List of hemostatic medications for hemorrhoids

Why did hemorrhoids start to bleed?

The main reason for hemorrhoidal bleeding is constipation and other types of mucosal injury. Fecal stones, which are formed due to errors in nutrition, in combination with efforts during bowel movements, injure the rectal nodes. Constant diarrhea contributes to inflammation and thinning of the rectum mucosa, which also leads to its injury by feces and bleeding of varying degrees of intensity: the greater the damage to the nodes, the more severe their bleeding. Other reasons for hemorrhoidal cones to pick up are:

  • stagnation of blood flow in the anorectal area;
  • anatomical features of the structure of caverns (branching);
  • lack of timely therapy;
  • presence of complications: prolapse of nodes, thrombosis;
  • congenital underdevelopment of connective tissue;
  • long static poses sitting or standing;
  • backbreaking physical labor, including one-time lifting of sports equipment;
  • alcoholism;
  • gaining extra pounds;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

Bleeding from hemorrhoids can be caused by a regular enema or the use of rectal suppositories.

What is bleeding hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are accompanied by pain and itching in the rectal area, and a sensation of a foreign body in the rectum. In advanced forms of the disease, bleeding develops. In the initial stages, a drop of blood from the patient may be detected after a bowel movement. But soon there may be profuse bleeding from the anus.

The main cause of this pathological condition is damage to the hemorrhoids due to constipation.

This pathological condition can be cured by using hemostatic drugs for hemorrhoids. They are produced mainly in the form of:

  • rectal suppositories;
  • drugs for oral administration;
  • ointments for external use.

Let's consider the most effective means that belong to these groups.

What diseases are manifested by bleeding from the rectum?

Rectal bleeding is accompanied by other pathologies (except hemorrhoids). It could be:

  • intestinal tumors of various etiologies, especially in the lower sections;
  • hyperplasia of the rectal mucosa;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • OKI;
  • poisoning and intoxication of various origins;
  • obstructions to regional blood flow, genetically determined or acquired;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • consequences of radiation treatment.

Causes of bleeding from hemorrhoids

Blood in hemorrhoids appears due to irritation or damage to the walls of varicose veins (hemorrhoids). The discharge may be in the form of red splashes or dark clots. The duration of bleeding also varies - from a few seconds to several minutes.

Blood usually appears after bowel movements and can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Thrombosis of the node. In the absence of treatment, the inflammatory process intensifies in the thrombosed vein and infiltration develops. A node overflowing with blood may burst. A thrombosed lump, usually very painful. After it bursts, the person feels relief.
  • Constipation. Dense and dry feces when passing through the rectum irritate and injure the nodes, causing bleeding. Frequent constipation prevents the healing of damaged walls; blood appears at the first bowel movement. With constipation, excessive straining occurs, which increases intra-abdominal pressure. As pressure increases, the vessels expand, their walls lose their elasticity over time, become thinner and rupture.
  • Diarrhea. Frequent bowel movements with loose stools cause damage to the entire mucous membrane of the anal area and the walls of the cones.
  • Alcohol abuse . Ethanol sticks platelets together, which contributes to the development of varicose veins - the main pathogenetic factor of hemorrhoids.

Rare, light bleeding may cause sudden changes in diet.

Why is it important to see a doctor and not self-medicate?

A bleeding hemorrhoid becomes dangerous if inflammation becomes chronic. Therefore, even in the absence of pain, bleeding from the anus is a reason to immediately seek medical help. Self-medication is excluded. Otherwise, serious complications may develop: anemia, anorectal fissure, fistula, the addition of secondary pathogenic microflora with symptoms of acute proctitis and paraproctitis, abscess formation, thrombosis of nodes or their strangulation with necrosis, sepsis, and sometimes malignancy.

If bleeding occurs

If bleeding appears, calm down, do not panic. The phenomenon does not threaten human life - it is not characterized by intensity or longevity. Blood is released if you lift too heavy a weight, appears at the end of the stool, in the bowel movements.

Important! If you notice blood on toilet paper, this should alert you and serve as an incentive to contact a proctologist. If you start treatment on time, you can avoid a number of problems in the future.

Hemorrhoids and other diseases - cancer, polyps in the intestines - can cause bleeding from the rectum. A proctologist will be able to correctly establish a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and suggest proven methods of combating frequent blood loss.

