Tomatoes for gastritis of the stomach: can you eat or not?

Tomatoes for gastritis. More benefit or harm?

Doctors are still arguing about whether tomatoes are allowed for gastritis. It’s not easy to completely give up a tasty, nutritious vegetable. It is an integral part of every kitchen and a real storehouse of vitamins.

Gastritis is a serious stomach disease that requires constant dietary restrictions. Patients often find it difficult to adjust to a new diet. They don't fully understand what foods they can eat and what they can't. Tomatoes for gastritis cause the most controversy. Some argue that fresh vegetables are strictly prohibited. Others counter that if consumed in moderation, there will be no harm.

A favorite summer dish in our country is a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with a lot of greens. These products are not just tasty, but also healthy. For gastritis, both tomatoes and cucumbers are allowed, but in moderation. You can't overeat, no matter what foods you eat. The choice of fresh vegetables should be approached responsibly.

If you do not grow them yourself, then it is advisable to shop at farms. Vegetables offered in supermarkets are treated with numerous chemical compounds to increase shelf life and sale. These tomatoes look attractive, but they are completely tasteless.

Below we will consider various situations and give clear recommendations regarding the use of vegetables.

The need for medical monitoring in case of gastritis

Due to its prevalence, gastritis no longer seems dangerous, but such an approach is fundamentally wrong. At the first signs of the development of the disease, it is recommended to undergo examination. This way you can avoid chronic gastritis and the development of ulcers. If left untreated, the risk of stomach cancer is high.

Follow the principles of nutrition for gastritis. The diet will not seem strict and monotonous if you use the permissible amount of tomatoes when preparing dishes.

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We are all waiting for the start of the summer season so that we can get our fill of real vegetables from the garden, as well as make preparations for the winter. But having been diagnosed with gastritis, you need to be careful when choosing them to avoid exacerbation of the disease. So is it possible to eat tomatoes for gastritis?

Tomatoes are an important source of nutrition for the entire world population. Its global production is estimated at approximately 159 million tons, and the average annual consumption of fresh tomatoes is 18 kg per European and 8 kg per capita in the United States. [1] In the last few years, tomato consumption has increased further as tomatoes are marketed both fresh and as processed products such as soups, juices, purees and sauces. [2]

Types of gastritis: everyone should know

Should you eat tomatoes if you have gastritis? It all depends on the form of the disease. Our body maintains an acidic environment in the stomach for a number of reasons:

  1. This way protein is absorbed better.
  2. The stomach is cleansed correctly and regularly.
  3. An acidic environment destroys bacteria and yeast that enter our body.
  4. Absorption of micronutrients (such as magnesium or zinc) occurs best in an acidic environment.

So, an acidic environment is really good for the stomach, but its level should not exceed acceptable limits. Depending on the type of acidity, the following types of gastritis are distinguished:

  1. Hyperacid. The level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach exceeds the norm. In turn, it is divided into subtypes A, B and C.
  2. Hypoacid. Acidity is significantly reduced.

The red tomato contains 70% carotenes - these are substances that support the cell membrane. A lack of carotenes weakens the immune system, vision deteriorates, and viral and bacterial infections develop. In addition, the red vegetable contains many vitamins; meaty varieties are enriched with fiber and also contain zinc. This set of active substances eliminates certain gastrointestinal disorders, but due to the presence of amino acids, tomatoes should be eaten with caution when gastritis occurs.

Gastritis worsened, secretion decreased

In this case, eat fresh tomatoes for gastritis in the amount of 250-300 g. The fruits must be ripe, the skin must be removed. If you make a salad, be sure to season it with a sauce made from natural ingredients.

Acidity increased. Can you eat tomatoes?

When the disease has worsened and the stomach produces too much acid, tomatoes with gastritis with high acidity should be eaten with extreme caution. You are allowed to eat no more than 100 grams. during the day. Even a slight excess of the permissible limit can cause discomfort and pain in the stomach. When choosing tomatoes at the market or in the supermarket, pay attention to bright red, soft and ripe fruits. The skin is always removed before use. As for the yellow or green varieties, alas, they will not work.

