Is it possible to stick to sports nutrition if you have gastritis?

  • September 3, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Legina Marina

The benefits and harms of protein supplements are legendary. Today on the Internet you can find a variety of information that protein shakes completely destroy the kidneys and liver, undermine health and lead to addiction. Others argue that, on the contrary, it is a complete source of energy, without which an athlete will not be able to build good muscle mass. Studying information from reliable sources, you come to the conclusion that the second statement is much closer to the truth, since proteins are extracted from ordinary products and are not created artificially.

But today we were interested in another question. What should an athlete do if his stomach suffers? Is it possible to drink protein if you have gastritis? Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are so common that probably every second person is faced with a similar question.

Specify the diagnosis

The first thing to do if you have stomach pain is to get examined. You should not ask a fitness trainer whether you can drink protein if you have gastritis. The answer will most likely be yes. However, he is not a specialist in gastroenterology.

Be sure to tell your doctor that you want to start or continue taking a protein shake. Depending on the characteristics of the disease in your case, he may allow or prohibit sports nutrition. The fact is that gastritis is a disease that leads to disruption of the stomach, caused by inflammatory processes. And in each specific case the disease progresses completely differently.

How to take medications?

Sports nutrition for gastritis must be selected with the help of your attending physician and taken in a convenient dosage form, which the doctor will recommend depending on the clinical case.

Tablets and capsules of sports nutrition preparations are taken, as a rule, after meals 30-40 minutes or 1 hour before meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Powdered sports nutrition preparations are taken in pure form, but can be added to food immediately before use; the preparations are also diluted with water and drunk, but this impairs the process of their absorption in the stomach.

Liquid medications for gastritis are taken only after meals!

Basic forms

The answer to the question of whether you can drink protein if you have gastritis lies in what is happening inside your body. Gastrointestinal diseases are very common among athletes, and this does not mean that you need to give up what you love. Just get tested and follow your doctor's further recommendations. During the remission stage, you can continue to take sports nutrition and also go to the training room.

If acute gastritis is diagnosed, then a strict diet will be required and, of course, you will need to forget about proteins for a while. The superficial form is treated quite quickly, so you will return to an active lifestyle in 3-4 weeks. Erosive gastritis will require drug therapy, which is accompanied by a gentle diet. The chronic form involves long-term remission, but excess tension and stress on the gastrointestinal tract can lead to exacerbation.

Sports nutrition

Gastrointestinal diseases are very diverse, and only a doctor can understand the countless forms of gastritis. The patient will definitely be prescribed physical therapy and a diet that will follow from the diagnosis. Therefore, only a specialist can decide whether it is possible to drink protein if you have gastritis.

Not only the form and stage of the disease, but also the selected cocktails are taken into account. The composition of sports nutrition may vary. These are food supplements with microelements, vitamins, gainers and carbohydrates, fat burners and creatines, nutrients and amino acids. High-quality cocktails will be an excellent help for a sore stomach during the recovery period. They are easily digested, without giving extra load, since the protein and all other elements are already partially broken down. Thanks to this, the stomach is restored without the need to digest meat, eggs and other sources of components important for muscle mass. The body receives all the necessary substances, the athlete feels full and light, energy increases, and general condition improves. Judging from this point of view, a protein shake for gastritis is a real godsend.


Sports nutrition stores tirelessly advertise their products. The harmfulness, of course, is mentioned in passing, convincing potential buyers of the absolute benefits and 100% result in building muscle mass. The range of proteins is so large that it is not easy for even a specialist to understand it. We analyzed the characteristics of the main groups of protein supplements and divided them into several groups.


These are special food additives containing simple carbohydrates and proteins. Manufacturers position them as energy-dense products that will allow you to lift weights more efficiently. That is, by consuming gainers before an intense workout, you will provide the body with an excellent supply of energy, which is determined by the carbohydrate composition of the product. Proteins in gainers are contained in smaller quantities, but in combination with carbohydrates they are perfectly absorbed, promoting the formation and growth of new muscle tissue cells.

