How to deal with nausea and bloating in women

Causes of pathology

Drinking carbonated drinks leads to bloating.

Bloating can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often it appears when air is swallowed while eating.

If a person drinks carbonated drinks in excessive quantities, this can lead to bloating. During the period of taking soda, which neutralizes gastric secretions, a pathological condition is also observed.

If starch and fiber enter the human body in large quantities, this leads to gas formation. An excessive amount of rich and sweet foods that a person consumes also leads to the formation of gases.

Bloating can occur as a result of a variety of pathological conditions. The main cause of the pathology is fermenopathy. This disease is characterized by the absence in the human body of an enzyme that is responsible for the production of complex milk sugars.

Very often the disease appears against the background of dysbacteriosis. With this disease, the intestinal microflora changes. If there is a local type of swelling, one can judge the presence of mechanical barriers along the path of gas movement. Abdominal bloating can be observed against the background of mental pathologies, namely hysterical disorders.

A constantly bloated stomach can occur as a result of poor nutrition or pathological conditions. In the second case, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor.


Probably, many of us notice that belching and bloating are observed after heavy holidays, accompanied by eating a large amount of food. Abdominal pain can also occur after eating unusual and difficult to digest foods.

It is necessary to note that the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract can occur for the following reasons.

Causes of belching:

  1. Errors in nutrition when a person eats dry food (in this case he cannot avoid flatulence). The same thing happens in the body if you allow significant breaks between meals.
  2. Poor chewing of food and hasty swallowing rapidly increases gas formation in the stomach.
  3. Simultaneous consumption of incompatible foods. For example, the appearance of flatulence and heartburn is facilitated by the consumption of salty and sweet foods, dairy products and vegetables at the same time. Diarrhea often develops from these combinations.
  1. The presence of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract (giardia, trichomonas, etc.).
  2. Quick conversations (if a person is talking on the phone, he may swallow air). This causes gases to enter the stomach and intestines.
  3. Eating large amounts of chewing gum. It causes increased gas formation and increased production of gastric juice. The acid formed during these processes corrodes the gastric mucosa, which causes heartburn and nausea.

Important! If you notice that the belching comes with a bad smell, diarrhea, heartburn, lethargy and weakness appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same must be done if the above problem appears constantly. This combination of symptoms may indicate human intoxication with helminths.

Symptoms of the disease

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, belching may occur.

With constant flatulence, a person tries to find not only its causes, but also to determine additional symptoms.

If a pathological condition occurs as a result of poor nutrition, then in most cases it is not accompanied by additional symptoms and goes away on its own the next day.

If the cause of bloating is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it may be accompanied by:

  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Belching;
  • Heartburn.

In this pathological condition, visual severe distension of the abdomen occurs. He is constantly bursting. The patient experiences pain. They may go away on their own or not stop for a long period. To eliminate this symptom, you need to take special painkillers.

With a bloated stomach, a person constantly thinks that he has overeaten, despite the fact that he eats a minimal amount of food. Some patients, when this pathological condition appears, complain of constant weakness.

Some patients experience rumbling in the stomach, which is explained by the movement of gases. In some cases, the pathological condition may be accompanied by a headache. Due to external changes, a person feels constantly insecure.

Abdominal bloating is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. If the first of them appear, then it is necessary to begin treatment.

Main symptoms

During a conversation, while eating, air enters the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth, and gases are formed during the breakdown of organic substances. All these processes lead to saturation of the stomach and intestines with gases. The stomach filled with air immediately reacts with belching, pain and discomfort.

Many people do not notice increased gas formation in the intestines. Signs appear gradually and accompany constantly. While they are gaining strength, a person has time to get used to his condition. It is important to respond to the first changes:

  • rumbling intestines;
  • bloated belly;
  • discomfort in the diaphragm;
  • empty belching after eating (constant or recurring);
  • flatulence;
  • the presence of constipation or distress.

Later, lethargy, loss of appetite, weakened immunity, and headaches are added.

Features of treatment

Duphalac is a remedy for constipation.

If bloating occurs, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment for this pathological condition.

In this case, treatment can be easily carried out at home. Treatment of the disease should be aimed at eliminating the causes of its occurrence.

In order to eliminate or mitigate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to regularly take adsorbents. Doctors recommend taking activated charcoal for bloating.

With its help, the amount of gases in the intestinal area is reduced, but also the removal of toxins. It is necessary to take traditional medicine as carefully as possible, otherwise constipation may occur.

To prevent gases from forming in the intestines, treatment must be aimed at eliminating problems with peristalsis. This is because the situation can be aggravated not only by constipation, but also by diarrhea.

In a modern pharmacy you can find laxatives in large quantities. The most effective drug in relieving constipation is Duphalac. The action of the medication is aimed at liquefying stool. Also, with the help of this traditional drug, dysbiosis is eliminated. This is explained by the fact that the drug activates intestinal activity and eliminates harmful microorganisms.

