Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy for constipation instructions. Can pregnant women use glycerin suppositories? For what period should you not use glycerin suppositories?

Is it possible to use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy?

The principle of action of drugs in this category is based on the ability of glycerol, acting as the main element, to irritate the intestinal tract.

You can use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy for spastic constipation

The compressed digested food softens naturally and leaves the body faster. During pregnancy, glycerin suppositories are used topically. In addition to the laxative effect, glycerin has analgesic properties, eliminating cutting pain during bowel movements.

Before using glycerin suppositories for stool retention in pregnant women, the specific type of pathology is identified. This allows you to choose the most effective and gentle treatment. There are 2 types of stool retention during this period:

  • spastic;
  • atonic.

Glycerin suppositories can be used during pregnancy for spastic constipation, when there is excessive gas formation and frequent pain during bowel movements. With the spastic type, stool leaves the body partially. Spasms manifest themselves in various parts of the intestines. Spastic constipation often occurs due to stress.

The use of rectal suppositories for atonic type is carried out for health reasons. The cause of the development of this pathology may be erosive damage to the intestine. The inclusion of glycerin rods in complex therapy simultaneously with medications against CT erosion enhances the therapeutic effect of suppositories.

Glycerin suppositories can be used during pregnancy without restrictions. These include:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • hemorrhoids, including the acute phase;
  • intolerance or sensitivity to glycerol;
  • inflammation of the intestinal tract.

Rectal suppositories have advantages over other laxative medications. These include:

  • Affordability. Medicines with glycerol are in the middle price segment.
  • Safety. The laxative has a minimum of contraindications and practically does not cause rejection by the body.
  • Lack of systemic action. Does not penetrate soft tissues and does not affect the functioning of internal organs.

Long-term use does not provoke the development of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Not addictive. The therapeutic effect decreases with regular use for 14-21 days, due to the fact that the nerve endings become less sensitive.

Glycerin in suppositories for pregnant women has dermaprotective properties. Regular use of rectal rods with this component accelerates the healing of microcracks.

How does glycerin work in suppositories?

Glycerin is the active component of rectal suppositories. They have a double effect:

  1. The suppository itself, inserted into the rectum, irritates the walls and thereby eliminates hypotension of smooth muscles, promoting its contraction and the movement of feces.
  2. Glycerin in the composition of the drug makes stool softer, which simplifies its movement and exit.

Suppositories containing glycerin are prescribed during pregnancy with virtually no fear. The active substance does not have a toxic effect and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the effect of the drug on the child.

Glycerin suppositories in early pregnancy

Glycerin suppositories for constipation during early pregnancy are used primarily because of their safety. Glycerin, which is part of the dosage form, does not penetrate the placenta, breast milk and is not distributed to soft tissues.

No effect on the growth and formation of the fetus is observed with prolonged use of the laxative. For constipation during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, glycerin suppositories are placed according to the instructions. You cannot increase the number of applications without permission. Treatment should be combined with diet and plenty of fluids. In the first weeks, suppositories are used for defecation disorders caused by:

  • stress;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • spasms of the sigmoid colon.

In the first weeks, Glycerin is used - rectal rods that are safe for women. The main element is glycerol; the manufacturer provides the presence of auxiliary elements that increase the bioavailability of the main element.

When used correctly and following the dosage regimen, no side effects are observed, and the risk of spontaneous abortion is reduced. It is preferable to start treatment with half doses on the first day - one dose at a time, 15-20 minutes after the morning meal. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.

If side effects occur in the form of irritation or burning in the intergluteal area, the use of suppositories should be stopped immediately.

Use of the drug during early and late pregnancy

Quite often, expectant mothers experience constipation. This is largely due to hormonal changes in the body: the production of progesterone, which preserves and supports pregnancy, helps reduce muscle activity. First of all, of course, the muscular contractile activity of the uterus slows down, but other internal organs, including the intestines, also fall under this effect. Therefore, its contents can move much more slowly, and this leads to problems with stool.

