Omeprazole for pancreatitis: how to take, analogues, patient reviews, cost

Composition and pharmacological features of the drug

Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and belongs to the category of antiulcer medications. This medicine is able to exert its effect in the acidic sphere of the parietal cells of the stomach and pancreas, helping to reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid at any time of the day. For example, in the acute form of pancreatic disease, it reduces the activity of gastric secretion and reduces the production of pepsin.


  1. In the form of white powder granules placed in an instant gelatin capsule.
  2. Another version of the drug is powder for preparing a solution for intravenous injection.

You can purchase this medicine in a pharmacy chain without a doctor's prescription. The cost of Omeprazole ranges from 50 to 100 rubles, depending on the number of capsules in the package.

The main active ingredient of the drug is Omeprazole. Additional components:

  1. Sucrose.
  2. Lactose.
  3. Mannitol.
  4. Gelatin.
  5. Povidone.
  6. Sodium hydroxide.
  7. Disodium hydroorthophosphate.
  8. Calcium carbonate.
  9. Polysorbate.
  10. Sodium lauryl sulfate.
  11. Titanium dioxide
  12. Propyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  13. Methacrylic acid.
  14. Cetyl alcohol.
  15. Methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Omeprazole is a drug used to treat diseases of the pancreas and a number of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the presence of ulcers. The main substance is omeprazole. Additional components of the product are glycerin, gelatin, water, sodium lauryl sulfate. The medicine is available in the form of tablets of 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg, depending on the concentration of the active substance. The color of the tablets is white or red.

The dosage of the medicine is calculated individually depending on the patient’s diagnosis. The main effect of the drug is aimed at suppressing the production of gastric juice. The auxiliary effects of the drug are the reduction of inflammatory processes in the pancreas, relief of pain arising from ulcers or the entry of gastric juice into the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Omeprazole begins to act 1.5-2 hours after administration.

The duration of the drug effect is up to 24 hours. The course of treatment is calculated individually depending on the patient’s diagnosis. After the patient stops taking this remedy for pancreatitis, the process of secreting hydrochloric acid by parental cells is restored after 4-6 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. The drug is taken shortly before the main meal or with food. In case of severe manifestations of the disease, intravenous administration of the drug may be prescribed.


Before taking Omez, you should consult a doctor. The dosage and course of treatment are selected individually. For exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease, the drug is taken once a day in the morning. The capsule of the medicine is swallowed whole, washed down with water.

The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. If there is no positive dynamics from taking the medication or is weakly expressed, the course is extended for another 2 weeks, but only the attending physician can decide on extending the medication.

In patients diagnosed with reflux esophagitis and the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, the course of treatment is 5 weeks. In severe stages of the disease and an intense symptomatic picture, the duration of treatment is 2 months.

In case of long-term use, individual dosage adjustment is necessary.

If the duodenum is damaged by an ulcerative process with very slow healing, you can take Omeprazole once a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. If ulcer symptoms reappear after treatment, a repeat dose is prescribed with the minimum dosage. It is possible to use the drug for the purpose of prevention in severe cases of ulcers with a minimum dosage of the drug, taken once a day.

Important information: Is fasting beneficial for pancreatitis?

For peptic ulcers, treatment takes 30 days; in case of slow formation of scars on the tissue, the course of taking the drug must be extended for another 1 month. For peptic ulcers, Omeprazole is prescribed for up to 2 weeks to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. If the scarring process is too slow, the duration of treatment is extended for another 2 weeks.

The instructions attached to the medication give the average dosage and the generally accepted course duration for the use of Omeprazole. It is not recommended to rely on these data when taking it on your own. Dose adjustments may always be necessary depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the intensity of the healing process.

Is it possible to use the medicine for prophylactic purposes in the absence of a pronounced symptomatic picture? It is possible, but only after agreement with the attending physician, who calculates the duration of the course, dosage and dosage intervals.

Timeframe for manifestation of therapeutic effect

The medicinal manifestation of the drug is progressive in nature, that is, it begins its active effect an hour after its consumption, but its maximum manifestation should be expected after 2 hours and subsequently lasts 24 hours.

Within 4 days from the start of treatment with this remedy, the first positive results from taking it begin to be observed. However, if treatment is suspended for some reason, the previous volume of hydrochloric acid produced is restored only after 5 days.

