Suppositories for resorption of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a pathological process that affects the cavernous bodies around the rectum. The disease develops due to excessive blood flow and stagnation in the pelvic vessels. The elasticity of the ligaments that hold the rectum and surrounding vessels is impaired. During hemorrhoids, nodes prolapse out of the rectal lumen. When nodes fall out, strangulation and bleeding develop. The pathological process is accompanied by severe pain, discomfort, and worsens the patient’s quality of life.

The pathology is chronic in nature and requires complex treatment using general therapeutic and local remedies. Suppositories for resorption of hemorrhoids are considered to be effective and affordable means of treatment.

The principle of action of suppositories

Today's pharmaceutical industry provides patients with a range of medications in the form of suppositories to get rid of an unpleasant disease. The final choice of drug for hemorrhoids is made by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition.

A number of rectal suppositories with various principles of action have been developed. The chemical composition and pharmacological effect of suppositories varies. Effects of suppositories:

  1. Analgesic effect. The suppositories contain local anesthetics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Local anesthetics often include benzocaine or lidocaine.
  2. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence of non-steroidal components and corticosteroid hormones in the dosage form. The suppositories are characterized by an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Suppositories contain potent components - they should be used in a short course.
  3. Hemostatic and wound-healing components stop bleeding from anal fissures and heal.
  4. Suppositories containing venotonics strengthen vascular walls and increase the elasticity of the tissues of the cavernous bodies. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes outward, this reduces the node in size and helps to reduce it.
  5. The addition of anticoagulants to suppositories prevents the development of blood clots in the pelvic vessels. Heparin is often used as an active substance. When bleeding from anal fissures, the use of suppositories is strictly contraindicated!

Rectal absorbable suppositories are made on the basis of solid oils (cocoa butter). Once in the rectum, they melt easily. The active ingredients are absorbed through the mucous membrane and act on the internal nodes. Ointments for hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes are used to treat the external form of the disease.

It is difficult to determine which medications for hemorrhoids are considered more effective than competitors. The therapeutic effect depends on individual susceptibility, the patient’s condition, the stage of development of the disease, and the leading syndrome. The attending physician prescribes suppositories for resorption based on the results of examinations. The proctologist will determine whether the hemorrhoidal node can resolve and select effective and safe remedies. The effect of suppositories is noted when the patient turns to proctologists at stages 1-2 of the development of the pathological process.

Effects of drugs

When the second and third stages of the disease occur, hemorrhoids may fall out. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in several directions to reduce a number of unpleasant consequences. Suppositories prescribed by a doctor during therapy are necessary for:

  • pain relief;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • fight viruses and bacteria;
  • relieving spasm.

Hemorrhoids are treated in a complex manner, so the drugs must have each of these actions.

When the disease worsens, the nodes may Painkillers

Medicines for hemorrhoids should have an anesthetic effect. This is due to the fact that the new growths that appear can be very painful.

All drugs for pain relief contain painkillers (Novocaine, Lidocaine, Anestezin). They act on the source of pain, which makes itself felt at the time of defecation. Its occurrence is due to the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, the appearance of neoplasms and cracks. Among the most effective drugs in this group are suppositories:


Suppositories are widely used to treat hemorrhoids

Procto-Glivenol. They contain lidocaine and tribenoside. The anesthetic has a local anesthetic effect in the anal area. Tribenoside promotes:

  • decreased capillary permeability;
  • improving microcirculation in the mucous membranes of the rectum;
  • eliminating the inflammatory process.

Candles with analgesic effect

Below we will consider the popular and used types of rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Due to the content of local anesthetics and menthol in suppositories, pain is quickly relieved. The drugs are used at night before going to bed. It is better to administer suppositories while lying on your side. After inserting the suppository, you need to lie down for at least half an hour.


Suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves swelling and helps resolve hemorrhoids. The suppositories contain the local anesthetic lidocaine and venotonics.

The suppositories quickly melt at a temperature of 38-39 degrees and are absorbed into the tissues of the rectum and cavernous bodies. The remedies are effective in the acute stages of the disease, when the inflamed node has fallen out and hurts.


