Features of eating beets for gastritis

Is it possible to eat beets if you have gastritis?

It’s not for nothing that beets are increasingly called the queen of the vegetable garden. After all, it has multiple beneficial properties and brings invaluable benefits to human health. In particular, it minimizes the risk of sclerotic changes for the human body, and also perfectly strengthens the walls of capillaries. Due to the presence of certain substances in its composition, this vegetable helps remove excess fluid from the human body. But, is it possible to have boiled beets for gastritis? After all, it is in this form that it is very widely used in cooking, in particular, as part of casseroles, salads and other dishes.

It should be emphasized that people throughout history have used this product as a medicinal

When a person has abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive organs, the first thing he needs is proper nutrition. Sometimes it is very difficult to plan your diet when the list of allowed foods is quite small. Today we will talk about an amazing product that does not cause much interest among society. This is a plant with large fruits from the Amaranth family - beets. Due to its taste, the fruit of this plant is not popular compared to other fruits. But if people knew the full value of beets, they would change their attitude towards the root vegetable.

It should be emphasized that people throughout history have used this product as a medicinal product. Since time immemorial, people have known the healing effect that seemingly inconspicuous beets have. And, surprisingly, there are legends about beetroot (as beets are called in the southwestern territory of Russia). One of them says that beets were used as a medicine during plague epidemics.

Unfortunately, this super-healthy product cannot be used in case of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa or ulcers. This is due to the irritating effect of fiber, as well as acids, which are generally contraindicated for gastritis with increased secretion. Cramping and heartburn may occur. Is it possible to eat boiled beets? For gastritis with hyposecretion, beets can be eaten in small quantities and boiled.

How to cook and what to combine with for digestion

Raw beets are used as an ingredient for salads, appetizers or desserts, but more often the vegetable is pre-heat-treated. There are a great many options for preparing beets.

The boiled product loses some of the vitamins, but most of the medicinal components are retained. It is better to cook beets in their peels so that they preserve their color as much as possible, but cooking peeled and cut into pieces is also acceptable. Cooking time varies from 20 to 60 minutes and depends on the size of the root crop. Boiled beets are used in soups or side dishes.

The most dietary is considered to be steamed beets, which also often become an ingredient in salads and main courses. Before steaming, it is better to cut the vegetable into thin slices. Baking also allows you to preserve most of the valuable beet components. It is preferable to bake the product in foil, peeled or peeled.

Pickled or salted beets are strictly prohibited for any type of gastritis: vinegar, salt and spices only increase the irritating effect on the inflamed mucous membrane.

Beet tops and chard are much less popular. In fact, these plants are undeservedly forgotten: they are no less healthy and tasty than root vegetables. Swiss chard is added to salads, cabbage soup is cooked with them, and used as a filling for baked goods or a casing for cabbage rolls. Chard can be added fresh to snacks, and it is better to pre-cook beet tops for 2-3 minutes.

Important! Beet stems and leaves can accumulate toxic substances if the vegetable was treated with chemicals or grew in an environmentally unfavorable area. Therefore, you can only use the greens of those plants whose origin you are sure of.

Some products can neutralize the negative impact of beets on the stomach when consumed together. For example, it is useful to combine vegetables with low-fat varieties of cheese. It is better to dress salads with beets with sour cream than with mayonnaise. Olive or sea buckthorn oils are good for this purpose because of their protective enveloping effect. Beets are successfully combined with vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, in salads or side dishes.

Are boiled beets allowed for gastritis?

So how useful are beets against the development of gastritis? The fact is that if we are talking about gastritis, which is caused by increased acidity of the juice in the stomach, then only boiled beets will be acceptable on the menu. For cases where acidity is low, experts allow freshly squeezed juice made from this root vegetable.

It's no secret that this vegetable contains iron, as well as zinc and iodine. But the presence of vitamins in it is small, even limited. If we consider the chemical composition of this root vegetable, it is worth noting, among other things, the presence of bioflavonoids, amino acids, glucose and fructose, and pectin. In addition, it also contains fiber, which effectively improves intestinal motility.

So, is it possible to have boiled beets for gastritis? It is precisely because of the presence of coarse fiber in its composition that it is not desirable for gastritis with increased secretion. The fact is that immediately after it enters the stomach, beets begin to have a strong mechanical effect on its inflamed mucous membrane. But precisely against the background of inflammation, that same coarse fiber will cause serious damage to it, which will definitely lead to a deterioration in the patient’s general condition.

