Probiotics for the intestines for constipation: a list of drugs for children and adults

In what cases are they used?

Inflammatory bowel diseases

Problems with stool, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, blood during bowel movements are clear signs of intestinal diseases and weakened immunity. Doctors are of the opinion that using probiotics can reduce inflammation and prevent the progression of the disease.

Bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli, lactobacilli, streptococci are the top best probiotics when such problems arise.


Diarrhea is the frequent bowel movement of the body in the form of liquid feces due to regular contraction of the intestinal muscles. The causes of diarrhea can be: poisoning, stress, climate change, medication overdose, infectious disease. For diarrhea, the best probiotics would be Lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, bificol, bifiform, linex, acipol or biobacton.

Constipation and hard, irregular stools

Constipation is a situation during which a person has difficulty getting rid of waste products, experiencing discomfort. In fact, there are few strains (cultures of microorganisms) of probiotics that have a positive effect on stool regularity and stool softening: Yakult, Multiflor, Lactobacillus B.

The problem of slow transit

The most effective strain of probiotics for problems with slow transit: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli B. Bifidobacteria will also help cope with bloating, grumbling, belching, gas and rumbling.

Microbiological aspects in the treatment of constipation

The development of all higher organisms was carried out in the presence of bacteria, one of the oldest forms of life on Earth, which led to the closest connections between them [14]. Therefore, all body tissues in contact with the external environment are habitat niches for a wide range of microorganisms that form biological films. The quantitative and qualitative composition of microbial associations is controlled, on the one hand, by the “quorum sensing” system, which allows bacteria to exchange information through the diffusion of signaling molecules that regulate the expression of bacterial genes when achieving optimal cell density [2], on the other hand, the host tissues of the macroorganism have the ability to optimize microbial ecosystems through the production of antimicrobial peptides [14]. The complexity of these relationships is complemented by the influence of microorganisms on the functioning of the organ-environment in a manner favorable to themselves, through the expression of messenger molecules for various intercellular signaling pathways of the macroorganism, and the correct maturation of the human immune system is largely mediated by the influence of representatives of its microflora [29].

The composition of the microflora of each person is individual, like fingerprints [3], and this individuality can be explained by the characteristics of immune reactions, feeding, lifestyle, past infections and means of treatment, as well as existing chronic pathology [7, 32]. A decrease in the activity of intestinal motor function, manifested by constipation, also has a significant effect on the composition and topology of the intestinal microflora [10]. Food debris that is not removed in time can serve as a substrate for individual microorganisms and is an important advantage in the competitive struggle of bacteria. In addition, regular use of laxatives and enemas by patients with constipation may also affect the composition of the intestinal microflora. Thus, adult patients with constipation are characterized by a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli with an increase in Veillionella species [10], while children are characterized by an increase in the number of clostridia and bifidobacteria [19, 24]. In some studies, a course of antibiotic therapy increased stool frequency, improved stool consistency, and eliminated straining, which confirmed the role of microflora changes in the formation of constipation [24].

Some light on the mechanism of the connection between intestinal flora and constipation can be shed by studies in which, in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation, a hydrogen breath test with lactulose revealed a significant increase in methane production, associated with an increase in intestinal transit time [23]. Under experimental conditions, methane inhibited the motor function of the intestine by increasing its tone [23]. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the source of excess amounts of methane in the exhaled air of patients with constipation has not yet been determined and some researchers believe that they are methane-forming bacteria of the colon, not the small intestine [24]. Thus, therapeutic measures aimed at correcting the microbial composition in patients with constipation can help restore intestinal transit time and maintain a state of remission for this indicator.

Treatment of chronic constipation should be carried out in conditions of lifestyle correction with the obligatory elimination of factors contributing to stool retention. To achieve success in a large proportion of patients, it is enough just to provide an immediate response to the onset of urge and restore the bowel habits during the day and in relation to meals [6]. Increasing the level of physical activity may help in cases of mild constipation, but in the case of prolonged absence of stool, this measure is ineffective [6]. Increasing fluid intake does not have a significant effect on the rate of intestinal transit and in the absence of signs of dehydration this recommendation is ineffective [6].