Also, the cause of constipation in pregnant women can be a change in the usual lifestyle - a different diet, a new menu, a decrease in physical activity and other factors. If the expectant mother is overtaken by this problem, she must be dealt with in the early stages. Glycerin suppositories belong to the category of drugs officially approved for pregnant women according to the instructions, and they successfully help in resolving such a delicate situation.

Bowel problems worry many pregnant women

Constipation has a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother and baby. If there is no stool within 2 days, it is necessary to resort to the use of medications. Suppositories with glycerin are prescribed to pregnant women quite often: their effect usually occurs very quickly, and the drug does not have a harmful effect on the fetus.

But even such a seemingly harmless drug has some peculiarities in its use:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is located near the rectum, and the action of the suppository can cause undesirable consequences - increase uterine tone and promote miscarriage;
  • if a woman is at risk of miscarriage, the drug increases its likelihood.

Pregnancy is not the time for experimentation. Don't self-medicate! If you have health problems, in particular problems with bowel movements, consult a specialist.

The use of suppositories in later stages

The late stages of pregnancy include the period from 28 to 40 weeks, during which the use of glycerin suppositories is possible under the supervision of a gynecologist. They are prescribed only if there is no likelihood of premature birth. The period of use of glycerin suppositories in late pregnancy is determined individually.

In the third semester of pregnancy, the uterus constantly puts pressure on the intestines - the baby is growing rapidly - which increases the risk of developing constipation - in this case, glycerin suppositories are used for 7-10 days. Suppositories also soften cracked skin, eliminate irritation and accelerate the healing of cracks.

In the later stages, it is necessary to use those laxatives that have a delicate effect on the intestinal tract. Rectal rods containing more than 2.5 g of glycerin should not be used. The drugs increase motor activity; excessively rapid contraction of the intestines can provoke premature birth.

In the last trimester, Glycelax is used, a laxative that is gentle on the intestines of a pregnant woman. No more than 1 suppository is administered per day. The application regimen is standard, the period of use is 4-10 days. Before childbirth, sticks with glycerol are used instead of an enema. The stimulating effect of the main component delicately cleanses the intestines. There are liquid suppositories with glycerol on sale that operate on the principle of microenemas.

What can replace glycerin suppositories?

Pregnant women, if possible, should stop using glycerin suppositories, replacing them with a special diet and physical activity:

  • eat food in small portions and often;
  • give preference to foods with coarse fibers - vegetables, bran, etc.;
  • drink up to 1.5 - 2 liters of pure still water per day;
  • if there are no contraindications (for example, the threat of miscarriage), you need to move as much as possible: walk, do exercises for pregnant women and light housework.

If all these measures do not help, then a doctor should replace glycerin suppositories with another drug. He may prescribe suppositories with sea buckthorn, petroleum jelly, Lactulose, Duphalac, etc. Read more about the use of Duphalac during pregnancy→

Instructions for use

Suppositories with glycerin during pregnancy (regardless of the period) are used according to the instructions. Transparent dense torpedo-shaped rods have a recess at the bottom. The top of the suppository is round. Suppositories are sold in soft foil blisters (10 pcs). The medication does not require a prescription. After opening the package of glycerin suppositories for constipation, the instructions for use are carefully studied, especially the tab regarding pregnancy.

The dosage form is injected into the rectum. Suppositories are placed at the same time. Preferably in the morning, 25-30 minutes after eating. An adult dose of glycerol is indicated for pregnant women, which is equivalent to 2.25-2.11 g. The use of glycerol-based drugs is carried out after a complete examination of the woman and the fetus in the womb in the absence of absolute and relative contraindications.

Glycerin suppositories for pregnant women: reviews

Pregnant women who have used the drug note a good, quick effect and complete harmlessness.

Irina started using glycerin suppositories only during pregnancy on the advice of her gynecologist. Since it is dangerous for pregnant women to push, the woman had problems with bowel movements. Suppositories made the process of bowel movement easy and painless.