But fresh beets have obvious juice-containing properties. Therefore, if necessary, it can well increase the acidity in the stomach in cases of decreased secretion.

So is it possible to include beets in your menu for gastritis that occurs against the background of increased acidity? Experts allow its use against the background of stable remission. But at the same time, heat treatment will be required for it.

So is it possible to include beets in your menu for gastritis that occurs against the background of increased acidity? Experts allow its use against the background of stable remission. But at the same time, heat treatment will be required for it. Under no circumstances should you overuse this root vegetable, so it should be present in minimal quantities on the menu of patients with gastritis.

For boiled beets to be most beneficial for gastritis, you do not need to prepare them correctly. Therefore, it must be boiled in its peel, that is, preliminary cleaning is not necessary. Moreover, during the cooking of beets, you need to monitor the safety of the peel. After all, it is precisely this that ensures the best preservation of all nutrients. In total, 15 minutes will be enough to cook the beets. If desired, such a manipulation as cooking can be replaced by baking. After all, beets baked in the oven for gastritis will have the same properties as boiled ones.

Recipes with beets

A huge variety of beetroot recipes for a diet for gastritis can be found on various websites. To preserve most of the nutrients in vegetables, you must follow the cooking rules.

The root vegetable is always boiled in its peel. The optimal cooking time is a quarter of an hour. It is also possible to bake the root vegetable in foil. Many beet dishes involve using the vegetable in its raw form. To do this, the root vegetable is crushed and then mixed with other ingredients.


Beetroot pesto is an original dish. It can be used to decorate a holiday table. The preparation of beet pesto is as follows:

  • Two small fruits are cut in half and baked in the oven in foil for about an hour.
  • Grate 50 g of Parmesan cheese.
  • A clove of garlic, passed through a garlic press, is added to the cheese.
  • The cooled fruit is crushed using a blender.
  • All ingredients are mixed.
  • The dish is seasoned with olive oil.

Beetroot cutlets

Vegetable cutlets should appear on the menu only when the condition has stabilized. To prepare them, 7 small fruits are usually used. Raw root vegetables must be peeled and grated. The following is added to the beet mass:

  • A couple of eggs.
  • A clove of garlic pressed through a garlic clove.
  • 100 g semolina.
  • Salt to taste.

The minced beetroot is well kneaded. To enhance the taste, you can season it with olive oil. Cutlets are formed from the mass, which are fried on both sides and then simmered over low heat for approximately 15-20 minutes.

When a product is prohibited

Although eating beets for gastritis is allowed, there are contraindications:

  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • severe osteoporosis;
  • exacerbation of gastritis.

Raw root vegetables tend to accumulate toxic substances. The most dangerous place is considered to be the area closer to the tops. To reduce the risk, it is better to cut off this area.

It is undesirable to eat even boiled beets during periods of inflammation due to gastritis. Due to the high fiber content, it “scrapes off” everything that is on the surface of the internal digestive organs. If the stomach walls are inflamed, it will cause pain and possibly nausea.

The diet for gastritis should not include beets if frequent diarrhea occurs. Since the vegetable accelerates peristalsis, the problem will worsen.

Patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should monitor what products they combine beets with. The introduction of this vegetable and any yeast components into the menu leads to fermentation.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any other product, in certain cases the consumption of root vegetables is minimized or completely excluded from the diet. What cases are we talking about?

  • It is not recommended in large quantities even for healthy people. Boiled beets for gastritis significantly increase acidity and can lead to complications.
  • The root vegetable slows down the absorption of calcium.
  • In addition, it contains oxalic acid, which provokes the formation of erosions. Therefore, beets for erosive gastritis , ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are introduced into the diet with extreme caution.
  • If you have an upset stomach (diarrhea), it is better to avoid the vegetable. It acts as a laxative.
  • When eating beets, it is very important to cut off the base of the root crop along with the tops. This is where the greatest amount of harmful substances accumulate.
  • In case of exacerbation of gastritis, beets automatically fall into the list of prohibited foods until the state of health returns to normal. Otherwise, stomach pain, heaviness and heartburn will only intensify.

