Treatment of polyps in the stomach with folk remedies

The doctor did not find a polyp

Polyp in the rectum, polyp in the stomach - folk treatment with celandine:

In February I was diagnosed with a polyp in my rectum. The doctor said that I face surgery in the future. I decided to try folk remedies. I started treatment on March 1st. I drank an infusion of herbs three times a day, 1/3 cup before meals. Recipe for a folk remedy with celandine for polyps in the rectum:

  • celandine (herb) – 3 parts;
  • calendula (flowers) – 2 parts;
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • wrap and leave for 6 hours.

In addition, in the morning (100 g) and evening (50 g) I did an enema with an infusion of the above herbs. I did all this religiously for a month and a half, and then came to the doctor again. During the re-examination, the surgeon did not find any polyps and congratulated me on my victory. This folk remedy with celandine helped me in treating a polyp, try it too. Pestova V. A., 198205 St. Petersburg, st. Partizana Germana, 24 kv 40.

The doctor comments: this recipe belongs to N.N. Staff. The full recipe for this folk remedy for polyps is as follows:

  • celandine (herb) – 3 parts;
  • meadowsweet (flowers) – 3 parts;
  • calendula (flowers) – 2 parts;
  • St. John's wort (herb) – 2 parts;
  • bodyaga – 1 part;
  • agrimony (herb) – 2 parts.

Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Make microenemas from 50 ml of infusion an hour before bedtime.

The procedure for treating polyps with this folk remedy is carried out until cure. At the same time, the Headquarters insists on a mandatory three-day fast before starting treatment with enemas. In addition, the Headquarters advises taking the same infusion. Which treats rectal polyps.

Take a third of a glass orally three times a day to treat polyps in the stomach. But there is a significant addition. — You need to carry out 4 courses of 5 days each with a rest of 3–5 days between them.

Treatment with celandine for polyps in the bladder and urethra

All components of this collection, except for celandine, can be purchased at the pharmacy. The full course of treatment is 1-1.5 years. The duration of each course is two months. The break between courses of treatment is 10 days.

Pour two or three tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 6 hours, strain. Take for polyps in the urethra or bladder. Drink the infusion warm, 2/3 cup three times a day. Half an hour before meals.

The collection itself:

  • 1 part wild rosemary (shoots);
  • 3 parts each of celandine (grass), bearberry leaves, corn silk;
  • 2 parts each of dandelion root, thyme (herb), licorice root;
  • also 2 parts each of wintergreen, flax seed, mint (herb), nettle leaves;
  • 4 parts – horsetail and 5 parts rose hips.

It is advisable to take sitz baths with celandine while taking the infusion. — Celandine herbs 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 2-3 hours, strain. Take baths once a day for a month for 20 minutes.

It is advisable to collect celandine in early May. Take the tops of plants up to 30 centimeters with flowers. Finely chop the celandine grass and dry at room temperature.

Folk remedy: Serum and celandine against polyps

polyps in the stomach - a folk remedy My husband is 52 years old, he suffered from gastric polyposis. M. Akhmedshina’s recipe helped. Here is her folk recipe:

  • prepare 3 liters of whey;
  • take 1 glass of celandine - dried or freshly cut;
  • put it in a gauze bag and dip this bag in the serum;
  • place a weight on top so that it does not float up;
  • add 1 teaspoon sour cream.

Cover the jar with the contents not with a lid, but with several layers of gauze. And put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Treatment with this folk remedy for polyps:

Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 1–2 weeks. in a day. I wish everyone good health. This is how my husband was cured of polyps in his stomach with celandine. Loveylo V.I., 692900 Primorsky Krai, Nakhodka-17, Nakhodkinsky p–t, 70, apt. 23.

Polyps in the sigmoid colon, folk remedy with celandine:

Got rid of polyps with folk remedies without surgery

polyps of the sigmoid and duodenum I have a good recipe for a folk remedy for polyps in the intestines. I used it myself 24 years ago. Due to nervousness, health problems began. Intestinal spasms appeared. The doctors' diagnosis is a polyp in the sigmoid colon. - 2 mm high, on a fairly wide base, pink in color. Registered. In one book I read a recipe on how to cure polyps without surgery using folk remedies.

Treatment of polyps with celandine: You need to do 10 enemas of flowering celandine over 10 days. That is, one enema a day. If your weight is, say, 70 kg, you will need 70 g of celandine, which must be brewed in 0.7 liters of boiling water. While it is brewing, do a cleansing enema. After 40 minutes, do the treatment.

But you will need not a syringe, but a dropper of about 1 liter. The infusion should enter the intestines within an hour. – Do not stream, but drip so that the celandine is absorbed. Lie on your left side, a book in your hands - so as not to be bored, and get treatment for your health. With these enemas I got rid of the polyp without surgery. Ivanova A. A., 141514 Moscow region, Istra district, village. Buzharovo, st. Shkolnaya, no. 8.

Polyps in the stomach, folk treatment with celandine

We treat polyps in the stomach with celandine infusion:

• You can use the following folk treatment for polyps in the stomach:

Take 30% aqueous infusion of celandine 3 times a day for five days. Fifteen minutes before meals.

Take a break for five days, repeat the course of treatment four times

• Or this folk remedy for polyps in the stomach:

take 15–60 grams of celandine herb (depending on the patient’s weight). Grind and pour one part of the herb with ten parts of boiling water. 2–3 hours before the procedure, the intestines are cleansed with an enema. After which a medicinal infusion of celandine is administered with an enema, the intestines are cleansed after one hour.

It is necessary to perform 6–10 such procedures; longer treatment is possible with caution. Since celandine is poisonous and can cause harm to health.

The course of treatment for polyps in the stomach should be repeated twice with a break of a week. The following courses are possible next year for 2-3 years.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach, 2 methods

  • fill a 3-liter jar one third with well-chopped celandine herb;
  • pour boiling water and leave to steep for 5–6 hours;
  • then add water to the original volume and begin the course of treatment.

