Why does diarrhea occur after drinking beer and how to treat it? Diarrhea after beer: possible causes and treatment features

Many people love beer for its taste and prefer vodka due to its low alcohol content. On average, the strength of the drink ranges from 1 to 14% by volume.

Beer is made from barley malt, sugar, and yeast. Fermentation produces ethyl alcohol. And carbonic acid, having lost pressure, breaks down into other substances, forming gases and foam.

Diarrhea after beer is nothing more than a reaction to the effects of the components of the drink on the body. In addition, if stored improperly, at the end of their service life, or with poor-quality raw materials, serious poisoning can occur.

Why does beer sometimes cause diarrhea?

Any beer contains ethyl alcohol, the only difference is in its percentage. When it penetrates the organs of the digestive tract, the mucous membranes experience irritation, the production of enzymes decreases, which leads to disruption of food digestion and absorption of nutrients.

As a result, diarrhea occurs.

Typically, symptoms appear several hours later or immediately after drinking beer; due to certain characteristics of the body and the effects of the constituent components, complications may appear in the morning.

Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the abdominal area often occur.

Diarrhea after beer: why does it occur?

Diarrhea from beer occurs quite often, and there are a number of reasons for this. All this is connected with some processes that occur in the body during the processing of alcohol breakdown products. It is their influence that can be dangerous to human health.

The fact is that during the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, a substance called acetaldehyde arises. This is a real poison for the body, which literally poisons a person. The body spends a lot of resources on its neutralization and general detoxification of internal organs, which often results in many hangover symptoms.

But then why does diarrhea appear from beer and other alcoholic drinks? Firstly, only when it first enters the stomach does alcohol greatly irritate its walls and mucous membrane. Because of this, digestive problems begin, an upset occurs, and a little later the person “carries away,” as it is popularly called. When decay products enter the intestines, it also breaks out. All this leads to diarrhea

In addition, it is important not to forget that any alcohol causes fermentation in the stomach.

And without beneficial bacteria, food simply cannot be digested properly.

In general, such consequences can be dealt with at home. However, it is necessary to stipulate some other scenarios for the development of the situation. Thus, a very dangerous and even threatening phenomenon can be the case when a person experiences diarrhea with blood. This should at least be alarming, if not alarming. After all, diarrhea with blood may indicate that a person has internal bleeding or has ulcers or other damage to the intestinal walls. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help. As in cases where diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting and shortness of breath are simultaneously observed after drinking alcohol. Symptoms may indicate serious poisoning from low-quality alcohol.

What can you do if diarrhea appears after drinking beer? What methods can be used at home if a person’s condition does not pose a threat to his life? There are several ways to help avoid the severe consequences of diarrhea for the body.

Main reasons

Loose stools occur under the influence of ethyl alcohol and other components on the gastrointestinal tract.

The main negative consequences are:

  1. Stimulation of peristalsis. Food is not digested. Rapid bowel movement is marked by watery stools.
  2. Destruction of microflora, which causes dysbacteriosis and diarrhea.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels. Phytoestrogens disrupt the proper functioning of the entire mechanism, causing internal organs to suffer, primarily the digestive system, kidneys, and liver.
  4. Fermentation. Due to the presence of yeast, especially in unfiltered drinks, fermentation begins in the intestines, which is characterized by gas formation, flatulence, and diarrhea. Beer disrupts the production of essential enzymes that help break down food particles.
  5. Allergy. It can occur due to some components of the drink, for example, flavors, dyes. In addition to diarrhea, there is a rash, redness of the skin, cough, and difficulty breathing.
  6. Poisoning. This happens when consuming low-quality raw materials or if the beer was stored without observing the temperature regime.

What causes loose stools after drinking strong drinks?

The disinfecting effect of alcohol is the main cause of indigestion in alcohol lovers. Ethanol destroys “good” and “bad” bacteria. The digestive system cannot function properly without its inherent microflora. Drinking disrupts the fermentation process, and due to accelerated peristalsis, food that enters the body does not have time to be digested.

Ethanol destroys “good” and “bad” bacteria.