Contact a consultant for help

Usually the doctor is not a specialist in the field of sports nutrition, so he will only give general recommendations. You will have to choose a specific product yourself. Protein is not contraindicated for gastritis with low acidity. In this case, a diet with foods containing protein is prescribed. And what could be easier on the stomach if not ready-made protein that does not require additional processing? It is recommended to increase the generation of gastric juice with acidic foods. Doctors do not rule out the possibility of using cocktails with protein and carbohydrates. But it is better to exclude creatine supplements. However, you will also need to focus on personal feelings. If you feel discomfort after taking a cocktail, it is better to postpone consuming them until you have fully recovered.

The drug de-nol - instructions for use for gastritis

Doctors often recommend de-nol tablets to patients diagnosed with gastritis and ulcers. This medicine has a multifaceted effect. It works in three directions at once:

  • reduces the aggressive activity of gastric juice and regulates the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • forms a protective film on the inner surfaces of the stomach due to the precipitation of proteins and creates a barrier of mucin (mucus);
  • suppresses the vital processes of harmful bacteria Helicobacter.

De-nol - indications for use

The main substance in the drug is potassium bismuth tricitrate. It is supplemented by magnesium stearate, potassium polyacrylate, macrogol, povidone and corn starch.

The tablets are available in a pale cream, almost white coat.

The medicine is prescribed to patients suffering from:

  • 1Basic principles of nutrition
  • 2What can you eat?
  • 3What can't you eat?
  • 4Drinks for diarrhea
  • 5Diet for diarrhea in children
  • 6Traditional medicine

Increased acidity

Once again, individual protein intolerance must be taken into account, since the protein itself is completely natural. The main thing is to avoid supplements that contain extra amino acids. Protein for gastritis with high acidity is not prohibited. With this diagnosis, it is recommended to remove from the diet all heavy foods that overload the stomach. A strict diet involves consuming carbohydrates and proteins at every meal. If there is no contraindication, then gainer cocktails are also allowed.

In principle, choosing a product with high acidity is a little easier. The athlete must take care to protect the gastric mucosa from the effects of acid and get rid of the cause of this disorder. And that's it, the problem is solved. In this case, the metabolism is only activated, and weight is not lost.

Is it possible to drink gainers if you have gastritis?

You are passionate about sports, strive for perfect shape, and suddenly, after an annual medical examination, you find out that you have gastritis.
Slight bewilderment gives way to doubts - what to do with the nutritional supplements that you use to increase muscle mass, for example, with proteins? After all, the doctor explained for a long time that gastritis can be cured only by carefully following a gentle diet! And you forgot to ask whether sports nutrition is included in the permitted list of dietary products. Don’t despair, we will answer how to combine sports, a gentle diet and proteins.

In case of acute gastritis and exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, you should not get carried away with sports nutrition . And in general, you cannot get carried away with any kind of nutrition - during an exacerbation, patients are prescribed a starvation diet for several days; pain in the epigastric region, nausea and discomfort will not allow them to take solid food during the inflammatory period. Yes, and you will have to stop playing sports at this time.

Chronic gastritis of various forms without exacerbation is not a contraindication for the use of sports nutrition. However, it is unwise to take this information unambiguously - not all protein supplements are completely harmless. And not all sports are allowed if you have the disease. If you've been involved in weightlifting, marathon running, or contact wrestling, you'll likely need to change your type of athletic training. Any blows and strong tension in the abdominal muscles will inevitably lead to an exacerbation of gastritis.

Here are recommended sports that you can play without fear:

  • Swimming;
  • Fitness, aerobics, stretching;
  • Race walking, including Nordic walking;
  • Tennis, badminton, jogging;
  • Yoga.

There is no strict prohibition regarding team sports, but if you engage in them professionally, it is better to consult your doctor.

Important! Kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, and strength training are contraindicated for gastritis.

So, we’ve decided on the types of sports, now let’s look at protein supplements in detail.

Sports nutrition stores tirelessly advertise their products. The harmfulness, of course, is mentioned in passing, convincing potential buyers of the absolute benefits and 100% result in building muscle mass. The range of proteins is so large that it is not easy for even a specialist to understand it. We analyzed the characteristics of the main groups of protein supplements and divided them into several groups.