1. Take 3 times a day 30–40 minutes before meals for five days. Start with a teaspoon and gradually increase the dose each time. The dose of medicine at the end of the fifth day is 100 ml. Repeat the course of treatment 4 times with intervals of 5 days for polyps in the stomach.

2. Take the same as in the first case. But the final portion of the medicine is 1 tablespoon. The course has already lasted ten days and is repeated with a break of 10 days. You need three courses of treatment for polyps in the stomach.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach with herbs

  • Take 3 parts of celandine herb;
  • 2 parts agrimony herb;
  • 2 parts calendula flowers and 3 parts meadowsweet flowers.

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for five hours, then strain.

Take 30–40 minutes before meals three times a day. Start with 1 teaspoon. And gradually bringing the portion per dose to 1 tablespoon. Take for ten days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment for polyps three times.

Celandine for bladder polyps

The disease can only be determined if the appropriate equipment is available. They are most often removed by surgeons. If the disease is not advanced, herbs can help. Effective for the treatment of polyps is celandine or preparations with celandine, which clean and cauterize tissue.

1. Mix the herbs of celandine, St. John's wort and knotweed, taken one tablespoon at a time. Add 2 tbsp. cloves (forest) and 4 tbsp. tartar (prickly).

A spoonful of the mixture is brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, heated for half an hour in a water bath, and allowed to cool. Drink a third of a glass three times a day for thirty days. Next, rest from treatment for 14 days.

» » » » How herbs help against constipation « « « «

2. Mix three parts of the medicinal plant celandine, pine buds, oat straw of milky ripeness, knotweed grass and St. John's wort. To the crushed raw materials add calamus rhizome, birch buds (dangling birch), and multi-colored carnation grass, taken in 2 parts.

Next add 4 tbsp taken. wintergreen and plantain leaves, rosehip berries (brown), tartar grass.

3 tbsp. carefully mixed herbs are brewed with half a liter of boiling water, allowed to stand for 7 hours, and drained. Drink 2/3 glasses before meals half an hour.

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The collection is large, there are a lot of herbs and the treatment lasts up to one and a half years. Next, for prevention, two courses are carried out per year - spring, summer, lasting two months. At the same time, sitz baths are made with an infusion of celandine for the effective treatment of polyps.

3. Combine 2 tbsp taken each. dandelion roots, licorice (Ural), leaves and shoots of wintergreen (umbrella), nettle leaf, flax seeds and thyme herb.

Add 3 tbsp to the collection. herbs celandine and peppermint, bearberry leaves, corn silk. Next, it remains to add 4 spoons of horsetail, 5 rose hips (brown) and a spoonful of wild rosemary.

The preparation of the medicine is also as described in the recipe for the treatment of polyps with celandine above.

Found a solution to a polyp in the stomach

polyp in the stomach

In the summer of 2005, I cured a polyp in my stomach with celandine juice. Even the doctor who performed (FGS) did not believe that I removed it without surgery. I took this folk recipe from L. Kostina’s book “Treatment with Celandine”, it is written there verbatim:

“Freshly cut grass is passed through a meat grinder. Fold the gauze in four, squeeze out the juice and mix one glass at a time with vodka. Let it sit for a day, shaking the bottle from time to time.

Take 1 tsp 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is no more than 3-4 months. Very long and excessive use of celandine can result in dysbacteriosis. If necessary, repeat the course next year.

How to treat polyps in the stomach - healthy lifestyle recipes

Honey with butter

1 kg of good honey, 1 kg of melted butter, put everything in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours, stirring. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. Keep refrigerated. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning 20 minutes before meals. This amount is enough for the entire course of treatment. After the course, the polyps disappear.

Honey with olive oil for polyps

0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 liters of olive oil (sunflower oil is also possible), juice of 2 lemons (or 100 ml of apple cider vinegar) - mix. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Stir before use. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Repeat the course of treatment after 3-4 weeks. Subsequently, repeat this course once a year.

Yolks and pumpkin seeds are a pleasant way to treat polyps in the stomach with folk remedies. Often found in many traditional medicine clinics. You need to take 7 boiled yolks, 6 tbsp. Grind pumpkin seeds into flour. Mix everything, adding 0.5 liters of vegetable oil. Warm in a water bath for 20 minutes. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tsp in the morning. 5 days. Take a break for 5 days and take it again for 5 days. Drink until all the medicine is gone. Polyps from all over the body will come out in the form of pieces, ichor, mucus, etc. Also, within 2-3 months, various spots and moles will disappear from the surface of the skin.

Propolis for the treatment of polyps

Mix 10 g of propolis powder with 100 g of butter melted in a water bath. Heat the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, without bringing to a boil. Take 1 tsp. in warm milk 3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. If necessary, repeat after 2 weeks. Treatment is contraindicated in liver disease

Celandine is the most effective folk remedy for treating intestinal polyps.

There are different folk methods for treating polyps with celandine, differing in concentration and quantity. Choose your method depending on your tolerance to celandine juice. Celandine is contraindicated for angina pectoris, epilepsy, pregnancy, and asthma.

1. Collect celandine at the beginning of flowering and squeeze out the juice. Add 100 g of 40% alcohol to 1 liter of juice. Drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Start with 10 drops, adding a drop every day, and increase to 20 drops. Take this dose for 7-10 days, and then reduce to 10 drops. Drink them for 10 days, then take a break for 7-10 days and start all over again. Drink for six months. If the liver gets sick, the dose should be reduced by 10 drops every day.

2. Squeeze out the juice and mix with vodka - one glass at a time. Let stand for a day, shaking the bottle from time to time. Drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course next year.

3. 1 tsp. Pour celandine herbs with a glass of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, a break of 10 days, and another 1 course

4. Chamomile flowers, celandine herb – equally, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 6-8 hours, strain, take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is a month, after a 10-day break you can repeat the treatment;

Viburnum - a tasty folk remedy for treating stomach polyps

If possible, be sure to use viburnum - this is the simplest, most common and delicious folk remedy for treating stomach polyps, which will also saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, improve the heart, stabilize blood pressure, improve stomach function, and help with constipation. In the fall, it is advisable to eat 2-3 handfuls of fresh berries, piece by piece (the juice should enter the stomach in small, even doses, like from a dropper). The course of treatment is 1 month. In winter, pour 3-4 tablespoons of viburnum berries (frozen, dry or fresh), pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Take this dose in 3 divided doses every day between meals.