Dietary fiber has been used in the treatment of constipation for about 500 years and is overwhelmingly non-starch polysaccharides. Water-soluble fibers (pectin, gums and mucus) are able to form viscous solutions and retain water in the intestinal contents, increasing its volume and having little effect on transit time, insoluble fibers (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignins) are not able to retain water, but significantly increase the volume of stool and significantly stimulate intestinal transit [6, 24]. The inverse relationship between dietary fiber solubility and increased stool weight is explained by the greater susceptibility of soluble fiber to bacterial fermentation in the proximal colon. The laxative effect of dietary fiber is provided by the swelling of undigested fiber, fluid retention in the intestinal contents, the prokinetic effect of bacterial fermentation products (butyrate), stimulation of the growth of bacterial mass (which represents the dry mass of feces), increased production of gases and other by-products of fermentation that increase stool weight [24]. ]. In healthy volunteers, the effect of 25 g fiber on stool weight varied widely, from +17–19% with pectin and gums to +117% with bran [24]. As is known, some patients with constipation are resistant to the laxative effect of dietary fiber, and this resistance turned out to be directly proportional to the increase in intestinal transit time [24]. Recommendations to increase fiber content to 10–20 g per 1000 kcal of diet [6] are extremely common, but their evidence base is weak: modern systematic reviews describe the effect of fiber on stool frequency as modest at best, with an effect in placebo-controlled studies soluble fiber (psyllium) on stool frequency and consistency was described as positive, while bran failed to demonstrate a significant positive effect in similar conditions [24]. The lack of large, well-designed studies on the use of dietary fiber in the treatment of constipation limits its use in risk groups such as elderly patients and patients with neurological diseases. Although high-fiber foods and medications are free of serious side effects, their palatability (especially bran) and tolerability issues due to fermentation and gas production are major barriers to their use in IBS patients with constipation, who often associate the presence of symptoms with food intake, since the inclusion of insoluble fibers can provoke pain [24]. Adjusting the proportions between soluble and insoluble fibers may help overcome the problem of intolerance in these patients [6]. Based on a generalization of application experience, we can conclude that biologically active supplements (BAA) and food products containing dietary fiber are effective in patients with chronic constipation without delayed transit and pelvic floor dyssynergia, and in this group their effectiveness reaches 80% [6] .

Prebiotics are fermentable foods that exert their beneficial effects on the health of the host by selectively stimulating the proliferation and activity of certain types of bacteria in the colon. Of the prebiotics, only inulin and fructooligosaccharides have sufficient evidence for their use as ingredients in functional foods; they are fermented in the colon to produce energy and end products such as lactic acid and short-chain fatty acids [24]. It should be borne in mind that dietary fiber and lactulose, widely used for constipation, also have prebiotic properties. There are very few studies in the literature on the effect of prebiotics on stool retention with a satisfactory design, and when interpreting the results obtained, the influence on the microflora from food ingredients should be taken into account, since polymeric carbohydrates with prebiotic properties are widely distributed in fruits, vegetables and cereals [6] .

Relatively recently, in addition to pathogenic and fermenting bacteria, human symbiotic microorganisms came into the sphere of interest of microbiologists, when the significant influence of these microorganisms, especially intestinal microflora, on the health of the host organism was established, which contributed to the formation of the concept of probiotics. I. I. Mechnikov was the first to formulate this idea, believing that lactic acid bacteria are the most suitable candidates for the role of probiotic microorganisms. But during the heyday of antibiotics and vaccines, this idea did not receive due attention, and only the emergence of multi-resistant strains and awareness of the role of human microflora in maintaining health contributed to a surge of interest in this concept. A working group of the World Health Organization in 2002 adopted a definition of probiotics as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate quantities, contribute to improving the health of the host” [31].

The bulk of probiotic products currently on the market belong to a large group of lactic acid bacteria, which are normal representatives of the microflora of the human gastrointestinal tract (Table 1) [22]. However, numerous researchers are exploring the potential probiotic capabilities of other microorganisms, such as yeast, that are not normally present in the human intestine [25].

Probiotic strains exert their health benefits through multiple mechanisms unique to each strain (Table 2) [22], and the interaction space between the probiotic and the host can be divided into three levels: 1) the intestinal lumen, 2) the intestinal epithelium, and 3) immune system [27]. However, the mechanisms for implementing a significant part of the described effects of probiotics have not been fully disclosed.

