Bran for gastritis: can you eat it or not?

Bran for gastritis

In fact, it is the shell (husk) of any grain. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were considered waste from flour milling and were used only as livestock feed. But in the middle of that century the situation changed dramatically. Scientists have found that the content of various useful substances in them is much higher than in the grain itself. From that moment on, doctors began to actively recommend them as one of the components of dietary nutrition.

One of the conditions for successful treatment of gastritis of the stomach is adherence to a diet. The question naturally arises: is it possible to eat bran if you have gastritis, since they are currently considered a dietary product? And are there any contraindications to their use? Both questions can be answered in the affirmative. Yes, you can (even need to) eat bran for stomach gastritis; their benefits for the gastrointestinal tract are beyond doubt. And yes, there are still contraindications to their use. Let's look at both questions in more detail.

Cooking bran

Not everyone likes the taste of bran in its pure form. The product is often added to other dishes.

Diet soup recipe

Rinse 40 g of bran in cold water. Pour a glass of milk or 2 glasses of water into the pan. Add the dry product and cook over low heat until tender. The finished soup can be seasoned with salt and vegetable oil.

Soup with bran and egg

Boil 2 tablespoons of grain shells in 400 ml of liquid until tender. In a separate glass, mix a chicken egg and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. At the end of cooking, add an egg with butter to the soup and boil until the whites curdle. The resulting soup can be lightly salted.

Bran porridge

To prepare, take 2 heaped tablespoons of bran and a glass of water half and half with milk. Everything is lightly salted and sugar is added to taste. The resulting mixture is stirred and placed in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes. Take out the finished porridge and wait to cool. The dish will gain thickness.

Bran casserole with cottage cheese

The dish does not contain sugar, flour or butter.

A pack of cottage cheese is ground with the addition of a tablespoon of oat bran. An apple is cut into the resulting mass and a chicken egg is beaten. The ingredients are mixed. The mixture is placed in a mold and natural yoghurt is poured on top. Bake the dish at 190 degrees for 20 minutes.

The benefits of bran for gastritis

Yes, you can (even need to) eat bran for stomach gastritis; their benefits for the gastrointestinal tract are beyond doubt.
And yes, there are still contraindications to their use. Here is a short list of positive factors for the body from their use by people suffering from gastritis:

  • Stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and help digest food;
  • Able to absorb excess gastric juice;
  • Normalize the composition of the gastrointestinal microflora;
  • Promote faster recovery of the gastric mucosa;
  • Qualitatively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from waste, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • Create a protective film on the walls of the stomach;
  • Reduce pain during gastritis;
  • Relieves gastritis constipation;
  • Saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

Important! For stomach inflammation, it is recommended to eat oat bran. This type of product has the most pronounced enveloping properties, which is a very important point in dietary nutrition for such pathologies.

Preparation and consumption

The permissible daily intake is 3 teaspoons. But only regular use will relieve pain and cleanse the intestines. It is best to eat bran that has been previously steamed in boiling water. This method of preparation allows you to preserve the maximum of nutrients, and the resulting porridge will contribute to quick saturation. In case of acute manifestations of the disease, bran should be consumed only after completing a course of therapeutic fasting.

Cooking recipes

Diet casserole

  • 1 pack of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 medium apple;
  • natural low-fat yogurt.
  1. Grind the cottage cheese.
  2. Add oat fiber, chopped apple, beaten egg.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Place in the form.
  5. Drizzle yogurt on top.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, temperature - 190 degrees.

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Delicious bran soup

Lenten egg soup

  1. Boil 2 tbsp. l. grain fiber by adding 400 ml of liquid.
  2. Combine 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and pour into soup.
  3. Boil until the protein coagulates.
  4. Add salt.

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Light oatmeal

A delicious oat bran dish can be prepared in several ways. For example, grind cereal and 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of water, leave for an hour. Filter the liquid and add a little honey. Eat small portions throughout the day. Or you can pour 250 ml of oats with a liter of water and leave for a day. The next day, boil and simmer for half an hour. There are 100 g of bran before the main meal. It is allowed to prepare medicinal medicine using oats and unrefined grains. You need to rinse and pour boiling water over the cereal in a 1:1 ratio, bring to a boil and eat within 30 minutes. before meals. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and relieve inflammation from the walls of the organ affected by gastritis, a six-month course of treatment is sufficient.

