Herbal treatment for chronic intestinal colitis

Strategy to combat ulcerative colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory reaction with the formation of bleeding ulcers and erosions on the mucous membrane of the large intestine. It begins with fever, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and repeated diarrhea in the acute period. Then it moves to the chronic stage with phases of attenuation and exacerbation. The chronic course of ulcerative colitis of the intestine, in addition to painful diarrhea, pain along the colon, is manifested by aching joints, anemia, loss of strength, and emaciation.

In addition to UC, other gastrointestinal diseases have similar external symptoms - intestinal neoplasms, Crohn's disease, helminthic infestations, pseudomembranous colitis, bacterial, fungal, and viral intestinal lesions. Don't self-diagnose. The correct diagnosis is the result of the work of a whole team of doctors: proctologist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, therapist. Treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis with traditional methods is approved by doctors as an addition to traditional therapy.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis with folk remedies provides a long period of remission, delaying and reducing the severity of exacerbation.

Folk remedies for the treatment of ulcerative colitis act in the following directions:

  • fight inflammation, disinfect;
  • regenerate the mucous membrane;
  • stop diarrhea;
  • increase their own protective capabilities;
  • calm the nervous system, normalize sleep.

It is necessary to use folk remedies after agreeing on the course of therapy with the attending physician. Natural preparations contain strong biologically active substances that can cause irreparable harm to health if used uncontrolled.

Chronic colitis, not irritable bowel syndrome. (edited)

Good afternoon ! Tell me who has this diagnosis of IBS, what should we take now to relieve pain. The doctor is on vacation.

In general, 9 months ago my 19-year-old daughter had a stomach ache. I sent her to the hospital, this is an interuniversity clinic, they felt her and prescribed some medications and an FGDS, I’m not at all boom boom about this, they did an FGDS (they diagnosed superficial gastritis, degree 2 cardia incontinence), the doctor prescribed new medications to take for a month. We drink like nothing. At the end of the course, we have sharp pains on the right side. Another doctor sees us at the clinic on an urgent basis and prescribes medicine to relieve these pains within 24 hours. Then we prescribe us what bacteria.. narine... we drink... a month later the pain again.... in the clinic they check for appendicitis, the blood does not confirm appendicitis, we leave the interuniversity hospital and go to a private appointment... and then they explain to her that the treatment at the clinic was prescribed incorrectly and with this treatment we dragged the flora from one part of the stomach into the intestines and makes a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome .

Prescribes: normabactin, niaspam, pepsan-r. We feel good, there is no pain, but we have bad stools 1-2 times a day.

After a couple of months, we found a seemingly good gastroenterologist and began treatment.

Stage 1 2 weeks trimedat, allohol, pancreatin

Stage 2 vermex, allohol, festal

Stage 3…. enterofuril, enzymes...

then, according to the results of the analysis for dysbacteriosis... we have a lot of e-salt... there was an antibiotic, hilak, allohol. festal

The pain went away, the chair was restored, we took a break and went on diet 5.

Another appointment and she is prescribed papaverine, allochol (we test for Giardia 3 times), pensital, allochol, phosphalugel, bifiform. After starting treatment on the second day, she began to experience nausea, weakness, her stool broke on the third day yesterday, pain on the right. They stopped taking everything after feeling weak and nauseated.

The examination was carried out by her last doctor now and we are seeing:

Repeated FGDS with the doctor’s discretion to take a sample for the bacterium, but the doctor did not take a “sample” for the bacterium.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. cavity and abdominal space with defined abbr. gallstone functions bubble

Then the blood is combined with the formula, for parasitosis, feces met. enrichment on gel and simple.

Feces for dysbak. I don’t know what to call the blood, but it contains ALT and AST indicators.

Based on this, a diagnosis was made: CR. E. Coli heme-associated colitis, complicated by microbiota with deficiency of bifido and lastoflora. Chr. primary superficial gastritis, Chr. cholecytopancreatitis against the background of deformation of the gallbladder (kink in the neck area) DBT hypotonic-hypokinetic type.

Associated: Incomplete duplication of both kidneys.

After reading your comments and entries, I realized that our inflamed intestines are a consequence of a malfunction of the gall bladder (but it cannot be treated; they live with it as long as they can), and I also made a discovery for myself where our atopic dermatitis and eternal lip jams come from... It seems to be gallstones.