By the time the patient gets to the hospital, precious time will pass. Measures to stop bleeding:

  1. The first hemostatic agent is cold. Place a compress on the bleeding nodule.
  2. Take the drug: Etamzilate, Dicynon, Vikasol.
  3. Use pills to help with bleeding.

The problem will not be solved. There is no treatment.

Ways to stop bleeding

First on the list is applying cold. Allows you to narrow blood vessels. Prevents tissue swelling. Works as an anesthetic - a decrease in sensitivity occurs.

Cold water lotions help. Use wider gauze or bandage. Fold it in layers, moisten it, and apply it to the bleeding area. If bleeding from hemorrhoids occurs for the first time, it is advisable to use lotions with cool water. Do not do the procedure for more than 5 minutes. Please note! The method to stop bleeding is effective for external nodes and hemorrhoids.

If the nodes are localized inside, use ice candles. Roll the paper into a cone, seal the tip and fill with water. It is acceptable to use herbal decoction. Freeze. After complete freezing, it should be carefully inserted into the anus.

Do not perform the procedure if you have chronic diseases in the kidneys, bladder, or genitals. Leads to exacerbation of the disease.

The second stage is taking pills. The following drugs are produced: Vikasol, Dicynon, Etamzilat. Stops the bleeding. Sold in tablets and liquid form (solution for injection). They work well.

Tablets are used up to 4 times a day, 1-2 at a time (depending on intensity).

In advanced cases, an injection is administered intramuscularly.

These drugs have side effects. Read the leaflet carefully.

It is acceptable to use other hemostatic agents for hemorrhoids - a collagen sponge. Plate 9 mm thick. Consists of collagen with the addition of furatsilin and boric acid. The sponge is capable of absorbing liquid secretions, including bloody ones, and has a hemostatic effect. The bleeding node is disinfected and healed.

Treatment occurs quickly, without unnecessary effort. If the disease manifests itself externally, apply pressure to the bleeding area for a couple of minutes. Internal hemorrhoids require insertion with extreme care. No removal is required - the sponge dissolves.

Three stages - first aid for a bleeding hemorrhoid. Requires healing and treatment.

A list of drugs that can temporarily stop bleeding from hemorrhoids

Hemostatic drugs, both systemic, of general action, in tablets and capsules, and local in the form of ointments and suppositories, can stop bleeding. But they all act symptomatically, that is, they relieve the symptom temporarily, leaving the root cause of the disease out of the picture.

Hemostatic tablets

Bleeding hemorrhoids are primarily a consequence of venous insufficiency. Therefore, complex therapy, which consists of a combination of medications for hemorrhoids with bleeding and venotonics, can stop bleeding of varying degrees of severity.

They combine hemostatic agents: Vikasol, Dicynon, Aminocaproic acid with hepatoprotectors: Detralex, Phlebodia 600, Venarus, Troxevasin. In parallel, it is necessary to prescribe tablets that increase hemoglobin and prevent the development of serious anemia: Ferretab; Maltofer; Hemobin.

Among the tablets for hemorrhoids with bleeding, Vikasol is considered the most optimal: an inexpensive but effective synthetic analogue of vitamin K. The active ingredient is menadione. Normalizes blood clotting, effective for hemorrhoids of any location and severity. Included in the list of drugs to prepare the patient for surgery (if there are appropriate symptoms) and during the rehabilitation period.

Take one tablet twice a day, the course is until the bleeding stops. Ineffective for hemophilia. In combination with anticoagulants, their effect is nullified.

What recommendations should you know before using medications?

Drugs with a hemostatic effect for the treatment of hemorrhoids are used according to a specific scheme of recommendations and advice from a doctor. Therefore, it is worth knowing that whenever any form of medication is taken, you should have a bowel movement. To do this, an enema is performed to speed up the treatment process and make everything hygienic.

If it is necessary to use rectal suppositories, then therapy is carried out lying down. This requires you to turn on your side and bend your knees. After this, a hemostatic drug is administered. In this case, it is taken into account that rectal suppositories are pushed 3 cm into the rectum. The use of creamy preparations is carried out by applying a thin layer of medicine for hemorrhoids. When the therapeutic measure to stop the bleeding has been completed, the patient should remain at rest for half an hour.

