How to take calendula for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

The healing plant calendula, or as it is popularly called, marigold, has many positive qualities. It can be used as an individual remedy and as part of a herbal collection used to treat pancreatic pathology of the pancreas and other diseases affecting the digestive tract. Moreover, calendula is widely used in the decorative floriculture industries, is not fussy and is grown in household plots and summer cottages. Only its inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. In the materials of this article, we will look in more detail at what medicinal properties and contraindications calendula has for pancreatitis, as well as how to use it correctly for medicinal purposes.

How does calendula affect the body during pancreatitis?

Thanks to a whole set of organic substances, calendula has wound-healing, antibacterial, choleretic and antispasmodic effects. Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies from this plant is based on its ability to:

  • relieve swelling and inflammation of the pancreas,
  • relax the smooth muscles of the organ, which leads to a decrease in pain,
  • prevent the formation of calculi (stones),
  • stimulate the regeneration of pancreatic tissue,
  • kill germs.

The healing qualities of calendula

Thanks to their unique chemical composition, marigolds have the following range of medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antispasmodic,
  • wound healing,
  • choleretic.

The anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of pancreatitis in the pancreas through the use of calendula is achieved due to the content of carotenoids, triterpenoids and coumarins in the medicinal herb, which relieve swelling and the inflammatory process.

The content of flavonoids in calendula provides it with regenerative abilities that help stop the development of dystrophic changes in the parenchyma cavity and improve metabolic processes at the cellular level.

It is important to remember that medicinal marigolds have a powerful antispasmodic effect. They help relieve pain of varying intensity, and also have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Reducing intoxication of the whole body during the development of pancreatic pathology is provided by antioxidants, which also increase appetite, normalize sleep and eliminate disorders of the dyspeptic system in the body.

The antibacterial effect of calendula is ensured by the various groups of microelements it contains, which also help strengthen the immune defense system.

Contraindications and side effects

Calendula, like any herbal remedy, has certain medicinal properties, as well as a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. Due to the multicomponent composition and its effect on the body, there are contraindications for use:

  • allergic reactions and individual intolerance to individual components,
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period, age up to 12 years,
  • gastric ulcer during exacerbation,
  • low blood pressure,
  • bradycardia (slow heartbeat).

It is not recommended to use medicinal marigolds simultaneously with drugs that depress the function of the central nervous system (sedatives, barbiturates), as well as herbs with similar effects.

Possible side effects in the form of itching, redness of the skin, especially in people prone to allergies to plants of the Asteraceae family.

Healing properties of calendula components

Calendula has a unique chemical composition, which includes carotenoids, flavonoids, triterpinoids, coumarins, essential oils, minerals, organic acids, resins, and vitamins. These substances provide such medicinal properties as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • wound healing.

Anti-inflammatory properties are provided by carotenoids, coumarins and triterpenoids. They relieve inflammation and swelling of the pancreas.

The flavonoids included in the composition have regenerative abilities, stop dystrophic changes in the parenchyma, and improve metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Calendula preparations improve cellular metabolism and promote the removal of harmful substances from the body

The antioxidants included in its composition reduce intoxication, eliminate dyspeptic disorders, improve appetite and sleep.

Numerous microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium) provide bactericidal properties, prevent possible complications, and strengthen the body's protective function.

Where to get calendula to treat pancreatitis

You can either buy calendula or collect it yourself. However, the latter option is more inconvenient and costly. After all, in order for the grass to retain its beneficial substances, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of collection, drying and storage, which is not always possible in urban conditions. It is also impossible to control the quality of this medicinal raw material at home without the appropriate equipment.

Therefore, it is easier and more economical to buy medicinal marigolds at pharmacies. Inflorescences are used as plant raw materials, which are presented in pharmacies in filter bags or in bulk. Alcohol tincture of calendula has also found its use.

How to take calendula for pancreatitis

Since calendula is a medicinal product, it must be taken after consulting a doctor in combination with the main therapy. You can independently prepare decoctions and infusions for oral administration.


To prepare the decoction you need to take about 1 tbsp. dried flowers without a slide (about 4 g) and boil in 1 glass of water (250 ml). Then cool at room temperature, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials and take the decoction half an hour before meals, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.


To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. Brew a glass of boiling water with a heap of dried flowers (about 9 g) in a thermos and leave to infuse. Wait for it to cool, filter the remaining raw materials, squeeze out and leave under the lid. Add boiled water to the resulting infusion so that the final volume becomes 300 ml. Drink 1/3 cup before meals 3 times a day. The infusion should be shaken before use. Store refrigerated for no more than 2 days.


Ready-made tincture of calendula flowers can be purchased at a pharmacy and taken according to the instructions on the back, following the indicated dosage exactly.

Important! The use of alcohol tincture is not indicated in the treatment of acute pancreatitis, since the alcohol content can provoke and aggravate the inflammatory process.

Calendula tincture

Produced by different companies. There are no analogues.


Average price online*, 25 rub.

Where can I buy:

Instructions for use

Calendula tincture is an effective drug widely used in both traditional and folk medicine.

