Pain due to gastritis of the stomach: why does it hurt and how to quickly relieve the pain?

To eliminate pain from gastritis, you need to see a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment and appropriate pain medications for the case.

One of the symptoms of gastritis is stomach pain. Depending on the form of the disease, pain may vary in nature. In any case, the gastroenterologist prescribes painkillers for gastritis to alleviate the patient’s condition. Sometimes anti-pain pills have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Why does pain occur with gastritis?

Gastritis usually causes pain in the stomach; the pain either intensifies or weakens (in some cases, the pain syndrome may even disappear for several days). It should also be remembered that sometimes gastritis occurs, which is asymptomatic, which complicates diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, most people often do not perceive heartburn and nausea as something serious, attributing them to temporary disorders. Usually, a visit to the hospital occurs only when the pain syndrome has been bothering a person for a very long time, and home remedies practically do not help.

It should be understood that there are practically no nerve endings inside the stomach, so the appearance of pain during gastritis is caused by compression of the gastric walls. Typically, gastritis is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the left side of the body, in the hypochondrium (that is, where the stomach is located). In the acute course of the disease, cramping pain occurs, which can be either intense, moderate or weak. These sharp contractions, caused by spasm of the intestinal muscles (so-called cramps), occur several hours after eating.

Nature of pain

The stomach is projected onto the uppermost part of the abdomen, closer to the central zone (epigastrium). Patients indicate the place where gastritis hurts in the area between the joints of the lower ribs and a little lower.

Depending on the body type of a particular person, the stomach has a more horizontal or vertical (hanging) position. Accordingly, stomach pain with gastritis can also occur in the right and left hypochondrium or in the navel area.

The nature of the pain syndrome is described by patients as constant aching. At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs immediately after eating or excitement and does not subside throughout the day. In chronic cases, they do not depend on the time of eating. With each exacerbation, the pain becomes more intense and more difficult for patients to bear.

Types of pain

Chronic gastritis is accompanied by moderate stomach pain, which manifests itself during and after eating. Often it is short-lived, but after drinking alcohol and poor-quality food, the pain intensifies, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. This indicates intoxication of the body and damage to the mucous membrane, causing an exacerbation of the disease.

Unbearable pain accompanies the formation of an ulcer in the duodenum or stomach. Attacks occur mainly at night, when the stomach is empty. The chronic course of gastritis and the initial stage of ulcer formation are characterized by aching, dull pain. The same symptoms manifest themselves in the inflammatory process occurring in the duodenum.

Pain felt in the center of the abdomen indicates that the acidity in the stomach is reduced. Exacerbation of the disease can be caused by eggs and dairy products.

The connection between gastritis and infection

Can gastritis accompany infectious diseases? Inflammation of the stomach is necessarily observed in foodborne infections, poisoning with toxic substances, and in the clinic of intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera).

The manifestations are called gastroenteritis. Unlike somatic gastritis, in addition to pain and acidity disorders, intoxication plays a significant role in the clinic. In patients:

  • temperature rises;
  • headache and joint pain;
  • nausea and vomiting are more pronounced;
  • severe weakness;
  • insomnia.

In recent years, serious attention has been given to viral gastroenteritis with influenza and herpes. In patients with a serious condition, signs of internal bleeding appear (pale skin, rapid pulse, drop in blood pressure). Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to deal with. Mortality remains high.

What causes pain with gastritis?

There are a number of external factors that can cause attacks of gastritis accompanied by pain:

  • Poor nutrition, including consumption of low-quality foods and poor diet;
  • Poor chewing of food, which can be caused by disorders in the masticatory apparatus;
  • Bad habits - excessive alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • Long-term use of medications - salicylates, some indole alkaloids, anti-tuberculosis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Harmful working conditions associated with prolonged exposure to chemicals;
  • Prolonged and frequent stressful conditions.

How to relieve pain during exacerbation of gastritis?