The suppositories contain the local anesthetic benzocaine. Suppositories contain zinc - an antiseptic - and menthol, which has an analgesic effect and eliminates burning in the anus.


The candles contain belladonna plant extract. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect and relieves spasms. Under the influence of the drug, the rectum stops hurting and swelling. The drug has long been used in proctology and is characterized by effectiveness in internal forms of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

The group of drugs includes corticosteroid hormones, substances that have a venotonic effect. The drugs quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and accelerate the resorption of the hemorrhoid. Used for a short course. Contraindications to the use of suppositories are during pregnancy and early childhood.

Gepatrombin G

The hormonal drug is effective in treating the acute stage of hemorrhoids. The composition contains a glucocorticosteroid component, heparin - helps relieve swelling and prevent the formation of blood clots. The drug is effective when the node does not dissolve for a long time.

It should be used for a short course due to the side effects that glucocorticosteroids have on the body. Thanks to suppositories, it is possible to relieve swelling and pain from hemorrhoids, reduce the size of the lump, and prevent prolapse. If a large nodule has fallen out, it is recommended to use Gepatrombin ointment.

Proctosedyl M

Proctosedyl M suppositories have a similar composition - they contain a hormonal component, venotonics. Due to the presence of a vasoconstrictor in the composition, suppositories relieve inflammation and stop bleeding. Treatment helps protect against thrombosis, which often acts as a complication of hemorrhoids. Suppositories are effective when hemorrhoids are inflamed and do not resolve for a long time.


The drug contains the hormonal component prednisolone and heparin. Suppositories relieve pain and swelling during inflammation. Prevents the formation of blood clots in nodes. If bleeding develops, suppositories are contraindicated.

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids

The course of hemorrhoids is complicated by the formation of nodes. They cause serious discomfort and pain. To prevent the development of the disease, it is important to start proper treatment on time. Doctors often prescribe suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are necessary for the resorption of tumors in the rectum. The drugs have different effects on them.

Types of candles from nodes

For hemorrhoids, various remedies are widely used. Depending on the effect they provide, they are divided into several types.

  1. Painkillers have an antispasmodic effect. They contain lidocaine, anesthesin (benzocaine), novocaine.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs are created on the basis of substances that eliminate the pathological process, or the hormones hydrocortisone and prednisolone.
  3. Hemostatic drugs are based on hemostatic agents (vicasol, sodium alginate), which help stop bleeding.
  4. To improve the tone of blood vessels and veins, drugs with venoprotectors and venotonics - glivenol, chestnut extract - are used. suppositories with sodium alginate suppositories with glivenol
  5. The process of blood clot formation is stopped with the help of anticoagulants. Their action is aimed at thinning the blood and eliminating the formation of congestion in the rectum.

Effects of drugs

When the second and third stages of the disease occur, hemorrhoids may fall out. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in several directions to reduce a number of unpleasant consequences. Suppositories prescribed by a doctor during therapy are necessary for:

  • pain relief;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • fight viruses and bacteria;
  • relieving spasm.

Hemorrhoids are treated in a complex manner, so the drugs must have each of these actions.

As the disease worsens, the nodes may fall out. In this case, the likelihood of pinching them when walking increases, causing pain. Therefore, drugs are needed to help relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. Combination agents are also widely used.


Medicines for hemorrhoids should have an anesthetic effect. This is due to the fact that the new growths that appear can be very painful.

All drugs for pain relief contain painkillers (Novocaine, Lidocaine, Anestezin). They act on the source of pain, which makes itself felt at the time of defecation. Its occurrence is due to the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, the appearance of neoplasms and cracks. Among the most effective drugs in this group are suppositories:

  • Anestezol;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Ketonal.


Ketonal suppositories have a pronounced analgesic effect. In addition, they can relieve inflammation. Due to their powerful effect, their use is justified only in the presence of severe pain.