Indications and contraindications

People suffering from gastritis are justifiably worried: is it possible to eat beets, under what conditions is it beneficial, and when should it not be consumed?

You should not include pickled and pickled beets in your diet if you have any form of gastritis. Root vegetables, which have a powerful laxative effect, are not recommended for use for diarrhea. But they are useful for those who suffer from persistent constipation.

Raw vegetables are contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity for the following reasons:

  1. Hard root vegetables contain a lot of fiber. Coarse dietary fiber, when digested, injures the mucous membranes of the stomach.
  2. Hydrochloric acid, intensely released during the splitting of beets, corrodes the mucous membranes. New ulcers and erosions form on them, and old ones grow and deepen. Eating fresh root vegetables is allowed in the remission stage and with gastritis with low acidity. Raw beets are usually added to salads.

Thermally processed vegetable is the best option for feeding people with gastritis. In this form, it is not able to increase the acidity of gastric juice.

It is forbidden to add hot spices, vinegar and mayonnaise to dishes with boiled and fresh beets. Spices irritate the mucous membranes and increase the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. To season dishes, use vegetable oils and low-fat sour cream.

Who, when and how much can eat

An unequivocal ban has been imposed on the consumption of vegetables in case of acute inflammation of the stomach. Active stimulation of the affected organ leads to worsening symptoms and impedes recovery.

With hyperacid and erosive gastritis, you also need to be careful with beets. It increases the production of hydrochloric acid, which is already a lot in the hyperacid form of gastritis, and promotes even greater acidification of the gastric contents due to the organic acids in its composition. In addition, coarse dietary fiber can have a mechanical effect on erosions and complicate their healing. Heat treatment of the product helps to partially solve these problems, but even in this case it should not be abused - two or three servings of beets per week are quite enough.

Reference . Not only root vegetables are eaten, but also stems and leaves of beets or directly leafy varieties of the vegetable (chard). The concentration of nutrients in them is even higher than in root vegetables.

Gastritis with normal or low acidity allows the consumption of beets in moderate quantities, even raw. Increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in hypoacid gastritis is only beneficial.

Atrophic gastritis also imposes some restrictions on beets. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the thinned gastric mucosa, which is easily injured by coarse beet fiber. Therefore, patients with this type of inflammation need to either heat-treat the vegetable so that the fibers become softer, or eat it in crushed form.

Can people with gastritis eat beets?

It is necessary to exclude pickled beets from the diet - it will also provoke a rise in acid levels.
It is best to eat it after heat treatment. People with gastritis can eat beets, but not always:

  • Considering that this vegetable contains a huge amount of useful substances, once it enters the stomach, it will force the organ to produce juice. For this reason, patients with gastritis with high acidity should never consume beets. Regardless of the method of preparation, the product will increase the acid content in the stomach, which will lead to an immediate aggravation of the disease.
  • If the acidity level in the stomach is within normal limits, the root vegetable can be consumed, but also with caution. Hot spices, ketchup and mayonnaise should not be used as seasonings. These food additives will have a bad effect on the stomach, causing nausea or vomiting in the patient. Olive oil and low-fat sour cream can be used as seasonings.

It is necessary to exclude pickled beets from the diet - it will also provoke a rise in acid levels. It is best to consume it after heat treatment.

How it is used in folk medicine

The root vegetable has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Its positive effect on blood vessels, digestion, and the genital area has been known for centuries. Traditional healers also recommend the use of beets as a general tonic, stimulating the immune system and preventing anemia.

Most traditional medicine recipes cannot be used for gastritis. In particular, boiled beets with garlic, which stimulates the body's immune defense, can cause an exacerbation of inflammation, since garlic in this case is consumed in raw, crushed form.

A mixture of raw beets and carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil, is allowed only for hypoacid and atrophic gastritis, if the components are well chopped and the addition of vinegar and spices is avoided. The combination of these vegetables has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and visual function.

Raw beet juice is a widely advertised folk remedy that affects almost all organs and systems. However, there is a problem of poor tolerability of such a product.

High concentrations of biologically active substances often cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions. If there is increased acidity of the gastric contents and the presence of erosions, drinking this juice is prohibited. At low acidity levels, the juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and drunk in the first half of the day.

Beetroot drinks such as kvass and decoction are much safer. The decoction is effective for liver pathologies; it is prepared from 1 root vegetable per 3 liters of water. During cooking, at least 2 liters of liquid should evaporate. Drink the drink daily, up to 3 times a day.