These are special food additives containing simple carbohydrates and proteins. Manufacturers position them as energy-dense products that will allow you to lift weights more efficiently. That is, by consuming gainers before an intense workout, you will provide the body with an excellent supply of energy, which is determined by the carbohydrate composition of the product. Proteins in gainers are contained in smaller quantities, but in combination with carbohydrates they are perfectly absorbed, promoting the formation and growth of new muscle tissue cells.

If you take gainers after a workout, you replenish the already wasted energy. That's what the manufacturers say.

An interesting nuance. Due to the large amount of simple carbohydrates, post-workout gainers can contribute to weight gain, which is not always desirable. Carbohydrate in combination with protein stimulates the formation of fat cells, all nutritionists know this.

Now about the use of gainers for gastritis. The situation is this: if you have gastritis, you shouldn’t get carried away with too intense exercise. And if the loads are small, then you are unlikely to need extra energy reserves. A patient with gastritis also doesn’t need excess weight, so it’s wise to give up gainers and choose another protein product.

Sports nutrition stores recommend creatine as a dietary protein supplement that promotes endurance and muscle growth.

The human body, namely muscle tissue, contains natural creatine, which we get from protein foods - eggs, red meat, fish, etc. But for creatine to “work” to increase muscle mass, this amount is not enough for a person.

You can naturally replenish your reserves by eating several kilograms of protein products per day. This is impossible and unsafe, especially for people with gastritis.

Artificial creatine is available in powder and capsules. Take it for at least a month, according to a certain scheme. The product increases endurance and promotes muscle growth in swimmers, gymnasts and other athletes. For gastritis, it is advisable to use creatine only in case of depletion of the body . Normally, the product is not necessary for patients with gastritis.

Interesting! To accurately calculate the optimal dose for a particular person, it is necessary to examine a biopsy of muscle tissue to determine its creatine content. Only based on the results of the study will the dose be selected correctly.

For gastritis, creatine is not contraindicated, but we suggest you think carefully about whether you need it. An overdose of synthetic creatine is fraught with unpleasant consequences - diarrhea, disruption of the digestive tract, etc.

This dietary supplement is produced from whey and is completely natural. It is produced in 3 types:

  • Concentrate. Contains proteins, some cholesterol, fat. The lactose carbohydrate level ranges from 20 – 80%. The degree of purification of the product is weak.
  • Isolate. A cleaner protein product. Biologically active components account for up to 90% of the composition. Whey protein isolate undergoes higher quality purification.
  • Hydrolyzate. A highly hydrolyzed product with a high content of easily digestible proteins. It is more expensive than isolate and concentrate, but has a bitter taste and can cause allergic reactions.

For gastritis, the use of whey protein is not prohibited, except in cases of individual intolerance. You should also remember that whey protein, like all fermented milk products, can cause discomfort in the intestines.

A good product not only for professional athletes, but also for patients with gastritis. It is an easily digestible water-soluble extract from egg whites, soybeans and whey.

It perfectly satisfies hunger and can serve as a lifesaver when it is impossible to eat normally. Enriches the diet with valuable proteins, provided that it does not contain dyes or sweeteners.

Such cocktails are recommended for exhausted patients, some patients with cancer problems.

With gastritis, you need to think about your figure secondarily. Taking care of your own health should come first. Therefore, if you do not really trust proteins, replace them with natural protein products - tuna, salmon, egg whites, lean meat. Just don’t forget about the rules for preparing dietary dishes. Your options are boiling, stewing, steaming, baking. It is important.

Review the table. In it we summarized the information on the use of various protein supplements for gastritis with varying acidity.

