What gastrin is and what it is responsible for in the human body is widely known
Gastric papillitis - what is it? How to treat such a disease? Before answering
From a biological point of view, nuts are a very healthy product. They are able to provide a person
Indications for abdominal massage for constipation Abdominal massage is recommended for people: with chronic constipation, but
In this article we will figure out whether hemorrhoids can turn into cancer. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins
The number of people who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract is growing every year around the world. Focal atrophy
Gastritis is a disease accompanied by inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa and impaired regeneration
Carrots are rich in vitamins, microelements, and fiber. But carrots for pancreatitis in their raw form create additional
In what cases are they used? Inflammatory bowel disease Problems with stool, abdominal cramps, worsening
If gastritis is diagnosed, the main condition for treatment is adherence to a strict diet. The gastroenterologist recommends that the patient exclude