It is also widely used to stabilize liver function. You can provide first aid for flatulence at home using traditional medicine. Despite their high effectiveness, you should consult a doctor before using a certain medication.

Medical causes of nausea, vomiting and bloating

  • constipation. An adult should have a bowel movement every day. Otherwise, bloating may occur;
  • Pathological changes in the intestine, resulting in obstruction;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pregnancy. Hormonal changes in a woman’s health, especially in the first months of pregnancy;
  • indigestion. Burning sensation in the upper abdomen, gas formation, belching;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • tumor of the intestine and liver.


A herbal decoction will help get rid of flatulence.

Treatment of bloating can be carried out using traditional medicine, which is highly effective.

If a patient experiences flatulence due to an infectious intestinal disease, it can be eliminated with the help of willow and oak.

The preparation of medicines is carried out on the basis of the bark of these plants. For this purpose, two tablespoons of crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes.

Next, the folk medicine should infuse for two hours. It is recommended to take the medicine twice a day before meals, a tablespoon.

Herbal decoction is also effective in treating flatulence. To prepare it, you need to take St. John's wort, peppermint, and chamomile. All herbs are mixed in equal quantities and poured with boiling water.

With the help of chamomile and St. John's wort, inflammatory processes are eliminated. Mint belongs to the category of antispasmodics. The decoction must be taken orally before meals. A single dose of medication is half a glass.

Very often, plantain is used to eliminate the disease. This plant is characterized by the presence of enveloping properties. It also helps stimulate intestinal function. A tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves must be poured with boiling water.

The alternative medicine is infused for four hours. After this time, it must be filtered and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. The traditional medicine is taken before meals, two teaspoons.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of flatulence is not only safe, but also most effective, which makes it possible to treat adults and children with their help.

Prevention of pathology

Prevention of flatulence will allow a person to eliminate the possibility of developing this unpleasant disease.

When various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear, it is imperative to carry out their timely treatment. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Also, a person should not consume carbonated drinks in excessive quantities.

In order to eliminate the possibility of developing a pathological condition, the patient must be provided with proper nutrition. You should not use baking soda to treat heartburn. Constant bloating is a rather unpleasant and alarming symptom. That is why, when it appears, the patient must seek help from a doctor who will prescribe rational treatment.

Causes and treatment of bloating - topic of the video:

Improper digestion is the most common cause of abdominal discomfort. Bloating, causes and treatment is a hot topic of discussion. These unpleasant sensations can be experienced by people who are completely healthy or who suffer from chronic diseases.


It is possible to prevent the development of gastrointestinal disorders, in which flatulence and other characteristic symptoms (dizziness, fever and vomiting) occur, if the following rules are observed:

Adhere to the principles of rational nutrition:

Control the caloric content of food; Eliminate foods that cause flatulence from the diet; Use only high-quality products; Drink more fluid; Avoid spicy and fatty foods.

Avoid intestinal dysbiosis and the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

Lead an active lifestyle that excludes bad habits.

Seek advice from a doctor if there is any signal from the body about problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

If necessary and after medical consultation, use drugs that improve intestinal motility, eliminate discomfort and ensure normal bowel movements.

Nausea and bloating are symptoms of many diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of associated pathologies is carried out depending on the cause of the onset of a particular disease. For this purpose, medications are used, the diet and diet are brought back to normal, and folk remedies are used.

Self-medication in the presence of the above symptoms is unacceptable, since only an experienced specialist can correctly identify the cause of the disease, after which only an experienced specialist can prescribe an effective and safe course of treatment.

Mechanism of the digestive process

Digestion of food begins in the mouth and ends in the rectum. However, the most intensive process of breakdown of organic matter ingested with food occurs in the upper parts of the intestine.

The essence of the digestive process is to grind food to such a state that it can pass through the walls of the intestines and blood vessels. Carried with the bloodstream, it will serve as a building material for the formation of cells and tissues of a given organism.

Digestion of food is a chemical process that is accompanied by the appearance of waste, that is, substances that the body does not need. They are the ones who give stool its characteristic color and smell. Some of these substances are released in gaseous form and are excreted from the body along with feces. It is these processes that cause bloating.

With healthy digestion, there are few gases and their presence is not felt at all by the person. However, almost all disorders of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the formation of excess gases. This is immediately felt at the subjective level of perception of one’s condition.

Symptoms and sensations

Symptoms of bloating include the following:

  • in a feeling of strong and even visual enlargement of the abdomen, its distension;
  • severe bloating contributes to the appearance of pain, which may go away on its own;
  • a bloated stomach creates the illusion of constant overeating, while a person eats very little;
  • in the rumbling and gurgling of the stomach, usually these sounds are harbingers of the appearance of a sensation called “bloated stomach”;
  • the appearance of weakness, possibly headaches and feelings of self-doubt.

All these signs can appear individually, in aggregate or in blocks.