Gastric polyp and ASD-2 fraction.

A woman was admitted to the hospital due to hypertension; during examination, she was diagnosed with a stomach polyp. The doctor said that it needs to be removed, because the size of the polyp is quite large and it is located in a dangerous place. After being discharged from the hospital, the woman began taking the ASD-2 fraction according to the general regimen. 2 weeks after the start of treatment, the woman felt much better, her blood pressure returned to normal, and strength and energy appeared. A year later, at the next examination, it turned out that the stomach polyp had completely disappeared, surgery was not needed (HLS 2010 No. 10, p. 10)

Treatment of polyps in the stomach with honey and oil

The woman was diagnosed with two polyps in her stomach and was offered surgery. But she decided to try a folk remedy first: 1 kg of honey and 1 kg of good melted village butter were simmered over low heat for 1.5 hours - the finished potion should not separate into honey and butter. If the cold drop does not spread over the plate, it means it’s ready. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 20 minutes before meals: put the entire single portion in your mouth, but do not swallow immediately, slowly dissolve. Do not eat or drink anything. This remedy also helps to cure esophageal polyps. After the honey-oil mixture ended, the woman went for examination - no polyps were found (HLS 2011, No. 9, p. 31)

Chamomile and celandine for polyps

Many have encountered a problem - polyps in the stomach. I’ll tell you how I was treated: I brewed 1 teaspoon of chamomile in 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it sit. I took 2 drops of celandine juice per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile infusion. I drank for a month on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals.

When I was checked at the clinic, no polyps were found. Now every summer I take this medicine for prevention.

I also want to give advice on how to strengthen your teeth and gums. My relative once told me that 1 drop of fir oil is added to toothpaste. I thought he was right. Fir oil is a natural antiseptic. And the doctor gave me the following recommendation: brush your teeth, massaging your gums well with a brush. I adopted both of these rules. The result is excellent.

Colon polyps, alternative treatment

1–1.5 hours before the procedure, you need to cleanse your stomach with a regular enema. The treatment is divided into three stages.

• First stage of treatment. Add one teaspoon of celandine juice to one liter of water and do an enema, treatment for 10–20 days. Then take a break of 2-3 weeks.

• The second stage of treatment, which also lasts 10–20 days. Apply a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Again they take a break for 2 weeks.

• In the third stage, treatment for polyps is similar to the second stage.

After 4 months, repeat the course of treatment.

Enemas with celandine for polyps

A fresh plant is better suited for this purpose; it is more effective. Treatment is long, up to four months, including breaks. There are many contraindications - kidney disease, heart disease, pregnancy, neoplasms, and so on. Therefore, it is hardly worth starting without consulting a specialist. This article will only tell you what therapeutic enemas with celandine are.

First, a cleansing enema is done, then after 3 hours a therapeutic one. You will need a spoonful of juice per liter of water. This is a solution at the first stage of treatment. Next, take a tablespoon. The procedure is carried out once daily for two weeks. Then they take a two-week break. Most often, polyps leave the stomach and intestines. But sometimes you have to repeat the treatment course.

Polyps in the rectum, enemas with celandine

I got rid of polyps in the rectum using a folk recipe. This problem appeared for me in 1974. There were many polyps, some were already bleeding. The surgeon said: “Like mushrooms in a clearing. No problem, we’ll pluck it and that’s it.” But my attending physician suggested first trying to do enemas with celandine, here is the recipe:

  • poured 1 teaspoon of celandine herb with a glass of boiling water;
  • boiled for one minute, left for 20 minutes, then filtered;
  • I added 1 teaspoon of fish oil and 30 drops of valerian to this infusion.

The doctor herself gave me a deep enema. I lay on the couch for about half an hour. For 10 days these procedures were daily. After checking, it turned out that all the polyps had disappeared. There was no surgery. And since then, and I’m now 72 years old, I haven’t thought about them.

Celandine decoction against polyps

The maximum permissible dose for such therapy is one tablespoon of dry crushed herb per glass of boiling water.

This infusion is kept in a water bath for 15 to 20 minutes, although you can infuse it without this by wrapping it in a warm cloth and keeping it for one to two hours. The recommended regimen for internal administration of this infusion is one third of a glass three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

You can use a more gentle dosage: from half to a whole teaspoon of celandine herb per one glass of boiling water. Insist and accept - the same as in the case described above.

Another gentle option is to still brew a tablespoon per glass, but drink one fifth of it (about 50 grams each).

Dose increases should occur gradually. The initial dosage is one teaspoon of infusion half an hour before meals three times a day, and so on for three days. Then we increase the dosage to one tablespoon with the same dosage regimen, also for three days. After this, you can drink a third of a glass.

The dosage for the treatment of polyps with celandine depends on the current state of the patient’s body and the severity of the threat posed by this neoplasm. In some cases, it is necessary to get rid of the polyp as soon as possible (for example, before a planned surgical operation). In such cases, the maximum allowable dosage is prescribed.

Polyps, folk remedies, treatment with celandine

Folk remedies for the treatment of polyps in the intestines and stomach. Treatment of diseases of the intestines, stomach and polyps with herbs, tinctures, infusions. Polyp in the stomach and polyp in the intestines, how to treat with celandine or celandine juice.

treatment of polyps with celandine, folk remedies

polyp in the rectum, polyp in the stomach #8211; folk remedy treatment

celandine (herb) #8211; 3 parts, calendula (flowers) #8211; 2 parts, St. John's wort (herb) #8211; 2 parts, mix everything. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and leave for 6 hours.

Pestova V. A., 198205 St. Petersburg, st. Partizana Germana, 24 kv 40.

