How to properly use garlic for hemorrhoids? Medicinal properties, 5 treatment methods and patient reviews

Among the so-called controversial products, there is an undisputed leader. This is garlic.

What is the dispute, you ask? It's simple: people are divided into two camps - some adore garlic, are ready to eat it raw, add it to various dishes, and simply cannot imagine how you can bake chicken without garlic. Others cannot tolerate either the garlic taste or the garlic smell at all. And they consider the odes that adherents of traditional medicine sing to garlic to be an obvious excess. But it’s stupid to argue with the obvious: yes, garlic is not a panacea and cannot replace serious drug therapy, but this product is still unique.

Scientists have discovered approximately four hundred biologically active components in garlic; they have a therapeutic effect on the human body. In this regard, the product is often used in the treatment of certain chronic and acute ailments. They even talk about treating hemorrhoids with garlic.

Composition and benefits of garlic

Ancient Greek warriors were sure that it was garlic that made a man fearless and strong. In addition, the product was also considered a talisman against evil spirits. Today, vegetables from the bulbous family are not given such magical properties, but, probably, in every family there is a person who knows how to cure a cold with the help of garlic.

What is so useful about these inconspicuous cloves?

Garlic composition:

  • Cellulose;
  • Fats;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Proteins;
  • Oily essential extracts;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Sulfur compounds;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Adenosine;
  • Vitamin P;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Retinol;
  • Pectin and others.

You can supplement this list with an even larger list of components, but it is clear that garlic is in demand in folk medicine for good reason. For example, garlic is quite rightly considered a natural antibiotic, since it contains such valuable phytoncides.

Phytoncides are biologically active substances; they inhibit the growth of bacteria and even kill pathogens, protozoa and microscopic fungi.

Today, garlic is considered a diuretic, antiparasitic, cleansing, analgesic and antispasmodic. They say that garlic is useful for certain digestive dysfunctions, that it is good at eliminating fungal pathologies, and even relieves chronic fatigue and insomnia.

Will garlic help with hemorrhoids?

It must be said that garlic is indeed used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. But not doctors, but supporters of traditional medicine. There are no official studies that scientifically confirm that garlic treats hemorrhoids. But if we weigh its beneficial qualities, we can assume that in some sense garlic can actually be useful.

Judge for yourself, garlic:

  1. Quickly destroys infectious agents;
  2. Reduces the inflammatory process;
  3. Stimulates normal blood flow, thereby reducing congestion;
  4. Helps remove swelling;
  5. It works relatively quickly.

Of course, it would be incorrect to compare garlic with a pharmacological product, the composition of which is carefully selected and the action is precisely directed.

Garlic can be used as an adjuvant if you are allergic to any medications, or there are contraindications to one of the complex therapy agents.

Should you trust traditional medicine?

There is such a concept in psychology - the placebo effect. Studies have been conducted many times where patients were given a pacifier (sweet water, mint candy) under the guise of medicine and told that this was the best remedy for a cold, for example, or bronchitis. A huge number of subjects actually improved their health indicators: serious illnesses never disappeared, but some positive dynamics were present.

The reason for this reaction to the pacifier was self-hypnosis, a positive attitude, self-programming, if you like. Even doctors tell their patients: you should only think about improvement, do not play negative scenarios in your head. And when the patient responds pessimistically by saying: “What if I have such and such a complication...”, the doctor cuts him off mid-sentence, denying what was said. That is, it won’t happen, don’t think, don’t set yourself up.

Most of all successful experiences of treatment with traditional recipes are built on precisely this kind of programming.

The same scientific studies even provide a numerical indicator: treatment will be 40% more successful if the patient believes in the power of the medicine and trusts his doctor. In folk medicine, the role of the doctor is played by the entire centuries-old folk experience, which is a counterweight to “pharmacy chemistry”.

It’s up to you: to be treated with faith in the power of garlic ointments and potato suppositories or to trust evidence-based medicine. Do not take your choice to extremes, otherwise you will seriously start watching popular videos on the topic “How to cure hemorrhoids with a cucumber from the garden,” and you will not even understand that the video “We are treated with ski ointment” is a parody of a well-known program.

Let folk recipes become a pleasant, harmless, supportive therapy, which in no case will infringe on conservative drug treatment. Not a single folk healer from the depths of the Internet can replace an appointment with a competent, experienced doctor who will treat you, and not everyone at once and without any guarantees.


