Is it permissible to consume fermented milk products if you have pancreatitis?
Dairy products occupy a place of honor in every person’s complete diet, along with bread, meat,
pain due to pancreatitis
What do spasms in the left side mean and how to eliminate them?
Regardless of gender, all people, from time to time, experience discomfort in different ways.
Fresh cottage cheese
Cottage cheese for gastritis: can you eat it, what dishes will you prepare?
Benefits of cottage cheese Since childhood, people have become accustomed to hearing that it is important for health to drink milk and
Abdominal pain is the first manifestation of gastritis
Erythematous gastritis: what it is, its symptoms and treatment
September 8, 2018 Gastroenterology Elena Klimova The life of a modern person is characterized by stress and psychological overload,
Is it possible or not to use honey for pancreatitis, useful recipes for various forms
Purpose of the diet It is called “table 5p”, and is characterized as “gentle, with a reduced amount of carbohydrates
Undifferentiated stomach cancer: signs, how to diagnose and treat
Undifferentiated adenogenic gastric cancer prognosis
What is undifferentiated (adenogenic) gastric cancer? Stomach cancer is a disease that concerns many people.
Erosive colitis of the intestine
Erosive intestinal colitis symptoms and treatment in adults
Erosive intestinal colitis is considered a serious disease that requires careful attention. In most cases,
Effect of chloramphenicol on diarrhea
Levomycetin tablets for the treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea), detailed instructions
Composition and effect of the drug Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic active against
How to treat vomiting
Vomiting immediately after eating in an adult
General practitioner (family doctor) Gutorova Natalia Konstantinovna Experience 20 years Doctor Sign up for
Propolis for pancreatitis: treatment of the pancreas
Pancreatitis and its causes An insidious disease, pancreatitis is a dysfunction of the pancreas,
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