Tomatoes for gastritis of the stomach: can you eat or not?
Tomatoes for gastritis. More benefit or harm? Doctors are still arguing about whether
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Is it possible to diagnose appendicitis using an ultrasound examination?
Ultrasound examination is widely used in the diagnosis of diseases of the abdominal cavity. This is a painless and informative method,
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Mucus that coats the stomach wall prevents self-digestion
Mucus in the stomach and its significance Mucus in the stomach plays an important role in the regulation
About the dangers of smoking with gastritis of the stomach: why should a person with this disease not smoke?
Is it possible to smoke with gastritis: effects on the stomach and complications
Symptoms of the disease The acute form of gastritis is characterized by sharp attacks of pain below the chest. Usually starts
Omeprazole for indigestion
Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna Gastroenterologist, therapist Experience 15 years Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of diseases
Stomach ache
Articles: Nutrition of patients after gastrectomy
Features of digestion in patients with a removed stomach After gastrectomy, the digestive process changes dramatically, therefore
de nol for gastritis
Astellas De-Nol tablets - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Larisa first encountered De-nol 15 years ago, she was treating erosive gastritis by
More information about the drug "De-nol" "De-nol" is used when diagnosing chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers in
Sigmoidoscopy of the intestines - what is it?
Preparation for sigmoidoscopy with Fortrans
What is intestinal sigmoidoscopy? The procedure is prescribed to almost everyone who turns to a proctologist with complaints.
Diarrhea after beer: causes of diarrhea after draft and unfiltered beer
Why does diarrhea occur after drinking beer and how to treat it? Diarrhea after beer: possible causes and treatment features
Many people love beer for its taste and prefer vodka due to its low content.
Gastric dysplasia, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Chronic diseases of the digestive tract are one of the main problems in gastroenterology. Not the last
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