Indications for use of the drug

In gastroenterology, Omeprazole is considered a universal remedy that is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  2. Gastritis (in the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria).
  3. Reflux esophagitis (sphincter deformation).
  4. Damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa due to long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. During surgery on the gastrointestinal tract to prevent acids from entering the respiratory system.
  6. When a benign pancreatic tumor is combined with a gastric ulcer (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

In most cases, the drug is taken orally, but in the presence of a certain clinic, intravenous injections of Omeprazole may be prescribed.

Indications for use of the drug

Omeprazole is used to treat pancreatitis at home and in hospital. For outpatient treatment, the drug is prescribed in capsule form. In the hospital, patients are given a medication solution intravenously.

In addition to pancreatitis, the drug is prescribed for other pathologies of the digestive system:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • benign and cancerous tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

Omeprazole during exacerbation of pancreatitis affects the acid-forming ability of the pancreas. When used correctly, there is no addiction to the drug.

With pancreatitis, enzymes do not enter the duodenum and destroy the mucous membranes of the pancreas. The main threat to the body is that when enzymes breakdown, toxins and other harmful substances spread to other vital organs - lungs, heart, etc.

Acute signs of pancreatitis require hospital treatment . As a drug treatment, patients are usually prescribed Omeprazole, which belongs to the group of inhibitors. An important property of the medicine for illness is the removal of enzymes from the gland and a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Omeprazole improves the metabolic process in the body and stimulates a speedy recovery after pancreatitis.

Features of the effect of Omeprazole on the pancreas

Why is Omeprazole prescribed for pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is a rather severe pathological process in which the enzymes produced by the pancreas are not able to enter the duodenum, but remain in the gland, thereby provoking a pathological process - its destruction.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that toxic substances formed during these processes can penetrate into the blood, lungs, heart, and kidneys, which is dangerous for the patient’s health. To avoid such consequences for vital organs, gastroenterologists recommend Omeprazole.

So, is it possible to take Omeprazole for pancreatitis? As mentioned above, this medicine:

  1. Effectively removes enzymes from the pancreas.
  2. Reduces acid secretion.
  3. Reduces tissue swelling.
  4. Reduces pressure in the ducts of the duodenum.
  5. Reduces the amount of pepsin produced.
  6. Relieves painful discomfort.
  7. Maintains an alkaline environment in the duodenum at the proper level.
  8. Reduces the activity of inflammatory processes.
  9. Regulates metabolic processes.

In addition, medical practice has long proven the medicinal effectiveness of this medicine against chronic pancreatitis. This positive effect of Omeprazole on the pancreas with inflammatory processes inside it has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition, thereby bringing the moment of recovery closer.


  • Hemogram, this method shows an increase in ESR, platelets and leukocytes, most often this occurs during inflammatory processes with purulent manifestations, as well as when there is a suspicion of cancer.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood and urine. These studies should show if there are disturbances in the pancreas: an increase in elastase-1, lipase, blood trypsin or urine amylase. Such indicators occur during the inflammatory process. And with the loss of gland cells, that is, its death, most often associated with oncology: it reduces all these enzymes.
  • Coprogram. This is a stool test that can show that fats and proteins are not being digested.
  • Fecal elastase-1 study. If the level of this enzyme decreases, then the specialist can identify malignant tumors, complex pancreatitis, and other abnormalities in the patient in the early stages.
  • Tumor markers. They will talk about whether there is death of tissues and cells of the pancreas against the background of developing oncology.
  • Tests for pancreatic enzyme deficiency. Such tests include: Lund's test, with methionine, bentyramine, with mecholyl ether, pancreatolauric test.
  • Glucose tolerance test or starch load test. This test helps to show disturbances in the production of the very important hormone insulin.

After all the studies have been completed and the tests are ready, the specialist prescribes therapy using medications, including Omeprazole for pancreatitis and a diet, which includes table No. 5.

Dosage of the drug for pancreatic pathology

Before you start taking Omeprazole for the pancreas, you should consult with your doctor - he will tell you the best dosage and dosage regimen. The fact is that the frequency and dose of use of this medication largely depends on the severity and form of pancreatitis.

The table below clearly shows how to drink Omeprazole, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Before starting to take the drug, be sure to consult with your doctor. Methods of application and dosage differ depending on the severity and phase of pancreatitis.