You need to learn to live with it.


It's March 2021. Our problem was due to Giardia... we were treated and most of the symptoms disappeared, the stool is normal, there is no pain...

Anti-inflammatory folk remedies

Medicines with a high content of salicylates, essential oils, and organic acids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.


The most effective folk remedies for UC put chamomile at the top of the unspoken ranking. Its flower baskets are rich in salicylates, essential oils, ascorbic acid, and carotene. Traditional medicine experts suggest treating ulcerative colitis with chamomile flowers.

Recipe for a healing decoction:

  • a tablespoon of dry color;
  • 300 ml of boiled water.

Brew chamomile in a thermos and leave for an hour. Drink the cooled, strained broth 100 ml up to 4 times a day. Advanced ulcerative colitis is treated by using enemas with a decoction of chamomile inflorescences.


Willow bark is the leader in salicin content. An infusion of willow bark relieves inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. One of the methods for preparing an anti-inflammatory infusion: pour a teaspoon of dry finely ground raw materials into 400 ml of warm boiled water. Leave for 5 hours. Use the strained infusion to treat ulcerative colitis, drinking a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals. Quickly relieves exacerbation of chronic colitis.


The spice turmeric, known in Indian folk medicine, is considered a natural antibiotic. Has bactericidal and antitumor effects. A pinch of powdered turmeric rhizomes is added to first courses. It should be taken outside the phase of exacerbation of UC, observing moderation.

Classification of colitis

  • infectious
  • nutritional – due to gross violations of food hygiene
  • medicinal - long-term, unsupervised use of medication
  • exogenous - systematic (work in hazardous industries) poisoning with mercury vapor, phosphorus compounds
  • allergic - medications, food
  • mechanical - constant irritation of the mucous membrane by mechanical means (regular enemas, rectal suppositories caused by constipation)
  • endogenous - poisoning by decay products, oxidation (urate salts for gout)

The therapeutic process is etiotropic - it eliminates the immediate cause that has become a catalyst for inflammation. Forms of manifestation of the disease - acute, chronic.

In order to avoid complications, it is more advisable to treat attacks inpatiently.

An indisputable argument for the positive treatment of colitis is considered to be strict adherence to nutritional recommendations.

Healing agents

In the acute stage of UC, regenerating drugs become of particular importance. They heal bleeding ulcers on the intestinal mucosa.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn preparations occupy a leading position in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. Generously endowed with carotene, tocopherol, fatty acids, and essential compounds, sea buckthorn oil is a powerful stimulator of tissue regeneration. For UC, it is used orally in a teaspoon on an empty stomach up to 3 times a day. Microenemas with sea buckthorn oil have a good healing effect on the rectal mucosa. From 50 to 100 ml of oil heated to 33-35°C is carefully injected into the rectum with a syringe and lies there for half an hour. The procedure is carried out at night with a course of 5-8 microenemas per month.


A popular folk remedy for ulcerative colitis is propolis. This beekeeping product has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, contains amino acids and stearins. Alcohol tinctures made from propolis heal erosions, strengthen blood vessels, and stimulate the immune system. Method for homemade tincture: pour a tablespoon of crushed propolis into a glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place, strain. Take the tincture three times a day after meals, dissolving 5-10 drops of the drug in a tablespoon of water.

Normalization of stool

Attacks of diarrhea cause dehydration and loss of minerals from the body. Astringent folk remedies can cure diarrhea in ulcerative colitis:

  • Oak bark;
  • pomegranate peels;
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • gray alder cones;
  • blueberry and bird cherry fruits;
  • quince seeds and fruits.

It is optimal to use herbal preparations that exhibit a complex therapeutic effect. For example, treatment with a collection of snakeweed rhizomes and gray alder fruits, taken a teaspoon at a time and brewed with 400 ml of boiling water, will relieve loose stools on the second day. It is recommended to drink 100 ml of decoction half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

Immunostimulating agents

Immunostimulating herbs for ulcerative colitis activate the body's reserve capabilities to suppress the pathological process. For patients with gastrointestinal diseases, the following products are suitable:

  • rose hips;
  • echinacea herbs and flowers;
  • a basket of calendula;
  • oregano herbs.

