It is advisable to carry out the enema procedure after a bowel movement in the morning or evening.

An enema for cleansing the intestines at home (klystir) is an inexpensive, uncomplicated and very effective way to cleanse the intestinal mucosa of blockages, toxins and waste remaining on the walls of the colon during the digestion process. The accumulation of toxins in the intestines occurs from poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and nervous stress. Over time, up to ten kilograms of fecal stones and polyps can form in the colon.

In case of stool disorders, which are expressed in difficult and irregular bowel movements, feces accumulate in the large intestine. In this case, the toxic substances contained in them are absorbed into the blood. A deep cleansing of the colon with an enema will help avoid this.


The benefit of cleansing enemas is that they quickly flush out all accumulated toxins from the intestines, improve the absorption of nutrients and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of enemas, you can not only cleanse the large intestine yourself, but also improve the general condition of your body.

Enema cleansing is performed only for the large intestine. For the small intestine, this procedure is not necessary, since the rate of contraction of the walls of the small intestine (peristalsis) is much higher than that of the large intestine. Due to slow peristalsis of the colon, the movement of the food bolus worsens, and some of the digestive products settle on the intestinal walls. The elimination of digestive products slows down, which becomes a source of toxins.

Poisoning with toxins causes a person to feel unwell; a colon clogged with waste and toxins can cause various diseases. It is recommended to periodically cleanse the intestines. This is especially true for those who move little and consume a lot of flour, protein, fried, and smoked foods.

Products that contain yeast are especially harmful to the gastrointestinal tract: fresh yeast baked goods and all kinds of confectionery products. Such products, passing through the large intestine, leave a film of feces on the walls. Over time, this film becomes thicker, fecal stones appear, and the process of rotting begins.

Fecal stones never come out naturally; all wastes and toxins slowly decompose and poison the body.

After a course of cleansing enemas, fecal stones are exfoliated and removed from the colon. By giving yourself a therapeutic course of intestinal cleansing, a person can lose up to several kilograms of weight, overall health improves, and chronic fatigue disappears. Sometimes it happens that a patient suffering from some disease recovers without additional treatment after cleansing enemas.

How to prepare saline and soda solutions

The saline solution gently removes toxic substances and disinfects the intestinal cavity. To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to dilute a teaspoon of kitchen salt in 1.5 liters of water. After this, the resulting liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze and used for its intended purpose.

Soda solution helps soften fecal stones and remove them from the body. To prepare such a medicine for an enema, you should take two tablespoons of baking soda without topping and dilute it in one and a half liters of warm water. For the solution to be as effective as possible, add a tablespoon of glycerin or sunflower oil to the water to soften the intestinal lining.

A solution with the simultaneous use of soda and salt helps a lot. It is also recommended to add oil or glycerin to this cleaning liquid.

You can use a solution of pharmaceutical rehydron to cleanse the intestines, which is prepared according to the attached instructions.


An adult needs to cleanse the colon if the following symptoms are observed:

  • smell from the mouth;
  • bloated stomach;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation, irregular bowel movements);
  • frequent headache;
  • fatigue, general weakness;
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdominal area;
  • pain in the lower back and joints;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • frequent colds.

A typical symptom of a clogged colon is a sagging belly with no obvious fat layer. This is a sign of accumulated fecal stones, which must be removed with a cleansing enema.


Contraindications to this procedure are: any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (tumors, ulcers), circulatory disorders, frequent fainting, etc. Before using a cleansing enema, you should consult a gastroenterologist. If the doctor prescribes any examinations, you need to undergo them to eliminate all risks. Otherwise, cleansing the intestines may not bring benefit, but harm to the body.

Diseases for which it is strictly forbidden to clean the colon with an enema:

  • intestinal oncology;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • severe anemia;
  • renal or heart failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • vaginal or rectal prolapse;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • colitis in the acute stage;
  • dysentery;
  • severe dysbacteriosis;
  • abdominal pain;
  • indigestion, nausea;
  • infectious or colds with high fever.

How to give an enema at home: cleansing methods

To cleanse the intestines, enemas with various solutions can be used:

  1. Oily.
  2. Enemas with boiled water.
  3. Drip.
  4. Starch.
  5. Herbal and others.

Popular solutions used for enemas:

  1. Enema with lemon juice (according to Walker). To prepare it, dilute 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 2 liters of water, then pour the solution into Esmarch’s mug, hanging it at a height of 1.5 meters. Such an acidic solution helps maintain the acid-base balance of the intestinal flora, which helps prevent fermentation processes. Therapy with such an enema is performed first daily in the first week, then in the 2nd week every other day, in the 3rd week - every 2 days, in the 4th week - every 3 days, in the 5th week - once.
  2. Enema with regular urine (according to Malakhov). The use of ordinary urine allows you to remove more stones, dirt, mucus, and deposits accumulated in the abdominal cavity, compared to a saline solution or plain water. Urine is also an effective laxative, is easily excreted from the body and cleanses the intestines. The cleaning course consists of 8 procedures, which are performed every other day and repeated twice a year.
  3. Enema from beetroot solution (according to Eliseeva). This method eliminates the use of herbs that cause an alkaline reaction throughout the intestines, as well as saline solutions and urine. To prepare the solution, boil the beets (pre-cleaned), and then cool the resulting liquid. This enema is contraindicated for tumors or increased hemoglobin.

Read also: How to properly use a nebulizer at home?
Prohibited enema solutions:

  • Juice of caustic plants such as garlic, onion, red pepper, ginger;
  • Alcohol, vodka, mineral salt, iodine, soda, and lime;
  • Concentrated alcohol tinctures;
  • Cleaning products, including laundry soap and washing powder.

The listed solutions can cause burns to the intestinal mucosa or even lead to death from an overdose of alcohol. The number of enemas used for therapeutic purposes is determined by the doctor. Intestinal cleansing, carried out during fasting, during the period of dieting, for the purpose of prevention, should be performed once a week. Otherwise, dysbacteriosis may develop and the person’s general condition will worsen.

Contraindications for performing an enema at home

An enema at home should be performed only if the following items are missing:

  • body hyperthermia (from 37 and above);
  • headache;
  • high/low, unstable blood pressure;
  • acute, subacute ailments of the intestines and rectum;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • period of gestation, lactation, menstruation in women;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness;
  • recent heart attacks, strokes;
  • renal, liver failure.

Before doing an enema at home, it is important to make sure that you are feeling normal and that none of the above points correspond to your reality. If there are serious doubts about the admissibility of carrying out a procedure at a particular moment, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Tool used

An enema at home is performed using a special medical device called an “Esmarch mug.” This is an enema with a fairly capacious vessel that can be suspended (this makes it easier to administer an enema at home without the help of specialists). When puzzled by the choice of an Esmarch mug, it is worth considering options with a transparent plastic tube. The fact is that this version of the enema allows you to control the process of supplying fluid in a given direction. It is also important to pay attention to the presence of a special tip. This part must be of the correct anatomical shape, which will greatly simplify the procedure and ensure comfortable insertion. For deep intestinal lavage, an Esmarch mug equipped with an additional rubber tip is useful.