Acute gastritis and exacerbation of chronic gastritisGastritis with high acidityGastritis with low acidityChronic gastritis without exacerbationAtrophic, catarrhal gastritis
Protein drinks are allowed no more than 2 times a day in order to compensate for nutritional deficiencies. Gainers excluded. Gainers and creatine are prohibited. Light protein shakes are allowed only in small doses, under the supervision of a doctor. Whey proteins, cocktails, and gainers are allowed in limited quantities.All protein supplements are allowed that do not contain monosaccharides, dyes, sweeteners or flavorsProtein supplements are not recommended

If your stomach still hurts after taking protein supplements, do the following:

  • Take an antacid - Hefal, Almagel - neo and an enzyme preparation - Mezim, Festal, Motilium.
  • Follow your diet carefully after the pain subsides.
  • Stop taking nutritional supplements for a while and make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of using proteins in your case.

The opinion of doctors and a professional athlete on sports nutrition:

We introduced you to the main types of protein supplements and discussed how to properly use them for gastritis. We hope our tips will be useful and help avoid exacerbations of the disease. Gastritis is a vengeful pathology, if you don’t think about it and don’t follow the recommendations on nutrition, exercise and regimen, it will definitely remind you of itself with pain and complications. Remember this.


Can gainer be diluted in water? Can it be used if you have gastritis? Is it allowed to mix with milk?

Such questions are very common, despite the fact that gainers are already quite popular.

We cannot cover all questions, so we will try to answer the most common ones.

What questions interest you personally - ask in the comments!

It’s not even possible to mix gainer with water, but it’s necessary.

This method is the main one in using the mixture. Since the gainer is a powder, it is quite problematic to consume it in dry form, so you need to drink it with water.

The most optimal proportions can always be found out from the information on the packaging.

If the manufacturer has limited itself to indicating the composition and a table of energy value, then you can safely observe the following proportion:

for 200 ml of liquid 120-150 g. gainer.

You should not strictly adhere to this option; you can vary the amount of water and mixture, depending on your sports goals and taste preferences.

To obtain a uniform texture, which is several times more pleasant to drink than a strange mixture with lumps inside, use a mixer or shaker.

A mixer (blender) is easy to find in home appliance supermarkets, and a shaker can be found in sports nutrition stores.

It will not be difficult to choose inexpensive models, but they will serve you well.

To dilute the gainer, use water at room temperature.

Yes, the mixture can be safely mixed with fruit or vegetable juice.

Milk and fermented milk products are also perfect for dilution.

It is important to note that milk adds calories to the cocktail.

You can get rid of this to some extent by using low-fat dairy products.

Everyone’s taste needs are different, so you can safely change the amount of juice so as not to turn the sports drink into a cloyingly sweet liquid.

Some people ask whether it can be used, for example, by sprinkling it on cottage cheese or porridge.

There is no point in the combination “gainer + cottage cheese”.

The mixture in liquid form is much easier and faster to digest. It is better to eat cottage cheese and porridge separately.

Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture, so there is nothing dangerous in it for the stomach.

You should only pay attention to the additives that are used to flavor the mixture. It is necessary to refrain from aggressive impurities.

Sports nutrition in general has a fairly positive effect on those with these diseases. Moreover, fractional frequent consumption of food.

The main thing is to exclude from the diet:

The mixture should not replace a full-fledged diet.

No sports supplement can replace the proteins, fats and carbohydrates from solid foods that are so necessary for building a beautiful body.

The gainer is ideal for use between meals.

If you don't have enough time to cook, the proteins and carbohydrates contained in the cocktail can come to the rescue. Even if you drink it on an empty stomach.

But it is undesirable to abuse such a diet.

Do not forget that, despite the composition, a gainer is only a supplement and not a replacement for food.

The main purpose of using a gainer is to help you gain weight.

Therefore, its use for girls is a double-edged sword.

The characteristics of the female body can quickly turn gainer intake into a rapid increase in body fat. Reducing portions can help with this.

Remember that you should always listen to your body - stop taking it as soon as you notice weight gain on your tummy and sides.

Another danger when girls take gainer is the likelihood of stretch marks.

The skin may not be able to cope with rapid weight gain and then “drying”.

As for children (under 15 years old), you first need to understand how exactly a protein-carbohydrate supplement can help a growing body, which simple nutritious nutrition cannot provide.

If a child is prone to thinness, it is unlikely that a gainer will help him grow “meat”.