Other reasons why loose stools appear after drinking alcohol:

  1. Increased fluid content in feces. Ethanol, having a poisonous effect, prevents it from being absorbed from the food mass passing through the digestive tract.
  2. Stimulating effect of ethanol. The stomach works quickly, but incorrectly. Diarrhea begins as a result of incomplete absorption of water in digested food.
  3. Bile contained in diarrhea after drinking alcohol indicates an exacerbation of chronic diseases such as pancreatitis, ulcers, enterocolitis. In such a situation, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. It is necessary to carry out adequate treatment by identifying the factor that provoked the appearance of diarrhea. Loose stools lead to serious consequences against the background of these ailments.

Different drinks, each in their own way, provoke diarrhea after alcohol. For example, filtered beer is replete with synthetic additives. They cause diarrhea due to excessive intake of such alcohol.

Vodka, in addition to burning the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, interferes with the production of enzymes responsible for digesting food. This explains why the processes of rotting and fermentation begin in feces. Acute hepatitis or pancreatitis is characterized by frequent diarrhea from vodka. In this situation, you should not delay visiting the doctor.

Alcohol can cause diarrhea.

Additives and carbon dioxide in champagne irritate the digestive tract. Increased acidity is the main reason why this drink leads to a severe hangover, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Diarrhea after grape wine is explained by the toxic properties of ethanol and the laxative effect of grapes.

Diarrhea in the morning after a feast

Morning diarrhea may indicate a significant amount of drinking in the evening. A beer hangover is manifested by diarrhea, weakness, headache and weakness. A hangover in the morning is caused by intoxication due to the breakdown of ethyl alcohol.

Antioxidants are added to beer to improve shelf life, cobalt salts for foam, sugar coloring, and dyes for the desired color. All these components negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation.

In addition, water stops being absorbed through the intestinal walls, forming dysbiosis.

Abnormal bowel movements after certain types of alcoholic beverages

Digestive disorders after beer. According to statistics, 15% of citizens of our country consider barley drink harmless due to the ethyl alcohol content in it in the amount of 2-6%. And they don’t think that it could be the cause of ethanol poisoning or abnormal bowel movements. But this is a mistaken opinion. For example, 5 bottles of beer contain the same amount of alcohol as one bottle of vodka.

A number of factors cause gastrointestinal upset from beer:

  • The presence of toxic additives (fragrances, food additives) that irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Formation of gases (bloating).
  • Amount drunk. It is difficult for a person to cope with three or four liters of liquid immediately entering the body.

Intestinal upset (diarrhea) from champagne

Sparkling wine also belongs to low-alcohol drinks. But sometimes after drinking two or four glasses, loose stool appears. The reason is carbon dioxide, under the influence of which there is an immediate effect of toxic substances on the body, damage to the mucous membranes occurs, the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases and the contraction of the walls of the digestive tract intensifies and this causes diarrhea.

Wine disorders

Red and white wines provoke an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, just like champagne. In addition, grapes act as a laxative on the digestive organs. Loose stools occur in 40% of cases after consuming unnatural wine drinks, the manufacturer of which adds toxic dyes.

Diarrhea from vodka

Alcohol products: vodka, cognac contain 40% ethanol. Entering the human body with food, ethanol blocks pepsin produced by stomach cells and the food is not digested, but ferments and rots. The result is diarrhea.

Methods for treating diarrhea from wine, beer, cognac or vodka are similar and are described above. Following a diet and appropriate actions aimed at removing toxins from the body that entered the body with alcohol will help eliminate the unpleasant consequences after two to three days.

Diarrhea from unfiltered beer

This drink is made from barley, but rye, wheat, and rice are often used as raw materials. Beer can be pasteurized or unpasteurized, as well as filtered and unfiltered.

A pasteurized foamy drink can be stored for no more than 6 months, an unpasteurized one - about a month at a temperature of 3-11ºС. Unpasteurized beer is filtered to remove residual yeast and other unwanted components, which helps increase its shelf life.

Diarrhea from unfiltered beer is caused by the presence of harmful microparticles that are not properly removed. Poisoning can occur if storage conditions are violated or the product is expired.

The most dangerous thing in this case is acute intoxication, especially when drinking a significant amount.