Comment. doctor f/t: this recipe belongs to N.N. Staff. Full recipe for this folk remedy for polyps

as follows:

celandine (herb) #8211; 3 parts, calendula (flowers) #8211; 2 parts, meadowsweet (flowers) #8211; 3 parts, St. John's wort (herb) #8211; 2 parts, bodyaga #8211; 1 part, agrimony (herb) #8211; 2 parts. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water, make microenemas from 50 ml of infusion an hour before bedtime.


polyps in the stomach #8211; folk remedy

My husband is 52 years old and suffered from gastric polyposis. M. Akhmedshina’s recipe helped.

Take 1#8211;2 weeks half a glass 30 minutes before meals 3 r. in a day.

I wish everyone good health. This is how my husband was cured of polyps in his stomach with celandine.

Loveylo V.I., 692900 Primorsky Krai, Nakhodka#8211;17, Nakhodkinsky settlement, no. 70, apt. 23.

Polyps in the sigmoid colon, folk remedy with celandine:


polyps of the sigmoid and duodenum

Treatment of polyps with celandine: You need to do 10 enemas of flowering celandine for 10 days, that is, one enema per day. If your weight is, say, 70 kg, you will need 70 g of celandine, which must be brewed in 0.7 liters of boiling water. While it is brewing, do a cleansing enema. After 40 minutes, do the treatment.

Ivanova A. A., 141514 Moscow region, Istrinsky district, s. Buzharovo, st. Shkolnaya, no. 8.

POLYPS IN THE STOMACH, alternative treatment

We treat polyps in the stomach with celandine infusion

You can use the following folk treatment for polyps in the stomach:

Take 30% aqueous infusion of celandine 3 times a day for five days, fifteen minutes before meals.

Take a break for five days, repeat the course of treatment four times

Or this folk remedy for polyps in the stomach:

It is necessary to perform 6#8211;10 such procedures; longer treatment is possible with caution, because celandine is poisonous and can be harmful to health.

The course of treatment for polyps in the stomach should be repeated twice with a break of a week. The following courses are possible next year for 2#8211;3 years.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach:

fill a 3#8211;x liter jar one third with well-chopped celandine herb, pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 5#8211;6 hours, then add water to the original volume and begin the course of treatment:

2. Take the same as in the first case, but the final portion of the medicine #8211; 1 tablespoon, the course has lasted for ten days and is repeated with a break of 10 days. You need three courses of treatment for polyps in the stomach.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach by collecting herbs (folk remedy)

Take 3 parts of celandine herb, 2 parts of agrimony herb, 2 parts of calendula flowers and 3 parts of meadowsweet flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave to steep for five hours, then strain.

Take 30#8211;40 minutes before meals three times a day, starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually increasing the portion per dose to 1 tablespoon. Take for ten days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment for polyps three times.

Colon polyps, alternative treatment

1#8211;1.5 hours before the procedure you need to cleanse your stomach with a regular enema. The treatment is divided into three stages.

First stage of treatment. Add one teaspoon of celandine juice to one liter of water and do an enema, treatment for 10#8211;20 days. Then take a break of 2#8211;3 weeks.

The second stage of treatment, which also lasts 10#8211;20 days. Apply a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Again they take a break for 2 weeks.

At the third stage, treatment for polyps is similar to the second stage.

After 4 months, repeat the course of treatment.

Polyps in the stomach, folk remedy

polyp in the stomach

In the summer of 2005, I cured a polyp in my stomach with celandine juice. Even the doctor who performed fibrogastroscopy (FGS) did not believe that I removed it without surgery.

I took the recipe from L. Kostina’s book “Treatment with Celandine”, it is written there verbatim:

I was very afraid to start this treatment, but I took the risk and did not regret it.

I took celandine 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 3.5 months. I drank all the medicine: I took 1 liter of vodka and 1 liter of celandine juice. I kept the bottles in a closet in the entryway at the dacha (a dark, cool place).

I prepared the juice in the month of May, when celandine blooms.

I took the grass by the roots. I washed the root thoroughly, rinsed the grass a little and let it dry in a dark, ventilated place. I cut everything to 3#8212;4 cm and passed it through a meat grinder.

Well, that's all, get treatment for your health.

V. Ya. Polyganova, Perm.

The site materials are not a guide to self-medication.

Treatment of gastric polyp

After identifying the disease, the doctor prescribes medication. Take medications strictly following prescriptions and instructions. Small polyps can be cured without surgery using diet. It is important to constantly see a doctor and monitor the dynamics of the disease. Let's consider folk remedies for treating polyps.


It is the most effective way to treat polyps in the stomach. The herb celandine will help you get rid of it - a popular method of solving the problem. Many unscientific medical books describe treatment with celandine as the most effective method. Medicines based on celandine have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • 1 recipe. Consists of celandine and calendula herbs mixed in equal proportions. Well-mixed herbs are brewed with boiling water. Separate a third of the mixture and leave to steam. Should be taken 2 weeks before meals. Then a break of 5 days and again the course.
  • 2 recipe. Chamomile flowers plus celandine are poured with boiling water and infused for 6 hours. The dose is taken 30 minutes before the start of a meal. The treatment period is a month.
  • 3 recipe. Pour 400 ml of hot water, add two teaspoons of celandine and pour into a thermos. Steams for 5 hours. Take half a glass before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a week. It is important to follow the dosage of the infusion. The presence of thirst and stomach pain are signs of the beginning of the process of cleansing the body of toxins.

Treatment with viburnum

Viburnum will help in the fight against polyps. Preventive treatment must begin as soon as the viburnum ripens. A tablespoon of berries is taken for a month, chewing thoroughly and swallowing one piece at a time.

Stock up on viburnum before winter. Dry the twigs along with the berries. The decoction is made from 3 glasses of water, a small amount of branches with berries. Within an hour, the amount of water in the broth will decrease, and the amount of beneficial qualities will increase. The decoction is divided into 3 parts, filtered, and taken three times during the day.