The following measures will help relieve pain during an attack. In case of acute gastritis, the patient must be provided with bed rest and also induce vomiting to empty the stomach. Over the next one or two days, therapeutic fasting is indicated - almost complete absence of food, drinking tea with lemon is allowed. It is also recommended to keep a warm heating pad in the abdominal area. Next, you can introduce liquid foods into the diet - soups, weak tea.

Then gradually expand the diet with pureed porridge, unsweetened jelly, vegetable purees, meat and fish balls, etc. Thus, the process of transitioning to a normal diet takes about several weeks. Treatment of chronic gastritis should first of all be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, such as improper functioning of the masticatory apparatus, gum disease, etc.

Types of painkillers

To relieve pain, medications of various pharmacological groups are used:

  • anticholinergic blockers – neutralizing pain attacks by acting on receptors;
  • antispasmodics - reduce cellular activity leading to muscle contraction;
  • antacids - they envelop the affected gastric mucosa, reducing damage from hydrochloric acid - the main cause of pain;
  • folk remedies - with a gentle effect, they effectively eliminate pain in the epigastric zone.

When taking any medications, strict dosage and duration of treatment must be observed. Do not forget about the contraindications that all medications have.

Pain relief for gastritis with low acidity

With low acidity, you may experience aching pain in the abdomen, nausea and a feeling of fullness. If there is a deficiency of gastric secretory activity, the pain can be easily relieved with the help of replacement therapy. To prescribe the correct treatment, you must consult a doctor.

For pain relief in hypoacid conditions, enzymes are used - “Mezim”, “Panzinorm”, “Creon”. Hydrochloric acid with pepsin is prescribed. It will alleviate the condition and activate digestive processes in the cavity of the stomach and intestines.

Relieving pain due to low acidity

Gastritis with low stomach acidity is characterized by aching, gradually increasing pain. In this case, the patient is often bothered by nausea, vomiting, bloating and distension of the abdomen. With this diagnosis, only a doctor can recommend any treatment.

Despite the fact that there is no acute pain in the hypoacid form of the disease, the gastroenterologist still prescribes an anesthetic drug for gastritis to eliminate the discomfort and symptoms of the disease.

The following analgesics are usually prescribed to relieve pain:

  • Baralgin;
  • Papaverine;
  • Papazol.

Gastritis with low stomach acidity, in contrast to the form of the disease with high acidity, is much easier to treat and, as a rule, has no consequences.

To avoid having to take painkillers, doctors recommend eating right for a certain period of time. Dietary meals for gastritis or ulcers will help normalize acidity and eliminate discomfort.


For spasmodic pain during exacerbation of gastritis, pain relief is carried out with antispasmodics. They relax the muscles of the stomach walls, helping to relieve pain of varying intensity.

In emergency cases of gastritis, antispasmodics can be replaced with analgesics. But it should be remembered that such drugs relieve pain for a very short time, but at the same time have a negative effect on the stomach and can provoke an increase in the inflammatory process.


Very often, Papaverine is prescribed as an analgesic for gastritis. The medicine is produced in tablet form, in ampoules and suppositories. This drug is able to very quickly relax smooth muscles, thereby relieving painful spasms. The drug is quickly absorbed and its maximum effect is achieved after 30 minutes. The active substance is excreted from the human body by the kidneys.

It must be remembered that Papaverine has antihypertensive properties and may therefore cause drowsiness. Adverse reactions - minor dizziness. Contraindications for the use of the drug are allergies and kidney pathologies. Painkillers are not prescribed for children under 6 years of age and the elderly.


Exacerbation of gastritis is always accompanied by severe pain, so painkillers for the stomach should relieve pain very quickly. An effective remedy that allows you to relieve spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract in the shortest possible time is “Drotaverine”:

  1. When administered intravenously, spasmodic pain is relieved within 1-2 minutes.
  2. The tablets begin to act within half an hour and are recommended to be taken with plenty of water.

Side effects may occur if the drug is taken for a long time or if there are allergic reactions. Malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and central nervous system may occur. Sometimes a rash may appear, accompanied by itching.


“No-Spa” is the most popular remedy for relieving pain due to gastritis. It contains the same active substance as Drotaverine, but has undergone deeper purification. As a result, tablets for gastritis have fewer side effects.