Once you have chosen an acceptable option for Esmarch's mug, decide on the preparation of the solution.

You can buy Esmarch's mug at any pharmacy. This item is sold without a special prescription.

Volume and quality of enema liquid

Emptying the intestines using an enema is carried out with clean water with the addition of salt (1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter) or herbal decoctions, soda solution. The concentration of the solution and the presence or absence of additional components depend on the purposes for which the enema is performed. Colon cleansing is usually done with a saline solution.

The liquid for administering an enema at home should have a temperature close to that characteristic of the human body, but slightly lower than this. That is, an enema at home is done using liquid at a temperature of 27–35 degrees Celsius. Liquid that is too cold or too hot will cause discomfort and may cause pain.

When using liquid at elevated temperatures (37–40 degrees), it will be possible to relax the intestinal muscles. An enema for constipation is done using a solution of water and salt at a temperature of 22–25 degrees.

The volume of liquid is calculated taking into account body weight. Usually this is from 1 to 2 liters. If a person’s weight is between 70–80 kilograms, it is enough to take 1.2–1.5 liters of liquid. For body weights below 70 kilograms, 1 liter of solution is sufficient. If you weigh more than 85 kilograms, you can take up to 2 liters of liquid composition to cleanse the intestines. If your body weight is below 47 kilograms, before doing an enema at home, you should consult with a specialist to identify contraindications and correctly select the permissible volume of liquid.

Preparing for an enema

After the necessary Esmarch mug has been purchased and the solution has been prepared, you can begin the procedure. But, like any similar manipulation, performing a cleansing enema requires preparation.

  1. Prepare the instrument and fill it with liquid.
  2. Place the plug-clamp on the tube and hang the mug at the desired height.
  3. Prepare the area for the cleaning procedure (cover it with oilcloth or a disposable diaper).
  4. Treat the tips with oil or Vaseline.
  5. Choose a comfortable position.
  6. Relax and tune in to positive emotions.
  7. After making sure that everything is prepared correctly, proceed to the procedure.

Devices for the procedure

To properly carry out the colon cleansing procedure, you need a container that will contain a cleaning liquid, a hose for supplying the solution, a tip inserted into the rectum, and a clamp. This is what a device used for an enema without a bulb looks like.

Another device - a syringe or a large medical bulb - is also used for cleaning. The dimensions of the equipment are selected individually. Before use, the syringe must be thoroughly sterilized.

Esmarch's mug requires preliminary preparation before use:

  • First of all, you need to attach a tip with a hose to the container (it can be rubber or plastic), the clamp blocks the flow.
  • The next step is to place the device at a height of at least one and a half meters. This is necessary so that the liquid enters the intestines under pressure. The fastening must be reliable so that the bowl does not fall, and the placement must be convenient for administering an enema.
  • The container is installed and can be filled with the required liquid. The tip is lubricated with Vaseline or other fat for easy entry into the rectum.
  • The air is pre-bleeded from the tube. To do this, open the clamp slightly and wait for the water to flow.

The syringe (pear-shaped container) is prepared simply and easily. It is enough to fill it with liquid and lubricate the tip with fat.

The Esmarch mug is used for volumes of a liter or more. A syringe is sufficient to administer 0.5 liters of liquid.

The use of other objects or methods (shower, pump or pump) to carry out the process of washing an organ without an enema for an adult is not allowed. Introducing an uncontrolled volume of water into the intestines can lead to rupture of the internal organ.

The technology for assembling a device for administering an enema from improvised means is simple. The homemade design consists of the following items:

  • The hanger is tall, with a rubber heating pad on it.
  • Rubber hose.
  • Pin.
  • Tip inserted inside.

Equipment must be disinfected before use.

Preparatory process

Prepare for enemas in advance. First of all, you need to decide on the volume of liquid introduced inside and the composition. A correctly performed procedure allows you to get good results.

Water with salt is used as a universal solution. Take a liter of water, a tablespoon of salt, dissolve, and the liquid is ready.

As a rule, 1.5 liters of liquid are taken for body weight up to 80 kilograms. If the weight exceeds the specified figure, then two liters are taken. If your body weight is below 70 kilograms, then one liter of liquid is enough. The temperature regime of the injected solution is important. The liquid should not be cold or hot. Ideal - from 30 to 33 degrees.

Read also Steam inhaler - how to use without harm to health

When cleaning the intestines of a small child, the volume depends on the age of the baby:

  • From birth to six months, 30-60 ml is needed.
  • From six months to a year you will need 120-180 ml.
  • From one to two years of age, administer up to 200 milliliters.
  • At five years old, 300 ml is drawn into a syringe.
  • 9 years – 400 ml of solution is enough.
  • 14 years old – prepare 0.5 liters of liquid.

The timing of the procedure is also important. Doctors recommend using the equipment either early in the morning (5-7 hours) or in the evening (18-19 hours). A person must be calm and not be distracted by foreign objects. Before brushing, drink a glass of water to avoid dehydration and try to void yourself.

The place where the procedure will be performed is prepared; it is advisable to do the enema in the bathroom, but you can do it on a bed or sofa. Pre-lay a thick oilcloth so as not to stain the laundry. This is mandatory if the enema is given to an elderly person, a small child or a bedridden patient.

You need to decide on the position of introducing the liquid. In the hospital, when carrying out nursing activities, the position of the patient when placing equipment for enema is: lying on his side with his knees bent, the so-called. fetal position. You can sit on all fours or on your back with your legs crossed and your pelvis raised. It all depends on the person himself and his well-being.


Let's proceed directly to the procedure. Detailed algorithm - how to clean yourself:

  1. During an enema, a person lies in a comfortable position so that the abdominal walls are as relaxed as possible.
  2. First check the tip for defects or damage. Injury to the internal surface of organs should be avoided.
  3. After greasing, the tube must be inserted to a depth of no more than 10 centimeters. In this case, the patient should not feel any discomfort, so the insertion depth must be controlled.
  4. The clamp on Esmarch's mug opens so that the liquid begins to move into the body.
  5. If the procedure is carried out using a syringe, then the compression of the bulb should be uniform so that the solution enters the rectum smoothly.
  6. When the liquid in the container is finished, you need to carefully remove the tip and clamp the anus with a cotton swab. Next, light massage of the abdomen is shown to evenly distribute the solution throughout the intestines. Keep the liquid in for a quarter of an hour. If the urge to defecate appeared earlier, it is advised to take a position when the pelvis is higher than the head. Afterwards the intestines are emptied.
  7. If discomfort or pain is felt during the cleansing procedure, the enema should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor for advice and examination. A diagnosis will be needed.

The technique is simple, the main thing is to relax and follow medical recommendations.

