoon of water. After a course of 2 months, the colitis will subside.

A decoction in water is prepared from ½ cup of ground partitions, which are filled with 3 cups of water. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering, the broth is poured into containers and stored in a cool place. It is taken ½ glass before meals 30 minutes.

Walnut shell

Effective and prompt treatment of some diseases, for example, gastritis, diarrhea, is carried out with walnut shells. Pellicle carboxylic acids, steroids, coumarins, and phenol were found in it. Thanks to them, the vascular system is cleansed, blood clots and plaques that narrow the lumen of blood vessels are gradually reduced. The shell is used to prepare decoctions, infusions, and as a basis for the preparation of medicinal baths.

Walnut leaves

They have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing effects. The medicinal value of the leaves of the tree is no less than that of the fruits. They are used to prepare decoctions and infusions taken orally.

The high activity and concentration of beneficial substances require limiting their intake during the day to no more than ½ glass. The infusion is indicated, for example, for indigestion, relieves stomach pain, and improves the functions of the digestive system.

How to choose a walnut

It is better to buy in shells, so the oils in the kernels will not have time to go rancid. If you plan to take peeled ones, then the ideal option is sealed packaging.

It is worth checking the nuts for “explosiveness”: it should be quiet inside. This means that the integrity of the shell is not compromised, and the fruit has not had time to dry out. The only trouble that cannot be foreseen in advance is mold. It can only be detected after you have opened the fruit. Of course, such fruits will have to be thrown away.

If you have a peptic ulcer and you really like nuts, then you can easily afford them. The main thing is the correct choice of the type of nut, the form of its use and quantity: during an exacerbation, you can only eat walnuts, well crushed or in the form of nut milk - this will contribute to your recovery.

During periods of remission, you can choose any of the four nuts, grind them thoroughly and do not exceed the dosage of 60 g/day for walnuts and 30 g/day for other nuts. In this case, there will be a minimum of harm and maximum benefits for your health.

Are walnuts okay for gastritis?

Nutritionists agree that walnuts are a fatty and at the same time difficult to digest food. It contains a lot of fiber in its rough form. So walnuts for gastritis of the stomach are not the best delicacy in the world. Especially if the disease worsens. Regardless of the form of gastritis, nuts are included in the list of prohibited foods.

When remission occurs and taking into account the simply fantastic composition of walnuts, they can be introduced into the diet in small quantities. For example, walnuts for gastritis with high acidity are consumed in quantities of 40 to 60 grams daily.

It is important to monitor your well-being and listen to the reaction of your stomach. After all, if you are allergic to nuts or even after taking several kernels you experience heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, you will have to refrain from further experiments with nuts.

Regardless of the form of gastritis, nuts are included in the list of prohibited foods

In addition to a small dosage (no more than 60 grams per day), it is also necessary to prepare the product for use, making it as gentle as possible for a sore stomach. It's no secret that the walnut kernel has a fairly hard consistency. In this form, it is easy to damage the mucous membrane. That is why solid food for stomach ulcers and gastritis is strictly prohibited.

What to do? After all, nuts are so healthy and nutritious... There is a way out! You need to eat them in crushed form. For example, using a coffee grinder or blender. The product, which is consumed in the form of small crumbs, will no longer be too dangerous for the inflamed walls of the stomach. By the way, in this form, nuts are convenient to add to salads and other dishes.

Don't forget one more rule. You should also not eat walnuts on an empty stomach. They create additional stress on the pancreas and the entire digestive tract. Therefore, problems may get worse.

Thus, there is no definite answer whether you can eat walnuts in your case. Of course, their use is allowed. But only in crushed form, in small portions. Your doctor will give you exact recommendations.

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