No-spa does not affect the body's natural reactions and does not cause drowsiness, therefore it is approved for use by people driving vehicles. The dosage of the drug is prescribed individually, but the maximum amount of the drug per day should not exceed 240 g.


An effective new generation remedy that easily copes with gastritis pain. Eliminates spasm without affecting normal motility of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug can be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. It has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. It is enough to take 1 capsule in the morning and evening to achieve an analgesic effect. During treatment with mebeverine, you should stop driving. Trade names: Duspatalin and Niaspam.


It is an excellent regulator of intestinal and stomach motility. The drug reduces pressure in the esophageal sphincter, promotes faster gastric emptying and increased intestinal motility. After administration, it is quickly absorbed into the blood.

This medicine is not suitable for the treatment of gastritis in children under three years of age. Pregnant and lactating women should also not drink it.

In the pharmacy it is sold as “Trimspa” and “Trimedat”.

List of tablets for various ailments

Heartburn pills will not help with spastic pain, and analgesics will not relieve the burning sensation in the pit of the stomach. It is necessary to be able to differentiate, that is, to distinguish between the nature of pain and its causes. Only in this case will emergency medical assistance be effective.

For cramps and stomach pain

Pain during spasms is periodic, sometimes intensifying, sometimes weakening. They often go away with exposure to temperature or in a certain position of the body. If the cause of the discomfort is not clear, but you need to get rid of the discomfort quickly, the following medications will help:

  • Spazgan or Spazmalgon;
  • No-Shpa (Drotaverine);
  • Papaverine;

  • Maxigan;
  • Omez.

To improve digestion

With the modern pace of life, it is difficult to maintain a diet. Often there is no time to have a snack all day. Sometimes, on the contrary, snacking starts in the morning and continues until the evening. Evening overeating has become the norm. With such a lifestyle, digestive disorders are inevitable. In this case, enzyme-containing preparations will come to the rescue.

When taken regularly, the following will help to establish normal functioning of the body:

  • Festal;
  • Mezim-forte;
  • Enzistal;
  • Creon;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Somilase;
  • Oraza.

For diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence

These signs are often a reaction to food poisoning. The body strives to get rid of toxins and removes them in this way.

The following tools can help him:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Smecta;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterodesis;
  • Kaopectate;
  • Filtrum-sti;
  • succinic acid tablets.

For heartburn

Heartburn can occur for various reasons, for example, from excess or insufficient acidity, from inappropriate food.

These medications will help with high acidity:

  • Almagel;

  • Gaviscon;
  • Maalox;
  • Rutacid;
  • Vikair.

You can cope with low acidity using the following means:

  • Rennie;
  • Gastal;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Nexium;
  • Paries.

For gastritis

Medicines for stomach pain with gastritis are selected comprehensively, because this diagnosis is made when there are complaints of any painful manifestations in the epigastric region. Pain appears when there is superficial damage to the tissues of the stomach walls. There are many reasons for this, which is why drugs are prescribed with different effects.

For gastritis with low acidity the following will help:

  • Pantaglucide;
  • Pentagastrin;
  • Etimizole;
  • Limontar.

Symptoms of gastritis with normal and high acidity will be helped by taking medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, that is, antacids. Antispasmodics and analgesics are effective in this case.

The cause of gastritis in most cases is Helicobacter pylori. In this case, only a qualified specialist can treat the patient and prescribe medications. Self-medication is very dangerous - you can waste precious time. An incorrectly selected drug or incorrect dosage can cause irreparable damage to health.

For pain in the pancreas

In case of an acute attack of pancreatitis, accompanied by severe girdle pain, digestive enzymes should never be used.

For pain in the pancreas area, the following will help:

  • Analgin;

  • Baralgin;
  • Platiphylline - will help relieve an acute pain attack, is used once.


Antacids are prescribed to relieve pain due to gastritis with high acidity. They are able to neutralize hydrochloric acid and, thanks to their enveloping effects, protect inflamed areas of the mucous membrane.


