Why do you feel nauseous after eating? reasons after menstruation?

Changes in a woman's body

The inconveniences experienced by female representatives during menstruation interfere with the normal flow of life. Loss of strength, malaise, and capricious mood are closely associated with hormonal fluctuations. Girls experience temporary difficulties with symptoms accompanying menstruation:

  • Dizziness (associated with low blood pressure);
  • Nausea (release of hormonal enzymes into the blood);
  • Swelling of the mammary glands and abdomen;
  • Increase, decrease in body temperature;
  • Rashes on the skin of the face, neck, shoulders;
  • Headache.

Additional unpleasant phenomena during menstruation

A failure in the body’s systems does not pose a threat to the girl’s health; the hormonal levels are restored over time. What can prevent you from leading a normal rhythm of life during an inevitable period for a woman:

  • Stomach upset;
  • Problems with stool;
  • A nagging pain appeared in the lower back and abdomen;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Attacks of nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • Irritability, decreased activity;
  • Brown, whitish discharge.

Menstruation is associated with the production of prostaglandin. The hormone affects muscle fibers and the circulatory system. Blood clotting decreases, muscles are toned. Prostaglandin spasms the uterus, the girl feels sick. The substance affects the nervous system, causing pain in the lower abdomen and a gag reflex. The body experiences severe dizziness, swelling of the legs and other troubles.

Nulliparous girls are more often susceptible to the negative influences of hormones. The state of the body is affected by the structure and deviation of the uterus from the norm. The individual characteristics of the organ upset the balance of progesterone, estrogen and prostaglandin. After childbirth, nausea and vomiting during menstruation disappear.

Dizziness during menstruation

A symptom such as dizziness during menstruation cannot be called rare - it occurs in seventy percent of women. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Changes in blood pressure before menstruation;
  • Abuse of pills;
  • Body stress;
  • Migraine.

Dizziness occurs due to vasodilation and the release of hormones into the blood. Very often, in addition to headaches, a woman experiences swelling of the legs and sharp pain in the abdominal area. There are women who gain several kilograms a few days before their period. There is no need to be afraid or worry about this - this is a normal phenomenon that can happen to every person. All the kilograms that will be gained due to the accumulation of fluid leave as quickly as they enter the body. For these pains to subside, you need to relax a little, rest and drink green tea. If all these steps don't help, you should get some sleep.

Severe discomfort during and after menstruation

What should a woman do to relieve nagging pain and maintain balance? In a week, your period will pass, relatives and colleagues will be impressed by the emotional behavior of a woman experiencing the “beauty” of the natural process.

During menstruation, you should not set sports records or subject your body to physical activity. Sudden movements aggravate the natural process. The girl feels dizzy and her vision darkens. The rhythm of life does not allow Russian women to relax, to take a quiet walk in the fresh air, taking a break from the hustle and bustle. Weakness and nausea are the result of constant haste.

Often, the girl herself has a hand in the accompanying signs of menstruation, abuses junk food, bad habits, or carries weights, provoking pain. It is prudent to limit excesses in nutrition. Choose healthy foods that contain fiber and healthy nutrients. Eating salty, spicy foods disrupts water-salt metabolism. The body becomes dehydrated, requiring replenishment of water. Excess moisture in tissues and organs leads to edema and increased blood pressure. As a result, the head becomes heavy and hurts. A female representative faints.

How to understand that vomiting is not a sign of pregnancy?

When our period arrives, those of us who weren't planning on getting pregnant breathe a sigh of relief, but not everyone feels that same joy. About 5-8% of women remain confused - they vomit during menstruation, and nausea, as is known, is one of the main signs of the conception of a child.

It would seem that if menstrual flow is present, then pregnancy is excluded? Not everything is so simple in the female body. There is a very small chance that you are still pregnant and you need to see a doctor to confirm or refute doubts.

Feeling unwell is always a reason not to postpone a medical visit; in this case, we are talking about responsibility for the baby’s health. There are numerous cases where conception occurred, but the woman did not stop menstrual bleeding.

Vomiting is an alarming symptom, but there is no need to panic. The first thing you should do is understand why this is happening to you and a pregnancy test will help with this. Don't be afraid and just buy it! Follow the instructions on the package, and very soon a lot of things will become clearer with your health.

Nausea after menstruation

If nausea does not subside a week after the bleeding stops, the girl needs to think about nutrition, the amount of fluid consumed before and during menstruation, work and rest schedule. A woman does not experience joy when her critical days coincide with national and state holidays. The diet is getting out of control, the girl indulges in excess on a holiday. There may be independent reasons in the life of ladies.

What leads to nausea after your period ends?

  • Stressful situations. Moral burnout associated with stress at work and family circumstances is tiring. Nervous feelings, anxiety and difficulties in relationships cause nausea and headaches. Vomiting occurs.
  • Oral contraceptives. Incorrectly selected hormonal medication has a side effect – nausea after menstruation. Taking the drug (starting taking it) coincides with the end of menstruation. The nauseating state is accompanied by headaches, aggressiveness, and indigestion.
  • Pregnancy. The situation is ambiguous. The woman decides whether to enjoy the event or not. Rarely does a woman think about the signs of pregnancy when her period appears at the expected time and ends on time. Sometimes the situation is associated with slight bleeding in the early stages, strongly reminiscent of menstrual flow. The woman decides what to do next after consulting a doctor.
  • Deviation of the uterus. The location of the uterus does not threaten the girl’s health and future motherhood. But it provokes nausea after menstruation. The uterus is enlarged, pressing on neighboring organs and nerve endings. These impulses cause physiological discomfort; a woman may have pain in the lower back, stomach or head. The pain goes away over time.

