"Smecta": instructions for use, indications, release form, composition, dosages for children and adults

One of the main advantages of smecta is the possibility of using it to treat young children. The medicine is well accepted by the adult body, and it tastes quite pleasant. It works great in the following cases:

  • effects of toxins on the body;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract due to poor quality food;
  • bowel irritation;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eating disorders due to antibiotic use;
  • intestinal infections;
  • gastritis;
  • flatulence;
  • jaundice;
  • heartburn.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Smecta?

Wikipedia states that dioctahedral smectite is a mixed silicate (or, according to other sources, a mixed oxide) of magnesium and aluminum of natural origin.

The action of the drug is aimed at binding and removing various substances (including toxic) and gases from the digestive tract.


Diosmectite has a stereometric structure and is a highly plastic viscous substance.

These properties explain the selectivity of the sorption effect of the drug (Smecta selectively adsorbs viruses and bacteria of the digestive canal ) and the high enveloping ability relative to the mucous membrane of the digestive canal .

By interacting with mucin glycoproteins (mucosal secretion of the gastrointestinal tract) and forming polyvalent bonds with them, diosmectite increases the cytoprotective properties of mucus and, consequently, its resistance to irritants: bile salts, hydrogen ions (hydrochloric acid), pathogenic microorganisms, the toxins they produce and other aggressive factors .

Blind randomized studies of the effectiveness of the drug compared to placebo , which included 602 patients aged 1 month to 3 years with a diagnosis of acute diarrhea , showed that in the group receiving Smecta in combination with oral rehydration solutions, the frequency of bowel movements was significantly reduced over the course of first 72 hours.


Aluminum contained in smectite is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, including in diseases of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by symptoms of colonopathy and colitis .

Dioctahedral smectite is characterized by a slight swelling effect, in therapeutic doses does not change the physiological time of passage of food through the intestines, does not stain feces, is not metabolized and is excreted unchanged.

The drug is x-ray transparent.


The instructions contain information about indications, side effects, drug combinations, required dosage, method of administration, contraindications, release form, storage conditions, and use during pregnancy. In addition, information about the price range, possible analogues, as well as reviews will help to get a complete picture of this medicine.


Smecta is an adsorbent or antidiarrheal drug. The drug is an aluminosilicate of natural origin. It stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract barrier, improves cytoprotective properties, increases its quantity, and forms polyvalent bonds. In addition, it also has selective properties that adsorb luminal viruses and bacteria.

For therapeutic purposes, this drug does not affect intestinal motility. Smecta does not stain stool. The drug is excreted from the body unchanged.


The drug Smecta is prescribed for such patient conditions as:

  • Diarrhea caused by medications or allergies;
  • Eating disorders due to gastritis, colitis, any form of ulcer;
  • Diarrhea caused by an infectious lesion (used only as an auxiliary drug).

Method of administration

For acute diarrhea in adults, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of up to 6 sachets per day. Children over 1 year of age are prescribed 4 sachets per day. The medicine should be taken for three days, and then the dosage is reduced to 2 packets.

For children under one year of age, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 2 sachets per day. They should be given to a child for no more than three days, after which the dose should be reduced to 1 sachet.

For any other indications, 3 sachets per day are prescribed for adults. If the child is under one year old, then the medicine is prescribed in a dosage of 1 sachet per day. If a child is one to two years old, 2 sachets per day are prescribed. Therapy, as a rule, should be continued for no more than a week.

For esophagitis, Smecta should be taken orally after meals, and for any other indications - between meals. For adults, the contents of the package should be dissolved in 1/2 glass, gradually pouring out the contents of the powder and stirring evenly. The received dose must be divided into 3 doses. For children, adults should dissolve the contents of the sachet in a bottle (50 ml) and distribute it over several doses. The medicine can be given in the form of water or as part of food, for example, purees, porridge or baby food.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of a dry substance for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration. The product is available in bags of 10 or 30 pieces.

The product contains dioctahedral smectite, as well as sodium saccharinate, vanillin dextrose monohydrate and flavoring.