Canned vegetables are definitely prohibited - especially if you eat tomatoes with erosive gastritis. Firstly, they contain a lot of salt, which greatly irritates the walls of the stomach. Secondly, they thicken the blood and over time can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Especially if a person has a predisposition to this.

Eating fresh fruits on an empty stomach or separately is also not recommended for people diagnosed with hyperacid gastritis. It's better to eat them with a side dish. If even small portions cause belching and gas, it is recommended to replace tomatoes with beets or pumpkins.

Eating tomatoes during remission

When the disease does not remind you of itself for a long time, you can eat 100-150 g of tomatoes 15 minutes before breakfast. Before this, each fruit is thoroughly peeled. As in the case of exacerbation, ripe and always red fruits are selected, and not yellow or green. Even during remission, it is undesirable to test your stomach’s strength with pickled and salted tomatoes.

During the remission stage, it is advisable to include tomatoes in the daily diet, but you must adhere to certain rules of consumption:

  • take for food only ripe fruits, fleshy, sweet varieties, preferably yellow in color, peeling them;
  • dishes prepared with tomatoes should not contain salt or hot spices;
  • It is better to use low-fat sour cream or olive oil as salad dressing.

Regardless of the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, green tomatoes should not be included in food. Unripe fruits contain a large amount of solanine, a substance harmful to the human body. In large quantities it can cause acute poisoning. Green tomatoes pose a certain harm to pregnant women, as they can cause disruption of the normal development of the fetus.

Erosive form

When erosive gastritis worsens, all foods that irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded from the patient’s menu. Accordingly, the patient is prohibited from eating tomatoes in any form of preparation. During the period of remission, it is allowed to consume no more than 100 grams of the product.

Please note: the vegetable cannot be used as a main dish; it must be mixed with zucchini, boiled potatoes or pumpkin.

With atrophic gastritis

If gastritis occurs with exacerbation, and an increased secretion of hydrochloric acid is observed, then it is allowed to eat tomatoes, but not too many 1 - 2 pieces per day. If the secretion of the stomach is reduced, then the amount of tomatoes increases slightly and you are allowed to eat up to 300 grams per day. Therefore, before answering the question of whether it is possible to eat tomatoes with atrophic gastritis, it is better to consult with your doctor. If permission from him is given for use, then you should follow the recommendations regarding the quantity.

Properties of tomatoes

Tomatoes are a unique representative of vegetable crops that can be combined with most other vegetables in various dishes, raw, boiled or baked. They can be used for both hypoacid and hyperacid gastritis.

For gastritis with high acidity, tomatoes can be used in limited quantities - no more than 100 grams per day. If the acidity of the stomach is low, you can eat three to four times more tomatoes, and not sweet varieties, but more sour ones. After all, tomato juice breaks down food and promotes better digestion. This is very useful for hypoacid or anacid gastritis, when the acidity level of gastric juice is low for high-quality digestion of food.

Tomatoes have antioxidant properties, especially yellow varieties. They perfectly neutralize high acidity.

The benefits of tomatoes for a healthy person

The beneficial properties of tomatoes for the human body are explained by their composition. They contain:

  • several organic acids - tartaric, citric, malic, oxalic, succinic:
  • vitamins A, C, E, group B;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotenodes;
  • microelements;
  • starch;
  • carbohydrates;
  • protein nitrogen.

Regular consumption of tomatoes improves the functioning of the heart muscle and digestive system, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the content of bad cholesterol in the blood. They help lower blood pressure and prevent the development of cancer cells.

Tomatoes have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin in diseases such as eczema, acne, psoriasis. To improve her condition, it is enough to eat one fruit a day.

Tomatoes speed up metabolic processes in the body, so they are good to include in the diet of a healthy person. They not only remove toxins, but also improve blood composition, circulation and intestinal motility.

Attention! Scientists believe that tomatoes help protect the body's cells from degeneration into cancer.

Tomatoes are sources of vitamins

Everyone knows that most natural vitamin complexes are found in fresh vegetables and fruits. After heat treatment, beneficial substances almost completely disappear. For this reason, experts recommend including tomatoes and cucumbers in the diet for gastritis.

Tomatoes contain the following beneficial substances:

  • Vitamins B, E;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iodine;
  • Antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer processes.

