Dosed powder Regidron: instructions for use for children with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and for the prevention of dehydration

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Published: 11/18/2020

Reading time: 10 min



  • Description of the drug
  • What is Regidron Composition of the medicinal product and release form
  • Dosage form
  • pharmachologic effect
  • Terms of sale and storage
  • How does rehydron affect the body?
  • Indications for use
      Is it possible to use Regidron for children?
  • Contraindications to taking the drug
      Recommendations for taking medication for vomiting or diarrhea
  • Should infants under one year old drink it?
  • When to take Regidron?
  • How to give Regidron to children
      How to prepare Regidron solution
  • Recommended dosages of rehydron for children of different ages For nausea
  • How to take rehydron when vomiting
  • How to take rehydron correctly for diarrhea
  • Regidron for newborns
  • Can it be served frozen?
  • Can Regidron be used by a young mother?
  • Features of interaction with drugs
  • When does a child need emergency medical care?
  • How to store the solution?
  • Benefits of use among children
  • Side effects and overdose
      Individual intolerance
  • Symptoms of an overdose of Regidron
  • Feeding the child during treatment
  • Tips for parents
      Doctor Komarovsky about food poisoning
  • Is it possible to prepare Regidron yourself?
  • Drug analogues with prices
  • Reviews
  • conclusions
  • General information

    Vomiting may be preceded by nausea, increased salivation, involuntary swallowing movements, lacrimation and rapid breathing.

    Vomit consists of food debris, mucus, stomach acid, bile, and impurities such as blood or pus.

    Eruption of stomach contents can occur with a number of infections (for example, scarlet fever, typhus, etc.), irritation of the peritoneum, poisoning (including alcohol, food, medication, drugs), gastritis, accumulation of toxic metabolic products in the blood, peptic ulcer, as well as in pregnant women, etc. In addition, this condition is often observed with strong negative emotions, anxiety, irritation of the vestibular apparatus (including seasickness), disorder of the center of the nervous system, including concussion, cerebrovascular accident, meningitis, etc.

    Sometimes harmful and toxic substances come out of the human body along with vomit.

    Is it dangerous for the child?

    Vomiting in children is a common and dangerous phenomenon. Any condition of a child accompanied by eruption of stomach contents should only be assessed by a pediatrician. After all, only a specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis, as well as conduct a full examination and prescribe timely treatment.

    If a child vomits, parents should provide proper care. In this case, you should try to eliminate all vomiting attacks, since such a condition is fraught with dehydration. Signs of the latter include:

    • coating on the tongue, dry mouth and chapped lips;
    • dry skin, rough to the touch;
    • complete cessation of urination or a noticeable decrease in the amount of urine;
    • dry eyelids and sunken eyes.
    • To avoid the above symptoms, experts recommend giving children rehydration medications when vomiting. One of these medications is Regidron. For children with vomiting and diarrhea, this remedy is prescribed very often. How to take it correctly is described below.

    Form, description, composition, packaging of the medicinal product

    Before giving Regidron to a child who is vomiting, you must read the attached instructions. It states that the drug in question is an enteral detoxification and rehydration agent. It goes on sale in the form of a white crystalline powder, which is intended for the preparation of a colorless and transparent solution for oral administration.

    The composition of the mentioned drug includes elements such as sodium chloride, sodium citrate, dextrose, potassium, sodium, chlorine and citrate.

    The powder is packaged in multi-layer laminated bags, which are placed in cardboard packs.

    Regidron price

    The cost of a package for 10 sachets in the capital's pharmacies ranges from 400 to 490 rubles, which does not make this medicine budget, however, even a preventive course requires the use of only 4 sachets, so the price is partially justified.
    You can also find a more convenient option - 1 sachet for 25-40 rubles, but not every pharmacy is ready to offer it. The general picture of prices in Moscow can be tracked in the table: Pharmacy

    NeoPharm422 rub.
    GorZdrav478 rub.
    CenturyPharm402 rub.

    Operating principle

    All parents should know how to properly give Regidron to a child when vomiting.

    Often this drug is also used for oral administration for diarrhea (in order to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances).

