Inexpensive, effective fast-acting suppositories for constipation for adults: indications, side effects and prices

Published 03/02/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: Post Views: 24,804

Delay and absence of stool, difficulty in defecation are a common ailment. This condition often occurs against the background of errors in nutrition, lack of fluid intake, physical inactivity, and may be evidence of a disease. If constipation is not chronic, it is permissible to solve the problem yourself with the help of laxatives, enemas or suppositories. Constipation suppositories are quite safe, easy to use and inexpensive.

Causes of constipation

Before reading about rectal suppositories themselves for constipation, it is worth delving deeper into the problem of bowel retention in humans. There are many reasons why this problem may appear, and here are just the most popular:

  • wrong diet. If your diet contains a large amount of junk food that is poorly absorbed by the body, or you are too keen on a diet for weight loss, then your body can easily develop elementary constipation by simply blocking the intestines,
  • taking medications. Some of the medications may help you treat one disease, but will become a good reason for the appearance of stool retention. Among such drugs, it is worth noting diuretics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, analgesics and anti-diarrhea drugs,
  • physical inactivity. Constantly sitting still, muscle weakness and lack of physical activity always lead to hypodynamic constipation,
  • pregnancy. Women very often buy medications or suppositories for constipation after childbirth, since during pregnancy and especially after childbirth this problem becomes quite urgent.

In addition to these not the most serious reasons, constipation can occur with really important and dangerous diseases and ailments that may be associated with heredity and the consequences of chronic diseases. These are the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the nervous system with intestinal dysfunction. They lead to neurogenic constipation,
  • intestinal tumors up to rectal cancer. Such growths will compress the intestines, creating narrowings and scars, leading to mechanical retention of stool,
  • poisoning with toxins. Among the dangerous substances are mercury, lead and nicotine, which is so popular among most. All of them are the cause of toxic constipation (the medical name for constipation),
  • diseases of the endocrine system. These include diabetes mellitus, adrenal and pituitary insufficiency, menopause and hypoparathyroidism.

Each of the ailments causes endocrine stool retention:

  • diseases associated with the anus. Hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures and other diseases in this area will cause proctogenic constipation,
  • intestinal inflammation,
  • dehydration, heart and kidney failure.

Each of these diseases requires immediate consultation with a doctor for further examination and prescription of medication. One of the remedies that doctors can prescribe against constipation is suppositories.

Types of constipation

Constipation is often accompanied by pain. They are felt when straining, moving masses, after emptying. The pain can even radiate to the scapular, lumbar and umbilical regions, and the abdominal cavity.

The following varieties are found:

  1. Chronic . Defecation is difficult, stool is hard, emptying is not complete. It is considered a functional disorder, accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, dry stool, and flatulence. The cause of the pathology is poor lifestyle and nutrition.
  2. Spastic . Excessive bloating, severe pain, and flatulence are added to the symptoms. Accompanied by cramps in the intestines. After a long time, the calla lilies come out in hard small lumps. The reason is a spasm of the anal sphincter.
  3. Spicy . It manifests itself clearly and is easily determined using instrumental techniques. Cause: colic, peritonitis, intestinal diverticulum, cholelithiasis.
  4. Atonic . It appears when the smooth muscles of the intestines relax. It is typical for patients who move little or eat a lot of high-calorie foods.
  5. Psychological . Characterized by the fact that a person can control this function. The causes are severe stress, depression, nervous breakdowns, mental illnesses. Often found among people whose work schedule often changes, as well as those who frequently travel on business trips.

How should I use this product?

Among experts there are some rules and recommendations for using suppositories for constipation, and you should know about them:

  1. You can light such a candle only once a day. It is best to do this in the morning or half an hour after eating, but it is highly not recommended to use them before bed.
  2. It is dangerous to use suppositories (the medical name for rectal suppositories) very often. Unfortunately, this drug causes addiction and dependence in the body, reducing its sensitivity to the effects of the drug itself. Using suppositories for more than a week can lead to bad consequences, so it is advisable to change them to another medication if the problem cannot be solved.
  3. Never turn a blind eye to the signals your body is giving you, such as obvious itching or burning. Try either changing the drug itself, or, in general, abandoning suppositories as an entire type of medicine, and then conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.
  4. To make the effect of the drug more effective, lie down and press your legs to your stomach, alternately squeezing and unclenching your buttocks. Spend about half an hour in this position to get the result you need. Wait for this time, even if in the first minutes you want to go to the toilet.
  5. A candle that is too soft is very unpleasant and inconvenient to insert into the anus, so it should be placed in the refrigerator for thirty minutes in advance. You can put it in cold water, however, it must be boiled.