All useful substances are presented in natural form, they are fully absorbed by the body. Cucumbers are almost entirely water, but they also contain healthy fiber. They promote the rapid absorption of animal fats, which is very important for gastritis, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and intestines.

Tomato is a natural product containing a huge amount of useful substances. For example, it contains a lot of fiber, glucose and several unique acids. The periodic table is presented in a decent volume, but most of all sulfur, sodium and iron, nitrogen and iodine.

Tomatoes are recommended for anyone who complains of problems with the eyes, kidneys, skin and bones. Eat them regularly and in large quantities to reduce the risk of developing cancer. The fruits effectively fight anemia and bad mood, improve heart function. If a person smokes, due to the lycopene contained in tomatoes, they reduce the harm of nicotine.

As for nutrients, tomatoes have more than enough of them:

  1. Naringenin.
  2. Flavonols: coumaric and ferulic acids.
  3. Carotenoids: beta-carotene, lutein.
  4. Fatty acid derivatives.

The benefits of tomatoes for a healthy person

The list of permitted foods for patients includes tomatoes. Tomato is a natural product containing fiber (7% of the daily recommended value!), glucose and acids. Tomato contains starch, sulfur, sodium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B and E, the mineral manganese, nitrogen and iodine.

Tomatoes are good for the skin, bones, kidneys and eyes. Fruits prevent the development of cancer, fight anemia and depression, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They help asthmatics due to lycopene, reduce the harm caused to the body by smoking, and lower blood pressure.

Tomatoes contain the following nutrients:

  • flavonones (naringenin);
  • flavonols (rutin, quercetin, ferulic acid, coumaric acid);
  • carotenoids (lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene);
  • derivatives of fatty acids.

The effect of tomatoes on the gastrointestinal tract of a healthy person

The good digestibility of tomato fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and reduces inflammation. Pectins remove cholesterol and toxins. Tomatoes provoke the secretion of gastric juice, improve digestion and the condition of microflora.

It is recommended to eat tomatoes at lunch, and not in the morning or evening. Vegetables improve digestion, but overstimulate the stomach and increase heartburn.

When should you limit your tomato consumption?

It is undesirable to consume tomatoes for gastritis during the acute period of development of the disease. At this time, it is generally better to refuse any food. After the condition has stabilized, you can try a small portion of vegetable salad and see how the body reacts to it.

With increased acidity, it is also advisable to reduce the volume of fresh vegetables, because they provoke additional production of gastric juice.

If a healthy person can eat up to 300 g of tomatoes without harm to health, then a sick person should limit himself to 100 g.

Absolute prohibitions:

  • Canned, pickled tomatoes;
  • Sauces based on this vegetable;
  • Heavily salted, peppered salads;
  • Salads dressed with mayonnaise - for these purposes it is necessary to use vegetable oil;
  • Stale vegetables.

Canned food is strictly prohibited for acute gastritis and during the recovery stage. Tomatoes are preserved using vinegar, and its excess is harmful to the body.

Using tomatoes for medicinal purposes

Yes, sometimes tomatoes are very useful for gastritis. The presence of vitamin C improves the body's protective functions. This means that eating fruits and vegetables in reasonable quantities will help wounds heal faster.

Tomatoes contain a special substance that improves the elasticity of the skin and its strength. In the process of treating gastritis, tomatoes have a whole range of beneficial properties and qualities:

  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • Mild improvement in the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract - tomatoes for gastritis contribute to better digestion of food and its absorption.
  • Positive effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • Improving intestinal motility.
  • Tomatoes effectively eliminate constipation - one of the most common companions of gastritis.

And that's not all - tomatoes contain a special substance that helps normalize acidity in the stomach. It is for this reason that patients can eat tomatoes with gastritis with high acidity, as well as with low levels of hydrochloric acid.

Exotic black

An unusual vegetable in gardens is the black tomato. Its skin has a dark purple or deep blue hue, making many people suspicious of the exotic species. But the benefits of black tomatoes are enormous. A huge amount of antioxidants and vitamins, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties, stimulation of hematopoiesis and digestion - all this is a black vegetable. If you have gastritis, you can eat black varieties of tomatoes, but they should be added to ready-made dishes in strictly limited proportions.

Are all tomatoes banned?