Herbs that stimulate immunity contain potent substances. Use them carefully. After brewing a teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and take the strained decoction in a quarter glass 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment and prevention of exacerbation of ulcerative colitis is designed for 2 weeks. Then they take a break for a month and, if desired, continue, changing the medicinal plant.

Treatment with oregano, echinacea, and calendula is prohibited for pregnant women. For expectant mothers treating ulcerative colitis, rose hips are useful.

Sedatives and painkillers

Pain syndrome in ulcerative colitis significantly worsens a person’s life and limits his capabilities. You can relieve pain and relieve spasms of inflamed intestines using folk remedies. Antispasmodic, soothing herbs include peppermint, hop cones, and linden flowers.


Menthol, thymol, essential oils, and terpenes give peppermint antispasmodic and sedative properties. Drinking mint tea relaxes the intestinal muscles, relieves pain, and calms the nervous system. Leave two tablespoons of mint leaves in half a liter of boiling water for 2 hours. Take as a tea for painful intestinal spasms due to ulcerative colitis.

Hop heads

The yellow-green hop fruits, which ripen in August-September, accumulate valeric acid, trimethylamine, essential oils, and resins. An aqueous infusion of hop cones is considered in folk medicine as an anticonvulsant, analgesic, and mild hypnotic. Patients with ulcerative colitis should infuse 4 tablespoons of crushed fruit in 300 ml of boiled water for an hour. Take a tablespoon of bitter infusion 4 times a day before meals.

Linden blossom

The fragrant linden blossom owes its pleasant smell to farnesol. In addition, the aromatic inflorescences are rich in vitamins, saponins, and phytoncides. For ulcerative colitis, a proven folk remedy will relieve pain and soothe irritated mucous membranes. Pour two tablespoons of chopped inflorescences into 400 ml of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, strain and drink half a glass before each meal.

Treatment of colitis with herbs

The importance of herbal medicine for intestinal pathologies is difficult to overestimate, because beneficial herbs, unlike synthetic drugs, have a positive effect on healthy flora, promoting an increase.

It is difficult to treat a diseased intestine; it takes a long time; prolonged action of medications can cause an increase in the effects of dysbacteriosis.

Herbal medicine for colitis is less likely to cause undesirable symptoms: drug dependence, weakened immunity. Plants are gentler than chemical drugs. Preferable for chronic forms of intestinal diseases.

Independent actions without the consent of a doctor are categorically unacceptable.

Further, in all recipes, the added volume of water is 200 ml.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, gently envelops the inflamed mucosa, preventing the harsh impact of food. Marshmallow “pacifies” pain in the abdominal area - a valuable quality in the fight against colitis.

Add forty grams of dry crushed root to hot water. Boil for 30 minutes, cover tightly, strain after a quarter of an hour. Take warm, a quarter glass at a time.

Natural healer for colitis accompanied by diarrhea. In addition, lotions with the juice of this fruit are additional help for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Indicated for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies, whose body is weakened and exhausted.

Normalizes digestion, has a laxative effect. Fights inflammation that affects the intestinal walls during colitis.

An absolute advantage is the ability to increase immunity, and no worse than expensive drugs.

Grind six sheets and pass through a juicer. Since the juice spoils quickly, store in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before meals.

The distinct anti-inflammatory effect inherent in the plant allows one to accelerate the restoration of intestinal walls “irritated” by colitis. It is taken as a fixative for diarrhea; the plant has astringent properties.

Recommended in complex therapy when colitis is combined with cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

In cases of bleeding complications, the large serpentine (an alternative name for snakeweed) helps eliminate defects formed on the intestinal walls. Bleeding stops.

You will need dried, crushed rhizomes. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the resulting mixture. Boil for half an hour, then cool and strain. Take a tablespoon.

If the diagnosis is ulcerative colitis, then additional support will be a decoction based on a mixture of crushed knotweed rhizomes with flax seeds. The listed ingredients are taken in equal parts - one tablespoon. Prepare similarly to the previous recipe; during an exacerbation, take every two hours according to Art. l.

Given the severity of ulcerative colitis, discuss the use of a prescription with your doctor first.