The drug has good enveloping properties, thanks to the balanced composition of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide. Take the drug "Maalox" for no more than 3 months.

The active substance of the drug neutralizes the acidity of gastric juice. The painkiller is recommended for gastritis for children - in the form of a suspension, for adults - in the form of tablets. The course of treatment and dosage is determined individually after consultation with a doctor. Usually the medicine is prescribed to be drunk half an hour before meals or directly during stomach pain. According to reviews, Maalox relieves pain within 10 minutes.


The medicine is produced in the form of a suspension, which contains aluminum phosphate, pectin and agar-agar gel extract. "Phosphalugel" successfully reduces the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid in the body during gastritis. It is allowed to treat children up to one year after agreeing on the dosage with the doctor. For adults, it is allowed to take a couple of sachets up to 3 times a day.


The drug effectively protects the gastric mucosa due to its good enveloping and adsorbing properties. Relief after taking the drug occurs after approximately 7 minutes. The product is approved for long-term use. The permissible dose per day for an adult is 5-10 ml up to 4 times a day. The drug labeled “A” contains an anesthesin, so it is considered more effective for relieving pain.

The coating drug is available in the form of a suspension. “Almagel” is sold in two forms: a plastic bottle with a special measuring spoon; dosed sachet sachets (“Almagel Neo”). It is recommended to use this drug between meals. In addition to relieving pain, the medication eliminates heartburn. The active substance has a gentle effect on the gastric mucosa and does not cause side effects such as flatulence or abdominal discomfort. The big advantage and difference between Almagel and other groups of painkillers for gastritis is its low toxicity, which allows women who are carrying a child and breastfeeding the baby to take the medicine. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Ways to relieve spasms

Relieving pain is an important component of providing assistance during the period of exacerbation of gastritis. You can relieve spasms yourself by using proven methods of treating the stomach. Effective methods include taking medications and using traditional recipes.

Drug therapy

Elimination of unpleasant symptomatic signs is impossible without taking medications. Proven medications are:

  • antacid drugs;
  • painkillers, analgesics;
  • enzyme preparations;
  • blockers;
  • antiseptics.


Antacid medications help normalize the level of stomach acidity, relieve the feeling of heaviness, get rid of heartburn, bloating, and restore the mucous membrane of the digestive organ as a result of pathological damage. The products differ in the degree of absorption. Absorbed antacids quickly and effectively neutralize the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, but the effect of the drug is short-lived. Taking rapidly absorbed drugs can lead to increased acidity and exacerbation of the disease. Non-absorbable drugs with a long-lasting effect have a gentle effect on hydrochloric acid. Antacids include:

  • Almagel gel;
  • Maalox suspension, Phosphalugel;
  • tablets Gastal, Rennie, Vikair, Vikalin.

Antacids should be taken 60-90 minutes after eating. The drugs help relieve early pain, eliminate heartburn, and protect the mucous membrane.


Analgesics relieve spasms and tone the muscles of the stomach. Painkillers are not the main medications for the treatment of gastritis. The main components of analgesics that block nerve impulses are papaverine and drotaverine. Effective antispasmodics are:

  • tablets No-Shpa, Spazmolgon, Maksigan, Tempalgin;
  • Nurofen capsules.

Taking Analgin and Ibuprofen for gastritis is contraindicated. Strong painkillers cause damage to the irritated gastric mucosa. Antispasmodics are contraindicated in the presence of internal pathologies: liver disease, kidney disease, circulatory disorders, intestinal infection, Crohn's disease, stomach ulcer. It is necessary to stop using painkillers for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During persistent pain, doctors may prescribe narcotic analgesics - Morphine. But strong medications are not suitable for self-relief of spasms.

Enzyme preparations

Medicines containing enzymes help normalize the digestion of food consumed at low acidity. The main substances of medications break down food into easily digestible components, so the medication should be taken during or after eating food. Effective enzyme preparations are:

  • Festal;
  • Mezim;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Creon.

Medicines are contraindicated in acute form of pancreatitis, sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug.