When tumors occur in the rectum that cause unbearable pain, this remedy is used. Frequent use is prohibited. The drug belongs to a group of medications that cause a large number of negative consequences. This leads to a wide list of contraindications for use. It includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • kidney failure;
  • presence of bleeding from the rectum;
  • ulcers and erosions in the rectum;
  • pathological changes in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Novocaine suppositories

If there are prolapsed nodes, suppositories with novocaine are used for treatment. Their action is aimed at eliminating pain and spasm of smooth muscles. This is especially important to prevent pinching of hemorrhoidal tumors.

Novocaine acts on the arteries, reducing the pressure in them. This makes it possible to improve the passage of blood through the vessels. In addition, the substance helps relieve tension and reduce the volume of cones.

Despite its relatively low effectiveness compared to lidocaine, novocaine is a less toxic substance. This avoids negative side effects.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Various drugs are used to eliminate the inflammatory process. Among them are suppositories with propolis, ichthyol, Relief Ultra, Ultraproct, Anuzol.

Suppositories with propolis

Propolis-based suppositories are used to treat hemorrhoids. They contribute to:

  • eliminating pain, burning, itching;
  • relieving swelling;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • resorption of formations in the rectum;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • fight against bacteria;
  • healing of wounds.

In addition, propolis increases the body's immunity, which promotes the speedy recovery of affected areas.

Due to its natural composition, the drug is harmless. However, it is prohibited for use by persons who suffer from allergic reactions to bee products.


Ultraproct has not only an analgesic but also an anti-inflammatory effect. It can also relieve itching for a long time.

After using Ultraproct, a positive result can be observed soon. The effect lasts for a long time due to the special molecular structure of the drug.

Under the influence of the drug, cells are regenerated, and cracks heal much faster. The permeability of vascular walls and tissues decreases, the surface in the affected area dries out.

The product, due to the anti-allergenic substances included in it, removes chemical components from the body without negative consequences. But not everyone is allowed to use it. The drug is prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • people with infection in the rectal area.

Relief Ultra

Relief Ultra suppositories are a great help for internal tumors. They are capable of:

  • relieve pain;
  • heal wounds;
  • stop the bleeding;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug contains shark liver oil, cocoa, phenylephrine, zinc sulfate, hydrocortisone acetate.

Not everyone is allowed to use the product. Contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypernatremia;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

The drug should be used with caution when treating pregnant and lactating women.

Combination drugs

During treatment, drugs that have a combined effect are often prescribed. They include:

  • glucocorticoids that eliminate inflammation;
  • substances with local anesthetic effect;
  • blood thinning components;
  • venotonics;
  • antibiotics.

They are especially effective in the treatment of internal and external tumors. There are several effective remedies in this group.

  1. Proctosedyl M helps eliminate inflammation, increase the tone of veins and constrict blood vessels.
  2. Gepazolon, thanks to the action of heparin, reduces the risk of thrombosis. Its action is also aimed at reducing itching and eliminating the inflammatory process due to the activity of prednisolone. Anesthesia is carried out using lidocaine.
  3. Hepatrombin G is a drug that prevents thrombosis, inflammation, swelling, and itching. Hemorrhoidal vessels narrow when it is used.
  4. Aurobin not only relieves swelling, itching, pain, but also promotes wound healing due to the D-Panthenol included in the composition.
  5. Neo-Anuzol has an astringent, drying effect due to the activity of the main components (zinc, bismuth, iodine, methylene blue).

All suppositories for hemorrhoids should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and detection of tumors in the rectum. Only in this case will the treatment bring positive results.

Wound healing suppositories

To heal wounds and cracks in the rectum and for ruptured hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use suppositories with an anti-inflammatory and healing component.


The drug is based on an extract from seaweed. Safe and effective for the treatment of inflammatory processes and cracks in hemorrhoids. The use of Natalsid suppositories is required to heal wounds and microscopic cracks in the mucous membrane, reduce bleeding, and inflammation in the nodes. Indications for use are external and internal hemorrhoids.