To prepare kvass, raw beets cut into pieces are poured with 1-1.5 liters of water and left for 5 days. It can only be drunk by patients with low or normal gastric acidity.

In addition, the root vegetable and its leaf part are used externally in alternative medicine as a wound healing and rejuvenating agent.

Boiled beets

Baked or boiled root vegetables are a healthy food product. Heat-treated vegetables are consumed with high and low acidity.

Boiled beets are used for gastritis to relieve inflammation and pain caused by excess acidity. Soups, side dishes and salads made from it lift your spirits, strengthen your immune system, and restore your strength. Thanks to them, the body's defense reactions are mobilized. It actively fights germs. Beetroot dishes saturate tissues with minerals and bioactive substances. The vegetable contains S-methylmethionine, a rare antioxidant with anti-ulcer properties. Vitamin U accelerates the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. Ulcers and erosive formations heal quickly.

Benefits of beets for the body

Let's talk about the beneficial properties of the root vegetable. They are truly impressive:

  • Due to its high fiber content, beets restore the microflora in the intestines.
  • It is a powerful remedy in the fight against constipation.
  • Significantly reduces cholesterol.
  • Removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  • The product contains a lot of iron. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
  • High iodine content is another reason to eat beet salad regularly. It restores the functioning of the pancreas and is useful for pancreatitis.

What are the benefits of beets for gastritis?

Although beets are a simple and affordable vegetable, the benefits hidden in them are many times greater than many expensive dish ingredients and special additives. The benefit of the vegetable for gastritis lies in its ability to accelerate the process of food digestion. Beets have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber contained in the product is responsible for the function of improving peristalsis. Pectin, found in root vegetables, reduces the amount of cholesterol and improves the functioning of the intestinal tract. The vegetable has the property of preventing and relieving inflammation. Special substances in the composition have a diuretic effect and increase metabolism. Beets replenish the body with elements such as sodium, iron, iodine, and phosphorus.

How does a vegetable affect the body?

Beetroot has a positive effect on human health in several ways:

  • Serves as a source of vitamins (A, PP, C, group B) and minerals (iron, iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium);
  • Strengthens the motility of the digestive tract, prevents constipation;
  • Stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Works as an antioxidant, binding free radicals, this is responsible for the antitumor effect of the vegetable;
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood in iron deficiency anemia;
  • Normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum and regulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Improves thyroid function;
  • Has an antibacterial effect on pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

A little history and interesting facts about beets

If we turn to history, we will find that in the Middle Ages, the Eastern Slavs sincerely believed: beets can protect the human body even from the plague! This belief was explained very simply - the plague epidemic never managed to “swallow” the peoples of Eastern Europe (who passionately loved beets), although in Western Europe the plague raged in full.

As we said above, modern researchers have not yet found in beets the miraculous properties that our ancestors endowed them with, but it is reliably known that this root vegetable contains substances that can effectively fight cancer cells. True, the vast majority of vegetables and fruits have anti-cancer properties, so beets cannot stand out with this fact.

The most interesting fact, in our opinion, is that beet tops on average contain twice as many useful substances as the root vegetable. Moreover, this applies not only to chard (leaf), but also to the most common table beet, which we use to prepare borscht, herring under a fur coat and other “red” dishes.

Hence the conclusion: fresh beet leaves should not be thrown away, but eaten as a salad, or in some other way... By the way, this is exactly what people did in ancient times. At first, only wild plants were eaten, but a little later - around the second millennium BC - Swiss chard began to be cultivated. Well, for the sake of root crops, beets began to be grown only in the 4th century BC. (on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea).

Beet root crops came to Russian lands around the 10th century AD. In Western Europe, beets appeared three centuries later. Three centuries later, beets began to be divided into fodder and table beets, and in the 18th century, sugar beets were also separated.

Nowadays, beets are eaten everywhere, both by people and pets. And about a third of all sugar in the world is now produced from sugar beets.

The chemical composition of beets greatly depends on the fertility of the soil in which they grew. What cannot but affect the results of research on this root vegetable published in the scientific community

Chemical composition of beets

The chemical composition of beets greatly depends on the fertility of the soil in which they grew. Which cannot but affect the results of research on this root vegetable published in the scientific community...