Body postures used to better move the solution through the intestines to cleanse the intestines:

  1. Knee-elbow pose, when the pelvis is raised to a height and the head is below.
  2. After injecting the liquid, lie flat on your back and stretch your legs straight.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your legs and part of your torso up, put your hands under your back. Also, the solution will best penetrate the upper intestines.
  4. Lying on your back, place your legs behind your head. Thanks to this movement, mucus and other accumulated particles will move away from the walls of the organ.

People often ask how often it is allowed to use an enema without harming the body. First of all, the frequency depends on the purpose of the operation. The optimal frequency for the cleansing procedure is 14 days. The specified period is optimal for obtaining the therapeutic effect of the enema and maintaining the balance of the internal microflora.

In order to prevent constipation and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, the period should be increased to 1 time per month.

If an enema is given at home to relieve constipation, it is repeated until the phenomenon disappears.

Frequent use of enemas is harmful. The danger lies in the disruption of intestinal functioning; an addiction syndrome to excreting feces artificially with the help of foreign liquid develops. Peristalsis decreases, the patient does not have a bowel movement until the solution enters the organ. Along with a decrease in motor activity, atrophy of the mucous layer of the organ walls occurs. Internal bleeding is possible.

Stages of the cleansing course

The colon cleansing course is carried out in three stages:

  1. Therapeutic diet.
  2. Cleansing enemas.
  3. Restoration of microflora and peristalsis of the colon.


A week before cleansing the colon with enemas, it is necessary to adjust the diet and prepare the body for cleansing. It is recommended to limit your intake of sugar and salt and eat healthy foods.

Food Comparison Chart Before Cleaning:

Eliminate from dietAdd to diet
Meat and fishBerries, fruits
Bread and confectioneryFresh juice
Products containing starchDried fruits compote
Spicy, salty, smoked foodsNuts, seeds
Cocoa, coffee, tea, alcoholBran

This diet must be followed throughout the course of colon cleansing. In addition, you can eat low-fat fermented milk products. You are allowed to drink only clean water, decoctions and herbal infusions. During this preparatory period, you should take thermal procedures: visit a bathhouse or sauna 2 times a week, or take a hot bath.

Cleansing enemas

How to do a cleansing enema yourself? Esmarch's disposable mug is a disposable consumable for medical procedures with a volume of up to two liters, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. The price of a disposable Esmarch mug is from 80 rubles. Before using and introducing liquid into the intestines, it is necessary to disinfect the disassembled mug using neutral detergents. Then place the tips in a 3% solution of chloramine or hydrogen peroxide for an hour and a half. After treating parts of the device, rinse them under running water.

Pear-shaped syringes are also used to cleanse the intestines. The volume of syringes is 50 - 700 ml, they are used for intestinal lavage in children or before a rectal examination.

In order to cleanse the colon yourself at home using an enema or an Esmarch mug, you need to use only boiled water. Up to two liters of warm water are poured into Esmarch's mug. The tip must be lubricated with vegetable oil, Vaseline or baby cream. The mug is suspended at a height of up to one and a half meters.

Which side is better to lie on during a cleansing enema, and how long should you keep fluid in the intestines after it?

To properly perform an enema, a person should lie on his left side and pull his knees towards his stomach, or stand on his knees and elbows. The enema tip should be carefully inserted into the anus, open the tap, or squeeze the liquid out of the syringe. If water does not pass into the intestine, you need to move the tip, make sure that the hole is not clogged and ensure pressure.

There should be no pain during the enema cleansing procedure. If you feel pain, you need to reduce the pressure and wait until the pain goes away. If the pain does not go away, then the procedure must be completed. In this case, it is better to give the enema again; you cannot endure the pain or do a similar procedure through force.

If during bowel movements after the procedure only water comes out, it means that the liquid has not reached the desired parts of the intestine. After an enema, fluid fills the rectum and sigmoid colon, and sometimes part of the colon. To ensure better rinsing and lift the liquid further into the intestines, you need to pull in the stomach several times. When this exercise is performed carefully, the liquid penetrates deeply into the intestines and cleanses them better. Then it is advisable to lie down relaxed for 10 minutes with liquid inside, then empty.

If you feel that there is liquid left in the intestines, you need to stand in a standing position, squatting on bent knees, resting your hands on your knees. Inhale and exhale and hold your breath. The intestines will expand. Move your abdominal muscles up and down, the remaining water will then come out. It is best to give a cleansing enema at 5-7 o'clock in the morning or at 17-19 o'clock in the evening. It is very important to do this procedure at the same time. After the procedure, all parts of the enema must be disinfected.

It is very important to empty the intestines of all fluid after an enema. If not all the water comes out, such cleaning will do harm, not good.

What is added to the water for a cleansing enema?

Enemas are done with herbal infusions and starch solutions. The composition for an effective cleansing enema can be prepared yourself from available means, such as citric acid, table or sea salt, medicinal herbs, vegetable oil, black radish juice, magnesia and apple cider vinegar.

For healing cleansing enemas, you can use chamomile, yarrow, mint, string, sage and other medicinal herbs. An enema with lemon juice is very effective in cleaning the colon. For the procedure, you need to squeeze the juice from half a lemon (you can use a whole lemon). After cleansing with lemon, compressed deposits on the intestinal walls are quickly softened and removed.

You can add a better cleansing effect with an enema with salt and Lugol's solution. Dissolve 1 – 5 tablespoons of table salt and 10 – 50 drops of Lugol’s in prepared water. The solution of what concentration of salt water and Lugol should be used at the initial stage of colon cleansing depends on the person’s well-being and the expected result from the enema. It is better to start with a weak solution, and if tolerated, gradually increase the amount of salt and Lugol.

Why do you feel sick after an enema in some cases?

When the enema fluid contains too much salt water and lugol, it puts too much stress on the body. In this case, severe weakness with nausea may occur after the procedure. Then it is recommended to alternate saline solutions and Lugol with clean water without any additives. If there is a feeling of discomfort during the enema, the procedure should be stopped.

Colon cleansing scheme by week:

  • 1 – every day;
  • 2 – every other day;
  • 3 – in two days;
  • 4 – in three days;
  • 5 – once.

Restoration of microflora and peristalsis of the colon

After a course of cleansing enemas, colon peristalsis is weakened, and to normalize intestinal functions, take herbal medicinal infusions, perform breathing exercises and do self-massage of the abdomen.

To restore colon peristalsis, you need a herbal mixture - mint, yarrow, chamomile. You need to take an infusion of these herbs for 10 days. In addition, it is advisable to take activated carbon dissolved in mineral water in the morning after breakfast.

It is necessary to perform breathing exercises and self-massage for 10 days. You need to breathe deeply for 2 minutes, inflating your stomach as much as possible when you inhale and drawing it in as you exhale. Then massage the abdomen for 3 minutes using circular movements. Physical exercises for the abdominal muscles help normalize intestinal functions and tone the pelvic muscles.

It is advisable to carry out the enema procedure after a bowel movement in the morning or evening.