Causes of excessive gas formation

Bloating, despite similar causes, has a single mechanism, but depends on many exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous factors of flatulence can be poor-quality food, medications that affect the digestion process, etc.

It is difficult to list all the exogenous causes that cause bloating, but we can limit ourselves to the following examples:

  1. Eating poorly compatible foods, which affects the activity of intestinal bacteria, resulting in excess gas and bloating.
  2. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks. Taking them is an artificial increase in the number of carbon dioxide bubbles in the intestines to a concentration several times higher than normal. This causes, first of all, bloating.
  3. Frequent use of sodium bicarbonate (soda) as a remedy for heartburn. When soda interacts with stomach acid, a chemical reaction occurs to form carbon dioxide. These gases are formed immediately in large quantities, which forms a bloated stomach.
  4. Frequent overeating, especially at night. In this case, the digestion process slows down. Large pieces of food are formed in the intestines, in which the processes of putrefactive or yeast fermentation begin. In such cases, flatulence increases after eating and a “bloated stomach” appears.
  5. Passion for fatty foods. This is fraught not only with a slowdown in the digestion of food, but also with an increased load on the liver and pancreas. A bloated stomach in this case is a consequence not so much of the formation of gases as of difficult digestion.
  6. A sudden change in diet. Most often, constant bloating and gas appear when switching to eating predominantly plant foods. A change in diet has a particularly strong effect when switching to eating raw food.

The causes of bloating, occurring due to pathological processes in the body, may be as follows:

  1. Frequent constipation. They can be caused by atony or intestinal spasms, radiculitis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, colitis, enterocolitis, diseases of the liver and pancreas, emotional overload, and poor diet. Constipation is the lack of an adequate response of the body to a full intestine, as a result of which stool remains in the intestines longer than usual. All this time they continue to be digested by the body with the release of large amounts of intestinal gases. A person feels a “bloated stomach”. This overcrowding causes abdominal pain and increases the squeezing effect on the organs.
  2. In food allergies. Allergens entering the intestines can cause abdominal pain, changes in the skin, rashes, etc. Including a bloated belly.
  3. In dysbacteriosis. This is a violation of the optimal balance of microorganisms living in the intestines. The disease is always accompanied by constant gas and bloating. Usually the number of lactic acid fermentation bacteria decreases and the number of fungi, putrefactive fermentation bacteria, etc. increases. However, dysbiosis also includes a general decrease in the number of microorganisms in the intestines. This is usually associated with intestinal diseases, taking antibiotics and poor nutrition. A person suffering from dysbacteriosis is always bursting from the inside - he feels a bloated stomach, and this is a big problem.
  4. In parasites living in the gastrointestinal tract. Any parasite in the intestines affects the digestion process. For example, pinworms and roundworms feed in the intestines on the same food as humans. They do not damage the intestines themselves, but the body also has to digest the waste products of these parasites. This changes the entire digestion process, which necessarily entails frequent bloating.
  5. In diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Bile promotes better digestion of fats. In case of disorders associated with the production or excretion of bile, fats do not undergo primary processing in the duodenum, which negatively affects the entire digestion process. In this case, bloating occurs after eating. After some time, these sensations may be minimized, but with a chronic disease, bloating after eating will be a constant companion of a person.
  6. In diseases of the pancreas. Hypofunction of the pancreas reduces the efficiency of the entire digestive system. In this case, flatulence also occurs after eating.
  7. In inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. We are talking about gastritis diseases. Particularly serious consequences occur with gastroduodenitis. With this disease, the production of digestive juices is disrupted, which entails not only increased formation of gases, but also abdominal pain.

It is almost impossible to list all the causes of bloating, although it is possible to generalize the possible causes - gases are formed when digestion is impaired. Only the reasons for these violations are varied.

Bloating and nausea: causes, medication table

The feeling of fullness in the abdomen is often accompanied by bloating and nausea. The reasons for this can be different - short-term overeating, flatulence or signs of a certain disease. If abdominal enlargement and negative symptoms are present frequently or constantly, this is an alarming sign. We can talk about serious pathologies, one of which is cancer.

Causes of flatulence and nausea

An enlarged abdomen can appear at any age. This condition is often accompanied by constant nausea. It can be caused by eating fatty foods, in which case the symptoms are complemented by diarrhea. The listed signs can appear either separately or in combination. Causes of bloating and nausea include:

  1. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The cause of this is often the microorganism Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium infects the stomach walls and small intestine. As a result, the secretion of enzymes decreases, and food has difficulty moving to the intestines. Not completely digested. Leftover food begins to rot, fermentation appears, gas accumulation and bloating. Nausea occurs due to intoxication of the body with waste products of bacteria.
  2. Benign or cancerous tumors that distend the abdominal cavity. At the same time, nausea appears.
  3. Parasites. They release dangerous toxins that poison the body.
  4. Constipation is when stool starts to accumulate.
  5. Lack of lactose, which is required for dairy products to be processed.
  6. Binge eating. Food is not completely digested. Rotting residues cause fermentation due to disruption of the stomach and a deficiency in the production of necessary pancreatic enzymes.