Important! Taking viburnum infusion significantly reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Egg and butter mixture

Boil 7 hard-boiled eggs. If you use yolks, you need to separate them. You need 5-6 tablespoons of peeled pumpkin seeds. You need 600 ml of vegetable oil. The mashed yolks are combined with crushed seeds using oil, and the resulting mass is steamed for 30 minutes. Remove, cool, and put in the refrigerator. Take the mixture 3 times a day, a teaspoon. A week of treatment should be followed by a week of rest until the mixture is finished.

Lilac tea

During the year, if desired, they are treated with tea from lilac branches. 1-2 small branches are cut, chopped, and transferred to a warm place. Filled with half a liter of hot boiled water, the branches should steep until the morning. Then you need to strain it, drink half a mug before meals. They are treated with lilac tea every day for a couple of months.

Honey and cream recipe

In a whole enamel pan, 1 kg of honey and butter are heated. After the boil begins, cook for 2 hours, stirring with a spoon so as not to burn. Cool, put in the refrigerator. Take 1 spoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Honey-herbal recipe

For preparation you need: 2 lemons, half a kilo of honey, vegetable oil. Mix lemon juice, oil and honey. Take daily in 3 divided doses, 1 spoon before meals. Stir the mixture before use.

Tincture of thuja needles

Thuja needles separated from the branch must be filled with water. Leave for a couple of weeks. Stir the contents periodically. When the solution is filtered, it must be drunk before meals, one small spoon at a time, with a small amount of water. You should take it for a month, then you need a break of 30 days, then resume monthly use.

Propolis oil

Attention! This treatment method is not intended for people with liver problems.

10 grams of propolis must be mixed with butter in a ratio of 1:10. Steam for 10 minutes. Once the medicine has cooled down, put it in the refrigerator. Application: for half a glass of warm milk, 1 spoon of the mixture, everything is mixed and consumed. A monthly course of treatment involves taking 3 times a day.

Spruce decoction

The beginning of autumn is the best period for stockpiling. Three times a day, drink steamed spruce branches instead of tea.

Walnut tincture

The shells of 20 nuts are filled with vodka. Place in a dark place. The infusion takes a week to prepare. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons at a time.

Tincture with propolis and honey (complex)

You need to prepare: two jars, cedar nut shells, celandine, vodka, propolis, galangal root, aloe leaves with honey.

In the first jar you need to send 30 grams of cedar shells and crushed propolis with galangal root. Then pour 50 ml of medical alcohol into the jar.

Place 30 grams of celandine herb in another jar and fill it completely with vodka. Both jars must be left in a dark place. After 7 days, place several aloe leaves in the refrigerator for a week.

The last stage of drug production. Mix 150 grams of honey and aloe juice. Add the plant mass to the strained tincture and mix thoroughly. Leave for a week in a cool place. Apply a teaspoon 3 times a day. We are undergoing treatment for a month.

Cabbage juice

For any disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use cabbage juice. Polyposis is no exception. It is recommended to drink juice every day and eat cabbage salads. Seaweed for polyps should be in the patient’s diet.

The use of products with substitutes and food colorings is strictly contraindicated. The temperature of food for problems with the gastrointestinal tract should be optimal - eat neither hot nor cold food. This is an important condition for treatment! Conclusion: ice cream and cold drinks can be harmful.

Polyps, folk remedies, treatment with celandine

Folk remedies for the treatment of polyps in the intestines and stomach. Treatment of diseases of the intestines, stomach and polyps with herbs, tinctures, infusions. Polyp in the stomach and polyp in the intestines, how to treat with celandine or celandine juice.

treatment of polyps with celandine, folk remedies

polyp in the rectum, polyp in the stomach #8211; folk remedy treatment

celandine (herb) #8211; 3 parts, calendula (flowers) #8211; 2 parts, St. John's wort (herb) #8211; 2 parts, mix everything. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and leave for 6 hours.

Pestova V. A., 198205 St. Petersburg, st. Partizana Germana, 24 kv 40.

Comment. doctor f/t: this recipe belongs to N.N. Staff. Full recipe for this folk remedy for polyps

as follows:

celandine (herb) #8211; 3 parts, calendula (flowers) #8211; 2 parts, meadowsweet (flowers) #8211; 3 parts, St. John's wort (herb) #8211; 2 parts, bodyaga #8211; 1 part, agrimony (herb) #8211; 2 parts. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water, make microenemas from 50 ml of infusion an hour before bedtime.


polyps in the stomach #8211; folk remedy

My husband is 52 years old and suffered from gastric polyposis. M. Akhmedshina’s recipe helped.

Take 1#8211;2 weeks half a glass 30 minutes before meals 3 r. in a day.

I wish everyone good health. This is how my husband was cured of polyps in his stomach with celandine.

Loveylo V.I., 692900 Primorsky Krai, Nakhodka#8211;17, Nakhodkinsky settlement, no. 70, apt. 23.

Polyps in the sigmoid colon, folk remedy with celandine:


polyps of the sigmoid and duodenum

Treatment of polyps with celandine: You need to do 10 enemas of flowering celandine for 10 days, that is, one enema per day. If your weight is, say, 70 kg, you will need 70 g of celandine, which must be brewed in 0.7 liters of boiling water. While it is brewing, do a cleansing enema. After 40 minutes, do the treatment.

Ivanova A. A., 141514 Moscow region, Istrinsky district, s. Buzharovo, st. Shkolnaya, no. 8.

POLYPS IN THE STOMACH, alternative treatment

We treat polyps in the stomach with celandine infusion

You can use the following folk treatment for polyps in the stomach:

Take 30% aqueous infusion of celandine 3 times a day for five days, fifteen minutes before meals.

Take a break for five days, repeat the course of treatment four times

Or this folk remedy for polyps in the stomach:

It is necessary to perform 6#8211;10 such procedures; longer treatment is possible with caution, because celandine is poisonous and can be harmful to health.