Especially if the age-related hormonal surge is still ahead.

For children, the best option for using sports formulas is to replace fast food snacks, which a growing body cannot pass by.

Diluting protein or gainer in the morning and putting it in your child’s bag is not such a bad option. Especially considering that food in schools leaves much to be desired.

Add fruit to the cocktail, and your child will no longer think about what unhealthy snack he can have after studying and training.


Particular attention must be paid to the quality of the gainer. You shouldn’t skimp on the health of a young body. Carefully study the composition of the mixture before purchasing.

The main difference between protein and gainer is that the first consists only of proteins, while the second also includes carbohydrates.

Proteins are the main building material for the body, while carbohydrates are the source of energy for construction.

The combined use of gainer and proteins depends on your body type and goals.

Many athletes recommend mixing protein and gainer to select the best protein-carbohydrate balance specifically for your body.

The proportions in this case are absolutely individual, but if you are prone to gaining excess weight, prioritize proteins.

In addition to mixing protein and gainer in one cocktail, you can also divide their intake throughout the day.

For example, you can drink a gainer before training - this will give you extra energy. And drink protein immediately after to supplement the body with material for building muscles.

The manufacturer indicates all dates and expiration dates on the packaging.

But the basic rules for storing dry sports formula are: do not store in direct sunlight; monitor the humidity level in the room, it should be dry enough; Do not open the package with the mixture again, reduce contact with the open environment.

Thus, where it is dry and dark is an ideal place to store sports supplements. The spoon you use to prepare the cocktail should also be dry.

If milk or dairy products were used in preparation, the only storage option is the refrigerator.

But it’s better to drink a fresh cocktail right away, since even in the refrigerator, storing the diluted mixture for more than a day is not recommended.

The best time to take sports supplements is the so-called protein-carbohydrate window immediately after training.

Your body needs support more than ever, just after hard work.

The usual recommendation for taking a gainer: 2-3 times a day of rest, plus an additional dose on a training day.

If you feel that you are gaining unnecessary fat, reduce the portions or frequency of consumption. It may not be possible to immediately select the optimal dosage option; if you have a fast metabolism, you will have to increase the portion on the contrary.

Try different options and listen to your body.

The meaning of “gaining mass” completely evaporates without training.

This is not a magic potion. And if you don’t spend energy and work on yourself, all a gainer will give you is problems with excess weight.

For example, the gainer also won’t give you the treasured “pack” on your stomach; it will rather bury them under a layer of “fat.”

That's all for today! Ask your questions in the comments and we will try to answer them!


Proper nutrition is of great importance in the life of a patient with gastritis. Moreover, thanks to the right food, you can improve your health and also get rid of those hated kilograms. But what about fitness and powerlifting enthusiasts suffering from stomach inflammation who want to stay in shape and continue to do what they love? Many of them are concerned about the state of their muscle mass and the possible ban on consuming protein if they have gastritis.

The medical community is actively debating this issue, so there is no clear answer. However, sports doctors do not see anything wrong with it if athletes with an inflamed stomach take protein.

A protein is a protein consisting of a chain of amino acids. Protein is a building material without which no cell, tissue or organ can survive. Proteins can be plant or animal, and are also divided into isolate, hydrolysate, concentrate and their mixture. Why do athletes use protein? By regularly consuming foods containing a lot of protein, athletes build muscle mass, get rid of fat deposits and maintain the energy boost needed for a full workout. Protein promotes the renewal of every cell in the body and makes the athlete’s body more prominent.

When a person plays sports, he needs a certain amount of nutrients and calories, which he spends during exercise. However, the diet for some types of gastritis is less caloric and therefore poorly comparable to high physical activity. Sports nutrition largely consists of proteins, which are the main components in dietary nutrition. Therefore, if there is no allergy to milk and egg proteins, as well as individual intolerance to these elements, then the proteins can be taken.