Katya says that the rectal laxative became a real salvation during her stay in the maternity hospital. It helped the woman endure the prenatal and postpartum periods more easily.

Albina praises the medicine for its ease of use. She especially likes that there is no need to additionally lubricate the suppository; it is already quite slippery, so it can be inserted into the anus without any problems. Glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy provided indispensable help in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the intestines began to work intermittently.

Marina considers glycerin suppositories to be reliable and safe. The drug has been produced for a very long time, it has been tried by more than one generation of pregnant women, so Marina thinks that this product can definitely be trusted.

Larisa notes that although the instructions say that the effect of the medicine begins in 10 minutes, she felt the urge to defecate almost immediately after administration. The woman managed to wait about 5 minutes, but even after this period the glycerin suppositories had the desired effect. Therefore, Larisa recommends suppositories to everyone as an emergency remedy for constipation.

Step-by-step guide to using glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy

How to use a glycerin suppository for constipation during pregnancy

  1. Hygiene. Before inserting the rectal rod into the anus, it is necessary to disinfect your hands using any hypoallergenic soap, preferably baby soap or Miramistin.
  2. Preparatory activities. The suppository is placed in a cool place for a short time (the rods melt quickly). When in contact with warm hands, the rod loses strength, so the skin of the hands requires preliminary cooling.
  3. To avoid deformation of the rod, it is necessary to carefully release it from its original packaging. To do this, the rod must be moved down to the base and the top of the container must be cut off with scissors. Depending on the dosage regimen selected by the gynecologist, the suppository is cut with a knife or other sharp object.
  4. The rod is inserted while lying on your side. The leg on the bottom should be straight. The top one needs to be bent at the knee and slightly pulled to the side. With clean hands, squeeze the stem out of the container and grasp the suppository by the base with one hand. Second, lift the buttock, loosen the sphincter and lubricate the anus with any Vaseline-free lubricant or warm water. Insert the rod. Depth – not 5 cm.
  5. The buttocks are held together for 15-20 seconds - this avoids the rod falling out. You cannot stand up for 5-7 minutes after inserting the rod. The used factory container must be disposed of. At the end of the procedure, hands are wiped with a disinfectant solution. In the same way, the medicine is administered from the squatting position.

The instructions for use for glycerin suppositories prescribe a relative dosage regimen that is safe for a pregnant woman - 1 suppository per day. Exceeding the daily norm on your own increases the risk of side effects. These include all kinds of allergic (cracking of the skin of the intergluteal folds) and local (burning, itching) reactions.

Suppositories with glycerin are not used to prevent constipation during pregnancy. If there is no proper therapeutic effect, the daily dose can be increased with the permission of the gynecologist.

How to use glycerin suppositories correctly

Suppositories are used rectally. The most suitable time is 15–20 minutes after eating (preferably after breakfast). The standard dosage for adults is 1 glycerin suppository 2.11 g or 2 suppositories 1.24 g per day.

Before using the suppository, you should wash your hands well with cold water and soap - your fingers will then be cool and the candle will not melt. If your fingernails are long, it is better to cut them so as not to injure the intestinal mucosa. An unopened candle can be put in the refrigerator for half an hour or kept under running cold water for a short time. This will make it hard and easier to insert. You cannot lubricate the candle with any oils (mineral liquid or solid).

Colorless candle, rounded torpedo-shaped

You need to take a comfortable position, the optimal one - lying on your left side, while pulling your right leg towards you, open the package, take out the suppository. If desired, you can use disposable gloves or a fingertip (this is especially recommended if long nails are not cut). With one hand you need to spread the buttocks and hold them, with the other hand you need to insert the candle into the anus, to a depth of at least 2.5 cm, behind the sphincter. The muscles should be extremely relaxed. Bring your buttocks together, squeeze tightly for a short time. It is recommended to remain in the side position for a few more minutes. After this, remove gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

All manipulations must be carried out very carefully and at the same time quickly, otherwise the candle will melt and it will not be possible to insert it.

It is recommended to cool the glycerin suppository before use, and keep your hands cool.