The course of treatment for polyps in the stomach should be repeated twice with a break of a week. The following courses are possible next year for 2#8211;3 years.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach:

fill a 3#8211;x liter jar one third with well-chopped celandine herb, pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 5#8211;6 hours, then add water to the original volume and begin the course of treatment:

2. Take the same as in the first case, but the final portion of the medicine #8211; 1 tablespoon, the course has lasted for ten days and is repeated with a break of 10 days. You need three courses of treatment for polyps in the stomach.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach by collecting herbs (folk remedy)

Take 3 parts of celandine herb, 2 parts of agrimony herb, 2 parts of calendula flowers and 3 parts of meadowsweet flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave to steep for five hours, then strain.

Take 30#8211;40 minutes before meals three times a day, starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually increasing the portion per dose to 1 tablespoon. Take for ten days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment for polyps three times.

Colon polyps, alternative treatment

1#8211;1.5 hours before the procedure you need to cleanse your stomach with a regular enema. The treatment is divided into three stages.

First stage of treatment. Add one teaspoon of celandine juice to one liter of water and do an enema, treatment for 10#8211;20 days. Then take a break of 2#8211;3 weeks.

The second stage of treatment, which also lasts 10#8211;20 days. Apply a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Again they take a break for 2 weeks.

At the third stage, treatment for polyps is similar to the second stage.

After 4 months, repeat the course of treatment.

Polyps in the stomach, folk remedy

polyp in the stomach

In the summer of 2005, I cured a polyp in my stomach with celandine juice. Even the doctor who performed fibrogastroscopy (FGS) did not believe that I removed it without surgery.

I took the recipe from L. Kostina’s book “Treatment with Celandine”, it is written there verbatim:

I was very afraid to start this treatment, but I took the risk and did not regret it.

I took celandine 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 3.5 months. I drank all the medicine: I took 1 liter of vodka and 1 liter of celandine juice. I kept the bottles in a closet in the entryway at the dacha (a dark, cool place).

I prepared the juice in the month of May, when celandine blooms.

I took the grass by the roots. I washed the root thoroughly, rinsed the grass a little and let it dry in a dark, ventilated place. I cut everything to 3#8212;4 cm and passed it through a meat grinder.

Well, that's all, get treatment for your health.

V. Ya. Polyganova, Perm.

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The site administration is not responsible for the consequences of self-medication.

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Polyps in the gallbladder, treatment with celandine

A universal and affordable treatment for gall polyps is the familiar celandine. Here is this folk recipe:

  • prepare a thermos, 1 tablespoon of crushed dry herb of May celandine;
  • pour the grass into a thermos. Pour boiling water (1 cup). Leave for an hour and a half, strain.

Take one or two tablespoons 30 minutes before meals. 3 times a day every day for a month. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 10 days.

For gall bladder polyps, you can use this method of treatment with celandine:

  1. Celandine infusion (prepare as in the previous recipe) 1 tablespoon. And one teaspoon of fresh celandine juice. Add to warm boiled water (2l). Give an enema at night. After fifteen enemas, take a break for 15 days.
  2. After a break, we make the following composition: - Now three tablespoons of celandine infusion and one tablespoon of juice. Again 15 enemas and a break for 15 days.
  3. Next again after the break. — Take 4 tablespoons of infusion and 2 tablespoons of celandine juice for 2 liters of water. We do fifteen enemas.

Another method of treating celandine for polyps in the gallbladder:

  • mix equal parts celandine herb and chamomile flowers;
  • Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water (200ml);
  • leave for 6-8 hours, then strain;

Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is at least a month, if necessary, repeat the course after 10 days.

Advice from grandfather

If polyps are found in the gallbladder or stomach, my grandfather advised:

  • take equal parts chamomile flowers and celandine herb;
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 cup of boiling water;
  • leave for 1 hour.

You should drink this mixture 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. 20 minutes before meals for a month. + Drink potato juice every day. 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals until the condition improves.

Treatment of rectal polyps with celandine

In order to get rid of tumors of the intestines and stomach, patients use any possible methods. How effective is the treatment of rectal and gastrointestinal polyps with celandine? How to drink celandine for polyps, so as not to harm the body?

Features and types

Polyps in the intestines and stomach are benign growths that over time can grow and degenerate into malignant tumors. They are:

  • Inflammatory;
  • Hyperplastic;
  • Neoplastic. In the latter case, there is the greatest likelihood of transition from a benign to a malignant neoplasm.

Causes and symptoms

There are different theories regarding the reasons why polyps form in the colon, as well as in the stomach. The most common negative factors include:

The patient often experiences the following symptoms:

There are various recipes to help get rid of polyps in the stomach and large intestine. The use of celandine is popular. This medicinal but poisonous herb helps get rid of intestinal polyps.

Benefits of using herbs

The most powerful is the fresh juice of the plant. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, it helps heal wounds, relieve spasms and cramps. A decoction of the plant is taken as a bile and diuretic. It is precisely because the plant is poisonous that it is able to inhibit the development of malignant tumors. This explains the active use of celandine in the fight against such diseases.

How to store and prepare?

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! HEMORRHOIDS are very dangerous - in 79% of cases they lead to cancer! Few people know, but getting rid of it is very simple - take it.

Decoctions for illness

How to treat polyps in the stomach using a poisonous plant? It is recommended to use the simplest recipe for preparing a healing decoction:

To treat rectal polyps with celandine, you need to prepare the following tincture:

You can prepare an effective remedy based on the plant, which, according to reviews, helps get rid of the disease:

The following collection is quite effective:

A more concentrated tincture is a mixture of plant juice mixed with the same amount of vodka. In order for celandine treatment to take place using a gentle method, it is necessary to start taking it with one drop, gradually increasing to 63.

Even advanced hemorrhoids can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just remember to apply once a day.

If you prepare an oil based on this herb, it can be used later for oral administration using a cotton swab. This procedure will help get rid of intestinal disease. The product is very easy to prepare:

  1. Fresh or dry celandine is poured into a half-liter container.
  2. Top with olive or sunflower oil.
  3. Leave for 7 days and then strain. Add more oil to achieve a ratio of base to cooked (1:1).

