What can be given to a 3 year old child for diarrhea effectively?

11/10/2020 1,083 Gastroenterology

Author: Elena

Diarrhea or diarrhea is an unpleasant disease, the common cause of which is intestinal infections. Frequent bowel movements, loose or unformed stools are the first symptoms of an intestinal infection. And in order to protect your baby from dehydration and complications, it is important to know what to give your child against diarrhea.


Causes of diarrhea

The most common causes of diarrhea in children in the first months of life:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • large amount of food;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • individual food intolerance;
  • teething;
  • change in diet.

For older children, loose stools may be caused by other reasons:

  • viral or bacterial infection (including rotavirus, which causes salmonellosis and dysentery);
  • damage to the body by worms;
  • poisoning;
  • reaction to taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • nervous stress;
  • negative emotions;
  • anger.

In the video, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Gorelov draws attention to the important components in the treatment of infectious diarrhea. Filmed by the Bosnalek Company channel.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) in children 3 years old - how to treat, remedies and medications - Pain in the Stomach

Diarrhea is a common phenomenon that can occur in people of all ages. Due to the incompetence and immaturity of the child’s body, diarrhea can develop more often in children than in adults.

Diarrhea or diarrhea is a protective-adaptive reaction of the body to the entry of foreign agents into the digestive tract, while the amount of stool increases, its consistency, color, and character change.

It becomes liquefied, watery, and may contain mucus and pus. The color changes to light yellow, green, white, marsh and others.

Diarrhea is a physiological symptom and indicates a pathological process occurring in the gastrointestinal tract or throughout the baby’s body.

Diet for diarrhea

The digestive system of a child’s body is not fully formed, so following a diet will significantly alleviate the condition:

  1. For children 1 year and younger. If the baby is breastfed, you need to reduce the number of breastfeedings. Give your baby boiled water instead of breast milk. If the child refuses water, you can breastfeed, but not often.
  2. For a child 3-5 years old and older. The diet consists of porridges (boiled rice, buckwheat), which must be boiled in water (milk is strictly prohibited). Light soups with vegetable broth, biscuits, crackers, baked apple, banana - all this is included in the diet. Prohibited: fatty, fried, dairy products, mushrooms and all foods that are difficult for the body to digest.

To prevent dehydration, you need to give your child plenty of water:

  • rice water;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • water from steamed raisins;
  • herbal tea (chamomile, fennel);
  • boiled water.

It is better not to give fruit juices and mineral water. But if the baby refuses to drink the recommended liquids, then it is better to give juice than nothing at all.

Why does diarrhea occur?

Most often, diarrhea in a child is caused by one of the following reasons:

  • incorrect eating habits - simultaneous consumption of foods that are incompatible with each other, or food that is too heavy for the child’s stomach;
  • food poisoning – consumption of poor quality and stale food;
  • allergy or individual intolerance to one of the ingredients of the eaten dish;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • binge eating;
  • taking medications, especially antibiotics;
  • poor hygiene.

Diarrhea in a child can also be caused by the following diseases:

  • rotavirus, norovirus;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane in one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • various intestinal infections, including dysentery and salmonellosis;
  • parasitic infection;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • renal failure;
  • oncology;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract, including gastric ulcers, colitis, pancreatic insufficiency.

In infants, diarrhea can be caused by other reasons:

  • eruption of baby teeth;
  • formation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enzyme or lactose deficiency;
  • first complementary feeding, or introduction of a new product into the diet;
  • unsuitable formula composition for artificial feeding;
  • a reaction to breast milk containing excess fat or other components if the woman does not follow a special diet.

At the same time, while the protective functions of the intestines in the child’s body have not yet been fully formed, the reaction to any viruses, bacteria, or new products will be more intense than in an adult patient.

