Is it possible to eat boiled onions with gastritis with high acidity?

Onion is a spicy aromatic plant that is widely consumed in Russia.
The family of this vegetable is distinguished by great species diversity. As many as 228 species of cultivated and wild onions are edible and used in cooking. However, there is an opinion that onions for gastritis are a difficult product for digestion, and it is better for people with a sick stomach to forget about them. In reality, everything is not so simple, although there is some truth in this statement.

How onions affect acidity

Onions can disrupt the acid balance in the stomach. The process is due to the high content of phytoncides and essential oils in the vegetable.

The fresh product includes many biologically active components that provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa. As a result, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid increases, which leads to an increase in acidity parameters.

This means that the product is prohibited for gastritis with high acidity. This applies to both green and onion vegetables. If this recommendation is violated, the stomach begins to digest itself, which is fraught with the development of ulcers.

Making marshmallows at home for patients with gastritis

Having mastered such an easy-to-follow recipe, you will be able to experiment with flavors, which will cause absolutely no harm to your sensitive stomach, because all the ingredients will be natural. Necessary ingredients: pectin – 65 grams, sugar – 930 grams, citric acid – 1 teaspoon, soda – half a teaspoon.

Then beat the mixture with a mixer for 7 minutes, repeat three times with an interval of two minutes. Add citric acid and the specified amount of soda, beat. Leave it to brew. Place (use a piping bag or regular plastic bag) the marshmallows onto the prepared surface. The marshmallows should harden, which will take about 24 hours.


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How to eat onions during exacerbation of gastritis

For gastritis, which is accompanied by increased acidity, any type of product is strictly prohibited. With this diagnosis, a large volume of hydrochloric acid is released. This substance destroys the mucous membranes, which can lead to the appearance of ulcerative defects.

If gastritis is characterized by low acidity, you are allowed to include thermally processed vegetables in your diet. It is recommended to add it to salads and hot dishes.

Features of using onions for gastritis

For gastritis, onions should not be eaten raw. When heated, the product loses some of its vitamin C. But the remaining beneficial elements are retained. This product includes phytoncides and essential oils. It contains flavonoids and microelements.

The purple variety is most useful for this diagnosis. It causes less harm to the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.

Green onions should not be eaten if you have digestive pathologies. The product is prohibited even during the remission stage. The product burns the stomach and provokes pain. This applies to all types of feather vegetables - leeks, shallots.

Feathers contain a maximum of vitamins C, A, B. They also include many phytoncides, which have antiseptic and therapeutic properties. But all the beneficial qualities of the product are offset by possible harm.

Onion feathers

Side effects and contraindications

For all its usefulness, fresh onions are a product of pungent taste. Eating this vegetable in its natural form is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases of any etiology . For gastritis in the acute stage, it is better to avoid raw onions in the menu, replacing them with boiled or baked ones.

Hypertensive patients should also treat onions with caution, since vegetables consumed in large quantities raise blood pressure . The strong onion smell can trigger an asthma attack.

Supporters of unconventional methods of treatment should be aware that prolonged contact of fresh onion juice with the mucous membrane can cause a burn.

How to avoid exacerbation

To top it off, here are a few tips on how to avoid attacks of pain and heartburn with gastritis:

  • You need to eat in small portions, with an interval of 2.5-3 hours.
  • Food should not be too cold or hot.
  • It is better to completely avoid spicy, fried and fatty foods until recovery.
  • Coarse fiber injures the walls of the stomach. Food should have a soft, enveloping consistency.
  • Alcohol consumption, even light alcohol, is kept to a minimum. The norm is 20-30 ml in terms of alcohol.
  • Nicotine consumption can lead to ulcers or gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Taking any medications, including regular aspirin or painkillers, should be agreed with your doctor.

For gastritis, any diets other than those approved by the treating doctor are contraindicated. A balance should be maintained between carbohydrate and protein intake . A preponderance towards the latter will lead to a loss of strength and a decrease in mood.

Effect on the stomach

The vegetable contains many vitamins, phytoncides, and flavonoids. The product includes a large amount of essential oils and trace elements.

However, some components that cope with viral infections and fungi cause serious harm to the inflamed stomach.

These include the following:

  1. Phytoncides – cope with viruses, bacteria and fungi. The vegetable contains these components in dissolved form. Gastric juice cannot change them, so the antimicrobial effect affects the entire digestive tract. If the mucous membrane is inflamed, phytoncides aggravate the course of the disease.
  2. Essential oils - the pronounced aroma of onions depends on them. These components provoke lacrimation and burning in the mouth. They eliminate digestive disorders and normalize digestion. But the burning sensation from these ingredients affects the internal organs. As a result, ulcerative defects form on the irritated mucous membranes.

Onion composition

The pungent taste and pungent aroma of onions is due to the presence of essential oils in its composition. It contains vitamin C, more of it than oranges . In addition, onions contain folic acid, retinol, tocopherol, B vitamins, and minerals.

The composition of onions includes microelements such as:

  • zinc,
  • sulfur,
  • potassium,
  • iodine,
  • fluorine,
  • iron,
  • phosphorus.

The protein component is represented by eighteen types of amino acids. In addition, the vegetable contains natural sugars (fructose, inulin, glucose), pectins, saponins, flavonoids (quercetin).