When is it better to give an enema and how long to keep it?

It is advisable to carry out the enema procedure after a bowel movement in the morning or evening. Ancient healers advise doing it during the period from sunset to the first twilight, i.e. in the evening. How long to keep? Lie quietly on your back or right side for 5-15 minutes, unless there is a strong urge. Then you can get up and walk around. After waiting for the urge, go to the toilet. But the advantage of urine enemas is that they themselves stay inside the body exactly as long as needed. At first, the urge from them is faster and stronger, and then, the cleaner the large intestine becomes, the longer it lasts. Therefore, do not worry, the body itself knows when to release urine, because everything is carried out under its greatest control. How much liquid can be poured into the large intestine at a time and how often can this be repeated, how long does the cleansing course last and when should it be repeated? It was already stated earlier that it is best to inject 2 liters at a time, but after release it is good to repeat this infusion one or two more times and then inject 1-1.5 liters of urine. Why is this dosage needed? Yes, because the first 2-4 liters of slightly salted or acidified with lemon juice (apple cider vinegar) water will wash away dirt from only half of the large intestine, without affecting its ascending section at all. You will see from your own experience that this is true. And only the 3-4th enema with urine can fully fill the entire cavity of the large intestine and carry out healing work in it. This scheme gives the most pronounced effect. In other words, the scheme of one cleansing procedure looks like this. Pour in 2 liters of acidified water, release it and see: if it is very dirty, then repeat the infusion and see again: if it is very dirty, repeat again, if not, do a urine enema. And already lie down with her, walk around. Once released, her enema procedure is over. Repeat the next one every other day. Do this 5-8 times. This completes the cleaning cycle. A similar cleansing cycle must be repeated twice a year - in early spring and early autumn (in autumn the large intestine is biorhythmologically active). After the described cleansing cycle, after about a week, you can, for better processing, perform a cleansing cycle using evaporated urine. Or use it as a standalone cleansing cycle. With evaporated urine, the cleansing cycle looks like this. Start with 100 grams (to administer urine, use an ordinary 100-gram rubber bulb) and every other day increase the dose by another 50-100 grams, so you will reach 300-500 grams at a time. Do 2-4 such enemas, and then every other day begin to reduce the dose by 50-100 grams until you reach the previous 100 grams. Then you can do a 100-150 gram micro-enema once every 1-2 weeks. Repeat this cycle, just like the previous one, at the same time. If complications arise, do not increase the dosage, but do several enemas with the same dosage, and then begin reducing. In the next cycle you will be fine. Remember the warning for these microenemas - they are contraindicated for persons with an overexcited “Wind” life principle. “In July 1996, I cleaned the intestines, first with simple, and then with urine evaporated to 1/4, but did not complete it (there were no conditions). Nothing special came out, with the exception of a 2-headed flatworm of 15 centimeters and several single-headed ones. Results: the pain in the joints went away, stool became more or less regular (in the mornings) and the quantity was almost acceptable, the legs became without white stripes, became stronger, there were no cramps in the legs, vigor and strength appeared. This lasted until the winter, when the same joints ached again with even greater severity. (In this case, the biopathogenic energy of cold and dryness was introduced into the body. It is necessary to use hot baths and rub olive oil into the joints. Enemas have nothing to do with it.) She began to limp very noticeably. In February 1997, I decided to repeat the colon cleansing and complete it. (Such timing for cleansing the colon can overstimulate the vital “Wind” principle. Beware of taking an enema during dry, cold times, especially if you are elderly or old.) I started immediately with evaporated urine. For three days in a row, one wrinkled ball with brown veins and a brown base, about a centimeter in diameter, came out.” “I already had paroproctitis before, and had surgery for this. And now I have a relapse - a tumor the size of a fist, I can hardly walk, I need to go for surgery. G.P. Malakhov advised me to make microenemas from evaporated urine and more often apply compresses from it to the perineal area. After the first microenemas in the area of ​​paroproctitis, it became hot as if from a hot iron, but I endured and did it. Previously, I had small hemorrhoids, which I did not feel, but after microenemas it came out in the form of “pendlings”. I continued to do everything. As a result, the hemorrhoids “climbed” back on their own, and after two weeks the paraproctitis completely disappeared. It’s been three years now and there’s nothing there.” Special microenemas Now let's talk about an interesting and very necessary type of enemas, which are recommended by Ayurveda and Zhud-shi. The author tried them on himself, other people also installed them and were very pleased. These enemas are especially recommended for those whose body does not retain water well (prone to dehydration), has poor natural heat production (hands and feet are constantly freezing), and has a tendency to forceful stool and constipation (i.e., persons whose life principle is overexcited “ Vetra" or the individual constitution of "Vetra" is strongly expressed). This is observed in people with a fragile constitution with dry, flaky skin and who are constantly freezing. Enemas are most effective for them in the cold, dry season, which contributes to the exacerbation of all these symptoms. Let's supplement the Ayurvedic observations. Dehydration and cold temperatures indicate that the vital principle of the “Wind” has become overexcited, and this is expressed in the following: severe gas formation, constipation or sheep feces, pain in the lower back, sacrum, hip joints, abnormal periods, exhaustion of semen, dryness and flaking of the skin, chilliness , loss of strength, darkening of the skin and weight loss. If you have such symptoms (they are especially pronounced in dry, cold, windy winter), then use the following microenemas and hot baths daily or every other day. Gradually all these symptoms will disappear. Microenemas are performed as follows. Take 100 grams of regular milk, put 20 grams of melted butter in it. All this is heated so that the butter melts, and while warm, using a rubber bulb, it is introduced into the large intestine. It is recommended to perform this procedure at sunset. Next, lie down. As a rule, the body itself retains this composition as long as it needs. As a result of this procedure, the substance of dryness and cold that caused these phenomena in the body is absorbed and neutralized. Dryness and hardness are neutralized by the moisture of the milk and softened by butter, and the cold is neutralized by the warmth that is present in the milk and appears additionally when it sours. As a rule, after 2-3 such microenemas, the stool becomes soft, light and sausage-like. In addition, normal lactic acid microflora is naturally grown, you will not have to resort to stupid methods of drinking diluted feces of an infant, etc. Everything will happen naturally and spontaneously. You can try several varieties of such microenemas and choose the best one for yourself. 1st composition: milk (100 g), ghee (20 g) - against constipation, sheep feces, gas formation, drying out and dehydration of the body. 2nd composition: base as the first (milk and ghee) plus a pinch of ginger or pepper (black, red). This composition helps with the same thing as the first, but additionally suppresses mucus in the body and increases calorific value. Therefore, it can be recommended to overweight, phlegmatic people. 3rd composition: base as the first plus 1/2 teaspoon (5-10 g) table salt. This will enhance the effect of the first composition. 4th composition: the base is the same as the first plus 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of a saturated decoction of wormwood or half a teaspoon of garlic. This is very helpful in bilious disorders. As a milk substitute or diluent (50:50), you can use a decoction of meat (especially lamb) or bone broth. All these parts have their own effect on the body: softening, reducing mucus or bile. Perform these microenemas when symptoms of overexcitation of the vital principle of “Wind” arise. In conclusion, here are some more examples of colon cleansing in older people. EZ “Here is the story of how I helped my own grandmother, an old woman, avoid surgery, and with it all the other troubles. Grandma is 80 years old. "Wind" squared. In August 1995, my grandmother did not walk for 15 days and as a result, she lay dying. Relatives called an ambulance, the latter advised an enema, but in vain. Well, since I am a doctor, she called me. Having examined my grandmother, I silently pronounced the diagnosis: “intestinal obstruction” (in the area of ​​​​the fold - the transition of the transverse intestine to the descending intestine there was a fecal stone the size of my palm). Granny was facing surgery at age 80. To avoid surgery, official medicine suggests doing enemas. I did: 1st - cleansing with citric acid, 2nd - siphon. Zero effect. If not for your books, what would I do? And I did this: 1. In order to eliminate dryness in my grandmother’s body, I began to do milk-oil microenemas once a day. 2. After two such softening enemas in the evening, I also do a microenema with urine reduced to 1/2, 100 ml. 3. In parallel with the enemas, the grandmother drank tablespoons of the same urine, reduced to 1/2. Effect: at first, immediately after the enema, urine poured out, but after two days of such procedures, the urine smelled of feces, mixed with feces, and gases began to appear. And a day after the enema, granny passed away with urine reduced to 1/4. Two days later, granny began to secrete mucus from her nose and lungs. The cleansing crisis has begun. But the parents and grandmother got scared and stopped the procedures, without