How to determine the cause of diarrhea in a child

The first thing to do when a child has diarrhea is to determine its cause. It is better to hire a specialist for this purpose. From a medical point of view, diarrhea in a child means any frequent bowel movements (more than twice a day), accompanied by loose stools. To determine diarrhea, use a visual assessment of stool:

  1. Watery stools are a symptom of an intestinal infection, a reaction to cow's milk, or overeating. Diarrhea is extremely dangerous for children under 12 months of age, as it leads to a rapid loss of moisture reserves in the body.
  2. White diarrhea is normal for breastfed babies. But in older age, diarrhea can be one of the symptoms of hepatitis.
  3. The greenish color of stool indicates the presence of an infectious infection. Additional signs of diarrhea are vomiting, fever, general weakness, and an unpleasant, strong odor in the stool. If, in addition to the green color (optionally, orange), the stool has a flaky consistency, salmonellosis is likely.
  4. Bloody diarrhea is a symptom of a bacterial infection. If there are not only red streaks in the stool, but also greenish clots, these are symptoms of dysentery.
  5. Yellow diarrhea of ​​a very light shade may be a sign of hepatitis.
  6. Black diarrhea is normal for the first days of a child's life. In the future, it indicates poor nutrition, bleeding, as well as abuse of bismuth-containing medications.
  7. Foamy consistency is a sign of lactose deficiency, dysbiosis and celiac disease in infants. If the symptom is observed in an older child, it indicates acute intoxication.

In the laboratory, diagnosis will be more accurate. Depending on the suspected disease, the doctor will prescribe blood and stool tests, take an x-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. After research, he will be able to decide what to give the child for diarrhea to achieve quick and effective results.

Drug treatment

What to give a child for diarrhea depends on the cause of diarrhea and the age of the baby. But in any case, you need to replenish lost fluid, restore water-salt balance and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Saline solutions

To restore the water-salt balance in the body, the child is given Regidron. The medicine is effective and safe, so even newborns are allowed to take it. A packet of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of cold boiled water and given 30-60 ml (2-3 tbsp) per 1 kg of the child’s body weight. Taking Regidron is indicated for loose stools, vomiting, that is, with each subsequent loss of fluid. Treatment ends with the disappearance of symptoms, but you should not take the medicine for more than 4 days.

Regidron (419 RUR)

You can make your own saline solution at home. To do this, mix one teaspoon of salt, soda and two tablespoons of sugar in one liter of boiled water. Mix well, give the solution to the child a teaspoon every 30 minutes for 2-4 hours. The frequency of water intake depends on the severity of the disease and the amount of fluid lost.

Sorbents and symptomatic drugs

As a sorbent, the child can be given Smecta - this is a medicine that is used to treat diarrhea and indigestion. The contents of the sachet must be dissolved in 50 ml of liquid; for infants, it is allowed to dilute the powder in expressed milk or infant formula. Children under 1 year of age should be given 1-2 sachets of medication per day. For children over 1 year old – 2-4 sachets. Take from 3 to 5 days.

Imodium is a symptomatic drug that is an antidiarrheal agent. The active substance is loperamide. The drug is approved for children over 6 years of age. The dose is prescribed individually depending on the severity of the disease. Optimal – 1 capsule per day. The maximum possible dosage for a child is 3 capsules per day, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Smecta (142 rub.)

Imodium (353 RUR)

Prebiotics and probiotics

Probiotics ensure the restoration of normal microflora in the mucous membranes of the human body and in the gastrointestinal tract. Contained in lactic acid products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheeses). Prebiotics are not absorbed in the stomach and small intestine, but normalize the functioning of the colon. Can be obtained from legumes, garlic, bananas. When taking antibiotics, diarrhea, constipation, drugs such as Enterol and Bifidumbacterin are prescribed.

Enterol is available in powder and capsules of 100 and 250 mg. To take, the contents of the powder must be diluted in half a glass of cold boiled water or another liquid. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, it can be opened and taken as a powder.


  1. Powder Enterol 100 (children 1-3 years old) – 1-3 sachets 2 times a day. Over 3 years – 2-4 sachets 2 times a day.
  2. Powder Enterel 250 (children 1-3 years old) – 1 sachet 2 times a day. Over 3 years – 1-2 sachets per day.
  3. Enterol 250 capsules are similar to Enterol 250 powder. Children 1-3 years old - 1 capsule 2 times a day. Over 3 years – 1-2 capsules per day. The course of treatment of the drug is 5 days.

Bifidumbacterin is produced in the form of a powder, which is diluted in 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature.