Drug combination

If you are already taking any medications, you should inform your doctor about this before prescribing Smecta. When taken simultaneously with other drugs, the active substance of Smecta reduces the degree of absorption of other substances several times. Between doses of medication it is necessary to maintain an interval of 1-1.5 hours.

Indications for use of Smecta: why does Smecta help children and why is it used in adults?

Indications for use of Smecta are the same for adults and children, including infants over 4 weeks of age.

According to the annotation, the medicine is effective for diarrhea of ​​drug or allergic origin. It helps against diarrhea caused by a violation of the quality of the composition and/or diet, with “travelers’ diarrhea,” as well as with disorders provoked by infectious diseases (for diarrhea of ​​infectious origin, the drug is used as part of complex therapy).

The remedy can be prescribed for heartburn, abdominal discomfort, bloating and other symptoms of dyspepsia , which accompany many diseases of the digestive system.

In case of irritable bowel syndrome, Smecta does not reduce diarrhea , however, it significantly alleviates the patient’s condition due to the sorption and removal of excess gases in the intestines.

Smecta for poisoning

Does the drug help with poisoning? If toxic substances enter the body through the stomach, of course.

Smecta effectively removes toxins that have been absorbed into the gastrointestinal mucosa, while helping to restore the natural balance of intestinal microflora and creating a favorable habitat for its beneficial representatives.

Thanks to the unique structure of diosmectite , which is obtained through complex technological processing from specific clay and shell rock, the drug gently lines the mucous membrane of the digestive tube, strengthening its barrier function and giving damaged cells the opportunity to recover.

Smecta for vomiting

The use of the drug for vomiting is permissible in cases where the gag reflex is not a symptom of severe pathology of the digestive organs.

Before taking Smecta, an adult is recommended to perform a gastric lavage, since this procedure helps remove a significant part of toxic substances from the body and speeds up the effect of diosmectite.

When vomiting in children, the use of sorbent is resorted to, as a rule, in situations where food poisoning contributed to the activation of the gag reflex.

Why does the powder help animals?

Smecta is used in veterinary practice to alleviate the condition of animals with vomiting, stool disorders and poisoning.

During the research, it was found that in dogs suffering from diarrhea , when using the drug as an addition to the diet and main therapy, recovery occurred 2-3 days earlier than in the group of animals that did not receive Smecta.


Angelina, 33 years old: Smecta in our family is an assistant for poisoning and diarrhea. A suspension prepared on the basis of this drug quickly helps eliminate the symptoms of gastric disorders. On vacation, a child almost always suffers from diarrhea in the first days. After several doses, the symptoms disappear. Smecta is an inexpensive and high-quality drug that is always at hand.

Denis, 41 years old: I periodically suffer from constipation. At such moments, Smecta comes to the rescue. If you experience constipation, it should be used with caution, but since this does not happen too often, I use it to normalize stool. The effect is good. In addition, this drug improves the digestion process and restores normal microflora, which has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Larisa, 28 years old: I was surprised when I found out that Smecta can be given even to infants. On the advice of the pediatrician, I gave the suspension to my two-month-old child when he was constipated. The effect occurs very quickly, no side effects are observed. I once tried the effect of this remedy on myself for diarrhea caused by taking the drug. By the end of the first day of treatment, the symptoms of the disorder disappeared.

Sergey, 33 years old: One of the regular drugs in our family medicine cabinet is Smecta. We always start treating any intestinal disorders with it. As a rule, it helps almost from the very first day of treatment. Ease of use and pleasant taste are undoubted bonuses of the product.

Smecta helps with diarrhea associated with poisoning and changes in diet, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The suspension can be given even to infants, but it is better to consult a doctor first. The drug has a limited list of contraindications and possible side effects.

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The drug has very few contraindications for use. Thus, Smecta is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction , known hypersensitivity to the components of the powder, food intolerance to fructose, deficiency of the sucrase-isomaltase complex, malabsorption syndrome (malabsorption) of glucose and galactose .