Painful symptoms are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can take blockers: Motilium tablets, Cerucal. To reduce the level of stomach acidity, it is necessary to take anticholinergic drugs.


Antibacterial and antiseptic drugs have an enveloping effect, protecting damaged stomach walls from external irritants. The astringent components of the drugs restore the functions of the digestive system organ, and as a result, prevent repeated attacks of the disease.


Folk recipes for attacks of gastritis eliminate severe pain syndromes. If your stomach hurts or you experience cramps of varying intensity, then you need to use simple, proven methods:

  • rice water, which has an enveloping effect;
  • flax seed powder;
  • potato, cabbage juice;
  • decoctions of rose hips with lemon, mint, currant leaves;
  • dandelion syrup;
  • infusions of chamomile, yarrow;
  • gooseberry compote;
  • aloe leaves.

Folk recipes for pain relief include medicinal herbs, medicinal mixtures that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The components of infusions and decoctions envelop the walls of the stomach and restore damaged areas of the mucous membrane. When taking herbal ingredients, you must make sure that you are not allergic to herbal preparations.

We recommend: Why can’t you eat certain types of chocolate if you have gastritis?

Proton pump blockers

To relieve pain in the stomach due to gastritis with high acidity, proton pump blockers are used, which work at the molecular level. The choice of drug is made by the doctor, solely on the basis of diagnostic studies and the patient’s well-being.


The drug neutralizes hydrochloric acid and, acting on the glands, reduces its secretion. In order to normalize the functioning of the digestive organ, the medicine should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. When used correctly in a short time, Omeprazole not only relieves pain, but also gets rid of heartburn, severe belching and nausea.


The drug is prescribed to normalize the level of acidity in gastritis. After using the drug for 2 weeks according to the recommended regimen, a long-term positive effect is achieved. In the complex treatment of gastritis, which is caused by the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori, Nolpaza promotes relief within the first day.

Traditional medicine against stomach pain

Traditional medicine methods are also effective

Traditional medicine should never be used as the only method of treating gastritis pain. Despite the environmental friendliness of such drugs, the almost complete absence of side effects, they serve only as an addition to the treatment and diet prescribed by the doctor.

Plantain juice has a very effective effect on the cause of pain. Instead of juice, you can use an infusion of dried leaves of this plant; it also relieves spasms and heals the inflamed mucous membrane. Sea buckthorn juice, drunk an hour before meals, has a similar effect.

For gastritis with low acidity, in order to normalize the condition of the stomach, you can use freshly squeezed aloe juice (a teaspoon) before meals.

Chewing a small piece of propolis (no more than 8 g for the whole day) for a long time will reduce the severity of pain. The use of folk remedies is not recommended in the acute period of the disease.

By selecting medications from various pharmaceutical groups, you can effectively neutralize painful sensations of various etiologies that occur with gastritis.

Read along with this article:

  • Effective pain reliever for gastritis
  • No need to endure stomach painkillers
  • How to take Omeprazole for gastritis? Appointment,…
  • Medicine for stomach pain due to gastritis: how to get rid of suffering
  • How to take De Nol - action and indications for use
  • Almagel for gastritis: when and how to take
  • Is hyperacid gastritis a serious disease?
  • Ranitidine, features of the drug use
  • What to drink if your stomach hurts: a review of drugs

Containing bismuth

Effective pharmacological agents for relieving pain in gastritis are bismuth-containing drugs. Their enveloping effect allows you to create a reliable protective barrier on the inflamed mucous membrane, thereby promoting its recovery.


You can relieve an attack of pain due to gastritis by using De-Nol. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed individually in combination with antibiotics in the treatment of a disease caused by a pathogenic microorganism - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Since the medicine has many contraindications, self-medication is strictly prohibited.


"Vicalin" is a combination drug that can have antacid, antibacterial, astringent and antispasmodic effects. In addition to bismuth, it contains many active components, thanks to which the drug is able not only to relieve pain, but also to accelerate the restoration of damaged mucous membranes.

Most often, Vikalin is prescribed for chronic gastritis. Side effects are usually caused by long-term use. They can cause headaches and various allergic reactions.


