How to use chamomile to treat diarrhea?

Diarrhea in most cases begins unexpectedly. Diarrhea can be caused by pathogenic bacteria, viral infection, or poisoning. If you don’t have any medicine at hand, a simple chamomile mixture will help you cope with the problem.

Chamomile for diarrhea is used in decoctions, infusions and teas; whole flowers are brewed and crushed, collected in filters. The plant can have a complex effect on the intestines, eliminates the symptoms and cause of diarrhea.

Chamomile is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family, the flowering period is from May to August. For treatment, it is customary to use the flowers of the plant without stems. They are bought at the pharmacy or prepared independently. When harvesting yourself, flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering, when the composition is most useful. The plant is collected in places far from roads and industrial facilities. After collection, the flowers are dried well at low temperatures.

Biological characteristics of the plant

Chamomile is found everywhere in nature, with the exception of the Far North.

There are many varieties of representatives of the Astrov family, so people inexperienced in this matter sometimes collect raw materials that are not the same as those used in folk medicine. Attention should be paid to the diameter of the baskets (they are larger than those of the pharmaceutical variety) and the receptacle, which is non-hollow in non-medicinal daisies .

The required plant reaches a height of 60 cm, has a grooved, branched, hollow stem, with sessile pinnately dissected leaves.

On the shoots (main and lateral), the tops end in small single baskets. They represent a core of numerous yellow tubes, framed by white reed petals (usually 12-18 of them per inflorescence).

The receptacle under the blossoming baskets has a hemispherical shape, which by the end of flowering changes to a narrow conical shape. The inside of the receptacle is hollow.

The flowers themselves, which are collected a day or two after chamomile blooms, are used as a medicine in folk medicine.

Healing properties

The baskets contain a large amount of essential oils, the main one being chamazulene.

There are also flavonoids, glycosides, coumarins, bitter and tannins, mucus, organic acids, vitamins, resins and more.

Thanks to this composition, chamomile has antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effects, and also promotes tissue regeneration.

Chamomile remedies are used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional therapy for many diseases.

To eliminate diarrhea, the carminative, astringent, and disinfectant properties of the inflorescences come into play.

Benefits of chamomile for stomach upsets and loose stools

The main beneficial property of the plant, often used in alternative medicine, is that the flowers and leaves contain tannins and ether. Thanks to the presence of the former, there is an astringent effect on the feces, thereby eliminating loose stools. Essential oils are no less useful - they destroy bacteria that cause diarrhea.

Another healing property of the plant is that it relieves stomach cramps that occur due to diarrhea. As diarrhea continues, peristalsis accelerates several times, and the active elements contained in plant materials can reduce this process in a short time.

Substances contained in flowers can relieve inflammation that inevitably occurs in the intestines during diarrhea. At the same time, the healing of injured tissues is accelerated, metabolic processes are normalized, and relapse is prevented. Chamomile for diarrhea is an indispensable plant that can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared for future use yourself. Useful qualities are stored for three years; after this time, you will have to re-purchase raw materials.

Uses of chamomile

Diarrhea cannot be ignored because it leads to severe dehydration. This is fraught with serious malfunctions in the operation of basic systems, and in an advanced situation can result in death.

All harmful substances “stuck” in the digestive tract are eliminated with the first two bowel movements. Subsequent bowel movements remove fluid that is already useful for life from the body.

It is difficult for a weakened body (especially a child’s) to resist the problem. Therefore, you should not ignore it and, at the first sign of loose stool, immediately take the necessary measures without delaying drug treatment.

It is advisable to have dried chamomile on hand (it is sometimes called peeled). The product is quite effective and gives results in a matter of hours if the healing composition is properly prepared. However, the herb is only a complement to medications.

How does chamomile work on diarrhea?

Tannins, which have an astringent effect, help thicken the stool. What causes the stool to gradually change from liquid to normal consistency.

Essential oils are a good antiseptic that kills bacteria that cause diarrhea. The drug taken will help quickly relieve inflammation and restore the integrity of damaged intestinal tissue.

Diarrhea is always accompanied by severe cramps. And in this case, chamomile has a healing effect, relieving pain symptoms .

Normal intestinal motility is restored, digestion is improved, and mineral balance is regulated.

When you need a doctor's help

For example, if a woman thinks: “I drink chamomile tea, but it doesn’t make me feel better.” Should you be worried in this case? There are situations when an emergency visit to the hospital is required:

  • frequency of bowel movements exceeds 5 times a day;
  • the duration of the problem is more than 2 days;
  • feces have a greenish tint and a characteristic unpleasant odor;
  • stool contains blood or mucus;
  • in addition to intestinal upset, nausea and vomiting are observed;
  • the condition is accompanied by elevated temperature.

We recommend: Rules for using saline solution for diarrhea

If the use of chamomile composition does not produce an effect after several uses, it is better not to let the problem worsen and contact a specialist.

In what forms can chamomile be used?

To have the desired effect on the disease, they use various methods of preparing the medicine, which is the beauty of this herb.

If adults can safely take decoctions and tinctures, despite the bitterness of chamomile, then administering the drugs by enema is more suitable for infants.

Each recipe has its own characteristics, so improper preparation may reduce the effectiveness of chamomile on diarrhea.