It is also not recommended to take the suspension in case of osmotic diarrhea . This is explained by the fact that additional sorption of nutrients can provoke an increase in malabsorption syndrome.

The medicine is prescribed with caution to patients of severe chronic constipation .

pharmachologic effect

The drug belongs to the group of sorbents of natural origin and has a pronounced protective ability against the gastrointestinal system. This is especially true for chronic diarrhea and the acute form of this disease, the uncomfortable state of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main component has the ability to stabilize the composition of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract, increasing its concentration. In this case, the intestinal lining becomes denser and is able to resist pathological substances that irritate it. As a result, all signs of poisoning and indigestion are removed, which is why Smecta is used.

The drug is able to reduce the negative effects of toxic substances and pathogenic microflora. Once in the intestinal cavity, the active substances fix the toxic compounds present there and push them out of the body along with the feces. This happens sparingly and gently, without gagging.

At the same time, vitamins and minerals, positive microflora and nutrients remain unbound. In terms of its consistency, “Smecta” is quite viscous and is capable of enveloping the entire internal intestinal cavity with a thin coating. Thus, the medication affects exclusively the microflora of the digestive tract, does not enter the bloodstream and is not absorbed by the body.

Taking Smecta in the optimal dosage does not affect intestinal motility. Its active element does not change the color of feces, is transparent to X-rays and is not able to penetrate the walls of the intestinal organs even with erosion. The drug is safe for the human body, and it can be used in the treatment of children almost from birth. In addition, it is not addictive and rarely leads to allergic reactions.

Side effects

During clinical trials, it was found that the drug can cause constipation . This phenomenon occurs quite rarely and goes away after an individual change in the dosage regimen.

Some patients may experience vomiting and flatulence .

During the post-registration period, cases of the development of hypersensitivity reactions were recorded, which included the appearance of skin rashes, urticaria , itching, and angioedema . The frequency of these side effects is unknown.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

The use of Smecta is unacceptable in the following cases:

  • Constipation. The symptom of deterioration of intestinal obstruction is worsened by the action of the medication. Be careful!
  • Frequent vomiting.
  • Intolerance to the active substance.
  • Diarrhea or bloody stool.
  • High temperature.

The list of contraindications is limited to a small list, and side effects are rare and appear in the form of a common rash. Naturalness ensures safety and guarantees a positive result if you follow the doctor’s prescription and do not violate the dosage.

Not a single case of overdose has been reported, but it is not worth provoking new unpleasant symptoms. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed doctor's prescription so as not to generate statistics.

special instructions

Diarrhea (especially in children) increases the risk of electrolyte imbalance and dehydration . To avoid this, the child is usually prescribed Regidron and Smecta together. Instead of Regidron, you can use the drugs Citraglucosolan , Disol , Trisol , Reosolan , Gidrovit , etc.

Oral rehydration salt solution helps replenish electrolytes lost during vomiting and diarrhea, the glucose it contains improves salt absorption, and citrates help correct the balance in metabolic acidosis .

For adults, rehydration agents are prescribed if necessary. The amount of rehydration depends on the course of the disease, the age of the patient and the intensity of diarrhea.

Drugs with similar effects

Modern pharmaceuticals have a whole range of antidiarrheal drugs. Among them there are analogues of “Smecta” in terms of the main component and mechanism of action. Among the main ones are the following:

  • “Diosmectite” (close in action, based on the same dioctahedral smectite).
  • “Neosmectin” (a close analogue produced in Russia, containing slightly less iron and more magnesium, less likely to cause constipation).
  • “Activated carbon” (the most affordable, antidiarrheal drug with an absorption effect, has a more harsh effect on the mucous membrane, absorbs a larger amount of useful substances).
  • "Lactofiltrum" (tablet medication with lactulose and lignin, improves intestinal microflora).
  • "Polysorb MP" (domestic solution with an adsorbing effect with colloidal silicon dioxide in the structure).
  • "Polyphepan" (in the form of powders, granules or tablets with hydrolytic lignin).
  • "Enterodes" (absorbent drug with povidone, which binds toxins).
  • "Entegnin" (tablets with lignin).
  • "Enterosorb" (powder and solvent with povidone).
  • "Enterosgel" (in the form of a gel or paste with antitoxic properties).