The causes of nausea and bloating may lie in swallowing air. This occurs while eating, when a person is talking at the same time, smoking, drinking carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks and a number of foods.

There are reasons that provoke bloating and nausea only in women due to hormonal imbalance or changes. This occurs before menstruation, after menopause, and during pregnancy. However, the main cause, regardless of gender, remains poor nutrition.

Diseases that cause bloating

One of the common conditions that cause increased gas, bloating and nausea is irritable bowel disease. Other reasons:

  • heart failure (chronic);
  • peptic ulcer;
  • neoplasms in the liver or intestines;
  • pancreatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • indigestion;
  • gastritis (especially chronic form);
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • poisoning;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • stenosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • antibiotics that destroy both pathogenic and healthy microflora;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • acid reflux;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Also, nausea and bloating of the abdomen after surgical operations in the abdominal cavity, due to the formation of adhesions. Often the cause of this is the patient himself, not following the doctor’s instructions during the rehabilitation period. In infants, abdominal enlargement occurs due to intestinal infections, a change in foods, or after switching to an artificial formula.

Do I need to see a doctor?

If bloating is a one-time manifestation, then there is no need to visit a doctor. The discomfort may have been caused by food, overeating, or other reasons. However, when abdominal enlargement is a permanent phenomenon, you should definitely consult a doctor. A gastroenterologist deals with such diseases. Also, indications for visiting a doctor are the appearance of additional symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea with blood vomiting;
  • diarrhea that appears after eating;
  • blood in stool;
  • headache;
  • constant belching;
  • chest pain.

It is also necessary to visit a doctor when, in addition to bloating, you suffer from incessant nausea, dehydration, and sudden weight loss.


If you have bloating and nausea, first consult a physician. He will prescribe blood biochemistry, urine and stool tests, and may require ultrasound, x-rays and other diagnostic methods. With the results obtained, the patient is referred to a gastroenterologist, who is involved in treatment. In most cases it is complex. Includes medication, diet, and physical therapy.

Important! Folk remedies are used only as auxiliaries, and cannot cure diseases completely. Such recipes can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Diet therapy

For bloating, a special diet is prescribed. It is not strict, but some products will have to be excluded from the menu:

  • cabbage;
  • grapes, wine, gooseberries;
  • fresh bread;
  • cucumbers, onions;
  • sweets;
  • milk;
  • prunes, peaches, dates;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • legumes;
  • apricots;
  • pearl barley, semolina;
  • millet and oats;
  • pepper, radish;
  • potato;
  • pears, apples;
  • spinach, corn, asparagus;
  • figs

If you have bloating and nausea, avoid carbonated drinks. The list of prohibited products can be changed or supplemented; it is compiled by a doctor. Diet rules are also important. You need to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day. It is important to take food at short intervals and preferably at the same time.

Attention! If you have regular bloating, flatulence and nausea, you need to keep a diary where you write down everything you eat and your feelings after the meal. This will allow you to find out which foods your digestive system reacts poorly to. A food diary will help establish the correct diagnosis.

You should not overeat or consume incompatible foods at the same time (this can cause gas accumulation and increase bloating). For example, it is prohibited to combine meat with potatoes, fruits with raw vegetables. It is important to maintain a drinking regime. You need to drink up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day (preferably plain water). Food can only be stewed, baked, boiled or steamed.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of bloating. If this happened due to poisoning, then you need to drink Mezim Forte or activated charcoal (1 pill per 10 kg of weight). These sorbents will help eliminate intoxication, diarrhea and bloating.

Table with effective drugs and their descriptions.

DrugsEffect of drugs

"Furazolidone", "Nifuroxazide"Nitrofuran drugs bind toxins, eliminate infectious pathogens, nausea and vomiting.
"Cerucal"Eliminates nausea and vomiting.
"Espumizan"This is a defoamer. Destroys bubbles and promotes the removal of gases naturally.
"Almagel"Blocks hydrochloric acid and has an adsorbing effect. Eliminates abdominal pain, enlargement, flatulence.

One of the most popular and effective drugs is Smecta. This is an enterosorbent that helps remove accumulated gases and toxins from the body. The drug is indicated for diarrhea, heartburn, and poisoning.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine recipes will help eliminate bloating and nausea. Dill water helps a lot. It is prepared from the seeds of the plant. For infusion, take 1 tsp. seeds that are brewed in a glass of boiling water. The product should sit for an hour, then drink throughout the day. Other recipes:

  1. Melissa infusion relieves attacks of nausea. Take 4 dess. l. dry raw materials and brewed in a liter of boiling water. Leave for two hours. The finished product is taken before meals, 100 ml.
  2. Infusion of parsley roots. It helps remove abdominal enlargement. A small amount of crushed dry roots is poured with 200 ml of warm water and infused for a day. The product is taken throughout the day, several sips at short intervals.
  3. St. John's wort drink. The remedy is indicated for bloating. Take 1 tbsp. l. and brewed in a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, then strain and drink immediately hot.