Relief is a popular suppository for hemorrhoids that dissolves nodes and promotes rapid healing. The drug is based on shark liver oil. It has a pronounced wound-healing and absorbable effect.

Treatment with Relief suppositories reduces the inflammatory process, relieves itching and burning in the rectum. Suppositories with an antiseptic effect prevent the addition of a secondary infection and the development of complications. With the use of suppositories, hemorrhoids decrease in size, and blood flow in the vessels of the rectum improves. Relief is available in the form of an ointment for external use - it can treat prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Relief suppositories and ointments are safe and are used to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women and young children.

Methyluracil suppositories

Suppositories for rectal administration with methyluracil have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable and wound-healing effect.

Suppositories containing propolis are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Known for strong allergenic properties. Must be used with caution.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories with glycerin have a dual effect on inflamed hemorrhoids. One side is a laxative effect and prevention of constipation. The other side is the enveloping effect of glycerin, the ability to heal microscopic wounds and cracks.

What suppositories dissolve hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are most often treated with external methods. There are a number of effective drugs in suppositories that are great help even with large hemorrhoidal cones.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and types of pharmaceuticals

Hemorrhoids are knots that protrude from the anus. They are dilated veins of the rectum and are the main symptom of advanced external hemorrhoids. Treatment of external hemorrhoids usually includes conservative methods (taking pills and using suppositories, creams). Only in severe cases will surgical procedures be required.

The selection of medications is carried out by a doctor and directly depends on the symptoms.

Most often, a person needs antispasmodics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. They eliminate the most unpleasant symptom - sharp pain, relieve itching and redness.

Painkiller suppositories contain lidocaine or benzocaine, as well as drying components (zinc, bismuth). A corticosteroid (prednisolone, hydrocortisone) is added to the suppositories as an anti-inflammatory component.

If there is a crack or bleeding, a drug with a hemostatic effect based on sodium alginate, vikasol, is required.

There are several types of antihemorrhoidal suppositories:

Purpose of medicationExample of a drugPrice, rubles
Relieving inflammationRelief Ultra600
Elimination of bleedingProcto-Glyvenol450
Resorption of blood clots and nodesNigepan380
HealingSea buckthorn oil170

For long-term treatment, medications containing venotonics, such as heparin, are prescribed. They are needed to improve the tone of the veins and the resorption of cones.

The best anti-inflammatory drugs

It is the inflammatory process of hemorrhoids that threatens with painful symptoms and carries the risk of tissue suppuration. To relieve inflammation, there are a number of good medications that contain topical corticosteroids. Similar drugs are prescribed for acute prostatitis in men. The names of popular remedies are given below:

    Ultraproct (830 rubles). Contains fluocortolone in two forms, which acts very quickly, reduces the release of inflammatory exudate, and prevents leukocytes and neutrophils from accumulating in tissues. In pregnant women, the drug is allowed in the 2-3 trimesters. Additionally, the suppositories contain a strong anesthetic, cinchocaine, which instantly relieves pain. Course - 3-5 days.

You can also relieve inflammation with non-hormonal suppositories. For example, safe suppositories Anestezol include bismuth, methylene blue, iodine, zinc, resorcinol, tannin. These components have an astringent and antiseptic effect, so the inflammatory process subsides when used.

Suppositories for resorption of hemorrhoidal cones

This group of drugs necessarily includes emollients and decongestants that help the nodes resolve and move from the acute stage to remission.

A unique remedy against hemorrhoidal cones is Posterisan.

Posterizan suppositories contain inactivated E. coli microbes, as well as petroleum jelly and lanolin - healing components. They are absolutely safe and can be used even during pregnancy.

The product regenerates tissue, reduces the size of nodes, eliminates itching, bleeding, and increases local immunity. This medicine is not cheap (about 500 rubles), but in a course of 5-7 days it removes all the symptoms of the disease.

Inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids with bumps - Ichthyol. Ichthammol in their composition is a well-known absorbent, regenerating, disinfecting substance. It improves blood circulation in the tissues of the rectum, so the bumps quickly subside and the mucous membrane is smoothed out. Sometimes after use the following occurs:

  • mild itching;
  • burning;
  • redness.