Form and phase of pancreatitisOptimal dosage of the drug
SpicyIt is prescribed 1 time/day in the morning at a dose of 20 mg. Take the capsule with a glass of warm water. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
Acute recurrent pancreatitisTake 40 mg 1 time/day at any time before meals with water. The course of treatment is 1 month. In case of repeated exacerbation, it is recommended to take 10 mg 1 time/day. For the purpose of prevention - 20 mg 1 time / day.
Chronic pancreatitisPrescribed 60 mg 1 time/day before breakfast, washed down with a significant amount of lukewarm water. If absolutely necessary, it is allowed to increase the dose by 2 times, dividing it into 2 doses.
Acute chronic pancreatitis is a rare and severe form of inflammation of the pancreas.The dose of the drug is 80 mg/day once. During exacerbation, the dose may be increased. The time of adoption does not matter. During this exacerbation, a strict diet is observed. Taking omeprazole is combined with taking auxiliary medications. The treatment period is 2 weeks, can be extended.

It is worth emphasizing that an increased dosage of the drug by 2 times is prescribed only by a doctor solely for clinical indications based on the results of the patient’s tests.

It is also worth noting that this medication does not cause addiction and does not lose its primary effectiveness if taken for a long time.

According to the official annotation, Omeprazole can be prescribed from several days to two months, and in some cases these periods can be extended by a gastroenterologist, for example, in the presence of Zollinger-Ellison disease.

Taking medication for pancreatitis

Omeprazole has a wide spectrum of action, but the main purpose of the drug is the treatment of pancreatic diseases and relief of their symptomatic picture. The course of use of the drug depends on the form in which pancreatitis occurs - chronic or acute.

In case of acute pancreatic disease, the drug is taken once a day, if possible in the morning before breakfast or during the morning meal. The capsule is swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water. The duration of use is 14 days; if necessary, the doctor will prescribe another course of treatment.

In case of relapse of pancreatitis, Omeprazole is taken in an increased dosage without reference to the time of day, but if possible before or during meals. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

If the inflammatory process is stopped very slowly, repeated therapy is prescribed, but with a decrease in the initial dosage.

For chronic pancreatitis, the maximum dosage of the drug is prescribed. Drink 1 capsule per day, in the morning, with plenty of water. If the symptomatic picture is suppressed very slowly, the dosage of the medicine is reduced, the amount taken per day is increased to 2 capsules. Data are averaged. Before prescribing the amount of medication and the duration of its use, the patient must undergo a medical examination.

If chronic pancreatitis worsens, this always entails severe symptoms and a long course of the disease. In such cases, the doctor prescribes an increased dosage of the drug. The duration of treatment is individual, therefore the patient periodically needs to undergo a medical examination in order to track the positive dynamics of taking the medicine.

Important information: How to relieve pain from pancreatitis

During treatment, the patient must adhere to a strict diet. In case of severe clinical manifestations of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the drug Omeprazole is recommended to be combined with other medications.

Reviews from patients who have already undergone treatment with Omeprazole confirm the positive effect of the drug on the digestive system. In the presence of chronic stage pancreatitis, it is recommended to take the drug for preventive purposes.

In combination with a therapeutic diet, the remission process can be extended for as long as possible. The drug can be taken only after prescription by the attending physician. If your health condition worsens due to long-term use of the drug, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug or change the drug.

Chronic form

In some cases, treatment gives good results. Therefore, most experts answer positively the question of whether Omeprazole can be used for pancreatitis. If the disease cannot be stopped completely, the disease goes into remission. This condition is called chronic pancreatitis. The gland was unable to recover, and for some reason the inflammation flares up again and again. For treatment to be successful, it is necessary to rest the pancreas and protect it from the effects of acid.

Chronic pancreatitis indicates that the form of the disease has gone into remission, but the gland has not completely recovered. The diseased organ must be protected and supported with restrictions in the daily menu and properly selected medications.

Omeprazole for patients in the chronic stage is prescribed in a dosage of sixty milligrams every twenty-four hours, preferably in the morning, washing down the capsule with plenty of warm water. If absolutely necessary, the doctor can, based on the patient’s test results and the tolerability of the drug components, double the number of capsules.