The issue of replacing the drug in each specific case is best decided together with the doctor. Most drugs containing another active component are not able to completely envelop the gastric mucosa and protect it from damage.

Analogues of Smecta

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Synonyms for Smecta are: Diosmectite and Neosmectin . When choosing an analogue for children, preference is given to the drug Neosmectin .

The following mechanisms of action have a similar mechanism of action: Activated carbon , Microcel , Laktofiltrum , Lignosorb , Polysorb MP , Filtrum-STI , Polyphepan , Enterodes , Entegnin , Enterosorb Enterosgel , Enterumin , - 1 .

What is better - Neosmectin or Smecta?

Neosmectin is a complete analogue of the drug Smecta. The difference between these products is that the first is produced by the Russian company Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, while Smecta is produced by the French company Ipsen Pharma.

Smecta or activated carbon - which is better?

Both Smecta and activated carbon are preparations with sorption properties .

However, Smecta has a number of advantages in comparison with the latter. Firstly, this drug is distinguished by its selectivity of action: it removes toxic substances, hydrochloric acid, excess bile acids and viruses, but does not take the substances it needs from the body.

Activated carbon, along with pathogenic microorganisms and poisons of biological origin, also removes beneficial bacteria, without which the stomach and intestines subsequently cannot function normally. Diosmectite helps create the most optimal conditions in the body for the development of beneficial microflora.

Secondly, acting very gently, the drug envelops the walls of the digestive canal, protecting them from aggressive factors, while activated carbon , which has a rigid structure, can further injure them.


Medicines that are analogues of Smecta include the following:

  • Neosmectin;
  • Diosmectite;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Atoxyl;
  • Activated carbon.

The decision to replace the drug Smecta with an analogue should come from the attending physician, if he finds it appropriate.

Smecta for children: instructions for newborns

Smecta for newborns is often an indispensable drug, since most digestive problems arise in the first weeks of a baby’s life.

The manufacturer's instructions do not contain instructions on how to give Smecta to infants under 4 weeks of age, so most young mothers naturally have questions about whether Smecta can be given to newborns and whether this drug will harm the baby.

The answer is clear - you can (after all, diosmectite is nothing more than well-purified clay, which is not absorbed or metabolized in the body), but only under the supervision of the attending physician and with his approval.

The drug is prescribed for eating disorders accompanied by bloating and abdominal pain, the development of diarrhea and vomiting syndrome. It is also recommended to be given for jaundice .

The dosage of Smecta for newborns is selected by the doctor.

There is no difference in how to dilute Smecta for a newborn baby and an older child. The dose recommended by the doctor is slowly, stirring constantly, poured into 50 ml of warm milk, water or formula for artificial nutrition and stirred until smooth.

The specified volume of liquid must be given to the child in several doses.

Most mothers leave positive reviews about the use of the drug in newborns, but note that children prone to constipation should be given Smecta with caution.

Instructions for use for diarrhea

The absorbent should be taken and prepared strictly according to the instructions. But how to dilute Smecta for an adult with diarrhea in order to get a therapeutic effect? First you need to prepare a solution. To do this, you will need to dilute the powder in 100 ml of warm water and stir thoroughly. The dosage depends on the patient's weight. Adults can take a double dose. It is important to prepare Smecta immediately before you are going to use it, because with prolonged contact with oxygen, the drug loses its properties and can even increase irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is drunk one hour before meals on an empty stomach or 2 hours after. In fact, the medication can give a noticeable effect almost immediately after ingestion. How long does it take for Smecta to work for diarrhea? In acute cases, the medication eliminates discomfort in 8-9 hours. If we are talking about ordinary poisoning, then Smecta will take full effect in just a couple of hours.

As for the duration of the course of treatment, the drug must be taken for 3 days. This is how much you can self-medicate without the intervention of specialists. If after 3 days the condition does not improve, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Use with alcohol

Diosmectite reduces the rate of absorption of alcohol.

