Why do you feel sick on an empty stomach and is treatment necessary?

Morning sickness is a very unpleasant sensation that appears for various reasons. Such a condition, as a rule, signals physiological disorders in the body or pregnancy. In any case, the occurrence of such discomfort should alert you, so you need to know why you feel sick on an empty stomach in the morning.

This painful feeling can end in vomiting and ruin your mood all day. In addition, nausea is often accompanied by diarrhea and high fever.

Morning sickness as a symptom of certain pathologies

Before you understand why you feel sick on an empty stomach in the morning, you need to consider all the possible reasons. After all, a similar condition occurs in many diseases. For example, with inflammation of the inner lining of the duodenum. Patients with duodenitis complain of morning sickness and nervous tension. This condition goes away immediately after a person eats a little.

Nausea can also occur with esophagitis. This disease is an inflammatory process localized in the esophageal tube. True, in this case, an unpleasant sensation is observed not only before meals, but also after snacks. This pathology is also accompanied by a feeling of a lump behind the sternum and heartburn. Moreover, after a snack, all these symptoms may intensify.

Nausea on an empty stomach in the morning often appears due to gastritis. A person with this disease is bothered by discomfort in the stomach, especially after eating smoked, fried and salty foods. This inflammation provokes the development of ulcers. In this case, nausea is often combined with pain.

If appendicitis is the cause of morning sickness, then in addition to nausea, unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium and even vomiting will occur. The listed symptoms of this disease do not subside, but, on the contrary, only intensify. When appendicitis is caused by pressure on the lower right side of the abdomen, the person experiences unbearable pain.

The cause of nausea quite often lies in heart problems. A similar condition after waking up can appear during a hypertensive crisis. This condition is very dangerous, since a person mistakes it for ordinary food poisoning, and in such situations it is impossible to delay treatment. High blood pressure can lead to heart attack and even stroke.

Nausea in the morning and on an empty stomach with inflammation of the pancreas threatens a person’s life. It always ends with severe vomiting, and sharp pain occurs in the upper part of the abdominal cavity.

A painful sensation in the throat and epigastric region in the morning may occur due to exacerbation of gallstone disease or inflammation of the gallbladder tissue. Cholecystitis is accompanied by nausea, which leads to vomiting mixed with bile. The main symptom of this pathology is unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium. It should be remembered that excessive consumption of fried and fatty foods can lead to its development.


Mezim forte

The feeling of hunger caused by insufficient production of enzymes is compensated by taking this drug. After taking the tablets, food is digested and absorbed completely, and severe nausea from hunger disappears.

The cost of Mezim forte is 200–215 rubles (20 tablets).

Essentiale forte

The medication is prescribed to people who experience nausea and hunger associated with liver disease. Phospholipids from soybeans help restore damaged areas of the organ by enhancing the regenerative ability of the liver. After a course of the drug, the detoxification function of the liver is normalized. The product is also effective in the initial stages of fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Price tag: 2,000 rubles for 100 tablets.


Helps eliminate reflux and is used to treat peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. A course of taking Omeprazole helps prevent the development of a hypersecretory state.

The cost of purchasing the product will be 50–70 rubles (a doctor’s prescription is required).


A stomach filler, which artificially causes a feeling of fullness by stretching its walls, can relieve hunger for up to 4 hours. Products from this group are used exclusively for those who want to lose weight.

A standard of 10 capsules will cost 600–700 rubles.

Other causes of discomfort

When you feel sick in the morning on an empty stomach, the reasons can be very different. Poisoning or banal overeating lead to poor health, especially if the dinner consisted of sour, fatty or spicy foods.

I often feel sick in the morning on an empty stomach with a hangover. Mostly men suffer from this disease. This painful feeling appears due to the high concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

The endocrine system may be the culprit of morning sickness. When it fails, the thyroid gland stops producing enough hormones. The first symptoms of hypothyroidism are weight change, fatigue, memory loss and nausea on an empty stomach.

The cause of nausea in the morning may lie in dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. With such problems, any movement that accompanies the process of transition from sleep to wakefulness causes painful nausea and various vision pathologies. Similar symptoms occur with concussion and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Taking certain medications also leads to morning sickness on an empty stomach. This especially applies to the following medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Iron supplements.

Nausea from hunger, causes - strict diet or fasting

Women who follow strict diets, fasts, or practice therapeutic fasting, sooner or later run the risk of experiencing the phenomenon of nausea on an empty stomach, which occurs as a result of the breakdown of fats. The fact is that a huge amount of toxins accumulate in the fat layer, which, during active weight loss, enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, poisoning it. Having received a signal about intoxication of internal organs, the brain triggers a natural cleansing mechanism, which involves getting rid of toxic substances through nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and frequent urge to urinate.