It can also be consumed with liquid food, and for newborns, dissolved in breast milk:

  • up to 1 year – 1 sachet 2-3 times a day;
  • from 1 year to 3 years – 1 sachet 3-4 times a day;
  • from 3 years to 12 – 2 sachets 2-3 times a day;
  • over 12 years old – 2 sachets 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Bifidumbacterin (264 RUR)

Enterol (285 rub.)


Supports intestinal function - Linex. The drug is prescribed along with antibiotics or after taking them to restore intestinal microflora. The contents of the sachet are diluted in a small amount of warm water, baby food, and for newborns - in breast milk. The course of use of the drug is up to 30 days. Children under 7 years old take 1 sachet per day, over 7 years old - 2 sachets.

Linex (272 RUR)


Of the antihistamines, the safest is Fenistil, which is approved for use in young children. It is taken at the rate of 2 drops per 1 kg of child’s body weight. The daily dose should be divided into 3 doses. To prescribe a course of treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.

Fenistil (356 RUR)


How No-shpa, Papaverine is used as an antispasmodic:

  1. No-shpa is intended for children over 6 years old. The daily dose should not exceed 80 mg and is divided into 2 doses. Do not take for more than two days without a doctor's prescription.
  2. The single and daily dose of Papaverine (suppositories) is determined individually for each child at the rate of 200 mcg per 1 kg of body weight. Children from 1 year to 12 years are prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day. The interval between doses should not exceed 4 hours.

Papaverine (84 RUR)

No-shpa (130 rub.)

Can antibiotics be given?

Only in 5% of cases does the baby need antibiotic treatment. They are prescribed exclusively after tests, a thorough examination and monitoring of the patient. Severe forms of cholera and other infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics, but always in a hospital or under the supervision of a doctor.

Drug treatment of diarrhea in children

Antibiotics for diarrhea in children

There are many reasons for diarrhea in children. And even if loose stools occur due to infection, it is often viral rather than bacterial. In this case, antibiotic drugs are not only ineffective, but also harmful, as in cases not at all associated with the course of any infection. Giving antibiotics to a small child before diagnosis and without a doctor’s prescription can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora and other, more dangerous, consequences.

Medicines for diarrhea

Diarrhea is a unique way of cleansing the body, so a child in case of diarrhea does not always need special medications. It is important to avoid dehydration. And a remedy for diarrhea may not only not help the patient, but, on the contrary, do harm. Antidiarrheals such as Loperamide should be given to children with extreme caution, as they can also cause severe side effects, such as intestinal obstruction.

When diarrhea is associated with a bacterial infection or food poisoning, an antidiarrheal drug can slow down the removal of pathogenic bacteria and toxic products of their activity from the gastrointestinal tract, which will negatively affect the patient’s condition.

If there are blood streaks in the stool or if the body temperature is high, the administration of antidiarrheal medications is also strictly prohibited. Medicines for diarrhea are given to children only with strong watery stools, under the supervision of a specialist.


Enterosorbents, popular for use against diarrhea and vomiting (such as activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc.), are capable of thickening liquid secretions by removing bacteria and toxic substances. You need to be careful with their use, paying special attention to the dosage. Enterosorbents, which are relatively harmless for adults, can lead to serious complications in children if used incorrectly.

Zinc-containing products

Medicines containing zinc alleviate diarrhea in children, speed up the normalization of stools and minimize the likelihood of recurrence of diarrhea. Children are allowed to use zinc-containing preparations such as Zincite, in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Preparations of the group of probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed to children especially often, including in the case of diarrhea. Particularly popular are such products as Linex, Hilak Forte, Normoflorin and Bifidumbacterin. These medications are designed to normalize the intestinal microflora, thereby stimulating the body's defenses and helping to fight infection, if it is the cause of diarrhea.

It is especially important to give your child probiotics to avoid imbalance of intestinal microflora if antibiotics were used to treat diarrhea or if dysbiosis is the root cause of diarrhea. When choosing a probiotic, you should choose a medicine for children, because the composition of the microflora in children is different and not all probiotics for adults are suitable for children.