Garlic baths

Sitz baths are a well-known treatment for home hemorrhoids. They are used for both external and internal forms of the disease. This is, in principle, a safe treatment, especially if you nevertheless agreed on it with your doctor. The main thing is not to get carried away with steam baths, which, without exaggeration, cripple more than they heal.

The procedure itself is quite simple: usually some kind of decoction is prepared, poured into a basin or other suitable container, and diluted with warm water. And for some time the buttocks are immersed in this water, which has acquired healing properties. In the case of garlic, everything is almost the same.

The garlic bath algorithm is simple:

  • Chop just one large head of garlic;
  • Pour this paste into 5 liters of warm boiled water;
  • Pour the mixture into a wide basin, then immerse your buttocks there so that the water acts directly on the hemorrhoidal pads.

The session lasts about 20 minutes. Proponents of garlic therapy suggest practicing such baths for 10 days in a row. Better before bed.

It is believed that water with garlic diluted in it reduces venous congestion and relieves inflammation. Some fans of this treatment take milk instead of water.

Traditional recipes with garlic for hemorrhoids

Therapy for hemorrhoids using garlic includes ointments, suppositories, baths, microenemas, and compresses. The recipes are easy to prepare and can be used independently at home.


Garlic liniments are indicated for external and internal hemorrhoids. The skin of the anorectal area is treated twice a day, tampons are inserted rectally at night. Course – 14 days. Cooking recipes:

  • grind a glass of garlic, add 50 ml of milk, 10 g of honey, mix everything thoroughly, steam the mixture until thickened, cool, store under a tight lid in the refrigerator;
  • several cloves of garlic are passed through a press or crushed with a blender, the pulp is applied directly to the hemorrhoids (the pain and burning must be endured), after the procedure the anus is thoroughly washed with warm water;
  • take equal proportions of coconut, direct-pressed olive oil, garlic (three tablespoons of each ingredient), heat the mixture of oils over low heat, stir, add garlic, fry the mixture, remove from heat, grind with a mortar or mixer, filter, bottle, store in the cold no more than a couple of weeks;
  • mix an equal amount of crushed garlic and butter, store the liniment in the refrigerator, apply to early-stage hemorrhoids.

Rectal suppositories, inserts

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with garlic involves the use of rectal suppositories and inserts. The course of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology. Cooking methods:

  • melt 100 g of butter in a water bath, add half a glass of chopped garlic cloves, mix thoroughly, cool, pour into small cardboard cones prepared in advance, freeze, before use, moisten with warm water to remove the wrapper and insert anally;
  • you can simply peel the clove, grease it with butter and administer it rectally at night (instead of butter, use vegetable oil, sea buckthorn oil, water, melted animal fat, Vaseline);
  • the vegetable or garlic powder is mixed with melted cocoa butter, boiled water or honey, the mixture is left in the cold until it hardens. Then candles are formed and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, lubricate the “suppositories” with Vaseline and administer rectally at night.


Sitz baths with garlic are effective for any type of hemorrhoids, as long as the nodes do not bleed. The procedure is carried out a couple of times/day for two weeks. The water temperature is dictated by the doctor in accordance with the severity of hemorrhoidal disease. Cooking methods:

  • chop a whole head of garlic, pour in 3 liters of boiling water, then cool to 37°C, pour into a basin, sit for 15 minutes so that the anus is covered with the solution (you can take milk instead of water, this will increase the efficiency of regenerative processes);
  • a steam bath is used when there is a pronounced inflammatory process, crush 10 cloves of spice, pour the mass into an enamel bucket, pour in 2 liters of boiling milk, sit on top for 15 minutes, steam treats inflamed hemorrhoids, the procedure is daily;
  • Another way to get steam is to use a hot brick on which crushed garlic is placed (this method requires a wooden lid with a special hole in the center for the anus, sit for 20 minutes).

You can add a decoction of any anti-inflammatory herbal remedy to garlic for cold or warm baths, most often chamomile, calendula, sage, aloe, and nettle. It is believed that water or milk with diluted garlic reduces the size of hemorrhoids, relieves pain and inflammation.


Garlic enemas for the treatment of hemorrhoids are given no more than twice a week. Hypertension is a contraindication to treatment. Cooking recipes:

  • the head of garlic is crushed with a blender or grater, placed in a glass container, poured with a glass of warm water, stirred, then, take about 60 ml of liquid with an enema and syringe the rectum, after the procedure, a few minutes later, the intestines are emptied (unpleasant sensations should be ignored);
  • make a decoction of any anti-inflammatory herb (chamomile, calendula, knotweed), cool to 37°C, add chopped garlic (several cloves), syringe the rectum, empty the intestines after a couple of minutes;
  • the volume of liquid in which the garlic is dissolved can be increased to a liter, then about 300 ml of the healing solution is taken with an enema, the rectum is syringed and the intestines are immediately emptied.