People who use bran to cleanse the body are wondering if it is possible to use it for gastritis? An important condition in the treatment of gastritis is adherence to a special diet, which is based on the consumption of gentle foods. Therefore, before including bran in your diet, you need to consult a doctor and it would be a good idea to independently study their composition and effects on the body.

Is it possible to use bran for gastritis?

Is it possible to eat bran if you have gastritis? To accurately answer this question, you need to understand how this pathology manifests itself, and what this product itself is. Many of us know that the walls of the stomach have a mucous membrane. This is a barrier that protects this organ from negative influences.

After all, the process of assimilation of food is associated with the production of various acids and enzymes that dissolve and break down it (food). And the mucous membrane does not allow this aggressive environment to launch destructive self-digestion processes in the stomach, which can have fatal consequences for our health. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the mechanisms of proper digestion of food periodically fail, and a permanent inflammatory process begins in the mucous membrane. This pathological factor is inflammation of the stomach.

Oat bran for gastritis

Bran is the outer shell of grain that remains after processing into flour. The product contains biologically active components and has a beneficial effect on gastritis.

  • For inflammatory processes in the stomach, oatmeal bran is used. The product restores the epithelium of the digestive tract - oat bran creates a protective layer on the damaged surface of the stomach and helps to recover from erosion and inflammation.
  • Oatmeal shells stimulate the intestines and normalize the pool. Chronic gastritis is characterized by constipation. Regular consumption of oat bran eliminates pathology and cleanses the intestines.
  • In the acute period of gastritis, it is prohibited to consume oat bran. The product can be taken during the remission stage
  • After a period of exacerbation, gastroenterologists recommend introducing bran from grains and vegetables into the daily diet. The product eliminates the feeling of discomfort and bloating.

With the help of bran, excess cholesterol is removed from the body. But when using the product, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.


Gastroenterologists do not recommend consuming bran in acute forms of gastritis, so during the period of exacerbation of the disease, they must be excluded from the menu and wait until the patient’s condition improves. The product is contraindicated for stomach ulcers, enteritis and infectious colitis. If you eat bran excessively, there is a risk of intestinal ailments, bloating, hypovitaminosis, flatulence and intestinal dysfunction. Therefore, they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in the prescribed dosage.

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Rules for using bran for gastritis

Bran should be included in the menu gradually and in small portions. The initial dosage is a small spoon 2-3 times a day. You should not consume more than 30 g of bran per day in its pure form or as an ingredient for preparing dietary dishes. After just 7 days, the daily dosage can be increased to two large spoons three times a day. If you neglect these recommendations and consume the product in large quantities, the patient may develop colitis.

To get the maximum benefit from food, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its preparation and consumption. First of all, the bran must be poured with boiling water and left for 30 minutes. When eating this product, it must be washed down with water so that it swells in the stomach and thereby fills the stomach. This will provide the patient with a feeling of fullness due to slow digestion.

After regular use of processed grains, a patient with an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa may experience the following improvements:

  • qualitatively cleansed intestines from accumulated waste and toxins;
  • formation of a protective film on the gastric walls;
  • restoration of the body and saturation with vitamins;
  • gradual disappearance of painful sensations in the abdomen.

Preparation and consumption

The permissible daily intake is 3 teaspoons. But only regular use will relieve pain and cleanse the intestines. It is best to eat bran that has been previously steamed in boiling water. This method of preparation allows you to preserve the maximum of nutrients, and the resulting porridge will contribute to quick saturation. In case of acute manifestations of the disease, bran should be consumed only after completing a course of therapeutic fasting.

PAY ATTENTION! Do not prolong gastritis or an ulcer until stomach cancer, it is better to be on the safe side, but this will be necessary. read the story of Galina Savina >>

Cooking recipes

Diet casserole

  • 1 pack of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 medium apple;
  • natural low-fat yogurt.
  1. Grind the cottage cheese.
  2. Add oat fiber, chopped apple, beaten egg.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Place in the form.
  5. Drizzle yogurt on top.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, temperature - 190 degrees.

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Delicious bran soup

Lenten egg soup

  1. Boil 2 tbsp. l. grain fiber by adding 400 ml of liquid.
  2. Combine 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and pour into soup.
  3. Boil until the protein coagulates.
  4. Add salt.