When gastritis is detected, many people develop a fear of food. Therefore, it is important to know which foods to take and which to avoid.


Stewed tomatoes are useful for gastritis. But it’s still better to combine them with cauliflower, zucchini or pumpkin. This will not only be healthy, but the taste will also improve.


Boiled tomatoes are recommended for gastritis. Therefore, you can prepare puree soup, only it is better to remove the skin from the tomatoes, and they should also be well ripened. It is better to cook the soup in a slow cooker in the “vegetable stew” mode. It is recommended to eat this soup with breadcrumbs or biscuits.

How do tomatoes affect the stomach of a healthy person?

Before answering the question whether tomatoes are good for gastritis, let’s find out their effect on a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Due to its excellent digestibility, the product has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and reduces inflammation. Pectins remove cholesterol. Those who constantly eat tomatoes produce much more gastric juice. Digestion processes go much better, microflora is normalized.

Vegetables have a beneficial effect on digestion, but if consumed excessively or incorrectly, they can cause heartburn. Therefore, it is recommended to eat them not in the morning or late in the evening, but at lunch.

Tomato juice for gastritis

How does tomato juice affect a patient with gastritis? Positively, it eliminates the rotting of food in the gastrointestinal tract. But, with increased acidity, you should temporarily stop drinking juice. It is also not recommended to drink it when the ulcerative process is complicated or during an exacerbation of gastritis. It is better to drink tomato juice half an hour before meals to promote the production of hydrochloric acid and prepare the stomach for processing food. Doctors do not recommend freshly squeezed juice; it is better that it be pasteurized.

Recommendations for choosing a vegetable

For proper consumption of vegetables and their selection, below are tips that will help you avoid possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. When choosing a tomato, it is recommended to purchase ripe and sweet fruits. These tomatoes allow you to produce additional acidity.
  2. Before preparing a dish with the addition of tomatoes, the fruit must be peeled. This will avoid pain in the stomach that occurs when eating hard food.
  3. To make it easier to peel the tomato, pour hot water over the fruit and then wait a little. As a result, the peel will be much easier to remove.
  4. It is not recommended to overly salt tomatoes and combine them with spices.

During therapy, it is recommended to give preference to stewed vegetables. Don't limit yourself to just tomatoes. It is recommended to combine them with other vegetables.

Red is beautiful

The red variety has a high content of vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and stops inflammation.

Tomato recipes for patients with gastritis

Vegetable stew . Chop the zucchini and pumpkin. Rub the carrots through a grater or cut into rings. Peel the skins of ripe red tomatoes and puree them in a blender or rub them through a coarse grater. Place the vegetables in the slow cooker and turn on the “Vegetable Stew” mode or simmer in a saucepan until the vegetables are completely cooked. Serve with fresh spinach.

Homemade tomato juice . It is better to make this juice for gastritis at home yourself; a store-bought drink contains a lot of salt. Wash and peel the tomatoes, pass through a fresher or blender. Boil the resulting juice in an enamel bowl for 20 minutes. Then pour into sterile glass jars and seal with canning lids. Fresh tomato juice is a healing drink for gastritis, promotes the secretion of gastric secretions. Tomato juice lowers cholesterol, prevents constipation and breaks down homocysteine. Good for youthful skin and beautiful hair. If you mix tomato juice with carrot or pumpkin juice, you will get a healthy cocktail for the gastrointestinal tract.

Salad of tomatoes, peppers and olives . Wash the tomatoes and cut them. Remove seeds and chop the pepper. Drain the jar of olives and add to the peppers and tomatoes. Leave the olives whole or chop to taste. Add chopped, washed greens. Stir and season with 1 tsp. olive oil.

Vitamin salad . Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers, grate the carrots. Separate the cauliflower into florets and boil. Combine ingredients and top with classic yogurt.

Carmen puree soup . Boil the rice and pass fresh tomatoes through a blender. Prepare a white sauce from skim milk and flour. Add rice, tomatoes, sweet baked peppers, and a piece of butter to the sauce. Season with yolks. Serve the dish hot.

Tomato paste . Take a kilogram of tomatoes, wash the fruits thoroughly. Cut into slices and pass through a meat grinder, juicer or blender. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place on the stove. Pour the paste into jars and cover with lids. This paste will not affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract, with no seasonings, salt or harmful additives.