Types of chamomile forms for the treatment of diarrhea.

A drugIngredient proportionsRecipeMode of applicationEfficiency
DecoctionFor 2 glasses of water 1 tbsp. l. with a pile of dry chamomiles After filling the herb with water, bring to a boil, then simmer under the lid over low heat for ¼ hour.
After leaving the stove, allow the tea leaves to settle, then strain
Chamomile decoction is drunk every 2 hours, 1 glass warm, for 3 days.The most effective remedy for intestinal infections.
After a day of taking the drink, relief occurs and vomiting is eliminated.
Infusion1 tbsp. l. herbs in 2 cups of water Pour crushed chamomile into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Need to leave for an hour Chamomile tincture is taken by the patient every 2 hours, 1 glass warm.The result can be seen after the first dose, but you need to continue drinking to consolidate the result.
Herb tea1 filter bag and a glass of boiling waterChamomile tea can be brewed like a regular drink and steeped for 10 minutes.During the day you need to take 3 glasses of warm tea, each time brewing a fresh drinkEffective for mild diarrhea.
The result is observed within a day from the moment of administration.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to tea. honey

Enema4 tbsp. l. chamomile and 1 glass of water Pour boiling water over and leave for 15 minutes, then coolUse strained, injecting into the anus up to 5 times a day.
The amount of liquid depends on age (the recipe is given for an adult)
Quickly strengthens stool and relieves inflammation.
The product is not recommended for long-term use, so as not to destroy the beneficial intestinal microflora

If you drink chamomile (or administer an enema) at the onset of the disease, you can stop the diarrhea within 2-3 hours. With prolonged diarrhea, herbs alone are no longer enough, despite its powerful healing properties. Therefore, you should not rely only on traditional medicine and ignore visiting a doctor. In the case of small children, it is wise to call an ambulance.

Proper preparation of homemade chamomile medicines

For diarrhea, you can use an infusion or tea made from the plant. It is important to use high-quality raw materials, so you should first make sure that there are no signs of rotting or pests on the flowers. For diarrhea accompanied by severe abdominal pain, it is better to prepare an infusion - it is more concentrated and actively affects the problem. Chamomile tea is recommended for diarrhea, which does not have additional symptoms and proceeds without complications. Preparation of the infusion:

  1. Rub 40 grams with your hands. plant materials (dried flowers are often used).
  2. Bring water (800 ml) to a boil, brew chamomile.
  3. Cover the container tightly and be sure to wrap it in a towel (you can use a thermos, it will shorten the cooking time and allow you to obtain a concentrated product).
  4. Filter the liquid after complete cooling.

You need to take the infusion three times a day. Dosage for adults – 240 ml. It is better to find out from your doctor whether your child can drink the concentrated product. For children, it is usually recommended to reduce the amount of infusion by half. Signs of diarrhea disappear after the first use of chamomile, but it is better not to stop taking it for 24 hours to avoid the development of a relapse. Chamomile tea for diarrhea can be purchased at the pharmacy; for convenient preparation, it is packaged in bags for one-time brewing. The recipe is simple - bring water (200 ml) to a boil and pour in the bag. Infuse like regular tea - for a quarter of an hour. Drink in one go. It is recommended to take tea, like the infusion, three times a day, trying to do this at regular intervals. Usually, signs of diarrhea are no longer a concern.

Features of reception by children

If diarrhea occurs in a child, the dosages indicated on the packages of pharmaceutical chamomile are unacceptable in this case. They are designed to eliminate loose stools in adults.

In addition, chamomile drinks are not given to children in their pure form - mint must also be added to the composition. It will help speed up the process of restoring water balance in a small body.

For preschoolers and adolescents under 12 years of age, only herbal infusions for diarrhea are recommended.

To prepare the drink, take 1 tsp. mint and chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for half an hour. Then filter 2 times through a triple layer of gauze.

Give the drink to the child every 2 hours, dosing the amount according to age:

  • from one year to 7 years, ½ glass of infusion;
  • from 7 to 12 – a glass;
  • Older children can be given an adult dose.

As for infants, self-medication is excluded in their case. You can administer an enema in small portions, but only with the permission of a doctor, because chamomile and mint can provoke an allergic reaction.

In addition, it should be taken into account that chamomile therapy for children’s diarrhea cannot be carried out for more than 2 days. If the diarrhea does not stop, subsequent treatment is carried out in a hospital.


Since the plant has a lot of beneficial properties, you can drink chamomile to prevent diarrhea, hypovitaminosis, and stress. This requires a reduced dosage:

  • for small children – 1/8-1/4 cup per day;
  • for adults – the daily norm is ½ or 1 glass.

When used properly, chamomile for diarrhea quickly copes with diarrhea in children and adults, in addition, it eliminates all the main factors causing the symptom. The plant is an effective antiseptic. However, if it does not have a positive result during the first days, you should consult a doctor.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


All preparations based on chamomile have a strong effect on the human body. Therefore, some categories of patients will have to either limit their use of these medications or completely abandon them.

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • tendency to allergies.

The treatment of infants with chamomile was mentioned above, but it is worth noting once again that in this case the product should be used with caution and only in rare cases, if you are sure that there will be no negative reaction or side effects.

Incorrect dosage when preparing children's formulations can lead to poisoning of the body.

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