Almagel A is also used, which contains aluminum hydroxide, which can neutralize hydrochloric acid in gastric juice

For gastritis, the following painkillers and tablets are used: :

  1. Antacids and enveloping drugs are used for pain relief and healing. This method is suitable for patients with high acidity. Calcium carbonate is used at the rate of 1 gram of the drug per dose. Almagel A is also used, which contains aluminum hydroxide, which can neutralize hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. For severe pain, Atropine, Platifilin and Metacin are prescribed. These drugs are classified as peripheral anticholinergics.
  2. Antispasmodics. Appropriate as painkillers for gastritis with reduced secretion. Drugs such as Baralgin and No-shpa in tablets or intramuscularly are widely used. The dosage is determined depending on the patient's medical history.
  3. In the most severe cases, the use of narcotic analgesics is permissible. Their use should be carried out only in a hospital and under the supervision of a doctor. Promedol and Morphine effectively relieve pain. Non-narcotic analgesics are rarely used and only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.

Anticholinergics for gastritis

Considering that painkillers and antacids are not always able to effectively relieve pain syndromes, chonolitics that block nerve receptors are added to treatment. In addition, they reduce spasms and secretory production of mucous membranes. The versatility of the drugs makes them indispensable for this disease.


The drug acts selectively on the secretory activity of the gastric glands. The medicine blocks a number of receptors in the gastric mucosa and reduces pain. The medication can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, liver and kidney diseases. Its penetration into the blood is extremely low, which makes it safe. The drug can be taken in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs. A gastroenterologist or therapist has the right to prescribe medicine.

You can take a Gastrocepin tablet if the pain intensifies between meals, and take it before meals in a regular course.


In addition to effective pain relief, the drug enhances motor functions. It is used in capsules or as injections.


Various dosage forms are used - drops, injections, tablets.


Reduces the functionality of the stomach to produce acid, the root cause of pain. To achieve positive results, take it for at least 2 weeks.


It has a similar effect to gastrozem, blocking cholinergic receptors. Use at night or during meals.

Painkillers for gastritis: effective remedies

Read the article carefully!!!

An attack of gastritis in most cases is accompanied by severe pain, which negatively affects the patient’s well-being and quality of life, deprives him of his ability to work, and in severe cases, even the ability to move.

Proper treatment, diet and compliance with all doctor’s instructions allows you to achieve stable remission, which eliminates the risk of severe pain in the epigastric region. But if the pain is already tormenting a person, it needs to be relieved with the help of special medications.

Let's figure out which painkillers are effective for gastritis, whether they can be replaced with traditional medicine, how exactly different groups of drugs work, and how to choose treatment depending on the level of acidity of gastric juice.

What painkillers are used

First of all, you need to remember that painkillers can only be prescribed by your doctor. Many drugs with an analgesic effect can negatively affect the course of gastritis.

Before you find out how to relieve pain due to an inflammatory process localized on the gastric mucosa, you need to find out how symptomatic treatment differs for different acidity of gastric juice.

With increased stomach acidity

Increased acidity is the main cause of pain in hyperacid gastritis. The hydrochloric acid released by the cells of the organ damages the mucous membrane, which provokes pain.

You can relieve gastritis pain with:

  • antacids;
  • proton pump inhibitors;
  • gastroprotectors.

Antacids and gastroprotectors envelop the walls of the stomach, thereby reducing the degree of negative effects of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane. Proton pump inhibitors, or proton pump inhibitors, reduce stomach acid by partially blocking acid production.

For low stomach acidity

For hypoacid gastritis they have an effective effect:

  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics.

Pain syndrome with low acidity of gastric juice most often occurs as a result of spasm of the smooth muscles of the stomach. Antispasmodics relieve this spasm, as a result of which the pain quickly goes away.

Analgesics also have a high degree of effectiveness, but can irritate the gastric mucosa, which neutralizes their effect. However, in critical cases, when the pain is too severe and antispasmodics are not able to cope with it, narcotic analgesics are used. But this can only happen under the supervision of the attending physician, more often in a hospital setting.