changing the diet. So there was no recovery. But your books saved the old woman from certain death.” "I am 74 years old. I have been doing urine therapy for a year. She started on August 5, 1996 with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract using vegetable oil. The results were good, a lot of intestinal stones came out. I fasted for 2 days. I did cleansing enemas with urine. Then I fasted for 1-3 days. I have gallstones. I started fasting for 14 days. I cleaned my intestines with enemas. A lot of black liquid, stones, mucus, and debris came out. The smell was foul. Lots of rags. Then a big clot, black, thick like tar.” "I am 72 years old. In early childhood I was very ill with malaria. Sore throat tormented me for many years. I had a headache when I didn’t eat for a long time and I was tired. I suffered from pneumonia and bronchitis many times, and the flu never left me in the winter. Hemorrhoids, umbilical hernia, lack of stability in walking, pinching the heart, moderate diabetes. I cleaned my colon for two months. First with apple cider vinegar, then with your own urine. I used to do enemas in the morning after bowel movements and in the evening, because I saw mucus coming out and it seemed that I was all full of it. I drank a glass of urine 3 or even 4 times a day. But still the sand came and went. Now there are almost no hemorrhoids, the veins in my legs are hidden, my blood pressure has dropped, and I don’t feel any terrible pain in my heart.” “I am a war invalid of the 2nd group. I am 82 years old. I purchased your books, 4 volumes, in November 1996 and began to heal myself. The results are excellent. All the ailments I had, 10 of them, are gone. My ailments: polyarthritis, gastritis, bronchitis, osteochondrosis and others have gone away. Except hemorrhoids, heart. The prostate became silent. (This means that the problem is in the field form of life, and it needs to be cleaned up.) I do not eat meat dishes, with the exception of chicken - little by little. Occasionally I eat fish. Appetite is good. (It’s never too late to work wisely with your own vitality - there will always be a positive result.) Cleansing the intestines is going well, but I haven’t cleansed the liver and kidneys yet. (I recommend cleaning* using the “soft” method - using juices and decoctions.) I feel good, and in particular my potency has increased (I have a mistress who is 52 years old). Sleep has become better, but depending on the weather.” CLEANSING THE BODY FLUIDS After you have cleansed the large intestine and are preparing to cleanse the liver, you should cleanse the body fluids. What does this mean? The human body consists of 60-70% water, which was constantly polluted and accumulated all kinds of toxins. As a result, the body's fluids lose their ability to ensure the normal course of life processes. Because of this, the normal environment of the body shifts towards the putrefactive side, which contributes to the development of all kinds of pyogenic microorganisms in the body. The body's immune defense cannot work in such conditions, and a person becomes easily vulnerable to a wide variety of pathologies: allergies of all types, colds, infections, general weakening of the body. Usually, by the age of 35-40, all people living “by gravity” have dirty body fluids, but what about older people? Therefore, when starting self-healing, they must be cleansed. For this purpose, on the one hand, it is necessary to supply the body with a biologically active and clean liquid, and on the other, to remove the toxic, old one from the body. Juice therapy will help us solve the first stage - supplying clean, active liquid. The second stage - the removal of toxic liquid will help us solve the steam room. Using these two health remedies - steam room and freshly squeezed juices, in a month or a month and a half we will be able to cleanse our own liquid environments and feel renewed. And now about the effect of juices, steam room and how to use it correctly. Using freshly squeezed juices for cleansing One of the main factors for success in cleansing the body is the accessibility and pleasantness of cleansing procedures. If they are too difficult or unpleasant, this will discourage a person from doing them. Freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits have amazing cleansing and restorative powers, have natural structured water, coloring matter, internal charge, essential oils, organic acids, alkalis, vitamins, microelements, phytoncides, etc. If you have an electric juicer, they are easy to prepare and pleasant to use . Thus, juice therapy is a powerful factor in cleansing and healing our body. It must be used (in the appropriate seasons of the year) with maximum benefit for yourself. Therefore, let us examine this important section of cleansing with all seriousness. The main thing you need to know when using juice therapy is the following. 1. Freshly prepared juices should be consumed immediately. Otherwise, they quickly (within 1-2 minutes) oxidize from air, scattered light and lose their activity. Such juice is ineffective for cleansing the body. 2. Fruit juices are more of a cleanser for the body. The fruits must be ripe. 3. Vegetable juices, in addition to their cleansing function, due to the presence of amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes, and vitamins in them, are an excellent means of restoring the body. Vegetables must also be ripe. 4. Drink fruit and vegetable juices, as well as their mixtures, a few minutes before meals. They quickly pass through the stomach and are absorbed in the intestines in 15-20 minutes. 5. After drinking juices, many may experience a certain reaction in the body, anxiety, and upset stomach. All this is natural and indicates a cleansing process. 6. How much juice should I drink at one time and per day? You need to drink as much at one time as you drink with pleasure, without compulsion. During the day, to obtain noticeable results, you need to drink at least 600 milliliters, but it is preferable to consume from 1 to 4 liters. Calculate that you can renew from 0.5 to 1 liter of body fluids per day. If you visit a steam room, then 1-2 liters or more. Fluids in the body, with a total body weight of 60-70 kilograms, are about 40-50 liters. If you drink only 0.5 liters, it will take 80-100 days to renew. Moreover, this does not guarantee good removal of old, toxic liquid. But by visiting a steam room and losing up to 2-3 liters of toxic liquid and then replenishing it with fresh juice, you can quickly and efficiently cleanse yourself. The main thing is not just drinking juice, but the obligatory loss of fluid and its subsequent replenishment. You should visit the steam room at least 2 times a week. And now about how to use the steam room correctly. Using a steam room for cleansing Skin is the largest and most important human organ. Its area ranges on average from 1.5 to 2.2 square meters. m., and weight is 20% of the total weight of the human body. A person can and should throw out three and a half times more waste through the skin than through the colon and bladder combined! Judge for yourself, a person loses about 2.6 liters of water per day. With urine - 1.5, with feces - 0.1, through the lungs - 0.4 and through the skin - 0.6 liters. But these numbers reflect the average level of human activity. In a steam room, a person can lose from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of water in just one session. Thus, using a paired procedure, we can significantly intensify the release of water and the removal of toxins. Therefore, it is not without reason that one of the main cleaning procedures is called - “therapeutic sweating”. First, we will analyze the functions of the skin from the perspective of the body germination. Protective function of the skin. The skin has bactericidal properties. According to the calculation of the American bacteriologist Theodore Rosbury, 15 trillions of microbes are intensively act on the surface of the human body! Only clean, healthy, wet, elastic skin can resist such an onslaught successfully. According to the latest research of scientists, the skin is actively involved in the formation of immunity. Respiratory function of the skin. The skin is involved in the body’s gas exchange, and the cleaner it is, the easier it is light. In general, as practice shows, skin breathing is an important thing in creating a person’s mighty health. For example, in P.K. Ivanov, skin breathing was perfectly developed. Exciting skin function. By the versatility of the allocation of toxins and their quantity, the skin has no equal among other excretory organs. If a person deliberately involves the skin as an excretory organ, then by this he significantly improves the quality of his own life. For example, there are references to one woman who, at the age of 70, was as fresh and attractive as a girl. And all because she perfectly knew and applied the arrangement of the body through the skin with the help of paired procedures. Academician Mikulin regularly used sweating in a mini-sauna, considering it an important healing procedure. A special emulsion containing fatty acids is released through the sebaceous glands of the skin, thanks to which the skin is protected from drying, it is made elastic, elastic, brilliant and protected from infection. If you do not care for the skin, it is clogged with its own discharge (0.6 liters of sweat per day!) And ceases to fully fulfill these functions. Naturally, the whole body suffers from this. Frequent bathing with soap, on the contrary, washes off this protective emulsion, so there should be a reasonable approach in everything. I recommend that after soap rinse your hands or face with fresh urine, and then wash with warm water. Pure skin is the key to health, and dirty is a nursery of infection. In old age, the amount of fatty acids on the surface of the skin decreases, therefore, in old age, special attention should be paid to skin care. The skin must be lubricated with a diuretic (dropped to 1/4 of the urine), olive oil, often go to the steam room, nourish it with salts, taking urine baths. Remember how the ancient Romans welcomed at a meeting of each other: "How do you sweat?" Now let's talk about how to properly lead the arrangement of the body through the skin. Here you can act in two directions. 