It has a strong effect, since the flowers of the plant contain many components that are biologically active - saponins, carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids and essential oil.

All this together in the tincture has analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, mild diuretic and choleretic effects.


Alcohol tincture of calendula is recommended for the treatment of all kinds of skin injuries - abrasions, cuts, burns, ulcers and wounds. The drug is used internally in the presence of respiratory diseases, for rinsing in case of inflammation of the throat (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis) and the oral mucosa (periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis).

Calendula tincture is also used internally for cholangitis and cholecystitis, when it is used as a choleretic drug.

Directions for use and doses

Calendula tincture can be used internally and externally. Areas with superficial skin lesions are treated with tincture using a tampon. When eczema or bruise is present, lotions are necessary with an aqueous solution of the drug, which is prepared by dissolving 1 tsp. products in a glass of water. To rinse the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, you should also use an aqueous solution of medicinal tincture.

The tincture is taken internally a quarter of an hour before meals, diluting 10–20 drops in ¼ glass.

For otitis media, it is recommended to place gauze turundas into the sore ear, pre-soaking them with 10% tincture. It should be changed every 5–6 hours, re-soaking the turundas. Having an anti-inflammatory and good warming effect, calendula tincture helps relieve symptoms of acute pain. It is not recommended to directly drip undiluted tincture into the ear.

If otitis media occurs without a rise in temperature or discharge of pus, you can use warm compresses, diluting the calendula tincture to a 10% concentration. Such lotions should be applied around the ear, insulating them with fabric on top.

Calendula tincture can be used for high blood pressure, for which you need to drink it three times a day, 10–20 drops for a long time. The medicine calms, normalizes metabolism, and generally has a positive effect on well-being and overall health.

For inflammatory processes in the vagina and erosion of the cervix, douching is performed with calendula tincture. To do this, dilute 1 tsp. the drug in a glass of warm boiled water.

Douching also helps with thrush and colpitis. The tincture relieves itching, it soothes, restores and heals the mucous membrane. Douching is required daily. Course – 3 weeks.

It must be repeated after menstruation.

For bacterial and inflammatory infections inside the oral cavity, rinses are used. They are performed frequently to relieve acute pain. Diluting the tincture in a proportion of 0.5 tsp helps protect the mucous membrane from burns. for 0.5 cups of water.

In addition, calendula tincture helps with insomnia, cholecystitis, neuroses and arrhythmias, it improves appetite. For pathology of the gallbladder and liver, the tincture is consumed a quarter of an hour before meals, 20–30 drops. The specified amount of the drug is diluted with 0.5 cups of slightly warmed water. Similarly, the remedy is used for gastrointestinal diseases to heal inflammation and relieve spasms.


It is forbidden to use the tincture in case of individual hypersensitivity to some components of the drug. The product is contraindicated for internal use:

  • with exacerbations of peptic ulcer and gastritis of the stomach or duodenum;
  • with calculous cholecystitis;
  • Children should not instill calendula tincture into the ear; they can only use the product for compresses or turundas with the permission of a doctor.
  • The medicine should be used very carefully for diseases of the liver, brain, traumatic brain injury, and alcoholism.

Pregnancy and lactation

Since the drug contains ethyl alcohol, it should not be used for treatment by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Side effects

Sometimes allergic skin reactions are possible. After ingestion, a certain bitterness may be felt in the mouth. Very rarely, burning and painful sensations in the abdomen are possible.

Composition and pharmacokinetics

The drug is produced in the form of a 70% alcohol tincture from flower baskets and flowers of the plant. It goes on sale in 50 ml bottles. This is a transparent yellowish liquid containing saponins, calendene, flavonoids, carotenoids, salicylic acid and tannins.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a cool place, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Best before date

The tincture retains its qualities for 3 years. After this it cannot be used.

Calendula tincture in cosmetology

Calendula tincture is widely used in cosmetology as a hair and skin care product. It is also added to self-made cosmetic masks and lotions.

The product helps eliminate pimples, acne, it cleanses the skin, eliminates seborrhea, and normalizes the productivity of the sebaceous glands. Using the tincture smooths out scars, cleanses the skin, and improves complexion.

Using calendula in herbal preparations

Traditional recipes involve taking calendula in herbal complexes. It is in collections that calendula reveals and enhances its pharmacological potential.

There are a huge number of different recipes for herbal remedies for pancreatitis. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  • Mix crushed marigold and chamomile flowers, elecampane and burdock roots, wormwood, St. John's wort, sage, marsh cudweed, horsetail and string, 1 tbsp each. each plant. Add 1 tbsp. dill seeds Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, pour 500 ml (2 cups) of boiling water, cover with a lid, heat in a boiling water bath with occasional stirring for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes. Filter the resulting broth and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Add boiled water to the resulting volume to 500 ml. Drink a warm infusion 2-3 times a day before meals, 3 tbsp.
  • Take mint in bulk (4 tsp), calendula inflorescences (3 tsp), St. John's wort and dandelion roots (3 tsp) and tansy (2 tsp). Prepare and take this collection in the same way as described above.
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