Another universal plant is chamomile. She successfully fights flatulence. Add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of boiling water. l. inflorescences of a dry plant. The product sits for a minute, then is drunk throughout the day. For taste, you can add a little honey, mint, fennel, and cumin to the infusions.

Abdominal bloating accompanied by nausea may indicate a serious pathology. If you do not start timely treatment, there is a risk of additional complications. Neglected pathologies are completely incurable and can lead to death.

Causes of bloating with nausea Link to main publication


How does bloating affect the body?

Abdominal pain and bloating create emotional discomfort. However, this is not the most important thing. Under these conditions, the body works with increased load and less efficiency. Since digestion is disrupted, the body does not receive the nutrients it needs. At the same time, a person may lose appetite. It is also possible to develop a pathological appetite, when you want to eat all the time. A person with such an appetite has obsessive desires to eat something special and unusual. As a result, he eats a lot of food with increased flavor, which creates additional problems for digestion. A bloated stomach and weight gain appear.

General health worsens, fatigue accumulates, irritability and mood swings appear. There is bad breath and possible rashes on the skin of the face. Such a person often gets sick and acquires new chronic diseases.

How to get rid of the problem

Bloating, what to do? This question arises for everyone who has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon. Even in the absence of chronic serious diseases, regular bloating after eating is already a signal of trouble. If a person has serious diagnoses of diseases of the digestive system, then, first of all, it is necessary to treat these diseases. However, in any case, you should help the body with its difficult digestive work. It is necessary to combine the impact on symptoms and treatment of chronic diseases.

First of all, you should find out why bloating occurs. If there are no chronic diseases and the person does not take any medications, then flatulence that occurs after eating may indicate poor nutrition. When you experience regular bloating, the symptoms usually vary greatly, and this is a good reason to visit your doctor.

Elimination or mitigation of symptoms is achieved by regular intake of adsorbents. The most common adsorbent is activated carbon, which not only reduces the amount of gas in the intestines, but also promotes the removal of toxins. However, it should be remembered that it can lead to constipation.

In order to reduce the formation of gases, it is necessary to eliminate problems with intestinal motility. Both constipation and diarrhea are equally undesirable.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of laxatives. However, if there is no need for emergency removal of feces from the intestines, then herbs, fruits and vegetables with a slight laxative effect should be used.

A good remedy is Duphalac. It does not irritate the mucous membrane, and its laxative effect is associated with the creation of an additional volume effect. The effect of increasing the volume of feces activates peristalsis in the rectum without the formation of gases. The healing properties of Duphalac do not end there. It is a good means of combating dysbiosis, since it helps to activate the activity of microorganisms beneficial to the intestines and suppresses the activity of harmful ones. In addition, it is also used to treat the liver.

Frequent diarrhea is necessarily accompanied by increased flatulence. They can be symptoms of gastroduodenitis, liver and pancreas diseases, inflammatory and infectious bowel diseases. The most effective herbal remedies for combating diarrhea are oak and willow. However, it is not advisable to take preparations from their bark for a long time.

For long-term use, a mixture of herbs such as chamomile, peppermint, and St. John's wort is intended. Chamomile and St. John's wort fight inflammatory processes, mint is an excellent antispasmodic. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and brewed with boiling water, in the ratio: 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water. You need to drink the decoction three times a day, 20 minutes before meals, half a glass.

Coltsfoot has a good effect on the intestines. It fights inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, eliminates increased gas formation and a bloated stomach. Pour 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals.

Plantain leaves have enveloping properties, they stimulate the release of digestive enzymes and activate intestinal function. Brew it 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of boiling water, then leave for 4 hours, filter and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon immediately after eating.

Doctors are used to hearing complaints from patients related to a feeling of bloating. This is one of the most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders.

The feeling of a full belly can be associated with increased gas formation, poor nutrition and various pathologies of the digestive system.

What to do?

If a profile examination does not reveal serious pathologies, the cause of bloating, abdominal pain and attacks of nausea may be poisoning or the individual characteristics of the person’s body. The following pharmacological drugs will help the patient get rid of unpleasant symptoms :

  • Enterosorbents (activated and white carbon) - drugs in this group are designed to adsorb excess gases and toxic compounds that penetrate the human intestines. You can take enterosorbents up to 4 times a day, 1-2 tablets;
  • Carminative medications (Espumizan, Pepsan-R) are pharmacological drugs designed to collapse and remove digestive gas bubbles from the body. Relieves bloating and improves the patient’s general condition;
  • Prokinetics (Passazhix, Motillium) are medications that help increase tone and accelerate intestinal motility. They are an indispensable remedy for constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. Relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting, improve the general condition of the patient;
  • Probiotics and prebiotics (Linex, Probifor, Laktofiltrum) are drugs for bloating based on live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria or substances that promote their reproduction. These medications stabilize the patient’s intestinal microflora, relieve pathological conditions, remove excess gases and reduce bloating. It is important to note that these drugs are not intended for use by persons with congenital lactose intolerance;
  • Preparations based on natural enzymes (Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte, Festal). Pharmacological agents created on the basis of natural enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. They stabilize the functioning of internal organs, relieve bloating, and prevent attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Important to consider! It is not recommended to take pharmacological drugs without their prescription by your attending physician. Only a physician can determine and approve the dosage of a particular medicine that is optimal for a particular patient.