To reduce the effect of intoxication, immediately before the feast you should take 2-3 sachets of the drug.

To prevent the development of hangover syndrome , Smecta is taken after drinking alcohol.

If there is vomiting within 30 minutes after taking the suspension, the drug is repeated in a double dose. In case of poisoning with alcohol surrogates, it is necessary to induce vomiting, then take three sachets of Smecta and call an ambulance.

Does Smecta help with diarrhea?

Smecta for diarrhea in adults eliminates symptoms due to its enveloping effect. The powder, by relieving inflammation in the intestines, helps relieve symptoms of food intoxication and intestinal infection.

Small particles of the substance, attracting toxins, restoring the functioning of the digestive tract.

Effectiveness in the treatment of diarrhea lies in the production of a certain amount of mucus. The medicine helps beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which fight pathogenic microorganisms.

It is important to follow the dosage according to the instructions, then diarrhea will go away with the help of the drug. If you do not regulate the amount of powder consumed, diarrhea occurs due to an overdose.

Indications for use:

  • heartburn,
  • gastritis,
  • nausea,
  • intestinal ulcer, stomach ulcer,
  • diarrhea due to allergies,
  • diarrhea due to infection in the intestines,
  • flatulence,
  • nausea, severe vomiting,
  • diarrhea due to food poisoning,
  • gastroenteritis,
  • diarrhea due to antibiotic poisoning, overdose of other medications,
  • diarrhea due to chemical intoxication of the body.

It is recommended to have the drug in your first aid kit when flying to different countries and consuming national cuisine. When the climate changes, a tourist may suddenly feel bad; the substance will quickly eliminate the problem.

Smecta during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can pregnant women use Smecta?

The drug can be used in pregnant women. According to the instructions for Smecta, during pregnancy there is no need to adjust the regimen and dosage of the drug.

In pregnant women, the drug is used to reduce the severity of heartburn, normalize digestion, prevent the development of intestinal candidiasis against the background of reduced immunity , and also to prevent toxicosis .

It has been scientifically and practically proven that diosmectite does not have a negative effect on the process of prenatal development and is completely safe for the fetus.

If necessary, unless the doctor gives other instructions, you can take Smecta one sachet three times a day. Five days are usually enough to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and normalize the production of digestive enzymes.

Can a nursing mother take Smecta powder?

The drug is approved for use during lactation and can be used in standard doses.

For colitis and intestinal infections

Smecta, a suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of colitis. An important role is played by its double action: it achieves a mucoprotective effect, envelops the mucous membrane of the diseased intestine and promotes its restoration. In addition, the drug binds to pathogenic agents - pathogenic microorganisms or inorganic toxins, removes them from the intestinal tract and thereby cleanses and eliminates the causes of the inflammatory process.

For intestinal infections manifested by acute diarrhea, Smecta has a powerful absorbent effect: the multilayer structure of the drug allows it to take on eight times more volume of water. Thus, the consistency of intestinal contents changes and normalizes and the number of bowel movements sharply decreases.

Reviews about Smecta

Smecta is an original medicine containing a naturally occurring substance, diosmectite, as an active substance. The latter, being a silicate of Mg and Al, differs favorably from other silicon compounds in its structure and properties.

The diosmectite molecule has a stereometric configuration and is characterized by increased plastic viscosity, due to which the drug not only effectively adsorbs harmful substances, but also has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tube.

Most of the reviews are reviews of Smecta for children, and, in particular, for infants and newborns. Acting quickly and gently, the drug relieves symptoms of poisoning, relieves heartburn, and eliminates infectious digestive problems. Therefore, according to most mothers, in families with children, it must be in first aid kits.

The main advantages of Smecta are:

  • “children’s” dosage form and pleasant taste;
  • the ability to significantly reduce the duration of the disease and, accordingly, the costs of treatment (this fact is confirmed by numerous studies and, in particular, studies conducted by SIGEP specialists);
  • good tolerance;
  • few restrictions on use.