In sports nutrition there are also gainers (proteins and carbohydrates) and BCAA, consisting of three amino acids that cannot be synthesized by organisms. But can you drink them if you have stomach diseases? These sports nutrition products, like creatine, are recommended to be consumed after meals and not on an empty stomach! It is very important to take into account the fact that, for example, flavors based on fruit acids are most often added to gainers, which strongly irritate the gastric mucosa.

In any case, before starting to take protein shakes, you should consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will tell you how to take amino acids for gastritis with high or low acidity, what to do in the stage of exacerbation or remission of the disease.

  • For gastritis with low acidity, an important goal is to increase the level of gastric juice. Consequently, its production can be activated only with acidic foods, without irritating the inflamed walls. In this case, the diet consists of fermented milk products. Protein preparations with carbohydrate compositions are allowed to be consumed, but in limited quantities.
  • With gastritis with high acidity, it is very difficult for the diseased organ to digest heavy, coarse and high-calorie foods. On days of a strict diet, gainers containing carbohydrate compounds and BCAA are prohibited. Since these drugs increase the release of insulin, which, when released into the blood, provokes an exacerbation of the disease. Protein consumption is allowed if there are no contraindications from a doctor. Thus, a person’s metabolic processes in the body are activated, and the process of assimilation and digestion of food is significantly improved.
  • The chronic course of the disease forces a person to limit himself to many dishes from the usual diet. Without receiving enough vitamins and nutrients, a person begins to lose weight and suffer from vitamin deficiency. In case of chronic gastritis, before each meal, it is necessary to take protein and carbohydrate elements of sports nutrition, which speed up the process of food processing and normalize intestinal motor function.
  • The acute form of the disease is characterized by a strict diet, especially in the first 3-4 days. During this period, the body suffers from a high lack of nutrients. In this case, it is allowed to drink protein mixtures in order to replenish the general condition of the patient and replenish the body with missing nutrients. However, sports nutrition should be in minimal quantities (1-2 doses per day) so as not to provoke an increase in insulin in the blood.
  • Atrophic and catarrhal gastritis excludes the use of protein supplements in the diet. But in some cases, it is possible to use a protein drug so that vitamins, micro- and macroelements are better absorbed in the human body. In this case, the attending physician must strictly monitor the patient’s well-being.

Protein is very popular among ordinary people and athletes, and all because it has a number of convincing arguments about its benefits:

  • increases muscle mass;
  • suppresses appetite by increasing amino acid levels;
  • with the help of protein you can reach your daily protein requirement, which is very suitable for vegetarians and those who do not like meat;
  • easy to use: just dilute the powder with milk or water;
  • when used correctly, it normalizes insulin levels in healthy and even sick people;
  • increases strength, energy and endurance;
  • is not a perishable product;
  • safe for health;
  • exceptional protein with low fat and carbohydrate content;
  • is well absorbed by the body, does not cause discomfort or heaviness of the stomach;
  • enriches the body with useful substances and vitamins;
  • normalizes the functioning of all body systems;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • restores the body after physical activity.

Stomach diseases never go away on their own. Therefore, first of all, you need to worry about health, and then about a beautiful body. If you adhere to certain recommendations for using sports nutrition for gastritis, then you will not have to choose between sports and health.


The question of whether sports nutrition is possible for gastritis worries many people suffering from this disease, because a sports diet is not only properly balanced, but also benefits the functioning of the digestive organs.

This regimen is used for many diseases of the digestive tract, but before using it for gastritis, you need to know the form of the disease and the level of stomach acidity.

Sports nutrition is a series of nutritional supplements that are rich in vitamins and microelements; it includes protein or pure protein, gainers or mixtures of proteins and carbohydrates of different levels, creatine, amino acids, fat burners, and nutrients. The drugs are available in the form of capsules, tablets, powder and liquid. Tablets and capsules are washed down with water and taken before or after meals; the powder is added to food immediately before taking it. In liquid form, take it as syrup after meals.

Sports nutrition is easily absorbed in the body, because the substances included in it are practically broken down and, under the influence of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, are quickly broken down completely and absorbed in the body. Due to this feature, the body spends a minimum amount of strength and energy on the breakdown and absorption of substances, due to which the body feels a surge of strength and energy, lightness in the stomach and satiety at the same time. When consuming sports nutrition, people experience vigor and an improvement in the general condition of the body.