1. Take ordinary water and bath procedures. The elevated temperature will allow you to doll to the final, easily removed metabolic products, dissolve the hard -soluble in the blood and tissues, soften the body, and to nourish it with moisture. Increased blood circulation during these procedures will quickly remove dissolved toxins through the skin or other excretory organs. 2, to use the law of antagonism in the blood circulation of the Dust and Mora, according to which cold procedures, narrowing the vessels of the skin, expand the vessels of the abdominal cavity. Warm, on the contrary, - expanding the vessels of the skin, narrow the vessels of the abdominal cavity. Using this feature of blood circulation, we are “heat -cold” with contrasting water procedures, we can purposefully “drive” blood from skin to internal organs and, conversely, leaching toxins along the way. It is best to combine these two procedures: they steamed well, and then doused themselves with cool or cold water. So do it 2-4 times or more. Start gradually. For better sweating, you can take a diaphoretic. After a significant body loss of slapped fluid has occurred, it is necessary to make up for it with clean, structured, saturated with organic mineral elements, vitamins, etc. For this purpose, use freshly squeezed juices, in extreme cases, water to the water (if there are no juices). Warning. The pair procedure opens the pores of the skin and contributes to abundant sweating and removing of toxins through the skin. At the same time, the work of the kidneys is greatly unloaded. Warm and hot baths, strongly warming up the body, make it difficult to sweating and drive water and toxins through the kidneys. If they are sick with you, then take the steam room; If sore skin, then use baths. You can use any affordable diaphoretic agent of natural origin. As an example, I will give a simple recipe: licorice root - 40 parts, linden color - 60 parts. A tablespoon of gathering for 1 cup boiling water. Drink a glass of a diaphoretic and go to the steam room. The following rules will help you properly carry out the sweating procedure. 1. Do not go to the steam room after plentiful food. In this case, the steam room is simply harmful. But you should not walk on an empty stomach. Drink a diaphoretic infusion, eat easily - vegetables, fruits, a little porridge. 2. It is better to steam in the morning, after 9-10 hours. The body rested overnight, your strength has not yet been spent, and you will easily transfer this procedure that imposes a large load on the heart and the whole organism as a whole. 3. Gradually accustom yourself to the heat, do not climb immediately to the upper shelves. Climb to a height where you feel good. 4. If you froze, going to the bathhouse, then before going to the steam room, lower your legs into a basin with warm water, and then add gradually hot water. So sit for 10-15 minutes. After you feel warmth in your body, you can enter the steam room. 5. For hygienic purposes, it is advisable to wash slightly before entering the steam room, but you can’t wet your head, otherwise you can cause overheating in the steam room. Next, wipe with a towel dry - moisture prevents sweating - and come in. 6. It is advisable to put on a cap on the head to protect it from overheating and have a woolen mitten or a special scraper with it for dropping sweat, because it also prevents the sweat. By dropping sweat with a woolen mitten, you simultaneously cleanse the skin from a dead, keratinized layer. 7. Having entered the steam room, sit down for 3-4 minutes, get used to the bath heat, or better lie down. In a lying position, the heat acts on the body more evenly. When you are lying, the muscles relax better, and this makes it possible to thoroughly break them. You can sit in Joga-with crossed legs. 8. Having left the steam room, stand in the shower with warm and then cool water. After a warm shower, when the sweat is washed off, you can sharply give a cool or cold stream for 2-5 seconds or plunge into the pool. After that, rest, dry and go home if you do not want to repeat the paired procedure. How to steam with a broom? Broats are mainly birch and oak. Before the steam room, it is desirable to steam them, as a result of which their volatile substances (mainly essential oils) penetrate the body and have a beneficial effect on the dissolution of toxins. The point of steaming with a broom is to escalate hot air to the body, but not to quit. They work smoothly as a broom, like a fan, barely touching the body. First, go along the legs, then along the buttocks, back, hands - from legs to head and back. This is repeated several times. When working with a broom, you must feel a pleasant hot breeze. And only after that you can slightly play yourself. Next, rub yourself with a broom like a washcloth. With one hand, hold the broom by the handle, and press the foliage to the body with the other palm. Here is the main thing that you need to know when visiting a steam room. And finally, the third, most important part of this type of purification occurs. Paul, you have lost a lot of liquids, made yourself a lot of toxins. Naturally, you want to drink. And the success of your purification directly depends on the fact that you will drink. If you drink tea, kvass and the like, you will not do the best. Now you need to drink freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits. By doing this, you can very quickly update the liquid media of your body and feel a surge of vigor and health. Moreover, all this will happen naturally and pleasant. The most public juices are most publicly available and effective: carrot, carrot-berth, apple-berth, carrot-bearing-oxide. After the steam room, drink at a time 0.5-0.7 liters of juice. On the same day, drink the same amount twice. In the following days after the steam room, adhere to proper nutrition, exclude slag -forming foods. After the next steam room, you again use massive sapotherapy, proper nutrition, etc. Remember the covenant of the great ancient Roman physician of the Asklepiad: to treat quickly, correctly and pleasant. If for some circumstances you cannot use the above cleaning method, then use the method described below. It is not so effective, but good in its own way. The combined cleansing of the cells of the cell and internal media of the body recommends to use a decoction of a young needles of spruce (pine, fir) for such cleansing. Eli of spruce is a good source of vitamins. It contains in winter from 150 to 300, in the summer - 50 %/mg of vitamin C. The presence of this vitamin contributes to the rapid peroxidation of toxins to the final products and eliminating them from the body. In addition, spruce needles contain many essential oils - natural solvents. As a result, only two of these properties make drugs at a powerful cleansing agent. In medical practice, the drug Pinabin is used, representing a 50%solution of essential oils in spruce (or pine) in peach oil. This drug acts antispasmolithically on the muscles of the urinary tract, inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria, is recommended as a diuretic with kidney -stone disease. Another of the most valuable qualities of a decoction of the needles is its strong astringent taste. If vitamin C helps to prevent toxins, essential oils - their dissolution, expansion of blood vessels and a powerful diuretic effect, then due to the astringent taste there is an enveloping of decay products and their subsequent removal. A decoction of needles is used in two ways: inside in the form of drinking and externally in the form of baths, as well as jointly. To use orally, the decoction is as follows: 5 tablespoons of finely mined young needles (needles) ate each of the current year pour 0.5 liters of boiling water from pavement water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, insist in a warm place night so that you do not cool, filter. Place the decoction in a thermos and take it warmly during the day instead of water. The duration of the course is individual. The guide of its duration is his own urine. The damp in it indicates that the decoction began to act. Depending on the dissolution of toxins, urine salts will be painted in a variety of colors. As soon as the urine accepts its natural color and transparency - the cleaning is over. It is very good to conduct a similar course of purification after the New Year. Firstly, New Year's Christmas trees are thrown away, no need to go anywhere for needles. Secondly, at this time of the year the bio-rhythm of the kidneys and bladder is the most strong, which will not allow them to overload from the increased loading of toxins. In order to take a coniferous bath, take spruce needles, finely cut branches and crushed spruce cones. In total, about 1 kilogram of dry weight, boil 30 minutes in 7-8 liters of water. After that, they are well closed and left to infuse for 12 hours. A good infusion of needles has a brown color. Then it is poured into a bath with warm water (36-40 ° C). The bathroom procedure itself takes 10 to 20 minutes, its duration depends on well -being. The temperature of the water from the procedure to the procedure should be gradually increased, but well -being in this matter is the most important criterion. Make 2-3 baths per week. After the procedure, a cool shower is 5-10 seconds. The cycle of such baths lasts about a month. P. M. Kurnnov, A. S. Zalmanov, S. Kneepp spoke perfectly about coniferous baths. At the same time, both Kneipp and the heap indicate cleansing the skin, vascular channel and stimulation of the nervous system. Zalmanov, in addition, indicates the cleansing of each cell of the body of “toxins of fatigue”, that is, dead cells of the body, which, of course, are formed as a result of vital activity and must be destroyed and removed in a timely manner. If for some reason they accumulate in the body, then self-poisoning occurs. The first signs of this are the “heavy spirit” and the stink coming from a person, and his rapid fatigue. Combining coniferous baths and drinking a decoction even more enhances the cleansing effect. According to the observations of Valery Tishchenko, only a decoction of the needles with oral consumption removes from the body in addition to poisons and toxins - radionucleotides. The above simple cleansing is very effective and allows you to eliminate up to 80% of a variety of diseases caused by the sucker of the body. Remember the oldest saying - there is no healing without purification.