In most cases, loose stools in children, as well as its causes, are eliminated without the use of medications after 1-3 days. But you shouldn’t always count on home treatment. In what cases should you consult a doctor:

  • severe diarrhea in a child under 3 years of age;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38°C and above;
  • There are streaks of blood in the child’s stool;
  • diarrhea is frequent, profuse and prolonged (3 or more times during the day);
  • diarrhea is accompanied by attacks of nausea and frequent vomiting (3 or more times a day);
  • the child has problems with appetite and refuses to take fluids;
  • dry crying (lack of tear secretion);
  • dry lips, sunken eyes;
  • drowsiness, loss of strength.

Folk remedies

Among the folk remedies, the most effective for childhood diarrhea are:

  1. Rice water. The rice is boiled without salt, then the broth is filtered and a little honey is added if desired. You need to give your baby water every 10-30 minutes for 2-4 hours. The amount of liquid and the time of administration should be adjusted depending on how often the child goes to the toilet.
  2. A decoction of dried fruits, steamed raisins, rose hips are designed to relieve inflammation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At home, this is the best option for treating diarrhea. Steam a spoonful of raisins in a glass of water, cool and give to the child. It is preferable to steam rosehip in a thermos and let it brew for 4-6 hours. The dosage depends on what other liquid the child drinks. Optimally - about 200 ml of liquid over 1-2 hours.
  3. Herbal teas. Chamomile, calendula flowers or fennel can be brewed at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. This tea should be steeped for 1-2 hours, cooled and given one teaspoon at a time in the same way as any other liquid. For children from 6 to 12 months, it is worth brewing each herb separately. For children over 1 year old - can be combined.

How to tell if your baby is dehydrated

Doctors distinguish several degrees of dehydration:

1st degree

Loss of 1-3% fluid from body weight. The baby is worried, stools 3-5 times a day, vomiting is possible once, it stops when the child is soldered with aqueous solutions.

2nd degree

4-6% is lost, the lips are dry, there is a white coating on the tongue, the patient is inactive, skin peeling, thirst appears, the skin becomes pale, the blush disappears from the cheeks. Diarrhea up to 10 times a day, repeated vomiting.

3rd degree

The deficiency is 7-9%, can only be relieved in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Up to 15 bowel movements, profuse vomiting, dry mucous membranes and skin, the child is thirsty and extremely sleepy.

What not to do?

You should not self-medicate if your child has at least one of the following factors:

  • blood in stool;
  • refusal of fluids;
  • pale skin and lethargy;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • heat;
  • vomit.

With such signs, the child must be examined by a doctor, prescribed treatment and discussed further actions.

Causes and symptoms

There are several types of diarrhea depending on the main cause: food, dyspeptic, neurogenic, infectious, drug. However, all varieties have similar symptoms:

  1. Increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees Celsius.
  2. Development of vomiting and nausea.
  3. Weakness and general malaise.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Cutting pain in the abdomen and flatulence.

There are several most common causes of diarrhea:

  1. Drinking dirty, contaminated water.
  2. Consumption of foods that caused the development of the disease.
  3. Intolerance to certain foods.
  4. Consequences of a course of antibiotics.
  5. Colitis and ulcers.

Possible complications and consequences

With loose stools, which may be accompanied by vomiting, the most serious consequences for the child’s body are dehydration .

Insufficient fluid affects the functioning of all organs, which can cause:

  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • convulsions;
  • renal failure;
  • disruption of brain function and other dangerous consequences.

Video "Intestinal infections"

On the video from the Doctor Komarovsky channel you can watch the doctor’s comments about diarrhea in children.

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Medicines for the treatment of diarrhea

Antidiarrheal medications are prescribed depending on the cause that caused digestion disorders. If affected by the virus, antipyretic and antiviral drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics are needed for pathologies of bacterial origin. Rehydration solutions and sorbents are always used; they help cleanse the body and restore water balance.

Rehydration solutions

Diarrhea causes rapid loss of fluid. It is not enough to simply increase the amount of water you drink. Rehydration therapy is needed. For this purpose, there are special preparations to normalize water and electrolyte balance. They contain salts, which are also lost during diarrhea. The composition also contains glucose, extracts of medicinal plants and cereals to support the body.