Tomato cream soup . To prepare the dish you need ripe tomatoes, a small onion and a little cream. Peel the tomatoes, cut them into halves or quarters (depending on size) and place in a heat-resistant bowl. Drizzle with a small amount of vegetable oil and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees in the oven. Separately, sauté the onion in vegetable oil, but do not fry it, but lightly simmer over low heat until soft.

Place the prepared tomatoes and onions in a saucepan and puree with a hand blender. Add water until the soup reaches the desired consistency and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. Add a little salt and sugar. Serve with a spoonful of cream on the plate.

Baked tomatoes . It is not difficult to prepare baked tomatoes; to prepare this dish you only need ripe fruits of sweet varieties. Cut them in half and place them on a baking sheet that has been greased with oil. Lightly salt the tomatoes and lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar. Sprinkle vegetable oil on top. Bake for about half an hour at 180 degrees. This dish goes well with potatoes and other vegetables.

Salad with tomatoes . Tomatoes are often used for salad. To prepare it, peel the tomatoes and chop them. Add finely chopped bell pepper and olives cut into rings. Add a little salt and season with vegetable oil.

Vegetable mix . Take two medium sweet tomatoes. Peel off the skin and cut. Place in blender bowl. Pour in 100 ml of carrot juice and the same amount of pumpkin juice. Mix with a blender until smooth. Drink the mixture immediately after preparation.

Additive to soups and main courses . Pickled and canned vegetables are prohibited for gastritis, but you can prepare a healthy and tasty snack that does not contain salt, spices and other seasonings.

Cooking method:

Grind the peeled tomatoes in a meat grinder (you can use a blender),

Pour into a saucepan and cook for about 40 minutes.

Pour the prepared mass into sterile jars, roll up with iron lids and store in the refrigerator.

Precautions and contraindications

In patients suffering from various stomach diseases, eating tomatoes is not contraindicated. Experts only recommend following certain rules regarding their preparation and consumption.

Preference should be given to ripe fruits of non-acidic varieties, but before eating them you need to get rid of the peel. Tomatoes can be eaten either raw or after heat treatment. They go well with other vegetables in fresh salads and as a side dish.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to completely stop eating tomatoes or limit yourself to 100 g per day, because there is nothing more dangerous than the re-development of inflammation.

During exacerbation of hypoacid gastritis, you can eat no more than 300 g of tomatoes (they are relatively permitted foods) per day.

When choosing vegetables, preference should be given only to the ripest and fleshiest fruits. Recommended varieties include “Ox Heart” and “Pink Giant”, as they contain the least amount of juice and the highest amount of dietary fiber.

For some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tomatoes can have a therapeutic effect. Due to the large amount of fiber contained in the fruits, intestinal motility and the formation of feces (in the presence of constipation) are normalized in a short period. It is undeniable that absolutely every person needs vitamins, so it is imperative to eat vegetables and fruits every day!

Compliance with dietary nutrition for gastritis is the basis of proper treatment. When creating a menu, it is important to take into account all the recommendations of nutritionists. Experts agree that tomatoes for gastritis will not cause harm to the body if the correct dosages are followed.

It is best if the tomatoes in the finished dish are combined with other vegetables. Vegetables recommended for patients with gastritis are fresh or stewed zucchini, boiled potatoes, in any form of preparation - pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, dill, and parsley.

When preparing salads, you should not use dressings that are aggressive to the stomach - mayonnaise, butter, hot sauces, etc. The best dressing option is refined sunflower, corn or olive oil.

Allowed dishes from tomatoes and cucumbers

During the period of remission, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes can be consumed in the form of salads. To season dishes, it is recommended to use sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15%, natural yogurt, refined sunflower or olive oil. From greens, you can add parsley, dill or lettuce.

Salt and seasonings should be used in minimal quantities so as not to provoke an exacerbation of gastritis.

Tomatoes can also be used baked and boiled, as part of vegetable stews and soups.

Tomato juice is allowed, but it must be diluted by half with another vegetable juice, such as carrot.