All these recommendations will help you avoid the simplest problems with inserting a suppository.

Rules of application

First of all, you should study the instructions. The basic rules for taking candles must be followed:

  1. You can only use one candle per day. It is better to do this 20 minutes after eating, preferably after breakfast.
  2. If you use the drug frequently and for a long time, the opposite effect will occur.
  3. If any inflammatory process occurs (crack with blood, hemorrhoids, acute proctitis, tumor, etc.), then use should be stopped immediately.
  4. You should not stand after the injection; it is much more effective to take a lying position.
  5. If you feel itching, burning, or discomfort near the anus, then you should not use the drug - you need to find an alternative.

What are the contraindications?

In some cases, the use of laxative suppositories for constipation is strictly prohibited, because it can only aggravate the problem. Here are the main contraindications that rectal suppositories have:

  • anal fissures,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • bleeding from the anus,
  • formations in the colon,
  • individual intolerance to the composition,
  • "acute belly"
  • dehydration,
  • anorexia,
  • ulcers and intestinal erosions,
  • Crohn's disease.

In order not to encounter unexpected health problems, it is better to first visit a specialist who will examine and give indications for the use of a suppository.

The most effective means


Glycerin suppositories Glycelax are laxative suppositories for constipation for pregnant women, lactation, for adults and children. Children are prescribed a special form of suppositories weighing 0.75 and 1.6 grams.

It is recommended to administer the suppository once a day 30 minutes after breakfast. The action begins within 20 minutes.

Glycerin laxative suppositories should not be used for inflammatory bowel pathologies, anal bleeding, acute hemorrhoids, as well as tumor-like formations localized in the intestinal cavity.


Contains polymer – polyethylene glycol, sodium bitartrate, potassium bicarbonate. As a result of their use, carbon dioxide is formed, which irritates the walls of the rectum, which causes the urge to defecate. The polyethylene glycol component attracts water, softening stool and making it easier to pass.

These are quite effective suppositories that help eliminate both one-time constipation and, in general, defecation irregularities. Approved for use by adults and pregnant women, but contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.


Effective suppositories, the use of which is advisable for anemic conditions and to eliminate constipation. Their action develops due to the ability of ferrous sulfate to release carbon dioxide during the oxidation of the substance. The result of application appears within 20 minutes. A single use regimen is recommended for occasional constipation. Suitable for use by adults only.

Dulcolax, Bisacodyl

The active ingredient of these analogues - bisacodyl - has a chemical irritant effect on the walls of the large intestine and promotes the production of mucus, which naturally thins even dense masses of feces.

Prohibited for use by pregnant women and women breastfeeding. Use by children is only possible with a doctor's prescription. Long-term use of the drug can lead to addiction and, as a result, intestinal atony.


These are modern candles with chestnut. In addition to the laxative effect, they have a tonic effect on the intestinal vessels and strengthen their walls, which creates good preventive antihemorrhoidal conditions.

A course of use of the drug for 1 month can restore intestinal motility and normalize bowel movements. The use of RectActiv is only permitted for adults due to the lack of evidence of the safety of the drug for children.

Candles with papaverine

Papaverine suppositories are not an effective remedy against constipation, but they have a laxative effect if defecation disorders are caused by spasms of the large intestine, which is often observed after surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract. It is for this reason that the product can be used as a laxative strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Suppositories with papaverine should not be used more than 3 times a day.

Candles with belladonna

Such suppositories can be used for constipation that occurs due to exacerbation of hemorrhoids or in the presence of an anal fissure. In this case, the cause of defecation disorders is spasm of the anal sphincter. Belladonna has an antispasmodic effect, therefore it actively relieves spasm of smooth muscles.

The side laxative effect is caused by the presence of phenolic compounds in the suppositories, which have a slight irritating effect on the receptors of the rectum, which leads to the dilution of stool due to naturally produced mucus.

What types of candles are there?

If you go to a pharmacy, you will see a fairly large assortment of suppositories that help with constipation. Each type has its own specific composition and is designed for specific functions. Let's not guess what anti-constipation suppositories are needed in your case and just look into this variety:


The most common type of candles, which can be used at absolutely any age. The entire composition is based on glycerin. It is this that ensures the softening of the drug and irritation of the nerve endings, which allow the rectum to continue its process. This type is most often used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, but in case of inflammation it is contraindicated for use.


If the cause of your problem with bowel retention is suppression of the desire to go to the toilet, then this type of medication will be useful to you.