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Light oatmeal

A delicious oat bran dish can be prepared in several ways. For example, grind cereal and 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of water, leave for an hour. Filter the liquid and add a little honey. Eat small portions throughout the day. Or you can pour 250 ml of oats with a liter of water and leave for a day. The next day, boil and simmer for half an hour. There are 100 g of bran before the main meal. It is allowed to prepare medicinal medicine using oats and unrefined grains. You need to rinse and pour boiling water over the cereal in a 1:1 ratio, bring to a boil and eat within 30 minutes. before meals. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and relieve inflammation from the walls of the organ affected by gastritis, a six-month course of treatment is sufficient.

Wheat and rice bran for gastritis

There are as many varieties of the product as there are cereal crops. All of them contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Nutritionists prefer wheat, rye, oat, and rice bran, however, they are not the only ones that contain valuable components. It is recommended to eat the product by mixing it with food.

Famous Moscow nutritionist A.V. Kovalkov believes that bran is essential in the diet. In his lectures, he says that bran is not digested, but only transits through the digestive tract, giving away all the valuable substances and taking away all the toxins. Bran is also called a “brush for the intestines”, due to its ability to enhance peristalsis. Yeast acts in the same way in bread, so bran baking is not advisable for patients with gastritis.

But there is an alternative: if you pour milk over the bran for half an hour, they will lose their “scratching” properties. Use them in this form for your health, you will get all the nutrients, and your intestines will work better. With increased secretion, bran soaked in milk helps reduce acidity. Allowed for gastritis are oat and wheat bran, the rest are prohibited.

  • Wheat bran includes a number of vitamins B, E, A, beta-carotene, minerals: iodine, iron, sodium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and other equally useful substances. The rich composition of the product has a healing effect on all body processes, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of developing various diseases, including the digestive system.
  • Rye bran is also saturated with useful minerals, vitamins B, E, A. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, which are the strongest antioxidants, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, brain, and participate in the creation of body cells.
  • Rice bran is much higher in calories than oat, rye or wheat bran, but this does not detract from their role as cleansers of toxic substances from the human body. The composition of vitamins of groups B, A, E, K, PP, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, lecithin, saturated fatty acids, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, as well as other equally useful components makes the product extremely valuable for human body.
  • Oat bran, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber, is saturated with amino acids, fatty acids, lutein, lycopene, vitamins of groups A, B, E, K, C, H, D, PP. They also include a huge amount of minerals and trace elements, making them highly valuable. Consumption of the product ensures the prevention of intestinal cancer and normalization of the functions of the digestive organs. Having choleretic properties, oat bran is often included in many diets to treat patients with liver and gallbladder disorders. Like barley, they reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Corn bran contains insoluble fiber, many vitamins and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the digestive organs; in addition, their use prevents the appearance of cancer in the intestines.

Bran bread for gastritis

The leader among bakery products in terms of fiber content thanks to the bran itself.
The leader among bakery products in terms of fiber content thanks to the bran itself. They remove waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial substances of its composition are easily absorbed by the body. Such products have high nutritional value.

Bread with bran is undesirable for gastritis due to solid particles that can harm the gastric mucosa. Coarse fiber is difficult for the diseased organ to digest. Therefore, patients with low acidity should not add it to their diet. Neglecting the prohibition will lead to the development of ulcers.

Gastritis has affected more than half of the world's population, becoming one of the most common diseases. To successfully combat it, you must undergo a course of treatment, including a strict diet. Flour products can supplement the patient’s diet. However, it is recommended to take into account the variety, degree of freshness and composition of the bakery product.


Is it possible to eat bran with gastritis: Is it possible to eat bran with gastritis? How to use them correctly - Is it possible to eat bran with gastritis

When bran is contraindicated

  1. During exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
  2. For gastritis with low acidity. Digesting bran will create unwanted stress on the stomach.

Before consumption, you should consult your doctor. Only after the level of acidity and severity of the process has been clarified, cereal shells are added to the diet.

After treatment of inflammation, nutrition is expanded. Food should be balanced and saturate the body with microelements and vitamins.

There is a certain list of products, for example, bran bread for gastritis, often recommended by doctors. Without irritating the mucous membrane and cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, bran additionally enriches the body with the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. Gastroenterologists allow eating bran bread for gastritis in small portions.

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