Could there be pregnancy?

For most women, nausea and other symptoms of pregnancy do not appear until the first day of a missed period.

Signs of early pregnancy appear 3-4 weeks after sexual intercourse, namely after implantation of the embryo (fixation in the uterus) and the beginning of the development of hormonal changes. Immediately after the egg is fertilized, symptoms of toxicosis do not appear.

Important! It also happens that immediately after scanty vaginal discharge, one begins to feel sick, the lower abdomen pulls, and one feels dizzy. In this case, there is no need to worry. If there is copious pale pink or red discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. The symptom indicates a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

Among the causes of early toxicosis, which signals the implantation of the embryo in the uterus:

  • increased production of female sex hormones, to which the body reacts by causing characteristic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased reactivity of the vascular walls of internal organs to hormonal changes;
  • increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the body’s response to an increase in the volume of hormones;
  • changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to hormonal changes.

Important! If, in addition to nausea, there is vomiting, pain in the back or stomach in the morning, you need to visit a gynecologist to confirm or deny pregnancy.

How to deal with nausea after your period

It is better to remain calm and wait for the body to regain strength. If the cause of unpleasant health is not external circumstances, then the natural processes of the body will soon return to normal. Provoking factors are eliminated to help the body cope with the load. Nervous shocks, exercise and rich food can wait.

A girl who is interested in yoga and gymnastics will bypass the malaise. Spiritual practices will bring comfort and peace to the psychological state. Physical relaxation during menstruation and when menstruation ends normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary and circulatory system. To relieve headaches and nausea, take a pill approved by your doctor. No-spa and spasmalgon will help relieve spasms. Nerve cells are calmed by herbal infusions (melissa, chamomile, valerian).

Causes of nausea during menstruation

The causes of nausea during menstruation can be hormonal, physiological and toxic. There are several factors that provoke the symptom more often than others:

Increased production of prostaglandins

Menstruation triggers hormonal changes in the body. During menstrual periods, the level of prostaglandins increases. The substance is classified as unstable. It affects the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and muscles. A woman feels tension in her muscles and suffers from blood clotting disorders.

Prostaglandins have a negative effect on the uterus, causing spasms and pain. The discomfort may be mild or severe. The biological substance also affects the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Nausea during menstruation is caused by a decrease in the production of juice in the stomach with the parallel consumption of salty or spicy foods.

Read one of our articles about why you feel sick before your period.

Production of the hormone serotonin

Critical days provoke the production of the substance in large quantities. The component prevents the body from getting rid of excess fluids. The skull suffers from swelling, and PMS symptoms include nausea and headaches.

Changing the position of the uterus

If the organ moves back, pinched nerves occur. A woman experiences nausea and vomiting during her period. Regulations are also accompanied by abdominal cramps and pain in the lumbar spine. During this time, it is advisable to refrain from physical activity. Displacement of the uterus negatively affects the course of menstruation in women and girls who have not yet given birth. Deformation of the organ can also cause nausea.

Taking contraceptive pills

Poor health during menstrual periods is explained by hormonal changes due to the use of drugs that prevent pregnancy.

Using tampons

The components in the composition of the hygiene product, as well as untimely replacement of the product, can provoke a toxic shock. As a result, a woman will feel nausea, sometimes vomiting and dizziness during her period.

Find out why you may feel sick after your period in the article at the link.

Why do women suffer?

Monthly blood loss makes women experience discomfort. The menstrual cycle is the first process from which a woman cannot escape. Tolerating unpleasant sensations is not a pleasant pleasure, so escape routes are prepared in advance. If you properly tune in to the physiological test, then the woman will easily endure minor changes in the body.

In order for a lady to remain in high spirits and maintain her ability to work, she should follow simple rules and not abuse rich food, alcohol, or harmful foods. This will not require spending any money. Will set you up for the upcoming period with moral preparation. If maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not help prevent nausea, you should seek the help of a doctor. A possible disease occurs in a latent form, diagnosis is half the success.

If nausea and vomiting after menstruation signal an imminent addition to the family, then the disease has nothing to do with it. It's time to accept congratulations.

Pregnant or not?

Some women experience pregnancy symptoms after their period. In this case, many people get scared and immediately buy a pregnancy test. For some it turns out to be positive. But it is important to consider that symptoms may simply be a consequence of hormonal changes. In this case, many women are drawn to salty foods, which causes stagnation of fluid in the body, and as a result, nausea. Pulls in the stomach after menstruation for purely psychosomatic reasons.

It is important to take into account the psychosomatic factor. Frightened or delighted about pregnancy, a woman begins to deliberately listen to herself. She looks for symptoms where there are none. And soon it finds it, because our brain gives the body the necessary command.

How to get rid of nausea after menstruation

The doctor will determine what to do if a symptom occurs only after identifying the cause of the nausea. Antispasmodic or anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Self-medication is not recommended, since analgesics only remove the symptom, but do not get rid of the source. In addition, if pregnancy occurs, many drugs are prohibited for use during this period.

To eliminate nausea after menstruation, you should follow the following rules:

  • Adjust your diet. During menstruation, it is recommended to exclude spicy, smoked, fatty, fried foods. It is better to include fruits and vegetables, berries, herbs, steamed and baked foods in your diet.
  • Be outdoors more often. Walking before bed is useful, as it involves all the muscles, including those located in the cerebral region and internal organs.
  • Normalize the work and rest schedule. If possible, you can spend a few hours sleeping during the daytime.

What this means if you feel sick after menstruation can only be determined by a doctor after receiving the results of a comprehensive diagnosis. It is not recommended to take medications without consulting a specialist. Otherwise, the risk of negative consequences increases.


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