The main constituent element is sodium bicarbonate, which causes effective gas formation in the intestines. To ensure that the candle has a fat-soluble base, manufacturers prepare it from cocoa butter or other harmless substances. This medicine is good because it has virtually no side effects.


Stimulates the nerve endings of the rectum so that it begins to contract. It is this type of suppository that stimulates the secretion of special mucus, which envelops the contents of the intestines. Please note - this type is indicated only for adults, and it is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. And also sometimes it can cause a severe allergic reaction.

With sea buckthorn oil

Why did we highlight this type of candle separately? They can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as they are completely safe and do not cause side effects at all. In addition, it is an extremely effective laxative that helps heal cracks and wounds. In some cases, these suppositories can be used for hemorrhoids.


They are not suitable for chronic or simply severe constipation, but can calmly solve problems with stagnation in the body. These suppositories are especially good for constipation, hemorrhoids and for treating cracks and wounds in the anus.


Just like gas-forming suppositories, these contain sodium bicarbonate, however, here it is mixed with polyethylene glycol and potassium bitartrate, which allow Evacue products to become one of the most effective drugs against constipation. The advantage of these suppositories is that they are an active, fast-acting medicine, but at the same time they very gently and easily liquefy all the masses located in the rectum.

The use of these suppositories allows the patient to visit the toilet within a few minutes after administration.

Is it possible to light candles for children?

Children are recommended to use glycerin suppositories for constipation or microenemas.
Childhood constipation is also a fairly common problem. And you need to fight it quickly and thoroughly, but not on your own. Be sure to consult with your doctor about taking medications, since a child’s body is not yet strong enough to digest everything that is shoved into it.

It is best to use glycerin suppositories. They have a gentler effect on the child’s body, have no side effects and are available in children’s dosages. This also includes microenemas, which are used even for infants.

A review of microenemas for constipation can be found here.


Which candles are best for children?

Unfortunately, there is no truly harmless and absolutely suitable drug against stool retention for children. Parents can only find out the cause of this serious problem and try to solve it by finding out which suppositories for constipation are the most harmless. It is very important for you to visit a specialist such as a gastroenterologist with your child to identify the cause of constipation.

A child suffering from congestion in the body should be offered prompt assistance in the form of a microenema oiled with olive, sunflower or peach oil of five to ten milliliters for an infant and thirty to fifty milliliters for an adult child.

But if we talk about laxatives, then it is best to use the drug “Lactulose”, which is really gently and comfortably absorbed into the intestinal tissue for the baby.

If the issue of using suppositories exclusively is urgent for you, then you will not find a better option than glycerin ones. It is this type that will most pleasantly help get rid of this delicate problem without harming the weak, rigid body. Sea buckthorn candles are also perfect. Suitable drug options would be Glycelax and Microlax.

Constipation suppositories for infants

Constipation in children of the first year of life is observed quite often, but not in all cases it requires any treatment. Typically, indications for performing a cleansing enema or using laxative suppositories are:

  • absence of bowel movements for more than 72 hours;
  • bloating;
  • refusal to eat;
  • severe regurgitation.

In pediatrics, preference is given to glycerin suppositories. In this case, you should definitely use suppositories intended for children (Glycelax, Glycerin 1.24 g). They contain less glycerin and are smaller in size than those intended for adults.

Candles for constipation in children can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment with them should be as short as possible so as not to cause addiction.

For children, suppositories are available in children's dosages and reduced sizes.

For the elderly

Unfortunately, as we age, we have many more health problems. Due to the fact that older people often move little and already have much weaker muscle mass, their peristalsis begins to deteriorate. Simply put, it is more difficult for them to strain their rectum to contract and complete the bowel movement. Ordinary laxatives do not always help with such delicate problems, which is why people seek help from doctors.

It is suppositories for constipation in older adults that best solve this problem, since ordinary laxatives are not so effective, and tablets often cause too many unpleasant side effects. It is most convenient for such people to use glycerin suppositories for constipation. Most often, Bisacodyl suppositories are offered in pharmacies for older people, as a means of not only relieving stagnation in the intestines, but also increasing the volume of fluid in the body.

Medical contraindications

Despite the many benefits and quick effect of candles, there are circumstances in which the remedies do not help, and their actions can become disastrous. For example:

  • there is acute abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • intestinal oncology;
  • damage or presence of blood discharge from the anal canal;
  • acute appendicitis or peritonitis;
  • severe nausea, vomiting;
  • disruption of processes in the rectal area.

Even in the absence of contraindications, effective treatment will require consultation with a doctor. Only a medical specialist can make a correct diagnosis. You should be extremely careful about contraindications for older people and children under 14 years of age. Remember that regular prevention is better than cure. A healthy diet, proper drinking habits, and timely visits to the toilet will help keep your intestines healthy!