So, for example, some scientists claim that the chemical composition of red beets contains practically no microelements, but there is quite a lot of folic acid, while others say that beets are full of chromium, molybdenum, vanadium and other micronutrients, but there is practically no folic acid.

Moreover, the amount of macroelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium), as well as B vitamins, is almost identical in all studies.

MagnitudeQuantity per 100 grams
Beet calories42 kcal
Fats0.1 gram
Squirrels1.5 grams
Water86 grams
Alimentary fiber2.5 grams
Organic acids0.1 gram
Mono- and disaccharides8.7 grams
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP, Beta-carotene
MineralsPotassium (288 mg.), Calcium (22 mg.), Magnesium (46 mg.), Sodium (46 mg.), Phosphorus (43 mg.), Iron (1.4 mg.).

Where does this leave us? To one of two:

1) you can choose the results of the study you like most and be guided by them in life

2) or take into account the similarities and completely ignore controversial indicators, and also observe your feelings when eating beets

You can also turn to traditional medicine, but this option is somewhat out of line with the “scientific” approach to evaluating beets. Therefore, we will not recommend it. Although, perhaps this is what will help you in the end...

Calorie content of beets (boiled and raw)

Separately, I would like to talk about the calorie content of beets. Because there are some features that everyone who monitors their weight and blood sugar levels should know...

Let's start with the fact that boiled beets stimulate the appetite, but raw ones do not. Why? Yes, because the glycemic index of beets (the ability to increase blood sugar) increases greatly during heat treatment. If we express this in numbers, we get the following picture:

  • glycemic index of raw beets – about 30
  • glycemic index of boiled beets – about 65
  • Swiss chard is completely harmless in this regard, since its glycemic index is approximately 15

As a result, some nutritionists believe that boiled beets greatly increase blood sugar levels and are therefore contraindicated for people with diabetes. However, this is not quite true. After all, the calorie content of boiled beets is only 44 kcal per 100 grams (raw - 42 kcal), and not everyone can eat more than 150-200 grams of boiled beets in one sitting.

In addition, no matter how many calories are in boiled beets, and what its glycemic index is, it should be borne in mind that in cooking, beets are almost always mixed with vegetable oil, high-protein foods or unsweetened vegetables. Therefore, any dish with red beets has a low glycemic index and practically does not affect blood sugar levels.

Beetroot in a therapeutic diet for gastritis: is it possible or not?

The root vegetable increases acidity, which means that beets with gastritis with high acidity should not be consumed too often.
To determine whether or not you can eat beets with gastritis, let’s remember the most common forms of the disease. As a rule, it occurs against a background of increased or decreased acidity. Depending on the “activity” of your stomach, a special diet is prescribed.

  1. The root vegetable increases acidity, which means that beets for gastritis with high acidity should not be consumed too often. Abuse will lead to an increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The result is a deterioration in general health, the appearance of pain, nausea and vomiting.
  2. Often a lot of salt and spices are added to beet salads. When cooked, the vegetable in combination with hot seasonings also causes an increase in acidity.
  3. If you follow the measure, red beets will be beneficial for gastritis. It is a source of many vitamins, and for constipation and vitamin deficiencies, which often accompany gastrointestinal diseases, it is simply invaluable.
  4. At zero acidity, it is recommended to introduce the product into the diet in small quantities. But raw beets are extremely undesirable for gastritis.

Can I use it if I have a stomach problem or not?

Let's consider under what disease conditions the vegetable can be eaten and under what conditions it cannot.

The positive effect of beets on the gastrointestinal tract is as follows::

  • accelerates the processes of food digestion;
  • prevents inflammation;
  • heals and restores, regenerates affected areas of the mucous membrane, thanks to the presence of rare vitamin U;
  • improves peristalsis due to the presence of fiber;
  • replenishes the body with useful microelements (sodium, iron, iodine, phosphorus), supporting the patient’s immune system.

The ability of beets to increase acidity can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Patients with gastritis are allowed to eat vegetables, but you need to know the features, all the nuances of consumption, so as not to harm your health.

Rules for taking beets depending on the degree of exacerbation of the disease:

  1. In remission .
    During this period, it is safe to eat boiled vegetables for any type of disease. For low-acid gastritis, it is permissible to introduce fresh root vegetables into the diet, but it is not advisable to add hot seasonings to the recipe.