Three types of gastritis ABC: features of treatment and diagnosis


Antispasmodics for gastritis are an indispensable remedy that should always be on hand in case of a sudden attack of pain. They are shown in the form of tablets and intramuscular injections, and the injection acts on average faster than taking the medicine orally.

Antispasmodics are sold without a prescription; you can find them in pharmacies under the following names:

  • No-shpa;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Spazgan;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Papaverine;
  • Maxigan;
  • Tempalgin.

An overdose of these drugs is fraught with neurological disorders and seizures. This can happen if the patient does not receive proper treatment, but simply constantly relieves pain with antispasmodics. Over time, the disease progresses, the pain increases, and the person is forced to take medications constantly.

Antispasmodics have a number of contraindications, including liver and kidney damage, and heart failure.

Anticholinergic drugs

Anticholinergics work not through a direct effect on the stomach, but by influencing (blocking) the receptors of the nervous system. One of the effects of such drugs is a decrease in the production of gastric secretions and an antispasmodic effect. The combination of two effects in one drug allows you to reduce the number of medications used and makes anticholinergics universal.

The group of anticholinergics includes:

  • Buscopan;
  • Atropine;
  • Difacil;
  • Gastrocepin;
  • Ganglefen;
  • Gastrozem;
  • Gangleron;
  • Palyufin;
  • Histodil.

Taking medications is controlled by a doctor who prescribes a course of these medications.


Antacids are drugs that contain substances that bind to gastric acids, neutralizing them. Therefore, they are used only for gastritis with increased acidity of gastric secretion.

Antacids are divided into two groups:

  • absorbable, which quickly dissolve, which is why their effect is short-lived and there is a risk of “acid rebound”;
  • non-absorbable, which do not dissolve in the stomach and therefore today are mainly used to relieve pain in gastritis with a high level of acidity.

Insoluble antacids include:

  • tablets: Gastal, Maalox, Tisacid;
  • suspensions: Almagel, Maalox;
  • gels: Phosphalugel.

The pain relief effect of this group of drugs is based not only on neutralizing acid, but also on reducing spasm of the pylorus of the stomach and increasing the rate of emptying of the organ.

Gastritis and folk recipes for its treatment

Traditional methods of pain relief for gastritis

Treatment of pain due to gastritis with effective folk remedies is possible only after consulting a doctor and only subject to simultaneous drug treatment.

You can use any of the recipes described below, but do not use all methods at once. It is better to choose no more than two, undergo a course of treatment, and then evaluate their effectiveness. If it is low, you can choose a different recipe. The exception is cases when, against the background of unconventional treatment, an exacerbation of gastritis began.

  1. Fresh vegetable juices from vegetables: pumpkin, beets, potatoes, carrots. At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to dilute the juice with water. Able to reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Honey with milk (half a glass of warm milk 5 mg of honey) works as a natural antacid.
  3. Rosehip infusion helps reduce acidity and also has a positive effect on the immune system, stimulating it to fight the inflammatory process.
  4. Herbal decoctions have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, and slightly reduce acidity:
  • yarrow;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • black currant leaves.
  1. Dandelion syrup effectively reduces pain, but you need to prepare it yourself, since there is no such product or its analogue on sale. In the spring you need to collect yellow dandelion flowers, wash, dry and cover with sugar. Squeeze the resulting juice and drink for pain several times a day, diluting a teaspoon of syrup in half a glass of water.
  2. White cabbage juice should be drunk in half a glass courses half an hour before each meal.
  3. Flax seed (1 tablespoon), chamomile and yarrow (2 tablespoons each) should be mixed, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and drink 100 ml half an hour before meals.

Herbal remedies for stomach pain

Herbs have traditionally been used as a pain reliever for gastritis. Therefore, herbal preparations have been created that perfectly treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


An antispasmodic and analgesic drug that can be used in children from birth. This is practically the only remedy that can be used to treat gastritis in babies under one year old. It contains fennel fruit extract and fennel essential oil. Take the powder orally after meals 2-3 times a day, after dissolving it in 100 ml of boiled water. Contraindications are lactase deficiency and galactosemia.