Compresses, applications

Garlic applications or compresses for hemorrhoids, according to patients, are an excellent remedy for relieving itching, burning of the rectum, reducing inflammation, reducing external hemorrhoids. Cooking methods:

  • three cloves of spice are crushed under a press, wrapped in a wide bandage or gauze, applied to the sore spot for 30 minutes;
  • In a glass container, mix a liter of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of celandine, chopped garlic (half a head), leave for a week under a lid in the dark, filter, bottle, apply to gauze, apply to hemorrhoids three times a day, store in the refrigerator.

Garlic ointment for external hemorrhoids

Cesok against hemorrhoids is also taken in the form of ointments. Since it is applied externally, there will be no undesirable effects on the digestive tract.

Recipe for garlic anti-hemorrhoid ointment:

  1. Peel 220 g of garlic cloves and chop very finely;
  2. Pour this paste with a quarter glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of honey. Milk should only be fresh, and honey too. Mix the ingredients;
  3. Place the future remedy on low heat and cook, stirring a little, until the pulp becomes thick;
  4. Leave the composition to cool;
  5. Grind the composition until completely homogeneous;
  6. Cover the future medicinal product with a lid. Let it sit for about 3 hours, after this time the ointment is ready.

Store the mixture in a cool, dark corner in a glass container (preferably dark glass). This product is recommended to lubricate the external cones twice a day. It is expected that after a few days the varicose veins will decrease.

Recipes and remedies

There are several options for treating hemorrhoids with garlic. Most of them are intended for local use (baths, enemas, ointments, suppositories). You need to select them together with your doctor.

Garlic for hemorrhoids can be used to prepare an ointment, which is intended for local action. Ingredients needed to create the product:

  • garlic (200 g);
  • liquid honey (1 tsp);
  • milk (75 ml).
  • the vegetable is peeled and chopped;
  • honey and milk are added to the mass;
  • the components are mixed, placed on low heat, and after thickening, the mass is removed from the stove.

After the mixture has cooled, it needs to be brought to homogeneity so that the pieces of garlic dissolve in honey and milk. Cover the resulting mass with a lid and leave for 3 hours to infuse.

Garlic rectal suppositories

Treatment of hemorrhoids with garlic at home is not complete without the most traditional dosage form for varicose veins of the anal veins - suppositories. Since internal nodes are logically easier to treat with insert suppositories, they are also made from garlic. It all starts as usual: you need to peel the garlic cloves. Then it is proposed to grind them either with a garlic press or a meat grinder.

To this mass add mashed (but not completely liquid) butter in equal parts with the garlic itself. Mix the ingredients. This mass needs to be put into tubes, which you will make in advance from clean, fairly thick paper. Place the homemade liners in the refrigerator; the mixture will harden in about the same amount of time as regular oil usually hardens.

Before use, you need to remove the paper and insert one insert into the anus in the standard way. The result is a folk remedy that, based on its manufacturing principle, is actually somewhat reminiscent of pharmaceutical candles. Is it possible to use garlic for hemorrhoids specifically in your case? You need to check with your doctor.

Without examining a doctor, without making a diagnosis, try not to use anything against hemorrhoids. And find out if you have hemorrhoids, because other proctological ailments can be “masked” as this disease.

Garlic medicinal enema

Some recipes suggest using garlic for hemorrhoids as an enema. To do this, it is recommended to chop one large head of good garlic on a fine grater; this mixture should be poured into a jar and filled with warm water. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Next, 280 ml of liquid should be poured into a syringe and traditionally injected into the rectum. After completing the session, visit the toilet.

The effectiveness of this treatment has not been proven: most folk recipes, in principle, have no evidence base. But those who suggest using them advise doing enemas twice a week. If nothing has changed, then the course is repeated again a week later.

Garlic compresses

If you don’t want to make an ointment, you can prepare garlic-based compresses. For one session you will need two garlic cloves. They should be ground into a paste in any convenient way. In this mixture you have to soak a piece of cotton fabric or gauze bandage, which is folded several times.