Traditional medicine

The following traditional medicine will help you cope with dizziness, attacks of nausea and weakness due to bloating:

  • Chamomile tea is a drink that has a sedative, anti-allergenic and carminative effect. Tones, relieves the patient's condition with nausea and bloating. To brew tea, you need 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and 1/3 liter of boiling water. You can drink the drink 3-4 times during the day;
  • Peppermint tea - brewed like chamomile tea. Relieves bloating and has a pronounced sedative effect;
  • Grated ginger is a folk remedy for nausea, bad breath and nausea. Ginger root is grated on a medium grater and squeezed. It is recommended to chew the squeeze after eating (¼ teaspoon);
  • Flax seed jelly is an unusual drink that has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Helps with nausea and vomiting. To brew jelly, grind 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseed in boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon of the drug on an empty stomach 2 times a day - before breakfast and half an hour before bedtime;
  • Tincture of thyme and dill - helps with general weakness caused by intoxication of the body due to poisoning. Relieves bloating and pain in the abdomen, prevents attacks of nausea and vomiting. Thyme and dill are taken in equal proportions - 1 tablespoon each. The herbs are diluted with ½ liter of boiling water. The broth is boiled for 2 minutes, settled for 2 hours and filtered thoroughly. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

Also, if you have intestinal dysfunctions, it is recommended to drink as much water as possible. This is necessary to prevent dehydration.


Feeling of a full belly

Digestive disorders that manifest themselves as bloating can occur for a variety of reasons.

The main modern negative factors include daily stress, poor diet and taking a huge number of medications. All this, one way or another, affects the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

A bloated stomach not only causes a feeling of internal discomfort, but also objectively interferes with your usual activities. This disorder can occur at any time.

It is also important that bloating is not always directly related to food intake, which further complicates the search for possible causes of the disease. Getting rid of bloating can be quite difficult.

The feeling of a full stomach can be associated with dangerous diseases and trivial stomach or intestinal disorders. In healthy people, this problem may occur periodically and not cause much concern.

A constant feeling of fullness in the stomach indicates an unfavorable condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why does pain, diarrhea and bloating occur?

  1. Chronic gastritis. It is necessary to follow a constant diet. If a person begins to consume prohibited foods, diarrhea and flatulence will appear very soon.
  2. Treatment with antibiotics. If a person uses antibiotics for a long time, this leads to disruption of the intestinal microflora.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract infections. Not only does abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence occur, but at the same time there is an increase in temperature.
  4. Weakened immunity due to the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. In the presence of surgical intervention in the abdominal organs, the formation of adhesions. Also, failure to follow certain rules after surgery can lead to diarrhea and flatulence.

These are only the most basic reasons for the occurrence of such symptoms. If they do not go away for a long time.

Despite the variety of diseases, the main cause is considered to be poor nutrition. Sometimes, no matter how severe the symptoms are, the underlying cause is poor diet.

Nausea and bloating may occur after eating. The question is that it is not only the quality of the products that is important, but also how a person consumes them and in what proportion.

Times have changed, but the table culture remains the same. If earlier it was cold and the diet consisted of fatty dishes, now the climate has changed, but people still haven’t changed their favorite dishes.

The main nuances of malnutrition are:

  1. A person tries to swallow as quickly as possible, forgetting to chew the food thoroughly.
  2. In this regard, a large amount of air penetrates, which causes bloating.
  3. Drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks.

At first, such nutrition causes diarrhea and flatulence, and then they become constant companions of a person.

People strive to eliminate this symptom with the help of medications, but it is necessary to restore the functioning of internal organs, and not just eliminate the symptoms.

Other symptoms

Feeling of a full stomach - after eating

A feeling of a full belly is most often a sign of indigestion or illness. In such cases, against the background of abdominal bloating, other symptoms may appear that aggravate the patient’s general condition.

Sometimes external bloating may not be accompanied by discomfort. Such cases are often associated with anatomical abnormalities and features of the stomach.

Symptoms to watch out for:

  1. Fever.
  2. Skin rash or hives.
  3. Sore throat, itchy eyes and other signs of allergies.
  4. Constipation or diarrhea.
  5. Nausea and vomiting.
  6. Blood in urine and stool.
  7. Weight loss.
  8. Soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin area, neck and armpits.
  9. Constant fatigue.
  10. Problems concentrating.
  11. Lump in the anal area.