The effect of the suppository begins almost immediately; after a few minutes the urge to have a bowel movement may appear. If this does not happen (for example, there was prolonged constipation), then re-administration of the drug is possible after a day.

If normal intestinal motility has been restored, suppositories no longer need to be used.

How often can you use glycerin suppositories?

Complete restoration of bowel movements does not depend on how often glycerin suppositories are used for constipation during pregnancy. Treatment of stool retention is carried out in a course; a single use will not bring the expected result. In the first weeks of pregnancy, you can use glycerin suppositories for 10 days. Torpedo-shaped rods are inserted once a day. If necessary, the daily norm can be increased - before bedtime it is allowed to administer a suppository according to the standard scheme.

In the later stages, an increase in the therapeutic norm is unacceptable. Discomfort during bowel movements or fragmented bowel movements (“sheep feces”) while using suppositories requires immediate contact with a gynecologist, who will adjust the dose or select a substitute containing glycerol.

Instructions for use

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy have a mild laxative effect due to slight irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane, which reflexively causes activation of peristalsis and defecation. The stool is softened by glycerin.

Popular among them are “Glycelax”, “Glycerin”. Used for constipation of various etiologies.

It is impossible to be treated in this way for a long time. This leads to excessive irritation of the rectum and the development of an inflammatory reaction. The drug is completely safe for mother and child; blood is not absorbed.

The time from administration to the onset of the effect depends on the characteristics of the body, on average it is up to half an hour.

The daily dosage is: 1 suppository once a day 15 minutes after a meal. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The active ingredient of Glycelax is glycerol and has the same local effect as glycerin. Constant use of the product causes a weakening of the physiological process of defecation and irritation. It is important to stop using the drug after improvement occurs. The method of application is similar.

Evacue - gas-forming suppositories. Includes:

  1. Bicarbonate of soda.
  2. Potassium hydrogen tartrate is a salt of potassium and tartaric acid.
  3. Polyethylene glycol.

The mechanism of action is based on the formation of carbon dioxide when the components interact with water in the colon. Carbon dioxide stretches the walls, and carbonic acid has a slight irritating effect, the reflex mechanism of defecation is realized. Polyethylene glycol softens stool and makes it easier to pass.

It can be used during pregnancy or the lactation period without fear. Does not have a teratogenic effect. The components are of natural origin, but may cause an allergic reaction (polyethylene glycol).

Daily dose: one suppository per day. Does not have a negative effect on anal fissures or hemorrhoids.

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural herbal medicine.

Mechanism of action:

  • stimulation of epithelial healing processes,
  • sea ​​buckthorn has an antioxidant effect,
  • cytoprotective effect due to inhibition of free radical reactions,
  • exhibits membrane protective activity,
  • antibacterial effect.

Indications for use:

  1. Hemorrhoidal veins.
  2. Anal fissures.
  3. Peptic ulcer of the rectum.
  4. Proctitis.

The only thing that can be prescribed in the first trimester.

There are no contraindications for pregnant women. They can be prescribed to eliminate painful sensations during inflammatory processes of the rectum, to eliminate the consequences of obstipation. The medicine coats the mucous membrane and has a laxative effect.

Application: 1 candle per day, at night.

Microenema Microlax produces the desired result within 15 minutes after administration.

The mechanism of action is to soften stool with sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, displace water with sodium citrate and stimulate the flow of water into the intestinal lumen with sorbitol (an osmotically active substance).

Apply the entire contents of the microenema once, and then as required.

There is no data on harm to the body of pregnant women. The drug is absorbed into the bloodstream slightly, there should be no negative effect.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components.

Application algorithm:

  1. Remove the seal on the tip.
  2. Release a drop of solution to lubricate the tip (makes insertion easier).
  3. Squeeze out the entire contents of the microenema.
  4. Remove the tip while continuing to squeeze the tube.
  5. Wait 10-15 minutes.