After a diagnosis of acute or chronic gastritis is made, it is necessary to completely review the diet and adhere to a strict diet prescribed by a medical specialist, especially in the acute phase of the disease, in order to prevent deterioration and progression of the disease.

It is also worth giving up bad habits and normalizing your work and rest schedule. To quickly overcome the disease, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor. With due effort and a serious approach, the disease goes into remission for a long time, and the list of permitted products expands significantly.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes in any quantity if you have gastritis?

No, tomatoes should be consumed in moderation and following certain rules. This is due to the fact that, in addition to useful substances, these vegetables also contain microelements harmful to the stomach:

  1. Glycoalkaloid and solanine. These substances are found mostly in the stems and leaves of plants of the nightshade family, but they can also be found in unripe fruits. This alkaloid is toxic and can cause poisoning if the stomach is weak. Therefore, green tomatoes should be completely excluded from the diet. Tomatoes with gastritis can only be eaten when they are ripe; eating unripe vegetables is unacceptable.
  2. Organic acids. These substances can irritate the stomach lining, causing heartburn and abdominal pain. Abuse of tomatoes is especially undesirable if gastritis is combined with cholelithiasis. Oxalic acid contained in tomatoes has a negative effect on the condition of the bile ducts and can provoke the movement of stones.

Benefits of tomatoes

Eating tomatoes reduces the risk of inflammation, cancer and chronic non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

Why should these vegetables still be on our menu if there are no compelling reasons to completely remove them from it? The biochemical composition of the vegetable indicates its great value for the human body. It contains enzymes, proteins, organic and amino acids, mono-, polysaccharides, carotenoids. [16] The benefit of tomatoes also lies in the abundance of vitamins: beta-carotene, [17] PP, C, [18], [19] E, [20] H, K, group B, folates. [21] In terms of ascorbic acid content, they are equated to lemons. [22], [23]

Tomatoes contain 8-40 µg per gram fresh weight of lycopene, about 80% of the total dietary intake of this carotenoid. [24] Lycopene is a major phytochemical in tomato fruit due to its strong antioxidant role associated with its ability to act as a free radical scavenger from reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during the partial reduction of oxygen. [25]

Numerous macro- (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine) and microelements (iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, etc.), low calorie content (20 kcal) allow the vegetable to improve metabolism and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. [26], [27] Pectin in tomatoes reduces the formation of “bad” cholesterol. [28], [29] Tomato juice inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and fungal growth.

In tomatoes, phenolic compounds include flavonoids, phenolic acids (hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids) and tannins. Polyphenols are effective para-hydroxyl group-mediated free radical scavengers. Phenols may modulate cellular signaling processes during inflammation or may serve as signaling agents themselves. [30], [31]

Polyphenolic compounds have been linked to therapeutics for inflammatory diseases, including cardiovascular disease, obesity and type II diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and aging.

These effects are due to the phenolic ability to interact with a wide range of molecular targets central to cell signaling. The underlying molecular mechanisms include:

  • inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes such as cyclooxygenase (COX-2), lipoxygenase (LOX) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS);
  • inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), tyrosine kinases and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κ B);
  • activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ);
  • activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), protein kinase C (PKC), and modulation of several cell survival/cell cycle genes. [32], [33]

Major tomato varieties include flavonols (such as quercetin and kaempferol), flavanols (such as catechins), flavanones (such as naringerin), anthocyanidins, and stilbenes (such as resveratrol). They are usually located in the peel and only in small quantities in other parts of the fruit. [34], [35]

Phenolic acids are responsible for the astringent taste of vegetables. These include hydroxybenzoic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids. Hydroxybenzoic acids are gallic, p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechinic, syringe and vanillic acids, while ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and sinapic acids are hydroxycinnamic acids.

Lacking knowledge, some are hesitant to eat tomatoes with gastritis of the stomach, explaining that they can provoke an exacerbation. For those who have a similar diagnosis, one rule must be followed - do not be hungry. It is recommended to eat at the same time every day, and it is also important that there is a small amount of food in the stomach at all times.

But not all foods are allowed to be eaten; some are excluded from the diet completely. But fresh vegetables and fruits are not included in this number. For example, you can eat fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, but it is important to take into account the form of gastritis. Tomatoes are the most commonly consumed product, eaten both fresh and stewed.

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