The listed symptoms may indicate the presence of a more severe pathology, manifested by a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Allergic reactions, poisoning and bleeding are especially dangerous.


Treatment for nausea and bloating depends on the cause of the disease.

If the main etiological factor of these symptoms is poisoning of the body, then it is necessary to use drugs to eliminate intoxication.

For example, Activated carbon is suitable (you need to use 1 tablet per ten kilograms of weight, but no more than 6 pieces at a time) or Smecta. These are sorbents that can eliminate discomfort in the abdominal area and diarrhea.

If bloating, diarrhea and nausea occur due to the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes, then medications such as Creon and Pancreatin will help. They contain bile and pancreatic enzymes.

There are drugs that eliminate the formation of gases. The main active ingredient is simethicone. For example, Kolikid, Relzer, Meteospasmil.

A small amount of gases enters the blood, the rest is eliminated thanks to drugs such as Dimetikon and NoGasin.

If diarrhea and bloating do not go away, then you need to undergo diagnostics. In most cases, the doctor prescribes prokinetics and enzyme preparations.

Main reasons

A feeling of a full belly is a gastrointestinal alarm signal.

There are a wide variety of pathological conditions that can cause a feeling of a full stomach.

The most common reasons include increased gas formation in the intestines, dysbiosis, excessive swallowing of air and impaired digestion of food.

However, bloating can also be a symptom of allergies, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction and intestinal pathology.

It is necessary to deal with the symptom itself. The feeling of fullness in the stomach may be accompanied by objective bloating or limited to internal discomfort. Visual signs of bloating indicate overcrowding in the digestive tract.

In some cases, this is a stomach filled with food masses or air. In other cases, it is the intestines filled with gases. The absence of external signs of bloating against a background of discomfort often indicates functional gastric disorders.

Food is stored in the stomach for a relatively short time, usually for 2-3 hours. The retention of food masses in the organ is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This condition may be associated with eating large amounts of food or disruption of the stomach and intestines.

Food retention can also be associated with low gastric acidity. Food must be processed before it enters the intestines, but lack of acid slows down digestion.

Fullness of the intestines with gases is usually associated with the activity of bacteria. Microorganisms in the large and small intestines normally help the body absorb nutrients and digest fiber.

An imbalance in the bacterial balance is accompanied by the appearance of negative symptoms. Pathogenic bacteria can begin to digest undigested food debris and release large amounts of gas. In this case, harmful bacteria often migrate to the small intestine, where more food is contained.

Causes of nausea, weakness, why the stomach is bloated

Many are concerned about the question of what could happen if there is bloating in the abdomen and dizziness, nausea and flatulence, what is associated with the appearance of these symptoms. According to doctors, increased gas formation, nausea, weakness and bloating in the abdomen are a consequence of:

1 taking certain types of medications that have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system (iron-containing, antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, hormonal drugs);

2 untimely meals (for the body to function smoothly, you need to eat five to six times a day, and the size of one serving should not exceed the contents of folded palms: someone who systematically overeats, eats sporadically, or abstains from food for a long time period of time (fasting), risks gastritis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis - diseases that cause bloating, nausea and increased gas formation);

3 alcohol, chemical, nutritional (food), drug intoxication;

4 parasitic infestations;

5 pregnancy;

6 intense impact on the vestibular apparatus;

7 allergic reaction;

8 intestinal dysbiosis.

At the same time, weakness and nausea (feeling sick) can serve as harbingers of much more serious disorders that require urgent medical intervention:

1 Appendicitis - severe nausea and pain in the right lower abdomen (sometimes pulling, aching, sharp and severe cramping pain in the abdomen can begin in another part of the abdomen). Appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix: the inflammatory process in the appendix of the cecum is usually accompanied by bloating, acute or burning pain in the area below the navel, stiffness of the abdominal muscles, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness. Appendicitis is treated exclusively surgically, and the sooner the inflamed appendix is ​​cut out, the better for the person - thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the development of such life-threatening complications as peritonitis and sepsis.

2 Pancreatitis or cholecystitis - pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, belching, heartburn, a feeling as if sick (with cholecystitis) and left-sided pain in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium with pancreatitis: a deficiency of enzymes produced by the pancreas and stagnation of the contents of the gallbladder can cause inflammation of these organs , against the background of which symptoms such as nausea, flatulence, upset stool, and abdominal pain of a girdle or stabbing nature may appear. If the inflammatory process during pancreatitis or cholecystitis is not eliminated in time, the organs can be seriously damaged, which is why at the first signs of pancreatitis or cholecystitis (bloating in the stomach, increased gas formation, pain in the right side or the area above the navel), you must immediately go to the hospital and undergo examination by a gastroenterologist.