Oil with an extract from a poisonous plant is often used to treat tumors on the skin, nose or anus. To do this, after a cleansing enema, you will need to carefully insert a cotton swab, previously generously moistened with oil, into the anus.


  1. Pour one teaspoon of dry raw material into a liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Give enemas before bed for 15 days.
  4. Take a break for two weeks.

After the mandatory break, you must proceed to the next stage. An infusion of 1 tbsp is prepared for it. plants and a liter of boiling water. Do the same procedure as the first time.

At the third stage, everything is repeated similarly to the second. If the course did not give positive results, then all activities and stages must be repeated again after four months.

If desired, you can use mini-enemas, which are not so effective. Treating intestinal polyps with their help requires patience, as the procedures will need to be repeated over six months. To prepare the decoction you must do the following:

  1. 1 tsp Brew dry herbs in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil for another 3-5 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Leave for half an hour, then strain.
  4. You need to do 10 enemas and then interrupt them for 4 days. Repeat the procedure again.

Decoctions for illness

How to treat polyps in the stomach using a poisonous plant? It is recommended to use the simplest recipe for preparing a healing decoction:

  • 1 tsp Brew dry herbs in a glass of boiling water.
  • Boil for a few more minutes, and then leave to steep for at least 20 minutes.
  • Drink before meals.
  • Repeat the procedure for 10 days, after which take a few days break.
  • The course of treatment is no more than two months.
  • To treat rectal polyps with celandine, you need to prepare the following tincture:

  • Fill a 0.5 liter glass jar halfway with crushed dry raw materials.
  • Pour alcohol on top.
  • Leave for a month in a dark place.
  • Take according to a certain schedule. On the first day you need to: dilute 2 drops of medicine in 50 ml of water, and the next time increase the amount by the same amount. Gradually the dose should reach 16 drops.
  • Drink the product for a month, and then take a break for two weeks. You can conduct three courses in a year.
  • You can prepare an effective remedy based on the plant, which, according to reviews, helps get rid of the disease:

  • Place a linen bag with 1 cup of chopped herbs into a container with whey (3 liters).
  • You can put a weight on top so that the bag is completely in the liquid and does not float up.
  • Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • Cover the top with gauze and place the container in a dark place for two weeks.
  • Take half a glass of the resulting liquid 20 minutes before meals. You need to drink it for about two weeks.
  • The following collection is quite effective:

  • Mix three parts of meadowsweet and celandine herbs, two parts each of calendula and agrimony.
  • After which 1 tbsp. Brew the plant mixture in 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Leave for five hours, then strain.
  • Start taking one teaspoon three times a day. Gradually the dose should be increased to a large spoon.
  • A more concentrated tincture is a mixture of plant juice mixed with the same amount of vodka. In order for celandine treatment to take place using a gentle method, it is necessary to start taking it with one drop, gradually increasing to 63.

    To neutralize polyps in the colon, a decoction is needed, which should be injected directly into the organ using an enema. This will speed up the healing process due to direct contact of the product with the inflamed area. To treat a growth in the nose, you can use a cotton swab, generously moistened with healing liquid. Treatment of neoplasms with celandine juice is quite effective, but subject to the correct dosage and regular use.

The benefits of celandine in the treatment of polyps

The substances that make up the milky juice make it possible to recommend the plant for the treatment of various diseases associated with tissue growths (polyps, warts, etc.). The healing plant has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. When taken orally, it acts as a sedative and anesthetic.

But when using celandine for the treatment of polyps of internal organs, when you need to drink a tincture from the herb, you should carefully follow the dosage. The plant is poisonous and exceeding the amount of medicine per dose may have side effects.

When treating polyps, celandine helps reduce the rate of their growth, having a cytostatic effect on the growth cells. As a result of taking drugs based on it, small tumors can completely stop growing. But only surgical treatment will allow you to completely get rid of polyps.

After surgery, taking celandine extracts is a good way to prevent relapse of the disease.

Celandine for polyps

This is probably the most effective treatment. And this is evidenced by the information of those people who were able to defeat this disease. Celandine herb is widely used to treat polyps of different types and different locations, and depending on this, different methods of its use are used.

In addition, celandine has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic properties. It contains particularly valuable elements that have calming, anesthetic and tonic properties.

And although contraindications to the use of celandine are practically unknown, except for pregnancy, individual intolerance and excess dosage, it is important to remember that it is considered a rather toxic plant. Therefore, treatment must be carried out under constant medical supervision. Self-medication can lead to severe poisoning.

Treatment of polyps with celandine decoction and juice

A universal recipe for an infusion for oral administration is suitable for the treatment of polyps of any location. To prepare it you need:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry crushed celandine herb;
  • 250 ml water.
  • Pour boiling water over the herb and heat in a steam bath for 20 minutes. After this, leave the liquid for 2 hours, closing the pan with a lid and wrapping it up. The finished infusion must be filtered. You should start taking it with small doses (1-2 tbsp), gradually increasing the single volume to 1/3 cup. Drink the infusion 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

    The juice has a higher concentration than aqueous extracts, so it is used more often for external use.

    There are also rules for drinking celandine:

    1. Drink the juice in a minimal amount, measuring its dose in drops (10-30).
    2. In order not to experience a shortage of healthy juice in the winter, it is preserved by combining equal amounts of alcohol or vodka and liquid squeezed from ground fresh stems, leaves and roots of the plant. When taken, the tincture can be combined with water.
    3. In case of overdose, nausea and vomiting and diarrhea occur. They may be accompanied by a disorder of the respiratory center, so if gastrointestinal symptoms appear, you need to stop treatment and start it again after at least 1 week, reducing the dosage to a minimum.

    Features of internal reception of celandine

    In general, in cases of polyps in the gall bladder, stomach and bladder, celandine helps only when taken orally. It should be said right away that celandine is a poisonous plant, and it should not be used without medical supervision. Also, you should not be treated with celandine for more than three to four months, as this is fraught with the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

    If the effect of treating polyps with this plant is good, but the neoplasm itself is not completely eliminated, and therapy has continued for more than three and a half months in a row, a new course can be repeated no earlier than a year later.