Gennady Malakhov

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With a microenema, unlike a regular enema, a small volume of liquid is injected into the intestines. But the solutions can be varied: oil and oil mixtures, herbal mixtures, etc. Microenemas require a syringe or bulb and oil to lubricate the tip as in a normal procedure. Several recipes for microenemas:

  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. For the procedure, 50 ml is used. warm infusion. This microenema can be done 2-3 times a day;
  • inject 30 ml. castor oil and keep inside for as long as possible;
  • mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Boil 1 tablespoon of oats in two glasses of boiling water, divide into 2 parts. Mix well 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil and 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • You can use warm herbal decoctions of chamomile, mallow and lemon balm (100 – 200 mg.)

Enemas for colon cleansing

There are many types of enemas, each of which can be used to cleanse the intestines. They all have different effects on the body. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to first learn about their properties and implementation features.

Coffee and soda

To remove waste and toxins from the intestines, you can do a coffee enema. To prepare it you will need three tablespoons of ground coffee and 0.5 liters of boiling water. First you need to brew the coffee, and then keep the resulting mixture in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Next, you need to strain it to filter the liquid from the coffee grounds.

After the mixture has cooled to 30 degrees, you can begin cleaning. Such an enema has a mild effect on the organ. With its help, you can cleanse the large and small intestines of harmful substances, poisons and chemicals, and also improve the functioning of internal organs.

To prepare a soda enema, you can use baking soda alone or along with sea salt. This procedure is useful in that it relieves increased gas discharge, restores water balance in the body, cleanses the intestines of parasites and promotes weight loss.

To prepare such an enema, you need to pour 250 ml of water into a suitable container, bring to a boil, switch to low heat and add one teaspoon of soda to the water. After this, the mixture must be heated to 40 degrees and removed from the stove. Cleansing the intestines using this method should be carried out over a course of 5-7 days. During this time, you must follow a strict diet.

Lemon and herbal

An enema based on lemon juice has a good effect. It normalizes metabolism, restores the functioning of internal organs, and improves the microflora in the intestines. Lemon water can help soften fecal stones and remove toxins and chemicals from the body. For an enema, you need to squeeze the juice out of two lemons, dilute it with a small amount of warm water, after which you can begin the cleansing procedure.