The most effective powders for self-preparation:

  1. Regidron - diluted only in boiled water cooled to body temperature (one sachet per liter). In the first 4-6 hours, newborns and infants are given a solution of 5-10 ml every 5 minutes. For older children, the dosage is calculated at 2 tablespoons per kilogram of weight. If symptoms of dehydration begin to subside, then the dose is reduced to 10 ml/kg. The duration of therapy is approximately 3 days or until bowel movements normalize.
  2. Gastrolit. The bag is mixed with warm water (200 ml). Children of the first year of life are given at the rate of 50 ml per kg of weight for the first 4 hours, then 10 ml/kg after each bowel movement. Dosage regimen: teaspoon every 10 minutes. From 2 to 3 years the same treatment system. From 3 years of age, in the first 4 hours of the onset of diarrhea, you need to give 500 ml of the drug in small portions, then 100 ml after each bowel movement.
  3. Normohydron. Dissolve the contents of the sachet in water (according to the instructions). Newborns and infants need to take 5 ml every 5 minutes for 4 hours.
  4. Humana Electrolyte. The contents of the package are dissolved in warm water (250 ml). It is not recommended to add additional sugar or salt. Newborns and children up to 3 months need to drink 200 ml of solution 3-8 times per day. For infants up to 5 months, up to 700 ml per day at the rate of 50 ml/kg of the child’s weight. For children under 3 years of age, the dose is 150 ml per kg. After three years and school-age children, during the first 5 hours of illness, they should receive one large spoonful of solution every 10 minutes. Then 100 ml 2 to 8 times during the day.
  5. Hydrovit forte. The solution is prepared immediately before use. Infants and children up to three years old need to consume from 3 to 5 sachets per day. Up to 5 years - 1 sachet after each bowel movement. Up to 7 years - 2 sachets after each bowel movement.
  6. Citraglucosolan. Dissolve the powder in boiled water and cool. Infants and young children are given 1 small spoon every 5 minutes. Duration of administration is from 4 to 6 hours until the condition improves.
  7. Registrar. The drug is in granules. They should dissolve at the rate of 1 sachet per 200 ml of boiled water. Take orally as recommended by a doctor.
  8. Oralit. Prescribed to newborns and premature infants. In this case, dilute it 2 times. Children under 3 years of age alternate with tea, rice decoction, and rose hips. Give Oralit to drink in small portions of 10 ml every 15 minutes. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
  9. Orsol. The powder from the bag is dissolved in warm water (200 ml). Take small sips after each bowel movement. Children over 3 years old: 50 ml per kg of weight.
  10. Glucosolan. Diluted according to instructions. Newborns and children under 10 years of age are prescribed 10 to 15 ml per kg of body weight per day.


These are special substances of natural or artificial origin. They remove toxins and poisons from the body.

Popular sorbents:

  1. Activated carbon. It is recommended for small children in the form of a suspension (it is better to use white coal). From birth to 7 years, 5 g are prescribed three times a day. Up to 14 years - 7 g. Take 1-2 g every 4 hours. The duration of treatment ranges from 3 days to a week depending on the condition.
  2. Smecta. The powder is dissolved in water or other semi-liquid products - porridge, compote. Up to one year of age, 1 packet of the drug per day is recommended, up to two years - 2 packets, over two years - 3 packets. The duration of treatment ranges from three days to a week.
  3. Enterosgel. The drug is taken orally an hour before or after a meal, washed down with water. You can stir it in triple the volume of water. Infants under one year of age are prescribed half a small spoon, mixed with breast milk or water before each feeding, approximately 6 times a day. Children under 5 years old: half a large spoon three times a day. Children under 14 years old: one large spoon three times a day.
  4. Lignin. The drug is taken before meals. It is stirred in water and stirred thoroughly for two minutes. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. For children, it is recommended no more than 2.5-3.5 g per day in several doses.
  5. Polysorb. The product is prepared before each use, the suspension is diluted in water.

The dosage of Polysorb is calculated based on the child’s weight:

Child's weight Dosage
1 up to 10 kg It is recommended to dilute half a small spoon of powder per day in 30 ml of water
2 up to 20 kg 1 tsp. in 50 ml
3 up to 30 kg 1 tsp. with a slide in 70 ml of liquid
4 up to 40 kg 2 tsp. in 100 ml water
5 up to 60 kg 1 large spoon per 100 ml
6 more than 60 kg 2 large spoons are diluted in 150 ml.