    The dextrose contained in the product can promote the absorption of electrolytes, thereby regulating metabolic acidosis.

    Instructions for use of "Regidron"

    This remedy is often prescribed for children who are vomiting. Before starting therapy, the patient must be weighed to assess the degree of dehydration and weight loss.

    Breastfeeding of the baby or the child’s usual feeding should not be interrupted while taking the solution, or should be continued immediately after rehydration. During treatment with the medication, it is necessary to avoid eating fatty foods, as well as foods consisting of simple carbohydrates, as this can aggravate diarrhea.

    How long before you give Regidron to a child who is vomiting? In order to prevent dehydration, it is recommended to start using this remedy immediately after frequent bowel movements or eruption of stomach contents.

    Usually the medication is used for 3-4 days. Therapy is stopped when vomiting or diarrhea ends.

    What is Regidron

    According to doctors and information provided in the official instructions, this drug is used for oral rehydration therapy in children and adults. However , in addition to helping with losses of electrolytes caused by the rapid release of fluid, glucose levels are normalized, since the drug belongs to the category of regulators of water-electrolyte balance and acid-base environment. According to reviews, it works well even with severe dehydration, and pediatricians often prescribe Regidron for infants.

    Composition and release form

    This medicine is available only in powder format, which must be diluted independently for each use to obtain a solution. The granules are crystalline, white, and odorless. The finished solution will similarly be devoid of aroma, retain transparency, but have a sweetish taste. Pharmacies offer 2 options: 4 or 20 sachets of powder, packaged in a cardboard box.

    There is only one dosage option for active ingredients for children and adults, so the composition looks like this:
    Active ingredients

    Quantity per 1 sachet
    Sodium chloride3.5 g
    Sodium citrate2.9 g
    Potassium chloride2.5 g
    Dextrose10 g

    pharmachologic effect

    The official instructions classify this drug as a medicine for rehydration therapy: it eliminates the symptoms of dehydration. This happens due to the supply of substances to the body that are actively released when attacks of vomiting or severe diarrhea occur. The medicine shows high efficiency in the process of restoring the balance of electrolytes, against the background of which the acid-base balance also changes, straying towards acidity. However, sodium and potassium salts are responsible for these moments, and dextrose, which is part of the composition, helps replenish the loss of energy.

    A couple more points from the official instructions:

    • Compared to other oral rehydration drugs, Regidron has an increased potassium content and a decreased sodium content to prevent hypernatremia.
    • The concentration of dissolved particles in a liter of the prepared product will be 260 mOsm/l, which is lower than most solutions of this type, and the acid-base level is 8.2 units.

    Indications for use

    Doctors advise using Regidron not alone, but as an element of complex therapy, but in young children it can be used without additional medications. The use of this remedy is justified if dehydration of the body of any etiology occurs:

    • for intestinal disorders;
    • prolonged high temperature;
    • with active vomiting (especially in young children);
    • in case of thermal injuries in which the electrolyte balance is disturbed;
    • in case of fluid loss due to exhausting physical activity (can also be used for prevention).

    Features of the preparation and use of the solution

    How should children take Regidron when vomiting? In this condition, it is advisable to use the finished solution chilled. It must be taken in small portions, using, for example, a teaspoon.

    To properly prepare the medicine, the contents of one sachet are poured into a 1 liter glass jar, after which the container with the medicine is filled with boiled but cooled drinking water. Mix the components with a large spoon to obtain a colorless solution that must be taken orally. If required, the finished drug can be administered through a nasogastric tube, but only in a hospital setting.

    In order for the solution to retain all its properties, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8°C. In this case, the drug must be consumed within 24 hours.

    In order not to interfere with the effect of the medication, it is prohibited to add any components other than the contents of the sachet.

    Indications for use

    Regidron should be taken for the following conditions and diseases:

    • functional bowel disease;
    • dehydration of the body due to nausea with vomiting or diarrhea of ​​various origins;
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
    • heat or sunstroke;
    • poisoning or intestinal infection;
    • increased sweating.

    Doctors also prescribe medicine in case of disruption of the endocrine system, and during increased physical activity. Then its use is carried out for the purpose of prevention.