It has now become known that probiotic bacteria are able to interact with the cells of the host organism by interfering with the functioning of intercellular signal transmission pathways [22]. Secreted bacterial products (peptides, short-chain fatty acids, bacteriocins, nitric oxide) [12, 18, 30, 31] and structural components of dead bacteria (DNA, proteins, lipopolysaccharides) [5] are capable of causing a specific response from the human body, for example, altering the activity of the transcription factors NF-kB and AP-1 either through mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) or protein kinase C and phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase [22, 28].

Gram-positive bacteria use N-acyl-homoserine lactones and 2-alkyl-4-quinolones as signal molecules, while Gram-negative bacteria use peptides capable of forming cyclic structures that ensure the functioning of the “quorum sensing” system [2]. Some of these molecules interact with cell surface receptors, others have receptors intracellularly, and some of these molecules have recently been shown to have immunomodulatory properties [33].

In relation to constipation, there are several clinical studies in which probiotics (sometimes in combination with a prebiotic) have been shown to speed up intestinal transit in patients with slow transit. Thus, Bifidobacterium animalis reduced intestinal transit in healthy women, elderly patients and patients with IBS [24]. This effect was observed only when using live microorganisms and was more pronounced in individuals with an initially pronounced slowdown in transit. In individuals with IBS, this acceleration of transit was most pronounced in the right side of the colon, which contains the highest density of bacterial contents [24]. Upon closer examination, the acceleration of transit was found to be independent of changes in fecal mass and bile acid content, implying a direct effect of the probiotic on intestinal motility [24]. Other researchers were able to prove the ability of a combination of Lactobacillus ramnosus, B. lactis and inulin to stimulate the motor function of the small intestine [24]. Another way probiotics influence the functional activity of the intestine may be mediated by the central nervous system. The connection between anxiety and depressive disorders and disorders of intestinal motor function has now become indisputable, and the presence of constipation in a patient always requires the exclusion of emotional disorders [15]. Animal studies have found that the introduction of Bifidobacteria infantis into the diet of rats for 14 days contributed to a significant increase in the level of tryptophan in the blood plasma, which is a precursor of neurotransmitters (serotonin) in brain cells, which was regarded by the authors as the presence of antidepressant potential in these bacteria [10, 13].

Among the published data from randomized controlled trials, a positive effect in patients with chronic constipation (without the presence of IBS) was noted when using a probiotic drink containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota, as well as the probiotic strain B. lactis DN-173010 [6]. In children with functional constipation, under placebo-controlled conditions, administration of L. reuteri significantly increased stool frequency, but without a significant change in stool consistency [11]. Normalization of bowel movements in nursing home patients has been achieved using B. longum [6]. Other studies with less rigorous designs or combinations of probiotics and other treatments have shown encouraging results for bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, propionobacteria, and fecal suspension infusions [17, 24]. In a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of probiotics for constipation, including five studies with 377 participants, a positive effect on stool frequency and consistency was obtained with the use of B. lactis DN-173010, L. casei Shirota and Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 [9].

Strong support for the concept of using probiotics for stool retention comes from studies on IBS [16]. Bifidobacterium animalis, in addition to reducing intestinal transit time, significantly increased stool frequency in patients with IBS with constipation. Another strain of B. infantis 35624 was able to normalize stool consistency and reduce the need to strain in patients with IBS, without significantly changing stool frequency [21].

Recent reviews [6, 25] have emphasized the fact that administration of L. rhamnosus GG has been found to be ineffective when used in patients with constipation. These studies refer to a placebo-controlled study by Polish researchers [4], who found no additional effect on stool parameters when adding this probiotic to a lactulose treatment regimen in a pediatric population (n = 84). While in earlier work involving adult patients with constipation, L. rhamnosus GG showed a positive effect on stool count [20]. Possible reasons for the lack of effectiveness of this strain in children may be some errors in the study design: patients received the probiotic in the form of capsules, and they were allowed to open them and add the contents to food (knowing the dislike of children for tablets and capsules, it can be assumed that most children opened them — this indicator, unfortunately, was not taken into account in the study). As it became known relatively recently [26], the effectiveness of a probiotic strongly depends on the fat content, the concentration and type of protein and monodisaccharides, as well as the pH of the carrier medium. Fermented milk drinks, where these parameters are most successfully balanced, are recognized as the optimal means of probiotic delivery. Also, the researchers absolutely did not take into account the composition and quantity of food eaten, which could have a decisive influence on the frequency and consistency of stool.