In a rare form of inflammation of the gland - acute chronic pancreatitis - Omeprazole is increased to eighty milligrams per day for a minimum of fourteen days against the backdrop of a strict diet and additional medications. The dose is increased according to the severity of the disease. In such a case, the time of reception does not matter.

Is it possible to take Omeprazole for cholecystitis?

Very often, the cause of pancreatitis is cholecystitis or vice versa, so therapy for these diseases is approximately the same. The causes of these diseases are also similar and include:

  1. Overeating, poor nutrition or constant fasting and strict diets,
  2. Food poisoning and alcohol abuse, also alcoholism,
  3. Sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, frequent constipation,
  4. Diabetes mellitus, chronic digestive diseases, various types of infections.

Despite the fact that the work of the pancreas and gall bladder is different, their purpose is undeniably similar. This is to help the digestion process with the help of enzymes that these organs secrete. Cholecystitis appears due to stagnation of bile in the bladder, which provokes an inflammatory process. With pancreatitis, pancreatic juice does not leave the gland and this leads to the fact that the organ begins to digest itself.

If we consider the work of a healthy body, the pancreas and gallbladder fully cooperate and complement each other.

When a drug is contraindicated and may cause harm

The opinion that Omeprazole for pancreatitis can be taken by all patients with this disease is completely wrong. This medicine has a pronounced medicinal effect, so it may not be suitable for a person with a certain course of the disease or the presence of some other contraindications.

The use of the drug is prohibited if:

  1. Allergy to medication components.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Breast-feeding.
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Kidney pathologies.
  6. Liver failure.

Omeprazole for pancreatitis: how to use, can it be replaced with omez?

Inflammatory disease of the pancreas - pancreatitis - has become one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, which affects more and more people every year. The course of treatment of the disease, in addition to an individually selected diet, depending on the type and severity of inflammation of the organ, includes the prescription of medications that alleviate the acute condition, promote “unloading” and restoration of the damaged pancreas. A popular first aid remedy is Omeprazole.

Possible side effects

The drug tends to exhibit a number of side effects. The most common negative effects resulting from its use are:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Constipation.
  4. Flatulence.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Headache.
  7. Abdominal pain.

In some cases, other negative symptoms from different organs and systems of the body may be observed.

Systems and organs of the bodyNature of side effects
Gastrointestinal tractIncreased dryness and bitterness in the mouth Stomatitis Increased levels of liver enzymes Sophisticated taste preferences
LiverHepatitis Liver dysfunction
CNSHyperactivity Dizziness Drowsiness Migraine Insomnia Hallucinations Paresthesia Depressive state Encephalopathy
Musculoskeletal systemArthralgia Myalgia Painful muscle discomfort
Hematopoietic systemReduction of leukocytes and platelets
SkinItching Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays Increased hair loss
Allergic reactionBronchospasm Urticaria Breast enlargement Anaphylactic shock Interstitial nephritis Edema of the extremities
Other symptomsDecreased visual acuity Hypomagnesemia Fever Increased sweating Gynecomastia Peripheral edema The appearance of gastric cysts Fracture of the wrist, hip and spine (with long-term use of the drug)

Despite the long list of side effects, the medicine has a high medicinal effect and helps a person cope with pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

Side effects from taking Omeprazole

Like any medicine, Omeprazole has a number of contraindications, from almost invisible and harmless to very serious health problems.

The following side effects may be relatively common:

  • noise in ears;
  • disruption of taste buds;
  • weakness;
  • sleep problems;
  • nausea;
  • increased gas formation.

There are a number of side effects from taking Omeprazole, which, against the background of inflammation of the pancreas, may go unnoticed, since they are also symptoms of pancreatitis:

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen.

When treating pancreatitis, Omeprazole can cause allergic reactions, most often manifested in the form of skin rashes. However, more severe forms of allergies also occur, so at the first sign of intolerance you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

In addition, taking Omeprazole can cause changes in the composition of the blood, which can be noticed during clinical and biochemical tests. Most often, the quantitative ratio of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets changes, but if the patient also suffers from liver pathologies, then the level of the liver enzyme alanine transaminase, as well as bile enzymes, may change.

There have been isolated cases where taking the drug provoked the occurrence of jaundice, hepatitis or liver failure. The patient's advanced age, as well as the presence of serious illnesses, are an additional risk factor - there have been cases of depression, nervous breakdowns and encephalopathy.