  2. In chronic .
    For chronic high-acid gastritis, heat-treated beets help reduce pain. The vegetable stops inflammatory processes. A raw product can trigger the transition of the disease into the acute phase.
  3. In the acute stage .
    During this period, you should stop eating fresh beets, and also drink beet juice for any type of disease (read more about the benefits and harms of beet and carrot juice and how to take it here). Vegetables can be consumed after heat treatment.

Patients with gastritis should beware of including root vegetables in their diet in the following cases:

  • acute stage of the disease;
  • exacerbation of ulcers and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal mucosa (read about whether people with stomach and duodenal ulcers can eat beets here);
  • diarrhea, as the root vegetable accelerates peristalsis.

Beet juice for gastritis

Drinking beet juice is allowed only for people who have low acidity in the stomach due to gastritis.
Drinking beet juice is allowed only for people who have low acidity in the stomach due to gastritis. If the production of gastric juice is poor, this drink facilitates the process of digesting food and stimulates the formation of secretion.

  • You should not drink beetroot juice from stores, as it may contain dyes and other undesirable impurities that can worsen the patient’s condition.
  • It is also prohibited to take beet juice during an exacerbation of gastritis. Even with a low content of gastric juice, the product in this case will provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition, increasing pain and the inflammatory process.

How to make medicine using beets

Fans of juice therapy should know that drinking fresh beet juice is prohibited even for healthy people. Before drinking the prepared drink, it is recommended to place the liquid in the refrigerator for an hour.

A freshly prepared drink contains many harmful substances that are dangerous to blood vessels. By letting the juice brew for an hour, the harmful substances disappear, while the beneficial substances remain. Therefore, gastroenterologists allow patients to drink beetroot juice only after infusion.

This juice is useful to drink for anemia, vitamin deficiency, and loss of strength. The drink as a medicine is first consumed in a small spoon. The dose is increased gradually. If the body gets used to the juice, it is permissible to drink in large quantities.

Beets are an excellent laxative in case of constipation. The vegetable should be boiled, chopped and seasoned with sunflower oil. In case of disorders, it is better to remove the product from the menu.

Cooking rules

Useful components are preserved only if the vegetable is cooked correctly:

  • Speaking of boiled vegetables, it is worth noting that they do not need to be peeled before this process. During cooking, care must be taken to ensure that the outer skin remains intact.
  • You can cook the vegetable either in a saucepan or in the oven. To do this, the root vegetables are washed and then placed in foil, first greased with vegetable oil. Cooking time – no more than 15 minutes.
  • In order to prepare beetroot juice at home, the vegetable must be thoroughly washed. It is also worth treating the apparatus that will be used in the juice production process.

Already prepared juice should be consumed as quickly as possible: the more time passes, the more beneficial properties are lost.

How to cook beets if a person has gastritis?

To prevent dark red root vegetables from causing harm to the stomach, it is important to cook them correctly.

  • Choose fruits of the same size at the supermarket or market. This will allow each vegetable to cook at the same time.
  • Wash the beets thoroughly in warm water.
  • Place the fruits in a large container and add enough water to completely cover the roots.
  • Place the pan on the fire. Wait until it boils. 15 minutes after the water has boiled, remove the beets. This will preserve the maximum amount of useful elements and nutrients.

Before cooking, the beets do not need to be peeled - just rinse them well under running water. It’s also not worth salting the water or piercing the root vegetables.

Possible beet dishes for gastritis

The composition of beet salad, which is allowed for gastritis, may include the following elements:

There is another recipe. Boiled beets must be grated. Cut homemade cheese into cubes or crush with a fork. Mix the ingredients and season with olive oil. You can introduce a simple dish with boiled root vegetables into your diet. It should be cut into strips, add green onions and season with sour cream. The dish is easy to prepare, does not require much expenditure and helps in treating the stomach.

Even with chronic gastritis, you can prepare delicious dishes with the addition of beets, which will practically not increase acidity. An interesting recipe for making delicious and healthy beetroot pesto sauce:

  • two medium-sized beets must be baked in the oven for 15 minutes;
  • 50 g of Parmesan should be grated on a fine grater;
  • chop the clove of garlic using a grater or a special press;
  • Peel ¼ cup of pine nuts and puree in a blender;
  • add a few tablespoons of olive oil.