Consequences of drinking alcohol for diarrhea

Belching rotten eggs and diarrhea: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Diarrhea is a way for the body to remove accumulated toxins and alcohol breakdown products. Drinking alcohol during diarrhea can cause the following symptoms:

  • Painful stool. Due to dehydration of the body, the process of defecation causes discomfort and pain, since stool due to diarrhea and alcohol is often hard.
  • Black feces Appears after drinking red wine, which contains iron, or as a result of bleeding in the intestines.
  • Bloody discharge. Appear after severe damage to the intestinal mucosa as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption.
  • Severe bloating. It is provoked by stagnation of food in the intestines, since it is not able to be digested due to the lack of enzymes and necessary microorganisms, which were destroyed by ethanol.

All these are the consequences of drinking alcohol and treating diarrhea with it.

It is very important to seek qualified help in time and not rely on the advice of traditional medicine, especially if a person notices bleeding. The described symptoms are caused by the lack of beneficial bacteria that were destroyed by ethanol

A person who drinks more often faces health problems. Research has proven that a certain dose of alcohol, which is 30 grams. ethyl alcohol may be harmless. Exceeding the norm has quite serious consequences for the whole organism and for the intestinal environment in particular.

Diarrhea and vomiting are often caused by intoxication, as a way to cleanse the body of unwanted substances. The digestive organs are under stress and require treatment. The first action in this case should be to lavage the stomach and restore the water balance in the body with still water or weak tea.

If the disorder occurs after each intake of alcohol-containing drinks, then it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist and identify what exactly and what causes the disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and the balance of microflora. Treatment for diarrhea should not be started without certain tests, because diarrhea can appear for various reasons and without the assistance of alcohol. Only after finding them out can you start taking special medications.

Advice! To treat diarrhea, you can take probiotics - drugs that restore intestinal microflora

It is important to maintain proper nutrition, excluding fatty and fried foods, and plenty of fluids help eliminate the negative consequences of water-salt imbalance

Diarrhea from a draft drink

Diarrhea after draft beer is often caused by poisoning. This is due to non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological conditions.

Beer is usually stored in kegs. The temperature should not exceed 10-20 ºС. It is necessary to ensure excellent ventilation and thorough flushing of the system to eliminate all remaining drink in the supply line. Bottling containers must be disposable.

The seller must have all the necessary documents and permits to sell the drink. If you purchase low-quality or expired beer, bacteria will multiply in it.

Provocateur of exacerbations

Why do you still get diarrhea after drinking beer? The reasons for frequent bowel movements, even when taking small quantities of this low-alcohol drink, may be an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. Among them:

  • Inflammation of the stomach - gastritis.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Cholecystitis and hepatitis.
  • Gastroenterocolitis.

All these “old” diseases often worsen after drinking even relatively harmless amounts of beer and manifest themselves with their typical symptoms, including diarrhea. Let's explain why this happens.

Ethanol contained in beer significantly reduces the production of pepsin, the main function of which is to break down proteins. This immediately manifests itself in disturbances in the digestibility of proteins and causes diarrhea. Against the background of the main cause - enzyme deficiency - a relative protein deficiency gradually develops. Proteins, being poorly absorbed, pass through the digestive tract in transit. Intestinal function deteriorates; regular intake of an irritant (alcohol) leads to constant diarrhea and the development of alcoholic gastritis. This is another explanation why upset occurs after beer.

Causes of diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain

When diarrhea after beer is observed along with discomfort in the right hypochondrium and bitterness in the mouth, there is a high probability of liver failure. Nausea and pain with left-sided discomfort are characteristic of pancreatic diseases.

In case of poisoning, the stomach hurts, intoxication begins smoothly and the peak of complications is observed several hours after drinking the drink.

The condition is aggravated by nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, cyanosis, the patient has a headache.

Blood pressure decreases, pulse increases, there is severe pain on palpation in the stomach area, the patient is disoriented, speech is slurred, emotional state is unstable, gait is unsteady.

In mild cases, symptoms disappear within a few days; in severe cases, hospitalization may be required.

High fever occurs due to bacterial infection.