In what form can onions be used for gastritis?

If the doctor allows you to eat a vegetable with gastritis, it must be subjected to heat treatment. One popular method is cooking. Boiled onions for gastritis can be included in fish or meat dishes, soups, and salads.

To preserve maximum nutrients in a vegetable, it should be cooked for just a few minutes.

Boiling is the most gentle cooking method, which allows you to preserve many vitamins and minerals.

Treatment of granular gastritis

In most cases, the term “granular gastritis” is used to describe the endoscopic picture that a functional diagnostics doctor sees when performing fibrogastroduodenoscopy. It is characterized by focal changes in the mucosa in the form of small protrusions. Treatment of hypertrophic granular gastritis is symptomatic, since the cause of the disease is not clear.

The basis of therapy is:

  • use of antibiotics: with a positive test for Helicobacter pylori (clarithromycin, amoxicillin);
  • enzyme preparations: to improve digestion (Mezim, Creon);
  • antispasmodics: to reduce pain (no-spa);
  • rational diet therapy: avoiding fatty, fried, spicy foods, eating small portions - 4-5 times a day;
  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • creating maximum psychological comfort: – avoid stress, normalize work and rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day, spend more time in the fresh air.

Diet for the treatment of granular gastritis

The diet for the treatment of granular gastritis should be varied and balanced in composition, containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals

The success of the treatment directly depends on the strict adherence to nutritional recommendations. The choice of diet for granular gastritis varies depending on the degree of acidity of gastric juice.

General dietary recommendations for granular gastritis:

  • food must be chewed thoroughly, food must be eaten slowly;
  • food portions should be small;
  • 5-6 meals a day are welcome;
  • the diet should be varied and balanced in composition, contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • food should be warm (too high or low temperature irritates the mucous membrane);
  • Flour, fried, spicy, smoked and canned foods are prohibited;
  • it is necessary to give up alcohol, smoking, coffee;
  • Cooking methods such as boiling and stewing are welcome;
  • with low acidity, use rich broths, sweet and sour fruits, mineral water without gases, which is prohibited with high acidity.

This type of gastritis is dangerous due to its complications; hypertrophy of the mucous membrane can provoke gastric bleeding or the development of tumors, so you should not delay consulting a doctor at the slightest suspicion of the onset of the disease.

Dish recipes

You can eat onions if you have gastritis. However, this should be done very carefully. If the disease worsens, it is better to avoid this product.


Boiled onions are allowed to be eaten during the remission stage. This type of processing helps preserve maximum nutrients and reduce irritation to the stomach.

In the form of juice

Onion juice has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. This is due to the large amount of essential oils. Therefore, the product is combined in equal parts with water.


This type of processing releases many carcinogens. Using oil for frying makes the dish very oily. Therefore, people with gastritis do not eat this dish.


The baked product can be eaten if you have gastritis. This cooking method helps destroy harmful components and preserve healthy ones. Bake the vegetable until golden brown.


It is strictly forbidden to eat fresh onions if you have gastritis. It has an irritating effect on the digestive organs. This provokes colic, flatulence, and bowel dysfunction.


Stewed onions are permitted products. It should be cooked in water without using salt and spices. Otherwise, there is a risk of stomach irritation.

Baked onion

To make this dish, peel the onion and cut off the top and bottom. Make a cross-shaped cutout at the top. Prepare a mixture of bacon, butter and garlic. Stuff the onions with this mixture and bake for half an hour in the oven.

Stuffed onions

For this recipe you need to stuff the onion with a mixture of minced meat, rice and egg. Place in a baking dish and cook for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

How to cook

There are many ways to prepare onion dishes.
You just need to choose the most appropriate one for a particular type of gastritis. Boiled and stewed vegetables retain not only most of their medicinal properties, but also their ability to irritate the walls of the stomach. True, to a lesser extent than raw, so in hyperacid conditions it can be consumed in small quantities. But with severe atrophy or extensive erosions, it’s not worth the risk. Fried onions should be excluded from the diet for patients with any form of stomach inflammation. Increased fat content and the appearance of carcinogens in fried foods are not good for anyone.

But a baked onion is the most harmless delicacy. This product is approved for gastritis of all types. Interestingly, most of the irritating components are inactivated when baked, and the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are preserved - such onions will even be useful.

Patients with gastritis should also not pickle onions. Adding vinegar, salt and hot spices will only enhance the negative effect. Drying the vegetable will also not make it safer for the inflamed gastric mucosa; dried onions are allowed only for hypoacid forms of the disease.

Many people freeze onions to cook later. This option is quite possible if you follow a few recommendations:

  • Before freezing, the vegetable needs to be cooked for about 5 minutes to destroy microbes, many of which are resistant to low temperatures.
  • You need to let the water drain well so as not to freeze excess liquid.
  • After the water stops draining, the onions are packaged in special freezer bags and placed in the freezer.
  • Thawed onions can be further prepared according to the same rules as fresh ones.

Many traditional onion dishes are prohibited for patients with gastritis. For example, traditional onion soup, which contains a large amount of butter that is difficult to digest, or fried pies with onions and eggs, like any other dish that requires frying.

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