Sports nutrition is prescribed to people involved in sports and those involved in intense physical activity and work. This is necessary to replenish the vitamin balance in the body, to maintain and restore muscle mass, because a regular diet is not always able to provide people performing complex physical activities with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Sports nutrition gives such an effect and saturates the human body with vitamins and microelements in their pure form. But it is important not to confuse a sports diet with dietary supplements (BAS). Sports nutrition is a complete drug, and dietary supplements are an additional supplement to food. Sports nutrition is safe for the human body.

Gastritis is a disorder of the digestive process in the stomach, which leads to disruption of its microflora and irritation of the walls of the organ.

There are several types of gastritis: gastritis with low or high acidity, chronic or acute, etc.

In all cases, nutrition plays an important role in restoring the functioning of the organ and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients with gastritis are prescribed foods with caution, drawing up special long-term diets and tables of caloric content of foods, planning the daily diet, calculating the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed.

Along with the diet, the patient can eat sports nutrition, but it is better to consult a doctor before taking it.

  1. With gastritis with low acidity, protein foods in the human diet are limited, which means that it is necessary to activate the production of gastric juice with acidic foods, but in such a way as not to irritate the walls of the stomach. In this case, the diet is based on the intake of fermented milk products. Protein, protein and carbohydrate formulations are allowed to be taken. The use of creatine supplements is strictly prohibited.
  2. Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity boils down to removing foods that are difficult for the stomach, coarse and high-calorie foods from the diet. Preparations on days of a strict diet should not be carbohydrate-based and contain monosaccharides. Otherwise, the patient’s condition may worsen through the release of insulin into the blood. For gastritis with high acidity, as a rule, protein compositions are consumed with every meal. Gainer drugs are also allowed to be used, but if there are no contraindications from a doctor. Thus, in a person with increased acidity, metabolic processes in the body are activated, the process of food processing improves, and the person does not lose weight.
  3. With chronic gastritis, a person is systematically limited in taking many dishes from the usual diet, due to which he loses weight and suffers from a lack of useful vitamins and microelements in the body. In case of chronic disease, protein and carbohydrate microelements of sports nutrition are indicated, which must be taken by adding to food immediately before meals. This will speed up the process of food processing and intestinal motor function.
  4. During the acute form of the disease, the diet is significantly reduced in the first days, this is accompanied by a deficiency of nutrients in the body, so sports nutrition can improve the general condition of the patient and compensate for the lack of nutrients in the human body. In this clinical case, carbohydrate medications are indicated, but in small doses, up to 1-2 doses per day, so as not to provoke an increase in insulin in the blood. You can take gainer drugs, but also in small doses and only while eating.
  5. In case of atrophic, phlegmonous, fibrinous and catarrhal gastritis, the use of sports nutrition in the diet is not recommended, but in some clinical cases it is possible to use protein preparations in order to improve the absorption of vitamins and microelements in the body and maintain the general well-being of the patient under the strict supervision of the attending doctor.

As you know, in diseases of the stomach, digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, the question of nutrition and the choice of medications for the treatment of ailments is very acute, because it is these systems that are responsible for the vitality of the body.
In such cases, you need to be especially careful when choosing food, drinking water, nutritional supplements and, of course, sports nutrition products, because they consist of the strongest concentrates of nutrients that have different effects on a particular body. Among the prohibited sports nutrition drugs for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis, amino acid preparations are noted, since they affect the level of acidity in the stomach and can increase it, regardless of how much of the drug enters the body. Creatine is also considered unsafe for use for gastritis, because it provokes an increase in stomach acidity and can lead to the formation of erosions and ulcers if consumed in large doses. It is necessary to treat carbohydrate preparations and their composition with caution, because such drugs provoke an increase in blood sugar levels and have a bad effect on the process of digesting food. Protein preparations can be taken for gastritis, but in small quantities.

Sports nutrition for gastritis must be selected with the help of your attending physician and taken in a convenient dosage form, which the doctor will recommend depending on the clinical case.