Experts warn: strict restrictions on the consumption of certain types of foods, complete abstinence from food of animal origin or prolonged fasting can cause irreparable harm to the body. In addition to “hungry” nausea, vomiting and stool disorders, therapeutic fasting, diets and vegetarianism can provoke problems such as:

1 intestinal obstruction;

2 bloating;

3 ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, leading to tissue swelling);

4 heart failure;

5 gastritis or stomach ulcer.

To neutralize the effects of bile that accumulates in the body as a result of fasting or dieting/fasting, it is necessary to eat in the morning, albeit in small quantities, and drink warm boiled water or herbal teas with mint or thyme.

Why do you feel sick on an empty stomach in the morning during pregnancy?

In many cases, in women, this condition is a sign of pregnancy, and nausea usually appears at the beginning of the first trimester. These sensations bother every second expectant mother. They are often accompanied by dizziness and vomiting.

This condition does not pose a danger; a woman simply experiences hormonal changes in her body. After a few months, morning sickness will disappear. To alleviate the condition, you should not take any medications, so as not to harm the child’s health. It is better to drink more water, in small sips, and eat more often, but in small portions. In addition, all strong odors should be eliminated.

Nausea during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes physiological changes that lead to a malfunction of the internal organs. There is a battle going on inside – the woman’s stunned immune system is trying to defend itself from an unknown “invader.” In biological terms, this is how the mother’s internal system perceives the unexpected invasion of the embryo.

The vast majority of women (within 90% of cases) experiencing pregnancy experience a period of constant lightheadedness and vomiting until the 14th week of pregnancy. After the fifteen-week mark, the discomfort most often goes away. This phenomenon in medical practice is not considered pathological, and does not signal deviations in the health of the mother and child.

To reduce these annoying attacks during pregnancy, you must strictly adhere to medical prescriptions: diet, eating more fresh vegetables, fruits with a high content of calcium, magnesium, iron. To regulate the production of enzymes, correct the feeling of hunger and nausea attacks, in our time there is a wide selection of medications (consultation with a supervising doctor is necessary), folk remedies that have always enjoyed constant success with our grandmothers (sauerkraut brine, water infusion of flax seed, water decoction of parsley ).

If you feel sick in the third trimester, even when the expectant mother is hungry, this is not normal and is most often explained by the fact that the grown fetus causes deformation of the abdominal organs of the pregnant woman. Among others, the liver suffers from noticeable contraction, showing indignation with attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Taking into account all the above factors, we can come to the following conclusion: if the alarming feeling of nausea does not interpret the symptom of the disease, and the medical examination carried out has not brought results, you should seriously think about a thorough, immediate revision of the irrational lifestyle.

When should you seek help?

If you cannot understand why you feel sick on an empty stomach in the morning, you should consult a doctor. You should immediately call an ambulance when the patient, in addition to nausea, has a high temperature, severe pain in any area and vomiting.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment. It is especially important to consult a specialist in a timely manner if appendicitis is suspected, since it can worsen at any time and then surgery cannot be avoided in order to avoid peritonitis.

Acute inflammation of the gallbladder can also lead to negative consequences, therefore, if nausea occurs, accompanied by unbearable pain, fever and high temperature, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Eliminating nausea with medications

Taking medications that reduce discomfort in the oral cavity and chest area, and antiemetics, is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor. The most affordable and safe anti-nausea remedies include the following:

  • "Anestezin";
  • "Validol";
  • "Aeron."

Lollipops with menthol or mint will help get rid of mild morning sickness.

Folk remedies for nausea in the morning

To eliminate the discomfort that occurs on an empty stomach, use ginger root. Tea made from this spice is considered one of the best remedies for nausea.

Lemon copes well with morning sickness. It is recommended for use even by children and pregnant women. To prepare a drink against nausea, just cut one half of the citrus into small pieces along with the peel and add boiled water. This remedy should be taken in small sips.

Constant feeling of hunger and nausea

Often, a constant feeling of hunger and nausea are symptoms of various diseases, one of which is hypoglycemia - a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood, resulting in the development of hypoglycemic syndrome. Depending on the severity of hypoglycemia, various treatment methods are used.

In some cases, a constant feeling of hunger and nausea may be the first signs of pregnancy that a woman feels even before the fact of pregnancy is established. If you feel a constant feeling of hunger and nausea, you need to undergo a full examination to identify the relationship between symptoms, as well as make an accurate diagnosis.

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