Drugs containing enzymes are prescribed if diarrhea is caused by a disease of the pancreas. This is determined by examining stool for elastase. The duration of treatment is short, but in case of chronic enzyme deficiency, such medications are taken throughout life.

List of effective drugs:

  1. Mezim. The drug tablets are taken before meals. For children, the regimen of use is indicated by the doctor individually depending on the state of health. For children under 1.5 years of age, more than 50 thousand units per day is not recommended.
  2. Festal. The dragee is taken orally with food or immediately after a meal. Drink with a small amount of water. The dosage for children is determined by the doctor, based on diagnostic data.
  3. Pancreatin. The dosage of the drug is determined in units in terms of lipase. Children under 1.5 years old are prescribed 50 thousand units. per day, over this age - 100 thousand units/day
  4. Pangrol. The doctor prescribes the dose and duration of treatment with enteric capsules of the drug. Each meal should contain from 500 to 1000 units. per kg of child's weight.


For diarrhea caused by a virus, you need to take medications based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

There is no need to use rectal suppositories; it is better to give syrup or prepare a suspension.

The best antipyretic drugs are:

  1. Paracetamol. Take at the rate of 10 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight. The interval between doses is 4 hours. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor, based on the child’s health condition and age.
  2. Ibuprofen. Used for babies from birth. A serving is calculated per 1 kg of weight and is 5 mg. Taken every 6 hours. At the age of 10 years, the time between doses can be reduced
  3. Panadol. Paracetamol-based drug. The special syringe included in the kit helps you measure. The dosage is determined according to the age and weight of the baby. A single serving should not exceed 15 mg/kg. It is suggested to reduce the temperature up to four times a day. If this regimen does not help, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Calpol. The suspension is ready for use, it no longer needs to be diluted; it is taken 1-2 hours after a meal along with a large volume of water. You need to take the medicine 3-4 times per day with a break of 4 hours. Single dosages for babies from 3 to 12 months - 2.5-5 ml. For children from 1 year to 6 years - 5-10 ml of the drug.
  5. Children's ibufen. The suspension is consumed after meals with a large volume of liquid. It is convenient to measure the dosage using a measuring spoon. Children are given a single dose of 5-10 ml/kg up to four times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The individual treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.


Drugs of this type are prescribed for pain in the abdomen and discomfort in the intestines. Such symptoms occur with the accumulation of gases, fermentation, and spasms.

Usually recommended drugs:

  1. Diclofenac. Appointed only from 6 years of age. Tablets are taken 30 minutes before meals if quick results are needed. In other situations, the drug is used during or after meals. Dosage depends on age. From 6 to 7 years, the daily norm is 25 mg. Up to 11 years - 25 mg three times a day. Up to 14 years - 50 mg 4 times a day.
  2. No-shpa. Recommended from 6 years of age. If there are no other medicines, it can be given to a child from 12 months. The tablet should be crushed and mixed with sweet syrup. From 1 year to 6 years, a single dosage will be half or one tablet. You can take the medication 2 or 3 times a day. An older child can drink one piece up to 5 times a day.
  3. Papaverine. Prescribed to children from 6 months. Used 3-4 times a day. A single serving depends on age. Up to 2 years it is 0.005 g, up to 4 years it will be 0.1 g. It is determined individually by the doctor depending on the patient’s health condition.

Ibuprofen-based products, which are taken as antipyretics, also work well for pain relief.

The use of Analgin in the treatment of children is prohibited.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms. Penetrating into the intestines, they help it work well, inhibit pathological microflora, and promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.

Benefits of probiotics for children:

  1. Linux. If the child is unable to swallow the capsule, it is opened and the contents are mixed with liquid. For newborns and infants up to one year old, one capsule is recommended three times a day. Up to 12 years of age, you can take 2 pieces the same number of times. For older children, take 2 capsules also 3 times.
  2. Bifiform. Appointed from 2 years of age. Take one capsule up to 3 times a day. If the child is unable to swallow the capsule whole, it is opened and the contents are mixed with a small volume of water.
  3. Enterol. Recommended for children from 1 year. Up to 3 years of age, one capsule is prescribed twice a day. The duration of therapy is 5 days. If diarrhea does not stop, you should consult a doctor. The powder can be diluted in fruit juice or water (not hot).
  4. Biosporin. It is taken in complex therapy for intestinal infections. One dose is taken twice a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 days to a week. For diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis, the same treatment regimen is prescribed, but for 10-14 days.
  5. Gastrofarm. Prescribed to children from 3 years of age. The tablets should be chewed 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water or pre-crushed and mixed with liquid. Children from 3 to 12 years old are recommended to take half a tablet. Up to 18 years old, one piece three times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