This homemade garlic compress is applied to varicose veins for 18-20 minutes. You may experience some burning sensation - this is normal (if it is tolerable, of course). If the burning sensation causes you great discomfort, garlic pulp should be diluted with warm fresh milk.

Do not forget that none of these methods is a monotherapy. It can only be an addition to the main therapeutic regimen, nothing more. You also need to take into account contraindications: perhaps garlic therapy is not indicated for you specifically.

Who should not be treated with garlic?

It’s good if you believe that garlic is strong against hemorrhoids, and this remedy will relieve you of negative symptoms. But before you try such folk recipes on yourself, make sure that you can use them. Still, garlic itself is quite a powerful remedy. One has only to remember that gardeners often use it to poison pests.

Garlic should not be used in the following cases:

  • If you have been diagnosed with digestive tract diseases. Garlic can cause indigestion and stomach upset;
  • Such treatment is unacceptable for serious liver pathologies;
  • Kidney dysfunction will also be a contraindication;
  • Pregnancy. As you know, this is a less suitable time for experiments. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women are indeed often diagnosed, but can be easily corrected with conservative approved therapy;
  • Taking drugs against thrombophlebitis due to the risk of overlapping effects (garlic is known to stimulate blood thinning);
  • Taking medications for diabetes. Garlic also lowers blood sugar;
  • Epileptic seizures.

Harm from external use of garlic

External use of garlic in some situations can cause burns. If such a situation occurs, the mucous membranes or skin are damaged and irritated by the substances contained in the plant. Moreover, if you get a burn from using highly concentrated garlic juice, it will be classified as chemical.

Garlic skin burn:

  • Occurs when using garlic compresses and wiping affected areas (for example, the same nodes, with garlic juice);
  • Observed if the contact time of the garlic mixture with the area that the garlic is supposed to treat is exceeded;
  • Damage manifests itself as a special burning sensation, hyperemia of areas, irritation;
  • Sometimes blisters with serous fluid inside appear at the site of injury.

Therefore, a person who treats hemorrhoids with garlic must understand that loose reading of the recipe, non-compliance with dosages and exposure time threatens him with serious consequences.

For this reason, proctologists say that traditional medicine does not always help - very often they are approached by people who have aggravated their illness with such treatment, or have a concomitant disease associated with hemorrhoids.

How garlic is useful for inflammation of hemorrhoids

There are many reasons why garlic is used to treat hemorrhoids. But they are all based on the healing properties of the vegetable. Garlic has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces swelling, relieves irritation and itching. The vegetable also helps fight bacteria and provides an antiviral effect.

Hemorrhoids occur against the background of congestion in the vessels of the rectum, and garlic prevents blockage of blood vessels. Thanks to the use of vegetables in the treatment of the disease, hemorrhoids are reduced, which entails a decrease in pain and other discomfort.

Is eating garlic good for hemorrhoids?

Many supporters of traditional medicine are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to eat garlic for hemorrhoids. The consumption of this product in food is so distantly related to the treatment of hemorrhoids that it is very difficult to grasp the correlation of the two things.

Rather, it is worth saying that the patient understands: hemorrhoids are already a pathology, therefore, his immunity is not in order, especially during an exacerbation. But not everyone wants to boost their immunity with thoughtful, fortified nutrition, physical exercise, and hardening: it’s easier to eat a clove of garlic and consider the mission accomplished.

But if you have eaten a large amount of garlic, symptoms of burns to the walls of the stomach may appear. And trauma to the mucous membrane of the digestive organ is expressed by pain, flatulence, belching and even nausea.

When consumed raw, garlic has an irritating effect on the digestive tract. In medicine, cases where the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach were affected by burning cloves are by no means exceptions.

Doctors say that if this product is abused, the spice can cause perforation of the intestinal walls.

The effectiveness of garlic for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Among the so-called controversial products, there is an undisputed leader.
This is garlic. What is the dispute, you ask? It's simple: people are divided into two camps - some adore garlic, are ready to eat it raw, add it to various dishes, and simply cannot imagine how you can bake chicken without garlic. Others cannot tolerate either the garlic taste or the garlic smell at all. And they consider the odes that adherents of traditional medicine sing to garlic to be an obvious excess. But it’s stupid to argue with the obvious: yes, garlic is not a panacea and cannot replace serious drug therapy, but this product is still unique.

Scientists have discovered approximately four hundred biologically active components in garlic; they have a therapeutic effect on the human body. In this regard, the product is often used in the treatment of certain chronic and acute ailments. They even talk about treating hemorrhoids with garlic.

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