Tablets and capsules of sports nutrition preparations are taken, as a rule, after meals 30-40 minutes or 1 hour before meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Powdered sports nutrition preparations are taken in pure form, but can be added to food immediately before use; the preparations are also diluted with water and drunk, but this impairs the process of their absorption in the stomach.

Liquid medications for gastritis are taken only after meals!


Chronic course of the disease

This is a more difficult option, since the disease is practically not curable. That is, the stages of remission and exacerbation will constantly change one another. If a person is diagnosed with this form, then his diet is seriously limited. A large number of dishes are now completely prohibited. Consequently, the athlete quickly loses weight and also suffers from vitamin deficiency.

Protein for chronic gastritis is no less important. A diet with low fat content and gentle nutrition is recommended. The basis should be proteins and carbohydrates in the most accessible form for absorption. Therefore, high-quality cocktails are recommended for consumption. Sports nutrition should be consumed in small quantities before meals to speed up the process of gastric motor functions.

About the benefits and a beautiful figure - is it worth drinking proteins for gastritis and what can replace them?

You are passionate about sports, strive for perfect shape, and suddenly, after an annual medical examination, you find out that you have gastritis.
Slight bewilderment gives way to doubts - what to do with the nutritional supplements that you use to increase muscle mass, for example, with proteins? After all, the doctor explained for a long time that gastritis can be cured only by carefully following a gentle diet! And you forgot to ask whether sports nutrition is included in the permitted list of dietary products. Don’t despair, we will answer how to combine sports, a gentle diet and proteins.

What to give up

As we have already said, cocktails with amino acids and creatine, which are high in carbohydrates, should be excluded. All formulations labeled BCAA should be put aside until health conditions are restored. Clean protein shakes are acceptable, but in small quantities. It is not recommended to take them on an empty stomach. First the main meal, then the shake. This will reduce the chance of stomach irritation.

When choosing, do not rely on advertising. Only a specialist in this field can recommend a truly high-quality product that will not harm your body, but will allow you to get better faster. Of course, in parallel with proteins, you need to eat high-quality food. These are fermented milk products, boiled fish and lean meat, stewed vegetables.

What sports supplements are prohibited for gastritis?

In the case of sports nutrition for stomach diseases, there is a certain paradox, since it is the additives that are part of nutritional mixtures and cause irritation in the stomach that are aimed at normalizing muscle function and benefiting the body. Amino acids included in food cause irreparable harm to your gastrointestinal tract, especially if taken on an empty stomach. It doesn’t matter at all in what form you take amino acids, in tablets, powder or capsules, you will notice the consequences of taking them immediately, because they have the same negative effect on the stomach.

Another mucous irritating additive found in sports nutrition is called creatine. If you suffer from gastritis, but the desire to get in great shape does not leave you, do not be discouraged. You don’t have to give up sports mixtures that contain keratin and amino acids, because their value is very high. You can eat food with them, adhering to several rules:

  1. 1. Take amino acids and creatine only after meals, never on an empty stomach. This type of nutrition will slightly reduce the effectiveness of the effect, but it will not irritate the gastric mucosa and will still provide benefits to the body. It is recommended to take creatine with gainers, which will weaken their irritating properties, this is also to the detriment of the speed of absorption of the drugs, but the effectiveness of their effects will not be affected.
  • 2. Review your nutritional dosage, try to take smaller portions of sports supplements, but more often. This approach will significantly ease the load on the stomach. It is recommended to drink yogurt before taking amino acids.
  • 3. Choose only high-quality sports nutrition, do not try to save money, because untested supplements can lead to dire consequences. Don’t believe flashy advertisements and promotions, buy only food that you know from people you trust.

    While taking the above supplements, monitor your body's reaction, if after any medications you feel bloating, abdominal discomfort, constipation or diarrhea, stop taking the supplement immediately. With gastritis, the acidity of the body increases, as a result of which food additives are absorbed very slowly, so before you start sports nutrition, you need to reduce the acidity and strengthen the body a little.

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