How to avoid diarrhea after beer

During diarrhea, the body throws out everything useful along with harmful elements. The only way to stop this process is to take a sorbent that can absorb “bad bacteria” and leave the body with them naturally. Activated carbon helps a lot. If you experience diarrhea after beer, you need to check your home medicine cabinet for coating agents. If they are missing, go to the pharmacy. You also need to take several auxiliary measures, here’s what to do if the condition worsens:

  • drink clean drinking water in large quantities, this step will prevent dehydration; in addition to it, cranberry juice, green tea, jelly, and mineral water can be used;
  • take antiemetics if the stomach has already emptied, but nausea and other signs of intoxication persist;
  • if an allergy appears at the very beginning of the feast, you should consult a doctor and stop drinking;
  • if there is a suspicion that the beer turned out to be of poor quality, you need to cleanse the body with the help of sorbents;
  • It is strictly not recommended to drink special anti-diarrhea formulations, as they will disrupt the process of natural digestion;
  • check the condition of the stool for the presence of blood;
  • if blood fluid is detected, immediately call doctors at home;
  • follow the principles of dietary nutrition for several days until the condition is completely stabilized (exclude fatty, fried, dairy, spicy, salty foods).

Do not forget to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics, and then start using immunostimulating compounds. This is required to remove the pathogenic environment that has formed in the stomach, and for the restoration process of natural defense barriers. If symptoms persist for several days, you should go for examination to a specialized clinic and determine the disease that caused this condition.

Alcoholic gastritis is the scourge of modern society

Traditionally, when diagnosing a patient’s health, doctors talk about alcoholic gastritis. This is a phenomenon in which a significant deterioration of the gastric mucosa occurs under the influence of alcohol-containing drinks. No one can say for sure whether this illness is independent, or acts as a consequence of the influence of the “green serpent”. But it can be identified by several characteristic symptoms:

  • digestive disorders;
  • heartburn formation;
  • manifestation of the gag reflex;
  • belching;
  • irresistible and prolonged feeling of thirst;
  • nausea.

If the intoxication is severe, damage to the nerves inside the body occurs, which is accompanied by muscle weakness, shortness of breath, and problems with heart rhythm. The disease can be chronic or acute. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that the lion's share of people who fall ill with it do not even think about it and continue to drink the drink in huge quantities.

The main method of treating the condition is a 100% abstinence from beer and other liquids containing alcohol. The duration of medication is determined by the doctor and is traditionally longer, unlike other forms of gastritis. In complicated conditions, surgery may be required to prevent bleeding inside the body. Of course, maintaining proper nutrition is the #1 key to a successful therapeutic process.

Drink beer with caution

If your overall health is satisfactory and you are powerless before a Friday or Saturday glass of beer, diarrhea in the morning can be prevented by following a number of rules.

  1. Drink in moderation and do not try to consume a foamy drink in a bet on “who can drink it faster”, absorbing liter after liter.
  2. If you do not have a strong stomach, you should give preference to special varieties containing a small amount of alcohol.
  3. Choose a good snack, let it be a normal home-cooked meal, not smoked meats, fast food, or raw fish.
  4. You should not overeat, because an overfilled stomach will have a harder time coping with digestive work, and this can lead to diarrhea.
  5. If you are planning a wild party, you need to prepare for it in advance by drinking several tablets of activated carbon before the beer is in front of you.

So we looked at how to explain diarrhea after beer, and how it can be prevented. We studied the full list of actions that need to be taken if “it’s too late” and diarrhea makes itself felt. Follow the stated rules, and your body will shine with good health!

Other reasons and factors

If diarrhea occurs almost immediately after drinking the drink, this may indicate existing diseases of the digestive system:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • enterocolitis.

Even if there were no previous problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with constant consumption of significant doses of beer, alcoholic gastritis can form.

In this case, the patient will be concerned about:

  • increased tone of the peritoneum;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • heartburn
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • taste in mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness.

If these symptoms occur frequently, then you need to get tested.


First you need to find out why you have diarrhea after beer. Often, the foamy drink is consumed together with salty snacks - nuts, chips, seafood. Thus, stool disorder may be the body’s reaction to alcohol, preservatives and chemical additives, preservatives and dyes.

Diarrhea from beer develops under the influence of such factors:

  1. Ethanol has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and provokes spasms of blood vessels. It interferes with the production of pepsin, an enzyme necessary to break down food in the stomach. As a result, the process of absorption of nutrients from the foods eaten is disrupted, they are less easily digested, which negatively affects the functioning of the intestines. With regular abuse of a foamy drink, the so-called. alcoholic gastritis.
  2. At the same time, alcohol has a stimulating effect. It speeds up the process of food passing through the gastrointestinal tract, and especially intestinal motility. Due to its active work, the formation of feces is disrupted, so undigested food fragments along with water are literally pushed out.
  3. Ethanol has antiseptic properties. But when it enters the digestive tract, it destroys not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial microflora. Due to dysbacteriosis, stool disorder occurs.