Preventing constipation

Doctors consider it normal to have a bowel movement once a day. But only a third of all inhabitants of the planet fall under this standard. The rest empty their bowels every 2 days. Anything that exceeds this norm is constipation. The following will help reduce the risk of its development:

  • a balanced diet and split meals with no food a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • correct drinking regimen: 40 ml of water per 1 kg of weight;
  • giving up alcohol;
  • reasonable physical activity, Kegel exercises;
  • compliance with the defecation regime: half an hour after breakfast (a glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach can promote defecation);
  • use laxatives only as a last resort;
  • prohibition on suppressing the urge to have a bowel movement in any circumstances;
  • stress control.

These measures are an urgent need, since constipation is the cause of enteritis, colitis, proctitis, sigmoiditis, vitamin deficiency, rectal pathologies of various origins, and tumors.

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with pills?

Taking pharmacological drugs by mouth (orally) is widely used in various cases of the disease. It is convenient and does not require the patient to have the skill of performing injections or visiting a treatment room. In addition, there are many medications whose active ingredients are presented both in solutions (for example, for intramuscular administration) and in tablets, which allows you to choose the optimal method of use.

At the same time, oral medication is only part of the therapeutic regimen. For hemorrhoids, local treatment with suppositories and ointments is of great importance; tablets complement it, but cannot replace it completely. In addition, sometimes patients encounter complications that require surgical intervention and cannot be treated with a conservative approach.

Ointments, gels

It happens that patients do not want to use rectal suppositories, or their administration is difficult. In such cases, hemorrhoidal ointments come to the rescue.

The effect of ointments and gels is no fundamentally different from the medicinal properties of rectal suppositories.

By covering the affected area with a thin protective film, the medicine is quickly absorbed, providing a local therapeutic effect:

  • Venotonic.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Relieving itching, burning in the anus.
  • Wound healing.

The drug is spread in a thin layer on the affected area, rubbed in, and injected into the anus.

For better effectiveness, ointments are prescribed in complex therapy with tablets and suppositories. For bleeding hemorrhoids, medications such as Proctosedyl, Fleming's ointment, Aurobin, and Heparin ointment are prescribed.


A combined drug containing heparin, the hormone prednisolone, and excipients. It has a pronounced hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and healing effect.

The effect of the drug appears almost immediately after use.

Apply to bleeding cracks and the skin around them, morning and evening. It is recommended to use no more than 7 days , under medical supervision.

Judging by the contraindications, the medicine is not suitable for everyone; consultation with your doctor is advisable.


An ointment that contains hormonal, hemostatic, regenerating substances, and analgesics. Thanks to the correctly selected composition, the product is quite effective at all stages of the treatment of hemorrhoidal inflammation of the veins, including bleeding.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to cracks and inflamed venous nodes twice a day. Before use, carefully read the contraindications. This drug may be contraindicated for you and you will need to prescribe an analogue.

Heparin ointment

Time-tested effective remedy. The main component of the drug, heparin, is an anticoagulant. Thanks to its ability to thin the blood, it effectively resolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new plaques.

It is used for uncomplicated hemorrhoids with minor bleeding and the threat of blood vessel thrombosis.

The ointment is applied to inflamed nodes and cracks once a day . There are contraindications, especially for people with diseases of the circulatory system.

Fleming's ointment

It is a homeopathic medicine. It contains a collection of medicinal herbs, menthol, and other chemicals that have an effective effect.

The drug is used in the treatment of disease at any stage of development. Correctly selected components allow you to:

  • Stop the bleeding.
  • Bring the tone of the veins back to normal.
  • Get rid of pain, itching, burning in the anus.
  • Promote the speedy healing of cracks.
  • Relieve swelling of soft tissues and mucous membranes.

The drug consists of a natural product, so it can be used in all patients without exception.

Inflammation in pregnant women

The proctologist decides which pills for hemorrhoids the expectant mother should take if the patient complains of constipation resulting from changes in physical activity and hormonal disorders.

If pain occurs in the anus and nodes prolapse, treatment is prescribed and the diet is adjusted with vitamins and microelements. To eliminate discomfort in the anus, a woman takes analgesics and antispasmodics.