To date, there is encouraging data on the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in children in the first 4 weeks of newborn life, as well as on its use for prophylactic purposes to prevent the development of chronic diarrhea during radiation therapy in patients with cancer .

What is Smecta

Externally, it is a white powder packed in a sealed paper bag.
Weight – 3.75 g. The powder is intended to be dissolved in water. This produces a milky suspension for internal use.

The basis of the drug is dioctahedral smectite, a mineral substance based on aluminum and magnesium silicates.

Smectite is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract , is absolutely harmless to the body, and does not contrast in X-ray and ultrasound examinations.


This drug consists of natural adsorbent components:

  1. The active component is diactahedral smectite (3 g).
  2. Flavoring and aromatic substances: sodium saccharin (0.021 g), glucose monohydrate (0.679 g), vanilla and orange flavors (0.06 g).

This medicine has an adsorbing effect on the intestines, promotes the removal of toxins and other substances that disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

Helps restore the mucous barrier , thanks to specific chemical processes, increases the amount of secretion on the intestinal mucosa.

Smecta also has a gastroprotective effect. It improves the intestines' resistance to harmful substances, infections, and antibiotics.

It selectively adsorbs (helps eliminate) bacteria, viruses, and toxins that interfere with normal intestinal function.

How much does it cost at the Smecta pharmacy?

The price of Smecta in a pharmacy may vary depending on the number of portioned sachets in the package.

The cost of package No. 10 in Ukraine is 69-94 UAH; you can buy a package of 30 sachets for 198-230 UAH.

If it is necessary to use the drug for children (in particular, for newborns), take into account the likelihood of constipation. In predisposed children, the drug is used in a reduced dose, so it is advisable to buy it not in packaging, but individually.

The price for 1 sachet is about 8 UAH.

The price of Smecta in Russian pharmacies is from 150 to 170 rubles. for package No. 10. The cost of package No. 30 is from 325 rubles. One portioned bag can be purchased for an average of 11-13 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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    for internal approx. strawberry pack 3g 10 pcs. Bofur Ipsen Industry 129 rub. order
  • Smecta powder for Prig Susp. for internal approx. vanilla 3g 10 pcs Beaufour Ipsen

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  • Smecta suspension for oral administration (caramel-cocoa) pack. 3g 8 pcs PHARMATIS/Bofur Ipsen Industry FR

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  • Smecta powder for Prig Susp. for internal approx. orange 3g 10 pcs Beaufour Ipsen

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Smecta bags No. 10 vanillaBofur Ipsen Industry

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  • Smecta bags No. 10 orangeBeaufour Ipsen Industrie

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  • Smecta bags No. 8 caramel-cocoaBeaufour Ipsen Industrie

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  • Smecta bags No. 10 strawberryBeaufour Ipsen Industrie

    RUB 137 order

  • Smecta bags No. 10 vanillaBeaufour Ipsen Industrie

    129 RUR order

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  • Smecta 3g N12 orange-vanilla powder for oral suspension Beaufour-Ipsen Industrie, France
    111 UAH.order
  • Smecta strawberry 3 g N12 powder Beaufour-Ipsen Industrie, France

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  • Smecta 3 g N12 vanilla powder Beaufour-Ipsen Industrie, France

    111 UAH order


  • Smecta Orange-Vanilla por. d/p susp. 3g No. 12

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  • Smecta Vanilla por. d/p susp. 3g No. 12

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  • Smecta Strawberry por. d/p susp. 3g No. 12

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  • Smecta Smecta por. d/p susp. 3g No. 10 France, Beaufour Ipsen Industrie

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Smecta: features of the drug

Smecta is a drug that has an adsorbing effect. Its main component, diosmectite, is a natural substance obtained from white clay. It is mined from a unique volcanic deposit on the island of Sardinia and subjected to three-phase purification using high-tech equipment. The drug is produced by the French company IPSEN, the production process complies with GMP quality standards.