In addition, alcohol disrupts the process of absorption of fluid into the blood that occurs in the small intestine. As a result, it passes further along the digestive tract, where it mixes with feces. As a result, severe diarrhea develops.

When drinking fresh, unfiltered beer, the harmful effects of ethanol are partly compensated for by the beneficial vitamins and microelements that make up its composition. But cheap varieties made from synthetic components, as well as bottled drinks, only cause harm to the body:

  • stabilizers provoke heartburn;
  • caramel coloring, which is added to dark beer, worsens digestion;
  • Potassium and calcium sulfate lead to the development of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Cases of stool upset due to beer snacks are no less common, especially in the hot season. Dried or smoked fish and pizza can cause food poisoning or intestinal infection. They will be accompanied by epigastric pain, vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes green, with foam and mucus.

Diarrhea caused by consuming poor quality drinks or foods usually goes away within 2-3 days. But when diarrhea occurs from beer, the causes can also be pathological. This symptom is characteristic of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Characteristic symptoms are pain that occurs 30–60 minutes after eating, heartburn, and sour belching. There may be profuse sweating, a coating on the tongue, and sudden weight loss. Symptoms resolve after treatment with antibiotics, but resistance to them develops over time.
  2. Enterocolitis is a simultaneous inflammation of the small and large intestines. The acute form of the disease can be combined with gastritis. It manifests itself as dull pain in the navel area, alternating diarrhea and constipation, nausea and vomiting. Requires exclusion of any solid food for the entire duration of treatment.
  3. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can be a reaction to drinking large doses of alcohol. It manifests itself as a hemorrhagic rash and uncontrollable vomiting mixed with bile. The pain is localized in the upper abdomen and radiates to the left side. Acute pancreatitis is an indication for hospitalization.
  4. Acute hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver that can develop due to the toxic effects of alcohol. Typical signs are a noticeable deterioration in condition, weakness, lethargy, increased body temperature, and the appearance of jaundice.

Even a low ethanol content in beer provokes an exacerbation of these diseases. As a rule, symptoms are worse in the morning after drinking large amounts of alcohol, but over time they become chronic. If your deterioration in health is also accompanied by severe yellow or black diarrhea, interspersed with blood and mucus, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The choice of first aid method will depend on the cause of the diarrhea:

  1. If you have an allergy, you need to rinse your stomach, take an antihistamine and call a doctor.
  2. If poisoning causes diarrhea, then in addition to cleansing the stomach, sorbents are taken and a gentle diet is prescribed. You should not resort to antidiarrheal drugs in this case.
  3. In case of hangover, in addition to sorbents, you need to restore the electrolyte balance by drinking plenty of Regidron solution.
  4. To normalize the microflora, taking probiotics and prebiotics, for example, Lactomune, Linex, is indicated.

In addition to gastric lavage, if you have diarrhea, you can do an enema with a solution of chamomile or soda. You need to follow the diet for at least 2 weeks, completely eliminating alcohol during this period. When symptoms of the disease remain after 2 days, you should consult a doctor.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, you should drink plenty of fluids to replenish your fluid balance and prevent dehydration. You can take purified water, compotes or ready-made products Hydrovit, Regidron. Electrolyte.

To eliminate the disease, Imodium or Loperamide may be required.

Traditional medicine methods

Today, a lot of remedies are known to stop severe diarrhea, but when choosing a method, it should be taken into account that some of them are contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases.

The most popular folk methods are:

  • Cumin oil. After soaking a piece of refined sugar in the product, swallow it without chewing. Use no more than 3-4 pieces per day.
  • Wormwood decoction. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of herbs and a glass of boiling water. After insisting, strain and add a few tablespoons of honey. You need to drink the decoction 2 times 100 ml 20-25 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.
  • Garlic. The clove is swallowed without chewing, washed down with a glass of water. Use 3 cloves per day.
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon balm is brewed with 100 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Proper nutrition for treatment

If the condition does not require hospitalization, then the problem can be solved at home. In addition to medications, treatment involves proper healthy nutrition.