The main components of herbal enema are medicinal plants and decoctions prepared from them. The most effective effects on the intestines are chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, and celandine.

To prepare the decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of dried plant material, pour half a liter of boiling water, let it stand for about half an hour and strain. Before the procedure, you need to lie on your right side, insert the mixture into the rectum and remain in this position for at least 15 minutes so that the healing mixture is absorbed into the walls of the intestine. Such cleansing procedures help to quickly free the intestines from gases accumulated in it.

Garlic and beetroot

A garlic enema can help cleanse the body of worms. To prepare it you will need one clove of garlic, which needs to be finely chopped and poured with one glass of warm water. The resulting solution is poured into a rubber bulb, the tip is lubricated with oil, and then carefully inserted into the anus. There may be a slight burning sensation in the first seconds, but there is no need to worry about this as this is normal during a colon cleanse using garlic. This treatment should be carried out over a course of at least one week. To consolidate the results, the therapy can be repeated after some time.

Unlike the garlic enema, beet juice enema should be given every two days. To carry out this procedure, you will need half a glass of fresh juice, which must be diluted with the same amount of boiled water cooled to room temperature. The resulting mixture should be inserted into the rectum and remain in a horizontal position for at least 10 minutes to allow the mixture to be absorbed into the walls of the rectum. An enema based on beet juice has pronounced laxative properties, so it is best to administer it in the evening, a few hours before bedtime or on the weekend.

Oil enema

To normalize the functioning of the intestines, you can cleanse them using an oil enema. This is a universal remedy that can be used to treat people of all ages - children, adults and the elderly. Such enemas help soften stool, allowing it to move faster through the intestines and be eliminated from the body.

If young children are bothered by constipation and increased gas production, then they can also be given oil-based enemas. There are a large number of oil solutions that can help quickly cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, provided that the cleansing procedure is carried out correctly:

  • Castor. It has proven itself to be an effective remedy for constipation and for cleansing the intestines. With this solution you can cleanse the body of bacteria, fungi and parasites. Castor oil can help with inflammation of the abdominal organs, as well as eliminate ailments associated with impaired functioning of the digestive organs.
  • Olive oil. It is good to use for constipation. To prepare a medicinal solution, you will need half a glass of olive oil, which must be poured into a syringe, and then an enema is given. Before introducing the oil, you need to lie down on your right side, and after 5-7 minutes you can go to the toilet to empty your bowels. Olive oil can quickly cleanse the colon of all harmful products and speed up the excretion of feces.
  • Linen. Unlike olive and castor, it contains the most vitamins. It can be used both for prevention purposes and as part of the treatment of an existing disease. Flaxseed oil can help cleanse the body of worms. It can be successfully used for burns and gastritis. The solution can be used not only to cleanse the intestines in the form of an enema, but also to carry out other laxative procedures.

Alternative Cleansing Methods

An alternative method of colon cleansing without enemas is to stimulate bowel movements. This method is very effective and gives quick results. This includes:

  1. Drinking a saline solution is the easiest way to cleanse the colon. For this, table salt, or better yet sea salt, is used. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in a liter of clean water. Place the solution on the fire and stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Drink the resulting liquid on an empty stomach within an hour. Saline solution is effective in combination with exercises. Therefore, after each drink you should do special exercises for 6-7 minutes. You cannot eat after the procedure for two hours. This cleansing can be done once every two weeks. In addition to the cleansing effect, the saline solution has a laxative effect on the intestines.
  2. herbal cleansing – medicinal herbs can be used internally. Many herbs have diuretic, bactericidal and laxative properties, promote the removal of waste and toxins, and restore intestinal microflora. There are many recipes for colon cleansing. Herbal mixtures can consist of various components. Ready-made dry mixtures can be purchased at pharmacies. To normalize digestion and cleanse the intestines, the most effective herbs are:
  3. elecampane;
  4. chamomile;
  5. calendula;
  6. parsley;
  7. Rowan;
  8. flax seed;
  9. sage.

You can cleanse the intestines with the help of medications. Such drugs are prescribed by a gastroenterologist. One of these medications is Fortrans, a laxative drug. For a deep and complete cleansing of the colon, you need to dilute 3-4 packets of the product in 3-4 liters of water. Drink this amount of solution over 3-4 hours in portions of 200 - 250 ml. In an hour, the expected effect from the product will be obtained, lasting up to 10 hours.

Benefits and harms

Many people have questions about whether it is harmful to do an enema and how beneficial it is for health. Find out about all its advantages and disadvantages.

Esmarch's irrigator


  • A budget way to lose weight and cleanse the intestines: no need to buy expensive drugs;
  • accessibility of the procedure: despite all the warnings and medical orientation, you can give yourself an enema at home;
  • medications are absorbed into the blood faster without loading the liver;
  • treats insomnia;
  • normalizes digestion, which contributes to some extent to weight loss, since fats are not stored as reserves, but are used for energy;
  • has an anthelmintic effect;
  • weight loss;
  • reduces appetite - another bonus for those who want to lose weight;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves well-being, relieves discomfort, heaviness, and cramps in the stomach;
  • reduces intoxication, reduces the absorption of poisons into the blood;
  • corrects the volume of the abdomen;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • This is a useful procedure for cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins.


  • Along with harmful substances, useful substances are also actively removed from the body - vitamins, microelements, which causes the work of many internal organs to become disrupted and metabolism to slow down;
  • there is a risk of poisoning by fecal breakdown products when they are dissolved in water;
  • due to excess warm liquid, the water-salt balance is disturbed;
  • intestinal microflora is disrupted;
  • if administered incorrectly, it injures the anus, causes pain, and leads to hemorrhoids;
  • With frequent enemas, the intestines get used to them, relax, and stop working normally, which can lead to difficult bowel movements in the future.

So the enema is a two-faced Janus. On the one hand, it can be very useful (if the intestines are really clogged). On the other hand, it puts the body into a state of stress and often has not entirely pleasant consequences for health. If for you personally its advantages outweigh the disadvantages and you have indications for such cleaning, just learn how to do it correctly - and enjoy the results.


An alternative to an enema is the newest and best way to cleanse the intestines - phonation. This is a special massage that stimulates the intestinal walls, improves blood circulation and promotes the detachment of toxins and deposits from the walls of the colon.

The procedure is carried out using a vibroacoustic device that affects alternating vibrations. Movement stimulates muscle contraction and improves metabolic processes. Phonics cleanses the intestines and increases muscle tone of the walls of the colon. Approximately 60 minutes after the procedure, toxins are removed from the body with feces.

List of references: Cleansing the body with folk remedies, Yuri Konstantinov 2012 lifestyle/food_wellness/chictim-orhanizm-c-iznanki-155707.html https://storage. ochistit-kishechnik/ .ru/guide/ochishchenie-kishechnika.html Notes from the author of the article, based on personal experience. This material is purely subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/18/2020

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