Each particle of diosmectite has three layers - 2 silicon-containing and 1 (internal) aluminum-containing. The inner layer has a negative charge, and the outer layer has a positive charge. This allows diosmectite particles to attract and hold molecules with opposite charges, which ensures the absorption of harmful substances when taking Smecta.

Currently, the drug is produced in a new format - in the form of a ready-made suspension for administration, which does not need to be diluted in water before use. This ensures simplicity and ease of use of the drug. If necessary, the suspension can be diluted with water. The new convenient format allows you to take the medicine with you in your travel bag and take it as needed. In addition, in the form of a suspension, the medicine is easier to give to a small child.

The suspension has a beige-gray tint, a pleasant caramel smell and a sweetish taste. Sales of the drug in the old format - in powder form - continue. In powder form, the drug is available in two variations - with orange and vanilla flavor.

How does Smecta work for heartburn?

When taking Smecta, an adsorbing effect on viruses, bacteria, fungi and their toxins is ensured. Diosmectite particles attract them to themselves and remove them from the body, which improves the patient’s condition with diarrhea and vomiting caused by food poisoning or intestinal infections. It is important that the drug has a selective effect; it does not remove beneficial bacteria, vitamins and minerals from the body, but acts only on toxins and pathogens.

Attention! The medicine does not directly affect intestinal motility.

In addition, the drug has an enveloping and gastroprotective effect, which is achieved due to the ability of diosmectite to form a chemical bond with the glycoproteins of the mucus lining the gastrointestinal tract from the inside. When taking Smecta, the volume of mucus increases and its protective properties increase. Due to this property of the drug, when taken, the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and intestines receive additional protection, and any damage to them heals faster.

Read: can you drink kefir if you have heartburn?

We recommend reading why gastric adenoma occurs and how it is treated.

Smecta is used for:

  • stool disorders caused by various reasons (medication, food poisoning, allergies, dietary errors);
  • intoxication (harmful substances, alcohol, infection) to remove toxins from the body;
  • pain caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • discomfort in the intestines.

Speaking about pain caused by diseases of the digestive tract, it is worth highlighting heartburn. It can be a symptom of many diseases of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Speaking about whether Smecta helps with heartburn, it is worth talking about the cause of the burning sensation in the esophagus. Heartburn is the result of the reflux of masses from the stomach that contain hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. It irritates the lining of the esophagus, damages it, which is why a burning sensation appears in the area behind the sternum. When taking Smecta, the volume of mucus increases, which protects the walls of the stomach and esophagus from hydrochloric acid. The instructions for use of Smecta indicate its effectiveness for heartburn.

Review of analogues

Analogs are similar in action and components that are present in the drug "Smecta":

"Polysorb"Widely used for acute diarrheal conditions, it has a quick effect, helps relieve symptoms after 5-15 minutes of use. Over 18 years of use, it has been noted as a fast-acting drug for acute poisoning by chemical substances. Do not use for intestinal atony, ulcers, bleeding, or intolerance to the components of the composition.
"Phosphalugel"Normalizes the acid balance, has an enveloping effect, in case of poisoning and intestinal infections, it takes on harmful microorganisms and removes them from the body.Cannot be used by allergy sufferers or patients with renal failure.
"Enterofuril"Effectively eliminates microbes and is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic infectious diarrhea. Nifuroxazide destroys the membrane of bacteria, eliminating them from the intestines. Use is prohibited for children under 1 month of age and patients sensitive to the components of the drug.
"Enterosgel"Adsorbent effect on the body, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, activates intestinal motility. Used for intoxication and infectious diarrhea. Prohibited for acute intestinal obstruction.
"Regidron"Reception for acute infectious diseases, cholera. Restores the acid-base balance in the body during vomiting and diarrhea. Arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

For infectious diarrhea, according to user reviews, it is better to choose “Regidron”; for food poisoning, “Enterosgel” or “Polysorb”.

“Diosmectin”, “Neosmectin” coincide with the powder in composition and properties. Activated carbon can be taken when intoxicated from spoiled foods, but the product removes beneficial substances in large quantities. It is allowed to take in the proportion of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

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