The berry is healthy, among its positive properties it normalizes digestion, increases immunity, and appetite. It has a choleretic quality, which allows it to be used against gastrointestinal pathologies. Due to the biotin content, strawberries are a reliable helper against high blood pressure.

Attention, an allergic reaction is possible - skin itching, urticaria, stop using immediately and consult a doctor.

Fresh berries, or possible options: juice, compote, or finally just rolled with sugar, will bring benefits.

However, strawberries are not only valuable for their fruits; healthy decoctions are prepared from the leaves.

  • Brew strawberry leaf with boiling water, let it steep for a quarter of an hour and drink instead of tea.
  • After chopping the leaves, pour boiling water over them and cook for half an hour. After cooling, straining (use cheesecloth), consume before meals. Single serving - 40 ml.

The list of positive qualities of calendula is impressive, with anti-inflammatory effects in the forefront, which is especially important for colitis. The plant accelerates the process of “healing” of intestinal cellular structures.

Calendula has been noted to support constipation and abdominal pain.

The process of preparing calendula oil is quite simple. Fill a glass bottle with flowers, close it and place it in the sun.

For medicinal purposes, the essential oil that appears at the bottom after some time is used.

To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of dried flowers. Fill with hot water, boil for a quarter of an hour, cover the container with a lid. Cool, strain, replenish the volume. The infusion spoils quickly; storage is no more than two days. Single dose - 15 ml.

It is acceptable to use for colitis accompanied by constipation. Liquefies feces, minimizes trauma to the rectum and anus.

Recipes use the bark of this tree-like shrub.

Young bark contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane; only bark collected 2 years ago is acceptable for medicinal purposes.

  • intestinal diseases due to varicose veins
  • haemorrhoids
  • Juice from flowers - 30 drops once, washed down with water.
  • The infusion is prepared from crushed dry bark; three tablespoons are required. Add hot water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, straining, replenish the lost volume. One-time dose - two tablespoons.

The medicinal properties of the plant are due to the mucus formed by a decoction of the tubers (underground thickened stem). The mucus gently envelops the inflamed intestines, ensuring restoration of the affected cellular structures. Abdominal pain is reduced.

The healing significance of the plant increases due to the presence of an antitoxic effect, the absorption of harmful toxins stops, and existing ones leave the body naturally. The nutritional properties of the plant are highly valued.

Pronounced astringent and hemostatic effect. Helps with diarrhea, ulcerative colitis. Helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

Foliage filled with hot water 20 g. boil for 15 minutes. Further procedures are identical to those described above: cool, strain, replenish the volume. The resulting infusion should be taken in 50 ml doses before meals.

Treatment of colitis with folk recipes, when used correctly, can show tangible results. However, do not forget that plants have contraindications; you need to consult a doctor.

Home therapy is only an additional measure in support of the main drug treatment.

Principles of nutrition for ulcerative colitis

Treatment for intestinal inflammation places special demands on the patient’s diet and nutrition. The daily frequency of food intake for ulcerative inflammation of the intestines is 5-6 equal portions. Smoked, pickled, fried foods and dairy products are excluded from the menu. It is undesirable to consume coarse plant fiber. Protein deficiency is replenished with easily digestible low-fat chicken, rabbit, cod, pike perch, and greenling meat. Boiled vegetables are served pureed.

Nutritionists recommend steamed pumpkin pulp as a source of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements. A handful of peeled raw pumpkin seeds is allowed. Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties and have high nutritional value.

Complete restoration of the intestines affected by ulcerative colitis is possible with the participation of healing folk remedies. Alternative medicine recipes use natural remedies with proven therapeutic effects. An undeniable advantage of natural medicines is the ease of production with low cost of components.

Proper diet for colitis

Strict adherence to a diet for chronic colitis is necessary to normalize intestinal function and normalize the motor function of the colon. When compiling, the presence of intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea) is taken into account.

Therapeutic nutrition should exclude:

  • fatty meat (pork, goose);
  • various types of smoked meats;
  • fatty broths and soups;
  • eggs (fried or hard-boiled);
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • vegetables and fruits that cause constipation and intestinal irritation or diarrhea (cucumbers, legumes, spinach, plums, dates);
  • juices that promote diarrhea (apricot, plum);
  • flour products made from butter dough and using wholemeal flour
  • hot and spicy dishes. a large number of spices.
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