3 Intestinal obstruction and severe pain in the intestinal area, lower abdomen: blocking the intestinal lumen with a solid object, tumor or “leaf” formed from connective tissue (adhesion) is considered an extremely life-threatening phenomenon. The fact is that the resulting barrier prevents the movement of food along the organ, which is why it begins to rot and poison the body with the products of its decay. In addition, due to the “plug”, feces do not come out, but remain inside, which cannot but affect a person’s general well-being. Since intestinal obstruction is treated exclusively surgically, it is important to recognize the symptoms of the pathology in time (constipation and severe bloating in the abdomen, vomiting, high fever, intestinal spasms and colic) and go to the hospital. Delay in this situation is not welcome: a wait-and-see attitude is fraught with death.

4 Gastritis: sour or rotten belching, stomach pain in the affected area, bloating and nausea that occurs after eating, coupled with “hunger” pain, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach may indicate inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by changes in acidity parameters gastric juice, consuming too hot food or drinks, or the activity of pathogens, in particular the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori. Gastritis can provoke peptic ulcers and even stomach cancer, which is why it needs to be treated in a timely manner - without waiting until the condition worsens to such an extent that urgent hospitalization is required.

5 Reflux: heartburn, bloating in the abdomen without gas, burning in the esophagus, flatulence, nausea, stomach pain are characteristic symptoms of reflux. This pathology, which involves the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus, is insidious - because of it, a person can develop cancer of the larynx or esophagus. In order not to encounter such a complication, you must follow certain rules - you can familiarize yourself with them at an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

It should be noted that in children, flatulence and nausea occur many times more often than in adults, due to weak, not fully formed immunity. They endure attacks by pathogenic microorganisms, parasites and changes in diet quite hard and take longer to recover after treatment.

Diseases and pathologies

A constant feeling of a full stomach is a reason to consult a doctor

The pathological mechanisms listed above are not always the culprit of bloating. The sensation can also occur against the background of the development of diseases that are not always associated with the processes of food digestion.

A feeling of fullness in the stomach can be a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • Inflammatory diseases. Bacteria, viruses and autoimmune processes can damage the walls of the digestive tract and disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Such diseases include ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Dyspeptic disorders often cause bloating.
  • Fluid retention. Normally, the body constantly eliminates excess fluid through urine. Various disorders can cause fluid retention in the abdominal cavity. These may be liver pathologies and oncological processes.
  • Constipation. The large intestine produces feces and removes them from the body within 24 hours. Retention of feces in the intestinal lumen may be associated with impaired motor activity of the intestinal walls and lack of fluid. The accumulation of stool in the intestines also leads to an increase in the amount of gas due to obstruction.
  • Food intolerance. Individual metabolic characteristics can cause intolerance to various foods. Intolerance is not an allergic reaction, since this process is associated with impaired absorption of the nutritional component. The most common conditions are gluten and lactose intolerance. In people with this disease, consuming an indigestible product leads to bloating, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome. This disease is associated with an imbalance of intestinal bacterial colonies. The cause may be a pathology of the intestinal structure or the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Harmful bacterial colonies produce gas and toxic substances. Characteristic symptoms of the disease include bloating and diarrhea.
  • Infection. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa can damage the cells of the digestive tract and cause various pathologies. In this case, the feeling of bloating may be associated with fluid retention and an increase in the number of white blood cells.
  • Intestinal obstruction. If constipation causes temporary and incomplete intestinal obstruction, the obstruction completely blocks the organ. The intestinal lumen may be blocked by scar tissue or tumor. Unlike constipation, obstruction is accompanied by pain, loss of appetite and other dangerous symptoms.
  • Stress. A person’s emotions can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cause a feeling of a full stomach. Stress usually causes spasms and impaired intestinal motility.

Such a variety of causes can complicate diagnostic measures. As a rule, doctors look for other characteristic signs of diseases.

Diseases that stimulate the appearance of these symptoms

Belching and vomiting, accompanied by bloating, can be frightening for a person, especially if they are at risk of developing chronic diseases. What kind of diseases in the early stages are accompanied by such alarming symptoms?

  1. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder manifest themselves in this way in the early stages.
    liver and gallbladder diseases, stomach ulcers
  2. A stomach or duodenal ulcer may be accompanied by nausea and flatulence.
  3. The presence of adhesions and polyps also explains the presence of alarming symptoms.
  4. The problem is often associated with the development of cancer.

It is necessary to sound the alarm if unpleasant belching along with increased gas formation does not leave a person for several days. Usually, alarming symptoms disappear 2-3 hours after eating, but if this does not happen the next day, we are almost certainly talking about an illness.

Sometimes nauseated and observed

bloating due to helminthic infestation. The toxins released by parasites affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, complicating the process of digesting food.

It is because of the possibility of developing a serious illness that it is recommended to always seek the advice of a doctor. By self-medicating, a person always risks only worsening his own condition.

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