Alcohol extract of 9 herbs: iberis, chamomile, mint, celandine, angelica, caraway, lemon balm, milk thistle and licorice. It is used to treat stomach pain due to gastritis and peptic ulcers, as well as to eliminate dyspeptic symptoms. The drug is also effective for irritable bowel syndrome. You should not use Iberogast if you have calculous cholecystitis or if you are allergic to the herbs listed in the composition. To achieve the effect, drink 20 drops three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month.

Ways to get rid of pain

If gastritis is not complicated by anything, then you can help yourself at home. The following medications may be used for pain:

  1. Antacids (painkillers for gastritis). They will be effective for the stomach because they reduce the acidity of gastric juice. They drink them both for gastritis and other stomach diseases accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice. They relieve a person from heartburn and protect the gastric mucosa.
  2. Pain reliever for gastritis of the stomach. They are administered primarily intramuscularly. This is done so as not to further irritate the stomach. If oral medications (analgesics) are given for pain, these tablets should be taken with plenty of water.
  3. Antidiarrheal antiseptics. They are necessary if, along with gastritis, there are problems with emptying.

When exacerbations of the disease occur, food should be served warm and ground. Drink more water. For a while, give up meat and rough products. Eat more often, in small portions. This way you can avoid another attack of stomach pain.

Folk remedies for pain relief

Of course, traditional medicine recipes are not able to relieve a person from the excruciating pain characteristic of gastritis of various etiologies. But in some cases, when there is no medication at hand, folk remedies come to the rescue. Potatoes, or rather its juice, received a lot of positive feedback from both patients and doctors. To get potato juice, you need to peel the vegetable. Grind it using a fine grater and squeeze out the juice with a strainer or gauze. Use directly during stomach pain. This traditional medicine recipe is used even for gastrointestinal ulcers. Potato juice for gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract envelops the damaged mucous membrane, soothes it and relieves acute pain.

Alternative medicine cannot become the main and only treatment for gastritis. Combining the use of herbal remedies and drug therapy can reduce discomfort and speed up recovery. Many plants have a wound-healing and soothing effect, so their use is simply necessary.

Plantain juice for gastritis. It has amazing wound-healing properties. To prepare a healing drink, you only need a blender and fresh plantain leaves. The juice is drunk before meals, but no more than 70 g at a time.

Sea buckthorn for gastritis. Everyone knows the healing properties of these berries. Drinking a tablespoon of juice three times a day will quickly get rid of the disease.

Licorice root for gastritis. An infusion of this plant is drunk 125 g after each meal.

Rosehip and chamomile for gastritis. They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The plants are brewed and consumed instead of tea.

Honey and milk. This remedy not only relieves pain, but also fights the disease itself. The drink is prepared as follows: prepare half a glass of warm milk and dilute 1 tsp in it. honey, mix the product well and drink it in small sips. If the disease proceeds without complications, then the pain should go away within 10 minutes. If you drink milk with honey every day, the attacks of pain will gradually subside. Be aware of allergic hazards when taking honey.

When should painkillers not be used?

Painkillers should be prescribed by the attending physician, and self-medication is contraindicated. You should also remember that in some cases the doctor may refuse to prescribe pain medications. The fact is that in some disorders, the components of painkillers can cause severe damage to the body, which is very difficult to treat. We list the main disorders for which painkillers should be prescribed with caution:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • Some intestinal infections;
  • Megacolon;
  • Colitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Some other rare disorders.

Treatment of pain in children

The same groups of drugs are used, but preference is given to special children's forms of drugs, if the manufacturer produces such. Depending on the reason, Almagel, Phosphalugel, Rennie may be prescribed - from twelve years of age. Drugs of other groups should be prescribed only by the attending physician. If the pain is severe, do not numb the stomach; it is recommended to immediately seek medical help.

Sources: -v-zheludke-pri-gastrite.html gastrite.html /gastrit/chem-snyat-bol-v-zheludke-pri-gastrite.html This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/19/2020

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