As an alternative point of view, we can refer to our study performed two years ago [1]. The study included 60 inpatients with IBS with constipation (Rome III criteria), who were randomized into three groups similar in age, presence of underlying and concomitant diseases. In group 1, the diet was modified by replacing kefir and sour cream with 330 g of the studied drinking yogurt Bio Balance®, enriched with bifidobacteria and L. rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103, LGG®), with a CFU content at the end of the shelf life of at least: bifidobacteria - 106 , lactobacilli - 107. The basic diet of patients of the 2nd group is modified by replacing kefir and sour cream with 330 ml of Bio Balance® kefir drink, enriched with probiotics according to a similar scheme, with a CFU content at the end of the shelf life of at least: bifidobacteria - 106, lactobacilli - 106. The control group consisted of patients who received a standard diet with traditional fermented milk products. It is worth noting that the consumption of homemade products is not allowed by the Clinic's rules, so the differences in the diets of the participants were minimal. The duration of the clinical trial was 21 days. The groups were compared in terms of the dynamics of quality of life and severity of complaints, in terms of stool consistency indicators indicating its frequency, and microbiological analysis data. Patients noted greater satisfaction with the quality of bowel movements, and it is worth noting that in the group that consumed fortified yoghurts and kefir drink Bio Balance®, better dynamics of this complaint were noted (-1.1 on a 5-point Likert scale, p = 0.01) than in patients of the control group (-0.45 at p = 0.05). Only in the group that consumed the studied yogurt and kefir drink Bio Balance®, there was a significant improvement in stool consistency (+0.95, p = 0.01 and +0.68, p = 0.01 Bristol stool scale), an increase in stool frequency was more pronounced than in the control group (+0.24 times/day, p = 0.05 versus +0.13 times/day, p = 0.05). The differences in the dynamics of quality of life indicators between the groups were insignificant. Only in patients who received the studied kefir drink Bio Balance®, a significant increase in both lacto- (+2.2 lg) and bifidobacteria (+1.7 lg) was observed; in patients who received fortified yogurt Bio Balance®, only growth of lactobacilli (+3.1 lg), and in the control group at the end of the observation period there was an increase in the content of bifidobacteria (+2.7 lg), which emphasizes the connection between changes in the clinical picture and the activity of the probiotic.

Thus, the exclusion of L. rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103, LGG®) from the list of probiotic microorganisms effective for constipation seems premature and requires studies with a more reliable design.


Chronic constipation is an extremely common disease worldwide that can seriously impair the quality of life of both adults and children. Only 60% of patients with constipation are satisfied with the effectiveness of laxatives, and a significant proportion of them require long-term maintenance treatment [11]. The widespread use of dietary fiber in people with chronic constipation or IBS sometimes leads to discouraging results: insoluble dietary fiber, despite the most pronounced effect on stool frequency, may be contraindicated in patients with IBS due to increased bloating and abdominal pain. The unconditional importance of intestinal microflora for the normal functioning of the small and, especially, large intestine in the presence of changes in the microbial landscape in people with constipation provides sufficient grounds for the use of pro- and prebiotics in the treatment of chronic constipation and IBS. It seems very attractive the idea of ​​widespread use by various segments of the population of food products enriched with effective probiotic strains for the treatment and prevention of stool retention, which is accurately reflected in the words of the great Hippocrates: “let my food become medicine...”, and, it should be noted, a safe medicine! To determine the most optimal strain and type of probiotic in a sufficient dose for each variant of chronic stool retention, as well as the selection of a carrier medium, it is necessary to conduct high-quality studies in design involving a large number of patients.


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V. I. Pilipenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences D. A. Teplyuk A. K. Shakhovskaya, Candidate of Medical Sciences V. A. Isakov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Contact information for authors for correspondence

Probiotics or prebiotics?

Many people think that prebiotics and probiotics are the same thing, there may just be several spellings, but this is not the case. These are different types of biologically active substances used to improve digestion. The human intestine is a habitat for “bad” and “good” bacteria. The “bad” ones release toxins, the “good” ones fight them. In a healthy body there are equal numbers of both, but as soon as a person gets sick (starts taking antibiotics) or decides to once again torture himself with a diet, the balance is immediately upset, which leads to a numerical superiority of the bad over the good, and subsequently to dysbiosis. The solution is to start consuming beneficial bacteria (pribiotics) or foods that promote their proliferation (prebiotics).