To restore intestinal microflora, it is necessary to take prebiotics. These are organic substances that beneficial bacteria feed on. They are found in foods - beans, bread, peas, cereals, garlic, corn.


When viruses become the cause of diarrhea, antiviral medications are used. Diarrhea of ​​this origin is accompanied by high fever, weakness, aching muscles and joints.

Drugs with increased effectiveness:

  1. Viferon. Produced in the form of rectal suppositories. Prescribed to newborns, including premature infants, with a viral infection. The dosage is calculated individually for each age category, taking into account indications and well-being.
  2. Kipferon. These are rectal suppositories. Children under 12 years of age are given 1 suppository twice a day. Older people - one piece three times a day. The greatest effect can be achieved by using the product in the first three days of illness after bowel movements.
  3. Kagocel. Prescribed for children from three years of age. From 3 to 6 years, the first 2 days should be taken 1 tablet twice a day, then 2 days, 1 tablet once. For children older than this age, it is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day for the first 2 days, then 1 tablet twice a day (2 days).
  4. Ergoferon. The tablet should not be mixed with food. It is kept in the mouth without swallowing until it dissolves. For small children, it can be dissolved in a small amount of water. For acute infection, take one tablet every 30 minutes for 2 hours, then one every 7 hours. Only 7 pieces per day. Then 1 tablet three times a day. Use this regimen until complete recovery.
  5. Cycloferon. The daily dose of tablets is once 30 minutes before meals with water. Children from 4 to 6 years old - 1 tablet. From 7 to 11 years - 2 pieces. Over 12 years old - 3 tablets.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy specialists encourage the use of this particular treatment system. It is aimed at the cause of the disorder, rather than eliminating the symptoms. It does not poison the body with harmful substances, but helps restore microflora.

The best homeopathic remedies for diarrhea:

  • aloe helps with diarrhea with increased gas formation and soreness in the navel area;
  • quinine is used for diarrhea with bloating, when intestinal gases are difficult to pass, and chronic dehydration and weakness are observed;
  • baptisia is used for severe diarrhea, when blood appears in the stool, the temperature rises, and vomiting begins;
  • Nux Vomica is recommended for diarrhea from overeating, with frequent bowel movements followed by relief;
  • Belladonna is prescribed for diarrhea from heavy food or overeating, when the stool is watery with an admixture of undigested foods.

For children, the dosage is 12 or 30 hundredth dilution. Take 1 capsule or granule every 2 hours.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate is a cheap but effective remedy for diarrhea. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, does not irritate the intestinal and gastric mucosa. A solution of potassium permanganate kills pathological microorganisms. Children under 1 year of age should not use this product. Older children are given enemas with a weak solution of this drug.

Additional medications

Medicines with antidiarrheal effects can help with intestinal disorders of various origins:

  1. Phthalazole helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system in case of overeating and irregular eating patterns. Take the tablets 30 minutes before meals. For children from 3 to 7 years old, 0.4-0.5 g is recommended. For children under 14 years old - 0.75 g. Duration of therapy is no more than a week.
  2. Nifuroxazide shows good results as it has an antiseptic effect. Can be used from 2 months of age according to the regimen recommended by your doctor. From 6 years, one measuring spoon every 6 hours.
  3. Sulgin is a remedy for diarrhea for children. Appointed from 3 years of age. The dosage is calculated depending on age and health status. During therapy, a B vitamin is prescribed.
  4. Eubicor. This drug is a prebiotic. During diarrhea, take 2 sachets every 40 minutes to improve well-being. Children are allowed to prescribe from 12 years of age.
  5. Diarra chewable help relieve symptoms of diarrhea. They reduce intestinal motility, reducing the urge to defecate. Prescribed to children from 6 years of age. A single dosage is 2 mg.

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