    Celandine works most effectively if taken in short courses.

    For example, you can choose the following treatment regimens:

    • two weeks (11 days – taking celandine, 3 days – break);
    • twenty-day (15 days - admission, 5 days - break);
    • monthly (three weeks - reception, week - break).

    The main external signs of poisoning by this plant:

    • diarrhea;
    • vomit;
    • nausea;
    • paralysis of the respiratory center.

    If such symptoms appear, the medication should be stopped or (after consultation with a doctor) the dosage reduced. There is no need to be afraid of such therapy, since the human body can get used to almost any poison if this poison begins to arrive in small doses. Since ancient times, the noble class, in order to develop immunity to poisons, took small portions of these potent toxins.

    Celandine is not a highly toxic plant, so the doses are immediately prescribed quite serious. If the condition of your body makes you doubt the safety of such treatment (for example, problems in the cardiovascular system or liver, advanced age, and so on), then you can start therapy with small doses, increasing the dosage over time. So, you can start drinking celandine infusion not from a third of a glass, but, for example, from one tablespoon. In the case of the juice of this plant - not a teaspoon, but ten drops.

    Read also: What does a pear-shaped gallbladder mean?

    Celandine for nasal polyps

    Only external methods are used:

    1. Instillation of drops. Use fresh juice, putting 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. The juice will cause a slight burning sensation that will subside after 3-5 minutes. After this, you need to repeat the instillation. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. In case of increased sensitivity, the juice is mixed with water, sunflower oil or chamomile decoction (1:1). You need to instill 4 drops, taking into account the decrease in the concentration of the active substance.
    2. Rinse the nasal passages. It is carried out using a decoction (recipe above), pouring warm liquid into each nostril. The procedure is performed every 2 hours, the full course is 2 weeks. After washing, the passages should be lubricated with vegetable oil.

    Treatment of uterine polyps

    Treatment of the uterus with celandine is carried out comprehensively, combining internal and external procedures. The alcohol tincture or fresh juice is taken starting with 10 drops 3-4 times a day (the first 3 days). If well tolerated, the number of drops is gradually increased, reaching 20 in 10 days of administration. After this, over the next 10 days, reduce the dosage again to 10 drops per dose. After this course, you need to take a break for 1 week and then repeat the course of treatment. The total duration is 3 months.

    Douching with celandine helps only slightly, only when the polyp is localized in the cervix. The broth will not be able to get inside her cavity. For douching, a universal decoction is used, the procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day in long courses (up to 3 months). During treatment, control of the vaginal microflora is required.

    Celandine juice

    If you have your own garden plot and this plant grows on it, you can use its juice to treat polyps. This juice has a much greater healing effect than a decoction. The only problem is that the juice is not easy to get, and dry crushed herbs are available at any pharmacy.

    To prepare juice from celandine, the grass of this plant (without roots) must be washed, shaken off the water and passed through a meat grinder. After this, squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. In order for it to last longer, it should be diluted with vodka in proportions of one to one. The maximum dose of celandine juice is one teaspoon three to four times a day. It should be drunk on an empty stomach. This juice can be mixed with water, milk or rosehip decoction (50 grams each).

    Inna Lavrenko

    auto RU

    There is another scheme for diluting this juice - one liter - 100 grams of vodka. However, this composition can be taken at a time in an amount of no more than 20 drops (half a teaspoon).

    It is recommended to start with 10 drops, and then add one drop every day until the number reaches 20. The dosage regimen allows three times a day or one-time use (in the morning), but always on an empty stomach. You can use a technique called a “slide”. Its essence is simple; we start with 10 drops, reach 20, drink for 10 days, and then “go down” back to 10, reducing the dose by one drop every day. As soon as we reach 10 drops, we take this dose for 10 days. Then you need a ten-day break - and back to the “hill”.

    Read also: What are the symptoms of an irregularly shaped gallbladder with a bend?

    Treatment of rectal polyps with celandine

    When rectal polyposis manifests its symptoms, treatment is carried out using both internal and external methods:

    1. Enemas with celandine. The solution is prepared from 1 tsp. fresh or 2 tsp. juice preserved with alcohol and 1 liter of water. The procedure is carried out once a day for 15 days. After a 2-week break, the course is repeated with an increase in the dosage of juice in the solution (for 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of fresh or 2 tablespoons of canned juice). The duration of the course and break are the same. The third stage is carried out with the same dosage for 15 days. Treatment is repeated if necessary after 3-4 months.
    2. Internal administration is carried out starting with 5-10 drops of juice in 0.5 glasses of water. If the drug is well tolerated, after 3 days they begin to increase the dosage by 1 drop per dose, bringing it to 1 tsp. Drink three times a day for 3 months. After a 30-day break, the course can be repeated.

    Treatment of polyps of the gastrointestinal tract with celandine

    1. Young, fresh grass is crushed with a meat grinder and mixed with the same amount of vodka (by volume). Leave for 24 hours, preferably shake every hour.

    Take a teaspoon three times before meals for four months. Longer treatment may cause dysbiosis. The treatment is repeated only the next year.

    2. Grind the leaves and stems of the plant, add boiled water (1:10). Two hours before treatment, a cleansing enema with water is done, then a therapeutic one. Every three months they do ten enemas. After several treatment procedures with celandine, the polyps begin to recede.

    Contraindications to treatment

    Medicines containing celandine are contraindicated in pregnant women and when breastfeeding. The concentration of toxic substances can be dangerous to his health. It is not allowed to use it in the treatment of children under 12 years of age by taking the juice orally, and after 12 years of age the adult dosage should be reduced by half.

    If a patient has an intolerance to celandine when taken internally, and symptoms of poisoning appear even with a minimal dose, then this method of treatment should be abandoned. But external methods can be used even in this case after consulting a doctor.

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