When the beets are ready, they must be chopped using a blender. After this, the remaining components are introduced into the container, everything is mixed and the mixture is beaten again. The sauce is ready to eat.

Although gastritis is a serious disease, timely treatment and careful adherence to diet will prevent the progression of the disease. High-quality and properly prepared products will help you take good care of your stomach health and feel good every day.





https://netgastrity.ru/ svekla-pri-gastrite-mozhno-ili-net.html

Salad recipes for gastritis

There are a number of foods that should never be consumed if gastritis is diagnosed. Vinegar should not be used when preparing salads. You should exclude fast food and any processed foods from your diet. Sausages, sausages, crackers and chips contain many harmful additives that negatively affect the gastric mucosa. You cannot prepare a salad from sauerkraut if you have gastritis. All acidic foods are contraindicated.

Experts advise chopping all foods as finely as possible during cooking. This way the food will be digested faster and easier. Don't use too much salt. This will have a negative effect on your stomach. Food must be seasoned immediately before serving. If this is done in advance, then the salad will most likely have time to oxidize under the influence of air and will no longer be so healthy.

Experts advise chopping all foods as finely as possible during cooking so that the food will be digested faster and easier.

Salad with white cabbage for gastritis

Ingredients: 200 g white cabbage, 20 g dill, 40 g sour cream, 6 g sugar, 2 g salt.

After removing the top limp and contaminated leaves, wash the white cabbage, cut it into two parts, chop it, and put it in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with salt and stir, rubbing lightly. Leave for 30 minutes to soften, then season with sour cream mixed with sugar. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Beetroot salad with prunes for gastritis

Ingredients: 200 g boiled beets, 60 g prunes, 4 g sugar, 20 g vegetable oil, 1 g salt.

Wash the prunes, pour boiling water over them and leave to soak for 1 hour. After this, place in a colander, let drain, remove the seeds, and chop finely. Peel the boiled beets, grate them on a fine grater, mix with prunes, add sugar and salt, and put in a salad bowl. Season with vegetable oil.

Kohlrabi and apple salad for gastritis

Wash the kohlrabi, remove the skin and grate the woody areas on a coarse grater.

Ingredients: 200 g kohlrabi, 100 g apples (sweet varieties), 20 g vegetable oil, 1 g salt.

Wash the kohlrabi, remove the skin and woody areas, and grate on a coarse grater. Wash the apple, remove the core and seeds, chop and mix with kohlrabi. Salt the salad and season with vegetable oil.

Vegetable vinaigrette for gastritis

Ingredients: 100 g beets, 100 g carrots, 120 g potatoes, 40 g green onions, 80 g pickles, 50 g sauerkraut, 20 g vegetable oil, 0.5 g lemon juice, 2 g sugar, 4 g salt.

Boil potatoes, beets, carrots in their skins, then cool and peel, cut into slices, cucumbers into slices. Combine the prepared vegetables with sauerkraut, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix and season with vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Place in a salad bowl in a heap, sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Olivier recipe for gastritis

A diet for gastritis does not exclude the use of Olivier. However, when preparing this dish, you must adhere to several important rules. This salad includes 2 medium potatoes, 2 eggs, 200 g chicken meat, 1 carrot, 1 medium-sized apple, 1 fresh cucumber, canned peas and 5 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream.

Diet for gastritis does not exclude the use of Olivier

Chicken fillet, potatoes, carrots and eggs need to be thoroughly boiled and cut into cubes. After this, you need to add chopped and peeled cucumber and apple to the crushed products. Next, add peas, sour cream and a little salt to the salad. Everything gets mixed up. The healthy salad is ready.

Eggplant caviar

Ingredients: 200 g eggplants, 40 g onions, 90 g fresh tomatoes, 20 g vegetable oil, 10 g green onions, 4 g sugar, 4 g salt. Wash the eggplants, remove the stem, place in an oven preheated to 120°C, and bake until tender. When they have cooled, remove the skin and chop the pulp. Chop the onion and sauté in vegetable oil.

Add the tomatoes cut into slices and sauté for 5-10 minutes. Add eggplants to the mixture and simmer for 25–30 minutes until thickened. 10 minutes before the end of stewing, sprinkle with salt and sugar. Before serving, cool the caviar, transfer it to a salad bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

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