The main types of probiotics are live microorganisms, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are part of fermented dairy products: sour cream, yogurt, kefir, some types of soft cheese, sauerkraut.

When probiotics don't work

Despite the usefulness of products and preparations with living microorganisms, they do not always lead to the desired result. The technique is useless in the following situations:

  1. An attempt to get rid of constipation as a disease, not a symptom.
  2. Endocrine disorders.
  3. Lack of healthy eating, dieting, overeating.
  4. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and concomitant infections.
  5. Weak immunity.
  6. Lack of fiber in the diet.
  7. Lack of fermented milk products.
  8. Long-term use of birth control pills, laxatives, antibiotics.

In the presence of the above-mentioned conditions, conditions are created in the intestines that are unsuitable for the existence of “correct” microorganisms, which will only lead to a temporary improvement in the condition. It is recommended to start taking probiotics only after the exacerbation of chronic diseases has resolved, foci of infection have been eliminated, nutrition has been adjusted, and hormonal levels have stabilized.

Normal digestion is one of the main factors in maintaining health and longevity; combating constipation and stabilizing intestinal function require an integrated approach to treatment. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which probiotic will certainly relieve digestive difficulties. Their use to combat constipation shows good results. If your doctor additionally prescribes other medications, you should listen to the recommendations. Important requirements are to maintain a drinking regime, monitor proper nutrition and exercise to the best of your physical ability. Probiotics, like other medications, should only be used on the recommendation of a physician. Self-medication and uncontrolled intake have a negative impact on the state of the intestinal microflora (for example, treatment of constipation will lead to diarrhea), which will negatively affect the general condition of the human body.

Cons of Probiotics

  • Probiotics may not reach the intestines;
  • Dissolve under the influence of gastric juice;
  • Be exposed to bile;
  • Dissolve as a result of contact with antibiotics taken by the patient;
  • It will not take root due to rejection by microflora.

Prebiotics feed your own beneficial bacteria.

The mechanics of the work are very simple: a person eats foods rich in prebiotics, they supply beneficial bacteria, and they, in turn, increase in number.

List of drugs


The most famous probiotic, widespread in the Russian Federation, solves the problem of dysbiosis. Contains 3 components of microflora that make up the intestines.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to dairy products.

Price 350-500 rubles.

Bifidumbacterin forte

It is used when there is a violation of the colonization of the intestinal flora, and can be taken in combination with antibiotics.

Contraindications: use is prohibited in case of intolerance to the components of the composition - bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1 and lactose.

Price 350-400 rubles.


Used for diseases of the digestive tract and diarrhea. Contains concentrated bifidobacteria.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug. CAREFULLY! carefully use the medicine for lactose intolerance.

Price 500-600 rubles.


Designed to normalize intestinal function. The capsules of the drug are protected and interact with gastric juice.

Not recommended: if you are intolerant to glucose, yeast extract, carob bean syrup, lactulose powder, soybean oil.

Cost 350-400 rubles.

Florin forte

Regulates the balance of intestinal microflora.

Do not use in case of individual intolerance.

Price 500-550 rubles.

Bacterial balance

Used for bacterial damage to the intestines, contains lactobifidobacteria.

Do not use if intolerant.

Instructions for the use of drugs to restore microflora

Probiotics and prebiotics for gut health require proper intake.

Rules for the use of medications that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • probiotic and prebiotic agents are taken in a course (system format),
  • normal duration is 28-60 days. It is rational to take breaks for a period of 1 month, repeat the effect,
  • the first signs of microflora normalization appear after 10 days,
  • The compounds should be drunk strictly before meals. Wait 60 minutes before eating
  • Read the instructions for the medicine carefully. The packaging may indicate the permissible dosage and other data,
  • a set of contraindications is associated with individual intolerance. The process of treating children and women in a position requires caution.
  • Oncological formations and lesions of the lymphatic/circulatory system, AIDS and HIV are dangerous pathologies for the treatment of dysbiosis.

Choose on your own or see a doctor?

To purchase a probiotic or prebiotic, you just need to visit the pharmacy, say the name of the medicine you need, and they will sell it to you, because they are dispensed without any restrictions and without a doctor’s instructions. If you have made your own diagnosis and decided to start taking a course of probiotics, then follow these recommendations:

  • Always read the label. Carefully study the label, review the instructions, pay attention to the strains and their expiration dates.
  • Seek the truth. What is stated on the label is often not true; call the manufacturer and find out what strains were used. You can also visit the website.
  • Trust only high quality products. You should not give preference to unknown manufacturers.
  • Store your food correctly. Don't focus your attention only on medications, think about the conditions under which your food is stored.