What are the dangers of drug overdose?

Omeprazole has a cumulative effect on the diseased organ. If absorption occurs no earlier than an hour later, then the maximum effect should be expected within 2 hours. The therapeutic effect lasts for about a day, maintaining its clinical properties. The drug is non-toxic, and taking more than 10 capsules per day will not lead to bad prognosis.

But you still need to take this medicine with extreme caution and then you will not have to endure the following changes in the body in a severe form:

  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • severe decrease in vision;
  • incoherent consciousness and drowsiness;
  • headache.

This condition cannot be cured by anything; the drug is simply discontinued and a prescription is made that would replace omeprazole according to pharmacological data.

Omeprazole or Omez?

The active substance in both drugs is omeprazole, which reduces inflammation and the production of gastric juice. The differences in medicines are the auxiliary components. But is it possible to replace medications? Omez is considered less aggressive, and therefore has less likelihood of side effects.

Thus, replacing Omeprazole with Omez is possible, but only with the permission of the attending physician. Especially when it comes to the effect on the pancreas.

Interaction with other drugs

For pancreatitis, it is possible to take Omeprazole with other medications. But this takes into account changes in the effect on the patient’s body of other medicinal substances (for example, itraconazole, ketoconazole, iron salts, ampicillin) that enter into a chemical reaction with it.

When interacting with Omeprazole, medications are broken down more slowly, while increasing their concentration in the patient’s tissues and blood.

The drug slows down the elimination of tranquilizers from the body, enhances the effect of anticoagulants and anticonvulsants.

Omeprazole aggravates the negative effects of medications on the hematopoietic system, so you should take the medicine with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

Omeprazole has minimal impact on driving and engaging in activities that require concentration. As for compatibility with alcohol, drinking alcohol during treatment is undesirable due to the risk of side effects.

Combination with other medications and alcohol

Doctors note the good compatibility of Omeprazole with many medications used in the treatment of ulcerative and pancreatic pathologies. However, in a situation where the patient also has other concomitant diseases for which he is taking separately prescribed medications, the doctor must be notified of this fact. The fact is that when using some of them, Omeprazole may be contraindicated.

Group of medicinesCombination with Omeprazole
AntifungalThe absorption and medicinal activity of antifungal agents, for example, Intraconazole, may deteriorate. Joint use is not recommended.
CardiologicalThe simultaneous use of Omeprazole and Digoxin or Warfarin can increase its concentration. As a result, a dosage adjustment of Omeprazole is required. It is also not recommended to take it simultaneously with Clopidogrel (the drug effectiveness of the latter sharply decreases, which is dangerous due to thrombosis).
Different groups of antiretroviral drugsTheir interaction with Omeprazole causes a wide range of characteristic deviations: for example, the concentration of Ritonavir increases, and Nelfinavir decreases.
Neurological drugsThe simultaneous use of Omeprazole and Phenytoin or Diazepam greatly increases the concentration of antiepileptic drugs. Careful dosage adjustment by a specialist is necessary.
Other medicinesOmeprazole does not have a negative effect on the medicinal abilities of Metronidazole and Amoxicillin, but it activates the effect of Clarithromycin. Omeprazole does not affect the drug effect of oral contraceptives, as well as the following medications, such as Piroxicam, Theophylline and Diclofenac.
Alcohol productsThe combination of Omeprazole and ethyl alcohol does not manifest any special abnormalities in their metabolism, however, alcohol is strictly contraindicated in pancreatitis.

Can Pancreatin and Omeprazole be taken together? Guidelines for the use of drugs do not prohibit such interactions, however, these tablets are prescribed for various problems with the digestive system.

The medication Omeprazole is necessary to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, minimizing the aggressive effects of diseases in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatin is indicated for a lack of pancreatic enzymes, facilitating the process of digesting food.

In adults and children, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with insufficient quantities or activity of digestive enzymes often occur. This pathology causes a lot of discomfort to alleviate the symptoms and a number of medications have been developed for treatment. The most popular of them are Pancreatin and Omeprazole. To find out which is better, Pancreatin or Omeprazole, you should consider their scope of application and mechanisms of action.

The main active ingredient of the drug is pancreatin itself. It is isolated from the pancreas of a cow or pig.