To do this, avoid foods that cause irritation to the gastric mucosa:

  • seeds;
  • legumes;
  • chips, crackers;
  • sweet dishes and confectionery;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty, fried;
  • fresh fruits;
  • pickles;
  • dairy products;
  • coffee;
  • soda.

Can be consumed:

  • baked lean potatoes;
  • brown bread crackers;
  • weak tea;
  • boiled eggs;
  • chicken fillet;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge with water.

What to do if you have mild diarrhea

If diarrhea from beer lasts no more than two days and there is no bleeding, you can cope with the disease on your own:

  • until digestion is normalized, completely eliminate all types of alcoholic beverages, including non-alcoholic beer (it contains no less preservatives than regular beer);
  • do not consume dairy products, sweets and baked goods, yeast bread;
  • avoid fatty, fried and salty foods;
  • exclude fruits (especially citrus fruits), fresh and canned vegetables, juices;
  • Stick to a diet for a week, giving preference to porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. Drinks include strong black tea without sugar. It is allowed to eat dried custard bread, baked or boiled potatoes without salt, one to two boiled eggs a day, a little boiled lean meat or fish;
  • To speed up the cleansing of the body, it is recommended to give an enema of 2 liters of boiled water mixed with a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (lemon juice).

When digestion is normal, you need to give up alcohol for at least two weeks. If you feel the slightest deterioration, consult a doctor: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not something to joke about.

Your mark:

Should you drink beer if you have loose stools?

Any beer contains a number of harmful substances, so if the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea after a feast or the next day, then it is better not to risk his health. In addition to reducing the amount you drink, you need to be careful when choosing a drink.

In order to reduce the number of preservatives, preference should be given to live, fresh beer.

It is important that the product contains a minimum amount of dyes, flavors, preservatives, and chemical components . You can also choose a non-alcoholic drink.

What are the dangers of drinking beer regularly?

What is alcoholic gastritis? In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function correctly, the presence of enzymes is necessary, for example, pepsin plays an important role. When alcohol enters the body, the production of this enzyme is disrupted. Lack of pepsin leads to intestinal dysfunction.

The breakdown of proteins is impaired, and the person experiences symptoms of gastric disorders. Diarrhea is a particularly common concern. As a result, alcoholic gastritis develops.

This disease can be recognized by its characteristic signs:

  • the occurrence of stomach pain;
  • increased tone of the peritoneal muscles;
  • heartburn;
  • an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness.

Contact your doctor even if not all symptoms appear. If alcoholic gastritis has bypassed you, then regular consumption of beer can lead to decreased performance, a person becomes irritable, develops apathy, disturbs night sleep, etc.

Preventive actions

To avoid loose stools, it is better to give up the drink or reduce consumption to a minimum - no more than a bottle of beer once a week.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the expiration date and quality, and observe the drinking regime. You should not mix beer with dairy products; it is better to abstain from it on this day.

It is also unacceptable to consume any other type of alcohol with this drink. It is better to snack on light foods, excluding smoked and preserved foods .

Diarrhea after beer is a consequence of the decomposition of ethyl alcohol and other additives that negatively affect the body. To avoid problems, you should control the volume and frequency of consumption. With prolonged infatuation with the drink, alcoholic gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis and other negative consequences can develop.

Treatment methods for beer diarrhea

To avoid the development of complications of diarrhea caused by drinking beer, it is necessary to diagnose the disease and determine a therapeutic regimen. First of all, you need to contact your family doctor or therapist. After clarifying the diagnosis, the therapist, if necessary, gives a referral to an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist. The main methods of treating beer diarrhea are conservative drug therapy and diet therapy.

Drug therapy

The main task is to prevent dehydration and infection. Therapeutic effects include taking medications:

  1. Salt rehydrants are intended to correct excess fluid loss by the body - “Rehydron”, “Electrolyte Humana”. Rehydration therapy allows you to restore electrolyte-water balance and compensate for fluid losses.
  2. Adsorbents are substances that absorb toxins and harmful substances by binding and releasing them from the body - “Atoxil”, “Polysorb”.
  3. "Haloperidine", its derivatives to reduce psychomotor agitation.
  4. Intestinal antiseptics to prevent the development of intestinal infection "Nifuroxazide".
  5. Means for reducing intestinal motility, antidiarrheal - “Imodium”, “Loperamide”.
  6. Live beneficial microorganisms for the human body. When consumed regularly, they provide a beneficial effect on the digestive organs by increasing the activity of intestinal microflora. These include “Yoghurt”, “Linex”, “Bifidum bacterin”.
  7. A complex of vitamins and minerals as an auxiliary therapy.
  8. In severe cases, antibacterial drugs, enzymes, and corticoids are used.