    Important! The greatest danger to a child’s body is not the presence of infection, but dehydration, since acute fluid deficiency is accompanied by serious consequences.

    Therefore, to know how to take rehydron for children when vomiting, use the instructions for use. If you do not replenish the loss of moisture in time and do not maintain the volume of the bloodstream at a certain level, then in both adults and small children, a lack of just a 10th part of the fluid in their body causes damage to health, and a deficiency of 25% of water leads to death .

    After the onset of health problems, soldering the child is an effective method of improving well-being, but it should not be the only one. Treatment must be carried out comprehensively, starting with contacting a specialist and diagnosing the baby’s condition.

    If the reason lies in the presence of infection, then along with taking Regidron, he should be given antiseptics, sorbents and prescribed a diet. Sometimes there is a need to use drugs with antibacterial effects and probiotics.

    There are several analogues of Regidron, but most often it is used for children with vomiting. With complex therapy, this medicine quickly improves the baby’s condition and deserves the best reviews.

    Is it possible to use Regidron for children?

    The official instructions indicate that for children it is necessary to use other solutions with a lower sodium content and osmolarity. The manufacturer does not give any instructions about the doses and methods of use of the drug in pediatrics.

    If children have vomiting or diarrhea, you should definitely contact your pediatrician. The doctor will find out the causes of the disorder, what caused the malaise: poisoning, a functional disorder or a viral infection. At the same time, he will prescribe concomitant restorative treatment.

    The drug "Regidron" has proven itself in use in adult patients. Therefore, doctors often prescribe it for maintenance therapy in the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting in children. If your doctor has prescribed this particular drug for you, find out how to give Regidron to your child: the number of doses per day, single and daily dose.

    Fluid replenishment dosage

    How should children take Regidron when vomiting? To replenish fluid in the body and avoid dehydration, this drug should be taken within the first 6-10 hours after the onset of vomiting. In this case, the dosage of the drug is calculated depending on the child’s weight loss. For example, if the loss is 400 g, then the volume of the required drug should be 800 ml.

    During treatment with Regidron, the use of other liquids is not necessary. It is not advisable to eat food during the first four hours of fluid replenishment.

    It must be taken into account that when taking large volumes of solution, the patient may experience even more vomiting.

    How to give Regidron to children

    The dosage of Regidron depends on the cause of fluid loss and the age of the child. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve the contents of one sachet in a liter of warm boiled water. It is necessary to stir until the crystals of the drug are completely dissolved. The finished solution is given to children as a liquid at room temperature, sometimes given in the form of an enema (under the supervision of a doctor) and even frozen in the form of granules.

    It is important to give the correct portions for different conditions. During physical activity, you can drink it with the same frequency as regular water - a sip every 5-10 minutes.

    If a child is vomiting, Regidron solution can be given only 15 minutes after the attack. If your baby is worried about diarrhea, you need to wait at least five minutes.

    As for a single dose, you should start with 5-7 ml of solution per kilogram of the child’s body weight. A single first dose should not exceed a teaspoon or one “syringe cube”. The latter is very helpful in desoldering - it is easier for children to hold the nose of the syringe in their mouth than to force themselves to pour the contents of the spoon into their mouth. In addition, you can clearly control the amount of solution given.

    Maximum in the first 10-12 hours of desoldering, you can “pour” no more than 50-60 ml of Regidron into the child. Exceeding this amount threatens hyperkalemia and hypernatremia.

    Regidron solution should be poured into the baby’s mouth every 10 minutes. For older children the rules change. A child over five years old should drink a solution per hour at the rate of 10 ml per kilogram of body weight.

    For example, a child weighing 20 kg should drink 200 ml of solution per hour to maintain a normal amount of fluid. A single dose is usually 1 tablespoon or 2 teaspoons.

    It is worth adhering to a simple rule - the amount of fluid consumed should be 2 times the amount lost. Atleast approximately.