Doxyproct suppositories also stop inflammation and remove nodes, putting the disease into remission. They eliminate all the main symptoms, and also serve as a means of preventing stagnant processes. During pregnancy, the drug is used only according to strict indications, as well as during lactation.

How to stop bleeding?

Bleeding is quite typical for external hemorrhoids, but to rule out more severe diseases, you should visit a specialist. Typically, proctologists and surgeons prescribe Relief with phenylephrine (470 rubles). Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect and is an excellent wound healer. The substance is considered a good hemostatic agent and can stop rectal bleeding.

If blood is released from the outer part of the node, it is better to use Relief ointment, it will be more convenient to apply.

Natalsid (550 rubles) is also recommended against bleeding bumps and anal fissures. According to reviews, this is the best and completely safe remedy; it is allowed during pregnancy. Its features are:

  • contains sodium alginate from brown algae;
  • quickly stops bleeding;
  • has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and restorative effect;
  • Apply for 7-14 days, 1-2 suppositories per day.

Methyluracil (90 rubles) can also be used to heal damaged tissues. Suppositories accelerate tissue regeneration, heal, increase local immunity, and relieve pain.

Suppositories with venotonics and against blood clots

Drugs from this group are always prescribed for a course of treatment. Their effect is to increase the tone of the veins and improve blood flow. Also, suppositories of this type help to dissolve blood clots, which very often appear inside hemorrhoids. It is most effective to use medications in conjunction with tablets based on horse chestnut, diosmin and other vein protectors.

Gepazolon suppositories (330 rubles) are often recommended. They contain heparin, which has a number of positive effects:

  • prevents blood clotting in the nodes;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • helps regenerate inflamed tissues;
  • accelerates healing.

Suppositories are used for 10-14 days; they are recommended for acute attacks of the disease. Another good drug is Hepatrombin S. In addition to heparin, it contains a strong healing component, dexpanthenol, which will promote rapid tissue regeneration. The course of application is 14 days.

Other drugs

A number of anti-cone medications contain only natural ingredients. They are considered 100% safe and are allowed even for children during pregnancy and lactation. In case of severe pain, the effect will be slightly lower than from hormonal or anesthetic components. However, it is better to choose such medications as a therapeutic agent for subacute hemorrhoids.

The list of suppositories is as follows:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. The medicine is made on the basis of sea buckthorn berry oil, completely natural. Candles are placed 2 times a day for a course of 5-10 days. The oil has antibacterial, immunostimulating, vitaminizing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects.

Drugs in this group are often used in a course after more powerful drugs to prevent relapse of the disease. They also strengthen local immunity, stop the development of fissures and proctitis and are indicated for most patients.

Hemorrhoids are a pathological process that affects the cavernous bodies around the rectum. The disease develops due to excessive blood flow and stagnation in the pelvic vessels.

The elasticity of the ligaments that hold the rectum and surrounding vessels is impaired. During hemorrhoids, nodes prolapse out of the rectal lumen. When nodes fall out, strangulation and bleeding develop.

The pathological process is accompanied by severe pain, discomfort, and worsens the patient’s quality of life.


The use of suppositories during pregnancy and early childhood

Hemorrhoids often develop in women during pregnancy. An increase in pressure in the pelvic cavity due to increasing pressure from the uterus is considered a provoking factor for the development of the disease in pregnant women.

Many medical procedures during pregnancy are contraindicated. Proctologists select safe medications for expectant mothers. Relief suppositories and ointment are effective and safe for hemorrhoids in pregnant women and children. The active substances of the drugs do not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier and do not cause harm to the unborn baby.

A proven ointment for hemorrhoids for external use in children and pregnant women is Relief ointment. When a secondary infection occurs and bleeding develops, Levomekol ointment is effective.

The pharmaceutical industry does not produce special suppositories for hemorrhoids for children. Use candles for adults. They are divided into parts based on the child’s body weight. Candles must be inserted carefully to a shallow depth. Before use, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines.

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