Pancreatin contains the following enzymes:

  • Amylase. Responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • Protease. Responsible for the decomposition of proteins;
  • Lipase. Helps the body absorb fats;
  • Trypsin. Activates the pancreas and relieves discomfort.

The drug shell is made of safe components.

According to the instructions, take the medicine for diseases such as:

  • Pancreatitis;
  • Fibrosis of the pancreas with the formation of cysts;
  • All kinds of pathologies of the pancreas and biliary tract;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Pancreatin is also prescribed as a concomitant drug in the following cases:

  • After surgery performed on the stomach;
  • Rehabilitation after pancreatic resection;
  • After a course of radiation therapy;
  • Preparation for ultrasound examination.

The dose and schedule of administration are prescribed to the patient individually.

But in the instructions you can find the following recommendations:

  • Patients aged 6 to 9 years – one tablet per day;
  • From 10 to 14 years – two tablets with any meal once a day;
  • In adults, the dose varies from 2 to 4 tablets at a time. The number of doses can be up to 6 times per day.

To find out whether Omeprazole and Pancreatin can be taken together, you should also consider Omeprazole.

Omeprazole is a Russian analogue of the Indian drug Omez.

Based on the principle of its effect on the body, this medicine is classified as a proton pump inhibitor. It reduces the secretion of gastric juice and removes what has already been secreted, reducing acidity.

The use of the drug leads to:

  • Relieving pain from inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Reducing inflammatory processes;
  • Reduces the formation of hydrochloric acid;
  • Normalizes metabolism.

Omeprazole helps with the following diseases:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in acute form, as well as in remission;
  • Reflux esophagitis;
  • Acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis, in both chronic and acute forms, can cause considerable harm to the body if it is not treated promptly.

In the chronic form, Omeprazole is prescribed to be taken once in a dosage of 60 ml. The drug should be taken with plenty of water. At the discretion of the specialist, the dose can be increased, but then the drug is taken in the morning and evening.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, a course of Omeprazole is prescribed in a dosage of 40 ml. The duration is determined individually.

Each of the drugs has a number of therapeutic properties that complement each other and make it possible to obtain a more powerful effect in the treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • erosions in the esophagus;
  • heartburn;
  • gastropathy caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • pancreatitis in acute or chronic form.

Is it possible to take Omeprazole and Pancreatin 8000 together? In the morning, 30 minutes before meals, drink an anti-pancreatitis remedy, and after each meal, take 2-4 tablets of an enzyme remedy. This scheme helps to alleviate the condition of an adult patient, to prevent complications, the development of unwanted symptoms, bloating, and intestinal dysfunction.

The medication is produced in the form of capsules; they contain 0.01 grams of the main active ingredient. The medicine should be stored:

  • in a dark place;
  • out of reach of children;
  • at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.

Since the drug is a fairly popular remedy against pancreatitis, some patients are confident that almost anyone can use it. However, this is fundamentally incorrect, since the medicine has a pronounced effect and is not suitable for every patient.

As you know, Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor; it reduces acidity in the stomach, inhibiting the activity of a number of enzymes.

To increase efficiency, we recommend Almagel, a drug that is affordable, time-tested, and sometimes simply irreplaceable. The drugs have good compatibility if taken correctly. Instead of Almagel, you can take Pancreatin Lect, reviews about it are also good.

Prevention of pancreatitis

Self-administration of Omeprazole, including for preventive purposes, is strictly not recommended.

It is impossible to cure pancreatitis, especially chronic pancreatitis, forever. However, subject to a number of measures, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of attacks of the disease.

In order to prevent the occurrence of pancreatitis, you should follow a diet, exclude from the diet all spicy, fried and pickled foods, as well as alcohol. It is necessary to monitor your health very carefully, because the inflammatory process in any of the neighboring organs can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify and treat diseases at an early stage.

In general, we can say that a healthy lifestyle and complete abandonment of bad habits is the best prevention of pancreatitis.

To summarize, it can be used quite successfully for the treatment of acute pancreatitis. Despite the fact that pancreatitis is not its “main goal,” the drug successfully eliminates inflammation and swelling of pancreatic tissue and copes with pain. However, you should not take the drug yourself, much less diagnose yourself. Symptoms of pancreatitis may indicate the presence of much more serious diseases, therefore, at the first suspicion of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

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