    Here are some useful and important recommendations for taking Regidron:

    • the smaller the child, the lower the sodium concentration in the solution should be, this means that more water is needed;
    • solution storage temperature – no higher than +5 degrees;
    • the prepared solution can be stored for no more than a day at the above temperature;
    • the degree of weight loss can be determined by weighing the child before and after the next attack of vomiting or diarrhea;
    • Do not overdose the drug;
    • fluid is always a burden on the kidneys, so you need to carefully monitor the child’s diuresis;
    • It is not recommended to take Regidron simultaneously with other medications.

    To make it easier for very young children to drink, you can add a little glucose in solution or sugar to the solution.

    For some diseases in children, even such a harmless drug as Regidron can lead to unpleasant consequences:

    • increased diarrhea;
    • temperature increase;
    • exhaustion;
    • anuria (lack of urination);
    • increased vomiting;
    • symptoms of "acute abdomen".

    The cause will not be Regidron itself, but the addition of the above symptoms indicates that desoldering alone is not enough, or this is not the rehydration method that is needed at the moment.

    The child may need a continuous supply of fluid through an IV. When such a clinical picture appears, it is necessary to call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital.

    How should children drink Regidron when vomiting to prevent dehydration?

    If a child vomits frequently and in large quantities, and also has diarrhea, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, since such a condition can easily cause dehydration of the child’s body and, as a result, death.

    The dosage of the drug in case of severe imbalance of electrolytes and water is calculated only by a specialist, on an individual basis. It should be remembered that it is better to give very young patients other solutions that contain less sodium and have a lower osmolarity.

    Use of the drug for dehydration in children

    The use of the drug Regidron for children is carried out according to a scheme similar to adults, but there are some subtleties that should be taken into account.

    Rehydron is not recommended for rehydration of babies under one year old, since the high concentration of sodium in the drug solution is difficult to absorb by an incompletely formed organism.

    For such children, there are the preparations Humana Electrolyte and Gastrolit.

    For children over one year old, Regidron is considered the most effective drug, which has many advantages, including a mild taste, ease of preparation, a composition that does not cause side effects, and a low price.

    All of the above qualities make Regidron a truly indispensable rehydration drug for children who are vomiting.

    How to take Regidron for children so as not to harm the child’s body? The solution prepared according to the scheme described above can be given to the baby only 15 minutes after the next attack of vomiting. It is better to start taking it with a volume of one teaspoon, which is 5–7 ml.

    A child under five years of age can drink no more than 50–60 ml of Regidron solution in the first 10 hours of drinking.

    If the amount of the drug is exceeded, the baby’s body may become oversaturated with potassium and sodium, which can lead to serious consequences.

    If the child is already five years old, then the rules for his rehydration become the same as for adults, 10 ml per kilogram of body weight per hour.

    It is worth considering that the smaller the child, the lower the concentration of the drug should be used, that is, one sachet of powder should be diluted not in a liter of water, but, for example, in two, three, and so on.

    The exact concentration should be advised by the pediatrician depending on the age and weight of the patient.

    You can assess a child's weight loss when dehydrated by weighing him or her after each bout of vomiting. Losing 10% of body weight is a serious reason to seek help from a medical facility.

    You should carefully monitor the diuresis of a sick baby, since fluid, even if it enters the body as a medicine, always has a great impact on the functioning of the kidneys.

    If your child has consumed a lot of fluid, but still has difficulty urinating, you should consult a doctor.

    The use of Regidron is not recommended to be combined with other medications, since drug interactions may interfere with the required therapeutic effect.

    Regidron should not be overused; its overdose is dangerous for kidney health.

    There is often a recommendation to use frozen Regidron solution. This really makes it easier for children to take the drug, especially if it’s summer outside.

    The solution does not lose its properties when frozen, and giving small pieces of ice is more convenient than dissolving the child from a spoon.

    The only limitation is that the baby must already be accustomed to solid food, otherwise he may choke.

    Cases of overdose

    How much Regidron to give to a child when vomiting was indicated above. If the dosage of the drug is not observed (that is, it is exceeded), the patient may experience the following conditions: hypernatremia, weakness, confusion, neuromuscular excitation, respiratory arrest, drowsiness.

    People with kidney dysfunction may develop hyperkalemia, which causes heart rhythm disturbances and weakness.