You should consider taking probiotics if you have irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory processes, or infectious diarrhea.

And don't use probiotics as a constipation tool just because they helped someone else. We must not forget the fact that the reasons are different for everyone.

How to choose the most effective probiotic

If the cause of difficulties with bowel movements is dysbacteriosis, the doctor sends the adult or small patient to the laboratory for tests. Their results make it possible to determine which bacteria or fungi are deficient in the lower digestive tract. It is this type of beneficial microorganisms that should be present in maximum concentration in the probiotic prescribed by a gastroenterologist. What factors are also taken into account by the doctor when choosing a medicine:

  • the maximum therapeutic effect of the probiotic occurs in the shortest possible time;
  • the drug does not have a wide list of contraindications and side effects;
  • the probiotic is convenient to take and dose;
  • the patient does not have individual sensitivity to the active and auxiliary ingredients of medications and biological additives;
  • The patient does not have chronic immunodeficiency pathologies (AIDS, HIV), in which a course of probiotics would provoke an acute relapse.

High cost does not guarantee high quality probiotics. Firstly, many foreign manufacturers deliberately distort information about the quantitative composition of the drugs they produce. Secondly, cheap Russian probiotics are most adapted to the intestinal microflora of small and adult Russians.

Preparations with beneficial bacteria for babies

Children of any age have difficulty moving their bowels from time to time. Newborns and infants suffer from constipation due to imperfections in their digestive tract. The stomach and pancreas do not produce enough enzymes. Deficiency of digestive enzymes leads to the development of various disorders of the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And in older children, constipation is caused by an unbalanced diet. It's no secret that a child 3-10 years old will prefer a delicious chocolate candy to a plate of healthy cereal porridge. To treat, and in some cases prevent, problems with bowel movements, pediatricians prescribe medications containing lactic acid bacteria and fungi to children. Below are the most effective probiotics for constipation in children:

  • Acipol. The small capsules contain natural inhabitants of the large intestine - lactobacilli acidophilus and kefir grain polysaccharides. Acipol is a domestic development and belongs to the group of eubiotics. Beneficial bacteria and fungi stabilize the motor activity of smooth muscles of the digestive tract, promote liquefaction and optimal evacuation of feces;
  • Hilak Forte. The drug belongs to the metabolic type of drugs. It contains not only probiotic microorganisms, but also organic substances for their active growth and reproduction. Hilak Forte can be used to restore the intestinal biocenosis and normalize bowel movements from the first days of a baby’s life. The probiotic contains natural ingredients, which indicates its safety and the absence of a large number of side effects;
  • Linex Forte and Linex for children. The drugs are produced by the manufacturer in the form of enteric capsules and powders. The probiotic contains fermented enterococci, lacto- and bifidobacteria. A course of Linex successfully eliminates all the unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis - frequent regurgitation, painful colic, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. The probiotic contains beneficial microorganisms that are vital for digestion and peristalsis.

If a pediatrician has prescribed the drug in capsules to young children who cannot yet swallow them, then the integrity of the drug shells may be compromised. The dry mixture contained in them can be dissolved in drinking water, breast milk, milk porridge, fruit and vegetable purees. Probiotics should be given to babies half an hour before the next feeding or a couple of hours after meals. The medicinal mixture should only be freshly prepared, since lacto- and bifidobacteria are not able to live for a long time outside the human body.


Prevention does not require the use of medications; it will be enough to follow your diet, as well as regularly supply the body with the “good” bacteria it needs. Humanity has long realized their importance and therefore uses the presence of “good” bacteria as a marketing ploy.

For example, Activia. Even the name already speaks for itself. The regular influx of bifidobacteria has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, which prevents constipation.

Regular consumption of dairy products supplies your intestines with the elements they need.

List of the best probiotics for constipation


Biologically active food supplement. Prescribed to patients to regulate intestinal microflora. Helps with constipation, poisoning, improves absorption processes.

The drug contains Bacillus Subtilis - this is a cell-free bioactive liquid that contains an absorbent and zeolite, which activates the work of the intestinal muscles and has a beneficial effect on the liver.

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