For pregnant

We have already talked about what kind of candles should be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, but it is worth dwelling on this topic in more detail.

The most suitable and gentle suppositories are “Calciolax” and “Ferroplex”. For such girls, there is a special restriction in intake that does not allow the use of more than one candle every three days. It is also very important that your attending physician supervises the mandatory intake of “auxiliary” medications. Sometimes after birth, mothers are also prescribed special suppositories with calendula or propolis herbs.

Possible consequences of long-term use of candles

Candles should not be used for a long time, as there are some negative consequences:

  1. diarrhea;
  2. severe diarrhea;
  3. decreased blood pressure;
  4. muscle weakness;
  5. convulsions;
  6. burning sensation near the insertion site;
  7. addiction to the drug and the inability to have a bowel movement without using it.

Of course, such consequences are possible, but not necessary. However, suppositories are considered a safe and cheap way to relieve constipation. Today, the choice of these drugs is huge, so everyone will find a suitable remedy.

How to prevent disease

No matter how effective and convenient to use suppositories against constipation may be, first of all, you should not let your body get into such a state. First of all, you need to think about your daily routine, namely nutrition and physical activity. Here is a whole list of rules regarding the diet, by adhering to which you can never remember the problem of stool retention:

  1. It is very important to consume fiber as it works to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. A sufficient amount of it is found in vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread and cereals. It is worth introducing it into your diet gradually, if at this time the use of these products in your diet is not too frequent.
  2. Based on the previous point, you need to eat at least two servings of apples, pears, peaches or apricots per day. By the way, they should be consumed together with the peel.
  3. You also need to eat carrots, celery or rutabaga at least twice a day.
  4. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids. Of course, the amount of water required for each organism is individual, however, it will still be close to the 8 glasses mark.
  5. Don't drink caffeine.
  6. At least a couple of times a week you need to eat porridge or bread with bran.
  7. Chips become useful when eaten together with potatoes.
  8. Prunes improve the efficiency of the intestines, aimed at emptying the body.

In addition, try to eat your meals calmly, slowly and chew your food thoroughly. It is very important in everyday life to do things related to the gastrointestinal tract in a calm environment. For example, never force your body to endure the urge to defecate for a long time, and when going to the toilet, take your time and wait as long as necessary. And also try to increase the amount of physical activity, at least by introducing a daily morning jog.

Localization of constipation

Based on the location of occurrence, constipation is divided into two types:

  1. Cologenic - waste masses accumulate in the high intestinal sections. It often happens due to tumors, scars that prevent stool from moving forward.
  2. Proctogenic - masses stagnate in the rectum. There are several reasons for this: weak pelvic floor muscles, reduced receptor sensitivity, the presence of fissures, hemorrhoids, hernias, tumors, scars in the lower intestinal zone.

These constipations can cause all sorts of pathologies in the intestines. Laxative suppositories will help get rid of congestion in the rectum. If constipation occurs elsewhere, such drugs will provide little help. If stagnation occurs due to tumors or scars, then suppositories will not help at all.

Drug cost table

Let's look at the cost of the most popular laxatives, which we already wrote about today:

Drug nameAmount in a packageCost, rub.
Lactulose15 ml. - 10 pieces. 200
Glycelax750 ml. - 10 pieces. 120
Microlax5 ml. – 12 pcs. 740
Bisacodyl5 ml. – 30 pcs. 35
Ferroplex30 g – 100 pcs.110
Evacue6 pcs.520

The use of suppositories to treat constipation in the elderly

In old age, people often face various diseases. Due to natural changes in the body's functioning and reduced physical activity, peristalsis worsens. Many elderly people turn to the doctor to solve a delicate problem.

Conventional laxatives are not always effective. Tablets can cause side effects, which are undesirable for the body of an elderly person. This is why doctors often recommend glycerin suppositories for constipation. Bisacodyl suppositories will increase the volume of fluid.

Attention! Constipation in older people can begin not only due to age-related changes. One of the most dangerous causes of stool retention is malignant neoplasms. If constant constipation is accompanied by bloody stools, weakness, fatigue, rapid weight loss, abdominal pain, increased gas formation, you need to undergo an urgent examination. Under no circumstances should you torture your body with self-medication.

Inexpensive drugs

The names of popular products in this category are presented below.


One of the most popular and cheapest medicines. It is recommended to use once a day. The preferred time is the morning after meals. Since suppositories melt quickly in your hands, they must be administered immediately.