Taking medications provides therapeutic effects

Proper nutrition

In a set of measures to treat diarrhea, it is important to follow a gentle diet:

  1. Avoid fried, fatty and spicy foods.
  2. Limit the consumption of fermented milk products.
  3. Treat sweet and confectionery products with caution.
  4. Remove from your diet foods rich in fiber that promote active fermentation - fresh, salted vegetables, fruits.
  5. Avoid using legumes, peas, lentils, and corn for cooking.
  6. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

Recommended for use:

  • boiled meat of dietary varieties;
  • stale rye bread;
  • rice water;
  • boiled grains of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • boiled chicken and quail eggs;
  • baked vegetables, fruits – potatoes, apples;
  • durum wheat pasta.

It is important to follow a gentle diet as part of a set of measures to treat diarrhea

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What to do if your stomach hurts after drinking beer

Treatment should be carried out by a professional, as self-medication is fraught with unpleasant consequences. But you can still help yourself, at least relieve unpleasant symptoms.

First of all, for any problems with the stomach after drinking beer and other alcohol, sorbents are indicated. Such drugs not only cope with the disorder, but also help get rid of toxins. What you can take:

  • activated carbon in a dosage of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight;
  • Smecta (dissolve 1 sachet in 100 ml of water);
  • Enterosgel (1 tablespoon).

All these drugs are taken 3-4 times a day until stool normalizes.

The following medications will help you cope with bloating (when your stomach swells):

  • Motilium (1 tablet 2-3 times a day);
  • Espumisan (1-2 tablets 2 times a day).

What dangerous symptoms can occur after alcohol intoxication?

Most often, after a large amount of alcohol, it is nausea followed by vomiting. But there are also cases when, after drinking alcohol or low-alcohol drinks, problems with stool begin. The most popular symptom of beer or other alcohol poisoning, after vomiting and nausea, is diarrhea (frequent and severe diarrhea). So what symptoms of diarrhea indicate the seriousness of the problem, and what should you be wary of?

If the diarrhea went away by the end of the day, or diarrhea after light, dark or natural beer ended the next day or day, then there is no need to worry. In this case, diarrhea quickly removed toxins from the body that were poisoning it. But if diarrhea continues for the 2nd day and does not stop, this is already a dangerous symptom. Dangerous symptoms of diarrhea can also be considered abdominal pain (pulling or aching pain with bloating and flatulence, increased gas formation in the stomach area). The most dangerous symptoms are cramping pain in the abdomen after beer, cutting or pulling pain in the right side, left abdomen or in the center of the peritoneum. Severe abdominal pain during poisoning indicates the presence of severe cramps in the stomach or intestines. Dangerous symptoms can also be considered if mucus, pus or blood appears in the stool during diarrhea. Such symptoms may indicate the development of serious pathologies of the digestive system.


Living deliciously is a whole science!

How does beer work in the body?

  1. Due to its foamy, carbonated structure, beer awakens the body, forcing it to work more actively. A person begins to go to the toilet frequently, and the food entering the stomach does not have time to be fully processed, resulting in diarrhea.
  2. The gastrointestinal tract begins to work in a special way. The fluid bypasses the bladder and is excreted directly from the stomach. Together with processed substances, this liquid turns into diarrhea.
  3. Even though beer is a low-alcohol drink, it still contains alcohol. Moreover, beer connoisseurs compensate for this “shortcoming” by the amount they drink. Alcohol destroys the intestinal microflora, and its ability to fight bacteria is reduced. The result may be diarrhea.

It is worth considering that today's beer is by no means an ideal drink in composition and has nothing in common with beer from barrels in the recent past. They contain a large number of preservatives, dyes and various impurities.

Low-quality alcohol has a detrimental effect on our body, and in combination with a low-quality snack it can lead to the most unexpected consequences. The following consequences of drinking beer can cause diarrhea.

  • fermentation processes are activated in the stomach;
  • large amounts of beer can cause poisoning;
  • the intestinal microflora is disrupted.
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