Rectal suppositories should be used as follows:

  1. Choose your drug carefully.
  2. Read its manual and make sure it is safe.
  3. Wash your hands with soap.
  4. Remove the candle from the packaging.
  5. Take the correct position - standing, slightly inclined, or lying on your left side with your knees tucked to your chest.
  6. Spread the gluteal muscles with one hand and take the suppository with the other.
  7. Introduce the drug into the rectum behind the sphincter.
  8. Wait as long as possible. At the same time, do not lie down, but move.


Glycerin suppositories for constipation for pregnant women are a safe laxative, when used for medicinal purposes there are almost no side effects. Compliance with the gynecologist's instructions guarantees the absence of characteristic symptoms of overdose. The medication interacts well with other drugs; suppositories do not increase or decrease the bioavailability of drugs.

Proper storage preserves the healing properties of rectal sticks with glycerol. Opened boxes must be stored in the refrigerator without deforming the original packaging. Shelf life - no more than 36 months from the date of manufacture. Hemorrhoids are a relative limitation to the use of suppositories. To lubricate the sphincter, it is prohibited to use mineral, aromatic oils and oil-based massage products - this increases the risk of developing allergic reactions.

Types of suppositories for constipation

The mechanism of the effect of suppositories on the intestines is simple: the oil in the composition gets into the stool, softens it. By lubricating the wall of the organ, it helps evacuate the contents.

Features of using glycerin suppositories

One of the most affordable types of suppositories for constipation. Apply once, in the morning after meals. When removed from the package they melt quickly, so they require quick administration.

How does glycerin work in suppositories?

Glycerin is a soft base. It melts quickly when the temperature rises. Once in the intestinal lumen, glycerin envelops the feces, softens them and makes rapid, painless excretion possible.

On the other hand, by irritating the mucous membrane, glycerin provokes a contraction of the muscle layer of the organ. This causes the urge to defecate. It allows you to evacuate leftover food from the intestines.

Indications and contraindications during pregnancy

Indications for the use of suppositories with glycerin are not only constipation, but also preconditions for hemorrhoids. Due to circulatory disorders caused by fetal pressure on adjacent organs, varicose veins of the rectum often develop. Difficulty in passing feces further injures the mucous membrane, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels. Treatment of bleeding is complicated by pregnancy, so it is important to prevent its development.

If a woman has already developed an acute stage of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, then glycerin suppositories are contraindicated.

Treatment is prescribed after all gentle ways to combat constipation have been exhausted. The doctor does not prescribe suppositories in the early stages of gestation due to the risk of increased uterine tone and subsequent miscarriage.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories with glycerin are also considered:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • inflammatory process in the intestines;
  • damage to the mucous membrane, ulcers, erosion.

Except in cases of intolerance, after the patient's condition has normalized, it is possible to treat constipation with local remedies.

Instructions and dosage

Suppositories act on the mucous membrane, but are not absorbed into the blood. The effect occurs within 3-5 minutes. The maximum dose of the drug is 2 suppositories, but usually 1 unit is enough.

It is better to use the product in the morning, after meals. The woman takes a comfortable lying position, relaxes and inserts the suppository into the rectum. Then you need to lie down for a few minutes.

Side effects

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy with constipation can cause unpleasant symptoms (side effects). They appear if a woman neglects the drug dosage recommendations.

Frequent use of the drug leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. This is accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus and itching. Sometimes allergic reactions of a local and systemic nature occur.

Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil

This drug also has a low melting point, so it should be stored in the refrigerator. Rectal and vaginal suppositories are available for sale.

For constipation, you can use 1-3 suppositories daily for 1-1.5 weeks. Sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation during pregnancy have a complex effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • pain reliever;
  • antioxidant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antihistamine.

Because of this effect, suppositories help with various problems:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • paraproctitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • inflammation of the muscle sphincter;
  • thrombosis of rectal nodes;
  • constipation;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • infection of ulcers and fissures of the rectum.

After administration of the product, a burning sensation is possible. It is caused by the action of active substances on the mucous membrane. After administering the suppository, you need to lie down for 25-30 minutes until the effect appears.

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