The peculiarity of the drug is its effective impact on the problem. But since glycerin has an irritating effect, it may cause hemorrhoids or damage to the intestinal mucosa.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn-based suppositories from Nizhpharm are used twice a day. When it enters the rectum, an oily film forms on the stool. This facilitates and accelerates the passage of feces.

With papaverine

The suppositories contain an anesthetic substance. In terms of its effects, papaverine is similar to No-Shpa.

Main goals:

  • relieve rectal spasms;
  • empty the intestines.

You can use one candle per day.

It is important to remember that this drug is not suitable for all patients.

Types of candles

Depending on the task, interaction and duration of the therapeutic course, all laxative suppositories have several varieties.


This type of drug helps improve intestinal function in adults through an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. The process of excreting feces is restored after 6-12 hours.

If used incorrectly, severe diarrhea and pronounced pain in the abdominal area can occur. This condition is caused by the presence of buckthorn and senna in the suppository.

One of the most common products is Glycelax.


Such candles are considered relatively inexpensive. Glycerin, present in the composition, has a positive effect on the intestines, helps stimulate its activity, softens stool, which ensures the natural release of processed products.

Laxatives of this type work well against constipation not only in children, but also in adults. In addition, they can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women .

The results from glycerin preparations are noticeable within five minutes.


One of the most popular drugs is RectActiv. It contains horse chestnut fruits and fatty glyceride acid.

The action of the suppositories is aimed at strengthening and increasing the muscle tone of the intestines.

This drug enhances peristalsis and acts for a short period of time. When completing a full course of therapy, a person’s biorhythm is subject to complete restoration.

The use of rectal suppositories should be daily a few minutes before going to the toilet.


It is the drugs in this group that are used for situational constipation that occurs with frequent suppression of bowel movements. The drug contains sodium bicarbonate, which dissolves in the intestines and releases carbon dioxide.

The action is aimed at stretching the intestinal walls and irritating the receptors.

Sea buckthorn

This type of suppository against constipation is a natural remedy. Sea buckthorn oil helps restore intestinal function and relieve inflammation.

The same effect is observed in the alpha acids that are present in the composition. In addition, sea buckthorn suppositories contain microelements and vitamins, tannins, which are aimed at combating pain and infection.

Thanks to natural ingredients, the drug has a gentle effect on the intestines and does not cause allergies.

Fast acting laxatives


It is a gas-forming laxative . The use of a suppository once a day is indicated. The course of application is no more than three days.

Contraindicated for:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • itching;
  • cracks;
  • tumor processes;
  • serious complications of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic type;
  • with hypersensitivity to the drug.

For all its effectiveness, it is very limited for use and has many contraindications. It can be used in problematic situations where chronic constipation occurs.

Attention! Not recommended for pregnant women, children and newborns, the elderly; if used, it is used very carefully and in rare cases.

Prices in the Russian Federation from 290 rubles.


This drug contains bisacodyl as an active ingredient. Dulcolax is produced by a foreign company in France, and bisacodyl is a cheap analogue of a domestic manufacturer. There is an opinion that Dulcolax is more effective, but this is not supported by everyone.

Stimulator of mucus production in the intestinal area , which softens stool. Optimizes peristalsis.

Single use per day of one suppository rectally.
Contraindications and side effects:

  • acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases of this system;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe dehydration.

May cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, allergic reactions, and diarrhea.

Reference! The remedy acts quickly, but if used frequently, it can cause atonic manifestations and even constipation.

For pregnant women, for children and newborns, for the elderly - an excellent key to solving the problem of constipation, even in the constipation stage.

Prices in the Russian Federation from 210 rubles.


This is a safe product based on natural ingredients . Before the procedure, you need to slightly moisten the suppository and only then insert it rectally. Use in dosage – one suppository per day.

Contraindications and side effects:

  • Individual intolerance to the composition of the drug.
  • There may be allergic manifestations.

A very effective remedy in terms of speed of action, it successfully replaces an enema. Possible for use during constipation. The disadvantages are that there may be individual reactions, and it has no therapeutic effect.

The product is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. Not used for small children and newborns, only after 12 years. For the elderly - use is permitted in the absence of contraindications.

Available in packs of six, the cost is around 420-520 rubles.

Irregular bowel movements lead to constipation. This delicate situation often goes unnoticed and is ignored because it seems frivolous. Meanwhile, remaining unresolved for a long time, changes in intestinal activity lead to weakening of the entire body and serious chronic failures in the gastrointestinal tract.

The problem of constipation can have a variety of causes. Their timely detection and elimination is simply necessary to preserve human health.

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