The effect of soda on the human body
Is it possible to drink soda if you have gastritis with low acidity?
Is it permissible to use soda as a medicine? The substance restores the acid-base balance. Hydroxide ions found in
Activated carbon for gastritis - is it possible and how to take it?
Activated carbon for abdominal pain Activated carbon is one of the adsorbents that are used
dictoedric smectite
Is it possible for a newborn to have smecta with diarrhea?
Smecta is one of the safe drugs that you can rely on in solving problems with
How long after appendicitis surgery can you drink alcohol?
Types, symptoms, causes and prognosis Scientists divide appendicitis into 2 types: acute; chronic. At
Is it possible to use glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, after childbirth and for constipation?
Features of use: Suppositories have a double effect, activating intestinal motility and softening stool. Suppositories
Picture 3
Is it possible to have black stools after treatment with De-Nol?
Composition and pharmacological properties The main and only active ingredient in De-Nol is subcitrate
Corn for gastritis: can you eat it, how to cook it
Corn for gastritis Corn grains are distinguished by a balanced chemical composition, proteins and carbohydrates of a vegetable crop
Heartburn from garlic
Causes of heartburn from onions and garlic, ways to eliminate it
Heartburn occurs due to the spontaneous release of hydrochloric acid from the stomach back into the esophagus. Factors of occurrence
live shark
Suppositories for hemorrhoids with shark oil: names of products, ointments based on shark liver oil for inflammation of hemorrhoids
In proctology, local preparations are widely used that lubricate and moisturize the mucous membrane of the anus and initial
Medicinal enema, placement algorithm
Medicinal drip enema Purpose: administration of a drug into the rectum Indications: local effect on the mucous membrane
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