    If cases of overdose occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

    Use of the drug

    When vomiting in a child or adult, Rehydron is taken orally in the form of an aqueous solution. The total volume of solution that needs to be drunk, the frequency of doses and the single amount are determined based on the person’s body weight and the degree of dehydration. The main signs of the development of dehydration in adults and children are:

    • feeling of thirst;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes;
    • decreased frequency of urination;
    • urine discharge that is deep yellow or orange in color.

    The use of Regidron is indicated only for mild or moderate dehydration, when the patient's total weight loss does not exceed 10%.

    Use of Regidron in adults

    Regidron solution for internal use is prepared very simply. For an adult, you need to dilute the contents of the sachet in 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature. You should start taking the medicine after the first vomiting attack. There are general recommendations for the use of this drug for severe diarrhea and vomiting in adults. The volume of solution that needs to be drunk within 1 hour is calculated from the ratio of 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. As the person’s condition improves, the dosage is gradually reduced.

    When using Regidron while vomiting, it is important that the drunk liquid is retained in the gastrointestinal tract and does not provoke new vomiting. In this regard, it is consumed in very small (5-10 ml), but frequent portions. If the medicine is well tolerated and does not come back out with vomit, then the volume of the solution and the frequency of administration are gradually increased.

    Important: The prepared rehydration solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day!

    Use of Regidron in children

    How to give Regidron to a child who is vomiting? For small children, the drug is diluted in more water. This is necessary in order to reduce the final concentration of active components (mainly sodium ions). The amount of solution that the baby needs to drink in total in 6-10 hours is calculated from the ratio of 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. After the condition improves, the dose is gradually reduced.

    Regidron does not have a very pleasant taste, so the child may well refuse to drink it. In this case, it is important to remember that to improve the taste, you should absolutely not add sugar or any other additives to the solution. For babies in the first year of life, the dosage is 1 tsp, for older children - 2 tsp. every 10 minutes.

    Important: Before taking Regidron, you must read the list of contraindications and side effects specified in the instructions. If your condition worsens while taking this medication, you should stop treatment and seek help from a doctor.

    Video about dehydration in children:

    To correct the energy balance and restore the electrolyte balance in the body, the drug “Regidron” is used, which is a combination drug. It stabilizes the water and electrolyte balance disturbed as a result of extensive diarrhea or severe dehydration for some other reason. The drug is produced in the form of a powder, placed in bags of aluminum foil, which are packed in cardboard packs of 4 or 20 pieces each. 1 sachet contains: sodium chloride 3.50 g, sodium citrate 2.90 g, potassium chloride 2.50 g, dextrose 10.0 g. The white crystalline preparation dissolves well in water. Before administration, prepare a solution of rehydron, which is transparent, colorless, odorless and has a salty-sweet taste.

    How to use rehydron? The powder (package) is dissolved in 1 liter of water, which is pre-boiled and cooled. The solution should be at room temperature and stirred before use. The drug is indicated for use in the following conditions: the need to restore water and electrolyte balance in the patient’s body, acute diarrhea (including cholera). It is also used to correct acidosis, to alleviate the symptoms of heat stroke, and to prevent physical and thermal stress with intense sweating. Rehydron is also used for poisoning, for mild and moderate degrees of dehydration caused by acute diarrhea and characterized by weight loss from 3 to 10%.

    The prepared solution is drunk in small sips after each attack of diarrhea. The patient is weighed before starting treatment and weight changes are monitored until he recovers. In the first 10 hours of treatment, the patient is given a solution 2 times more than the lost weight. Children over three years of age and adults drink from 500 ml to 1000 ml of solution, then 200 ml immediately after each diarrhea. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then take rehydron after vomiting after 10 minutes.

    It must be remembered that the drug has a number of contraindications, so all warnings should be read in the instructions. Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, renal failure or other chronic diseases require careful monitoring during Rehydron therapy, including hospitalization. Equally serious contraindications are unconsciousness, intestinal blockage or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    If the doctor prescribes rehydron for vomiting or poisoning, then report all medications that the patient is currently taking or has taken (including herbs, tinctures and drinks). This is an important point, since interaction with other drugs is of great importance in relieving the symptoms of a painful condition and eliminating the risks of its aggravation. Regidron can affect other substances that change their properties in the acidic environment of the stomach. Therefore, you should not take this medicine on your own; you should consult your doctor and make sure that the possible combination with other drugs will be safe.