Elimination of formed gases is carried out using adsorbents:

  • Carbolene;
  • Bactistatin;
  • Entegnin;
  • Filtrum-sti.

The drug Diosmin is designed to venotonize blood vessels and reduce capillary permeability. Pregnant women at high risk of developing thrombosis are recommended to take antiplatelet agents:

  • Chime;

  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Hofitol.

A pregnant woman is prescribed the medicine Glivenol (in capsules or tablets). In the acute period, it is recommended to take Aescusan and Ginkor fort. For internal hemorrhoids, conservative treatment is prescribed with drugs that have a venoprotective effect.

For long-term treatment of constipation, the following tablets are recommended:

  • Senadexin;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • No-shpa;
  • Duspatalin;
  • motherwort herb extract.

Treatment with herbal remedies gives a high therapeutic effect in women suffering from hemorrhoids in the postpartum period.

Causes of hemorrhoidal bleeding

Due to disturbances in venous blood flow in the rectal region, the formation of hemorrhoids occurs. As the disease develops, these formations increase in volume and periodically become inflamed. Lumps that form inside the rectum lead to a decrease in the lumen and difficulty in bowel movements.

Among the reasons that provoke the appearance of hemorrhoidal bleeding in women and men, the following should be highlighted:

  • Frequent constipation. Compacted feces moving through the rectum injure the enlarged nodes. Inflamed and easily wounded, they begin to hurt and bleed. If bowel movements occur regularly, then the wounds on the cones do not have time to heal and the bleeding does not go away, but, on the contrary, intensifies over time. The intensity of bleeding from hemorrhoids depends on how much the nodules are inflamed and damaged.
  • Due to the fact that blood circulation deteriorates, stagnation occurs, which, in turn, leads to thinning of the vascular wall. The consequence of this process is the formation of minor erosions and anal fissures, which, when injured during defecation, lead to bleeding.
  • Bloody discharge can not only be the result of constipation, but also develop as a result of prolonged diarrhea. This is due to thinning of the mucous membrane due to inflammation.
  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time, as well as excessive straining during bowel movements, can also lead to the development of hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • One of the causes of bloody discharge from the anal canal is an advanced form of hemorrhoids and the lack of appropriate treatment.

Hemostatic drugs for hemorrhoids: tablets, ointments and suppositories

Bleeding from the anus is a sign of unfavorable hemorrhoids. At first, patients notice smears on toilet paper, but later drops of blood flow out during or after bowel movements, sometimes in a stream.

The symptom needs diagnosis. It occurs in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and tumors.

The proctologist, making sure that hemorrhoids are bleeding, will choose from medications with hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects to treat the patient.

The lack of timely measures threatens complications in the form of paraproctitis, cracks, and the formation of fistula tracts. They are indicated by a sharp rise in temperature, increased pain, discharge of pus and mucus with feces.

Basics of drug treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids

The reason for delayed consultation of patients with bleeding hemorrhoids is often cited as fear of surgical treatment. But surgery is required only in severe cases. Typically, proctologists prescribe bed rest, a gentle diet and medications for local and general effects on the body.

External hemorrhoids usually bleed because they are located close to the anal sphincter.

The bleeding of their venous caverns is caused by:

  • loss of tone and congestion of blood vessels;
  • increased pressure inside hemorrhoids;
  • thinning and tearing of the wall;
  • penetration of red blood cells through leaky inflamed structures;
  • injury from solid feces.

In conservative therapy, the requirements for hemostatic drugs for hemorrhoids include properties that counteract the mechanism of destruction:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • the ability to cause vasospasm;
  • anti-inflammatory hormonal and antibacterial;
  • for accelerated healing of mucosal defects - immunomodulatory.

Medicines should activate tissue regeneration.

Important! Among local agents, the most effective are ointments (gels, creams) and rectal suppositories. It is advisable to use combined medications that affect all parts of the disorders that contribute to bleeding. They are used after hygiene procedures with disinfectant solutions or herbal decoctions.

Treatment requires a course of oral tablets, and in severe cases, intramuscular and intravenous administration of drugs. For chronic hemorrhoids, it is important to use suppositories for preventive purposes.

List of effective medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids

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