    In severe cases of dehydration, when weight loss exceeds 10%, intravenous infusions are given for rehydration. After this, rehydron is used to treat diarrhea. The patient should be aware of all possible side effects that may occur when taking Rehydron for vomiting or other symptoms of dehydration. You should also remember that this medicine will affect different people differently. But in any case, patients should not exceed the recommended doses. In case of an overdose, hypernatremia may develop (a condition when, due to the loss of electrolytes and water, an increase in the concentration of sodium ions in the blood is observed). Symptoms of hypernatremia: drowsiness, weakness, confusion, neuromuscular agitation, respiratory arrest or coma.

    Patients with reduced renal function should take rehydron with vomiting or other symptoms of dehydration with caution, as metabolic alkalosis is possible (an increase in the pH of the blood and tissues due to the accumulation of alkaline metabolic products). Metabolic alkalosis can lead to difficulty breathing, neuromuscular agitation, tetanus and seizures. In case of severe overdose with serious consequences, stop using rehydron. Correction of fluid and electrolyte balance should be based on information obtained from laboratory tests.

    It is important to know!

    Considering the composition of Regidron powder, special care must be taken in patients with diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney dysfunction, as well as people who follow a low-salt diet.

    In children with kidney failure, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, conditions such as vomiting and diarrhea can cause significant imbalances in water or glucose balance in the body. Therefore, treatment of such patients may require hospitalization and careful laboratory monitoring. If the child’s need for additional administration of “Regidron” has not been confirmed during research, then the recommended dosage of the drug should not be exceeded.

    Dehydration that is accompanied by weight loss greater than 10% and loss of urine output must be treated with intravenous rehydration medications. Further, the use of the medication “Regidron” is allowed.

    If the child is vomiting severely, wait 10 minutes after the attack ends, and then give the medication to drink slowly and in small sips.

    Is the drug allowed in children?

    The increased sodium content causes many doctors to refuse to prescribe a drug that has an adult dosage. But parents, out of habit, give diluted powder, trusting a proven remedy.

    How to proceed? If you don’t have an anti-dehydration drug at home designed specifically for children, use Regidron. Sometimes the situation is such that there is no time to go out for medicine, but Regidron is in most home medicine cabinets.

    READ ALSO: Children's synbiotic for restoring intestinal microflora Maxilak Baby: instructions for the use of beneficial lactobacilli

    Take note:

    • dilute the powder taking into account the child’s weight, do not add water “by eye”;
    • Give a medicinal solution without delay if your son or daughter has gone to the toilet several times in a short period of time;
    • the addition of vomiting clearly requires the use of a drug that maintains water-salt balance;
    • Is this not the first time that uncontrollable vomiting has been repeated? Does diarrhea get worse over several hours? Call an ambulance: delay can threaten the life and health of children, especially small ones.

    Contact a specialist

    The child must be shown to a specialist if the following situations arise while using the Regidron solution:

  • severe pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • slow speech;
  • bloody stools;
  • irritability;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • body temperature rises above 39 °C;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • diarrhea lasting more than two days;
  • stupor;
  • drowsiness.
  • For diarrhea that occurs as a result of cholera or a number of other intestinal infections, the use of the solution in question to replenish the loss of electrolytes and water may not be enough.

    People on a diet with a low K content, or with kidney failure, must take into account that Regidron contains this component in an amount of 33.5 mmol.


    A small number of drugs have properties similar to Regidron solution, especially if it is important that they have the “bio” prefix to their composition. Doctors highlight the following options:

    • Trihydron is a replacement of Russian origin with a halved concentration of potassium and sodium.
    • Gidrovit is almost a complete analogue of Regidron for children, but has a more pleasant taste. The concentration of active components is reduced, however, dilution is carried out in less water.
    • Trisol - among all analogues, Regidron wins due to its low price and ready-made solution format.
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